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Exeter Advocate, 1911-11-23, Page 2
Ru ;NE Sl1AD�W Of POOR.:. 'NEpITN PERPETUAL 11l.OTION MACHINE!diti ACT QIILC(1Y i 'pupil of sir Hiram Maxim Ilan Success. AND, ALWAYS CD Perpetual;,„, notion is a recognized . impossibility, but a quality that r O X1;3 BllEf'L3 D11ir118@ 6 . ,f' 1 • a roar es it •is claimed for b � x,eax y pl? h ilhia ll t Pl ' 111 r F taxer invention of a twenty-two- eaz-o3d .l nglislllnan, He has ob- When the shadow of poor health x twined aPatent for as motor which, ails on your Life, when hope begins then is theme time you should realm, and steel last. The young man's fade and friends look serious ' s he asserts,will ruu as long as its iron to leer that tboueands just as hopeless name is Stanley 3., Hitehcock and have beee eured and restored to the i he lives in a London suburb. health Dr. . Willia,(.xts' ,voider note., sunshine of 1x4.< i by i` ' `I�1_e Patent Omcc a °1x�s;reptthe title Perp , ' make new `Leri blcrorl which Pink Pills. TheseV pills actually! :•1 ileal Motion a 'moth • " ' he said, "and it is right, for per- �, glow of lxefr�ifax to anaemic cheek., c it i"e, ion llearlaclxes aid petual motion in its ordinary sense Lille.. tlapt , backaches, drives out the stinging' is impossible. My machine is Pains ut rheumatism and nelriAgia, therefore called a self-acting Itrengtheris the nervus and rcl;.eves s l motor.'' There is no unlit to its ss usr other medicine can do tato H cries and Pains which only women power and it will continue to zuaz i,Dofi1pw~ poor health give. Dr. Williams lis magnetism, and the secret of the Pink pins a fair trial and they will discovery lies in the shape of the set d' sappenst You. I3ere 15 a ease that Will brills hope to n Rn y Ireary stiVerer. Airs, F, K Sano iters, St, Thomas Ort.,, says; 'About t four year's ago I i<'ok ase -i sere coldwhich I neglected, think -i dig that 1 would soon be ell right' Again, But instead 1 found myself .n Areas-, sate run-down condition. t seennd t& 'crave no ambition to dt1 j M a r enGatxra rd Lift olid ices, my f_ tiro g , snything and my heart and nerves',„ sent ';uf rasa pupil tQ Sir Hiram became 50 bat I was 1Qre?tl tea bed. i r i . � who , � 1 �a;*tin, `,There I ► orl�cd ill Clic the ducts,,.. was called in said laboratory nzagnets, which makes S -them g ro w aterongelr the more they ars used, Ther motor revolves in response to Liarsame forces that snake the world go round.. "From experiments made as troy with penny magnets, milk: cans, d fittings from. incandescent gars 'the trouble was ehronie anaemia, ra lle, ni°ehencs eau bo fitted 'up in but in spite of all his skilled atter:i- da,n.ee 1 was unable to it up and eat, but had to bo fed with a spoon. Ona day a visiting :.friend suggest-. ed in • trying D. Williams' Pink Pilis, and I sent for a half dozen boxes. In a. short while I began to eat better and feel better, and try the time the pills were used I felt ltltogether different;; my heart did ilei bother me, my lips and cheek,s rt gni ted their natural color x mid ]zverybuddy who stw ine remarked ou rssr well I was once snore 'looking. 1'4 reslnillg to he ran the safe side, I torsi two more boxes of this pills, whet*h made a complete ou're, as I have had neither aehe nor pain since, and I now weigh 140 pounds. I always recommend Dr, Williams' Pink :fills, and I hope that this let- -ter tiny be the means of suggesting Telicrf to many of any sisters who x1Aifer as 1 laid." Saki by all medicine dealers or 'nenf: by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CAME UNDER THE LAW. Magistrate --"Did ho carry eon - waled weapons ?" Policeman—"Y cs ; he had his fists In his pockets.." A Pill for All Seasons. --Winter Ind summer, in any latitude, whe- ther in torrid zone or r'.retio term- , Ierature, Parmelee's Vegetable ?ills can be depended upon to de their work. The dyspeptic will find ;hem a friend always and should tarry them with hint everywhere. nhey aro made to withstand any Climate and are warranted to keep heir freshness and strength. They lo not grow stale, a quality not wssessed by many pills now on the aarket. No doubt there are cheerful sic trs—but did you ever see one? POSTMASTER TELLS 4»? QUICK RELIEF 1)ODD'S KIDNEY I'U4LS cur, Two of their taken before going to'. bed clears away his Pain in the Back—Why they always eure more serious RitineY Diseases - Buck Lake, Ont„ NOV. sQ (Special),—How quickly Dodd's Kidney Pills relieve pain in