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Exeter Advocate, 1911-11-9, Page 2
RT "which had happened during the ARMORED TR.AIliS II'i RBSSIA preceding twenty-four hours. It was late when they got to bed, haus Between St, Petersburg and but they rested well, arid, after the Principal, Towns.. 'manner of their lace, fortified there As bandits hold up trains and selves -with a good, breakfast against carry off large sums of Meaney al the trials of the day, whatever these night prove to be. A few resinates before the appointed Honor they quitted a• fiacre in the vicinity of the }hie Barbette, and at Mleven OR, THE HOUSE IN THE; RUE BARETTE I?'ER 'TIT.—(C©iit,' et) At last Ifiisseie foiwd his tongue. tz'dr. have never met reel, before b alt " the^ eaid, "but yott ;all inns le wsta id that it is quite izxipereeikale ter sine ewer r i attempt to discless t, • sta:a; f�,e.�_. you have notice 'without $elite ref my p,i t, and on yoore that the events ecu- ave informed' f tate �5Ye's.4m45y.I-lF$hy�'{,'•ii & cin ; �4216�.YMA' Ciis@ 2At most daily, the Russian Gelvern- mont: has decided to construct armored carriages For the use of the State Bank. They will run regularly between St" Petersburg o'clock, Brett passed the eooneierge, and Russia's prineipel towns, writes cQaacot ,ns, inall minor detai s edibles Ea_rlieliiie tool: nap his stand. a St, Petersburg correspondent of i�•iat by aaiy straini>g o.f outside. the Pall Mall Gazette. cinzxa u, eiui i .Che barrister was received with They are to be of iron and w i clnaixts a Iz �laa* zn�' eoznplaeence by I-litsse,xa uI eextitania a. u t as yes, ecazne uz t, , _ accommodation odation for a -tr ^la'tted ahoteland ' 'rs ' jotted a retired to as s• '_4IuI'•,;. On this oee:asivxz lne was corn strong convoy of soldiers, � Bach it seaa7 atengaged eg t?aas eoae t ducted to anetber X -o aili of the flat, wagon wilt be so planned that the ,art st ,raise gefr in the tusk , "•o ->from from n z a ->7thatto a sir o it s ��� guard en fire lee am, d *leg'ratxut arrived from tltw� Earl And he.Iarofnptly noted t �g einr, that noble. 1Ows locked oft to the rear of the; flirt, Each train will be under the �t <lctx] ...,...ax „ r. • e .' - " i man ofa I fficer, when is to azrho.m� . faiiilthiig, 'whereas his lanc.wxoia-s azsxr. command a o a.ain p artitpai 1 se• vb London b s e via Poo lie caatld sura°' the sti eel, have full powers to open fire cxu <�11 the after .otaaz'tryxn, ,.exv e This proirznses badly," said Brett suspieious persons approaching the Ica ca. t9 himself, but he betrayed not the l pia cat slightest unwillingness to fall ie The authorities have eerne to the in;,Il at t:hc* ,tirnae ap Iwo xe'acheanl ttl� blear e with iaess tc? "*aaTii what wtth the? arrangements nude for his ieozxclusiazn that this is the, only since tie'k' parted te . el " 4'a , reception and loian;ged back in: a means of putting a stop to the pre- ,liv Brett had eo sad -o eernfortehle e^? air so easily that not veiling lawlessness on Russian cd lice to carie. , overt t$ae gatielreww fitted 'Turk sttspeet- t railway tracks. As the ardznaa• not much definite ed that the beraistei~'e hip poekeblt.pctstal trains eau only carry a eaid, the barrister,. contaiued ,'t,, eery seraicetable revel- shall convoy the raiders haven w e#Mw thu m sa e all their way and have building chiefly ori i roavxi sea clarity that they MAY d btedly 3au$sein rel each e�ommeneed thet ,, withaveh lila , I . ce nv'ersetitau. R "1 have; h' • ,:aiel„ t bold up trains in broad daylight tk oath ue Iinr ,nes, "..and quietly but • then' hotly in ar. +� la'latiaa, if 'they h , ar caan;<ale jaf friends here weiza are: � � err„ 'alit the rate interested. in the matter you were nee hboa�ira ` forest while the 'pienie ea ,,,ot1t1iiUttli to lift"litAeaxl to me yes- t3tirckeitntiSl3ktairS ww'itit, far them £ Jaen �r '; r relay. With ya;auk: permission 1 . to s t t•Iie enraiilcw claiver fret', toitcto y y, will into:du a them," and he threw Zta toluic only instals; and small 'I can do at "p , , is with d e itagle ms c f anone v t;`<1I ice hrzit by ct pen tait+atini«i doe �r rchei', trains, Privatea baults,�a h 1 l Best animal ill be, able to hire zit:eornmodetien the armored triains. They will gin to roil in a couple of months th detai ixi my bi+ez stmt :b t6`ere itladeiaiaib?e, and why secretorle his mai (bred.