Exeter Advocate, 1911-11-16, Page 5Dr. G. 3 . RQDLSTON, L.D,S., tD.D.S, DENTIST Dlenxber or the R C.p.s. ot Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office --Over Dickson & Carling'& law orrice,. Closed Wednesday afternoons. t)it, A, A. ACNOIA,N, z , U, a., L. B; S,, donor Kraduate of Toronto Umivertsty. eon extracted, without arts, para, °r Any pauddem. ndt'e oyer +)adman Stanbury's °dice, Mato street Med cal R ERIL3dIT;, MI. D M. C. la, &S•, DONOR L.L. Graduate of Toronto University,Two Ryea re sident eehyaiclazz Royal Alexandra Hospital, oto. O ice and Residence .1)r. Arn,,,,," Old Stand din drew eel ,EXETER drew t.b ra, "DI0i 80N CARLING, i3ARRiSTEf$, SOLinI +vim Sore, Notaries, Conveyancers Commissioners Solicitors tor Moisona Bank, Ate atonal to Loan at Inwestrates° nteres OlRees. Main street, Exeter, R, O&aLuua, ILA.., L.H. Domes ICCONEY TO I.UAel. We have atarge amount of private funds to ads} n tarn and village nropertiee at low rates ot inter *at, GI.AD34 AN. STAN/WRY Hui/stem Solicitors,Sfain st,.£xete On 3. SENIOR Aet nce Comgpany. also Pies insurance in ation Life lead- zag Oanadia.n and British CemPttnies. Cain -St., Exeter. MISS LILLIAN ELETQTT CONCERT SOPRANO PUPILS ACCs PTnD. DDRESS--CDNTR.'LLzi, ONT. LICENSED AMCTIQNDEll Wbt. ANDERSON. Liconstid Auctioneer for .Huron County. Terms reasonable. Dates carr be made at the -'#dvo,ate. Exeter. or Henry Eilher's Office, Dred - Hort, T. $, C&RUNG Lite. Eire, Accident End Plate Masa Tneurancc. Collecting accounts. and con- ducting ;suction sales, - 'Exeter, Ont. HOUZE. V, S. Graduate of Ontario. Veterinary Cot lege : member Ontario Vetot•tnary Med- ical Society ; treats all diseases of do-' meaticated animals on ecicntiflc prin- ciples ; madorn surgery a specialty. Op- erations on Lump jaw ,guaranteed eat- lstact-try. Calls by day or night promptly attended to. Office -Main -et., Exeter, Dr. Raneay'e old stand.. Phone In connection. ' FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his tine farm, consisting of about 133 acres,adjoin- for- the town sof Clinton, for sale. The /arm is in a •good state or cultivation, and has good buildings, brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc. all comparatively now, rtrirat-cIasst young •are'lard, containing all kinds or fruits aald also small fruits. The farm la well re Iced and drained and Is a very desirable home. For further par= ticulnzs apply on: the premises or ad- dress JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. r.l„ t LUSTRATED .,Y.,L a dies' cATALocuB (OLLEGEFREEOf ST T11on1.!as,Ortt., BECOME INDEPENDENT; ATTEND ELLIOTT Toronto, Ont. Students of this year are in positions worth. furor $50 to $100 a month. Write for catalogue. Enter now. Superior Instructions in all De- partments. Horses for Sale I have ,a number of first-class horses for sale. Call at the stables and see them. Wo are also purchasing horses that are sound and in good condition from 4 to 10 yearsof age. Parties having horses tor sale will do welt to call or write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. The undersignedis offering for sale that desirable 50 -acre farm in Usborne, being the South half Lot 10, Con. 7. There is on the premises a good frame house, bank barn, and out buildings : two good wells water and an ever run- ning spring at back of' farm. This farm isin splendid condition and is nearly all seeded down. Will ba sold reason,- able and on easy terns. ,Fos particulars apply at Advocate Office o; to Jail. Earl, Eliinville. - FOR SALE OR TO RENT That most desirable farm property be- ing Lot 15; Coin. `2, Stephen, in the County or 1-Iuron, on which is situate two good bank barns and;a cornniodlous frame house. This land is well drained and fenced,' has two good wells and a spring creek, and isconvenient too churches, school and markets. Out- going terianti leaves 10 acres sown ,with fall' wheat; 15 'ac:°es of new meadow and does all necessary, gang Plowing : and deep plowing. For further` particulars' apply to R. LEATHORN, Esq.,, Exeter or DICKSON 8s CARLING, Barristers, etc Exeter. HoruSF -FOR 'SALE 'The undo=s. ,ned `'is offering for sale. }, that desirable property at, beim: a one and half"steheY brick! house .ti eviceilent cond.aon, to-gether with two lets of land. Also twi va- cant lots on Iicr:-,o. Street,,,,Apply to MISS POLLY FISHER, Exeter. VARICOSE VEINS CURED g ' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to HIS Home for