HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-2, Page 6Ned
orticurturai txhi ition
T ONTO Nov14th o 18th
1At1, . 'Iri 2 NATIONATe STRCIf 1 OQA'"--
"tlrelxest ttovtstandtre0stretialsle etleele Feed eatlet taar st,
Patxtaars. Catetiel tnetr rite Breeders all use it rated praise
ux3 re xis Ear a et
reproves their appearaa sea at the
darts tltge»texas eon nd. oats, and cply cestey ou
1'v; rare 1+} Ae;rera everewhere. and the price will be
,e.r un4ed if itnon "tuasa you mosey,
Write for copy of our el3,0130 tec% dace." -flee most
herpfatr Poole ever publ;atied for tate r?erwer dila Stoesanan,
tient free.
iaaftaRYATIONA1: SialCli FOOD CO.. UNITED. • $010?iTO,
Bevels Weal Qac St>rclt
RalSa:r Says
iiatsaa'utx gut;
re Isla aSlala�t
ilaailta, raawta>.VW,
reusto er'tnee.s :rouland ues
ow,/ +^ra; at. ketvorear
lutet:wee-14 tent l
(elite, JAireIt
due 111%1 to iaTte L be vole` oda
it. es teen nest mend
linrianb a
(Sfplotl a v.astrrat
Two Days' Fighting
'icially Reported,
Losses of Italians in `
Greater .an Off
xi despatch , from London says:,
Four hundred Italians were killed
Or wounded in the fighting around'
Tripoli on Monday and Tuesday,
but all newspaper correspondents
were forbidden to communicate the
extent of the casualties aecording
to a news agency ,despatch received
here on Thursday from Tripoli
which escaped Italian ueusorship
by being filed at Valetta. The situ-
ation at Tripoli, the despatch adds,
is serious. European residents fear
a massacre, as ati holy war has been
proclaimed by the natives of Tri-
poli and Benghaz. At Sharashett
the left line of the Italian defence
is reported as bating hard pressed
sly the Arabs,
Tho Arabs who attacked the
Itmlians' rear on Monday had en
tared Tripoli in disguise, and their
outbreak caused a terrible panic,
Firing in the streets was general,
Non-collibatant then, women and
children were mixed up with the
comiee masts. Crowds flocked to the
shore and embarked in small boats.
Tbo onsitlatea were paged with
E 1:1t>;S ERO31 :ti,l✓ OV
Can da, the Empire and the Maori
in General Before Tour
Theruld is to have at zltilliori-dol-
larpulp mill.
Kings College, at Windsor, N.
S., is raising .$125,000 for extension
Hamilton hears that the C. Vii , It.
may put up a two million dollar
hotel there,
Madison rfvenn1: school in Mont-
real West, has been dosed, owing
to diphtheria.
The will of the late Thos.: Doug-
las. Smith, of Winnipeg, leaves
$1T5,0U0 to charities.
Farmers' Bank depositors meet-
ing at ,Belleville, decided to peti-
tion the Government for relief.
Colville, patent medicine ven-
dor, was fined $50 at Ha,rnilton•far
prescribing, for a patens;,
The C. P. R. has bought a tur-
bine vessel from the Clyde Passen-
ger Service for Paci> e coasts use.
Mr. Leonard, the new Chairman
of the N. T. Railway Commission,.
took charge of his office at Ottawa
n Thursday.
Speaking at Ealtinglass; Wick-
low, John E. Redmond, leader of
the Irish Parliamentary party, said
that the home rule bill was almost
cowlrleted and uvot
The United States Government
we instituted a suit under the
aherman.anti-truf4t latw, against tho 1
T.T. S. Steel 'Garporatbox,
Because his wife presented him
with twins, the second set in loss
than two years, Leo limy, '30 years
old, of Maysville, lCv,, committed
suicide by swallowing carbolic acid.
A train strut* an .auto and killed
Dr, and Mrs, James Glass, of Sher,
field, Pa., and caused their eight-
year-old :dumb boy, who escaped fn -
jury, to gain the power, of speech.
"Do as you judge best. but there
must bo no war," is a remark to
the German Chancellor reported to
have been mance by the 'Kaiser'when
discussing the Moroccan negotia-
tions some time ago.
