HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-2, Page 8THE EXETER ADVDC,A.TEI TH:UR.SD.AY, AMY: MBE R 8, 191.1
Fall ant
Ve nter
• Clothin
It is tiFxxe you were thinking about
your cold weather clothing.
We arta ps-ep»_id to supply you with
a nice- Fall ter .Winter suit of the hest
1..tateri,ai, the latest style and finish.
at a price that cannot be beaten.
q't'y rr;s .r.ntd we will give you sat-.
g :1,
"VIerohant Tailor,
Ex ter, Onta
Wheat .
Farley. ,
Buckwheat, ..»
Peas. , ... „m. .a
Potatoes, per bag
Hay,perton.,.,« „
Flour, per cwt., family'
Flour, low grade per cw
,Putter: .
Five hogs, per cwt, , ..
Shorts per ton
Bran pertott..,,
0 50
1 50
iic, �c a act .ta ,fir R4.
Miss. A111T,'daughte3 of Mr. Wellington
Johns, is quite ill. •
John Burka is learning the barbering
with W. D. 'Burke here. ,
The, usual lame rtluuber of shooters
silent' 'Thanksgiving Day in, the woods
Guy" Bros., ML_strels, are 'to appear
here on NoX. 15thint the ,,Opera House.
Several meter people attended the
Opera in London on Meanday evening,
r, Artnr
Who .a
s been t
London, has Moved z;a
* o.s,
Tae little sot of air. Phil Row eliffe e heydays 'Fere
. Win. May was. in London Monday.
Mr..' Jos, Davis was in Loudon :Mon-
'Mr, W..H.'Collins was in TOyoptia;this
Roy Drew of Toranta v.+sited with Mr.
3. Fitton.
Mrs S. hardy is, visitingla Carson -
vine,, Mich.
Mr. Orville Southeo t visited in Blyth
on Mo„rdsy,
T, J. 3 •lso;r wa.,q iltb Detroit over
t=ie holiday,
Mrs H Parsons was ;, , London Par
Thar k,Sigi din? ,
Chas. Cas. Wood; of London visited iex
toy, in
t s week.,
Miss Anna Dow of T;o;zdan spent t`te
vacation at lion:',.
Mr, Fled Could of $trot troy.. spent
o has been very ill .far tour weeks _'sirs, Thos. Bissett, sr„ visited in
recovering- Wins/so', this v;eek.
Garvey Acheson of London visited his
parents over Sunday.
Mrs. Adolplius Evans of ,London holi-
Bayed here this week.
'Altai Ruth 1£ooper, student, of Landon,
'vas hoe>ethis week.
Loney IIeyW o. d visited his par,,,
this week,,
e 3i", P+re4 e
I doper of Larrdoa spent
.,e today in er
snow of the se sa:, ell tail l Mrs, T. G. C,e-c .. and children spent
27, ",,,,a,t4, d_sappeared antned atcly Coa i
holidays in : e' ?. f rsa straw S1 }:r `'�. ' 'i.}k. `
Mrs. 11 e,deigh+,t rrtFrer holidayed r•a
44,te, a ,d enraatd,.d for t' whome B^v '.
em, du. �g t'^t wchk
vias Robb spent Tha„ltsgiving. lila,,*
tier eau B745., pubIis,°rera of the Sea -
forth. Expositor, hat( purchased ',rile
Dundas Banner,
T. B. Carlin„ has begin: appo,n-.
cd •eturn ..g oSiicer for South I3uru11
a . e
Provincial Electio
- few Of the, eathus.a: is 'nad
o >„
,game of .,bowling o:z.
eae. ” on 7r`tzariksg.ving Dar.
2 50
5 00
24 0
We will pay till advised rile Toil
owing for poultry le trade.
Chieben alive 73,e, dry picked Bic
Deft', i. :i. u 4
geese 7c. 4, heads on fi
heads of 10
heads on 101
heads off 11.
Turkeys .. 13 ' 15
One cent per pound less in each
case for cash.
We have 30 Dinner Sets for
you tochoose from. The prices
range from $7.50 to $25.00.
Ask to see them.—Stewart's.
AAA Girls Wanted for Factory, ;5.00
per week to start wYth for 1 irTa
eighteen and over. Address
immediately D. S. Perrin & Company,
Limited, Landon, Ont.
riage license at the Advocate Office.
