HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-9, Page 4lo cat,
Sander,' 4 Oreeobe Propa.
RSDA, NOV 9. 1,
o ou people "Are.re
den, this wee ateetilee the sten
Ore:eerie elese's
winen was held "\\.
spmt very pi
--valenteieRtz S.PalOr., Qe atel
twee, was ',II. Cae vIl1a;f4e a tew" da-YA
la sr week. ezi buslizess.--Rev. Burn tag
rtenunerseed eereee eerraceze take
from the Lorti-s Pr,...yer. They are see,
etreetive and, large itudleeetie AreAte
Preeeet to near nem prs,„?,,c-.Ths,
of the :Nlethodist cetera, to,*
-eharge, et the Anuiv,trsary servicca
benez.or last •Sat:4a)% In the evealke
Mr, Thos., B. DaildfOrd of. ETater
ed the 131.11PI,t in the church eizere. -
I,Paesons & Davie oil c,enesseele ease per,,
cbAsed 'number of fowt th,thts
meIghborhood' and are having them
Plucked i the buildLng used by ihe
vrLte WiWeauel is foreman
nee a nember Qbl)s)- melt under Xtu-
.,cop,:n c4,11,,ple3tset, who 11,2.4 be,941 ebn, the
ledger in, tine
bank here, has been, trans.,
fereed to Dresden. "ifs Mace 'has bean
We bY Mr« Carey of, Ooderieb.. ColIkek
lett many ;friends here, vino wl:en him
vets)," aecceword, was rem:veil here
Itittzing tkla east we-Ltk of the serioue,
ilinesta. of 'Weslee, Xere of 'Wittchelsea,
Mr, Kerr is Creillzon;, hoY and.
ntanY friends trust, there fo sonte huge
• +ftis recovere,--Mra, ()tea lireerkaleee.
es 10 her home irk 4vbewsi:4,
• Thursdav atter a Viler' visit here az
a-•ze home tit her nvother Crattielt)
itoc11.-Mr, Itarry Trick of Chatham
eseeettine a lave' days at r.trtt)
izee: pareuts,-We are Talf,,ased
learn that the ep.,raV,ce Telf
ttee Ewald) nem titroAtgh in 0 ei.ou-
hoep13,1 fer appeaelcitte, has
phe i4 now tac!elly
IrCco`,Tr4tg.-.A. rAutiner oer eeen wiee„,
urcet te Croowell. Wcll.. to were le thy
sstVar:5oet. factqry, nave returned nem?
4a: laborers 'were to pienteful.---Ereekr
-Gmetielger and ItiV.Mant, rown Are neer
log tie Pt. Perveard for a few weekeee.'
Sate lc, -u -lee veld houee are lot
Creeleou 4aa, Ceeltevill theatiets.
sele late. Friday ter .$tle0,00.-',;•'M
Varis Either of Z.c,riell spent last Str.,
day t'a 1110 e'eteet of Mr. and eir,
Wm, Werizel,
Ia2Cy Con
'Sr, Pz,
'SchoolBet 1. Uer
- s-Wt1ieS^.
-gey, W.Dottgal, Itowecilff.t.
Mou3ral, Klg:n itoweelifte, M. Srse.
IT.arris. M. Dove, R. .Ne4t T.";Jerro.t
.Tr• IV -N. Seeders, V. Pell, FioSsY Nva
Stivcs. Dlelt, Jr. 111-O, Mo'r$,
'LM, Dots;3111., Q. Neel. le, Neal,
• Cnie, Mir.R. gr.. E. Cilium.
Sr. PeStraneelr„ Pt. II -T. pou-
w al. W. Selves. E. :stitch:di, P. Tiarete.
•Sr, P. 1-0. Deer, M, Selves', H. Wood.
4r. Pi. Cudnore Lor James
OkeAverage atteedenee 31.
