HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-2, Page 7TOO LITTLE 'BLOOD. The Cause or Nearly All the Er•-. ersday: Ailments Of Life. DEFENCE OF BEEP TEA. Scieiuee After Despising Broths Finds Out Why They Do Good._ From time immemorial beef tea, Too little blood -that is what or a,bkoth made i>a a similar roan- makes men and women leek pale , ser from mutton or chicken, has been a feature the. sickroom, the ZC 4f : pride of the housekeeper gauges, a source of comfort to the invalid, the invariable staple of the metro permitted by the physician. When it was indisputably proved that the home made .broth was u no sense a food, boonanity refused credence and invalids went „ahead with their consumption of millions and -sallow and feel languid. That is what makes them:' drag along, al ways tired, never real hungry, nzr tl.ble toi digest their food, breath - a i heart t le..5 and al itat_n at the n arG after slight exertion, so that it is wearisome even to go upstairs. Doctors tell them that they are "anaemic" -the plain English be- ing too Iittle blood, 1f your face is pale or sallow, Dn yonr gurus are of gallons peisis in'g in the exhene pale instead of being scarlet; if tion of sere signs ef. cog alesceneo Non rlr: xsil > titeti aLLd ft.e(11teint- . .t insistence - n isi n fur- y e � , } and rlemanclnrlg with i s e c� ly despondent; i you de .not revel =a titer sanppoes of the fragrant potion,. your Meals, and small matters ir' Dr Thomas Darlington irr a re- rltate you, it is a eigi3 that 1'r'":rent issue of the Medical 3ournal blood is thin and watery and that i shows at last the reason of this you are on the verge 4f a coulplote unshakable faith, Broth is one of breakdown- that few genuine stimntlants in the l - 1 avealcohol More weak, anaemic loop e li ar.i7,aTlrentatriilrrt r}ow that alcol.c�l ns been made strop;, energetic and known to be e narcotic* The ex, cheerful by taking Dr. Williams' thanay air' other means. Fink Pills ley ,, They actually make new bleed, which reaches every part of the bed R, braces the nerves and 1�ripgs new health and now strength. The east? of 4is4 Nellie Welch, Essex, flint,,, is proof of the great curative pewees of Dr, Williams Pink Tilts. amiss 14'eleh says; "A few years ago I eves going, into what My fr';ole laelievetl to be a hopeless decline. �vss subjeot to severe heaaclaiclios, aappetitci, was palm and grow periments of PawKlow on dogs de- monstrate that the savory liquid is powerfully, stimulant to the gastric zeeretion unci other digestive fluids, with theresult that real food, given with Or after the broth, is speedily ftttd gratefully assimilated. Milk, which disagrees with. many.' people, will cause no distre if administeredafter a sup of b broth, The mere ilav'orr of meat thus shown to he anacessary 'valuable to digestion, What caused disgust among the troops in. the EVERY PLACE ON � we1'eII! THE 4�IDE PRAIR E distaessiiigly weak.. I orad a several :Tanta war was that thopresery me of whom we counted e fNs'Lt, while retaining all. of its doctors. s. its iri s ' 'I Dia I3 Y TELLS flog 1,17TtE`� � ,h DODD'S IiiIDNEY PILLS. tole' best in tiiie ,part cal the eourt- ;11AT/f it e prineilales, had lost its Ir', but they failed to help me. At ai<remaatie constituents, gene to last rely heart grow so weak and I make, the despised extraet for the as so nervous and thin that I had preparation of hrotba, to take to syr bed anal the doctor The phvsieian MAY henceforward held out but little hope for my re- very. Like others, 1 had often diad, *I Dr. Williams' Bink fill i, and though the dgeil,or opposed '» y taking thein 1 determined to give thorn a trial, as I` .felt I might well be dead as to be living in t misery. I w as in, In a month of t beginning tot,tilt-ia the pills 1 a up and around again and steadily y growing, stronger until 1 was again enjoying tho blessing of perfoot health. Several