HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-16, Page 1TWENTY-FQTRTB YEAR.
NOVEMBER 169 1911.
Local Items
Rey. Powell took Rev,. nIllyard's work
t i I-Iensall on Sunday morning.
DIED IN LONDON.• -Dorothy Man
n1ng, wife of Thomas Werry, .or I,or,-
don, died on Thursday1 Nov, 9th, in ter
61st year, after a very short illness of
only a few hours. She was born in
ilebaree where ,the family lived until
they moved to Ldndoo< seven years ago.
The fact of her husband being. ill for
the Pant three months w;.thout •hop= of
recovery, makes :t sad •"indeed for those
who survive, They have. the symPathy
of the entire cofnnluia,:ty,
In a loiter frons :tar. A. 13agehaw a
\Zorr:ei, Alta„ formerly of Exeter, lite
tells 'Its that he was atnottg the unfor-
tunate ones ,r ;s year wito lost their
, i3• f d e
by1 )til ensrert
.a s nay r,
PrAP 'r
to 'heir o: the unfortunate 9eeurreece,
Abe :.s. A:10 a t these 1ti, l a :look; on the.
bright side, however, and he 1lnpes ter
better luck llext year, We trust llotnay
He •e that e ha
tee, I reports ;l t1)
, t q , t t
e t P s y
sleighing 'for several days atter October
2211d, Tlie storm started the wild fowl,;
south and Aber succeeded 11); ibreging
down seven geese Mit of One flock,
Qne of the geese pleasured 02 Inches
l '
s )d 116
e l at
«r 711 t, o Q« ,,\ l 1)a
t rip t<
r 1'. 1) w
r 'o °a'1 .It Lasa
from bill t tail, P
C:7eQ r 71 1
wished to be renenlb real to his old
ROSS -RIVERS -3 pleasing event took
Pince at .;h nom 01) Thursday last,
Nov, 9th, at thci donne or C.ouncillol' \Z',
G, and Mrs. havers, S;mcoo St,: whelt
May, \ . i, became the
their da '"hter Miss v
of 1)i ;
f David J ooh o" ill I
bride Me, I?ai. J. ,
t, o p ,
R ax Alex °
sen o, the late Hugh Rosa. 1 la
SAL Exeter, The ceremony Wan Perform,
ed by Rev, Richard Hobbs in .the pies
entre or a u At? 1` or the niteedlate rel
utiles and tratltds o the cotttractlrl ,'
ti T e
They v w t nd1d, 1'
were as 8
ar e4at
O 1 ra U a. O % eve
ce:+:nallsadctp l t,)F1
dainty wedding dinner was Served, The
Youngcouple teak the O'elo0k train, ler
Winnipeg, W{).,tre they w:111 nlak'e their
, unset
U e C The Advocate t t
f n
ant r home, ,
with the Many f1, ends 111 w$s11A71a lir,
and Mrs. Ross a prosperous and happy
life -'iiia prevtoua Monday evening a
Miscellaneous ,shower was tendered he
bride by ;her young "tr3'a)ds at the home
of Miss L eu:se, Carlin -50 '
pays for The
,C" J
Advocate to
Ad to
Jan. -191
When a marded woman, dies without.
leaving a will, who husband takes one-
t jird of the estate if th".8) be issuer
and otebolt of the cetate if no .1e. sue.
DOERR-SELDON,-The home of Rich-
ard Seldon, Ingersoll, was 'the scene of
a' pretty Wedding, when, his second
daughter, Maria, was unite #'rA rnarri-
age to Mr. Ralph.FDoerr,;'•of•"the firm. ,of
C. D. Doerr Se Co„ Berli n% Tri Pere-
nlony vas performed: 33 the presence of
about 10 'guests, by Rev, H. 13. Christie,
'Tee bride was attended by her sister.
Emma, and the room 'was assisted by
his cousin Mr, \',C burtl:'of I3erlim, while.
Maatez's ::Harry and AW 11lie Selden, aleph=
ews or thy+ bride, acted as pages. Guess:
were.ta attedance front ^Toronto, De-
reit, 13u€falo, liana», St. Thomas, 'L3er-
1 s1, Ez."ter and ot_e..l" Places.