Hanging Lamps for Halls,
Dining Rooms and Kitchens.
These come to us direct from
the factory in Pittsburg. Prices
range from 53.00 to;' $7.75—
onee for work in, your locality. Will
guarantee. $2. to $3. per day. Op-
portunity to advance rapidly. Will pay
liberally for spare time. Work not diff-
icult. Experience not required. apply to
International Bible Press, Toronto,O nt.
Fleeced' Lined „ Underwear;
Penman's make, in sizes 34 to
44. This is a Bender and sells
for 50c. —Stewarts.
FLOCK AND FEED.—Having put In
a 6:orzc .f Flour and Feed I solicit
your pro.r./nage. r•tage. Stand one door north
of I3oam : t'a hardware—Divers' old
st~a:Fd. 3o5. Davis.
Overcoats for Men and Boys
with the new Convertable
Collars. The cloths are good
and patterns New. $4.50 to
515.00— Stewart's.
AUCTION SALES—Fanners and oth-
era baying- auction; sales will do : well 'to
have their bills printed here and have
their sales advertised in the Advocate.
It reaches all the people.
I now offer my fever remedy to: the
public. I guarantee to cure typhoid fev-
er atanystage in from, two to. .our
(hours, with outsride application. Nta bad
effects from treatment. Your -'doctor
will be welcome to watch the treatment/
First treatment free. For further part-
lculars apply to WM. M. BLATCHFORD
Exeter, Ont.
COLTS FOR SALE—A few foals for
sale. Apply to'Jonan May, London Road
A rat proof house, can be ,made by lay
tag over the floor,Aoists- before the floor -
log isput on, a tine -mesh substantial
wire netting.' Let it' ., extend out over
the edge about afoot. After that lay
the siding on, 'draw up the edges of.
the nettinilg fastening, them with .staples
and You need not; worr=y abaut the;, rats..
Itching Scalp
Their is: nothing made that will so
ijuickly rid the scalp of distressing itch-
iness as PARISIAN SAGE the hair
dresser arid beautifier..
W. S. Cole guarantees Parisian.. Sage
to cure da idruff,,stop itching scalp and
wig 'hair` ,or nitjnney back, and; sells
Ter . -only e nd g
y 50 c_s a large bottle. It
Puts vitality iota the lbair' and gives it
a radiant luster. •
It:Is ,the favorite .hair dressing of re-
ined women because It .so quickly re-
i s ins ;scalp and not being sticky
ar easy is delightful tc use.
` . Ileo, "ti4'.k51a:,wwt . . ` '3a5"' i :+` *s,:'" hotn.q b..l wSea' Orth,
. Wmreal/ale of Myth v»sited
vex tore this week.
'•'ss Do:a Trott of 'Beanzsvilie was
`R. here tills week,.
:ohlaer of Clinton Collegiate
s:let.lr'a for the holiday,
Alarch rud was home from
N ormal this week.
Piorn ey v;site l thle week
tG1 " paKtor,
ore Sunday
nl lin 1-Ta,stin s has taken, a stead,:
Po 9, aq harbor ',vitt'. W. D. large.
1%fit as at all boo's at' \V., t, 1lurke's
'ario', 'Two towels turn tshrd
o SfOr $..Ilii
-clams are ron,plaitz-
atrt,* `ra:aesl" b Fla cite .,.
zr"'9 pir
all! Fr:i,ttit
James St,
B. IToti7<rt
e pulpit dut,es
culat oar. T" e' new ;1 and ?.<
b t a -e- 'ua—'i alika i i colon and it a
z" 'Fsrdto r,z;s a
a-ra l'1 a four.T
'hwa 'd b' ,gust a -s well net to try
ti at"ford
it's, C.
7 '"L her ughter i.n ,Itnxilt4...
Mr. Peter Frayne gad daughter
?eae,a3 c t"zens were d'scusrain5
*l pitted rr s rr, �v.,o lied been given 30
;aa i Beads but was 3`at'F r: tea Nadi, oaT
1 sp -as n sharper advice, "She
vv As an excellent woman," ,said the de-
Beast t lady's pastor. "She was con-
4antly la the homes 'of the poor trend
xfflieted, Ta fact, see was the salt Ct
tte earth," ,She was more than that,
remedied a, listener, "size was the
v;l.egar, the pepp,„r and the mustard a
as well. She was a Perfect ertletstand
of virtues."