years have +lapsed a�tad; nay WOO) 11114 boon very hest it is therefore with great gratitude that 1 write y011 an -the hope that Boyo el~poricneo uia 'tie oz benefit to come other suf- ferer," uf- #c Sold S dealers or 1i Sold by all nie�lxc sic y mail at fro' cents ai. bog" or siN boxes for $2.89 from The 1hr.. Williams' Medicine' Co., Brockville, Ont. .FACTS AND FANCY. If only dere were not so mealy Inmate peels on the pathway of sucee;as Your skeleton will be au inch and a half shorter than yourself, Vainty is wounded, but mover killed. Hope is the railway ticket to su cess. The world annually scratches liaattehes to the value of S100,000;- 000. 100 000;-000. If a man tells; you his opinion of his, neighbors, you know his neigh- bor's opinion of him. `lirtation mightbe defined as attention without intention. In Japanese factories The average day is sixteen hours long. Many a lovethought, having.. lovely been embalmed in verse, is buried in a waste -basket. ~ xi - there can put away an All mo ety regarding their suffering ohil- dren' when they have Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to. give relief. Its effects are sure and lasting. If a man hasn't any sense some woman is sure to think he is senti- mental. TRV MURINE EYE REMEDY' al' Red, Weak, Weary," Watery Eyes 11 Ad Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Eye e Pain. Druggists Y Ben Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 60e, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books voted Eye Advice Free by Mail. .,Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Thos. Griffin, .of Peace diver Land.. lag, tells how he got rill of his _ �t Rheumatism honestly e�trlicl popularity. Cold .Springs.Pate 11iver, Land- ing, and -i ng, Alta., Oct, 80 (,Special). -Just why Dodo's Kidney Pills - retain their wonderful popularity is easily shown by a trip across the prairies, Every town, village and post-offiee has at least one man or woman who s ready to tell of pains relieved. and health restored by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy.., Let Thos. Griffin of this date add his Tlt p statement to the hosts already pub 1ished. "'When 1 same to this part of the country, says Mi'. Griffin, "I was 1'1\E FED FOWLS, roubledd with: a bad back anti l' t't, Joubert, professor at 'rho hour aatisin in my eholilders and Agricultural t `ollt ge at1 Fontaine - elite. I sent for sig; boxers of Dodd s Wean, Franco, claims that he bas Kidney Pills and they gave zee reliefdiscovered a new and simple die coca. 1 also recommended thole :method oaf leaking loans lay. Ile racy eldest son, who Was confined feeds them with wine in addition his bed from Rheumatism, to 'their' ordinary food. The pro - "`Now I know -that Dodcl's I�.id- fessor has not allowed his discovery ay Pills aro the best liledivilao for to'life made known lightly°. He has ttlietuna].tism and the Kidneys, I hegn, experimenting with fowls of recommend hens to every .person 1 all, kinds for sever. l Years and fillets hear complaining of noir :feeling each VASO lrtr e�:perlIneentecl ease. IA the w>betl,'' ` THIS i$ as I# ME 611E ihaf ANYONE aero use fs .r.-• dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods with the SAME Due, used CLEAN and SIMPLE to Cos NO chance of using thewrRONG i)SCaorthe Goods a.,S !OAS to color, All colors from your Ora z &s; or Ercsisr. PRUE COor Csr.i weer STORY 5o 'Per, e, The 3ohnaon.Rtcbgn4aon Co... LLuiier', Sirurr.ut, ARE. YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? Most people have sone super- stition, although they are not al- ways eager to admit it. Here are a few of the most popular: Tc stumble on going upstairs is consid- ered a sure sign of a wedding; e ^at one'3L el spoonsin s t t11•t v1 l two . s the,same time denotes a similar happy event. If you put on your sock or stocking the wrong side out, it is locks; but if you change aide