DIED IN AILS=A. CRAIG.-_ very sad
of occurr-
a o n =11T rc death
-.ltd scall at u, need eat tr
iNov, \r
•) A a Ora`' c,;. N'q , 6, wne 1 r,
David Gilbert, NVito has been ill but a
"teat 'timepassed away, e, Gilbert,
although not ohJeY 3 i' thetbest ;bf health
fee 30411e few niazithe past, was able to
r "l wee Ws -real-
ou d -o It-+ rs d a
be around, t s f e, s pP n
1}" 2 that best of health ua319 Friday,
waren 11e was tal11115( suddefly worse and
continued to sink until the end came.
1alCeased for several years resided near
*, .o rLee-
8 -
Rectal', having 1 vcd to
e , i
r i
u.`n• 11;(;3
t U ` Stephen, add ':k,
lz t.A s a,r ,at ,St illi n
n , a
leg detLco t"11 .rc 'as veil as every other
Place he lived he made tetany,;warns
f,riends who will deeply regret to hear
of his death. Ito leaves to 1)101)01 tiffs
lose three daughters and one son, has
wife having prod -exceed hint some years,
or 1 Eli was. sadden-,
- .[t, and. Mee 1 Snell
: ..rr
tthe ,
a by1
c lat,da 'liar» n •lanadeath
d n Y' In
of their daughter, Mary Alberto., at the
Youthful age > V= 22 years, 13 3)13)iths,
datys. 131,10130,4 had b,?en. declining In
r u• o A V8' tAf r ! earsfr 1 lung
health q thee?, o- a l 3
r i grown worse
and ad gradually
trouble, n St
g }
u the weather
:tom ud c*la 1 lei
until the fl leu t
t n.,
on -Saturday which was too much (Or the
813f bled ca8,st:llut:on, and ,she rarJdly'
sank, until relieved of Ire metering on
\Iouday Plen a:lig. Miss Snell wan a
particularly 'bright and clever Young
evo7laa)1 and beloved by all wh)1 knew
It 1 tVealt her young eompanaon before
t et' illness she was a. general favorite.
•Her suffering as'1e had borne -with a
quiet patience and gentle uncomplaining
r)pirit which was pathetic and touching
to all. Site Ls surv'ved by her parents
two s:istera and thee* 'brothers, Mrs, 3.
Norry, :\S1ss inrth'ct, Edward and
J C. S 181! or Us -
borne; all of µdem have this sincere
sympathy of ,the entire community. The
funeral took place da Wednesday after-
noon. '
We are having a two weeks sale of all Dress Goods
in black and colored, We therefore quote a few -of the
prices to show you that we mean what we say. These
Dress Goods are in nearly all the shades that are worn
this fall. Dress Goods that was
Regular $1.25 for $1,12
Regular $1,50 for 98c.
Regular 76c. for 58c.
Regular $L35 for $1.08
Regular $1,00 for 88c.
Regular 60c, for 42c.
All these prices hold good only for ' two weeks so
come in and secure your dress for the coming season.
We have a few : ready made skirts in Black, Green
Red, Blues, Brown, and Old Rose which . we will clear
out at'a discount of 33- per cent, off, Come and pur
chase early because this is a bargain.
House cleaning time is come again' so buy your
Fall Wall' Paper now while we are offering a: discount
of 25 per cent. on all papers.
Pap •, ,. .•
- a new Carpet or Rugthis fall if
You may need C " pe fall,
you clo just come' in and purchase at a discount of 15
per cent, These are exceptional bargains.
Just a few left to clear regular $10.00 for $8.00
Regular $8.00 for $6.00.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of .Produce,
Mr. and Mrs, 5. Ford. q? Wkoodktatn cele
brats tbeli golden wedding anniversary
on TueadaY, Dec, 1<9th., "
POPULATION,- Aceordi g to tke, ce,i-
Mie figures the following are. the Pdird-
letixlns or the tows and villages
I-Iuron Wing hatto< •2238; Blyth 805,
13russells 902 Wrexeter 366 Seaforth
1983, Eeyf=`end 499, Exeter 1554, lien -
sail 79`9, Clinton 2251, Godeyich 1152
Goderieb .s probably the oszly Place
that bas made any material i'nc'rease
• he past tear, years. Other surreund-
Ing places have; Forest 1444, Mitchell
1 7 66,, St, Marys 3393,Tavistock 981,
Parkhill 1`„ $G, Allem Craig 1569, iLeeen
7i)9. u.
