HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-9, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. Local Items Bleck s uase 1 sltOoi: m epee ran Nov. 1st, Mrs Harrison, Sinscoe Street, is con- f• .h to her bedw,.,,.,• ed e, o _ . ter a a e seyer . lac k t. of illness. In ss. Ins..pecia; Tont of Gederiett was an ofeteial duty tee eerMection wilp the school here thee week, Tee Ladies' Guild or the Tri'itt 'tient- or:al Churc -i !lave decided to !told the r Ainruai T3aeer ;les year on December et-, ;zest. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. NI E S N � R ARl —The t-t've ea v ' ser- -ices a r r, s a ces !r coeee tion vete Casten Presby- Ieri.n Ciaureli were held are Sundaylast a2id were ceselucted byy Rev, W. L. H, end, R. 1 clr Stratford Tee v,- -_ i.e, W45 de lesettul ;ltd ev ry t tieg rias a•, 'avOrable res CO" -Aid ba des!red, 11r, 3torv;3!]d pt`eae13ed i:t the morning ,::d evening end delivered two able, log - feel aid .n)presslve sermons to large cog,, r'egAt;ors, the ehureti in the even- it,Q bela,e over crowded, whfe a num- ber wea'e unable to gain admittance. 'Botta scrvleen were, pertiettlerly bright a:ld entertaieing, the choir contributing much t o make them Niue. The eoloe by � '•vere s t:' -an e�a ad- ,>: t1 McDonald P L,xid nie bly eeadered and delighted all, The collectgess aanaueted, tO about e250. HORSES T -.".t ^ o r RS S S QI.I�T t, ;'t, R, R b.c , has been engaged an a dredging et ,'ear Ingcrsolt, was '.n t9W7A cl, and rcataadtted over Sura.. die, Ixc ltaforteed the Advoeatsl that lie ;,.d Leese ire rdo o •os't t^^ r La , to tsdeaa »t t a c W , a tea 9t 3;01^ .a i h bed e^ �,' tea ,� ld) 1 r d bC »t a+ssl hen at Xtryersoll, Xt was td '1t .Cly ars; ks , ou UP, con - ad o1.e i ornIng• rale geirg' stable they Wer ;remelts, lep Iltla y* 7oar+t c,, a he meld $e3.t. er or the etolee leant, arty were supposed to 'ave to London. While here Mr. ?e aa.d to ba to coneereettee r. Thos. \Ylttte, staredriver. and u: o 10 6=e ra that he had aceta ;hna ;tnewe, i,:r.; to the desetlptlon or tee one missing, and that they wore, In alto ^ne!ghboreoad gal Whalen. air, Bob- 'D ewent out art wty Sunday reel lo^atCd t te messing team and made :r- vamencuts to have them taken back to Ingere911, pays for The Advocate ,�, ate tlto Jan. 1 "1913 EXET]R, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911. ells i , W. H. T,,evett was ;aa Toronto on bus= -'nese last week. The Farmers a inthZ 8 section,o,are about through harvesting arveatinheir rootr, fit C oP, with t90 ezee r^� ; t.on ofthe u t ..� s. A as p .P All ie a big yield: tots, year, Me. Wm. Dixon underwent asur surgical a1 operation. the ]atter part o_„ last week t'o,t the removal 9f a growth en ees ear, Tate eperatton: was a success .ltd KITLK.'roN CHURCH CASE t e S _iary ileo young man. implicated in the charges ]aid bythe tru s of r o th- t't, s I ' k n _ ie Ce frs., t t od` cur a _st h ch was mtn't ed for trial P et t.a , 0 1 Ito -day, and aat h ! will ea`n• the Decem- ber ece Y, PPm b r Tee eel- ' sessionsStratford,v - s n n� T,ho E , ee w elegise do ash r e �o- a. b - a h s# d a s 4 y Y c. trate O'Loane of Stratford, 12 witness- es bene examined, occupying the tinge o- the coati till after :, o'clock. R. S; Ilobe,tson of Stratford prosecuted, and Mr. Gladrnan of Exeter defended. Ilaz- elwood was baled out 'en two `sureties a; $_OO cache Another charge, grow- Pitt r out of the above car,;., was laid against Ernest Nixon, of intimidating a w?mess xaamed Geeenstreet, R. S. Rob ertson prosecuted and A. 1VV, Ford 9t' S. elaree defended. The ease was ed-. jaurned for a week, i NEE A EXETER Ela SGHOQL REPORT Death of W. O. Bissett HEARI? AZ! ST,� S1ARI S s, Nov, 3, --Chester Hazelwood — Mr- Dixon is recovering nicely.. 