(bred.,f e Qs were ul t G;ite glia; ttlaveye "Then yt ke in r3sel3t ,TS ;+exit, "� NY 'hat tit ttikas: word' ws aidt .a . l' sued W4ti an invitation to enter. Two met) came fr! ra an adjoin. aatl to is ra ang revel, They were tzi^ks� wealthy, el;l-deualilix ,etlsl�ine'g, laic' wlilal � ut Well dressed, axtel ex^aclently per its; flab lit 'Mliis Moils O. ecritsequence atm thein own tllia early lee j eQntiitk;c. The new -covens e�•ecl died the baxak titer. c"I the Tearadeter ealrieuely, and with volving in Icer Mind -thO' ecce very. friendly intent. traznHr i^oa orni?i t .A Irief cerreer atien ill Turkish ihiteli ill lily an artipot't slit l rt sI tas;iciit Rl-lk ila: ~eel dre;'eeing: Brett. y chance iiia, tiha to "" meet th le iec icer the feet that lodralttia. taws lis- fti fricncls .ere only Op ak thea ," jai o rich lt- t own gfaore �i; e i eat tl fit3t. i artifi seed to businesine, Before 1 wish to ask•yo native tOia ,xt n� the�lirte o'elo k, tea,H a e#ar questitms,a>, se c;, II in'I fainly," ea r id Bet,; accompany fit, ° will. be l eaawtsidt't au l t1k0 us wit t extter iAr ouoTbaa;aElis in the iia`tti NV tell. axetil 1 of xeicen the nee lI hien that bete zu Ito "yeti tO to t azttes behinc$, T$xee ;each xtytt lin-ul-?Lula $aril nev uttered hitch a pers old Brett. Ilia eyebrows ,..,.,. feet:ly oval with surprise with , iration for the Than wholto the juggle with a dangerous situa "Here is n when WO lltav interesting ce will leave me Case," be said, `"ani concluded this mos waersation 1 Iiopeyol cite r address, so the Inlay have the ext me pleasure o .+ndinn you a few hundreds." Then he quitted the room. was absent lu11,y five rninutes, On his return l -e said--•- "Ixt the opinion of nary" friend, Mr. Brett,, it is impossible for us to do anything at the present moment. We must inquire; eve must verify ; we must consult others. You will see that the negotiations you have undertaken require on our part some display of the extreme deli- cacy and tact in w vhieh you have given us so admirable a lesson. Sup- pose, now, ave agree to meet here again to -morrow at the same hour. Ana 1 to understand that what has transpired this morning remains, - c wvi11 not say a secret, but a myth, a mere idle ;phantasy as between you and me i'' "That is precisely my idea," amid Brett. "One hates to mention such a brutal word as "police' in an af- fair demanding finesse. Personal- ly I hate the blunderers. They rob life of its charm.' They have abso- lutely no conception of•art. Ro- mance with them can end only in penal servitude or in the gallows. Believe me, Hussein, I are very dis- creet. In another minute he was stand- ing in the street, and inhaling gen- erous draughts of the keen air of Paris, find details of all that I have done ""I wonder how much my life was up to the, present moment, tosat,ser t five uses ? said e • te ; gr inquiries should Procne : , Par - morrow's he made his way to the telegraph of- ocular, }'au will fi.nci an elaborati�n r ""wvlclt I visit to"confirm. You t t ziaentfoaiec opt had to tte 8hhi"�' ‘\ 4 t tfi Ike eat i'k s,eve . 4 Strong ?tlau's Bepericnee. 