GUILTY --Andrew Cruickshank :vas
found guilty at Goderich -o Friday 3est
of assaulting wV ole:)t ie. do 'grievous
bodily '
odl harm a ,Ere
ter L'- younglady,
}. n) t9 '1 er
4 `
NI Frances
as Frances Davis, a. lA it),;:han1. ,fud.,e
holt remanded 1)110) uatll Monday lord
again until next Saturday .tor seutenr.'.
The file thrown by Cru.ck.shank was 18
inches Wale and ae 'eiPill aalt) half in
. k1). Theprisoner s ld 1 s -
an "Indian list-
et," ,but cla:x3)3 that he hes been sup,
p]''ed w3tlt s nifty -cent flask every day
far two mouths, 'This, story is to be
referred to the license eonutilest•anere.
T •s 1 1 w h
; 41 once Admitted. tt ; having thrown the
3 ed ,i , o t )
Out Pial , e "
mel that 11 glial net intend
1ct to, but sa78 tt st':ppe1 .out or the
handle. Ile had already spout three
years :7t peniteet'1ary 0.1 t1:9 Charge or
s.'.1got'•ing a man ten years ag'a.
11 nutes of m8 11.17 ticld izl the Town
°1da • Nov., ,, ot, 1 A T
} bs.. , 1.
ll^ e following "
4t n Tl. «o order
a llo ,a thea
*8131ese duly subr 11ite4 and aPProved,'
chair -Minutes tor previous 131eetie
orts or C-ammittees-Wood, :S0 :.eord.
u )
rs,. noel , per
c cutting and
r .
ior° S
8 .]) o old u do
rel n 1 d .,e Il a.r -
P} , eP &
F r" °tc o v
4 ,Ac. C r 1 ^
yet t .7 s , ctcd leakage p , 411
root not repaired; F3o'a1 Tu31ps receiv-
ed and Planted, the work being well done
by janitor; Teeelterss" supply -Miss Zulu
Edmonds or Huntsville soculed at ei
millet) salary of $700, to fill :the vac-
ancy caused by the resignation o, Miss
Robb; Principal ---1L 5. enrolment 95.6
work being well grdpP*4 with a sensible
improvement tlloath, by month ; Supplies
required, ,Miss Howard tl)el'mometer,Misa
11 a 111 . EU of lie a
.n 7 a, a :supply Plas en1, 1)d
Form I„ a desk boll; Physics.] exercises
given lin}',ted attention, out -door drill
very desirable. Deficit 041 account or
Field D Exercises 6iPer
e a cLsas ;LB. 0. F. W.
Wood and II'. lIustt3 1, that tho Print:Pals
report be adopted. Per F. W.
Gladnian and S Martin That the <en-
787003ent of Miss Edmonds be confirm-
, P II - Martin 1
ed. ed Ruston and S 1 int .)t )a
d that
a. cheque be :issued by the Board to
cover the def' -cit In the field day , rer
eelpts, amount 1.8.60, Per F. Wood and
S. Martin -That Miss Robb 'be furnished
with .a suitable recommendation, accom
pan'_ed by the bast wishes or the board.
Per H. Huston1) S. Martin -That 1
n d til e
principal and F. W. Gladmnn be added
to the Agricultural committee. Per S.
Martin and F. W. Giadran-That the
following accounts be accepted and
paid, -W. S Cole 1.35; S. Sanders,
Globe ads. 1.26; W. 3. Hearlian, dust.
bang 0.615 ; U;nc.ted Type Writer Co.,
carbon, 80c.; Thos. Crewes, bulb beds,
.>.00: 3 Grigg, books and telegrams,
22.51; T. Houlden, fertilizer, 1.00. Per
S Martin and H. Huston -That F. W.
Gladntnan, and F. Wood be a committee
to wait on Sergeant-Maja'r Hector in re-
ference .to physical drill for the advanc-
ed" classes. Per H Huston, adjourn-
me)lt'.-5. Grigg, Sec.
Mr Ed, Treble isi%able to be. out again. EIAY TOWNSHIP WOMAN
after h:s recant severe illtiess. ;COMMITS SUICIDE"
'Workmen anebusily engaged prepar-
<:1a'-'foe .he' erei,ti4.,e''O the `clew station, Afro Tfue,n,le;, erife of Daniel Truen3.