nothing . it to the right s a will g S comae o£ the promised good fortune. If a black eat follows you, good s - lout should a luck will follow al o lac a" 1 feline leave the house which Iles been its. home, look out for misfor- tune, If, when unfolding lean linen, yon and a diamond-shaped crease, it is a• sign of death within a year. And if a child looks into a mirror before it ig a year old, ill- htek will follow it through life. To tpen an ttanbrella in a house is a portent of rnisfortawe ; to droop one a disappointtnent; but if anyone; else picks it up the disappointment passes on to him or her. These sup- a eratitions are all very well, bat a little coninon-sense will explode the [ lot:. Dodd's Kidney Pills made their popularity bycuring sick itidn¢y s. advise herd tea and merit broths They keels their popularity by keep generally With as clear conscience 'rig 013 ousiug sick kidneys., four winter mouths with two see of twelve fowls of the Mame Breed, ding bread soaked in wine to the o£ One Of the twee sets QE lee. Iii e+wrery' case after say. )orate trials the wino fed hens more eggs in the proportion of; wvifo eggs a monthor there- u:t, taiash sinentific tiaatisfactioo; they. iiaavQ triumphed over their euexuies and detractors and will resume their hro'orcadstntioa upon the in- valid's tray as a iaippreaeltable ad uira►fitS+ to digoaioo and assamilar Q O example t on, adding one Tri more G ?t? tta' list of reriiedies founded looms iriaisr, but ceding at laat Oe In scienita ire basis for their ire/SOU HA1 HIM ALL WAYS. "When are yea gain' to pay me Haat dollar'1"" . ,a ""Ilow s that "I soya, Ws time ye paid me that' "Cain hear: a word ye say. "' Way it a Minh ria' I'll. write it down." a t 'TTain't no use. Can't see with- out my epees." It's easier to make a break than it is to mend it. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. THOUGHTFUL PAINTER. OWN T„i_BLETS USED ]?ItQIL Ii'lll'1`lif• Mrs. H. 1T Ossinger, Tiverton, N. S,, says: "We have used Baby's Own Tablets since our little boy was three years old and know of nothing to equal them, He is now twelve months old and has always enjoyed .perfect health. Baby takes the Tablets easily and We always keep than in the ,hoose." Mrs. Ossinger's experience is that of thousands of other mothers. An oe casiona1 does of 'the Tablets will keep the well child in excellent health, or if the baby is ill with any of the many . ailments that afflict little ones, they will speedily re- store him to health again and make him thrive and grow fat, rosy and. strong. The Tablets are sold by 1 ` by mail medicine dealers of a at ..ao a box ` from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. :merely A wise man is m y less of a fool than the average. ii GENEROUS, dings willingly- give. it tor what he is. at: is her, lljat;," >, Real Liver I'i11— torpid' Tile ;l�C ]iveir MOODS a diser6l rod syiste, mental depression, heisa'itticle and in the end, it caro be not taken, a ehronie state of debility. The very best medicine to arouse thea liver to healthy action is Parinelee's Vege- table Pills. They are compounded of purely vegetable substances of careful selection and no other pills llavo their line qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive sto- mach. Beware cif' the mail who tries work, on fr°larged in ]aehalf of tather, BONDS A NON -SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT IJ There is no element of srecu• Iatien in the purchaaof a Bond, This do es loot mean that the value of your holdings cannot ieicrease. It means that is the element of risk h. and the chance of toss are prac- tically eliminated, 4 I11.�" ar most, n� iufactost> of tf „.lalio,'l Bond issues we have offered our eas- terners ots-to ners in the ,past have appre- ciated in value. The demand for a ceritainbond, paying a goodrote of interest and of unquestionable security, forces the price up in the same manner as an increasing demand forces up the price of any commodity. 