HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-9, Page 6BROWN'S NEIRSERMS.
ASA t,lEDIUM U' W131Cti T
Too Speculative for Those of Small Capita
Depending on Tbelr Inco ne-.Many Cool
Featurce, However, for Those Who Use
caro --clot Readily Saleable. -Income Usu.
ally Small,
ivies eontrlbutcd by "Investor
Rae for tiro solo puxpowt of guiding pros.
ueettve investors, and, i[ ,pobaible of sav
Mg" them irons loaiug money tl,riugh
urging it in "wild -Gat" a aterprises. The
impartial awl reliable character of the
information, may be relied upon. The.
writer of these arttclee and the publisher
this paper have no r o
• iu connection with this matter other Ulan
those of the reader.,
Next' to real estate mortgagee, probably,
real estate itself forms the best known
medium of hivestniout in Canada. WVbile
mortgages are never purchased for their
speculative possibilities -as was noted In.
u recent. Issue, they lack this feature al -
tweet ber-real
l-tweetber-real estate u unfortunately,
too often bought for no other purpose
than the !Sopa of staking a quick profit.
Of course, laud may be purchased on the
outskirts of growing cities with a reason-
able prospect of making a profit; but real
estate so purchased can no longer claim
the title of Invest/smut; it is a pure specu-
lation. although often a reasonably safe
Laud pureliased for investment =net be
land capable of returning an income to
the purchaser over and above a moder-
at allowance for repairs, renewals and
contingencies- Such land must, therefore,
be capable of producing crops, or rn•ust
have buildings erected on it which are
siirdetently desirable to be rented at a
rate which p,odues the return above
Now, sueli investment ha -t not only zea-
sonebio safety, but -in Canada -great
prospects of 'appreciating in Value But,
just as in the case of mortgages, the per•
chaser must use great care to choose a
place that is growing and has good pros-
` peat$ of continuing to grow.
It seems superfluous to discus thus form
if investment at great length, a8 prae-
lically everyone bar at one tittle so in•
rested; perhaps for the sake of the ren-
tal, or perhaps to obtain a farm or house
for his own use. People who buy -pro-'
)lutes to use invest for the reason that;
riffle it does not return a regular income;
t sages a regular expenditure, ' which
,mount iso tiie same thing. Few people
Ia dealing with us you are doing heel-
nees with one of Canada's largest mann,
facturers, and anything You mar per,
chase from us is absglutaly dependable,
that is tosay we guarantee to use nothing
but Sound, solid skins, soft and very ph.
able, cutting the garments by expert work
men and using the eery ilnest of trim.
stings throughout.
Wo have in stook a limited Quantity of.
adios' Caracu4 Coats
44 INCH MS LONG $$5..O0
50 " " 05,00
Send ue your bust measurement an
length of coat required mud we will Ship
to any part ie Canada, C.O.D., allowing
you to examine same and return if no.
we do not compel you to keep anythiefr
pro i}hl.p You.
:tianay refunded if you are not ontirfiiy
li rite for our, catalogue,
Manufacturing Furriers,
504.5OG St. Paul St., Il'lontre
Cn t3 niece, to order, sante,price.
alien, however, that. ns a colo, real as.
to izzme;tniente return a vera sw;w11 not;
cuuc. Pew large larope•rt es rcturt.>G
re than 5 per cent. -and probably less -
tomtit wheu all proper ellon
are deducted from gross income. In
present there is a dearth u£i:
dlunt or;cea lumens for rent, :';sere•
suit rentaIe are not only high but earoti,'
tuto a ;large return on the original cost.
But there is always the chance that uowv
building will cause the supply to exceed',
the demand and rentals will fall as a
Many people, too, raceme their rate of
Weenie from a real estate ipnt
tiveutiu .. zr ,o
the amomit invested., It is a better, Me-
thod, and will save teeny fate° itnpres.
stone, if the rcturne are figured, on the
market price. If. despite largo advances
In the price of real estate. the return on
the value' of a property' is reasonably
good. when, reckoned on the market price,
there is no occasion ,to disturb the invest-
ment, If, on the other baud, the return
is too i to I
low g ve'. a rea8onablo .return,..
sell the property and reinvest..
Grouting that caro- is exercised, land,
producing a regular revenue, is fairly
safe, both, in regard to principal and in-
terest; it stands a fair chance of apprete.
ating in value; the market price is stable;
but the rate of income is often small,
when proper reductions are made for re-
pairs, renewals, maintenance,, ate; and lin.
ally, land is not readily saleable in the
sense that a good bond is. No one who
has limited ,means can afford to invest
in real estate for the last two reasons.
Moreover, many of the drawbacks ,attach
ed to mortgage investments exist also
in the case of real,estate.
In the British llitunicipal Elections
Ifeld Wetluesday.
A despatch from London days :
The municipal elections in England
on Wednesday were, noteworthy for
the large gains o£ the Laborites and
Socialists, especially in the big, pro-
vincial cities, such as Bradford,
Liverpool, Lees, Southport, and
Ate linwisel
LO ea)
Sometimes people do, and suffer,
because the stomach balks,-
rellcve the discomfort at once, and help digest the overload: The lover of good
things may feel' quite safe with °-box of NA-DRU-CO:Dyspepsia Tablets at hand.
bOc: a box- if your druggist has not stocked them yet send 50c, and we
a'; 1 mail them.- 34
iia u'.al 1)rn> and Chemical Co, of Canada Limited* Montroal,
II ° �
g�ipp °qq,,cc��
• •
i pv 62i9,iy;'. Z , d an d,.q' 7
*:hes New Foresters' Hail, 22• :ofiecye, 51.,,10';' Yo„ge, e0:.'oNTO
Practical Addresses ,on apple and 7?sa.cl, £hchaidiag, !,eosin of Orchard:, Box
a•ciug, etc;. g,q. SHO
ra tite 5r, La once olrencx, King St.; East, Nov, /4th to /0E9a, ecru
2,000 i axes c1 :go' Jes on elisgadrrye,
"B='eFq ' ON LE- & ,l2., rf
ttLPolt,'%'S lelto:41"B'IHE LE 1.DIN
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cbcese
eruct Oyler Produce at Remo
and abroad.
11.Rk el)STillaPS.
Toronto, Nov. 7.-•Plonr-{i toter wheet,
90 per cent, patents, 23,60, Montreal
freight, Manitoba flours --First patents,
25.50; second patents, 55. and strong hek-:
era`, $4,80. on track, Toronto.
Manitoba Wheat -New No, 1 Northern,
51-05 1-2, Fray ports; No. 2 irorthern. 21.03,
and No, 3, S3. 3lay ports.
Ontario wheat --N4, 2 white, red and.
mixed, new. 87 to 88o, outside.
Peas -Good nxilling yeas, 96o to 51,02.
gats --Ontario oats, No. 2, at 44 to 441.2e,
outside, •and No. 3 at 43o: car lots of No,
2, on track, Toronto, 471 2 to 48e. Weet•
ern Canada oats, 441;2c fog No- 2 and at
431.2c for No, 3, Bay ports,
.Barley No. 3 extra. 92 to 955Ar 0ntsidei
feed barley, 660 to 05o..
Corn -Old, No. 2 American yellow, 76 nee.
and N0, 2 mixed, 75 1-2c, Bay ports; No,
II eeMeriean ye11o17, 81c, ou track, Torolt
for on.
Car lets. outside, 87 to 68c, Ior No,
PaCkwv,heat--Prices nominal at. enc.
-Manitoba. bran, 523 to 2°340, tr
bags, Termite freight. Shorts. $25.
CQl7�ITIik 1'IttQDiICF,
Applee-Winter stool.. 25 to ; 4, per; barrel,
Beane-�Sneall Iota of baud•pleked, 52.-
3 to $2:30 per bushel,
oney-lletracted, in tins, 10 to 110 per
b. Combe, 22,50 to 52.75.
elect Hay -No. 1 at. 015 to $16. on track,
lad inferior at $12 to $13.
Baled Straw -$6.50 to $7, ca track,; To
I otot.
--Car lois, In bags, (Metedut
and out of etore, 51,15,
Paulus--Chi0keue, 12 to 13e ler
OW, 11 to 1254 duClis, 12 to 13e; fur -
e, 19 to 21c. Live poultry about
lower the the above,
m7TTEl:, 3'uta5,
tter-Dairy, choice
Its 'E.
in, wrappers,
25 til 560; do., medium grades, 23 to
Ole. (1rea.taery quoted at 26 to 295 per
lb, for rolls, and 25 to'260 for solids.
1"ggtt Strictly new -laid. 28o, and fresh
01.0*at 24o per dozen, in e Sats,
Cheese --Legge quoted at 14 3-4e per Ib.,
end. twine at leo.
IIAG' Ji 1M1Q,.) V MT47, .
lla0oh, long olear, 12 to 121.2c per lbs
iu 0a0 lets, Pork, short cut, 222,50; dog,
mesa. $19,50 to 220. Hanle, medium to light,
16 to 161.2c; do,, heavy, 14 to 141.2e: galls,
102-4 10 Ile; breakfast bacon, 16 to 17o;
backs, 19 to 205.
Lard-Ticrees, 11c; tubs, 11 t -4c: pails,
3IONT1t14AL 3lAl1XETS.
ldontreal, Nov. 7. -Outs - Canadian
Western. No, 2, 481.2 to 49e, ear' lots, ex
store; extra No. 1 ,feed, 48 to 48 1-2o: No.
3 0. W,, 471-2 to 40e; No. 2 local white,
47 to 471.2c; No. 3 do„ 461.2 to 47o; No, 4
do., 46 to 46 1.2o. ]!lour--Manitolza Spring
wheat patents, firsts, $5,60; seconds. 25,10;
Winter wheat patents, $4.75 to 55; strong
bakers', 54.90; straight rollers, $4.25 to -54;
50; in bags, 51.95 to $2.05. ' Rolled oats-
Per barrel, 25.25; bag of 90 ;lbs., 52.50
Corn -American No, 3 yellow, 81m Mill•
feed -Bran, Ontario, $23 to 524; .j1•.-anito-
ba, $23; middlings, • Ontario, $27 to 528;
shorts, Manitoba; $25 mouillie, 526 to
632. 1•lggs-Selected, 261-2 to 28c; do.,'
fresh, 32 to 34c; No, 1 stook, 221.2 to
24, Cheese - Westerns, 14 to 141-8e;
easterns, 135-8 to 137.8c. "-Putter -
Choicest. 27 to 271-4c; seconds, 261.4 to
26 3-4c.
Minneapolis, Nov. 7.---Wheat-December,
$1,051=2; May, 51.09 3-4 to 51.09 7-8; July,
.31.!07-8; No. 1 hard, $1.07; No. 1 Northern;
$1.06 to 51.063-8; No. 2 Northern, $1.031-2
to $1.043-8; No,` 3 wheat, 99c to 21.013.8,
Corn -No. 3 yellow, 69 to 70c. Oats -No,
3 white, 45 to 451.2x. Bye -No. 2, 91 1.-2c,
13rau-522 to $22.25, rlour-First patents,
$5.10 to $5,40; second patents, -$4.70. to 55;
first clears, $3.60 to 5355; second clears,
$2.50 to 22.90,
Buffalo, Nov. 7. -Spring wheat -No. 1
Northern, carloads store, $1,10;' Winter,
No. 2 red, 51.01; No. 3 red,.. -99e; No. 2
v-hite, 51.00. Corn -No, 3 yellow, 781-2e;
No. 4 yellow, -77e, all on 'track, through
billed. Oats -No. 2 white, : 501.4c; No. 3
white, 493.4c; No 4 white, 483.4c. Barley
-Malting $1,17 to $1.26.
Montreal, Nov. 7, --Choice steers sold at
.573-4c, good, at 51-le,,.4airly good, at 5 to
51-4c, fair at -41-2 to 4 3.4c, and common at
4 to 41-2c per lb.`. The market for good
cows and bulls was stronger, arid' prices
ruled higher, with sales of the former at
41-2 to 5c, and the.lowergrades„,at 31-4
to 4c, while - hulls brought from 3 to le
per lb•, as to quality. Sales of selected
lots of !logs were made at 56.25 to 56;50 Dor
cwt-, weighed oft cars. Sheep were firm-
er at 3 to 3 3-4c, and laauts wort; easier at
5 to 51-4o` per lb, . `11; dainand for calves`
tvat goo,1,at prices ranging from. $3 to
$10 each, as to size and quality.
"i pronto. Noy. 7: Choice butcher .cern
and heifers, 55,75 -to $5.85 t, medium., $5' to
;.5.25, mixed loadv; 9,3:50 to $4.50; cows, 54
to 4 75, sirs I a raw extra 'choice' cows at
t15. Bulls, choice, $4 to $5;,small bull`s, $2
Put a strong glass on the label and examine it closely every time,.
Always look for the name aeGilIett's."
Like all good articles, 'which are extensively advertised, Gine' 's Lye
is frequently and very closely imitated. In some instances the imitators
have actually copied directions and other printed matter from our
label word for word. Be wise, and refuse to purchase irritation
articles for they are never satisfactory,
gala On Getting lie 's Lye
and decline to aee'ept any thing'f1 at looks to be an imitation or
that is represented to be "just as good"
or " better," or "the sante thing," In our
experience of over fifty years in business
we have never known of an imitation
article that has been a success, for imita-
tors are not reliable people. At the best
the " just as good" kinds are only trashy
imitations, so decline these with thanks
every time,
c *LLETT's`
F'owra r.Et)
to 53; canners, 21.50 to 57.75. >;eotiieg
ttteers, 900 to 1,100 lbs. , 24.50 to 55.10; bulls,
23,25 to 24,25, Sheep, steady itt 53 to +e3,•
75, Lambe. 15e peeler, at 85 to $5.50, hogs,
15e higber, sea market firth, Selects, 25,..
90 f.o,b,, and ,$4.45 to 26.35. fed and watered.
' ;S ROM . LL 4»'La
i t; TSILL11.14.
nada, the_Empire and the Viet>ii
In General Before lour
Toronto will ru'ise another $1
250,000 for t1 General Hospital.
The Season for Sidling on the lake
lags been extended to November 10.
buccetslann duties reached more
than one million dollars in Ontario
in the fiscal year.
George A. Scott of Montreal was
drowned ovinia an ,a shooting trip
to the Lauten4.aill .Mountains.
North Bay mays join the Hydro-
c1ectrie Union, as the franchise' of
the local electric light company has
Rum "Quoin, an Ottawa merchant
has been elected representative o
Canadian Chinamen in the Imper-
iai Parliament of China.
The twelve -pounder gun which .111 IIEVOLIILION TA Cilifi.A.
was so heroically defended at Lit-
liefontein, has been presented to the
city of Ottawa, . and will he placed
on the City Hall Square,
845,000 FIRE INL�D�N
Nine Stores on Dundas Street Wiped Out
on Friday Morning.
A despatch from London, Ont.,,
says; Nearly one million dollars was
est in London's bis Aro on Friday
00101 lig, Ninestores, occupied by
only of the largest retail houses ill.
ity, were completely wiped 011t,
vhilo Pave other - stores Were , darn-
ed to a, great extent. The Are was
'ere at 4 o'clock, and for two
threatened the whole bust -
nest section! of Landau, When .it
was finally overcome a :groat gap
had beenburned in the mercantile
section, and in addition to the heavy
losses sustained by the merchants,
over 400 employees were temporar-
ily put out of work. That the Sire
was confined within limits as the
fortunate side ,f it,- besides the fact
that not a, life was lost nor as per-
son injured, A well-built wall, art
unexcelled waiter system, and a fight-
ing :fire department were what saved
the rest of the downtown section.
4s far as can be estimated, the
,� fait
losses amounf to 5,00 , 4riti
surance aggin,
uaereliattts are looking iorw
to rebuilding, and in tine utv:;
securing temporary quarters.
Chapman & Co., who are the
'gest losers, and in whose build -
lie fire originated, secured the
store at 2.18 Dundas street, next to
Rowat's. Brewster's announee2
ilial the storeformerly oceniii*xt by
the Seandretts, near RichmondRichmondstreet, had beet secured, while
Mara's will openin few days in
Morgan's old store. Kingsmill, the
fourth firm to be completely wiped
out, have a gannet warehouse on.
Carling street, will& they Ban ltti
lize. Only the walls are left stand'
ing of Boerne & C'orbett's boot and
shoe store, and they are looking fon
Irt place. The Purdardware
Inl H
Co.,(«and R. J. Young & Gia., r,ii'y
goods, may be compelled to seep
2 new quarters while the damaged
portions of their stores aro rebuilt,
Great indignation has been
aroused in I3ritain oyer alleged
Italian atrocities at Tripoli.
The financial clauses of the Irish
home rule measure are engaging
the attention -of the Cabinet.
President Taft reviewed the U.S.
fleet comprising xiinet3r-nine vessels.
Yuan Shi Kat has been appoint-
ed Premier of China and' summon-
ed to Pekin- This, it is hoped, will
end hostilities and lead to success-
ful negotiations with the revolu-
tionary leader.
Go eminent Will Withdraw From
the Field.
A despatch front Ottawa says":y
The establishment of a 15,000 -ton
peat plant near Ottawa will be fol-
lowed by the closing down of the
Government peat plant at Alfred.
"We built and operated the Alfred
plant merely to demonstrate what
could be done in the matter of eco-
nomical production of peat," said
Dr. Haenel, Superintendent of the
mines branch. "Now that suffici-
ent interest has been awakened to
result in the erection of such a
large plant as will be built, there
is no further object' in •running our
plant, which will accordingly be
shut down. The mines branch had
some trouble securing cars to trans-
port its peat, but this has now been.
Ca ,11. Physician }'oit1191,1'De;Oil Be-
side itis :Bolen Auto.
despatch from Carman, Mani-
toba, says : Or. W. L. Pirt was
found dead beside his auto two
miles west of the town on Tuesday
afternoon. `Iihe hind wheel ,of the
rcachine was broken and the ear
was a wreck, It is supposed that
the (lector was; returnxn from a
visit to one of his farms when he
sw as the victim: of an accident to th;,
Massacre of Men, Women and Children by
Imperials at Hankow.
A despatch from Hankow, says:
In the fighting at lianyTang Sunday
night the Imperialists were victor-
ious and entered the native city.
Looting was permitted and there
were many incendiary fires. Late
at night the Imperialists withdrew
to their camp, and the " rebels,
reinforced, reoccupied the city. It
is reported that they numbered 6,-
000. On Monday morning an artil-
lery engagement began,'but it -w-as
not decisive.
The rebels at Hankow have he -
headed Colonel Sin Yang, who
commanded in the battle on Fri-
day, when the rebels met with a
reverse. Othei; ,officers in the re-
volutionary cause also suspected of.
treachery have met -a like fate, .A
foreigner reports that he saw the
rebels kill twenty Imperialist pri-
•soners and a thousand of the
Shasi, in Hupeh province, " and
Yeehowin Hunan, are flying the.
revolutionary flag,`
A despatch from Pekin, says
German Legation Thursday received
a wireless message from the vicinity
of Hani.ow, stating that the Im-
perial forces are now burning the
native city of Ilankowv, and that
the Imperial troops massaered men,.
women and children during :several
days' fighting. It is evident that
the Manchu soldiers are infuriat-
ed over earlier Chinese successes,"
and they have gotten out of !land of
their 'officers.
Letters from a correspondent a
Sinyangchow, written some days
ago, declare that General Yin
Tchang's troops were beyond con -
tool, They are described as in-
subordinate and as having looted
the village north of Hankow.
Montreal has the largest birth
rate of :any of the large cities of
the world, and St. Petersburg is
the only •city whose' death rate ex-
ceeds that of Montreal,
add cana•da'
Cod Liver OH
Co " !diad
"111 "build ng -up" value of Cod
Liver 'Oil is well known, but its
drawbacks have been its nasty
taste and indigestil5il ty.w
Na-Dru-Co Tasteless Cod Liver Oil,
Compound has thernutritious qualities
of the Cod Liver Oil, without they
slightest disagreeable flavor. In it the..
Oil •, is skilfully combined with Extract
of Malt, Extract of 'Wild Cherry, and
Hypoplxosphites, waking a splendid
tonic as well as a valuable food.-
Na-I3ru-Co Tasteless Cod Liver Oil
Compound is' ,particularly good for
growing children who are pinny cr
In sore and
frock bottles, at your
i6P t n -ll, g -en N5.T101tL �1ilJO .l
GaP ChV33 L.i,,. STin.
tor' every ill�J
N •buaon:
dagger sris y
0;.a�� I ,
;;;;7 p„-