'Jit J Davis r e' atelegram s., v v a r P eC ,.. d ^ere elenday eeer ng froth Hugh River, Alta„ stating fha.t Mr, Arthur Davis vT?;a deft bore several months ago has. suffered a stroke of paralysis and. is el a very low, etato as a result, Mr.J. J. Kn:o,'s=t, Steteete Agent, has just received word !trona headquarters tee a mr' stat' -aa will be erected !;ere on the old site, 1t was thought that; owing to the pressau•at of RI) nauclh Work QC 1 similar nature that a..,sewl station here could not ba erected tali sprutg, but tee company has decided to go on w 9 the; work at once. Tllis. 'w, ill 1;e SOod Ilesys t9 the travellieg public as under present conditions it is wee' convenient, .Nle ADMISSION Tee Goderieh ;isnal, Liberal. coanment-. in on Sosolrh. Etiio:t, the- candleate named try the Conservative party in Centre Huron, Frankly admits that the opPoeition will ryot 1tave e ghost or a 5hOw towards turnerse the polltieat sit. tui sign :All the eom:ng Ontario elections, Amway other !gringo it 'ettys,--"lRo ore °opposes that the 1Vheeley' Government a- the a In ..a ul: °tat at o being a aems- tee 8ted trotm tower at t'P1 , co>aiita; electeries+" JOHN CA -TILING DEAD Se tor Sir John +Carlinge B , Le C. Lorulemee &rete old mate, died; elonda v eelerr oo n at, pour technic at his rosldenge, 564 Wellington street, :after !. tial Meese s Smatey t b t i ll e s o months. a. Tl o Meucci. mGd- ., t cau,to 4f deat,t, Watt pleuro-pnou- ronia which developed oar i riday and wb b he was unable because or his, age—he was St"3 ons Jame -ley 23rd t-- r la and general, weakness, a s m z,a c k ails to g to combat, , t>7,t Last 'spring Sir Joh, • waft o p . sr r! usl 1 1 John ae Y l , the result of a breakdown duo o bee advanced years',, end rot two weeks bds lite was 'detsp.,ired of. Ire ranted ,and during' the 'Hummer he enjoyed fairly oat health. eleasrs. T..tomes B. William S• barn!; R. and Mess Lizzie Carlitee stud. slider etre, Thettlee 'BFssett lett \Vednesdae nleaseng to attend, the funeral a their uncle Sir John, Carling. CARLING'S PHONE 18 :DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS We are having a two weeks sale. of all Dress Goods in black and 'colored, We therefore quote a few of the prices to show you that we ;Mean what we say. These Dress Goods are in nearly all the shades that are worn this. fall. Mess Goods that was Regular $1.25 for $1.12 Regular $1.35 for $1.08 Regular $1,50 for 98c. Regular $1,00 for 88c. Regular 750, for 58c. Regular 50c, for 42e - All these prices hold good only for two weeks so come in and secure your dress for the comm season. _READY MADE SKIRTS have a few tea made skirts in B Y Brown, Old Rose which we discount of 33� per cent. off chase early because this is a bargain. We d lack; Green Red, Blues, Bwill clear out at a disc. Come and pur- WALL PAPERS House cleaning`' time is come . again , so buy your Fall Wall Paper now while we are offering a discount of 25 per cent. on all papers. You may need a new Carpet or. Rugthe y pe s