1J We would like to send litera- ture to any one interested in this ,safe and proflitabie form of investment. , RL 1 c flES CORPORATION t-,141/res, DANK OF MONTREAL 1iUU DING ¥QNGI~ AND QUEM $TS. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Manager 137E EA, t --G tr i;,$./.,-H.i,n.PFAX•F.C,rir,ta,s(F.r4P,) rr1 sec you are paying the hospi- tal expenses of that painter who fell -off the roof." "Yes • he's 'too good a roan to lose. As he went down lie touched up two or three ,places: which would have been very hard to leash." e hlinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Even with a 98 cent watch the leader of in' orchestra may be able to keep good time. Do not let a coldsettle on your lungs. Resort to Bickle's Anti Consumptive Syrup at the first in- timation of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglect- ed colds are the cause of untold suffering throughout the country,' all of which could Have been pre- vented by the application of this simple but powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. 'You can form a pretty good idea of what a man hasn't done by the things he is going toy. do. Minard's Liniment Cures Dil,htheria. LONG LIVED MUSICIANS. A Dr, Rogers has been studying the effect of wind instruments on the life of musicians, says the Lon don Globe. The average life of the wind instrument artist is 63, while that of other is 62. Thirty-four per eent. of the foriner category attain 70 years. Performers on the flute in Dr. 11,dgger's's aaeclhel1e de long- cvite ' reach on the average the age of 61, wvhi1e the 'hautbois ex- etutant, lives ' two years longer. Buglers go two S eats better, and the clarinet player lives till he is Ga. He of the cornet only fails the Illottect span by. one year.; The 4 hicleide artist beats them' all. IIIc tit ie of life is from 75 to 80. EXPECTATIONS. Tho man who is looking ,for trou- ble generally Ands it, and the one who expects defeat usually gets a whipping. 1Ve bolievo L1N1M11''1 is best; Mathias Poley, Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway. bio. Charles 'arbooten, !Sulgrave, N. C. Roy, It. Q. Armstrong, Dtalgrave, N. S. Pierre Laudea'5, sear., PoltemoutOtO, N. 11. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B. 'e Mike (in bed, to alarm clock as it goes off)-r,..I fooled yez that time. I was not aslape at all. 4711Phia Al;.couslimi ours TliMELY LULLABY. 13ye 0 Baby Bunting, Daddy's gone a -hunting; If he doesn't shoot his guide W&11 have deermeat stewed and fried. Do It Now. Disorders of the di- gestive apparatus should be dealt with at once before complications that may be difficult to' cope vith. The surest remedy= to this enol and .one that is within reach of all, is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, the best laxative and seda- tive on the market. Do not delay, but try thein new. One trial will convince anyone that they are the best stomach regulator that can be got, Many people have receding gums. Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums and stop the decay; chase the dis- ease "germs with a mouth wash of a few drops to a spoonful of water. HASTY. A ,.t1alings the,' bustler doesn't –11 `.want .cotes to h,n,,_ who'waits. The reason most girls ant to marry is because they don't know what they want, • Stop the Cough.