HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-16, Page 2AMMO SAFE feta
A" ` QNAX. iyA z _
has Sto
s�mit, bause sanma new Rik u«td azadttt izxt
`.oliticsihr tilted -+•i reproves their esirilataose—an€tttt ilia
sa a time, av st„tyt7i F?F7tl Pats, aztd omy'rost$ y041.
trot Said by iz<al<- everywhere, an.l tltG prier svttl#
reifintled it it dgo'tsavc you mot y
Writs for copy of aur,ra A`9 Stock .Ryon" -,the most
pfot nodi e*'er i,1?blis>4';d nor t'-;ee udrete, r outt Stoobi niiu
s¢iil fere:
Ilia raat1
v item n
CRr ar. tart
a 1
SalctV ol','Tills Forts of Security, resew'
wily Popular in Canada, is very H?g:-
Ciass--gaatger only in Coraitnunitle.
Where Population is Qeoreasing—Le .
Investi$athon r-1 oessary, But TIS R4
ways nano, by i'Cirehasiius Bond Hoaise-
Western Schoot Issues are Sate,
TIno art ie es contri'huted by 'Investor
krq,tor Pe sole purpose of Rnidan:t Pro'
peer -vu i.nresters, ,and,.ai iaosstlbic of sa.
1lAg them from lostngk series threw.
ol..ci g it in '•wildwat * snt,erprises. TL
teivarztai azn:l reliable cbaraetet' o€ iii
-eLorwation n,,lay be retied upon. (L
er of these arbores and the publish
F; s ,pu,per liave no taterests to:..sete
,i ueotton •Y"Iflb.'tilts matter otherton
he , of the r.,:der,
SC i,rho value safety- above'.. L
ittiE=ttiCFBtw Qtainttea, Gauaadia=,
Ial boaeds ate he',c2 in very l`
i 1 -ohs scan. Iu ;11
.he his
fila t"he e haw nee t8 6O few C1-
:wi 44g n.tiniCllaal ciklasQ. tatii
�.>e, iAY iaa t1
—May o
i14. teals, 170�'1ils� 4"e'll'
to ttntl th
tal tl tai illA ire»ea' e
esiil, Ns1�I'�i.r°la
l ehth,'. and
r�nnil gx1niil'vs,ul
The bail room,
ave : have been 1
"Plastic' raoi
tItop i ilii
4 fita,te1
uity: :ti of in ht
lcldd, axed so ave 11az
of the City of T -etch
inye5tur leas titian fact
u v11 obtn, I tlaiat
cit;, bonds scil,
municipal loud, however. ca
ted with safety by clue e
y it1l the Loud but
i slag ation
fetpality is.
ut wt
Saves The Eyes
Children naturally never think of
possible strait en their eyesight. when,
oaitag otter -a fascinating; hook,
p to you to see they do not ruin
ohaag eyes these long evenings
ding under a poor light.
yo Lamp is all insurailw
aaaanst eye troubles, alike for yoi;ng
and old.
The Rayo is a low-priced limp, but it is constructed on the soundest
ientific principles, and there is not abetter l=p made at any price.
It is easy on the eye because its light is so soft and and
widely diffused. A ed a Rayo Lamp never flickers.
ed, without removing shack or chutney: <asy 14 deo unt1 rewick.
brew pro - is finish- also lit mat other styles and finishes.
SoGti iaraas throughout, ur�th d�aadsoan<tuc et Y
' I t ,haw a his lino of Rose lop; or writ* forday'+atirio circular
Kiri lmur cKa *kr o 7a to say .creel. et
The (ween City Oil; Compi
t4•SUO of
to svt
city hat.
then it itT
r all. rho'
+n rel•
of t
tris •car linea a
a few itunntGSr t9
among the lar
tendons of the
t(O1iter elf the ai
able ono til
ziifzal ,stntiO
Tru111 rirific+
"The L Garryxs
r44:.the Grain i Tru
ae built, of titin fine ,•
ra.nite and buff lime s
?hl of the old Freie
Chate. of Norman dy and 2our-
iane and will rear its stately heights.'