11"rising from a bn y railroad town the wife of an enaplc^ye of ono cif .the, great made gays "My 1iusbatttd is at railroad auan I who has been so emelt benefited by the two of Postman that he wishes ' me to express his thanks to ,'on for the good it: hos dune him, Ilia Braking hours are takest up with has work, and he has no t:zhheh xta :e himself. o has been a €;ht'itt°teaa dritaiccl" is lite tin* lte right," said Brett, alr .I k if you have alter ixiti~nttuf'" ltte.1# Well , Iii$y'; e' '1\t t ' - IlttsSein=ttl- )Od reason to believe t d 0E yours has Tither i ?1itt11 coustllted a v'iShting Bain cI, - suffered eerioes ``eer, .nein ee B - rett, a< think i iced or Yash n UXit:ctoint1);'N‘1.111;:eildrAlIt4.131)Que8tioiiill:yootrlier jurythxstuse e7xtalaemy partt y ofthe heist,ioclods-1 brnvery, i wilt thea, in conipuny l futile to attempt to conceal' from rt -murstairt, ave rapidly you the clanger ex •the position in rt.ment I Itave indieated which yeast noww' stand." dittie cut rau+xa "Sit," corrected Brett, still smil- ing^ 'W'''ell,a' said the Turk, `"we will not quibble about words. The • fact remains, Mr. Brett, that you "Abs and demand an inure —if necessary bursting the door "And what then'?" gasped inanaxed ezir1, "1 really don't know," sazcl latest l have needlessly thrust yourself ilnia ixtmperinirably. ""Xt.,is possible M taws' an. enterprise of such a ` 1esperate toy find my gory c'o'pse in one or, character that all interlopers can a inner rooms. The best I can 6e dealt with only in one way." pe for is that 1 shall be simply "You, kill them,'' said Brett air - be a prisoner, but 1 fully expect to ,� sertously injured at the very least. "Bet look here3, Brett; are: you doing the right thing in this mat- ter i "Why on earth should you run such an awful risk, and take et read bets txI in reaching the eyx- alone, tool Isn't it passible to ob- tain istizitg positian, Scan only add that some:trustworthy detective to keepwatch in the street, and let 1 am surprised that the same skill did not infiuenee you to avoid fore - mo go intothe e, place with 'yt o ing 'upon us the' only alternative Don't you see, olel chap. that two left." of us might make a reasonable ,ate to be killed at once3i" Show if violence is attempted One nian hasn't much chance." said Brett, speaking with a slight -s affectation of boredom. The barrister cut short. his (To be continxted.) friend's protestations. r I t for you,Lord rairhxtlme wr —copse ' : investors wanted AararAbutsplogamorm As a rule our clients get the benefit, of all the, "certainties" "An Absolute Oee control. To -day wer are purpose of ouraking use f clientele. Here's rtaanty" for the P p _ tho proposition in a nutshell-- -a 7e. ereat•sharine, ;/reference stoat on which dividends are Paid twice a year ---a stack issued by ;a conoern with a'"reeerd. of 25 years' successful and nrcgreestve business experience -Ra ooncern at present control/big Natural neseurees vahise 4r0 bound to double the value et Its securities before long. I�a g.ur l{ ante 7% on this investment. We are practically a certain that this stock will pay higher profits.. Ibis the best industrial stoek, at par, on the market. Ft1Yt`•:ermore, we guarart;;3to buy trona date et Investment, if desired, IIATIONAL SECURITIES ireitf,'t'beratioftt Lite Bldg., TOR074T0 . W ,(: .,.lb,# - ,r.+ -/hl. • has, o' late ' yr rnrs, aeLecl like liacii•phine does upon' people, At first:' it soothed , but only ah' ann hour or so, » it began to affect leis nerves to such an extent that Ito eouk$ riot sleep at xtight, and he would go to has work in the morning wretched rniaeratble from tlh© loss of rest. condition gvew constantly weirse, until his friends persuaded. hunt, sono four months ago, to quit tea and use Pestle= "At first, he held. Postern only for breakfast, but as he liked the taste of it, and it somehow seemed to do him good, he added ie to his evening meal. Then, as he grew better, he began to drank it for lois noon meal, and new he will drink nothing else at; table. "".His condition is so wonderfully improved that he could not be hired to give up Postum and - go back to tea. Bis nerves have be- come steady and reliable once more, and his sleep is easy, natttral and refreshing. "Ile