Exeter Advocate, 1911-11-16, Page 3NEURALGIA CURED
This Painful Trouble is Bile to
Poverty of Blood.
Neuralgia ' is one of the most
painful maladies that afflicts hu-
manity. The trouble is usually seat-
ed in the face and head, following
the course of some nerve, but it at-
tacks other parts of the system as
well. It is characterized by acute
pains, sometimes steady, at others
spasmodic and darting, headaches.
and a feeling as though the forehead
was a band of axon. Medical au-
thorities agree that neuralgia is a
cry of the nerves for better food,
and that if the bleed is purified
and enriched the trouble 11'il1'dis-
appear. This is the reason why Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills cure even the
most severe cases of neuralgia
They actually make new, rich blood
which feeds the tired, starved
.nerves and thus cure the trouble,
at the same time leaving the stiffer
er in better health in every way
than was formerly enjoyed. In
proof we give the ease of Mr. G.
Brooks, of aurora, Ont., who says
"Abeam two years ago, whale work -
leg in Collingwood 1 vim attacked
with neuralgia, which became so
bad that 1 was frequently unable to
go' to work. The pain would start
over : my right eye and, would then
spread to the whole face and
caused Ino the greatest agony, I
warn under the caro of a good doc-
tor, but his treatment did not do
more than give me temporary relief,
and 1 was therefore an almost eon-
Stant sufferer. Acting 'ell the ad-
vice of my wife 1 finall-' decided to
give Dr. Wihiama' Pink Pills a
trial, and I am profoundly thank-
ful that I did so, as in the course of
a few' weeks I began to improve,
and after a'furthcr use of the Pills.
the trouble disappeared and 1 have
'not eine° had any traee of it, 1 may
aka add that while taking the Pills
my weight increased ' by nine
pounds, which shows that the Pills
are a body builder as well as a
nerve restorer.
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at fi0 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.*0 from The Dr, WiI-
liams' Medicine Co:, Brockville,
Loss of Life by 'Wild "Beasts ixi
India Caused by Floods.
India still pays its annual tri-
bute of human life to the jungle.
I.n fact, the number of deaths from
snake -bite or the attacks of wild
animals has steadily increased dur-
ingthe last throe years—a fact
which the London. Times attributes
to the great floods. The rising.
waters have driven the serpents out
of the lowlands, up into the vil-
lages, and have diminished,
through drowning, the natural
food -supply of the larger wild
In 1h10 fifty-five persons were
killed by elephants, twenty-five by
hyenas, one hundred and nine by
bears, three hundred and fifty-one
by leopards, three hundred and
ninteen by wolves, eight hundred
and fifty-three by tigers, and six
hundred and eighty-eight by other
animals, including wild pigs. No
less than twenty-two thousand four
hundred and seventy-eight died
from the bite of poisonous snakes.
The grand total of mortality is
twenty-four thousand eight hun-
dred and seventy-eight
During the same year ninety
threo thousand cattle were also
killed by wild beasts or snakes.
Shines Soaaes So
They Stay Shined
"Black Knight" is a joy to',
every woman who takes pride in
her bottle.' ..
It enables her to have the
stoves always clean, freshly
polisl:cd and brilliantly black.
"Black, Knight" is ready to use
easily applied—and a few rubs
brings a mirror-like polish.
"P°ick Knight" • does away'.
with all the hard work and dirty
-work of stove polishing.
If your dealer should not hnvc
"Black Knight", we will send you
ost paid for sae,
alarg ccan, pos1 The r. E. Drealley tpaid, 1. w
3 ed'
riaMsB.7feN. O. 24
Makers of Ma floors "21n 1 " Shoo P'oI/ah..
The losses on the part of the in-
habitants of the jungle were nearly
but not quite as great as those of
their human enemies and the dom-
esticated animals combined, Nine-
ty-one thousand one hundred and
four snakes and over nineteen
thousand wild Beasts of various
kinds were killed.