Weeks.. "Remy work, severe straining' and evil habits in youth brought, on 'Varicose 'Veins. Wizen I worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up for a 'week at tune. 3iy farraly physician told rite nn operation was my only hope --but I dreaded it. I tried several speeia.zsts,but soon found out all they waptedwas;ay money, I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues, One day pry boss asked ono why I was cif work k so much and I told him m y condition. Ileadvisei%me to consult Dm, Kennedy & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tim New Nc noo Tantrrta or, My progress was somewhat .e.10}7 and durin„ the t:rst month's treatment Y was somewhat discouraged. However, I continued treatment for 'Vireo mouths longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. 'could only earn $13 a week in a machine ? shop before treatment, Pow I am earaiey $21 and never loose ,. day, I wash all su1Terers Imew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD , SEEN DISEA$E7 BLOOD POISONS aro the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap the very lire blood or the victimendunless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complications. Deware or Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms -our NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. , YOUNG 011 MIDDLE 4.GED NM -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down. your, system. You feel the symptoms stealing over atom Mentally', physically and vitally you, are not the man yen used to beer should h, WildyQuheed the danger srgeals? READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intesriin to m ? ar Has ii�d !!1 your blood been diseased? Rave you any weakness? Our Nay 'son l a:aruear will k euro you. -What it has done for others it Will do for you. Cotta sliteitioty Free. No matter who has treated you. -write for an honest opinionFreooECizarge. L1001cs Free -"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood,':' (Illustrated) on Dice -=es of Men. NO N PIES USED WITHot r WRITTEN -CONSENT PRIVATE. No names nae tifxl boxes or envelopes. Everything Coaaztial. Queftice Lint sad God of rroatmert FREE F0R, kInmE TREATMENT, Rs.KENFIEDYilitlaNFIEE)Y Cor. 4Stichigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE- ,toletters from Canada must be addressed to our Cana Correspondence Depart- wamemonumaimm :trent in;Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call, at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients iu our Windsor offices whiclr are for Correspondence and 'Laboratory for Canadian business only. ,address all letters as fellows -1 DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 'Write for Our private address. Keep Your Bath Room Spotlessly Clean with Cold Dust Soap will not do the work properly because soap only cleans the surface -it dons not dig deep after germs and hidden impurities like GOLD DUST -the greatest of all sanitary cleansers. To keep bath tub and lavatory shiny -white and inviting To keep metal pipes, fixtures and taps brightly bur- nished ---To purify metal bowl--- To keep tiling and woodwork spotless and beautiful -- Simply add a heaping teaspoonful of GOLD DUST to a pail of water. You will be surprised at the ease with which it does the work. GOLD DUST sterilizes as well as cleans -and saves you one-half the labor. GOLD DUST is sold in 50 size and large pack- ages. The large package offers greater economy. "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your moth" Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, SO lib Makers of FAIRY SOAP, the oval cake. Montreal edbipaLldff Y: M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON. ONT. BUSINESS and SH')RTHANDSUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. Forest City Bugss College Shorth nd J. W. WESTERVELT, JR, J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal. Via PrinctpaL' • I5 -Auction Sale Off. TI)IIBER AND HORSE - The undersigned - auctioneer has re- ceived Enst.ruct pias to --• sell by public auction, on - c LOT 1, CONCESSION, 6, USBORNE,. on F'R.IDAY: NOVEMBER, 17th, 1911,_ At - 2 p. m. the .following property Ariz;- That desirable uncuiled timber growing on above lot, eaaisi'eting of soft el in, hardwood, ,basswood, etc„ which will be sold by the acre, and which :,e sit- uated on corner Lot, 3% miles from Centralia Station Also 1 general' pur- pose 'mare, 7 years old, supposed tio. be in foal, TERMS OF SALE -4 Months' credit w:11 be given oat furnishing -approved jo`.nt notes. 