HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-26, Page 8THE EXBPER ABATOGATE,
itB'?TQBER 26, 191.1.
Fall aid
l thn
s teyon were
thinking who
Your colcl.we ether .clothing.
you with
4 tai alt
l c" t k '
are `°Y t}
a. e Fall i Winter s Epi of the best
a nice or suit ,
Material, the lettesc style and atuish
at. a price that cannot be beaten,
Try os and we will give you sat-
J %
Merchant Tailor,
ter - Ontario
., ., ..,..55
opt, , 42
ivOtatoes, per bag ,..... , . 75
Eay,per ten ..,...,x; , i1 ht1
flour, per t vt,, fauxxly
Flour, low grade per ow 1 50
B?ttel , , ,
Livd. hogs, per cwt. ,.. , ..
ortsper ton ...,,
,iratil per tou...,......., ..
October 31st is Hallowe'en.
Get yoUr Heavy underwear on,
.,ow easy it g ,to spend the -nr
earned by somebody else,
Thahl;egiving Day, next al+
ale fare on all railroads..
Marie you anything to be thaoleful torp
This tis a good time to chew :Yt
if o u o
id discover anar"s are
spa' lc ep .quirt and let leen talk.
A nazi is never too old tin learn ti)a
e knows a" ;at of thitage :3e tante
or g et,
T y tTM o A/ew barber shop over T. 1Z"il-
son's grocery, Opooat. Saturday Oct. ,,e
—F, Boyle.
Oecas°oaaally a axis:« zlxak<s his r;aerie
:x the l,vo:ld ltecause tin#a wife makes
en toe
Ono, I,leksola,
o ti uls,, t..s Jame. , rtre.r pu1i>: on
a3 a 9 , vF,
Taytor returned frost)
'week and itas take:.;;; a pest
^d, butcher.,
Thos. l i1 oft mS 5ar'f:ettlit7
Woad. ad. ,po'5:1,418 in tie, hand,til kSi.«.a€
a. arratt:?:,
day, Sin -
tAier' pas`ar,
a.t, ':vtib
p:1 prorders
00 I, r.h w s.»opt over T, rt1 »Icon'' r' rr-r r
1,1 d0tl Open A'tober .,8th,
o xo.
i to t'airs 'Wiesen x.x fo.n„ over it
- 2 cert, 1a€a *+1+ aT tette other day d;advverct
25 a, 3araeteh o the brach VAr:e ty "tlxat war
l au heavily tcdCAA with beautiful berries.
.tie „ tax Made
now'..'i:n Plasre...
We will pay till advised the fu
*wing for poultry in trate.
Ohieben dive S . dry picked 10
Hens, ., Q«. S
1 eese tile. " heads on 9i
heads off 10
Ducks head; on 1(!
heads off 11
One cent per pound 'less in each
case for cash.
Underwear_Pemmnans, Wat-
ion's, Ellis', and Stanfield's,
Underwear in all weights and.
Sixes at .a garment 50c. to
4 Girls Wanted for Factory,
per week to start with for s'irls.
eighteen and over, Address
immediately D- S, 'Perrin & Company,
Limited, London, Ont.
Ladies' Cape Gloves for Fall
wear guaranteedign tan only
at per pair $1.00 -Stewart's
hLARRIAGE LICENSE.—Get your mar-
riage license at the Advocate Office.
once for work in your locality. Will
ttparantee $2. to $3. per day. Op-
'tunity to advance rapidly. Will pay
20berally for spare time. Work not diff-
icult, Experience not required. apply to
International Bible Press, Toronto,O nt.
Smart Girls requiroa to work on boys
elothin„ either operating power mach-
inery, or hand sewing—good clean work.
Good wages .and constant work the year
t avoglr,
Fur "Collared Coats with
quilted or curl linings, inter-
lined with rubber. Very sty-
lish an serviceable at $17.00
to $25.00—Stewart's.
FLOOR AND FEED.—Having put in
m stock of Flour and Feed I solicit
lour patronage. Stand one door north
of Hcamen's Hardware --Rivers' old
stand- Jos. Davis..