W. B. Bedell. Teac
.RESwiliTREI into with thq Grand Trunk Itailwey for
;Tuning rig.',ts Of its trains. aver the
lima ;in eonsideratiou a vio, the.
colliPelee aieeenees an equitable share
IIE L c and pays ;I:e sum. of $500,000 per an -
, ot thc, g,:r... Lai utatntenatice of the read
item as rental for stich rumeng rights,.
this sure representing one-half of the
interest GUblao total cosE 01 cons:tri
, he et lids to-
n ee ee tion of ibie railwaY..
o roer
he Ilydro.Eh.cfri Commission to Be
Superseded by a New Cabinet
Jareee WhitneY, Prime Minister
e are), in announeing that the date
Of the elections would he Neel/0)er
llth, issued the following statement to
the Vlectors of the Province:
Gentleinent Nearly sOlrea Yeare
tet4ie elapsed since you, entreeted the
iSOTerament a the province to ray
olleagties andinysee and in June.
*on Signified.. by
an overwhelm-
ing jiti. Tour aPPrevel ot the re-
we had made ttla to that time.
rtl,y voted, we hadin a little
fltap liree years;
I h the, numbered, ballot,
Arst ,step toworde OKI
egricutterul echoole by see
alstrict representatives in
and largely ittoretwed the
editure for egricalturel pnrpoevs,
eftucted the administration
reSetirCes of the provin.
I le
e mining laws and taiten
inister from New Ontario.
the old law relstiug to
Tha Power Queseon
The great solleine fer the utili?etien
of eleetric power hae, after many
I vieissitedes and in the face of bitter
[and relentless ovposition, been aecoue
plished and is uow ie. operation and
praetiettily within reach of the farmers
ad other residents in the villa,ges and
rurel eietriets, and I an glad to saY
that the cost of construction has been
$85,000 less thee the estimated eoat,
It shotild not be forgotten that this
IPoticy of the goverumeut coutemplates
the fureishing of electrie power at cost
to all sections of the province, but
great efforte bave been made by inter.
eeted individuals to hamper and pre.
vent tile carrying out of the intentions
of the government in the central and
eastern parts of the province. so far
have these efforts gone that In all
probability we shalt be compelled to
se the powers elven us by statute
th reference to expropriation.
.1 cannot dismiss this subject with-
out referring to the very patriotic aid
ulisehlah ex,ertitmla of Adam
Beat, chairmap. and his colleagues of
the IiiPiro-f.l'ectrie Commiselon. Roo,
J $ ti-odri^ and Mr. W. K.... MoNaught
LP.P. Te their continnous and nesel,
dab labors may be ascribed a large
Part of tlic credit Mr the success of
this greet enterprise, and 1 doubt if our
history sho s a similar instance ot de-
votion to psblic interest without fee or
rewere. 1 fY Say also that, in our
- Inn, the time has come when, hav,
rrt,tard to the eenduct of Pal)lie
1,1s entl;r our system, the 1-1Ydro-
lc Puwer Coinealsslop, Should be
dlowntinutd and a new department o
gewratuaent k-,s.reated whieh, should, tales
eearge of thIs great weelt, and the head
of whieis should be a cabinet minister.
Forsevere! reasons this change is de-
1nfl9 Revenue
our t* ou
, $U.QfOO
EINE" *Ile
w Iola, goes to the
'Seera hbrs *o "The Peen e
Tlerale and. Srir." `.z
tect nave ived :or cape
" bee:in:dui u-tIviatu tnr
olue Aa:' eope ieeen
ed this oftlee. fiurp4a.ie
any picture evr on by tent greet
taper before. II ee euelz beautZful
work ot art, aU; e for
be included -wriet s
Zane; for the sinell eura oe ane ilIar
a year la a zne'reterin "Te Vant*.lY [iT-
11 and Weekly Star" ishould add
thousands of new subscribers this
sin -
on, They win deserve It, for no ueh
-value has ever before` been g!ve- Tiere
ig a biz: surereee in store for teose
who receive the pleture "Home Agans.-
Y. et C. A. BIS/G..
'Registered last season upwards of 30i1
Audents and placed every graduate. Seven
epecialV qualified regular teaehers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
eur trained help. Cellsee ie session from
...Sept. 5 to June 30. Ente any timer
Cat elogue Free.
