HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-2, Page 1T WENTY-FOURTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1911 T>~`' EE S & Cn E ES South Huron Liberal -Conser- vatives Convene HENRY EILBER, CHOSEN Henry Eilber, the popular member Tor South Huron i;1, the last Provincial Le4- islature, Was again.. the unanimous choice of the, LtberalConservative party at their convention held in Zurich 'on Thursday afternoon. last, I-Ilsutasthe only name proposed, and the greatest enthusiasm was eliewat whets he accept- ed the nomination . The meeting opened et two o'clock w r11 the, ltreslderst, Mr. J, :1., 1\ illien1;s, .n the chair, Although it was a busy seetiOtt the delegates 'Fere out le large u b - 4. :nese Inane'over 1tP ) Bir t . g«+ftes Basta; minor business had beef, transacted ltormtlat;one were called for, when Mr. Pliber was duly nominated by ,lfessrs, john Sherritt, ex-tI,P., and Wm Anderson ee-Deputy-Reeve ot Stephen. Besides Mr. Either the foilowtne gen tlelnelt spoke bsieflY, J, j. :Kerner, M.P., Johan She1'ritt and 1'i u Anderson of Stephen, Reeve Jelut, W, Taylor and T. I3. Carling of Exeter,, and 311. Richard, sett of Stanley. Many ]ligh tributes were paid to the worth of talo candidate as a kepresentativo of the people, and to the grog eeaivc policy of the 1V.hitney Gav- eremeet, Mr. Eilber expressed his aPpreciat'ion of the confidence reposed in hint by- r11.s. coest'ituents throughout his f urteett years of Service, and revroYred the poli. �, cies: of the. 'Whitney Govez Government, "The Ontario Government," Ino said, "has been harePercd itt many waste by the tom fon Government, notably le the direction of he. tide of immigration away Srtam t r o t aNew � ti• i1 k fertile d..l .o t S i 1 :1 9 0. O. t. N to 0 e Western Provinces. But even under title handicap theGo�err Government h�s made good Under the Reform adminiatratfon the University of Torous wag e struggling institution existing for the most part on, promises. Unica' the Whitney Gov- ernment it has been placed upon a solid financial basis. Then there Is thewon- dertul: work aceoruplished by the present Government in connection with. the Ag- ricultural College at Guelph. And in ov- a wo must this co testi letn o say thatt 1 st t n n 1 t leave 1"OgreHa tanning. 1itl a r, c- ulture nourishes all the others folIow." The speaker touched upon the develop- ment of the hydro -electric system, giv- 15c. pays for The .advocate to Jan.1 Iest align -praise to. Hon. Adam ;Deck, whom he referred to. as "a main ',who vrill go down in history as one who" has done much, if anot,`nore for his; province than any other statesman, past or pres- ent. In conckus'on 11e said he had the fullest eonfidenee in 31r. Borden and 11:.s cabinet, "I-thitnk the p renter has t acted wisely in the appointment of his mieleters, :11r. White, to whom sumo have taken exception, is a stain of super.. ler abillty, and I believe he is eminent ly rlualifieed o, the important postof minister -of finance, I believe that Mr. Borden took iasis consideration 'his won- der tut work as e ine:nuier before ,ap. pini: n_7 hit)." FIEN•ItY EILBEa Conservative Conti.d;tte in S ,TFwx Bello 1 of :Messrs. John 3feNattfih- d Dickson to following resolution was unanllnottsly accented,— "That we tender td the Hon. R. l.. Lor - den heartiest congratulations upon Ms election to the high and proud oiflco of first minister and comsnoect of Can- ada, and that wel`a.t thol samd time ex- press -press to- itkm our gratitude: for the great sacrifice made by nim as our ,leader in the past, and forthe splendid y victoz'' achieved by h'tr11 on Sept. 2,1st, mull. our fullest' confidence in flim "to rule aright the affairs of this Dominion. We espec- ially commend ;the wisdom and breadth o' mind tdiS» aged b. tons' leader„in-;se1 ee frig as Members of his cab Lest tncn of probity and ability, each aged every- one et them _being .peculiarly : and emin- ently fitted for' the positions they have been called upon, to fill.” CARLING'S PHONE 18 DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS We are having a two weeks sale of all Dress Goods in black and