Worsted Hose made fron,
,trong yarns, very suitable for
aehool wear. Special at 2Sc.—
A Regular Storm Period is in progress
aswe paras from October into November
Mud'iess with rain, will visit most
arts o -i the 1st, 2nd and -3rd. Risings
barometer and colder, clearing weati--
sr wee follow these ,storms for several
days. A. reactionary storm period falls
on the 5th, - 6th and 7th, coincident with
fula..nrao-i on the - 6th. This perred:will
bring the regular swing
of the barometer
—chang to warmer, south winds, cloud-
rrEeas and rain. Western sides arf storm
.areas will biding rising barometer, snow
and change • to colder. Central on the
t tie and ea tendleg; irorn fiche 3rd tO l he
lath, constitutes a regular seismic period
*nth, a nos -Ability of much harm tieing
EvP.y aromen. knows that there is
ting so' ;good for hair eride ecaip
,trouble as, "Pxrasiart. Sage,l'arisian
:re :Is'its ed iwe ,DT; three tim s a week
1 wi1L keep the scalp mice and', clean
rernavedandruff. It'nrakes the
1 ¢?lug roue and' :£duff;=, and keeps Ot
orici;. Sailing
?"-fVe"` urea -,evert .Homan, wlh, loves ra-
,ar rid fascinating hair to
g.o to W
S, Coie - -i.,:, and get a large 50'ceet
bottle,,ar Parisian Sage He guava) tt ea
l(to: cure u f S Ilirlg°,Mats and itch.
The Creel. tar
`4.1.x1 'Sa?';+6tn 413et
on Satan illy t
SCri'v T cl9
.a -filer" ler;
lite Exeter lttz:cul-
til o
Commercial! Iii,
up the aflatrs
law eti, with the
ly to v,s.t 9236
Pettier feels
y friends for
lushly his sev
• ,-,"' and i£"a kiRV ii aaas.
T. •: tit'; s,eraa t a>+.ergo tiexl."s I:ssitlr„ ary
Gal:lye At;o0 will bc- :a4ld :in Lo .d r 3. 1^Tov.
and 9tt1 It '« s pen,e,'I,
v.tv of ci ci n2ost in1p prtant eo avesa' canes i
over i»e:d ,rl tine disir4, t
1llt razed Dissect, an tnllabayee tat
tax J,it on Factory, lead as al die a'ull
:;:-c.us1A ^th4 (Ade= fie; e" of her lett datta cf
on Saturd.t'y, 13recess?,tatia3g her laying
off work Lor a day Pr two,
Bev, Ulatchford. of Centralia Preach-
ed interes't~'l..a sermons in the Presbyter-
ian church on Sunday, Bev* fir. Sharp
preaching anniversary sermons at ,one
,The fawner's ,appointments, 'Whalen.
Efforts aro being sonde to secure., - a
special :tram, cta thq I.. 11." & I3.'oii Nov-
ember 2rid, to enable those who wish
to hear. Harry Lauder, the Scotch"comed-
'an and enttrrtattner, who appears in
London that night.;
LOGG, the well-known Elocutionist of
Burialo, Jtas been engaged by The
'young Men's Class of Cavett Presby-
terian Church. for Nov. Ste. Tilis is a
rare treat ,so, bo Imte 'to hear it.
The James Street church' congregations
were greatly pleased with the discourses
by a former pastor, Rev. A. L, Russell;
on Sunday. Mr. Russell was always,
a favorite- pastor, and the. Exeter people
were pleased to hear hirn again.
It was .stated last week that Mr. C.
Lindenfclt had accepted a position, with
Mr. J. J :\Lerner of Zurich, but.31r. Lin-
denfelt .has since reconsidered the mat-
ter and has decided to remain with Mr.
3. A. Stewart of town, and will continue
a resident of Exeter.
It is said that dancing makes girls'
feet large. It to also said that icee-
rream makes freckles. Doctors are
are of the opinion that twanging an the
front trate produces rheumatism. A
few more opinions like these and the
girls won't have any fun left them.
That automobiles are becoming very
Popular is instanced in the tact that up
to Thursday evening last no less than
200 automobile parties had stopped at
the Central Hotel alone during the sea-
son. Mr. John afallott, the genial wine
clerk, who has a special aptitude for
figures says so, and Jack's word goes.
In last week's issue mention was made
of the death .of;W. J. Powell of Monuds,
1ll., son ,of, Mr.,Geo. Ptawell, town, and
it has been learned }since that the cause
of death was pneumonla. He took iii
an Friday and died the following Tues-
day. Hi twa brother's, J. H. Powell of
,Crosswell, Mich., and, G. C. Powell ,of
Detroit attended . the funeral which took
place at Mounds.
Mr. Wm. E. Shaw, assistant engineer
of tkLe Hydro -Electric commission, was
in ftowm O,n Tuesday evening, being on
a tour of Huron County, discussing and
investigating the 'needs far power at
the 'various centres. He had visited
many o`er' poilet[s' im Huron and ,wall
make a report to the Commission. Reeve,
Taylor and several ether gentlemen met
Mr. -Shaw -at the Town Hall and discuss
ed the matter. r
If you were ,go;ng, to investigate a
location, wouldn'tnit y(urfirst estepbe to;
send for copses of the local papers, and
for their advertisements In no other
way would you put1yout finger st- quick
ly and ewrely on, the pulse 'of trade.
You could tell much more eassly than
by walking through thestreets whether
':it . was a 'livetown, or a dead_ one, and
just what forms of business were most
active. And it you Judge another town.