fall, if ou do pis come in andpure ase at a . discount of 15 r cent. These are exceptional bargains.' P DINNER SETS 1 `tafe efto.cl, s . w ear regular ; $10.00 for, $•00 ularr $8.00 for ilt e i. e Prices a d for all kinds � . �ndl� ® . Produce. .rod c' �r u e . r.. ` P P ♦ LONDON ITAS 1310 I3LA?.E. Tee mopt destructive fire in London !! a quareter of a century completely destroyed eix or the largcet business housee on Friday morning last—J, 1-1. Chapman f Co„ T. F. Kingsmill Saco., ev.:AIara > Co,.'Brewster's Fancy- Store. Purdem,'e Hardware, Rootne, Corbett & Co. and R. J. 'Young & Co. The loss 's roughly estimated at three: -quarters of a 1n.11ion dollar$, and 'between; 300 and n 400 p,oplo are, throw out .or employ_. ;wrene The fire broke Put about Shur o'clock ;'n J, 13. Chaptnan's store.; r.ele, tee Stroud deu3hter at: Mr, Sanders o: the end eonepe s:en IDf S'.cpne^ was pain:1411y bursted we1lt. lata w ^ :e ..1 Thursday Sega a "t a, a, o o a o stend om a shall black �?f wood !bat near the lurnaeo and the •Meek fig see fell against^the Sumacs pipe the result that, bet arm was con- ti bu e :a`>t, rn d ST. JOSEPH ON TUE RETROGRADE Ser'eral t amen =sutvcyers have staked . a este or an electric road to Stratford was a London St. is •s but his . e as ao �f v tar as went. Docks vete: built by the Government, and it is a matter of regret; that this money was uselessly' wasted, as the dock'. wast never need + _ , Y o . _ _, h t boat on a mal cep a, s, it g a, small scale and the dock to -day is ere A sad cond'Rlon.—\Vhen Mr. Canton built the hotel and other buildins, and saw his pians would not work 'nut, it' ,s remark- able a the pro- pertythat he d <im t fate. v P perty ad jeinine the lake, !Wake some rate parks, walks and driveways and, pet bveretlr.'.lug, et""'selepe ` :'raw' summer touriets to a spot on. the Lake li,uron that, would in time be as popular as Muskoka, and much easier of accrete -3.- 71e inhabitants of this hamlet, being or French, extraction, are beginning to lose hope that St. Joseph 'will ;develop into a greater eery, es Mr. 'N. M. Can - ten, well known as a pramllter„ had planned it to bo. The Balmoral, the large hotel built by Mr. Canton, :s slowly Sailing` away. It is a large struc- ture of the class of the Tecumseh. or London, and veould have made an inspos'ing piece 'of architecture had It been finished in . all details. The hack walls and ane aide have crumbled, and the a •est is norm to safe. The, wine factory is a vacant building, and the business block also, there not being even. cer 'stove # 'thrix place. Mr. •Can - tin's house, and in fact', every build- ing. put up by,,him: or hi's friends. is a model ere architecture, and built well. Mr. Cantfn-bought much land from the neiglhboeing farmers and had a city surveyed. SOUTH HURON LIBERALS NOMINATE E. ZELLER. Hensall., Nov. 1—At the Liberal con- vention here to -day, E. Zeller of zurich was chiosen. as Liberal �ca»didate at the coming Ontario elections: in South Hur- on. Other names submittt'ed 'to the dela; gates were Dr. F. A. Sellery, Hensall; A. Mustard, Brucefield; and H. Smith Eretor,: Mr. ZeUer, however, polled such a. large vote that others withdrew. A resolution was passed In behalf of the New Leader, Mr. N. Rowell, T . t C About a hundred delegates were' pre- sent. 1 ! D M_ACARTHIT,R, V. S., NOMINATED IN NORTH MIDDLESEX Al'sa, Craig, Nov. 6.