The German Chancellor address-
ed the Reichstag for two hours on
the cost of living, and. scouted the
suggestion of abrogating the pre-
sent protective 'tariff. He express-
ed the opinion thateven a tempore
a,ry suspension would be a danger-
ous experiment...
Output !Prom "West This Seansen Over
Forty-seven "Millions,
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
The total grain marketed at 'Cana-
dian 'Pacific points this year has
passed the 30,000;000 -bushel mark.
The Canadian Northern has mark-
eted 17,000,000 bushels, which
brings the total shipments of both
companies up to 47,000,000 bushels.
It �.t s
t ver cr
!'he long winter even-
Ings give a'woman a splen-
did chance for sewing or
embroidery; but her eyes
suffer from the strain unless
she has a good light. ,
w The Rayo 13 the best r
lamp made. «
It gives a, shong,-diffused light that is remarkably easy tothe-eyes- ,'
Thereis no glare to it; no flicker. :c it lights ups whole room.
She Rayo is an economical lamp, too,,�7`r �.+5
' . o.�h fr h '
:'{au get the ,uo,x ethe oil brined • and the Ra -o it,elfa a
. 2.-p 0'.
rota -priced lamp.' Yet itis -a handsome. larpp-an ornament to any room in the house.
The Rayo Lamp is essiily lighted without shade or chimney; easy:to
1 r, removing a'
cgs? and rewick , Made of solid brass, nickel -plated; -also in numerous oJier styles
sgask 7cur dealsr to show you ilk lige of .Ay imps; . oe write ier;lucs is a circa
i.ny agency
ll Coni"3apy
-Si lit'
:POETS 7.10031 TILE I.E:9.DING
erices of Cattle: Grata, Chceai
Other VrQdnee; al
7444 Abroad.
Corouto. Oct, 3i. -Wheat was shill stere.
tit the feeling aa;isier. ,The offerings of
ngritded ii Catera wheel. ere large, and
mach of it will b 'fed to etoelz. Coarse
us itt Ontario eontinue firm; C'able's
snr Winter wheat, 93 per cent. pa-
, $3.60, 'Montreal freight. Manitoba
urs --first patents. $5.40; second pet-
its, 34,00; and !Axone. bakers', 34,70, ou
teach, Toronto,
Manitoba wheat -New No. 1. Northern..
$0471.•2, Bey 11orta; Nlo, 2 Northern, 50,•
051.2. and No. 3, 31,03, .Baty pests.
Ontario wheat -''o. .2 white, red and
fixed, now, 85 to 87c, outside.
beets -flood milling peas, elle to $1,07, out -
Oats -Ontario. No, 2 quoted. at 431.2 to
44c outside, end 150, :3 at 42e; car lots of
Neo. 2, on track, Toronto, 47 to 48e; No, 2
1Vextern Canada, 4812e, and, No. 3. 47e,
Bay ports.
:Barley --7 o. 3 extra, 92 to 94e. outside;
teed barley, 60 to CSo,
Corn -No. 2 Amerrean yellow, 781.2e, and
No. , 2 mixed at 77 1-20, Itay ports; .7o. 2
American yellow, 83o. ou 'Crack, Toronto,
for old,
Bye -Gar lots, Outside, 87 to 88e, for No.
Iluek.wlieat-Prices nominal at 60c.
an -Manitoba bra, 323 to 323,50, in
bags,, Toronto freight. Shorts, 325.
Apples -Winter stock, 33 to 34 per barrel.
Beans -Small lots of hand•pieked, 32.25
to $2.30 near bushel.
Honey -1 straeted, la tins, 10 to ilo per
lb. Combs, 22.50 to :$2.75.
Baled day -No. 1 at 315 to 316, on track.
and inferior at 312 to $13.
Baled straw -S6.50 to 37, on track, To-
Potatoes -Car lots, in bags, at 95e to 31.
Poultry -Wholesale prices of dressed
Poultry :-Chickens, 12 to 13c per ib.; hens,
11 to 12e; ducks. 12 to 13e; turkeys, 19 to
210. Live poultry about 2c lower, than
the above.