'l,'he Times also reports that a
great many cases of snake -bite
were successfully treated with the
Brunton lancet and permangeriate
of potash, but that it is, neverthe-
less, impossiole to assert the value
of this treatment, since no one
knows whether all—or even a very
large number—of the eases treated
were caused by the bites of really
venomous snakes.
Kind words breed their kind also.
Intention is a poor thing with-
out attention.
The lazy man considers all toil
He who breaks his word smashes
It doesn't require brilliancyto
cast refleci.ions
You can't butter it when you have
to swallow pride.
The word always leeks brighter
from a senile,
People who take too much liberty
lose it all sooner or later.
When you trip up, fail forward,
and get up further along,
The best amen to a prayer is go-
ing ahead to carry it out,
Fasting from the word is not the
proper way to develop a hunger
for it.
Many a 'champion who has con-
quered himself is unsung in this
It is easier to be miserable than
to be happy, and many follow the
handier way.
The sincere prayer must always
come from a heart that feels de-
pendence and need.
The way tog et ahead of the devil
is to move on; he doesn't run very
fast upward.
Flowers' of speech are not ac-
ceptable 'praise, save they exhale
the sweet fragrance of love,
Treated properly, a broken se
solution may be mended, and so
made almost as good as new.
Pertinacity is getting 'a grip on a
purpose and clinging to it; stub-
bornness is lying down on a pro-
position and refusing to move.
Baby's cry indicates; distress -his
smile health and contentment. The
mother duly be sure there never was
a baby who cried for the fun of it.
Baby's disposition is naturally a
happy one and it is only distress
such as may be brought on by a dis-
ordered condition of the stomach
or bowels that can change this. So,
mothers; to keep your baby happy
you must keep him well—Baby's
Own Tablets will do this. Concern-
ing them Mrs. Chas. Potvin, Cause-
pateia, N. S., writes: "$aby's Own
Tablets have proved an excellent
remedy for my baby. I had been
using syrups, but they failed to help
him and he cried constantly. The
Tablets cured him and now he is a
fat, healthy child." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
"She's a clever conversational-
"Very, She can even make a man
who is talking about himself stop
to listen."
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
It is not at all well known' that
knighthood has constantly been
conferred upon iv amen, says the
London Graphic. Many English
ladies `received the accolade, and
many more were members of such
knightly orders as the Garter and
St. John. 'When Mary Cholmon
deley;' "the -bold lady of Cheshire,"
was knighted by Elizabeth for "her
valiant address" on the Queen tak-
ing command at the threatened in-
vasion by Spain, did she know that
a whole city of Spanish women, the
gallant women of Tortosa, had been
knighted for saving that city from.
the Mooi;;s? Mary and Elizabeth
had both -been' knighted at their.
coronation; but by the`time Anne,
the ` second Mary, and Victoria as-
cended the throne it had Beenquite
'forgotten that according to English
law and use a woman who filled a:
man's' office acquired all its privi- taken•"
Suffered with his Kidneys and was.
very feeble, but now he is feeling
Saint Walburg, Sask., Nov. 13
(Special).—One healthy, happy fam-
ily an this neighborhood are always
ready to speak a good word for
Dodd's Kidney Pilia. They are Mr,
and Mrs. Leon Sergent, and here
is the reason in Mr, Sergent's own
"I suffered with my Kidneys and
I was very feeble. fly urine was
thick and had haa a brick -dust sedi-
ment.Ae, Dodd's Kidney Pills had
already cured my wife I bought
three boxes, Now nay urine is nor-
mal and I feel fine,"
It is statements such as these that
give Dodd's Kidney Pills their pay
pularity. They are no cure-all.