—North Middlesex sex Conservatives; nominated err. Dun- can Macarthur, df East • Williams, as the Conservative candidate for' this riding for the coming provincial elec tinkle at a Conservative `conventiion held here to -day. Mr. Macarthur was nom- inated followa:ng'rthe refusal of Mr. :3. W. Doyle,;, the present member, to con- test the const'ituehtcy. Mr. Doyle` stated that' owing to ill -health, he would hay to retire from ipoli,tibs. "Mr. R R. Gee -ley, vi.; P . for 'Manitoulin, and Mr. George Ell' o'tt, `Nl.: P. for North, Middle- sex, were the 'speakers ,at. the, afternoon. SHAREHOLDERS MAY NOT LOSE. The Toronto Geobe Says. ---It is ` reasonable possibility that not a: share- holder of tile. defunct ” Sovereign ; Bank 'will loose a dollar, according to a statement .made kt the, `city yesterday by one lei a position' t{o kno`w: The as- sets far the' bank have been �'akeii over i Assets. lrintitcd re by„the-Internrat real organized tram The shareholders: of the bank It was' staged that, if the share- holders did not came en,(h a double .ability assessment' Was i.nevitablg but if they jo'in the af'r'o'^' they, w,ill,,ehare int whatever was resited fr' t sthe, arse}s. �; tt"'v4as -else 'stated + fr• 'f„ '1" t e unt�lisl ntanoY Chieaao tIV,t1&i- alt e`, Ra 1W Y°a lid t8e was , A laeka al Rail'ittray wa+p _ _ �-,poss- ble of real Mat st41110 t,' v T,he Fl te£et Oddfello,ws o to uri T,huxaday ta.'ass;referee. iilstltut1n6 For October, I L S. Department. Form _, IIT Honors,—S, Petty, 80.; N. Alt y Te tere ?aa eed away at t is home, A83.6• G Copeland 80 ;.i.SwE_srdfew attCetProbablt,e :aa oldest,' 75 5. Pass—E. Case, 71.6; R. 'Wood, ter'and veteran: bltselese main, of Exetez 611.8; E t3; , I -1u kn 688• A. Hr r n at �'b a> Hartle.. 'b, the person f a Z G "SS,,.1 . s pe .z t Bissett, 68u G Pa ssi a 67 no , H. Puke. Gee wee died on Tueeaay cvereee last about C. Wood, 64.6 IL; Mag, 64; Ii, next”- e elat o'clock, at the age of 79 Gr,;years, t4, 6X.3 ; to ,eve, 60• 'No, o1 roll 4 months 21 days. Slree last Feist 26, Average attendance, 25. !roar/ des -sed bad been very' poor 'V1. B. Weldenhammer, B. A. Prin. l eee th front heart trouble, and vtt"s be - Form 9 -0 -f H`onOrs—A, Willis, , .t.l to up attd around tee greet - L, Boyle, 70.e'; Pass I. T;°uebner, 74, 1 e e parof t cut lime he was ;,raduelle 1i. elarton, 73.6; B. Oeee 7`2; 31. fa,.l'i.Pha About a week ,ago lila Condi ego .t'l, .6e..8; L2 dee Harvey, 69, ,; A, tem gave.:evidence of rt change 1o., Tl B a 1 M kens o 68,3; � Quackenbush., F'k worse, se and r dub,! a era "�. ^,e R.65,5; b 5 Y �, -u .� 4 6a_. C H, '"sett M. McQueen- u. _1e ce Hodgson, wrung , was teen ,v, u.. down o - F- '3� d 'A t h n dist t 03.3; J Davis 65.; N Carmichael, 6e; Mr, B_sse:t was ban _a. t e'1.°"Ne..-:., G. Oke, 61,0; Laura:.H9weee b1.1. Num- of S:ep',ter, On the Lo*„d :7 from?, stag bet o' hell, 22,`>verage, attendance: " 1. 'a 8il0r. d`'.^ta,l^e sweet of ,.., ,o; ':,".7 ', ..',',I:', 3S, Ilobb T0.a.":e . tT..e year 1547,., grid Ih.e -0,',1',Q1' ., <,..ti' . ,x; Form I--llotrere. --L, Stewart. 79 ; .+,, been epee- Eci eer and to'titerr1 e labk'=k 711; 13, Harvey. 76; .Paas-- v'b' 5t'tty. Fez" over, fort° -five ye „^r ,. G. Morley, 74; 3. 