—Coughing is caused by irritation in the respira- tory passages and is the effort to dislodge obstructions that come from inflammation of the mucous' membrane. Treatment with Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil -will allay the inflammation and in consequence the cough will cease. Try it, and. you will use no other preparation' "Hgot price of a shavefave" asksyer the beggar.de "What do you want of a shave?" exclaims the victim, inereduously. "I don't want no shave. I didn't ask for no shave. I ast yer fer do price of " one ---ten cents. Demo's other t'ines I kin sit fer dat money, ain't dere?" "I envy the man who believes that superstition about Friday," said Mr. Groucher. "I' consider it de- pressing." "Not at all. A man ought to be mighty comfortable who can feel sure there's only one unlucky day in the: week." The most obstinate corns and warts fail to resist Holloway's Corn Cure. Try it. , Blobbs—Scribbler says ' he . can't compose a poem unless he is smok- ing. Slobbs—Isn't there some scheme we ;can get up to make him stop „smoking for rt eold. "MUSIC HATH CHARMS." "What on earth d'you keep clap- ping for? That list singer was aw- ful!" "I know; but I liked the style of her clothes, and I waut to have another look at them!" Mtnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. "1 dunno how Bill's a-„oin' tri vote in this election," said the card- paignoworker. "I've 1 -learn tell he's on the fence." "He a -11z thar," `re- pliecI the neighbor ; hut, one o' the eanderdates let:fall a dollar on the off side o' the',fence,, and Bill. got, ' dizzy an' fell .over." 1 0 ,molly stops' emir! .!`lures colds, heal, the tbe•n. t anent -MOS' 25 cents..: Send for free sa vote to Dept. W. L., lattonal Drug an Chemicai Co., Toronto. for this PLUME. Are ye zipped,e dr creche or sore? Nave ypu "cold arcks" which open and bleed when tbsi Oda fa drawn tight? Have you a cold core, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw" place, which at times makes ft agony for you to go about your household uties? If so,,Zani-Bulewill give you' relief, and will heal the frost -damaged skin, Anoint the sore places at natght, Zara -salt's rich healing essences will sink into -the wounds, end the smart- ing, and will; heal quickly, bogs. i*ellen, of Portland, rays : "My bands were so acro and cracked that it was agony to put there near water. When I did so they would amort and burn as if I Itsd scalded theist. 1 teened quite unable to get relief ftomauytWug I put on there until 1 tried Zivi 13a , and it auareeded 'when ell else hold failed. It closed the big cracks, gave toe cane, soothed tho inflammation, and in e. very short time heeded Day hatitta." Zarn•Bul alro curt, shnjtng, raahm, winter ee:orta, priest.ataer,, fcnterma COs, *ors heads and Lack,!;, aCOP'S.rrrares, proples, r+rft• wrtn. ate.. dru7g, to iutsto braises, orsuckle, port free sprains, iheZam. 13uk Co., S'oronta. Prove Goo a Lox, CANADA BUSINESS G'1iLt.COE GHA,TaAM, OU T. {illltltJA'# 6 f3rw13ATE#',GE 81NSti l soaaoLs citaicel paaitions ellen In hast i;tour Years. t3tara est fliaad; I, n. 11.4.N\, treys fortadtatt+, plaerii: with.'AK)r. [rides Co., ,u a ,laav, as areae FK1ti4 H 4L1li, Steno.. N+rt9tittKt Arerali l`a,,. vinttxur. 14, G. $411ir;t3ly'I; likkpr.. with 11 Ye ;tare C*„ Soa;;]]a,tepteho OM., 'FLOSSIE,ANDt'RSONi,:items, unta.lakkpr, Cast, 4ui trin• Chatham. IKIlr B it AND', a J3tO,1, ritatU,. with Do Lav zlt+p}rotor Co•i flywheel. i%. J. Scor. `. ts,acbar, with Art3k11 loge. Newark, N.J. The ealeriet of the three howe roar wdvk aysragt+ ever *700 per minium. 31a ealariteit of the nix flare olio era average *l� 1/1g osje .a 37W. oar atudentr aro prepared far the Y ppeoltiona where the pat id tottered, a i'1 Tal t'Irl:;\D rafts mie.T. Catalogue as tail', ai thp,wor�' nChittham, tlatateguo 51 toll oCpt beau courses. Address, O. Mei,ACUt, . d t t . 1t. Out, ONZ I Over 2 l ;swtlu¢ Your Overcoats sad fadedaaitewouldnaeic better dyed- If noagent at oars boycott town, writs direct to Montreal, Ilex i n+. Orltlssh Arrsordafn Dyeing Oo. ..10•61.1•11•111MOMM.0.1.3 4111.1. 1 Ha H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER. Member standard Stook and Mining Exchange ILISTED STOCKS CARRIED 019 ni=REM Correspondence Invited. 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO 1 ARMS FOii RENT AND $AI -E, ASK DAWSON. HE IttaOWS. F. you waut to sell a farm. voueulr. MO, WRITE FOR PRICE LIST W. 0. Gof sett, Orililta, Ortt., •s will.fiiid it to their advantage to get tlietr naives on an.' inailili! list. 