They simply cure diseased Kidneys
and the ,ills that come from dis-
eased Kidneys, 13u.t no matter
what neighborhood you visit you
find some main or woman who has
been sick and in pain and has boon
cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. For
a score of years this work hue been
going oh and to -day in every part
of Canada Docld's Kidney Pills are
known as the one sure euro for
Kidney Disease, Urinary Troubles,
Backache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,
Diabetes and Bright's Disease,
"Where were you day before yee-
tcrda ?" "I was helping my wife
" ". p o" "Had
to cootie, "And yesterday , .H.aa;
the doctor helping me to."
These Pills Cure Rheumatism.--.
To the many who suffer from rheu-
matism a trial of Parmclee's Vege-
table Pills is recommended.. They
have pronounced action upon the
liver and kidneys and by regulate
ing the action of these organs act
as an alternative in preventing the
admixture of the uric acid and
blood that causes this painful disor-
der. They must be taken accord-
ing to directions and used steadily
and they will speedily give evidence
of their beneficial effects.
He (nervously)—"What will your
father say 1vhen I tell him we're
engaged 1"
She—"He'll `be delighted, dear.
He always has been.
let Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
sod Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes.. 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
11Mtu'in.e Fore Remedy Co., Chicago.
"Is the doctor in 7"
• "No, sir, but won't you please
come in ? He'll be right back. He's
gone to seehis other patient."
A cough is often the forerunner of
serious 'pulmonary afflictions, yet
there is a simple cure within the
reaoh of all in Bickle's Anti -Con-
sumptive Syrup, an old-time and
widely recognized remedy, which, if
resorted to at the inception of a
cold, will invariably give `' relief,
and 'by overcoming the trouble.
guard the system from any serious
Pce cents, ari25
consequences,;at l
"It isn't always the prettiest girl
who gets the best husband."
"Maybe not, but she has the most
chances to."
The Chicago Fire could have
been prevented with one pail of
water, but the water was not
handy. Keep a bottle of Hamlins
Wizard Oil h&ndy and prevent the
fiery pains of, inflammation.'
"If we quarrel like this' now,
what will we .; do after marriage 1"
"Well, if you think I'm going to
rush blindly into marriage without
finding out „who's boss, you're 'mis-
leges and was immune from none 1
of its duties -
The good, old-fashioned way of
getting rid of unwelcome visitors
was to breakfast before the guest
came down stairs: Later, some
genius furnished, a national button
that react, ' "Here's Your Hat;
What's Your Hurry 7" A little Buf-
falo girl, who is the third member
orf a three-piece ' family, does it
even better. The other day when
the unweloolne. guest was at the
table. Emily said: "I hate every-
body in this liou,.
a except paipa,
and myself.
Mlrlard's Liniment Cures Colds, Act
a• .
ISS"17t; .4t► --11
Tiffs is a HOME DYE
can use
I dyed ALL these
C---; czf `��\ D FFEffar cls:KINDS
-- wifh the $AME Dye.
.04M$S4144t0Val.. :41$41,064"
C"E iM and SIMPLE to Use.
NO chance of using the tirrtOlt'G Aye for the Goods
one /mato color. All colorsfrom your D eg,2isr or
Dewier. vase. Color Car4and STORY 1.1ook1et10,
Tho. John,on-Racitardaon Co„ Limited. Morticeat,
?alniliasr Everyday Words Rave
Como Lung Distances.
Calico takes its name from Cali -
cut, a city,' in India, Satin is from
Zaytoun, 1n China. Damask was
first made at Damascus, in. Syria,
Gauze is from Gaza, in Palestine;'
and baire from Baza, in Spain.Dimiiy is called after Damietta, in
'Egypt.:(,ambrie was first made at
Cambria, in Franco, and muslin at
Mosul, in Asia.
Serge got its name from Xerga,
a Spanish word. Velvet is our equi-
valent of the Italian word..velllata;
and gingham is from, Gingarnp, a
town in Brittany, where the cloth
was first u;ied for umbrella covers,
Cashmere gets its name from the
'alley of Cashmere, in tale Hirna-
layas, buckram from Bokhara,
lawn from Loon in Prance, and
khaki is the Indian word for earth.