storie S. Tho building`
Toxin -lately three 11un-
and .:Eby sleeping chambers
d will be richly furnished in fault-
ess taste. All, its bedrooms art to
e equipped with every .approved
modern appointment. Nothing that
would in any way contribute to the
comfort and welfare o£ its guests
has been: overlooked in the pre-
paration of the plans and interior
The main entrance of the hotel
facet on 'W'innipeg's most beautiful
thoroughfare, "Broadway," and
opens upon a spacious and imposing
rotunda, which will suggest in its
decoration and refinement the shear
and comfort provided within its
walls, and from 'which one may en
ter the spacious dining, tea rooms
tittia ill( z"ax°trues car
tiler iatell. Th rami ra
Sit rite«ettin taarr
will be laeycia d,llrl qtp
atf tine' zta lst stcik ng tai
is USED.
'ST . 140 MORE
ADE I ; #;M►
per of the town, and so "boosting" the
assessment. Moreover, ninny of these
aro in the mining camp stage --in
rtgtrr of being vacated by tit a pepolo.
tl something morn pro n turns up
ewlter,, uro
stud seldom liaaadtt+d by reirz3t:tblcr
and dealers aro very
y o
, anti
its prataiittu that by
the aAl1}11 otal
andthen1.ait tiwtroul
Tor ttao tnuAicdpalit^r to redeea
eIwee. 'Mini most instances -
machinery would bo
oaie this dithluultY, but
pen that in some cases t'
tt4 be- one or :an eseut+o r
Lill. nonce, the Bare
d. `zt to for this realm
irUaator Advertisements £i
xuunteIpal lxundo you .nTttl note, under
noel latero; advertised, the ,creeds. "Legal
' "' uY hick means that
glituign of a i:nvrYor,
the soldlawyer her pasteid on the legality,
o1 the issue,
Municipal bonds are secured by the
taxable p ope'rti ie the Mantelpaiit5 *=
they are, in fact, an iuhireet first lion
upon quell property. The interest and,.
ifnnl repayment is met out or taxes, and
the obligation or the municipal bond is
legally enforciblo before all other mort-
gages or other lions. It is this that mnkes
trio bond so sofa, tet' It ie only in the
case of the utter destruction of a count..
pipslity, or its diminution in }copulation
to n 'vanishing ,point, that there is; danger
Of loss, The Only resent eases of this
'tort -occurred when Oampbollton,,
end Cochrane, Ont., rises Tripod out by tire,
put the respective Provincial Governments
btopped in and :,prevented loss to the bond
Holders by* guaranteeing the interest for
a suillotent time to enable these towns
to get, on their feet once more,,
Therefore, as regards safety, the Cana.
;pan municipal bond that 18 legally is.
sued, and, of course, for a proper pur.
pose, stands in an exceptionally high
place, provided, of course, it is not is-
i de-
sued by a community that is rapidly
alining' ,in population or -a6 lit the ease
of a mining town—one In whish this may
occur at . any time.
In the case of socio -western rural com-
munities and growing towns and villages
there is a strong tendency to over-esti-
mate the town's future. so that there is
possible a danger or over -valuing the pro -
Vi sateen Canadian seheel
t t r i t y is to n o s u
Q security is fsarm land
ell muiiic1pa1 issues,
til ;proportion of the
property. In the
lto limit
thiel an
w Iote,, R i
of. t.
0 in :.he elin►itl
i very iiriler, beam.
be of non -expansive
'lion of terra Etta,
orbita tale or eta
+iznwayrl of iron.