the back when taken in time is cyidexze ed' by Mr. d'alr_es Thomas, the well known and highly respected post - aster here. ' 1 wish to inform yon that I al-• ways find reltei for pain in to bacle by taking Dodd's Kidney Pills," saga Postmaster Thomas, "Sone -'i MAKING HER HAPPY, "It is the duty of; every one of you to make at least one person happy during the week," said the Sunday School teacher. "Have. you?" rax did," said Johnnie promptly, "That's nice, And what did you. do 1" "I went to see my aunt, and she's always happy when I go hoarse again," ALWAYS, "After all success is a disgusting thing." "Why de you say that -7" "It always involves such a let of hard work," ARE YOUR IIA_NDS CHA1'PEI,>? Zara -Burr, Will Cure The, The particular danger of chapped hands and eold cracks (apart alto-. gether from the pain) is that the �_. i._..^ n e ld is likely to penetrate and set the in Crx n s I a .not y times o ax1 s -n a sGxaighten up for hours, but if T up inflammation, festering, t°r • - w= D icrs lCidnev Pills be- blood -poison, Directly the stein as dal.o 'two odd.. , , z s .4 ii r byu cut, rt 1x or ,G * brokenc , , a iS goingo x all d ... fens to lard the pain l :appears and I have ;io trouble in or dialed anti cracked by the action lire morning." of the cold winds and water, the odd's Kidney Pills act directly' ono necosaary precaution i; to aI<pty O1x the Kidneys. Where pain in the Zam-Puk freely. i - isc wed by slight Kidney dis• The pure herbal juices from which bade au y Zam-Buk is prepared are :,Q par- orders the train is relieve<l at ,?1ce. • ,e t t- ,o e the complaint is of long()` fectly combxaat'?si and 1 fined that .I par - Where .. complaint 3 standingand the I iduc s titre clic,. immediate effect of them Zara -1-111 dvesspn s 1s seething, antiso ci. eased the clivi takes longer, but g g, p' ^a Dodd's :Kidney fills never fail, and healing. Private houses sad used to work.a Thensaixlii of Catn•'diaina tell of the Mrs. O. M, Phoou, Nottelia^4x1, a.n so supply « S eG r1G Cure 1 nGy: Disease a forms, ., _ , (1>� Sbit;i-_?5� �a�;st ��F.1:li: . ,LLIti dynamo • pleased I sin with Zam�Buk. �iy two Years in loyalness was able to,! aarxt uancp<g=is,,zc, :raxnt,ta ,es lr$ltt, work fihu dt or seniums, ,from pain in the back tel Bright's isms gar. T,ulae, i•otur4etcat it 4ns'i s=ls''te,, g ' Kidney a I Husband had au old frostbite ort l 1:s talo a. grocer's :shop with an off -x ilea, do tho coO1,.t1zA on falrmp111g, or Dtsf;aso by Tladci s B,idney Z al,s. .. foot for many years. and had tried lreense. After nide y ears ho lead tcrryr t:OUe:"" 41;fs. c ,flrtaalw. "mug" clxytlling required of it at no cost 'Thoi•a is not on record ar 11i17gle cacti dl l t ' y f 11 Alta writes - "I must tell you lt.>w df Kid ll' f tea q An investment safe enough for a Canadian Chartered Bank or an Insurance Company acting under Government Charter demands your attention, q Every bond issue we make is partially taken up by institutions such as these. r They know that the security is unquestionable and that the rate of interest i;- profitable, it is the basisless of these iristitastiOus to find the safest and most, forteof•investrneet. They buy Jprofitableadescription a .a tj We continually offer you. bonds of the saltie nature and s ik'� banks and insurance companies boy. J Whether you have a large or Small amount to invest, we wan tote r from you. We have literature covering specific issues, giving ofprice, rate ot"interestandpropertycovered,alsQliterature onbc0dsie �encraI. Writefor it. SECURITIES CORPORATIONIlOYAL 1* 1 ivi I E D - YPNGE- e&aal QUEEN. STfCETS BANK' OF MONTREAL nU nail TottoilTo M. WHITE Manager LONDON (ENc.) 6ioF3.' nc., C.-ou'E 4eC-H AWFAX-OYTAW STORY OF $ELF Scissors Grinder Who Dietl Worth $100,000 Through Thrift., `411)4 d's r;irnlh.tsztt: ctlras, rllstern ?er. A. man who began his working FM:MS FOR t nt ALIO SALE, ASK .oa 'lSQF2, LSE f:;:QYt,& N vt:~t va,,,u to -ett a fitrtao. cc sei4 I1 takes a wise form a "gov-ti fell ''usba,nd. o iv 'x too trans- into ran i- '" into a a>icdet career as a scissors -grinder in , Sheffield, England, and married on a wage of only $Q a week, has ju>.st. died; `worth $1O0,0OO, and has left a r. begliesEs of ±r,.,,•QQ each to fell` charitable institutions of the city. Illi was Mr. David I'gnby, gltiss and china dealer, the proprietor, of a very large lousiness, arch be acquired ea a result of bard work avid thrifty :habits, in wlpleh his wife share,(], `When. lId was earning