But we have many home-made
names of fabrics. Tweed was
originally the product of the weav,
ors of the Tweed, nmelton was first
n ado at the town of that name in
Leicestershire. Worsted is from
Worstead, famed for its fine wool
yarn. Cheviot was originally a
cloth made from the wool of the
Cheviot Mills; and blankets got
their name from their original
English manufacturer -- Thomas
^1r"r .,C
"Did you enjoy the play 7"
"Not much. The leading lady
only changed her gown three
Muscular Rheumatism Subsided.
—When one is a sufferer from mus-
cular rheumatism`he cannot do bet-
ter than to have the region rubbed
with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
There is no oil that so speedily
shows its effect in subduing pain.
Let the rubbing be brisk and con-
tinue until ease is secured. There
is snorevirtue in a bottle of it than
can be fully estimated.
Mary—Mrs. Talkem detained me
for fifteen minutes at the telephone
just as I was starting out. Alice—
What did she want? Mary—She
didn't say.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Cxentlemen; I have used MIN.&RD'S
LJNTALENT on my vessel and in my family
for years,' and for the every day ills and
accidents of life I consider it has no equal.
I would riot start on a voyage witee.:
it, if it Bost a dollar a botle.
She -You know, George, that dur-
ing allmy -girlhood I have never
known care. He (absent-mindedly)
—When we are married, darling,
you shall never be without it.
Why,, suffer, from corns when they
can be painlessly rooted out by us-
ing Holloway's Corn' Cure...
New distinctions'"botween 'sleep.
and the stupor induced by na;reotics
were given by Professor Max Ver -
worn, the eminent, physiologist of
the University of Bonn, Germany,
at a recent address . at the New
York Academy. Professor Ver -
worn spoke of narcotics as making
tissues and cells incapable of carry•
ing oiygen. In sleep, he said, re-
storation of the worn tissues oe:
curs and fatigue is dispelled by the
beneficent action of oxygen. Draw
ing illustrations 'from a wide and
varied knowledge of his subject,
Professor Verworn e;ave- a scholar-
l his11 or' dcrn.onstrataon of S. t e is
a n `
..: let--;sems_` a7lend.h151.18.
lel ii ive tl an 2.n ree c,ngeinent ring.
Minarci's Liniment Cures dareet In Deli*.
Acquire Their Good Breeding(
From Earliest Childhood.
The reason; that the French peo-
ple enjoy the well earned reputa-
tion of being the politest people
in the world is because "la
politesse," or good breeding, is an
accomplishment they always ac-
quire at home and in childhood, ,A.
Frenchman, his wife, and a, couple
of children will observe all the most
exquisite social amenities in the
privacy of •their own home, and the
family life presents all the social
advantages they require. A French
boy of even the humblestpareutago
doer not wait to go out in the world
to learn how to offer a woman a„
chair, give an elderly gentleman
his arm, invite you to dine, or dis-
cover the topes of conversation.
that engage your interest. He
has lived from his babyhood in an
atmosphere of family deference
and cheerful unselfish considera-
tion, and he is charmingly polite by
precept and example wherever he
may find himself,
rlt-.Blab is ,A Sure Cure:.
Mr. Jas, Davey, of 786 Fii ec1 '
Avenue, Winnipeg, says; ----"A few;
months since I was cured of a poi
soned finger through the tinIola use
of ;Sans-I;uk,
"1 cut a deep gash across the
knueklc on the first finger of la,)?
right hand in opening a lobster cae.
1 suffered at the tune with the sri e-
ness and pain, but had no idea it
would become a serious wound,
However, in about two .days my
whole hand and array to the elbow
became inflamed, and the finger was
much discolored, showing ,signs of
blood -poisoning,
"I then decides] to start the Zana -I
Balk treatment, lino having first°
bathed the cut I applied the healmm
kg balm. It soothed the pain al-
most instantly.