"Refuse notice" Every editor has re-
ee.ved them says as exehan'e. The poet
master Fiends them to the editor. For
,`Instance, there is a man of we'll say,
Jon Joaes, who refused to take his
paper out of the post office. Tie did
not want it longer. We wondered what,
was the matter. Upon investigation of
our subscription book we found Joint.
Jones owed $5,70. lie has stopped his
paper as an c o nonry'to us. A few even -
!I've ago we stepped into a church. and'.
John's melodious voice rang out loud
and clear in the soul stirring song,
"Jesus Paid It" We might have been,
mistaken but his earnestness Impress-
ed us. The next day we ;sent him. a
receipt in full, begging his pardon for
not knowing he had ;made an taaeign-
ment of his liabilities to the Lord.
LOGG, the well-known Elocutionist of
Buffalo, has been .engaged by The
Young. Men's Class of Cavell Presby-
terian Church for Nov. 8th'. This Is a
rare treat so bo sttrc in hear It.
NEW BARBER SHOP—Owing to the
non -arrival of the furnishings of my
barber shop through' a delay in tthe
freight, we were unable to start busi-
ness as expected on Saturday last, but
we will 'bs ready 'to do business this
week. Watch for sign. We solicit a
share of patronage. -F. BOYLE.
A regular storm period extends from
the f th to the 13th beiink ,central on
the llth. While this period will bring
regular changes to storm conditions, the
Indication nine 'that disturbances 'will be
normal and 1 ght. The regular change.
to cooler, clearing weather will follow.
A reactionary storm period failing on
the 1G th, 17th and '18th, will bring re-
currence of failing weather, cloudiness
and precipitation. Electrical stories will
be natural oh and' about the 16th. This
period will be followed by only moderate
change to cooler, with brtigh't, autumnal
MARRIED—The following has refer-
ehce to a so)n,. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry.
Huston, who hays beent visiting here for
some weeks. -In the New St. Janes'
Presbyterian, church, London on Mon-
day affternoon. Irene ' Mary Gray el-
dest daughter of I1fT. James Gray, be-
cane th.e (bride of Mr. William ,Mervin
Huston, of Ashcroft. British_ Columbia
Rev. Thomas B. Mitchell, pastor' of the
church, performed the ceremony. The
bride was attended by her sister ' Lillian
as maid of hohor, and. by Miles Elsie
.McCri¢nman, as 'bridesmaid. Mr.'Leonard
Hutcheson, of Toronto, was grooms
roan. Mr, and Mrs., Huston lett on the.
5.30 C. P. R. trail'. for. the East Mrs.
Hnstoh 'vrIlI receive at her father's hone
Tient Monday, and will later leave for,
her new home an_ Britis'.i'Coltimbia. Exe-
ter friends extend bests wished to the
younig: couple.
A despatch 'from Wikrigham dated Oct.
26 :gives'the - foliowinsgparticulars' of
an assault upon... an Exeter young lady
daughter of. Mr. and Mrs: Dane Davie_
of town,—"Last- m tglit'sliort'Iy after .ten
o'clock, Wingham residents were treat-
ed to a seaiaational incident. Miss Fran
ces Davis was ;walking alone' Main St.,
escorted by a "Mr. Posl'.p, and when,
Passing ;tile vacant plot between John
son's restaurant: and Zubrigg's Photo
graph studio, Miss Davis was -attacked,
h is aliened by a• man, named Andrew
Cru„kshanks, who,' _t is said, hurled a,'
file at her. , She managed to" dodge :the
nalSeale, which crashed through, the'
plate-glass.,wi!ndow 'o'L: the photograph
gallery. The police- were ;called at once
and Oruiksia.:.ks`w=s' arrested; and at
the prelim cry_ 'hearing was sent ‘up
for trial." ,-Liss Day.s, who was home
to: the holiday, re rived a nasty gash on
la ' with. the weapon.
sited at Brantford this week,.
Victor Sweet of C1ta.thani Business Cot
x ,' spent tine holid3ye at helm,
M'..T in Floyd of Sauthap pton spot
holiday with his mother her.,
4I ss Ql]ia Quaues of Ailsa. Craig
another beta rive^ Su sda,; ..