iris r null i wages. tars couple €tlw'aya nutrias .i to save something, and when they ,g had .a little capital they started a small general grocery cosiness in tt back street, Re purchased a donkey and hired a cart, acid after ay lt, i'4rrg4 egt,sk41 ArITC0• G1,Dr1#3 i'ai9.k,lt, enri' hgnu 'iYs'8,e its., t°r dro6 of age!i1s t{Upptto5, a'(e * tt&4 t°,r .kk, :5 ?A:7 .i<:.'t' foalttolt tt?'esxr 'ao eatl ty :1Gt-aa ut'�`• t+n In Uo., ':" ; &cera ati,. auto, ioa+< tlk HE,L t�F ;tuna, our, all, "Its power iso ttnliintiecl, Anti it resulting from diseased kidneys, ould be built inside the ordrn;try such as Rheumatism or Dropsy', actor. omnibus bonnet. ' Th only ;?Illicit Dodd's Kidney fills liavo est failed to cure if token regularly ." arid. according to directions. '. POINTED 'ARAGRAPIIS. OWN TABLETS The. path of ambition leads to many political graves. Even in. the darkest hour there Every mother who has once used l are only minutes, Belay S •'s Own Tablets readily Some men marry for money and that there is no other medicine to some others are married for it, ,. equal them. The aro a never fail- It's surprising how easy it is to cit. 1 y ing curd of all stoluach And bowel complaints and many a precious little babe owes health and oven life itself to their use. Uoncerning tho Tablets- writes; 'IrR Fred Dove, Broad - of Kidney DL<se�aao or of diseases after installation is for lubrica- kiss a girl that won't lot you. Some women never get homesick because they are not home long en- ough. In case you should over become a vicar, Sask., ti v • r`I have used' Oust, have you decided whom you r s , Baby's Own Tablets for my little will itent7 girl and have found them of such And many a, man treats astra►ng- f'+ reat benefit I would not be without er better in a barroom than he them. They are truly a wonderful remedy for little ones." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 eents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. COMMERCIAL SUICIDE. "Wombat has retired from busi- ness." "Voluntarily'' "I suppose so. He stopped ad- vcrtising. They Soothe Excited Nerves. — Nervous affections aro usually at- tributable to defective digestion, as the stomach dominates the nerve centres. A course�,of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will still all distur- bances of this character, and by restoring the stomach to normal ac- tion relieve' the nerves, from irrita- tion, There is no sedative like them Ilnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. and in the correction of irregulari- ties of the digestive processes, no A• MODEL SCHOOL HOUSE. preparation has done so effective A school building in which every work, as can be testified to by thou - room has a direct connection with sa'-ids. the ground, without first entering the main hall has just been built A man never lives long enough to lust beside the site o the famous understand why his neighbors dis- t'.o1ling *oed, Ohio, school in which like him. 175 children perished by fire in 1908. It represents many unique TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Features of construction and is said fey Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes o be as fireproof and panic -proof Sad Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Is it is possible for a school build Bnart—Soothes, Eye Pain. Druggists ng to be. People who think themselves tome pumpkins are usually small potatoes. For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver' Dr. Morse's `Indian Root Pills have proved for over half a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. 25c. a box, ffie1l Murine Eye Remedy., Liquid, 25o. 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. CANAL OE STEEL. • In connection with the Nile ir- rigation system at Wadi Kom- Ombo there has been constructed treats his wife at home. Onto in u great while there is a father who would be glad to have it son follow in his footsteps. We have often wondered low many wives Solomon had annexed before discovering that there was nothing new under the sun. The efficacy of .I3icklo'.s Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup in curing coughs fl and colds and arresting inflamma- tion amena- tion of the lungs, can be establish- ed by hundreds of testimonials from all sorts and conditions of men. It is a standard remedy in these ail- ments and , all affections of the throat and lungs. It is highly re- commended by medicine vendors, because they know and