colored, We therefore quote a few of the prices to show you that we mean what we say. These Dress Goods are in nearly all the shades that are worn this fall. Riess Goods that was Regular' $1.25 for $1.12 Regular $1,35 for $1.08 Regular $1.50 for 98c. Regular $1,00 for 88c. Regular 75c, for 58c. Regular 50e for 42e. All these prices hold good only for two weeks so come in and secure your dress for the coming season. READY MADE SKIRTS We have a few ready made skirts' in Black, Green Red, Blues,. Brown, and Old Rose which we will clear out at a discount of 331 per cent. off. Come and pur- chase early because this is a bargain. WALL PAPERS House cleaningtime is come again so buyyour p offering Fall Wall Paper now while we are a dicunt of 25 per cent. on all papers. You may need a new Carpet or Rug this fall, if you do just coxae in and purchase at a discount of 15 per cent, These are exceptional bargains. DINNER SETS Just- eft to clear a few,left Jl ar re talar X�{++10 00 for 8.00 egular;$8.00 for $6.00. ighest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, The meet1s g adjourned after three cheers for the 1C1ng, the eandidate, and Premier Whitney.. JOS. ELLIOTT IN CENTRE IIURON. At the convention of Oanservataves of Centre Huron ,,az Seafort3: on Thursday. Joseph Elliott of Goderich was 'chosen", as the candidate for the Provincial Leg- islature, Mr. Elliott is a strong nate and the defeat of the late member, Mr. Pr'oud£oot, is antieipated, Ln North„ Theresa, John T. Cure'. wast teztdet'ed lily u:larespeus nomination o the Liberate at the Oenvetstion held n Wtn,ham on Oct. 20. The Conserve the candidate in this ridlilg is the for- Paler nleznbcr, :Sir. A, If, 3fuegreve, tiO\ INc iAls ELECTJQNS PEO. t. i.. James Whitney on, Monday an - minced that the provincial eleetiotas in 1tar10 will take piece o t Pe;,embsr 1, w,•th '11oattaatign one week earlier:. HIS O1eI'1CIAL TITLE Time Who have seeaFeem to :addreeks csfrieial eorresponde;lee ta. the Duke o? Connaught will need to leave plenty or room for the, salutatiim. The official title as given by the Canada Gazette, runs ;n tin s order:— 1 :eld liar shell, blis Royal I3ighnesa Prince Arthur William Petrick Albers, Duke of Connau alt and of Strathern, and Elul of I sses `,n- ties. Peerage of he • Ignited 1413:doau, ]-'I've of the Unit- e;d I+•!. dom of Greet finita'^ and 'Irc- lannd. Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe - burg and Gotha , ICn;;iht ,ot the Meat Noble Order of the Garter: Irl Naar 'of Moat Ancieet aind. Yost Noble Order at the Thistle; Knight of the Moet Illus., tr!otts Order of Saint Patrick; -Ono tat II, s 1a}cSz' s Moet , Otaab1C I'r3v r Coune:I ; First and 1'rirelpel Knish Grund Cross and Great 31astcr of tito honourable Order of the Bath IC:WO/ t Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of 5 °.o 'Star of India Wedeln Grand Cross of the lfost Joist-iegelstled Order of Saint Mlel.ael and Saint George Knight Grand Commander of the 3last Eminent Order ot the Indian Empire; Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Viet- arias) Order; tiOrd r; Personal Aide -de -Call -1P tnp t o is Maiestythe King; Goven or General and Commander in Chief of the Dolnln !on of Canada. CARD OE THANKS.. I, the unders!ned. des:ee hereby to return my 'sincere thanks to all the neighbors and friends who so heartily gave their assistance, and aYmPathy dew- ing the Illness and since the death of my husband.—airs. English. The Advocate be sent to any address in Canada till January 1913I Tor $1.00. 11 Notice to Creditors Of MRS. MARGARET AIRTH, Late of the 'Vitiate of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is 'hereby given that all credit- ors and others having claims against estateabove of a eve. named deceased who died on or 'about ther27th day of June, 1911, are on or before the 10th day of Nov- ember, ovember, A.D. 1911, to 'send by post pre- paid, to the undersigned Solicitors for the administrator of the estate of "the said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and ;descriptions; the full particulars ot 'their claims, to statement of their accounts and the na- ture of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after, the day last afore- said the said administrator will proceed to distribute the, assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been .given as above required, and fthe staid adminis; trator will not be liable for ,the said assets ar any part J:thereof, to any e'er - son or persons of Whose claim or claims notice shall nob have been received by him at the time of, sushi distribution Dated at Exeter thes 17th day of Betober, A. D. 1911. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors for -Administrator Notice to Creditors Of JOHN W. RODNEY, Late of the Township of Usbal'rve, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revi-sed Statutes of Ontario,1897 notice Is hereby given that all credit- ors : and others having claims aigainst e tat E s e o above nailed deceased who died on or about<:t!h,I ti iLh day of July, 1911, are on or before ,the 10th day of Nov- ember Aeat 1911, to send by past pre- paid to. the undersigned solicitors; for Robert K. Horsley, the Executor of :the last well and, testament of the said-deceased;'their christiati nam 1 ea and surnames, 'addresses'and - ,,des- criptions, -'he full particulars of their claims, a statement' of their accounts and the'nature of the securities,, if any, held ?by y them,• and that after the day last aforesaid - the said Executor will proceed to distribute, the as- sets' of the said deceased ,among the parties entitled ,thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall' have been given as above 'require ed, > and the said , F:-ecutor will Plot be liable foe the said'aesots; or.any part thereof,` to any person: of persons of :whose claim or' claims :ryeotiee .shall :lot "have beat receavo-1 by him ;et', the Cate of .such distrlbut,ion. -< Dated at Exeter this 17411 day of Octobe , A D 1911 • DICK'ON & CARLING, l r - ; fe'rt: Local``��' 3Mrs, P., pawde l retina ed Saturday. items from a weep'& v_`teit'w th. frierzdet iz: Lox: don. lira Jo?:r' lister is v s.ta:t, in I.orl- don Mr.Ed. T,teble i's: conflated to his room <Vee' to `llness. 1 'elsh is quite ERI at her 'longe,: 3f111 Street,, gr. and Mrs. John 3iark:barn were London tilts week.. Miss Eitel Clark of Re'nsa'll visite Wien IDem ilouiden, Mr" Joese. Wood teolt ai• ear Of a°`,ttl to To--ont) this. week, M°ss Ida _ ;-rinstrong visited b;.er sf +e;s is Letetnew this ' week. stem. Iaa-r e„s s kis:tin;, 13.i$. gist 11 Y Net -:o /tattoo. in , orgets o. Tao you '.e. people e'n jayed a .chalice e Olne a 11a1190, o:1 Teeeda ' ,ovetting, 3f Ss Recd gime. Miss DarkiMic., t 91I -on a 1 on spent t n holiday with fr#sada. bere. Mrs. Robt. Cooper ox' Lo;idoe .s d- Sang wide relatives. and friends m anti around Exeter, A number. _ _ pra.zka were nevi petro"sed en Tuesday z1.r,=rt, 11411owe'en, but we have heard of nota --,'yea serious. T we world does, 004, sewn t'a get nnueh leer. LIBER,1L. LEADER RI SIGNS A.t a caucus of Liberal ca:xdidates a.nd lezeresesrs oe. tee I-eteidarns,; QQ Qsntaro Tosoato week the leader 'or tile, pa't;R. lion A. 0, 3Iael:at, tett- I4ie ed tt.$ re tlat'o.. whichwas acs t , was U naatn:tr,'ously. ' eepte'e#, all`" tach ht sed to re rPbt” 1Tx p; rt5`s tread, taelCa,y said tl at attacks Qin hQs o`aol ells -recto' it1 tine eeurts ,med. x f .a rQ ,4ni- tb.i t m 411.ce Wele. a: Ivoedo a, epen: '4t,,1 he bad + prove,. the will lir paa'ty with, leer father, Tdondon Road dation. N, 3 viewed, a Toronto lavv- n, 1 Ser, was chosen loader et 3tA" otxa and 31ra. 'Gould sad fain;iy of an wt1"e the guests of 31rs. F�1'aaks the hol.d3,y. THE NEW ST!.AA Al anti airs, F. 11'. Daket- u .eel tie infest last weak. W le:e they - Der i e the rec,-a+ Bess or or *Mune:. ment, innpoitan,t cinalges were n ie Welsh ot Londoe visited o« p:arentss'Ir< and 'ars, W. 11 11'el#n aya at rig l s. snit' f., and o. Vanni#toil, n.ri r `a .d of 7 o;tckt;i spern i .- ,ov,;- Cls;, kA'a, tae 9r laid ia? ran:t, 1t barkael- "'ttt I,,Q1s Angeles.. Fls?a of 1V:t:Wh:6n1 staid as:I o1 Sarna visited .f ilial Powell this weds. Iloit 4e;n,' ,tats Itcr c :s a ofaJ'v 0 .. e 1a671.11n�1# s a ;' Led wii31 xe;owns In Clinton this week. 31.iss 'r, E, Drown, who Ions been, hot- :daylnts at her hon.3 :dere. returned ftp resume her duties, Detroit, Tuesday even Mrs. J. S. 