Butter -Dairy, choice, in wrappers, 25
to 26c; do.. medium grades, 22 to Ole.
Creamery, 28 to 29c per lb. for rolls, and
25 to 26c for solids.
Eggs -Strictly new -laid 28c, and fresh at
24c per dozenin case lots.
Cbeese-Large.:14 3.4c per lb., and twins
at lee.
Bacon, long clear, 12 to 121-2c per lb.,
in case lots. Pork, short cut, 322.50; do.,
mess, 119.50 to ,320. Rams. medium to,
light, 16 to 161.20; do., heavy,' 14 to 14 1.2e;
rolls, 10 3-4 t0 11c; breakfast bacon, 16 to
17e; basks, 19 to 20e.. '
Lard -The market is quiet,, and firm:
Tierces, `s11et tubs 111-4e; pails, 111.2c.
Montreal, Oct. 31. -Oats -Canadian lest-.
ern, 01o. 2, 491-2 to 50c, car lots, o„ -store;
extra No. 1 feed, 49 to. 491.2e; No. 3 C W.,
481.2 to 49c; N .2 Local white, 48 to 48, 2e;
Vu. 3 do., 471.2 to 40c;,-210 4 do., 47 to
471.2e. El.our -,i7lanitoba Spring :'Wheat
patents, firsts, 75 60; ,eeeords 75,00;. Win-
ter wheat patents, 74.75 to 75.00; strong.
backers', 74,80; straight, rollers,, 71.25 to
$4.40; in bags, 31.95 .te $2.05, Ito -IPA oats
--Per barrel, 5.25: bag, of 90- 1bC++., `'23.50:
;ora --American, No. 3 yellow , 01 1-2 to
01 3-4A. Mill Fcct',__}l1d n
alio, 023 '` to
51 1'I i 2i ;nidd �n r (triton'',
-4; i�a i tnbtt.': £,540 t� 7,
•' 72 2
' 9
•��7 to .n�8, shorts, Manitoba, .t..a, mo;iil.
000, i26` to 032. 1 gay--§eleetail, 0112 to
28e do., froth, ' 33" to 34 I.; No:` + 8F rchr,
22 5-2 ' to 21r Ch;;esez Westerns, 14 'Tsai
terrified Europeans. The situation
is described as precarious, and the,
Italian outposts are nervous. The
military arrangements are bad. The
whole force occupies a ,seruli-oirele,,
whose ends rest on, the' seashore.
There are no reserves hi the town
and only two warships remain off
the city, The left wing is still hard
pressed, and if it be broken the
situation will be as .grave: as pos-
sible, The Consuls arc realizing
the possibility of the breaking of
the left wing and fear that a mas-
sacre will follow, They are' arrang-
ing for Europeans to board ships
if it becomes necessary.
Fresh troops to the number of 1,-
10C with thirty guns arrived on
'Wednesday and landed near Shar-
zet to strengthen the left. It is re-
ported that 5,000 Tuareg -tribesmen
are ;advancing en ,Tripoli and an-
other battle ;s expected,
The drabs oda Thursday made a
violent attack against the Italian
positions between 11 Mesri and
Bourneliana. They were repulsed
with heavy loss. The Italian casu-
alties were only a few wounded..
141,40; eeeteres, 15.8 to 137•Se. Butter --
Chaim -it. 271•2o; seQOncls, 251,2 to 27e.
laTN12,':ez? 2'1`AT31$ 3itlllfi7T$.
3linueapolts, Oct, 31.°^C1oae-Wheat-"Ie-
ceulber. 31.09 341; 3iay5 $1,131.2 to 3143 5.8;
71,14 3-8. nominal; No, 1 bard, 31,,
077"8; No, 1 Northern. $1.111 to 81,303••8;
NO, 3 Northern, $t,073-8; lWo, 3 wheat.
$1.03 2.3. to 1.047-8. Corn --No. 3 yellow.
72'1:2 to 73e, Qaate-No, 3 Whitt, 46 to 46'1 -",ea
!Eye^ -NO, 2, 433.2e. Breare321,60 to 318.