appreciate its value as a curative. Try it. GETS HARDER AND HARDER. "The average man," says one of the philosophers, "is generally busy making a living." It is a curious fact that practice hardly ever seems to make it any easier. almost every known remedf with saved enough to buy the shop and gut any effect, but the first shrill- aline adjoining houses. At the tohelp he was .f... on a, cation of zairr-Bilk seoixrd e p same time, � as car`s nom, him so much that he persevered; and, business as furniture remover, his' the sore Is now cured. Wo w ,u,ed not be without Zam-Bur: in tilt` house.'" Zam-Bur: is also a sure cure for piles, eczema, ulcers, abscesses, scalp sores, blood -poison, bad leg, eruptions, etc. Its purely herbal composition ]Hakes it the ideal balm. for babies and young children. All druggists and stores sell Zam-Birk 500, box or post free from Zeal -Bilk Co., Toronto, for price. Try also Zana -Bilk Soap, 25e. tablet. SPEEDILY. Teacher—"What is velocity, Johnny i" Johnny—"Velocity is what a chap lets go of a, wasp with." Internally and Externally it is Good,—The crowning property of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is that it can be used internally for many complaints as well as externally. For soro throat, croup, whooping. cough, pains in the chest, colic and many kindred ailments it has cura- tive qualities that aro unsurpassed. A bottle of it costs little and there is no loss in always having it at hand. Sore Throat is no trifling ail- ment. It will sometimes carry in- fection to the entire system through the food you eat. Hamlin's Wizard Oil cures gore Throat. In order to live a man must work even if he only works somebody else: Mother. Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will drive worms from the sys- tem without injury to the child, be- cause its action,- while fully effec- tive, is mild.' ON EXPENSIVE GIFT. "Yes," said the young wife, a canal of steel, five thousand two proudly, "father always gives hundred feet in length, whereby, something expensive when he makes water from the service reservoir is presents.',' distributed to the earth canals. In "So ; I discovered when he gave sectiion this ;mei;allic canal is U- you -away," rejoined,the young. hu>s shaped, twenty .feet broad and -hand'. twelve feet deep. It is made up of seventeen' sections, connected `by expansion. joints, and. the riveted stel ,plates of which it consists are six nl.illiinetcrs "in_ thickness,`, Dur- in'g .the 'construction ,the engineers, were troubled among other things by the unequal expansion of Elle metal. The expansion was great- est on the side where:' the sun hap- pened to shine- full upon the :plates and the inequality was often suf- f:cient to displace the end of , sec- tion about to be joined, as much as four inches to one side or the other. 0 USE WAITING. ✓e.beard roe,play the-pianal i yr sl> think, 'of iny,.exe� � i� tfrf sooner the ..het ter n It 19! Tb; QUITE TRUE. "How did he make all his money ? Careful investments, I suppose." "No. Careless investors." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. PROVED. "You know, Mr. Smith;=T thought your new maid had very taking ways." "\Ve thought so, too, when she disappeared with my wife's rings and my gold watch." CURED BY GIN PILLS. Bridgeville, N. S. "For twenty years. I -have been troubled with Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and have boon treated by many doctors, but found little relief. I had given up all hope of getting cured when Itried Gin Pills. Now, I can say with a happy heart, that I am cured." ' DANIEL F. ERASER. Write' us forfree sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size boxes at your dealer's or direct from us -50c. a box, 6 for 52.50. Money refunded if Gin Pills fail to. euro. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W. L., Toronto. wife looking after the shop. Hai was •afterwards arable to move to bigger premises and became al wealthy moan, but he and his sift continued to live in very meder style. PER ,AIaS "Do man dat talks about hisse'f an' how honest he is," saki Uncle; Eben, "aline sounds Like he was ruunin' kind .o' short o' rofelrettr ces,at $hiIohi c. $itz 145, t, atR batt. Lrt Ma";3, v% `WM. Oliva 40 VaUlittillt, re R(#° .1ot4. Pr. 11suraan ;a Ilett tend, Celloiewood. Up.. • �tA1 aC i,k (U.41t Seale Works, 9 i'7 GetV.V$ W.,;,Tl:li. - .t p3"fillkY 41i other ,!