4 pot cent, discount off for cash Two years' for: removal of tim- ber will be allowed purchaser. Brush to be properly p B. S. PHILLIPS, WM. WHITEFO.RD, Auetioneer Proprietor Dairy Cow Sale The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to ,sell'..by publ'_c auction at the 'METROPOLITAN. _HOTEL, EXETER. on SATURDAyt NOV'. ,..8th, , 1911, at one o'clock, p. nn. A carlload of choice Dairy Cows. :These cattle are :or an exceptionally good class and every 'per- son wanting such, will do well to attend th.'tssale, TE z\IS-- 1 R T_rne will be . given to suit purchaser on furn4sh_ng approved jetnt aro'ea.. M. J. WILLIAMS, T, BROWN Proprietor WINCHELSEA The Sollow,ng ''s the; report ."o . the Ex- am:"nation held zh S. S No. Usborne, '.n the month of November, .1911, -Sr. IV. Class -Total 830-E. Coward 640. Jr. IV; total 830-G. Duncan 748, I. Heywood i672, L. Jobips 580, D. Greer 569, D. Cornijsh 543. JrGreer"?'h-total 665 '-V. Bell 602, M. Washburn -584, :\V. Routly 559, 0, D,ellorlidge457 V ,:Hey- wood 418, A. Creery' 385, L. (Cornish 373. II. Class, --total 575-M. Camra 1196, G. Johns 493', L, Jams 477, W. Skelton 465, F. Heywood 460, M. Corn- ish 381, R. Sma1e 379, M. Heywood 319 P Coward 309 Ft. 11. -total 420-G, ,C.reery' and . B. Medd 375, F. Skinner 371, F,_Routly 357, C. ,Hel11 354, J. Wilson 344; R. Johns- 339,, M. Cornish 321, W. .Heywood 308, T. Heywood 259 E. Johns 250, R. Dalbridge 215. Jessie A. Hamilton, Teacher. ZURICH, Mr. Harry ;Weber oY Berlin was inti town last :.week visiting ills family. - Mrs. Whurtiastrde lent. on Tuesday; morn,- ,irrcg ' for home al Kemptville,- Miss's (I. Praarg of London, arrived in town on Tuesday evenMs-, for a visit' with re- lattveg,-111x. Joseph Papineau has pur- chased the property inear 'SI. Joseph, owned by the late Mr, Diisj'ardLne.-,,lir,. Napoleon (hats' purchased a ` fine 230 acre farm near Clinton for $12100 .00. I. ts..sai,d todole one ,of the finest farms n Huron., -Mrs. Flaxbard had the nmi.s- Cortune of breakiing her leg, While return '.mg from a visit with, her daughter, pits. Henry Howald. She made a rnls- step in (same way, with the above un- fortunate result. BAYI;'IELD-Mrs, George Castle rat ceived sad news the past week krf . the death, of her brothler,,Mr. Richard Heard of ' Os!st ahs-ook, Niortli Dakota, at the age of 42 years. He died '011 Saliday. the 29M „of Octoblerti Mr: Heard ..was born vn trails „village on Oct. -30th; 1,869 , and went' west twenty-one Years ago., settling Dakota Heleaven . a,- wife and five 'Children ^_ three') and two 'b'oys. Ills .° father' is "Still ' living In the vlillage arid, three Brothers fund three s:etera are lviltg. Mz's. Elliott, See - ',eve Bay, ; Mrs, Good Castle; Bayfield Mrs. W. Howard, Godericin; 'William and John, Bayfield,: and Thomas in Then-` Auctioneer igalon: HENSALL. ----- On Sunday Nov t4h, about 4 0 -clock '8^ James Moorr had a close call from being asphyS need by coal gas. Irortu- mately her husband awoke and found her u•rco s£ ons. Ile -bore her out iia- to ti:e open a:r a':4 procured a doctor w.,,, worked with her for hours before ste was out of danger. --At P•ttsb, -- Q , ;o M r. and ?firs. Ilall, formerly Miss Rose Yus btutt, a so:;. -A Sig r ite- s`.de returned from his trip to itraudon, :tali., last weep. -Job,., . Buchanan and w --le of Bow Park'Faru', Erantt'or, are visiting his parents here, -„The a:on.sei/ iiintend, completing a by-law at the next meeting, to Make ,t e act of putting, Ashes in the ditches or even. fan the travelled para or thrt streets pu;r.sbaable. wain a rine.---The. detatix'„of Andrew ,siall. one of the p ->a er settlers of @fins sec - :o d took place at I. 's t aom.;o, at Hippcn ilov, 8 after a long 'Maces. His fro. her r Jameses died Sep, 21st, so that the older .r'ezaabers, or this well known and Muck eSteerrred, fano'-lY are passing away -41. J. D. Cooke, of Toronto, was fn town last ,weir, -0„ Thursday, Mrs. ap. it Y. of near Varna, departed 'Hits life, aged: ,57 years. Her maiden azanae wets ,Jennie 'AieNalogrieto, and she had been resident of Ssa._lev for' ,Many years, The funeral, took piece to Baird's f e;a ester. GRAND 1lEhlp, ( late for last week.) err- and Mrs. lie red Y', xizcw. draYe been v;siting around Frere, returned "ea the': hone in Sarnia, --Mr. H. Zapre and daugh,er, Pearl, of Staley visited at Zapfe's fiu'iidav,-.Same, hunters from A Iva Craig are down on. 