5Str'a1tg, 71 ; tele. Don was engaged :at lettsii.esa ersatts, t.rs'• ell, 71; ,41, C.ese4 70; I. Sweet, 6,9; N. x k N. ;1 r`.e t,t, and hardware bus arc 't ,..Pa T nen�mer, 415 ; E. Tereaks, 68; 1x. R'rv.. for Nearly ;forty YearsIcoeduettd tee ;_v- s; 67; D. Hall, 6f ; ,A., I -i gaster, 60. cry bus-neee at' th- rear of the"C'::t..al t(, Hanle e, 65; E. McAreeeti`, 65;A, .tel, 1'n the year 1570 3L, Pie- Cage, 64; 13, I estltx, 6"�; •Z.. Taylo , herr was married. to' his riow bereft 'a.;fti 61 :r A. Beverley, 00; 31, Blatchford, 00. ".-Franca Hooper- ebb ''e grief s'r;c°1;,. Senlor Coma eXeit11 7onidrs,-1 . '.ak1113011e;} over t<`^ae gad event_ '10.- l:- r,, di - 81.; I. Rive^s, 70, Ju.ior eentinereeser"ceased has b,ea; a gooey and eventful r � 1 v Pio r ', 1 tea �t A. , ,u ch9^h; e: a, . �.a, 1 as +,* s E. ogre, IIo baa probably to la.`� exca, ,.,c Day, 72; F,. '.14:11, 66; G. Mae, a5; F. longest mun,aeipat caro;r o: <tt,y ream .lcDo A 1 ' a Roll , nd , (14 - Nur Ybo; o t o ,. s '-, the R .l, 43, � �zs, the clo'u'atk°, hau^Sn,� ,Kra. �abaui a Average atteatdance, 41. quarter or a eentury served et M. et.. Campbell, .Teae:'er, Counee boah:d of tt;e village 1n .the ra- te S. Departnlen; parity of Cou'ie<llor, Deputy -Re rc er. Sr. TV- elO0.o0s,_zvillie tiraitseet, t,;4 ; Reeve, and his :able and steered coo;aetl lberta 4 #f -tight, 81 iecetriee, Tied- acid advice tt all i a.ttc s pertaini:;g ;'o pert, 79;ellidred 1 eywood, 79; Mina:!e ti:,c, flute' or the egyres need were kl it ar^a'y. 781.:! er eleurice Settlor, 71; A, timely aad valuable, In politics dtreeee �1 ., '0 ,. ^ , 1C' I.d, z, \' a] 1 lT 't w a -�-C. Powell, o. :s e,l s, G , cd wee s . rhr r t v ..i:�, 5, Zu.l Prtae Va , end ,,�',C 9.,. 0.D:av:s• F1; A. e[aris: s9; A. part; lose! in e'en a Sault -°taw aid .^�r bele 79.; 11, 4" .at tr , 7 c, ; e1, 1'Iu3toll ;dent worker, He was a nsei ber or, tamers and Ha,ry Perscni., equal, 76.—Pass— � Street Methodist Churc'n and ^Wata rtL;- ular In atteedarrec at divine wera'ilp. The x 1ti deg h S .. ir.Bassett,r 1 be a fc t •d o 1 , I,a„ c G. l 3 mourned .n the cofununi.5,':.It e touch many hearts web a's:tees of personal loss, for Mr. Bissett' end a 'nature that attraeted_1riendsltiets and retained: them,. r u but -,v r 1t ve h'a n is a. times, es o "warm !wart P t Poral III, Jr. I•Ionors—G. Harvey, 90; and nn my spirit �ntade peen a near' •1. Cor n! sh, 86 ; Z.. learness, 91:; Tti , ,1nong men, and no man mingled more leneebt, 79; V. Sweet, 74 Wm, Davis, freely with all elz'es-s of his ,fellow. 77 ; I -T. P.oyle, 76 ; -V. Jo- es, 74714P; als citizens. Besid s the sorrowing wife he ,. o 1 ,s survived 'res oro het s.•-•�'!':toma .., . i�tli 71a ivt t A t, . r. o^ c'by 't .lo ,sR,s , . ♦, r. , Revere, , 1. !agile, 72, V. Drarenail, or town, George iI, .gird Edwin. Fa. 111*;n, 69 ; D. Knight, 67 ; D. Charlton, 64; peg. At the time of going to Press aa- A. Delve, 62; V. Hartle ti 6'1 Form rafgeTfle'tt hard not beets made for the' IL Sr. Honors—C. Morley, 80; E. tlunorai. Doyle, 74 • C. Sanders, r. y nd a s: 7 a �v. I•I.1 Q rnCA9 Tire Anniversary ,services of Main Street Methodist church? will be held en Stniday nest. Nov. .12th, when Tt'ev. J. E. J. elillyard of He`tsal3 will 'occu.py the pulpit and .have chtrgc of the ser- vices. , Florence Wow a38 L. tZuelte, equal 7i: 1laar, S eddat+ 70;s 1 r Bowey. a� � C. eDona3d, 09; J, Pellicle 68 ; G. F:tton. , ea; el. Gladman, 61; HJewtor 1:owcllTre, 60, No. on Belt e7, Average tits rdllttce, U. Vesper. s ,teachf r, p •711. Pass C. Herona'n, 71; ; I. Easter-, br oak., 69 13,' Gould, 69; 3t: elarehand, 69; Ce' Reed, 117; Weir. Brown, 0.5; , P Collinswood, 02 ; Leon Dearing, 0e. lve. enrolled 89, Average atteedance .36. E. N. Kinsman. Teacher. Jr. IV Honors, B. ,Horner 77e M. Knott 76; Pass, D. Kuntz 74. L Delve 74, J. 13rickwood 72, F. Bowey 67, E. Davis 64 III. Class.