owes all this to Postuin, for he has taken no xncdicine and. made no other change in his diet. ""His brother, who was very nerv- ous from coffee- drinking, was per- suaded by us to give up the coffee and use Postttm, and he, also, has recovered his health and strength." Name given by ,Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich„ Ever read the above te°tter2 A new one apPosrrs from time to time. They are genuine, true and full of human Interest. ily- "Yes," said the Turk, ""I deeply regret to inform you that you have guessed the object of my remarks with the singular skill you have al - he he said, "`because I felt that 1 could trust v:ou to obey my instructicins TILE RIDERS. implicitly. If my visit fails, there Ephesians 61 10-16. will certainly be some shooting or When deep in the mire stabbing, or perhaps an attempt They turned to enquire may be made to keep me a prison- If otillers before them had gone: er. This latter eventuality renders Then quickly replied the presence, of the ponce essential. The voice of their guide No 'natter what has happened to ! "The rock is beneath you ; ride on-" me they wi11, with your assistance, be able to take'up the inquiry ex- The surface of neat actly where I leave off. 'In this Might tell of defeat, notebook here, which I. am placing While way of escape there seemed in a locked drawer" --and he suited none his action to theewords—"you will But well the guide knew That hidden from view Was "rock" with its call to "ride .ou." worth during the firs ve min- with the lines along n•hieh futurn d h to himself d then d I expect to - lice, when he despatched the fol- of the theory"- t lowing message— "To "To the Earl of Fairholnie,, '`Stanhope Gate, London, "Itaee received definite intelli- gence which confirms my views. Ex- pect," our friend -will be discovered olithin forty-eight hours, If pos- sible, join me at Grand:, hotel, Paris, to -night, eleven o'clock. "BRETT." fully understand meg All this an- ticipates that after 11.30 -to -rnorrow I shallbe personally able to con- duct the investigation fu,:cher, "But can't you explain Mattern a little more clearly?Is t ,,e -'i- sary' that T should be kept .i e the dark as to the eircumstaf nes which have led up to this eris r: i?. ni eve. went to-merrew l" "Net in the least It is i�lde.d GIJ.11"IE?t VIII. very important that you a'l f;kl. all that h'5 gone l'e- ".E'•cnclin"' I'aarnolxnc s arrival, l comprehend " started at the c•r (1, so Brett was nt, idler :�l>� visited tz I fore'; I only 'l sc Rue de speak,so as to prominent, jeweller in ih_ to - '• and, alter making '';once --ur n- id >�J1lY p(Lrtt Uf. 411.2 1t1S5':tl.'i5, la, 7?aih; a, , triviaapuxcxasesle�7 the, n ufe i,a-.',which now ,,<l�,l sly separate and dis tion to the question of c,.aniont . �'tanetly outlined in yr)llr memory. ett . had ` no special object : in I What I are going to tell 7r,11 ,;11110 1}' eekir)g this inf,ornati4'n. AChen le;AtlS r.l; lU t1lC (''a ecl ::n... elucidating any mys_ ill r,i-•;� The day may require That awe in the mire Our bearings may cautiously con : But we' will not swerve While He whole we serve . Instructs us to }gravely "ride en:" `.Though daners abound A' path will be found Who the armor will 1kan Tel those '� The traffic at length .Shall fall by His strength Who bids us right bra.val.y "ride. On." The tempted shall be From liquor set free, And life shn,ll be s•sv€et;,to each one, Our Leader `i net''' His voice we rriay,,het., ' t7 . He bids' us in trl.,, �n11 "'ride c.l. i'.'1i5 ;WATSON. Iena Station, at.. 11, tey ho inacln it an 1nvaria,b,,v rule ille l wNcitc,1: to, the it :mcic:riag4 Too ipany III :.� paet Ixitnself as accurate y as po 1 '7viltC, ts'ilnic ef�;tl'f. t111'i^1'... .'.VC,."