'the old river hunt5ng,--Praialde Austin, Who has been �yIs'tttil�'-'Bet' grandpareztte. Mr.. and �Clarkson, llau , r^etul<aexi to her hoots! GQderieli,-Rev. Corriere preached for til tirst time since hie illness nn Sun, day. -Mrs, C. Wanner, who has been s',ek, ds improving. -Sirs. \':'m Bueltart- an i,s expected, horns, from the hospital. -Hr, Dev?cy ar.d Jo.^,ah- Green, who have been ho alga for the past week. return,. 1, So Am're,stbu,r., Pair' Raoey lett, list tiw' to a Ss udies .y1 Taro' io,- re. - and child re 'lett last w lues hoist as Reg-, a Iw r. The's. Crew, iorv,>d :alto the, arouse lately weenie y ;+Ir. ii. Shit.-,T'ero'died iso the rii Jane Rabineoal t+Het ,or the late helot. Robinson, Wilti drd about 17 years aro. Mrs. Robin- ► came ,from Ireland to lit'.A caw try ol► quite a „ ir1. and is amongst tdses ideas res'.dents of this ne°ehberhood, Stun was a strong hearts woman, all her te u'ntil the lost few years. She was to lrer 80th ys. tr. All the family were to fulreral when° took plate Ons Sun-' de , to St. Pawls Cemetery, conducted by Rev. G. W. ,Racey.. The members of the rant.ly living aro one loon, ' Archie 7. of .Blanchard, Mrs. D. hemp of Blom shard, 'blots. J. Semplo or Parkhill, Mrs. G. L. yfoney or Stratford, arra. N. Gr Hart 01 Winthrop op, and Miss •Jennio at home. The pall -bearers were nephews of the deceased. FT '+^i, 11 ;ea o B'ry. YU4OUR-- � :l { were curious to see- eNaetly what re- sults'Would be produced by flour consist/44g entirely of the hrrgh.-graded portion$ of the L' best Western hard wheat, They were curious to know more about a flour that contained none of the low-grade portions, which etre found in every heat beriy, but whd.,h are separated and excluded: from the high-grade in the process of milling PURITY FLOUR. THEY were curious to know whether an ALL H Gli ^ GRADE hard, wheat flour was really superior to a mixed hard and wheat floor, They were curious to see. and taste the kind o bread, buns, biscuits, cakes and. pies PURITY LOUR would make, Curiosity pronipts you to seek the knowledge they discovered. It's urging you to try PURITY FLOUR. ENDER On account of the extra strength nand ex °a quality of PURITY FLOUR it is necessary, for best pastry -results, to add more shortening than you are accustomed to use with an ordinary flour. Add more Water when mak- ing ig bread._ Add PURITY FLOUR t our hit nght now Mo: e ead and better »Sold cby R. G. Seldon end " 110 WINGH M -An accident occurred at the Western Foundry last week when I'eto llattleas was fix,i'ns a belt attach- ed to 'the lift in connleetlion with the cupola. The eng,:trteer, not aware of his being up there, started the machinery'. and b>;attltuas was c'a.ught int dile belt - Mg, but fortunately there was not room for his body. Every stitch of clothing was torn from body except his shoos, but although badly bruised, no bones were /mind t0 be broken.: THE TORONTO NEWS DAILY S1 YEAR 5° ORDERS TAKEN AT THIS OFFICE THE NEWS WILL De SENT DAILY BY 511 L TO 44xADDZESS IN CANADAFOR ONE DOLLAR ANti•HALI'' A YEAH. TheWoman Question= t* � e sDay" This is the problem confronting the average housewife -a problem of vital importance to the home, and one best solved by a -trip to our store and the purchase of For the Woman Question is not only whatto eat, but how to cook it, and you find the answer in Gurney -Oxford -first in con- struction, as well as convenience; first in facilities for control and readiness. .The Divided Oven Flue Strip assuresp erfect baking because of ,its even heat -distribution, a o r arid in everyperfect detail' thepconstruction of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory cooking results. Anotherq question hase of theuestio is p economy, and we 'invite„ a visit to our store expressly Ymay l that ou' examine the marvell-. A ous,nfuel-saving device the Oxfordc . _ � a�ncAmizea° R' 6t J ce Gurney -Oxfords are the only stoves Licensed to sell with this wonderful patent. It needs only to be set at a proper angle to hold heat for Hours without attention. No fuel is wasted -.a saving of 20 per, cent. The Crate is _.Reversz,nce with strong teeth,' that, save accumulation 0 of clinkers and waste. In 'point of al'pearance--nickel design,, , . trim - m n , beauty- of etc _tle Gurney- Oxford aurne y Oxf rd' 11 o as snot a. rival. Come: to our;;store and find the best answer to th ti e WQnlaii .ueS ion -a Gurney -Oxford stove. AgePt7 Exeter