The Home
Notes of Particular Interest to 'V omen Folks
TESTED 1;1.1r
Minced Turkey in Potato Cups.--
trince fine some slices of cold roast
turkey, add a little dressing to give
flavor and moisten with gravy. Pre -
are some nicely seasoned mashed
otato, stir in a beaten egg, and.
o t
or intoI balls. Hollow u
m sural i
She centers with a spoon. Fill with
turkey mixture and set in oven till
`heated through. Garnish with pars-
ey and serve with giblet loaf.
Cranberry Pie—Mix'well together
wo level tablespoonfuls of corn-
itarch, one cupful of sugar, a pinch'
V salt, moisten with a little cold
.nater :and cook five minutes. Add
i. in seeded
me -half cupful of raisins, sc
t lr p l ,
ted chopped, and one and a half
upfuls of chopped cranberries.
Simmer for fifteen minutes, pour
{oto a baked crust, cover with the
white of - an egg beaten stiff with
one tablespoonful of sugar, and
brown lightly in the oven. This nie,
has the flavor. of cherries.
Fig and Prune ':Pttddiilg.—One-
fourth pound of well washed dried
figs chopped' fine, one dozen cooked
prunes drained from their syrup
and stones removed, the rind and
juice of one lepton or one tart
orange. one-quarter of a grated
nutmeg, one-quarter pound of diet
(chopped frne), one-half teaspoonful
of salt, one cupful' of brown sugar,
two cupfuls of bread crumbs, one
tablespoonful of flour, two eggs.
Steam three'hours' in a well greas-
ed, tightly ,covered; mold. Serve
with- whipped cream sweetened and.
flavored with vanilla. Decorate the
pudding -with a few cooked prunes.
Dip half lumps of sugar in brandy
—one for each guest -arrange on
top of pudding, and light just before
placing on table. Let each guest
choose one and make a wish. The
lump ;of sugar burning longest will
indicate success.
Stuffed Beef Heart—In these days
of high priced meats' one can make
many savory dishes of inexpensive
bits.Take' a beef heart, clean it
carefully, fill with a dressing made
as for chicken or turkey. Use an
equal, amount of mashed• potatoes
and bread crumb's, seasoned with
sage, summer savory, pepper, and
salt, and moistened with beef drip-
pings or butter, and add one or two
Chopped onions. Fasten together
with skewers or twine, steam four
hours and bake one hour and a half,
basting well. Make a thickened
gravy of the drippings.
Jellied Cranberry—Wash and look
over one quart of ^berries. •Sprinkle
over. them one. pin#; of sugar and
one-half pint of water. Cook slow -
iy. When they begin to boil cover
over a few •moments and'' cook un-
til tender, but do; not allow skins
to break. Pour into a mold. The
juice Yvi11 be firm iuelosinc .he ber-
abboat fireproof,
very preeaution has been
ta,nnsure absolute protection
Ind p,reperty, , an dual ;sea.
attention has been devoted
itatinn and the safeguard-
tbroonls aro to bo models
tion and simplicity and are
4 qi upped with porcelain fit-
tilygs and `finished in exquisite tile
work. They M of comfortable
sire, and so placed as to be in direct
c+aminunication with every bed
chamber in the hotel.
There is not to be a dark or unin-
viting chamber hi the entire build-
ing, and comfort and spaciousness
have net been sacrificed to secure
a manirenin of accommodation.
Large closets have been provided in
every bedchamber, and in the
suites there are commodious clothes
presses equipped throughout .with
every modern device.
ties, which makes an attractive and (spoonfuls of flour and n. pinch of
delicious dinner accompaniment. salt. Beat the whites of the eggs
Candied . . i.. . , . g:
�G'ranberrles This is one . with a little powdered` sugar arid
of the most delicious and prettiest ? spread ever the tops,
ways of using the cranberry,t and '4 To Crystalize Grapes. -Take one -
especially. good to serve wrt:�, _wl-, half cup of sugar and one-fourth
Take one quart of berries and select cup of hot water and boil slkw
1y un-
bakingpan that will halethem ev- til syrup;is near, evaporated, then
enly on the bottom so that the ber- I carefully dip the bunch of grapes
ries will not be on top, of each other. !into it, roll them in coarse granu
Cover with ten cups of sugar and'. rated sugar, and set them on a but
water enough to come about one- tered paper -to dry.
third the height of the berry and
bake slowly until the Berries' aro
tender, and they must retain their
shape. Pile on a glass dish. They
should look like candied cherries,
with a small amount of thick syrup,
and should be a scarlet color.