"In a weeks time, through per-
severance with Zana -Bak, a com-'
Pfete cure was brought about."
Zaim-luk is just as good for cc -
',Rana, ulcers, :scalp sore, abscesses,
piles, ringworm, boils, varicose ul-
cers, running sores, cold sores,
chapped hands, etc, Use it, too,
for cuts, 'burns, bruises and all ekin
injuries, Zam-Buk Soap ;should bo
used in conjunction to the balm
for washing wounds and sore places.
Excellent too for baby's bath.
Alt druggists and stores sell Z:am
Buk at 50o. box and Zana-Buk Soap
at 25o. tablet. Poet free for price
from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto,
"John, do you love your little
wife?" "Yes." "Do you love me
very much 7" Oh, yes." "Will you
always love me?" "Yes—say, wo-
man, what have you gone .and order-
ed sent home now 1"
Trial is Inexpensive.—To those
who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges-
tion, rhemunatism or any ailment
arising from derangement of the'di-
gestite system, a trial of Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills is recommen-
ded,. should the sufferer be unac-
quainted with them. The trial will
be inexpensive and the result will
be another customer for this excel-
lent medicine. So effective is their
action that many cures can cer-
tainly be traced to their use' where
other pills have proved ineffective.
Some lucky men find it as difficult
to borrow as they do to pay back.
Minard's Liniment cures Distemper,
A girl usually .thinks that her
voice harmonizes with the piano—
and the chances are that the piano
needs tuning.
Nearly all children are subject'
to worms, and many aro born with
them. Spare ahem suffering by
using Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator; the best renialy of the
kind that can be had.
Mrs. Guggenheim—Flora wants
one ;of those new .sheath gowns.
Mr. Guggenheim—Like the one
you showed Inc in the picture
Mrs. Guggenheim—Yes.
Mr. Guggenheim—Tell her to
crawl into an umbrella cover.
q A bond is a first mortgage
split up iota denominations cF
one hundred dollars and upwards.
Bonds; are a comparative,
modern fol n of iuvesttnet'».
Previously a corporation or i n .
dertaking desiring to raise moa
against their assets was requirA I
to place it in one or several laT t,L
1 Nowadays aca•isslae of bon_%
is made instead.
t Bonds are a convenier
of mortgage, and those hued f
which we offer are thorev. -
investigated to determine ;!..:,r
the payment of interest ar..'.
principal is absolutely assured.
!7 We have literature more fully de-
scribing bonds in general a s well as
specific issues, which we will bei tl to
send upon app'icatioa. Send fora
YONG.E.AND quEtx 81'S.
R. M. WHITE ikflanage2'
Mc2lvTR'TA frQUE,a C'11 ,ll`1.X'i„oNPO liEtt'S•
Fan want to flail a ,inti,,
you want to buoy
In. eouevi
1t AVL
come at the vest krutt, atocit.
fsriun or Dalry ,karats rtl Onterllo
lid Prices .right,
. W. D l 4oN, Niaet,y 4GiboroR
Street. Toronto.
AU:.N1`ii N'ASTID. it
e'ory honk"... 11 r;te uta In,
0.,.t, or 10j;Sr1tR1a±ilial]]1e . l.i e
l;Te t,r,t ue0u;y proposition in
tL•o.,. No outlay ut,lessa,1'r.
C. i, Co., :1t Aivert tat., uttaawa,
HELP 'WAN .-E13.
I3.4R W.E1;K 4t:1at.I' 1
.z).`lt-R:.atra', 44110
1:¢7O :day. 5tont'y refuntuod Is aaMaa
uri toilette .1115, boidriao'. 414 1,1 C'
Ali rn1 1:AtCsi pt—Abba. iVml@on'a3
toeun, 11or1.o, 9 taei,,uuudo. k,tGuto,
At\ls11LLD1A44i ,t.sY, J:t)1t•1':kIILA
iJ or neav'y La tots ai al. a. :$1nujtlu .Ratty..