'tack and 11i15$ 111'argar Saunders of Guelpl. agent, the past week vatting the former's sister, Mrs, Thos G: -e -gory . ;r e Noa tt- arrangements tic tit plans A r er is :n. p a. elan t bean made by tits Grand Trunk fat'„tan erection at a now station to take the place or the ane.recently destroyed by :re, and to would seem as though Ex titer will 'be without a passenger ata - t or., ot.he ^ .tl:at,,1 the teml)orary pravie- !on made, this wetter` at least. This Is owing to the fact,that the. company has so much work of IL similar nature on hand at which their workmen are en- gaged. ie the Seed Acv, resflectii n; the sale clover and tried:y see Til tiler i',e 4,W 11!: r epre nti$tiA1s £ lt: beim; made. .t, :,',01d Stand 1c the Inapeetor fQtrt d r3rcui: to prove eieletlena thou= degas- mteet crter red Wafer seai ec' :uick Cut Price Sale ..t aw e to aline”. as amens' ns Q-'� nsaNiette 'wa'eti e;,ds tae pu;yc , and riri nat1lr,Yon .eaT „�ttaa.� tae:' of (Wier vve;da !grapy: as $Caztaa'1, )�t'- In:'es n �t AA fi,�.a best t.r'ades and ,charge - tae a7y ata saxua:l as anis competitor ashetl. Sar 1�'0< 1. Ifs woulol >;•.t,)1. nark ;" Nth I, 'but ice, nn° ,ht state verbailV ttaat was No, or lust a,s aosd 'Tie tee o1,eti ores done, w ;tv88 *T11i result test 4 'w t ti rs ,at' lrnle , , a� 4l � retail 1 . s rc... ,l aa' 11� .a. n rc, , Sat. : s l,a really wanted c # 3tobuyu p nk sued have got badly centatn.4In'ted, seed anti: pard. top Prices. for it Under the new Act, such representatiok will be lampasslbin nil both, farmers and retail lne:'ch�.nn.ts et wikt be able tQ buy their ,See41 more ie.. :otligently. Pour grades are fixed by the Act for red clover, ;ties;kap, alfalfa; and t'mothr, seed, stntl all +se;d sold 10r ceding n u: oars b ' C'etl (^• t , s P p a son .. n aa,. ti y n C a PlaPenly labelled with the r,rada, alas* ,, seed not grading No. 71, vfa;nl) Es tno higher standard than the old prohibitive .line of five' noxious weed seas per '1000 of good seed. °s p:lyb b:tea for sale. ROLE POUND —On Monday last a robe was could int Eseton+, Owner can. have sante by proving property and Paying for this advert'.eetnent.—Ca11 at Advocate Office. SUSPENDED SENTENCE.—Mr, 0. W. Cross was tried in Goderich lastweek for nils-approprlatton .of the funds of Exetercemetery, 'and was let off an suspended sentence, he agreeoig to pay the money back. FURNITURE AND OUSEHOLD EF- FECTS FOR SALE.—In addition to the sale of effects, etc., taf the late Reeve Bawden, there will be offered for sale on the same date, Saturday, Nov, 4th, furniture household effects the vitt and Dose t of Mr. S. G. Bawden. Remember the date, Saturday, Nov. 4th. SOLD BUSINESS—Mr S. G. Bawden on Saturday last sold his Mert's Fur11- iShi'n; business to Mr. T. .3. I.Cestle and B. W.V. Beavers, who took change on the completio; of stock -taking, which commenced on Tuesday morning. We re- gret to lose Mr. Bawden as a business man in Exeter, but extend a cordial 'wel- come to fele successors. Mr. and Mrs. Bawden intend spending the winter In California. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1912 THE UNDERSIGNED Will receive ten dere up to noon, on Friday, 10th( Nevem bey,. 1911, for supplies' of 'butchers' meat, 'flour, oatmeal, potatoes, .etc., for ,the followieg institutions' for the year 1'918, viz. ;— _At the Hospital for the Insane . in Brockville, Cobouib, Hamilton, -Kings ton. London, Mintoc, Orillia, Pene- tanguishene Toronto; the Central Penson and Mercer Reformatory, Tar- anto, and the 'Hospital ferr, Epileptics at Woodstock Excep'ti'ons—Tenders are not required tow -the supply ot ' neat to the Hospitals' :n Brockville, Hannilton, Kingston., Lon- don, Mimlco, i' id' To ;silo, 'nor for the Central Pr:rso:1 o'r Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. A marked cheque for five per cent. of 1 e esttiernated amount of tine cea11- t?,get, payable to th- order of the Honourable the Provincial Secretary; i must be furnished by each tendere:, as a 'guarantee of