Forest City s'1,-SE:d College
Chrezeredeteenentant, Prizeipai.
ViosPrlaceDal. 11
Our Seven Colleges have been es-
tablished deriug the past, 30
years. The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion alt oyer Ontario, we do bet-
ter for our graduates thee any
other School. You: zeta y study
all at home or partly at home
and finish at the Ooll-ge.• Affil-
iated with The Commercial Edo"-
cators' Association of Canada.
It would he well for you to in-
vestigate before choosing. Ex-
clusive right for Ontario of the
world-fatnou- Bliss Bookkeeping
System, which is imequalled- It
is Antintl Business tr01-11 Start to
Finish, and the Students keeps
same hooks as Chartered Bentra
and Wholesale Houses. Enter
any time,. Individeal instruction
Fall Term From Aug, 28
,Le, a11 0,!.....phon
iss B. F Wtrd
liekhand d
o ring.
be white achool system
reOted a Contatve entinctl, to
hich the teachers elect puta
',Ives. and provided for large grants in
odd of payment of teachers' salaries,
I-Tot:wady and saccessfully enforced
tbe Liquor License Law.
F,xtended the gOVernraeat railWaY,
Brought the Hydro -Electric scheme
forward zed in sight of copmletion.
Increased the expenditure for the
construgtion of colonization roads'and
ncouraged the development a New
Put the provincial finances on
sound and stable footing, doubled the
pray 1 revenue, and put upon the
tute book a large amount of itnpork
t.ant and constructive legislation.
Edueation and Agriculture
Since then we have gone on endea-
voring to discharge our duties with
an eye solely to the best interests of
the people, ,and, among the results of
our policy and our administration of
the finances of the province are the
The amount payable towards the
salaries, of teaeliera in public schoWs
has been increased until this year such
add ,will auiount to about $175,000.
haxe devised a system for Indus-
triaI-training in the urban schools lib-
ralle aided by money grants.
A course in agriculture for public
-Srehool teachers has been established
'In, the Agricultural College at Guelph.
71fe amount to be paid to the Univer-
sitY-Of Toronto this year will reach to
about tine_surn of $488,000.
The amennt appropriated this year
for the'ccnniction of coloniza-ioa
roads is,W2,000..
The arnotint'of revenue colleeted by
each department of the ,Tgovelittnent
1r 1 in^r ,
Gre'at. succeis has attend4c1 the work
'done rePresentative.s in
agrieuiturettached to a number t
tins o subsi•
'oar, ,ColIegiate institete,s and -riga
etneeeveral instances ermnici
end" councils' lheive increased their r
ininefation and there is a general. de-
mand for them from all sections of tt e
province... ,
e cOnnrilisioner appointed to eel -
'sleet einfarMation regarding ls t.1 e
rtiffectin-thel compensaticn for nj -ries
workleenand to report a bill in that
behalt„has,itade good progress ',xi h
the vereii linnortant matter he has in
The erectihre of the new Central Fri-
a,t Guelph has been com-
inenced .1 A large part of the work has
-been done -by the prisoners and the re-
.tiultS fully' justify" the experiment 'tried
by. the.. provincial secretary of treating
the'prieonere as not unworthy of trust,
rhtlierthan-ias,ordinary convicts.
s.:The board 01 parole instituted by the
provincial .seeretary has proved to be
'tirrqualefied success, and great good
ain.altead'Yeresulted from the Opera-
tidn ,of, it. :
The. main -line Of the Ontario Gov-
ornmenteltellway has been completed
, „
to Cochrane, mi. the G. T. P. Railway, a
41etanee,Qt, 23 reties. and the Porcin
'pine. branch: nt• is .expected will be
completed: to-niatagaini River before'
:the exien of rthe present_ year, when the
rAl1wAY,..Wit4'" branches, Will have about
1 3.80 mites -in -operation: Sureeys for a
possible extension, of the > line have
1 been nieder he far north as James Pay,
:ne'eenh itte,*;-c,611:ted to cOr,tinuethe
line to that point.