Piour-First haterts, 4740 to 750; tea»
iansi ;peteiote, $$4"90 to $6,20; first clears,!
53.80 to 34,16; emend clears, 72.70 to 33,10.;
Buffalo. Oct, e,;,--Srartur: t+rloeit'-'2 o 1
:Northern. ca,r1e--4d0 stare, 81.143.1; 11"tt*000.
-=Steady, Corn No. 4 yellow, fAt1.4o; 2°t,
4 yellow, 74 t -4e, on track, tine ttl;ls 1}tiled,
Qats»; et, 2" white, 503.4e; „No. 3 tt]}ita,
101.4e; No. 4 white, 401.4e. Barley -Malt•
iug. $1.15 to 31,25. "'
']Montreal, Oct, 30,Nortlt.'iv est steers,
good. 35,43 to 35.50; Eastern et,eers, good,
e5 to 33.75; fair, 35.25 to 35.50; hulls. heavy,
1.000 lbs„ 33.40 to 33.50; light, 400 lbs, $3
to $3.20; Niorth.West'evtell ounl hostels, 35
to 35.25; Eastern cows, good, $4 to $4:25;
floor to medium. $3,25 to 33,75; canners,
7150 to 32.75, ,gores-Seleets, ,36..25 tet 36.e
60; underweights, 35; sows, $4.50; stags,
`3,50; and rough stags. 33. Grass calves.
51-4 to 53-4e by the potted, tend suckers,
3'1.4 to 31.2e by the pound.
The Canadian Northern nay Get.
Lease of It.
A despatch from Ottawa say s :
It is stated in railway circles hero
that the Canadian Northern Rail-
way is likely to submit a proposi-
tion to the new Government, hav-
ing reference to the Intereolr nial
Railway system. The Canadian
Northern Railway is gradually link-
ing up itstranscontinental line,
which Will be completed in 1913 to
Quebec. Connection between Que-
bee and the Atlantic -seaboard has
yet to be determined, and the idea
prevails „that, in lieu of construct-
ing an independent line, or at least
before deciding upon it, the Ma e
kenzie and Mann interests will. en-
deavor to lease the Intercolonial,
Otherwise there may be : four lines,
three of them through roads paral-
leling each other in practically the
same territory: As yet, ; however,
no' propostion has been submitted
for the Government's consideration.
Ounce f- Gough Syrup"
A Family Supply for 50c, Saving 52. The
Surest, Quickest Remedy You Ever..
Used or; Money' Refunded.
A cough remedy that saves you $2, and
is guaranteed to give quicker, better' re-
sults than anything else, is surely worth
trying. , And one trial will show you why
Plume is used in more homes in the U. S.
and Canada than any other cough remedy.
You will be pleasantly surprised by the
way it takes right hold of a cough giving
almost instant relief. It will usually stop
the most obstinate, deep-seated cough in
24 hours, and is unequalled for prompt
results in whooping.con'h -
.A 50 -cent bottle of: Fines,' when mixed.
with home-manie,sugar syrup, ,nia.res : six-
teen;ounceeof the;best cough remedy ever
used. Easily: prepared" in. Sive minutes-
clirectiprl4 in package.
The taste ` is Pleasant ---children take it
willingly. Stimulates the appetite and is
slightly laxative -both excellent features.
Splendid for -croup, hoarseness, asthma,
bronchitis and other throat troubles, and
a highly;successful remedy far incipient
lung troubles. ' '
Pone is a special 'ancl highly concen-
trated compound, of Norway White Pine.
extract; rich in guaiacol and other natural
healing pine elements. Simply mix •With,
sugar; syrup; or strained honey, in a
bottle, and itis ready for use.:
Pinex has often been iiuitaatccl, but -never`
successfully, for nothing else 'will produce
the some resti:lts. The genuine is guaran-
teed 00 give t7.bsc,luto satisfaction or money
refueded'.. Certificate. of guarantee is
wrapped in each package. ' Your druggist
has L.inex or will gladly get';it for you.
11 not,; send to The Piizex Co,, Toronto,
`". fi•1�� '�.-, /tS'cl,0E;i J/7 •a`.Al
AtaFO TO1 ,
".v. TQR°h11- OA1L „c 1,/
.r/ -%Iii- .. ..:al.Oi
MAKING SAFE tL'TNTScfatnmortgages,but there ie a grcator
that the interest will be paid.