TFiQ lira silt°g hs app It.t1 on the',ner, a farnll l.:^ )g .on the 13 byl'1
streets ti*edaleadaY, and t?A . ' iipping yeas 1''ne, Hearn, le , 1,lelx, near Dashwood con:
Rood. I Tertu s, d sure d b«tw"cen I ones 11 0 C1G :1
oil' Ge
e e , ! Tuesday morn:.°1,; ely ?zang.ng:.
3 „1 •C: ve q« 1 arkllll; 1aS bee z S11e left the lieu>e der n ^ 1)8 "ore ;o0
eeosete as the Liberal c nddAe. i h t n
r 1 a,9 i n the :.19.18 of tee ;ant.•
y taking particular Ile.
north Adams, o,. ?e><.ddle.se,., i lice" as 'nothing was suspected.. An ltour
fr, Joseph Stacey sold lits Pnt&n :,n o:' sa later hs>, absence be_,z^ zr., c'cd, a:
allay las` week, atud ;has purchased tile' search v ; e made `,zA' ^h. Stab e a. d he
farm o; Mr Rich. Terry 1n. troborxre. < 1v•"aa .loud hanging to a„ beam ) s site
o t
'I',1,x9 roof aotl end tbaarding 11as been dead.
Placed oa the r1:1'(, and it gives the aP-1 Mr Truei ti'A .TM -wee) wlila e-: •e
r s ) e , as a zr dl a ,e
Pear,enee of. an excellent structure for woman, had oee,1: o
"1 " s:=vera.1 mouths,
the purpose, "besides le,'eg etr1 "::arae n;, add was
1A' I•i, K'-rr, ed: -o^ of the L'rusetes lately su>j:et to fawn of s'ABlaltc:taiy, No
Post, hoe ereapted the Liberal 1t001 -a-,, one had t y et ap` fen however, tI10' size
lora in North. 1-I14ron. A. H. Musgrove coni emPlated 4ucid e,
yt ar=r cOnservat;ve candidate, I Besides husband and size is survived
et;rte `t5'ester F''r L - oy a faaltily of seven e::"ldre1. 'he'
n . a o„deal, wilt soave
ou 3,.
$ 1 t)v dYl t'a;''E. e'tr6 f.
t F m y
a d *c
,I ,,.s •e r
`i r a_ o , loll
a L. 1 a
3 1) ` to
t-, m r f .
V U )** w .0
z til` T,. x { et a lies 9 1
ri,,341 T tis s due to utlrav Ara410 1 1t
'l c,a.ti.1 and extra, 1 .,l tin eoMe.nse. i .ertl ttrM ti4vosal ',n flea )r;, hl o,llo.d.
lora phaittly 13p;'c id aitc v:iit t1?ve the
Mrs, George Etier.ngtorp Of Osborne llyxn attr' oe tht w»10 c carnnitra ,t -.
3 p Y 1 b.
uPl7« ,m,ar,...
ccivCsl , ,oe d Cu„sday 'that leer sin
ter'. Mrs. '3'W"1”11'eWConlbz, •:)f Si:rat- t'QRA:ND REND MAN GOT
313 very ford _,_^ 4
r', ail SShe left . the sa)14e, SIX 1ZL)N'-t' 1' 5..
evening f-_ iiia
Ree, J. E. ,I. Mil1yard, of }tenaal1 vrill l Gorier"ch, Nov. ¶,-,-David \Vllsoa, a.
deliver .his address 01) "The Shal'alrock, young »Mal trent the soUtherf Part r:N,
Rose and The3110" it Coven Ir
eab t
the f1tyo-3Pplored i'tta;oPau curt
x > .