'I'his insuroe prompt receipt of our quo- tations and general xnfermatton, which will ha ready about thelbth of November. Vett can be sere of fah' and liberal treatment when you ship your collections to Wagrtor,Brasier&Co. 86 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. Collectors eters an d shippers P 1 you want so buy a farm. tensul Il oto; • itAVE some at tole hush Foul,. racers Grail, or Datry fartuc to Untarlop and prices right.. W. AAWsON, Nivat,lr Colborne Street, Toronto. AGENTS WAKTLSiJ. ▪ 1.0. VAaol;itii W.&NTnD. Weekly septa' ,: 1t;ttu,•'-ALrreu u. Tyler. benison, flu u nmtsstoi:-•cur Local retireteut " tmmedtatu,a; ltaroem:tout yl0s1t10)4 experie.uee ulteeeeasttrYi spirt saran e Meet spare time u,eeenteid, ' Svte,E0l01 taunted, 1'ubiiititers. 1:Otuuta, DIMS W NTl1D, -- A LINE e.verS Route. Ns flu., us for our &hooch ,. or ar;etue supptuts. Wo ltawe the greatest agency i,rot,onrtiou iu (..toads tie fay. Iwo outlay ueco,siiry. .apply In G. 1. e'o., 228 Aieert tit„ Ottawa. MISCEL.i.ANEOUS.. `i SAY incl I".Aril SCALES. Wileot Ses,e Works, 9 Esplanade, 'i -grout_ iWSIILL ]IACRINi5SY. FOL -TABLE or heavy taathe auks. Shingle .1il13F issigines and Bruner., Atilt Sttpviies. Mit E. Lort MaoultdOturinS 0o., t.ta., wveat Street. Oriflta., Ontario. ti . N4, hot. 5'iiltOl:S, LUMPS. etc. Ia.: cereal gnu external. cured v.ithouti; r,e H iLm ont. w i L „ Ity our uotuu Lr i iofore too late. lir. 13oltniau 9Ledaeul Ce.,i Limited, Collingwood, Ont. e TON o't,,_tLE , otlA1tA,5E 1'0131. 1Vllsoa'ei Scala Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto., A 2" ONOE—MI.IN TO I.IIARLN BAK114B.' trade eaq eTt instrutatan L'outtant pant ee: 1.0015 tree: always euro employ., moat tor 0 barber. Writs for catalogue, Molar tBarber tie lef u. ' 11 Queen Lett, Toronto:' 9t GENTS NYANT,IID. — 1 ST'aral OP, other Agency propositions canyineca as that' u:one can equal ours, You will al- ways regret, it it youdon't apply tor par: ticulu.rs to 'Travellers' L'eltt., 2za Albert St., Ottawa. DSCIAl,IS TS AD Ariel& 1 J3 I Consult ►J us to regard to any disease- Lowest prices in drugs of - alt kinder Trusses fitted by mail;. Send measure= :neut. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day tor anything Fold • in first-class drugs etares to Dr. Denman, Colliugwood. Ont. ;ems ��"�`• � f �" < in��s'y`' /�- 'A� �� • -tr This; • promo 9s just the kind for which you would have: Itte liaext awt,le.futlany Y ilret:hes St g, intra wide. L❑Ilt IG lIIoeY' long, in all colour, witLctallowv" Rues of greet length that do not' lose their curl easily. , ,Send no 51.00 to -day, for this la nu'opror- tunity; not to boohooed. We offer. also an 'extra largo fad handsome: 57.30 plume at .00. Send tnou9 by wail; oZProav or money order: Remember;that your money will ho re. funded ifthe plume 1 a notontirely satisfactory. New York Ostrich Feather Co.. Vol 141, 513.515 B'way, N.ti The Heart of a Piano isth+ Action. .• Insist on the •OTTO HIGEL Piano Action 1312OWN NURSERIES, WELLAl1D COUNTY, ONT. : 2.a RGEST GRONAIEIRS iw+NURSER.Y s-roOK'i l CANADA., t hof I In dealing with ns you are dealing wig' a firm et wholesale. tuanufs.oturin , . tuYM riers. We make on y +5oods that are ah-, solutely dependable utui-th^'t, sive flan fully guarantee. We have a number of i1AT 90r1A rc� >4�1 made in len, freer oto 50 inches 10-' , Lid. v„1_ ', i, Bin 0 Sick, Stneud w,ne -roarLouiebelt.t toe xneatUr011i0e11nt a zd the length of 'coat, desired. and ne `vil�l. send Baine 0,0:D. to any a t iu Cana5 , allowing p.iaileve of :examtnintg anal re+,a turning, i4 tot yatisiaeterP, at our es• pense. iw .F.Lf:�'', TO US TODAY. HOL'BSALE DEPT. ALENAND CTs 7coitt tUr lO soca l ass, ��r: a3 5t•' pctl,^ait, latah a I rtrws erode to nr00'0 eattsa.ap, lea ,r +s. a