- � A very groat drawback to the ttverage.
roan vrloo desires this form of mortgsgo
is that those on really desirable property
re usu;rlly require so great a'u' aumount:
of money that it is quite out of the. dares,.
tion for hint to invest therein. As arc,
cult, they usually tall to the lot of firma-
mortgage institutions, and Pole'
the le;+y deelrebll are open to the amain.
.'Nor Phoiild it 4e forgotten that there ill
es rnowli necessity ter : careful calu:ttion
nad scrupulous attention to 1044r;ittee,.
titles, ate„ tio city, as there. is in the eseo
of farm urort sacs,
Bolero loaning the subjert of, in€tsteagee,.
-guaranteed inertgage" Sheli3d, of
coarse, be tneutioued; although it has floe,
yet reached here the Saone popularity e..9
6 State i. Vele xttot'tg4ga i:a OPP tat
anal 1;ied 'isi?ued in the ordinary
ch. but arinu t', re nO
ortu,oralalio guarbeanteeg actor) 0QWfarltenyiSOUtbAt
fife iutereat and principalwouid he Haid
in full settee due. There tore MARY .;ad.
vantrges in title term of mortgage. 'tit
the first piece, it obvtutea the metal Star^
ries over the emelt, but itupartnztt, de•
tails of iuluralree, valuation, collertitn
of ittiert3,st. ete, On elle other 3rsaud, 'far
trouble -add the guarantee, the cam.,
ebill'at$ a ceetaiu pert of else Au*
0, utualty a,Lotte as quarter. AS ,A
t, therefore, the Inortgago returns
tureto =ere titan ho average ir;*
bond without, hoavever, .its cis-
in haing readily saleable.
Villages and Towns Often Stagnant
Small or No Demand for Property In
Case et Foreotostrre-A Recent. 'Cxamttto
Guaranteed Mortgages,
The nrtieles contributed he "Inverter"
are for the =sole purpeee of: si41diug .pros,
ncetive investors, awl. if possible of sae.
it,C them from lasing money tereeeh
eleeinr it ie. 'wild-ont" ,ntereetecs, The
impartial and reliable character of the
iutorpoatiou tray be relied upon, VIA
\enter of these articles and the publisher
of this paper have tio itlter4555 to serve
fu couneettou with tine matter oilier theft
times, of the reader.
what bas boon said ablaut tare morn
gages is in a general watA' ,true at ;nort-
gages ganerailY, But, of course, there
aro several differences which are worth
1W'hiliinge' artorttceges do faruu: land.
oatreltally chosen. a,rc+ en.t'o as regards
prituaapaal, the eater) cannot he said with-
out, qualiileatiots withi roped to village
uati town: property. The great danger est
investing lit mortgagee en nroperts situ'
a04 in a town is that there le, all 2, rifle,
no very asressing demand for laud of tine
chow, 1`or example, it it became neoes
ery to foreclose uncle as mortgage it would
not he at all an easy matter to !lout a
purchaser. Nor would it be mucil meter
to Stud someone to rent the place. Theo,
again. there 3 elwaaya (Jaeger that a
email town win deereasa la }Oleo, Anyonut
who has glanced over the census returns
published last reels cannot fail to note
that the rural and village population of
oaths' parts o! this province bas materl-
tell decreased in number during the de-
eaade. The result to an investor would be,
of 00=130, that there would be a very
good charters that the property on which
ho held a mortgage' would be outs of the
taanY, tbiit one may see in almost any
Ontario viilcaga, that has loin vacant for
retire. The vary trust that the loan and
mortgage companies will not netopt as
security rnortgases balled on such pro.