"1 C urc ) c ] • •
a. ) sd °'v 4
P , to-do t answer a o. are f 1)t
} a q
Vie T^ d w
s a 3 sts, b iu t
',Vat .» ! sten ed b alleged 1 t 11° t-
i 1.r a soul a ed have bee conn t
y 1.0 8 t 11 a ^to 11 s
f;ht v,, -s, Everyone should
bear this" ago:pgt a Young girl, lf. years of
Silver ca#lsctio7l taken. aa1, at Grand Bend dti h;ugu8wllast. He
was found guilty o: taro offence by Judge
Holt and sentenced to a term of six
1)1011111$` ;d)lP1 a9'n111Cnt ill tt4' .OUrtl
pit. The judge ruled that in sPttt of the
Tile 3u•trral of tiro late W 11x, G. l isen `•oun'^ man,"s PtvtV1sus gaud .record it
look Pia, :ram 11 1 late 1•asid.ne^., '9A": 7 e e°r ds o" 'ust'ca would not b »let 'te oto
t J
dr 1 street. fiat
.e t,
Saturday Morning' 11
" 4
e a01e were 1 • nadaof the accuseded
r 1 ,e
G.+,tr t service, t
1. 1)9 er 8- ,
i>y IzAvS"1?,ic'.tZ,d Iioblls 1 :t t1Ais vase, He also^strltea ttta elle.
,,, \ , sentence :I nposed. should serve a3 a:
rs were ,Iessrs, S.1ae.}wurne-*. (0 inn young- ,Ar7833 xi:o would
78s Ilandtord a
,101 01 he neere 0f the ease,
Eli C(180ttGeorge cous-
of ae,:ea -,d. T:; town, Ccule,
l1A d
leis attended n body.
Among +
e ,
.e, :k o 'were,
a. 7 ,1 a d:s 4 r
p 1 t . ,8e ,
I3:8.[ett of W;e''x''pe;., Rev. Iii„ 8byLl';nt83' certainly cart. with 80.1) 7-
iargia, henry Taylor of 1Y}°am,137 lance on $undav, after tlzda}
+:rank Taylor, Tnos, Otte and Mr. Rose on Saturda .-line, Jo
has 118118 has the
of ondain, and 13:94 \Yest)arld •),. wv- stable thaty
Yze bought at the Mansionoa1,1, Mouse in Exeter moved biome and in-
Tends- gutta»; .a lean to reit 1>a)tl ,tvltll
\LiAIN ST. CrIL°It0H . NNivEn `,A Y''•st,-Th.e :E t mville. xnd WLOche]s8a 1)811
A S R 1 1 rang people ^held their anneal Meeting
Deepee he he: v . wand and ,,, -.11 the Town Saturday 'ievet1 no
n t u } Lexie,
storm er seeds) the Anf'versery ser, last to 'wend up the. business for the
v:208 or Main street \let"odlst church 3' r.-',vo are 'sorry to hear that Mr.
were largely attended, Itev. J. E, .L; llobt. `A'ilco'( ,;a d,rwn with• a stroke,
Millye.rd of Iiensall Preaehed lnte81.811g 1 One day last weak while trine' 013 bush-
sereein0, 30th ereeetr73 aril 0801331)7• /flies he was 9triok3n dowse •without any
telt; Qyelu' z}bwarn r-- and had to, be carried 'Into 'the
to) 71•y ' Ilrn1^_v.ane S 1awrPs of888181esl Cavea, y arcabyter_;[t1e,pas- house, his left side being helpless. Med.
lazy: church, the service its that 7•hure1) :cal aid was summoned 'and itt was
having been suspended, A. plass meeei )7 round that ho was •suffer:3g from a
of the Sunday School was held ':n the hemorrhage of the genial, cousins par -
afternoon, when 11tl:r06(111a addressee alys'_s. His friends hope he will soon
were made to the scholars, be around ata?,n: -Mr, Bryan 1i:owclifte
has purchased a Yarm on the Lotuion.
- ' T1oad, tWo and ee hFalf 1)s le
INSTITUTED ODDFELLOWS LODGE Citnton, and takes Posaessllei'onsonuth theof
last of January. Success y By. -Mrs,
Grand Master S. A, Poplestone, of Wes Horn and' family visited :her 838-
i3lyth. and DSstrlet DCputyi\V. J. Murray ter, Mrs, Jin) McFalls of Hay. -Miss
V Exeter;. assisted by Organizer An, Beatrice Wilcox: of London. is 31003e
derao3n,. and Hensall and •Exeter Lodgeswaiting as her father. -Mr. :,Joshua
of Oddfellows Y:anstatuted a lodge of Johns has his house completed and has
the Independent Order of Oddfellows at moved into it ag03tn after an absence'
of three .years. After all there Cls ' 110
place like the farnn.-Mr. and'Mrs. Mich-
ael 'Elford and Mrs, Isaac Jolxx3s went,
attend London- on Saturday to t te) 1d the
funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Werry,
who used 't o be 'an Old resident of El -
Mr. Werry "is else lvery ill and
and not expected to recover, -Mr. and
Mrs. Elford went on • to a 't. Thomas
and. spent. Sunday and Monday with Mrs
Elford's father and mother and Mrs.
Johns visited in• London. -The young
ladies of 'E1Lniviile sewing circle on
Friday evening Mast gave Mies ,Ada
'pucker, their president, a kitchen show-
er, prior to hot' maa•riage tai 'MT. Geo.
Provincial Loan of • $1,000,000
VINCE OF ONTASRIO. under the auth-
ority of Chapter 4, of the •Statutes of
Ontarioe '1911, inerites subscriptions
from the public for a loan' 38 $1.00.0,000
on bonds of the Patovincet. of Ontario;
or Ontario Government Stock
The bonds will be' darted lst November,
1911, and payable oml)'the Is't November,
17.941; in denominations of $1,000 each
with coupons attached for Interest at
the rate of four per cent. 1per annum,.
payable half -yearly ori the' 1s't May and
lit November in, eachijyear, at,the office
of the Provincifal Treasurer,Tononto, or
at the offices ID1 ithe Bank of 'Montreal
in Montreal, Canada, and in New York
N. Y. at ,thp holder's option._ ,Blonds will
be made payable to bearer, buil on re-
cite -it will be regiis,tered In thre office,
of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed
as payable only ;toi the order !of certain,
Persons or corporatiAn,s, and on request
of holders will' be exchanged for "Olt-
•tarioGovernment Stock" at any time
The issue•:price during the month, )of
November, 1911, will ' be, 102 for each
$1000, and after the 30th day of Nov-
ember, 1911; the issue - price will be
102 wind Interest ,accrued from the kelt
November, 1911. '
E'VE.R. '
purchasers of Stock ,or I3ionds will
be required 3-0 send certified 'cheque with
the apPl cation, payable tb the order of
the ''Prov:ncktl T,reaeurer o_' Ontario,"
This loan is raised upon, the credit elf
the consolidated Revenue Fund of Ont-
ario, and is chargeable thereupon.
A. J. "3.1.0}TTESON,
1 o,31.,_a] Treasurer:
Treasurer Department, rarl•fenlant Build
.ka.gs:-•Torcilute,, 1-- ;NIo'veniher, 191'
Nevrep.1910. ; 1),sertir - L.. 1. advertise-
ment . - :, with, out authority frdii1 the :'l1, -
pertinent '.8 1 not be paid for it.
Luri,cll, on Thursday aright, of last week.
Organizer litlnderson, 'who : has been
securing the applicants for, the last tw'd
weeks, had rounded up a, 'goodly list
g Y
of applicants, consisting of such well-
known citizens as: the 'newly elected M.
P., lxr. 3. 3. Metter, the 3L3-bera1 can-
didate for the Legislature, Mr. 'E. Zel-
ler, deesrs John Williams, John Gray
bell, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Wilson, etc., to
the number ver fifteen., and they were
anode acquainted with! the mysteries of
the Initatory, First, Second and Third
Degrees. The Initatory and Second De-
grees - were conferred by Exeter Lodge
and .the First and Third Degrees by Hen-
sel]. Lodge, the work being done in a,
manner whFch was a credit to both
lodges. It was daylight 'when the work
was completed. The members 'of the new
lodge served a pleasant luhchbetween
the first and second degrees.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the
undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for
Wharf at Godet•i,ch, Ont., will be received
at this office until ' 4.00 P. M. on
iMonday, December 11, 1911, for the
construction, of a wharf at Goderich,
Huron. County Ont.
Pians, Specification' and form of con-
tract can be seem and forms of tender BIRTHS
obtained at this Department and " at Jennings. -At Fair Mount Cottage, For -
the offices of J. G. Siang., Esq.. Die- est Hill, Toronto, on Nov. 8th, to Mr,
trict Engineer, Confederation Life Build- and Mrs.` I -I. Jeum'.ngs, a son.`
ing, Toronto, Ont. H. J. Lamb, Esq., -
District En;°hleer•, Windsor, Ont., a+1)d MARRL&QES
on application to the Postmaster al'God- Ross -Rivers --In Exeter, on Nev. 9th;
emit, Chit.
Persons tendering are notified that
tenders will not be considered unless
made on the printed forms (supplied, and
signed with their actual signatures, stat
nig theist-"occupati'ergs and place of re-
sidence. Ln the case of firins, tate act-
ual signature, the nature" of the occupa-
tion, and place of residence'` of each, mem- Spear -McEwen -In, Stanley, • Nov. 113
bee' of the Lira) neest be :given. Meir. Will, Spear of I3ig.hgate to Mise,
Each tender must ba accompanied by Margaret, daughter .,Of Mr. and Mrs;,
an accepted` cheque en( 'a ,.hartered bank,, Malcolm McElw:an of 'Stanley'.
payable to the order Of the Honourable
the Minister of Public ,Works, equal tp DEATHS
ken per e0ht. (10 "p.c.) of tate amount of Snell -In Exeter, Nov. 13, ,1,iaryAlberta
the: tender, which will 'be'forfeited -if the daughter o. Mr,, anel Mrs. Elf Snell,
Person tendering decline to ttenter intro 11 , .aged 22 years, 6 months, 2 days.
contract '5318-1, called up011 t;o do so,. or Werry-In London, Nov. 9, Dorothy
fail to complete the (Work contracted', for. 1t'Ianning, wife of Thomas Wesry,
If thle tender b- not accepted, the cheque :her 61st year.
w:ll be returned . , ]Foster. -I1) °Cllntan,. on; Nov. 4, John:
'The Department does not bind itself : Foster.
to accept the iowesit: or. ani- 3-.' der.'I WILKEN -In Clinton, on Nov., 6, Janne
By oar, Wilson, wlfe'of 1;.1. 1vilkeril; in sten'
52nfl 'year.
1:'e- -Iii Stanley,
,on 'Nov. 2 , Mrs,'
Thomas Wiley,;; eged:, .,7 years.
Stap`.t-Iia Tu-1)'1)smit", eft Tuesday, Nov,
2nd, JOhn JO:'Staph, " aged 131 years.
Giibe't---Ailsa Craig,' do Nov". 6t,h,,Davl1
Gilbert;' 3orrnerly of vTcGillivr y.
Two cents a week is exactly what it
cost to guarantee you the greatest treat
you ever enjoyed. That small alnpunt
per week, or one dollar a year
will secure you the greatest amount of
newspaper reading to be had on this
continent. We refer to The Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal,
by long odds the ,best family and farm
paper' printed. Intl addition -to the pap-
er a most beautiful premium picture is
included. It is entitled "Home Again"
and Is well worth a dollar alone. No
home in Canada, be it ever so p'ich• or
ever so pohr, can afford to be without
this lbargain.
by Rev. R. I3'ob'bs (Dasvid J. Rosa of
W ltnt:peg, to 1fl'lsls A3ay4ldaug!hter of
Counc tllor W. 'C. Rivers and Mrs.
Rivers of Eze efr. l l` :
Stoneman-Ros"s-In .Cl neon, ori;: Noveni7
Iber 16 ,Fred Stonenn'an., of 'Montlac1,
Sask.,to Mass Christinia'ltoss,'o7 Clan.
At one third off
the regular price
for the next four.
weeks. at BAW-
DEN'S Old Stand..
Underwear, Gloves.
Mits, Ties, Muff-
lers, Pajamas, Suits
Overcoats, Collars:
$2,00 hats for $1.25
75c. caps for 50e.
Men's Sweater Coats $1.50,,
Boy's Sweater Coats 75c.
A self opening umbrella for
only 79c.
At the : Exeter
Bargain Store e
can get for half
race dress trimm-
ings, ribbons laces,„
children's hose and:
a lot of other lines
Plenty of shoes,
rubbers, and over-
v r -shoes at slaught-
er prices. c es Coane
® d ,don't t •teaa
t , ' .
1..'C. 'DESROCHEl25,
1 - 31.11ment'of Public Works,
Ottaeva,,Noven1'-' 7.:3, 1911.
• Newspapers. will 'mot be, paid for thds
advert.sen,'.lit illi they` insert It without
aetiiority from the ` Departriert
Bawden's Old Stand
The Exeter liar rain. Store