Spiced Cranberries—One pint of
berries, ono cup of sugar, one-half
eup of water, one half cup of rais-
ins, one-half teaspoon cinnamon,
one-fourth teaspoon cloves, two tea-
spoons vinegar. Cook slowly and
when nearly clone add one-half cup
Grape Fruit ' Salad.—Remove the
pulp of a grapefruit, lay it on let-
tuce, add a fewmadaga grapes which
have been seeded and a few Eng-
lish -walnuts, and serve with mayon-
naise dressing.
Coffee Cake --One cupful of sugar,
one- oupful of molasses, one cupful
of coffee, one-half cupful of butter,
one cupful of raisins, one-half cup-
ful of currants, four cupftfls rf
of chopped walnuts. A splendid re- flour, one egg, one teaspoonful of
lisp for meats. - cloves, one teaspoonful of cinna-
New York Cranberry Sauce—Put
in kettle with one pint of water and
four sliced tart apples. Cover` and
mon, one,teaspoonful,of soda. •
Crumb Cake.—One-half oupful of
molasses, one-half cupful of Bream,
Makes a Bad Cough Vanish
Quickly—or k
The Qulokest, Surest Cough Remedy
You Ever Used. Family Supply for
50o. Saves You $2.
of t1
of tint se sooI eittitri
tion is usually b
xri VEE'r alt,
(;:ext week Investor will deal will%
eatthros° of municipal bonds.)
't1?Pi, J LL'S:.
Apple and Mint kk11y.—Twit
pounds of ,`greening,' apples, green
color 'paste, two bunches of garde*,a
mint,,one-half cup sugar to *melt cup
of juice, juice of one lemon. Cut,
the apples in small pieces and adck'a;+lt
a little water ; when partly cooked
add the mint leaves which have
been washed, dried, and chopped
firle. Strain when soft, keeping the
juice that runs through -first separ-.
ate from that which is pressed:
through, as the first juice makes the
clearer jelly. 'Measure the juice
and add equal parts of sugar in the
proportion stated; boil to the jolly
state, A abort time before it is
clone add the lemon juice and color'
Quince and Apple Selly. -Cut the
apple in large pieces, the quince
very small, as it takes longer rook
ing than the apple if otherwise pre-
pared. O• ok with a little wate: un-
til soft. Strain, add ecq'ia' pri.por-
t;ons of sugar and cook tc the jelly
state, skimming frerjuently-
MO a
gs�a HEAL TI 13
When .oilcloth is dull and shows
sign of wear ib will bo rreatl:y im-
proved by a thin coat of varnish.
If your iron sticks rub it on br,,w n
paper which has been previously'
rubbed with yellow soap,
Your starch will not stick if you,
stir it with a wax candle directly ib,
is made.
When blacking a kitchen rango
mix the blaeklead, with vinegar, if
you want itto 'tire a really g iced
Select lamp wicks which are soft
and loosely woven. Soak them in
vinegar, and dry in 'a cool oven be•
ford using.