L' uLtAt'a
;we i?utler'a,. ttut a,+,LN/icaa, '1'ittt
Long i.Utariltltetw'tnir 4u,. l.itl,, in'eau
tre.n, ,Jrilt.,;t, Uaularin.
A 1 A.1 -Lx, 'Luniulto, blister:, etc. , r0.
V teruul. Auu Cxteruul, aurUU, 1r l,tlloui
,....al vy our ..eine treettueoi. Wrtoe u.
uelore•too- lata. Dr, ovulum] bieuleui
Ltulited, Calltngwood, Ont.
d� '1U\ ,a's1,.i. 11ar.lttAtl LL. 4Y`t1oon's,
U Seale Works, 9 Dsplanado, Toronto.
ti 1:L1i,I '.CS`vNg11 l US'rOU lt.)1h1.1
and Fur Tllualuln. btotie o.nd :torso
make h tt i0vuc"s 11,4,0 4Jnat5 '10llcu
Properly turmoil. emit trier, to we and
ante 511110 tweeted stem. 1vu w.11 bo
wt11 Rall,,,sed. 1. k'. bull. 1.1111111, ()wt.
LEARN rl'1i1I 13411111 It TRADE* ItIG ulL.
Tao Aluier naroer Lo . go 121 Inc Ctrl,
oeilege, founneu int Baso: erauua.Gos
are now OUVl01Stm naloor,i tot over tint
world: you get expert Instruction: constant
r,'a..lCO. write ;or 0at1lt"t:ue, ALoler
burner College, 'sal .,ueenir.sa., alorote.o.
AGusN'rs wANTILD. A. 811.11)1*OP
other Ageney propositions courineea
on, that 11000 Citot equal ours. You will al.
ways regret it it you don t uppty for oar.
titulars to. Travellers Dept„ i:al Albert St,e,
YECIALIST'S ADv3Li5 h'ltllli. Consult
17 us in regard to any disease. Lowest
ul•iCes In urnbe of ail funds.
Trusses fitted by nail. Send measure-
ment. Classes fitted by age. Write to -day
for anything sold xn first eless drop
stores to Dr. 13ellrnan, Collingwood, Oat.
The $out of ai l:l�rioisthe
Action. irssist on the
len 9 9t IAL
member Standard Stock and Mining .Exchange
Correspondence invited.
W. C. G offatt, Ont.
. (3elleebers and shippers will find It to their
adranta10 to got their miles On our mailing
ii;at. '.Cin, insure. prompt receipt of our qua-,
Cations and general tnfe,luatian, which will bo
ready about the 15th of :Norerahe.r. You can to
suro of fair and liberal treatment when you
ship your collection.; to Wagner, Brasiar & Ca.
SS Front St. East, Toronto,' Ont.
o Color Gray Hair
Make It Crew.
Send for fres sa 1ipio to Dept. W. i..,,'.{
rational f0rug anti Chenicai Co„Toronto,
C1eanin and Carling and Kid Cloyee cleaiio:i
T los,: eanbe sent by post, le per or..
, '1' he best :place i!a
Nothing Quite
So 05lcas
As a, l3eautifut':
field et Nair.
Let us Bend you
absolutely free
nee treatment of
livaiirino, if it:
os,y t(3 prove to
sou that it 001.31'B
gray hair anol
5.Wkea it . Gatos'..,
ators tta;rllagg'
res oyee dand,•
rag and makes'
the hlir of ribs, or vrouan or child heavy
o autifi lly :716'84Y..,,," You have ''oral
to earls] I a veer adtl3'egs with lGc ene10
for Mailing : and peokin5;: andwill so
6V. -2D anywhere oar treatment,. ,`, oil
t w > m �, a r own,
expense. Write to :day. Address
DR. PROSSE, Dent, 2,
2133 Comrnissiet1twa 8t., moral' at.