Mie"t V etorla, Miners, teacher of :loci.
1( r, was hem^ for the holidays.
VS»t{« Jo`m Memo"Aa has :gone to New
end, 1V'.is., to spend the winter.
.Alfred Eowey of St. Tbonras.
irol':3av 'with the `tamlly herr
Jess C.e.c;t, visited with Mrs.
ley Bolger in Ucigrave this wails«
Henry Hooper has returned from
with, her soar Edward ! ti"�V'Innt-
Nlss Miners visited in London thus
Miss Nettie Walters spent ,Monday in
Gordon Taylor wa,s at Shakespeareon
the holiday. ,
Miss Delight Hobbs visited in Brant
to d this week:.
M,. D. E vans of London h.alidayed
here this week.
Mrs. Louis Day was, in London vis-
iting this week,
M. H. Spackr,ran was in, London and
Guelph. this week.
Mt James Jewell visited. Mn -G.
.,11—ea—man of Toron a.
3z a Clifford Spackman o ' Guelph. is
'sizing relatives here.
3t., Mark Mitchell of London was
up over tb,e he ids ,
>ti1r. Beattie Martin of London spent
part of the week ;Fere
3Sr Maurice Wexler was in London
on Thanrie5101 ing Day
Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham spent
the holidays at home.
Miss McDougall of Luc are visited Miss
Minnie Luatore this 'week;
Miss Ida. Rowe, teaches., of Dorchester
was home- for the; ;aotiday
qtr Wm. Dignan of Lucas visited his
bare ata here on _Moaxday. ;
MrDiehard Bissett of London spent
,Monday with. relatives here,
MISS MAUI johns, student of Lotrdan.
wag home for the holidays,
,tri Taos 1-1'a' tins visited: her dart
itt Windsor this week,
Mr, Fred White and family or London
vveao in I aider 'Qve' the
Mr. Wm. Beller of London was up
over Sunday to visit hisfather,
Mrs, Fred Brooks of Rd„ etawn spent
taundtty and Monday with relatives here.
�I,as Ma1'e1 Walters of Lendell spent
Thanksgiving Dtty witch relatives here,
Mrs• Dorregs and Miss Stoogel of Bel..
1;,u3, visited Mrs, 4, Z,1arerand this ',:eel,,
Miss La. delle Handford of Alnta Col -
z 6lese $t, T homes, was home over Sunday
Miss 'Nina Caerr4g left Monday
even-; on a viiia to relatives In Brant -
Mrs. 13. S. O'Neil ,and, daughter lrePc
of Toronta visited frienels .hero this
Miss Johnston of Landon was the;
Quest: of Mrs. McGtllleudy over the
Mr. Ed. Harwood o: Taranto spent
Sunday with. his mother, Mrs. James
iliacs Mary and Bertha Mack of Tor-
onto spent Thanksgiving Day.with their
Mr N. W. Creech of Brantford spent
the Thanksgiving holidays with relat-
ives here.
Mrs, James Murray and daughter Miss
Jean' and Miss Murray spent the holiday
in London.
Mr. Douglas Stewart. of Toronto spent
the holidays wlthi .his parents Mr. and
J. A. Stewart.
Mrs. John Dinney of Oshawa, with
her son Wilbur and Everett Pretrlc vis-
ited -relatives here this week.
Mrs. Charles Rinshed of Detroit, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Hall,
is visiting at their home, Exeter North.
Mr. John Sutton, of Landon and
Messrs George and William Salter of
Toronto visited their parents here this
Mr. and Mrs. W,S, Ilewry and fam-
Uy visited in Elytla with Rev and, Mrs,
Miss Edna McCallum of Torenta with
gentleman friend was hour, part et
e week.
C. it. S..7aders e.,?—at part of tae*
cic Otr i ghee'.° ..J trip rt't (n'
were v,
and datt.
here over
rlr anrd sirs, Vtrtr 1 rawer and Mr.,
Jam's Gould arrd loud .r'ea', Miss Lela.
were to i1oa this wek,
M1saes Lulu Martin, Lily Ilodsert, and
Gladys Resile, students, of Clinton,
al7ent the week end at home.
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. 'Willis and Mass
Flaic deCallu;n visited at .\ir, T. 11,.