When boiling rico add icmou juice,
You have never used anything which i t'
takes o n
to make the grams,
tak hold f a bad cough and conquers it
white and prevent them sticking to
ae Pines Cough suer), • Given + � 1 g , '
e 11. Bth
gethe instant relief and u ua y stop e gi . _ r.
most obstinate, deep-seated cough in 5;4 ;L+'inoly chop,pecl cabbage scatttst'
hours. Guaranteed tot give prompt and
positive :results even in (wow and whoop- ed over carpets Before sweeping is
Pr through Half cupful of milk, four eggs, 1,ng cough. a tivor,clerful cleanser, and to ',,c pre-`
cook twenty minutes. els ug Yine>` is a slecial and, highIy conezn-. fereead to tea Ieaves.
add d f y elks and whites beaten together, tented cam ound' of Norway PVtilte Pine
a colander,
ac one pours• o sugar , .
i one cupful of sugar, three good extraet,`rio, is guaiaooland other healing Slices of soled pork, seasoned wit,'
(or longer_
cups) and boil live minutes p • ins elements. A 6€) -cont bottlemakes 1.t5
lorner cupfuls of crumbs, one teaspgonfiti p 1' it 1" ftp ii t h popper and salt fried on both srtdca,
remedy mo ,
$2. Simply mix with home-made sugar make <a tasty dish.
Thick Cranberry Jelly --W' qh one of bakes' powder cinnamon and
quart of berries, add one pint of cloves -to taste.
Mocha Layer yolks of
water, and boil live, minutes. Press y
through a sieve, return toa.kettle, five eggs, one cupful of powdered
-and add one pound of sugar. : Stir sugar, two tablespoonfuls of mocha
until sugar has dissolved, boil for -a essence, two tablespoonfuls • of
minute, and turn into a mold, Stand
over night in a cool. place before
strong,' ]tot coffee, bus cupful 'of'
flour .and one `tc,aspoonfu.1 :of bak
ing powder. ��r;'dthe beat�enwhites
al the eggs and bake i:n three layers
far fifteen or twenty.* minuLos . Fill
tvit�! wt�I7ned-rtrcam:
Butter Scotch Pie: --t�,Iel:t thor-
f 1 F
oughly together two cap,tt_5 0_ it_lrt
i1 economy le iiti;b Tour
5 'viiia 'f.}:c, sante wiclt)x !tos at
k ry vn Sugar noel anq large table- s} c1
, 1 }•e wi.a din each package. wont Circ isC ,t , t ig •t(„ if well need
f l ' F butter, +l' 7 d eat It 'end Fv .so'doing they can pPQ pa g its'
iii Tho' •o., `!`pronto, Ont. e l c;tn s u, f,.CC.
ounces -a ani ysupp y—o a es coag and served with apple sauce, will,
that money can buy, at a' saving of
syrup 'or strained honey,in'a.18-oz. bottle,
Grated cheese is mot's digestible,
and it is ready for use. ' asily prepared in
5 minutes—directions in: package..: than... pl am cheese, moreover, it';
Children like Pinex Cough Syrup -it slakes a. prettier dish. Serve a
tastes good)and is a prompt, safe remedy small dish of it for the cheeses course
ff id Stimulates the tits
oro or young. ap and see how it will' be appreciated..
and is sl3ehtly; l{tsB,tive-both goo Eom-pp
tares. A n household medicine for : that meat fish=
hoarseness; asthma, bronchitis, eto,.. and 1 i of beans or rice have bees
troubles. Used. in more homes in the . boiled in, It contains nourishments
S. an ana�clia any other cough and s an c;ice �en ,gun. a ':on
remedy, sou s.
Piney has often been imitated,but never p
`ria dy ho Save thewater
unusually effective for incipient lung lar c
S d • C than i ll t i t for
successfully, for nothing else wll produce l)ustint, or ra Lber good 2dusting,,.
thesame results: The.genuine, uaran-: • i Sties' tl mois`enecl duster='
g is n y t
to d
give absetate satisfaction: or money- tt f
e to r:rt the leF4 hand <and a dr duller a
refunded. Certificate: oP Quarentee igy
i , will collect•
she<in u : Tc . c has' •ineit or. �wili lad' • ' et it for nu; :IEo fedi
r a a'giti ii rlt Y S t and leave a p t `/
cuaiful hit" water or milk' told j�nllc5 used either ,.lc.c, rt p, and _,r. i ni c ,fit, send
of two or three e6gs four table- wear.