his boa , fides: and two suffeeient securities, or she bond of a guarantee - company tm1'orized to do business 31 -the Doaninio11 ref Can, ada, will : be required le r= the , due f;,luisnt of each. contract.. Specifica- -eons and forms' and cgnditfons.of ten- dere. may be obtained trona bite ln- sPeet0s of Pr:so;is and','Public ;chert tics, Partiiansenti ,Buildings, Tat onto, ots from the 'Barsars` o: the respective iriseitutiocli8. The lowesf'or ant> tender. last neces.9arilyaccepted. N4 v pap. is °nsert11 . ''hire , advert.ieenlent twitheut awtllority from .rho '1 pm'tment will not 'be paid or, it. ' J HANNA Ptoei 1c al-ecletar y ,.F,... Parli'ame'nt Bulildings, Toronto. DOING THE .F.1;R:'SEERS. .At least a score of Colborne Town- ship farmers now Have kitchen cabin- ets who never ]tad kitchen cabinets be- fore. Each and everyone cost $20, and. thereby bangs a tale. A slick, sleek stranger toured the sixth concession not long ago, with a sample ktitchen. cab !let In the back of ht's wagon, Trade proving a little slow, he made the deal easy by telling each tanner that :'about Christmas time when work was, slack In,i the country 11e would hire the fanner' to drive him about collecting the pay- ments on the cabinets the had sold. Any', price at all couldibo charged for this. s!crvice, and the agent also agreed. to board at the farmer's home, paying the housewife any sum she might see tilt to ask. Seeing can opportunity of a kitchen cabinet for little or nothing, some six farmers ton the sixth attached their signatures to a. paper "Inn token of good -will," and so that their, names might be records -d. A dozen other far- mers on the fake shore, around Nile did the same. The other day they all received notice from a tbarde in 1Ying- ham that notes for $29 were due, and payable these. These were the "blank papers." Then 'came a sad procession of duped ones to Wingham to settle. BIDDULPH, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Armitage are/ spending a few days withl the former's brother, Jas. Armitage of Kincardine.— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham are visiting her mother this week.—Mr. O. Dobbs is engaged with; :Mir. W. Colwill at flay ,pressing. —Mr. ;Geo. Whiting is spending a few days on the Sauble Lein. -Mr. Cobleiph has returned from the West. He intends going back in the spring. l--^ LUJCAN.—A pretty wedding took place atthe hoes of Mr. and Mss. C. J. How- ard 011 October 25Th, when, Miss Ber- tha Culbert of London, formerly of Pots - est, was married to Edward Meyers of London. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Lowe ilrr 'the presdrtde) of a few friends. The 'L:Iberals' +seam, to be having their own .troubles over a provincial leader at present. Holl. A. G. MacKay does not seemto please all. He really hasn't had a chance: to win yet. B1RTHS Uhtley—At Zurich, on , Oct; 19th to Mr. and Mrs. Wiilliam 'Uttley, a son MARRIAGES : Huston—Gray—In London , Oct. 30, k � r William I .van Hus,on, son of AL.. H. Ruston af' Exeter, to Miiss ,Jane Mary,dau3htter of Mr Janles Gray of London. Farquhar -Cons tt—At Hillegreent Oct., 25th.; 'by Rev:" Mx. Richardson, Emma. A, Consitt, to Cher, T. Fareallar, tot.' -of Ifills-r_een. DEATHS Park,:—In ' Bayfield on • Oct. 2i.5t11, Geo.' Parke, aged , 81, years and 9" monies, tpri,tchard Ie ',Clinton, o11 Oct. '0th. Tt1os. L p tcllard, eged ' ;)5 years. I troll —I11 A11ea Craig Octs 24, Mips. i y n1 Ltlitol, i' sexed 0`8 -rears. Beginning 117kn din Thurs day morning November s Having purchas ed the Clothing and Gents Furnish- ing stock of S. G. Bawl, den at a rate on the. dollar we are en abled to make big slash in prices to clear out the entire stock in six. weeks. Come in_ and get a new suit or .overcoat at a big discount. Every article will be slau- ghtered. Try , one of our special or -y der suits or over- coats. Also at the Exe- ter Bargain Store you will find a bankrupt stock of boots, shoes es and rubbers just s �ust clipen- ed this week be- sides ama s 11 dry Oo stock. ds st ck. You save money ateither buying� l sh r of o ur stores Ba-sden's Old'' Stand The Exeter Bargain Store a; ;N'