—Honoes, 1L I ydd 58, M. Piekard 82, G. Carlttni 77, G. Ortae!:n 77, E. Powell 77', D. Phillips 75, G. Wells 71, G..Moirr 70, 3i. Hardy 67, Si. Day 65, L. Hastings 165, O. Davis 63. No, on roll 33; average at- tendance 31. J. S. Murray, Teacher. Class IV,—Honors, M. Harvey 89, E. Davis 88, M. Harvey 85 ; Pass, P. Weid- enhammer 73, 5. Davos 70, I. Davis 67, T. Connor 62, B. Senior 60. Class III.—Honors, G. Harness 90, V. Row- cliffe 86; Pass, E. Magee 60. Clara IL—Honors, K. Hedden 79, C. Davis 79; Pass, E. Russell 72, M. Webster ell, e'. Manns 71, H. Kuntz 60. Class I.— Pass, V. Walker 72, B. ,Acheson 171, W. Bellwood 67, M. Norry 66. No. on roll 44; average attendance. 36. Irene Quackenbush, Teacher. Jr. Pt. IL—G. ,Hind 89, el. Johns 88, D. Balkwill 86, M. Kuntz 82,, 'I. Moir 82, P. Sanders 791V. Vale and R. Tay- lor 77, H. Dignan; 71, L. Harness 70, N. Hardy and W. Web!stei+ 69, C. Hey- wood` 66. Sr, Pt. Ih—G. Powell 85, G. Hedden 78, C. Jacobi 70, 'el. 'Eiworthy. 68, R. Davis 66, W. O twe'.h'i '61, C. Br imacombe 55, E. Cookson 46. No. on roP 47, Average attendance 40. F, W. Howard, teacher EXETER COUNCIL A special meeting of the Council was held' in the Town; Hall, Tuesday evening Oct. 24th. Members' all, present except NI:. Rivers. Levett—Walper—That the street watering 'be 12c. per foot and that a by-law be prepared confirming same. -Carried. Walper—Day-That the Reeve and Treasurer borrow 700 for ( current -expenses. Council mct at . the Town, Hall Friday eveninb, Nov. 3rd. All members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and canfirnied. Mr. M. Doyle waited on the council and asked to have a bight plac- ed on North street. No action was tak- en. Day—Rivers—That the following ac- counts be c-counts-be passed andorders issued:ln payment, T. Brooks, express $1,92; H. Parsons, bal. street water: tg .account, 52.95; Ross -Taylor Co., lumber 22.16 W, S. Howe, chemical's, 98c.; W. J. Iieamati, coal, etc., 43.59 ; G. Orange 17.41 ; F. Hector 2.98 ; .G. Cudmore 3,00 T. Houlden 5.25; R. Davis' 2.50; J. Harness, bellr htging, 12.75 ; .' J. Bis- set, mattress for lockup, 2.00; T. 'B. Carlin', pt. salary; 21.75; W. J. Bissett 33.00 ; .Iona 'Ford :31.25, Levert—Riv- e-s—That by-law No. 10 to water 'Main street from; the 'Lake'' head to the South Boundary, Wellington street from Main to G. _ m . R. 'traokHinton, ai:�d 'on street west from the coltnet' or Carling and Huron east to Mile corner Df Huron and t•+b¢rt streets, andto levy a rateof' 12c. a foot for tine said wate.L'm,.,,' be read the second and' th,rd time and 'finally passed.—Carried- vett=Day'..-T"nat we submita by-law for- $5000, ,to b,,.vot td -.on At .the tu .:. p`al elections r Jan nary Wei+ for the purpose of extending. the watermains;: and that a by-law be prepared in accordance ' with, same.—Car- tied. 'T. B. Carlini Clerk Mr Ed *Ilan, has "been ori the sick lis tho past week bdit,,has re- t during LLIMLEY. Mrs. Sas. Horton and Mins Nan 'were n Seaforth on Sunday last.