1 An engagement has been entered
ere than ;3
d be enuo from iulutng
ces bas creaed from n aeerage
tun&u to an aver,
QVer fl1,000 per anima,
1uui1grsutts to tho uumber of oearly
000 were brought into the province
., department of oolonization and
located in the year 1910, aud the
ma ter the current year, when avail.
able, will show an increase,
What Is practically a new wing ot
be Parliament buildings, whielt will
provide s large incres,se Of muchltoed-
ed °Ince accommodations, is IlearlY
hnialied, as is also the new Wad
ttona Wing to the north ot sad adjOin-
lag the main building.
A very desirable site for a new goo-
isrument house line been purchased and
poutracts 3.or the foundation and the
stone work have been let; the site et
the present Government- House has
!been sold and the purchase mOney wfll
*suffice to pay the cost of the new site
and mew building, leaving a consider-
able sum for maintenance 'of the lat-
The Central Prison and Lunatic
Asylum properties have been Sold for
the sum of $1,025,000; the succession
duties for the current year have pass-
ed the million -dollar mark, While the
revenue as a whole has eontinued to
increase, and this year will be consich
'trebly over $9,000,000, as compared
'pith a little less than one-half that Sum
In 1004.
Reasons for Dissolution
'The above is a hurried resume of
:some of the results achieved under
the auspices of the government, she
benefits resulting from which the pro-
vince is now enjoying, and I now ex- e
to the question of dissolution of th.
legislative assembly.
The life of the existing aesemble
already exceeds in length the -life cf
its predecessor, and there are eleen
vacant seats in the house caueed by
the death ef the esteemed late meinine
for West Victoria, Mr. Fox; by t
resignations of eight other members
-seven of whom have been elected to
the House of Commons -and lsy the re-
signation of Hon. Frank Cochrane, who
has accepted the portfolio of railways
and canals in the new government of
Canada, and by whose departure the
government, the Legislative Assembly,
and the Province have alike suffered a
serious loss.
A large expenditure -$15,000 or
more -would have been incurred bY
holding by-elections to fill these
vacancies, and the expenditure would
have to be repeated within a year.
Under our system the practice fav-
ors a dissolution before -the expiration
of the life of the legislative assembly
by effluxion of time, and the facts as
stated are ample justification -for a
dissolution now, and, in face of the
public notice given by me some 'weeks
ago, it cannot be urged that anyone
has been taken by surprise.
But there are other reasons why my
colleagues and I desire to consult the
electorate -reasons of great and vital
importance, having regard to the de-
velopment of the province and the"
'prosperity of its people.
New Ontario
, -
The question of the further open
ing up and development of New -or
Northern-- Ontario, is obviously o'
great importance and, should:- be clea:l
With WithOdt'delay . lIr this great 'Week
of develdpment 'the gb-vrn'Tineht lete:
beer iittienicapped in he peen., Orelli
narlly the • provincial, goyernmein
spends 3aree sures- of 'money -.anneal y
for immigration -prirpoees resullng in
large additions to the pontilatien. The,
Dominion Government expends money
for similar purposes on a inneh larger
scale„ but -F..9 far with pnactically no
beaeftt to Ontario And tirtsAfOr Were
The only it of shit. additioas to
our populate -it in the -newer dietricts,
as far as the geverranet4 tit the pro.
vine is concerned., is that the annual
geenral provincial exp-4xliture la in,
creased, Willie ti”; Da.ninton treasury
receives are sums annually by rea-
son of the inerenserl coil4ettroptiott
goods ral"'""' arff dui4. end in the
of the preViniee the
amounts re -need for mowletpal
'WM are incr• ast d,
'Tinder tnese eirtlaUtStat'Enea we have
felt that, in the face of the facts as
stated. financial aid shav.141 tv afforded
by the Ds'"Inten 0o-em1nent la the
work of inuniglation develoPment
rd se3- vio.4-s in this re-
spect have hen t Otero the pub.
lie by les CA Se'rera*: PeesEsIona.
It was, 'herefore, satiS,
faction that icy cOlita-414011 and took
isofe of the anneunee-;-miet some time
ago by Mr, :leaden, roe* the prime
minister of Canada, tiovt he
into POWer b weald faIlIF the giTin
dinoirdal 01 by th entexi tO
the province 'a tbe -ow* ttt Immigra-
en to New Ontario. tegs construction
permanent highways !Mt the pr&
ce, and for providit4 eteeefical fn
Often in alVieulture, t =tat 1e1
, therefore. to do et.iittever Imlay
ecessary en Our part I* order that
moneys to be, approp4ited by the
minion Oov,,rn.m.ut fe/ these threp
at parposea way b. itoad to the
advantage. In seillatectien it
eittiVed that any nit mita of develop,
=eat. incleding the topiettructitin 01
Met -ways, Whely- or partiony by means
of such intent:lei aid or hi conjunction
with moneYs anPrOeriatied ItY the pro -
v, ince, will in all probahtlity neves*
tato the enactment of stetlftbrY PrOT1
)fiOns of A ory important Character
order that sukoh financial sti#1, togetia,
th. any additional appricriations b
the legialative asseritbly, may be ap.
plied with the best results.
Bonus for T. kt. N. 0. naiiway
Further, nailer the rule and prac.
'tine of the DOrniuion Government be-
fore, during and since the completion
Pt the construction of the Ontario
povernment Railway, the Dominion
Parliament appropriated to railways
toeistructed by individuate and com-
panies a bonus or subsidy of $6,400
ber mile, but, although requested more
than once to grant a similar subsidy
to the Ontario Government Railway,
ihe late Dominion Government stead-
ily refused such request. In our opin-
ion the pro-vinee has la this matter not
received the treatment to -which it -wail
bndoubtedly entitled, and my col-
leagues and I are strongly of opinion
that, having regard to the very great
irnportance of these glaciations, the
the opportunity of pronotincing without
of the province should be given
(1) As to the advisability of further
provincial appropriations. if necessary
to any scheme of developMent by rea-
son of the flanancial aid to be given
by the Dominion Government and also
of any statutory enactment, whiclemay
be found to be necessary under the
circumstances aforementiened;
(2)' Whether the government of the
province shall continue to urge upon
the Dominion Government- the pay-
ment of the said bonus or subsidy on
account of the construction of the said
T. ge N..0. Railway, known as the
Ontario Government Railway; and
(3) Whether a department of go -
eminent shall be created, with a cabi-
net minister at its head, to take over
and carry on the work heretofore thine
by the Hydro-Elearic Never Commis-
To conclude, 'my colleagees and I
feel that the people of the prirrince are
fairly well acquainted with the record
of our efforts in the public interest
No attack worthy of notice has been
made ,upon us for. anythingwe have
done or left undone. Qur acts speak
for themselves. We reallee that, being
mortal, we 'have "made- meetakes, but
We submit that our mistakes have been
few, and I• conclude. by .expressing our'
earnest appreciation' of :the conlidence
heretofore reposed itt Us, and "with a
deternaination. t� deserve a continua-
tion. Of it in the future should the op-
perienity be, given us.
I remain, gentlemen,.
Your obedient servent,-
Nothing For Hi Successor,
Mr. Ahdeillah Elias, of Brooklands
House, Brooklands,' . merchant, and
Princess, Steeet, Manchester, who left
$500,000, directed, that should his wife
again marry within , fifteen .years of
his decease she. be given 25 cents.
Testator desired to be buried in the
Jewish cemetery at Diderenry, and
ellreeted that no fewer than forty
coaches3esh0t4eattentb,hs funeral -ten
Left. Huge 'Fortune
CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - S6,000,000
The Money Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are a safe,
cony ettient and ecanornical method, of remitting small stuns Of EURney.
They are payable without charge at every branch of a chartered bank in
Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and 'in the pritzeipal Cities. of
the United States, -
The Orders and full infortnation regarding thern may be obtained
Ja application at the Bank.
in the event of Joss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of
k satisfactory gOarantee, make arrangements to refund the amount of
Drane alee at Credit202
the lost Order.
EXETER BRANCII-W, H. C014,INS, el aoager.
Nolsons Bank'
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund -
Total Asseta Over
- 84,000,000
83 hes in ,,anada, 31H1 geue and Orrspeu4entatI
Principal Claes in
at al Branches, Interest allowed At highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for t e ptiminiori GOveromertt
PloKSON 0.04,1179, 801iataro• N. A atTED02.1 14iallagorI
CLINTON. ,Fred. Ilei
Oraxel Ttemd 'just nortt. at
tut't with an see,ilent an$tE
"nywe 1/aPPW„`;c1 itt
vaY but wt4ch proved to
and trmiblesome. He waealigh
boree and ne doing 10 ,steepett upon
loose stone wigclvtutmeti. ',riving We
lnItio a 'had tw4at, Ica fact the aocle
,J)Int Via di alOratel,
A .
OCT. ilth to NOV.J.1.th.
to polntsItt Tema.gara!„ Points eiattawa.
to Terniskarning and Kipawa, Ctle, in-
clusive, ntsso to certain paints in Quebec,
New Eruttswielc, Nova Scotia. and hfaine.
OCT 19th, to Nov. Ietty
to Muskoka Lakes, Penotang, Lake o
Bays, .Micliand, l‘faganetawan River,
Lakerield, Madawaska. to Parry Sound,
Argyle to Coboconk. Lindsey 10 Hall-
burton. Points froni Severn te North
Bay Inclusive, and certain points reach-
ed by Northern Navigation: CO,
Alt tickets valid tor return midi Thurs
day Dee, 14th, except to potnts reached
by eteamer lines, Tuesday, Nov. 14.
Literature and tun Information from
any Graini Trunk Agent, or addresa A.
E. DUFF, District .Pa.ssenge.r Agent, at
Toronto, Ont.
I. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter.
ts to the tront as the best sebool
of its kind in the province.. Our courses
are beyond those of the ordinary buel-;
uess college. Thee ,school has ar candle,
ental reputation tor high grade work.
We have three departmente, Conitnercial
ghorthand and Telegraphy, and the
.tiernand for trained ireip greatly ge-
ceeds, the supply. Students are enter•7
iegrevery week, and the sooner you en-
ter -the .better for yourself.
Get our free ,cateelegue at once.
D A. kcLA' CHLAN. Principal.
Mme. Merozoff, ,..,t4p..,:entineereoSeeene of
Lhe :largest c4t91:1,, 3:-,(01.s.„ itt Ftusia, 11a° 1
fed reeentlytie-otheedgeeit,eightY-fieur,
isuving a fortune of $40i040,000.
pure Silver Violin
String for 25e.
A real silver string bas nevar he -
been sold at such a low p
withstanding that tne Vareoi
tying is not cheap in quality,
made of pure silver carefully
eou,:niu,1),11",gzad English gilt and then
b •
As a result of good materials and
geed workmanship the Vareni string
is wonderfully durable and possess
a marked degree the splendidly cleah•,t1
tone, peculiar to pure silver strings,
You should have the Vareni G
String if von have a. Violin.
..1 -14 -14.144 -14:14 -14+++.144.1 -1 -i -T.
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (ram.
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
"Fresh Groceries all tne time,"
All kinds of produ6e taken
in exchange.
, slur*
• 42.1 Fir 116
1 -4.71O t
Miring .
)s''—' 4
•••••1 .
7..• • .
, 9r .
fahaMAI 4
• Jorveral 51.1111r
' 40- . Norgr;MC
To protect your family' from the ravages of disease and infection; and.
the: rigor§ of winter;to 11_1111Ce-OtIr lactne the abode of Health -and Ilapniness.
Statistics tell .vis t;heit tirere%were over 250.000 fic.attlEi 113 North America
la-st yearlroni fever`tiiid.Phentitonia; Over 90 per cent. of these eases we're
traceable to out:door'Clesete'nand all were the result of insanitary' conditions.
., , ,
Are you go:Ing, -to, anb-y.w.,'`thl Lerr' iible deaLh, rete , to. continue.
NIICALAbC8LoiOutgeTT: sa'n!te-rly.' , ,;:i,",:i ',6'd'ot,iesi, carri.,,,_
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