porty is a conelusive proof that there
Must bo something wrong with that sort
,t if one could be sure that the
f '
town or village in which the house -or
whatever the security may be -is situated
is in iv fair way to grow, there would
not then be the same risk. liven at that,
there is, however, nothing in this form
of investing to attract any careful ire
Only a short time ago .a friend of the
writer found it necessary to take n. mort-
gage on .some town property in payment
of a bad debt. He tried to sell the wort-
gage. He was informed by one company
that they might buy it if the rate were
right. This they .placed at no less than
ten per cont. The rate was made ten, as,
suggested, hitt even then the manager t°f
the company would toot touch it -nor
would anyone else. Then the insurance
rate was also, ten per cent.. and, as the
security, without the insurance, was very
"insecure," this ten per cent. was prat-
tically a first charge on She inoofne of,
the unfortunate mortgagee. And this,
mond you, 10 a growing town. The mort-
gage was, only for a short term and will
be payable in a few months; but the
chances that it will he paid off are very,
very slight. And here comes in the per-
sonal element. The two. parties to the
mortgage are friends. The holder of the
mortgage would be moist unlikely, fonder
any circumstances, to foreclose, and even
if this were done, there would be no
ready market for the place. Altogether,:
it is a very nasty situation, and cue that
an investor would do well to avoid.
When cue turns to city: property: there.
is '; a very different consideration to he
born , in mind. In the first place, the
cities of this province have been growing
of a great rate during the past decade.
And 'as a natural result of this growth
the values of land of various classes loan
also increased:
This leaves i very substantial -quity;_
behind the security on which :the mort-
gage iS based, and so the investor in such
mortgages has not stood hese anything
during the post few years- The, increai
ing.'populations have also resulted not
only in a steady demand for dwellings,]
but also as a result of the increasing,
in necessity for
number of people 1 tho y.
t -. ^.
`Pin distrioie:•
in the shot/
Ping property fi_-.I. g
i7` u that any
the result r?£ U s,
nioroit secured _'zin
•er foreclosed
*r- ...e �e la
l'hereiore`,'as nsartgages goo, tlsoGebared'
o.-we11 located property els a growing
e;t.V, ,aro perfectly. Safe. Thsy do 7114' 3:
a mills?. ,bear as high a • mato:'o, s o, t'ru t
$MVICE it{)1;i \ 1) THE WORLD.
RRrItatili I.'el'feeiing r1'atit;lc lrlenta3
W1tli Marconi Company.
A despatch from London says
An early. anuouncerent may faro Q, -
pected that negotiations have been,
conCludea betweetn the Post -office
I1epai.rtntent and the :Marconi Com-
pany for the erection of a, chain of
wireless telegraph stations round
the world, linking up the British
Dominions anti giving Oreit Bri-
tain an independent system of tele-
graphic communication with any
part of the globe, Connection with
the Western hemisphere will be ef-
fected by
ffectedby means of a station already
existing at Glace. Bay, $.1"u it is
prrposod to establishanother sta-
tion. at Montreal to communicate
direct with the Wet Indies, where
nil the islands will be connected by
short -distance stations from , Glace
Bay, It will be possible to com-
municate '.direct with Vancouver,
whore a large power station is to bo
established which will provide di-
rect communication with. Hong
ewfourtilland'y Trade Exceeitcci
Record by Over a 31i11isan.
A despatch aatcii from St. John's Wild.,
. f
says: Exceeding last years record
by $00,0,000, the trade of Newfound-
land for the fiscal' year ending in
June, set a new high mark, accord-
ing to an announce elft made here,
on Thursday. For the fiscal year
the colony's trade amounted to
$25,400,000, against <$24;500,000 for
the previous° ,year. The total im-
ports showed an inereaso of 3300,-
000, being -$13,400,000. The exports
totalled nearly $12,000,000, ahowi.-rg
a slight increase. The exports to
Great Blit yin amounted to $2,300,-
000, an increase of nearly half a mil-
lion dollars. This was due largely
to the output of the new pulp I 1 _.._..
Here's the biggest
can of easy -shining
stove polish on the.
It's a paste-easily'applied-nnd
givesa, brilliantly black polish, that• is not affected by the teat. ' Equnlly"
good for stoves, pipes, grates and`
iron work°
If your, dealer doe not carry
"Black Knight! Steve Polish, send us
his name and 10c. and we will send a
full size tin byretura mail. 36
!flamingo, Onta
lial:cri of it, famous "2 int"Shoo Poll4h".