—Mrs. Sic- L'htchey and •sister, Stiss Carrel, of Seafortah were visitors at Sohn Glenn's on Sunday*•—Mr. rind Mrs. Davis and 'Misses Davis of Staffs, spent Sunday with Mrs Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Denner.: The contract of contplct- elg the bridge here has been, let to Gor- don Bolton. his being ,,the 1hwest tender. —The 'Misses Sadler of :Staffs were guests of Misses Maude ;,Glenn on Sab- bath last—The Ladies'Aid el the Chisel- hurst church .net at the home ;of Mrs. Frank Ryckrnan, on Wednesday ;after- noon, when several interesting topics discussed.—Miss Hugh: Chesney and daughter Mies Ella were week end vis- itors at thee former's brothers', Messrs. Noah and Franklin Horton. iJSBORNE. Skinner—Hunter—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Sr€1non Hunter, concession 4, was the scene of a happy event yesterday (Wednesday) 'the occasion, being the marriage of .their daughter, ,Miss Ettie Pearl, to Mr. Everett Andrew Skinner of the sante township. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Steadman in the presence of only the immediate relatives and a few` friends of the con- tracting parties. The 'bride and groom were •unattended. The bride - looked dears ;ng in a gown of blue silk, with the usual !bridal veil and carrying n, bouquet of flowers. After the ceremony and the congratulations extended ,to the happy couple all sat'dawn to a baunti- ful repast. The bride received many handsome wad useful presents. The ;,dung couple will take up their resi- dence n Elinhvidle, and will have the best wishes of 'a host of friends fair their future ;happiness and prosperity. BIRTHS Bellwood—In' Exeter, one Oct. 30, tto 31r. and Mrs. ' Neil Bellwood, a daughter. Switzer—In Bianis'hard, on Tuesday, Oct. 24th, to 1r. and theirs. Whitefield Sweit. z_r, a son. Graham—In St. Marys' oO Nov. 1st; to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Greha-n, a son. MARRIAGES Sk:Ath1er—Hunter—At the hone of the bride's parents, an; Nov.' ,8, 1911, by Rev. 31r. Steadman, Mr. Eaverett Andrew Skinner, to Miss Ettire Pearl, daug:hter of her. and `'Its. Semen Hun- ter, of the '4th con. of Usb rne,` Doerr-Seldon,—in Ingersoll, on Nov. 8 Mr. Ralph: Doerr to 1VI.iss Maria Seldon. daughter of '1 - It'_chard Seldom, form- erly of Exeter. Dilwert'h—Keys—At Vary 'a, or Qct• 8i, by Rev. T. J. Snowden, Martha younig- 0.st daughter o; Mr. Thos. Keys, to Edwitn Dilworttr 'ot O 11ia, Fletcher-Stone—In Exeter, on Nov. 8, bv' ,ee.31r. Powell,>Mr, John''Trutiian �,Fletiri.er,.'of t cov ne, to 7,1 es Tier`, ..,' recta, Stone daughter, • ward' Stone' of Uwsborne. DEATHS sett lrt Exeter, c,a oNv 7th, WW1. G. Bissett, age3 70 year 8',4 'loot! s and 2.1 days. EiLott—Ixi St. Paul, Minn., 0 , Nov D. 11.c hie ';Ell a,t, 10. merlY a'; of E r 05 ;If six l�ra�a ru" frr learance Sale f Men's ear Bawden st Oid Stant At greatly Reduced Prices Steck must be:` sold in six weeks-.. Men's hats worth- $2.00 to $2.50 for 1.25. Winter Caps. worth 75c. to 50c, Overcoats a n d- suits at one third.' off the regular price. Rain coats for half price. 5 doz. umbrellas fat 79c. each. At the Exeter - Bargain Store you will find shoes ga- lore at about half the regular price. Lots' ®f rubbers, left yet. 300 yds of sateen regular u'lar 15c. for Sc. a`yo� d. 50 � gloves and mits at one. third ` off the red, ular price. • Spices at half price. Ba wdei 9 Old Stan 'Ile.E . Exeter 13argain Store 1 tihh (i?"ei ,t�i. i P.FYt k l ll�'✓P idS, R ;fist