(Taney' Uroeetettene eorrviacrlt that none eau eltute euro, 5:tr w#II al. rya regret it, if You don t atppuy for r,;tr. Wars to'1'rAvt,Iters' Dept., Zd ,ltbart $I., QUICKLY GTCPQ COUQHtR, CUAC$ COLDS, MEALS TMC THROAT AND LUNGS. 28 CENTS It takes it diplomatic liar to malco neonle sit around with alien m.ntths when ho talks. YOUR POCKET-KNIKE. You'd hardly credit what a lot of'latio'. has been expended on the pocket-knife you carry. If, for example, it is a three -bladed knife, it may havo involved no fewer than Minsrd`s Liniment Go.. Ltd. Gentlemen,—In July, 1905, I was thrown from a road machine, iniurlug my trip and back badly and was obliged to use a oruteh for 14 months. In Sept.. 1906. Mr. Wm. Outride° of Lachute 'urged me to try d9 with Melt I a v. LINIMENT,r �i AIiI� S� 1N the most satisfaot,ory results, ;tad to -day y am as well as ever in my 'lira•. Yours sincerely. MATTHEW x PAISES, mark one hundred operations, and, as like as not, it has been handled by as many different workmen. Even the `blade ;has ,to go .through six: ,different` processes. " I'irat- it, "has'; had: to be ,forged, °there laid on the triligs'i ;ethat part which is in' sorted into., the handle, .and through' which the blade , is riveted -next marked or stamped with. the na,nie' of alio manufacturer, afterwards' efcroiled"—a depression in the neck of the blade between the sharp edge, and the heavier part of the "tang" filled in—next tempered, and final ly' ground. So accurate is the eye of the roan 'wleo'forges the blade in- to -shape, . and so exact his hand, that the blade cues not deviate a hair's-breadth from the little brass pattern before him, and to which�l each blade: must exactly corres- pond: • ' n orres-pond You can please almost any mo- ther by praising her children and roasting those of her neighbor. Warts are unsightly blemishes, and corns are painful growths. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. A SWIFT ONE. 'Now, if I were only an ostrich," began the man at the breakfast table, as he picked up one of his wife's biscuits, "then—" "Yes," interrupted the patient better half, "then I might get a few feathers for that old hat I've worn for three winters. Necessity is the mother of Inven- tion and matrimony is the mofh4•r of contention. A titan isni,t because A necpssari3 cornered ., o'atri 1)toa in-airttlzp t'rurtsee fitted by milt, sant. Classes tatted b for anything pnld in stores to 1.1r, neplulan. 1181:. Cenral( tsenao root Send merekinds ase. Write to.dai ;Irnt cin tK tprul Collin>awood. Ont T ONCE--YOtiN0 MEN TQ L1:&1t:1 Barber Trade. Demand. for barbari every day; cannot suppp�ly demands`. La tie teach von trade. IYrile for parttett. lure. Muter Barber College, 221 Queet..;44, East, Toronto, DV EINE 1 CLEANING I Forth* rery beat. eend your wnrk to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, pr mood direct, Ynntreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Quabeo 1H. H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER Afatnbor Standard Stook atm' Alining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED OK MARGIN Carreapondenoe invited. 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO RAW FUSS "VV'.. C'l.28l''si' 3E7e' 29 WRITE FOR, PRICE LIST W. C. Goffatt, Orillle, Orvh. Collectors and shippers will find it to their advantage to get their 1111,1118i ort oar maidng 11,t. This insures prompt receipt of our quo- tations and general information, which wilt ba ready about the 15th of November. You can b' sure of fair and liberal treatment when you ship yourcollectlons to 1Wagnor,Brasler is Co. 86 Front St. East, Taro vto, Ont. Trappers, Bunters and aenlera in any kind of Raw Furs cannot afford to dis pose of their roller tions w i tit eo t firs obtaining, our 550. tritium, which wo cheerfully furnish upon, request. We specialize in the following RIOliT'PRICES. LIBERAL ASSoRTA1ENT And remittance forwarded same days gout!t received, express and mail charge:, on all shipments paid by us, nr sbipmont too, large or too small. Canada's Largest Fur Oper. star. "Tibero's a -Reason." Your bumneil Ulla correspondence solicited.'', 11V: t'I' 5 John Hallam • TORONTO BROWNS TREES" 1 dged ALL these' DIFFERENT KINDS' --' ' of Goods with the SAME Dye.' I used WRiTE FOR AGENCY;: 1 BAN.�itd $lMpLE to"Use, enc.of A�1,g the '4 UljC1Dj.e Gx thcCao4x s1e c(,k,r ,11i c,)tbr `ren, yu„r prussic, or hnNd,i Ai<fiorJ.rin �;G'T,s«"l�,lflir !,, iurr:t:�el, AA? PLR+WN'S 141 R ER1FS, wELLANDi : C©UAtTY, ONT. L.A GEST GRQWPZR'rr 1.9R' F '! S T Q u, t i; l' . C"rANAC/A. at, 81