NI tunes evev Tinatlkagiving-
str and Mrs. John 1•larener of Eat -l-
ion, New Ontario, visited with Mr,
and Mrs, Fred. Luxton. t`hs week,
Mr. Chas. Dyer of Iiaart°lton agent the
holiday with his parents here, as ' did
also Mr, Case Howard of Tpronto,
"lir. and Mrs. San -i Davis and daugh
ter :Veva, left on Saturday for their
home in Centralia, Ont., atter spend-
ing the fall here with relatives. Little
Doris Easery accompanied her umele and.
aunt hack to the east"—Crystal City
Misses Lillian and Emma Davis of
London and Roy Davis of Ailsa Craig
visited at their home in Exeter North t
during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson left Thurs- 9 R
qday' for Michigan to spend the win-
inter, Mrs. Murray Muller accompanied,
then, remaining a few days.
Several Brands, Manitoba
a specialty.
A good stack always on hand.
Durham National Partland
Cement is the best.
Mr. W. J. Crooks,, who has been trav-
elling in. the West all summer in the
interests of a Toronto ,wholesale house,
is renewing old friendship in town—
Clinton News -Record.
Mr. and Mrs. Milligan; and fancily of
London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wnr. Sweet, Jr., thi's week. Master
Milligan rendered a very pleasing se-
lection in James street church Sunday
Those wanting good NO. 1 Winter
Apples call at the store.
Jones & May
G. Seldon, Exeter
Bus, Dray and
Teaming Business
Your orders in our line will be
attended to quickly and satisfac-
torily. We are here to please the
public needing anything in our
line, and we ask a trial from you.
Orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
Phone 55
We have been busy now 3, weeks niark<'ng up Xmas stock and
before putting it' on sale we -In US't push out our large: granite stock
so on Thursday wo commence,if you want a bamgai,q, come: quick,
don't waft.. We must have the space.
Thursday Starts the Sale
In Cake Mates, salad bowls, butter dishes, Etc. Don't forget - the
SPECIAL , BARGAINS . in the windows .watc'.v 'em..
PICTURE POST CARDS all kr�ds'T'aanks^ivin
g and local views
Cerne -with your, friends to the' S'.g Varlet: Store
you money''y '
Foc Xnias—An!' Ed son, Phonogra pr h > ask about ,thEmii,
e can save
Jewelry Business
is steadily on the increase, Our stock is one of the largest in the
County' and equal to that of auy city store. You cannot poss.
ibly make a mistake by calling on us and examining our stock,
Our prices are right. Prove it for yourself by comp ar-.
isou with others. Our selections are large, giving you a lame.
variety to choosefropa—,again the proof is by comparison. Our
goodsareof fine quality. We back this statement with our
guarantee. Don't these things give us aright to expect from.
you a, fair consideration of our goods,
A, Ma zeaud, Exeter
Jeweller ez Optician
Furniture Dealers
We carry a complete stock in all lin
Phone for Store 20a
For Sundays and nights 20b
R O E A .ItI. I
The Leading Houle Furnishers awl Funeral Directors,
Guaranteed East Dye.
Do not fail to see our New Fall and Winter Dress
Goods—nothing but the Season's most stylish colors.
A visit to Our Dress Goods Department will convince
The best we nave ever shown
tor the prices. A. No .1 cloths. :
No. 1 Muskrat lialing, with
Alask Sable, Ainericait Sable or
Isabella Sable Collars and Re-
Samethin'gnew coming in every
day. Thies is our big coat season
Just try on one of our, Swell
Tweed Coats or a nice Smooth
Black. They are good fitters and
BigClothing and Overcoat Sale
$7000,00 OF NEW CLOTHING 57000.00
Just arrived $7,000.00 worth of W. E, Sandford -&
Co's, New Fall and Winter Clothing. Every'garment
bought at job rices to clear them 'out, Now
time N is your
time to' get; bargain .clothing. .
Men's Good $10 Suits for only $7
nt ,: $15, $16 "I;'
X10 -
z " $20, $23 ". : " " $13 to $15
$5, $6 Pants " .. $3
$2.25 et u $150'
Boys $5. Suits " ' et $3.60
$7, $8 3 -piece suits for only 5.
Overcoats : by the score ; for Men -and Boys at Bargain
JONES &TVV�f° rw:
ead uar r the to s for...: celebrated W. E, Sanford, Clothing