�t�i puru, fm'en 33eopin mistake nlerite for persecution. µ tt Banc* at sear, !acus 7X , In one year Write at Once to, _ CORPORATION, LIMITED al hoard of Trade Bldg., MONTREAL QUALITY IN SUGARS All Sugars do not loo:; alike, It Placed alongside each other. Every Grocer knows th c, 15e waft the Gensttzner to ;ktlow at, Irestgt en having EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR v'll :to±, only halve a good Seger, but the beat on tido ?ua?ka You "I he clear tratwta> tirzlnr proven the. snR€ris&tog �# "Redpath" Bttg�x, ashen buying Loaf sugar ash for 1IEDP;A'S 7,tala 1.,mtPs 1aa u'1.17 SEAL dust proof cartons, and by tho Pound, Qar'tada Sugar Refining Ccs., ry1Oisn'R^Gt ,'l.,r CANADA, I-bnitsd t statxiahad I t&Sli hY lo;tITo Redo tli A.°m Bathroom �']+i o tc.4 14MCa '.195 Every mother should be careful. that the children take their baths in a warm room, The chill of a cold room is dangerous after com- ing out of the hot water. �? A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings bathroom or bedroom to just the degree of'warmth you want in five or ten minutes. All you have to do is to touch a match. The Perfection Heater burns nine hoursonane filling and is. always ready for use. You can move it anywhere it is smeded. There is no waste of fuel and heat warming unoccupied rooms. Just the heat you want, when and where you want it. The Perfection is fitted with an automatic -locking flame spreader that prevents the wick being turned high enough to smoke and is easy to remove and drop back when cleaning. Drums finished either in turquoiabluc enamel or plain steel; :light and oro. meatal, yet strong and durable—amtable for any room in any house. Dealers everywhere; or write to any agency of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited "SRR fltt iFiAv 6 Ts \\V �}il1CClil/f Y.;.yam eeer :+> T?eneeee ie Tag if QQ,, Fr1 �(�p�.,t� gQk(�ry,'�7�rrr. p� .Y � Cra Bra Q 130M1I •ItO 1 E" , r1. GEA Factory Price Direct From The: Laargesl Malleable Range Works 5rn Csaemaita want to save. frolu';z5 to $30, and at the same time get the Most satisfactory kitchen range made; syn. to OL i 7 for our Catalogue andlook into the •merits 'of the "DOMINION PRIDE," at from $47 to $49. range't h usualway,: through a dealei you would have to pay' you identically the same late , . H we sold Yg from $69 to $78 for it. You would be paying two extra profits --to wholesaler and retailer=which would add $as to, $30 to the cost of your rangc, but absolutely nothing atl�a'c ..a "The liealntian el the Cook Stove" rrrr abut,. cooking from, the itme the C nee: I7weilei$ stropped hot atones into the pot to boil it. It also tells all about 'Dominion Paid,e Ranges - Whether you fat(( a Range just,now or not you -'will enjoy reacting thio WriteInv rrCe Copy its value. Besides costing iuueh ]rs_, thaw other rouges in its class, the eneeniloer retinue is couch more satisfactory. Si is made of toBa strong, vnciloebie iron and the best blue yciisbed,taet—itiatenal which w:di ant warp. cans c e.'broals. 'rhpolislxd steel docs not nced btn.ei:satt-eintply tub it over n,•itl, n cloth. with its cold rolled ateel plate ocru--sectional iron 8re•ho t i,nn1g, ettis ,tjr edumhers—and double -walled fluee lined with nebestos—ttte "DOIIITNION Phren" is the most economical range you can buyy. Actual tests here proved that it saves aecr :t04fi of fe,al, burning eitlicr wood or coal. PAY 7risifIE FREIGIVF A.�. r> t shelf egad eler®tcd �oF$cT _ l2XUiy" n2en�e^Iose tank @',. flush tINb'SIOervnir,-faith zinc Sheet,xvltls to{h:gogrx tinder range;. g Sect10'•t9.. blue pnl elted tteetpipe and two dhows; will ,be:delivered to any station in Ontario, Quebec or the Maritime Provinces for sot, or to anystation to !he four Western Provinces for f iq-35 to be sent with order acid balance to bat paid:wban the'Rauge isitelivered::at your station. !f not•con' Ui"t t0.... pay rani wla will invonne 0, accept your riots. Osba a, OR wrll mention tits [lever, 1.e .b1e .& Steel Rana ivi,,,n`wziting it will be a'clis at fr og tt$ 4s'if ,1tG40:^.•canner,,: