HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-23, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911 SANDERS & OB,E CEP Local Items. Guy Pro's Minstrels wlala aDPeared in the Opera House \e dnesday night t of IaQt week Ma ph a etre' fair shout., quite well worth, the 'Price of admission, The house was well filled and thlase attendance anee 'were satisfied led v r tl von ,� , o- the P ,rim s entertainment. The tenor soloist, the contortionist "7e110 the Frog," are bard tea beat, ~resile the bunch of musicians is first class, The orchestra, particularly, is a goad one, and is seldom excelled la EX-eter. It s several years since Guy Eros- visited our gown, and vie hope the (Matter}rig reception they received, will induce them to return regularly - The rebel] oie , ,, China and danger to nnn'ssionar.es tilers, suggests refereeice to the .rennber of misst'nnartes in that country, Wit144 Mounds: of the the Chinese Empire Were are 4,600 Pro- testant Ill:ssio:taries,<tvritle their wives, a13d 4,501 Roman, Catholic missionaries Thee are 41 .Atilerlcan and Carlar tan foreign 111:ssao nary societies carrying On work ea Chinas represented In thaA country at the preseet,t time bay ,over 1,080 :foreign.. Missionarries. The Anner- 'can missionaries occupy- 252 places, in- cludixag the principal great Chiefs of China, Arnoag the largest saeietles :natal ed as carrying oe v, Yrk in Cfl. na is the missionary . s'oc'iety of the Methodist church, Canada, with headquarters in x Toonto, 'Kith, 'atotal of" 93 «tlasletlfnre Ws in the field., RICK'S; FORECASTS FOR NOV,- A reactionary is e-ui parted is central on the ii3th, 28th and 29th, This per- hod comes wider the iniluetica ow The (ercurY etpainoac and will moist prob- ably •. ly br h1F, storms of autumnal .1»sia1 and wind, merging into sleet and snow, as storm areas advanlcw, main west to east, There are do unusual reg its to co: - poet abnormal storms, and the month or November prom'ees to bring more than in average or fair and pleasant weather. The precipitation or wain gad snow be betaw the aver. r. gen- erally. The storm period will, how- eater, sow-ever, be disttanetly marked by tho re- gular changes, with more, or less rain, sleet and s.oc. Tse month will c, os e with Mercurial cloudiness and much colder, threatening weather.. $1P Y a s for The Advocate to Jan. 1, 1913 a DEATH OF LIDA QtJANCE.,-Earl Thursday Morning the people of Fxet- e were r er sdi r a su "se do ea Y pz'r d. 1 x 1 of ;the a T.. demise oin Irda. Quance, ',daughter o- elle: t William X31" U 1 11x1.1 R e. lie trouble r a Q nc Art tro 1e was the cause of death, her sertpus illness only extending from the previous Sat- urday, although she' had been aili„'za, •`-N`r some time. It was expected, however, that her uthf 1energyw u d have YO U a l v 'd enabled her to shake. 'off the fell de- stroyer, but it turned out otherwise and she sank - very rap?dly,'at last. The de- ceased, who was aged 28^years. 1 inma- te; and 18' days, was: a general favor- lite and was an ever welcome visitor to any circle, She was •at nice appear- aa.ee, lady -like ilr, manner; energetic and industrious and atway s cheerful. In her position. as nnillirer she made many warm ,friend where ever she held pos- itlotts, orad ±311 will maaurn deeply her early demise. The funeral toils place oat Saturday a,tterAP :t. to the Exeter Cem etex.y, 'Besidee tier mother she is sur - Ned by three Sisters --Mrs. \Vestey I amport Pt S4ephetl; Olive of ansa Craig, and Laver' a otrSaskataan. Sask„ all of whom 1tavesthc ,sympathy or these• mans friends. Y' ;qtr. Wna. Snell Shipped a oar cattle to Toronto oa+ Satueday. Th work The a n the new being #� oa + Aeag rapally pushed forward and'it is expect- ed Yeo be ready for occupancy abut Cilr sttaaaa time, Mrs- Norraazt Lloyd of North Battle ford, Sask., is visitieg at the *nee of Mr.Mrs, and ., _ s Taos. Irll_att. She castle east With, Mre Elliott and. daughter, ;Mss Maude, who visited nor soma- time in the west during .the summer, DEATH OF MRS. GEORGE I3ISSETT —On Thursday morning last a telegram vas received here that firs, George I3is- of Winnipeg', Matz„ was vetyr ;saw expected to' meQYer. followed a few Mortis .latter by an;ather axtllouaic- haer death,. having died at the \Vitlni- peg CityHospital where she underwent a critical operation on- November 'nd, for the removal or a turner. Tele' de- ceased had been it> her usual health" up est a altla1't time prevro'a' to the: opera- t:oai Ile tea her sudden and uiiexPectrd deanete'III raQt oanly'conla as ,a,r shock but 'twill be deeply 'regretted by man)" both. here and in W+'In;tt;ler . De settWZs a da�a 'et Q!the S,'tattlers and was bort. in Exeter in ilio year 1840, consequently she was X48 years of age. Slt;ortly atter her Mc-edicth year ,sled married her now bereft 1 Us - band, who, to-gether with a family of °ales .sot«s and arta daughter. are ,lett to mourn her demise—Harry and Grover of i'S";nnipe4, Will, or Crystal Clty, and Mies Millie of Winnipeg.She In also' survived lay her mother wh2a resides In Winnipeg, tour slaters and imp broth- 11--Mrs.C r Z31, Down,Mrs. M. 11Iarta1ti :i.Tra. Lindsey and Mies Emma, William J, and Samuel Sanders, all laving in the west. The greater part of times - lira wa'e spent lin) Exeter, }laving re sided lucre up toile t.th -a1 the, famIlYa'mov cd to Winnipeg, which wan abiout sev- en years ego. Airs. '13iitaett was air A bright, eheertui and hopeful disposi- tion, kind hearted and true and her sudden demise is deeply regretted by all who knew her. Interment: Look place t Winnipog. CARLING'S PHONE 18 Something up-to-date In Knit Goods SWEATER COATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN We have only a few Sweat- er Coats for men left at 85c. and $1,25, also a few Ladies Sweat- er Coats left in Fawn, Blue, Red White and Grey. Prices range= ing from $2.25 to $4,50. Also Togues and Knit Caps, HOSIERY FOR WOMEN 'AND CHILDREN Ladies and Children cash- mere hose in all sizes from 25e. up to 50c. also in Burritt's wool hose in all sizes. Prices rang- ing from 20e. to 75e,a pair. KNITTED GOODS. Now that winter is you 3' will need • something in Knit goods; that will wear and also keep you warm during the com- ing winter. Here is a Iist of Knit goods we have in stock,` FANCY GOODS. We have something neat and up-to-date in silk scarfs in White, Black or White and Black mixed at $1.25 and $1.50 also in small shawls, clouds and mufflers from 25c. to t30c. UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND 'CHILDREN Knit underwear in Stan - field's for men and women. Also Penman's. Natural wool for men and women in all sizes and prices. Also both wool and mixed underwear for children. Call in and inspect our goods. HOSIERY FOR MEN In this line we have a plain cashinere-i :hose .-from 25c. to 50c. Also a rib 4' hose at 50c. a pair. 'Then we havea ° silk and cashmere hose in all sizes 'at ,50c, Fresh Groceries A fine assortment of Fancy just just `arrived for , hrlstmas trade, Purchase early to get your' choice . 1a, hest .. . prices Paid fora ' yy d=ll kinds of Produce. { FARMER. MEETS WITH BAD ACCl- DENT Mr. Satnuel Cudmore or Usborne met with. an unfortunate- ace;dent at his home on Monday 3a -earning: last, by which he was badly nlae led up, Ile llael a cement Vic .nlalturact.urina mach- ine and in sonn0 manner he got, c4u„hr ;n the iiacbiztery, wit`: the result that both bathes q' the Meat lee,'are brokfal above the ankle, h.a right shoulder pita - and shoulder blade are brokeal, the, whole shoulderbein>n; mangled, the, side or the read and body are 'badly bruised, The injuries caused 'by a chs.:*1whlela be- came wotmld around h:aa body, are very taixrry. ki;11 phYsicia;a was 9ttintediatel. summoned and the lilu€i; s eared fOt, The patient .'s do5ngta9. yell tett ran 'iae e.:pected. but be will be confined t'a his room fora lam bete. QImniTori. Rev, Faits' 'E3ut l of tilt Eva.agelic'al church mnduetrd special se€wis'es Rodney haat Strxtdayr'. c- Derliard F lnkbeiner est l3.'strse,v, Mr. 'Harry I ,'i" v R I3sa .r : y 'telt Mr. 'i d . Russell Hux a1yl, r� n t Q, IEaaat Iia?!, and n'eed'y it"911iht'.,' of Pittsburg, 1.°a, attended the ru:te'ral SST the tate ;i.Mttie, I1 tett el Trueaan r: of Das=. +v'aoat Friday, Fred Youth, told a bus'ctMsy trip t condom last Friday. P goadWeed doer was : see;. ;passing along thri n, t 81.11 egos Qat dMQnda} >;It 4iar- r:ted et »tn sat, of, bona and appeared almost warn nut, ltav;t ,. lio doubt, stray'ed from h'rt haunt up nart;i, lirank Snell ,1011 :'s hard a;; work ,l;etling t' ' ak,ttng 3L•ak In Shape. If this ,,old weather cont:nucs our skaters will soon be .able to onjay th's .healthful exerctsc. Rev. Tolland of Exeter preaehed In the Evangelical church on Sunday ev- ening anelMr. G. IC, Brown in the morn - 113". Mrs. ,N.ugust Ewald returned home from leendo n on 'Monday. She was ac-: eompan',ed by leer little grandson Mel- Iral c. We are pleased to learn teaot,AMr,.Gil- bert Grieve is improving In, health. A nurse has been called to attend him at present. Sleighs made their first appearance on Tuesday; Children are already tent- ing b about Christmas end Santa. Claus. Wuerth, Heist & Co.'are offering their flax mill property for sale. This has been an old established business and has been Creditotu's chief industry for many years. Henry Motz is `at present w'ork at Point Edward.. Returning Officer T. B. Carling of Exeter was in town on Tuesday sel-' ectlmg the polling booths and tgetting the 'ballot bones from the Township Clerk for 'use at the conning Provincial elections. So far there is little talk about the contest at hand, but it will probably warm up in 'aweek or so. - ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 , THE GOVERNMENT OR THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO. under the auth- ority of Chapter, 4, of the.Statutes'of Ontario, +1_911, • iLrivites :subscriptions from the public for re loam' of $1,000,000 on boards of the P.tfavince, of Ontario,' or Ontario Government Steck The bonds will be dated 1st November, 1911, and payable{ o,n\th° 1&t November, 1941, in denominations of $1,000 each with coupons attached' for interest at 'thee rate oir four percent. 'per annum, payable half -yearly oi>) thq' tat 14Lay and 1st, November in, eechllyear, at,thec office of the Provinci(ai Treasurer,'Tononto,- or at the offices lief I:tihe Bank of Montreal in Montreal, Canada, and in Now York N. Y. at ,th.e' holder's option. 1BEands will be made payable to bearer, but on re- quest will be registered in the .orifice of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable{ only the the order :,of ,certain persons oi•` corporations, and on request of holders -will° be exchanged for "On;t- tario• Government Stock" at any time The issue piste during. the month, i' of November, 1911, w'il- be 102 ftar, each, , $1000,- and -after; the 30th day of Nov- embee, 1911, the :Issue price; will, be 102 said enterest ;accrued front the lett November, 1911. ALL 'BONDS AND •INSCRI:3ED STOCK' ISSUED UNDER THE AUTH- ORITY OF. THE' SAID :ACT.ARE FREE. FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES' CHARGES SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS '-WIIATSO- EVER. I'urchasers of Stock or 1' 't:ds ' xill be required to send certified cheque with the appiicatio'ta, payable- to the order ;iof the "Provincial Treasurer of ' Ontar,o,", 'Phis loan is raised upon tho i, cdit,o* the consolidated Revenue Feed,• of "O'nt- ario, and is chargeable thereupon. A. J." MATHESON; Provincial Treasurer. Treasurer Department, Pazliam nt Build imps, °TOT onto; '' 1st November, ' :1 9,11. Newspapers inserting • tiles ;.dvertise- 2n n't'with out authority- from the De- partment will not be' paid for' it, It l ETTEIt` FROM 4:TAII BY F. A. NEI ' r L` '; E $ I. Neil, w.lo, several „weeks agox 1eft R11144 10, a spend the w' n ez n Uta'1, 'n writing to the Advocate 'rout rSali, Lake City, under date •af November 16th. 't past says,, -- We get the Loredien Free Press cover} day, as 'we ll as several 1 a otic papers, but there ie none sof dicta like the .tdvo- eatP and we should mass it very ianuch werd it snot` to arrive. Ou,r weather .has bean beautiful tilt last Saturday, where we had t "o int hes ,of Orel/6 .vi°ell went; o»f aga',:t,. Abut it ra;o last night and is try -43a to :s: xw some snore to -day, bu tM isn't cold. The. Fall elewers are st',11 in biteate and everybody seely sur- pr';sedto sae et3eY Y so early, Last year the first snow- eali Die. 22bet :t ;f- Ee.'S s ilh.'3 up. 3:a fee nee to ns .>;eee0 eity,'when teerc 4 even rain in voile' ° They it s,.., . `�` _'i rte\L" •a tr,.e 9 l a tae of „get ,the .,ray they? are- °a€anti.:?$ :aai orchards it =°will taxi, 00ir aa.. Iter a Cute wite,n this ;':.}l be the t.e,4t174 '1,ate n apP:ee, Pea-rs.' nes, quince, 'plums, apricots, eller- liru.aes and all small fruits. Ori ages are groxati in the, !southern part r i?3e State. The •elevat'.an oe Salt i.ake ty is about 4200 feet ahrre 'sea kve1, either sQutl1 they are', z aw.nj the f;a:- at of psehes on , 6400 ft. level,,and .1 en You drop downn, to what .,tlacy call trope countries, which gets prelty ly., a ad`,'t is there that the aaranS`e,s :td othee Califareia fruits are grown tt such: abundance. The cider crops oWn `n Cenral and Nus thin 'Utah th., eanae a9 we grow in Ontario. with the exception Haat they dig not row as t31uc' ; timothy or clover, but `toy da draw a la.rg;-3 dinette!, 41' Tat- t4try cut three erapa a AP,3.341 « YI 1d., a lame tonnage, They ise arae: a 'ar"-e acreage of 4 � sugar I bel,eve. ti ;;lit in Wall, There .its, ad al, e sUJ,a r f 3c or: IrAe Still ;u:,shreds a: th7usa4n4a a or t11^, finest of laid, wtreb Haan. 1Y1413 ;die. ?rowins'+anly sage brush foie the State is providing water for apeltalg up Ca settlers under the i Cary 1 le' , Sind s Q tae file • 1 at �: rt i atato Of wator and locate OP land adjoining it under the Desert Act. Business is not as stead .33 gra:anra1 in rv2 West, nor as n I r 'ca lloam.r ,n any a- the States. as .,, °.s i'n Canada.- Their system err government dots not compare 91 any way with our Canadian, systetn, as they have a tcndeney to keep the business interests in a very unsettled cand:tion owing to political agitation. or ono kind or another. At all times crops :were toad this year attd•°prices arc alste good. I will seat; you an occas:onai Sal' Lake paper -spats yen, 'w511 ba able to compare the market. reports. There are several large papers printed here, some Gentile and some Marmon. Utah! as a statelias a 'majority of Mormon population, al- though Salt Lake City, acearding to sta- tistics has only 40 per cent M:rmon. The eity at ,present has a population of about 100,000, and its a fine bust- 11ess centre. It 'ova �1 I think, k 1 . n be one. 5 a matter f iP3 o time; until it ,w}Il 'be enc of the four pr�ati ent cities In the U. S., viz,—New York, Chicago, Salt Lake City and Sian Francisco. They have some very fine buildings here. Hotel Utah Is cred- ited with being the most handsome and and one o'f the 'best equippedhostels on the American continent; and they are just building the; foundation of a twenty 0330 story office building. I expect to travel through Idaho, Oregon and prob- ably Calitornia in, my stock business this winter, although our hone will be in Salt Lake City. Wel are all rte excel- lent health a;nd I believe this to be a very healthy ellana.te. My family enjoy it very much, and I think when they re- turn to "Maple Avenue" next summer they will carry the least pleasant mem- ories of their winter} visit. In Utah with them. F. H. Noll. GRANTON—John Detwan;, who has been, farnreng /Use west.pot Mere fior sev- eral months, haat received wjsrd of his appolntneent • by the Provincial Goxern- mant as superviiso: of tite":asylum' farm at Brockville. He ' 3l take'up ht's dut- ies immediately. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the. undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Wharf at Goc eritch; Ont., well be received at,thls office until 4.00 P. M. an iMondaY, December 11, 1911, for the construction iaf a wharf .at Gode ich, Huron County, Ont. Plans, ',specification arid form of con- tract can be seam and forms of tender` obtained at this • Department and at the offices of J. G. 'Sing., Esq., Dis- trict Engineer, Confederation Life Build- ing, Toronl o, Ont. H. J. Lamb, Esq., District. Engineer, 'Windsor, Ont., and on application to the Postmaster, at.God- erich, Ont. Persons tendering, are notified that tenders' will not be considered tailless .made on tile' printed' forms supplied, and signed -with their actual signatures,' stat ing their., occupations and .place of re-. siderite. Ln the case of fir'ns, the act- ual 'signature, 'the nature of: the -occupa- tion, and place o: eesideece' of each, mem- her of the firm—must be given. Each tender main -t .be accompance1i be- au yata accepted,:rfhequa_`ro.ry `a ;,Bartered frank, payable, to the order ,apt the 'Honourable the M:nislter 'ot Public Works, equal do ten per..celn}t. '(10 ,p. c.) of the amount of the tender, which• will be -forfeited iE'the person terider�:'rig• decline', to `ante_ in,t;g a contract'when, called -upon; t} a° do so, l -or fail to eemplete the oreeek contracted for. I+. the tender; be not'accepted the elecque w;}liae,ietureed'. D ", � The epartnt nt .dos a1At ;,l rid ltselt to accept th 'oe est,.tor any tender. By ', R. C. DESROGII}!,RS, Department of''Pub1:r 'Works, Ottawa, ,Noveziber. 18, 191.L Netaespapers wall •not be paid for thesis, advertisement - if they' insert '` t Will -Out authority, from the, Department EXETER COUNCXL Special meeting theCau I held a4 the t Town n Hall, Nov, `nth. ?:3'enl,bers all prese11t e. epi Mr t s 1pel^. Da: - R:^rPra ...That the Council as a body at e 1d the Nearer! of the ,late W. G. • TIe - sPt Saturday, Nov. 11, and to meet at a t.se Town 'hall at 10 aa'clock a, an , and (roan there proceed to the house. -Car- red. Council Met en, Tail Hall Nov. 18th.' Menhirs all prese,,t, exeept;tig 3:r, Walper. Minutes o° t", former meet- ings were read and. approved. Caanamun :cation Was read fr:nn. Mr. 1'. W. l,arn- comb, re, vrt'or for domestic purposes.'. On :3'a:i•'):i of Rivers at -d Levet': sante''; was ort- red *'led. Mr. T ,9 , l-$arvey ,a'`.e:4 00 t"n--.Ludt 1, asl:icig: it son e could not b- ciao' to have son?e Iii°+,d ala i" `--adp: etelte':i G. T. 11, trail "to the, MI at.d tar the; oaucnc it " a t alt» t , . toitlat to tl° n t' a cost. Owing t a;q' bx . ui1 beard the -milt: wile left 07 ,1' ,ill t e next ptfi ta t,a, I.evett': --Da.:r ...q' t the fot: - . 19 afieouots piss .ed a ed ordaa's issued :;t pa,:rrnnent, Bell TelePhoine Sf3,1:,; Lenton`-'Eolindry Co, 17i1. Q ; Eye cr Tenex 445 ; Frcd Gre n, ;.avid., ec,r"ery, $.23; Fiet-tee la o' : Gs, v -rens Band room.,, :2't ; t-, I%e-rr, brix.kr ?' ;, l'. Creech, stl'OR wet, cringe $26.41 ; G. Urra:k,e, water cockle G, Orange, labor, > 8,63; G. Cod - tore *;3,75: T. li,auldeal $2.25; T. c'ort- ;s 31.92 ; R. Davis .1".3.1:1; ti. Kestie Rurri'ior $2 11. Spac4 an,i:i, loan, a;^,s1 °nt., $510. ;;Cling" ' 'e insttt'hi o: dc - the Carporatitele to the 5th>,:0>1, ,,,' 'the parpost, 4f r r swig»lt5 cry Stela, was 9 eosin heel- it:4d prp- 0.:4 motion Levt;tt E . x' rte—Day T 3a, esti) above b: law' ly suo;at'tt Al to a vo." o" the i ei. V 0'p,nl°t;; ,till„',e;;peal e1P<'- t:o:ns,—Carie d, flay—ti:, vet# Z' at to 4ny, law nae aluhmi"it d to t7 adtcpaycrs o:t tic slue ;:o t, .' her they are in favor of fa zlup;piy or electric power front I11q E°Iydro Diectric .P -ower Commission.—Car —Rivers—That r>ed, tve4t the clerk cor- respond wail Hon. Adam Beck, inviting hent to address a citizens' meeting ;`c. the, above by -.taw. Day-Rivers—That by law he :naertcd lilt tett Advocate.—Car- ried, Levett—Rivers—T4r3t we rtdopt the following and that a by-law be pre- pared confirnling san1,— No. 1 Pall ,Haandford's House—Et Treb- le, Deputy Returning officer; 11. Fiord, Poll clerk, Town liall—W, D. Vrerkcs, Dep, R. 0,; Jos, Davis.+P. C. No, 3 fall, John Mitchell's off°re— 11. l4us on, D. R. Q.; Alex. Dyer, P. C. No. 4 Walker's HJauac,--IL G. Seldon, D. R. 0.; Alex. :McPherson, P. C. Rivers—.Day—That the Council assume the responsibility 'Of the action taken by the Sanitary Inspector. Mr. .11iseett m removing the pea straw, dumped on R. Gidley's land, west of 'Marlboro et. nearly oppasae R. Luker's house, which, was condemned bythe Board ofHealth a a nuisance, and that the municipal- ty also assume the defence thereof, nd that the Clerk instruct Messrs. Glad- n1li & St,vnbury, barristers,' to defend. the action ,ef the Exeter Canning &-q Pre - crying Co. against W. J. i31esett, the Sanitary Inspector, on behalf of the Pie-. ager"'--CATTIed. are Alta ,trading t v e a 1 a a a 1 T. B. Carling, Clerk. FARQUHAR. Death of Mrs. Camealan,—Aatother of the oldest and most 'esteemed residents o* Usborne has passed to, her reward. i31_ the persdn of Mrs. Jofzn Cameron, who died on :41:'ondazl last; at the age of 86 years. Deceased has since the death of her husband about ten years ago, bean residing 'with' her sister, Mrs. John Cameron, and has enjoyed her us- ual goad health until only a very short time previous era her demise, when a gen- eral breaking up of:the .system, sept in. and the vital cord was snapped. Mrs. Cameron was a native of Scotland and on arriving in this` country first settled in Dalhousie, and between torte- and fifty years ago came tio' the Township o1 Usborne, and has continuously re- sided here seance. Deceased was kind- hearted and trua and esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral took place yesterday to the Exeter cemetery. . ELIMVILLE 4Ir. Everet Skinner has purchased the house and Totbelon ing to Robert Rob'ms•an at Winchelsea and intends. moving in as {soon as Jahn Kellett mov- es out, -John 'liav ng rented a house in Exeter from Mr. Chas. Hackney. -Miss Addle Johns Is' laid up with an, attack of pleurisy. ---We are sorry'to hear that Mr. Robe. Wilcox: does- not improve very fast.—Mr. Wes. Horn raised his barn or, Monday afternoon,—Jackson; Woods s visiting his sister, 'Mrs. Rich. Down of Strathr y. BIRTHS Hunter.—In ' U b u slaorne; .Nov; 10, to Mr. and Mrs.• Geo. Hunter, 'a son. • MARRIAGES ` Francis—Pauiell—At. Comber, on Nov. 15, Mr. Birtle Milo Francies of Usborne to Miss ;dated Isabella Parish. DEATHS Cameron—In Usbarne, Nov. 20th, Mrs. John Camellate, in her teeth year. Quance—In Exeter, Nov 161,h, Miss Lida Quance, daughter of the late Wtll3am Quante; 'aged 28 years, 1 lreinth, 18 days. Nutt—In St. Mares, on Near. 11, Salina. 1-3e11s, wife' of T,elen Nutt, aged •59 Millere--In Victoria, oria, B. C. .,on Nove 1.4, Jacob Miller, far.nerly o} Clinton, ag- ed 65 years. 1'_`ckett--Iia Ci gaoii; .on' Nov. i.4thr, P ckett, aged (15 years. ' • - Boeis—In Lieury' one Tues., Nov. 14, F. -"Marla Harmer `relict 'otl'the late' James Ross, aged 60 years, 10 monies. /A Slaughter Sale 0n' Suits s S�� s 6 Men s Ovr� `- ,. e o �, x �y 15 Suits A Manufactur- er's nofactr-ers over aens . add w.- e to the d den Stock c and willb1. V �j sold at Bank- rupt _t ..rices sizes a l � Open Thursday s,da, morning. >in Come in and fit yourself with sox, shoes, underwear- shirts, ties, collars,. hats, caps, any- thing ' a man needs all at our Clearing. Prices. The Exeter Bar- gain Store is alive with, bargains in shoes,rubbers, felt slippers, e s overshoes cardigans, urnlarel las, : ribbons, cor- sets, slaces, es � child- ren's hose etc ,'.%)(047.save dollars in bu f Pawden'' Old Staled The Exeter liar°gaixl Store': Ik