:el this way—how about your Own.
The delivery clerk 'F1 :the post -office
has much to annoy him. There is la
drummer- who watts any letter that
Vinay come:: for hen during tthe next ,ten
days forwarded to him at L,ondion, or
Toronto to - an wants :--
• ;€---:--s. posited now will; go be-
fo: e t -o, 3 o'clock train ; .the bpse', mail.,
ed a letter' w e -lout a stamp and wants
1 t bark. site one'n wh,a forgot • their box
keys and, went their instil handed out
to tient; the woman who knows there
asst be a tetter for her, and asks the
clerk oto "look again please"; the man
.=rno gets angry aid wa=tts the post-
mater to "coma , out ,on the s'_'L o 1)r
just tw'o minutes," and the school boy.
r g'r1 ,who goes 1:: regularly roux` times'
a flay to ask for mail when they do rrof
get a letter or a paper in a week.
The Liberal 0o1rve:11e:el, is to Do held
iiia TTensall ott November 1st,
Gordon, Wells, sot ,of Mr. Fred Wells,
broke hie left arm betweean the elbow
and wrist last F i iday, while vaulti^-e
w'tat a pole,
E eter Oddfeiiows have accepted all
ievitatioaa to e;teMPlify the 'work ef the
Second clegren a{ Hansen oat rx •,fay,
November lard.
Mrs. 1* J Wiviewtra lo till rndsdr
t:a s week attending the weddine' of her.
Step' ow. Cooper Wiete, to _lies Vel-
nes of Detroit. The. event took place ee
ze f
• i,,. +.v v • ,r til•
1; fo,.o>M t .> e e till, winners o. .e
J' T Carter Scholarship lar sh: in Hero x -1st
J AMcMahon of Hay, 61iDU ;, , _ .d..\S°,.
R3. b._ac :.art of Pr essrn. , S60; 3rd, A.
Surerus of Hae, $49..
Mr. Thos, E, Handfeed .has disposed
of nes property on the corner of lin-
drew and Neeth streets to I'Ir, John
SGxell. This was the residenee of Dr.
--Mr. John Snell lois disposed
tate property in wi3tce he now :re-
s d„s tek M, Pawdetl.
,T.,e,.tihor rt wil o Sett lxex e
ago for Ingersoll and wt„€r
c«fi ote department of tits
r.;ez'ars,1 I"tPck t' Co., underwent an ops
'at:o z 1 xs ,other da:,- to=' the rentaval
rr n rumo:. He is reported as recover-
l” T. l., :k, A:a : a ' gone ro ,Fore
,lire 1S .,,,i, epe at t,le lt,ast Week.:1
ei as in 3 e Ilenssolt la llomc frill"
• it0tota..
iV orry 'tea
me aver Satur
Part of ill e av;
3ea1130n gat Lor
f TfAa alt9
lie .nett of .'proot^p Ya visitin
tighter, Mrs.: „ 5t+>wart,
'I lake Farxiyr of'l as 1da;1 spent part
els, week v.s,..yag frie'ds ln re
iI «t Bowel visVed in 1,cnuioci and
. T.zusol a uvea Sunda;`' Wad Mur1d;y,
retura1e4 12iAa1 i
1.era+ ?
11v1JI!i f (»3rrP vleit
ll m, zelvilie litre
Coblaledick oL
v. s tMikerl to Landon Il;aspha,J.
1' ena',
6s hro-
sat lata
1 Satur-
Miss 1311da Hoskins of IJrkton is vis -
tins" her grandmother, Mrs. Wm.
▪ Miss Mattie Finkbeiner, Who has
bezm vlslthl3 her sister at Adelaide, re-
turned 'hone last. week.; ' ,
Miss Flossie al,rnold of Kincardine ie
visiting with friends in town, the guest
of Miss Flossio Hunter.
\l -s, J'. C. Torn, "who has been visit-
t'Citra the AVest for tOe .past two
months, returned home Friday evening,
4liss Penhale who has been visiting
here wlth trier brother, Mr, W. .FI. Pen -
hale, returned to Vancouver, B. C., on
Mr. A. 1lcCormell, of•London, formerly
of Exeter, visited with his sister ,Mrs.
A. Hauond, who is quite 01, the latter
part of last week.
Mrs. Collins, after a pleasant visit
with, her son, Mr. W, Ii Collins' of the
Bank of Commerce, returned to her, home
til Millbrook Thursday.
Mrs Bert Grigg of Montreal, atter a
visit at the Homs • of Mr. John Grigg,
left Tuesday for Sarnia to spend a Sew
days prior to returning home.
Mr. F. W. Gladman left Saturday for
Toronto and from there will go to
Brockville as delegate from S. Huron
to the Sunday School Convention.
Mrs- (Rev.) Collins and infant dau-
ghter returned ,from Toronto Hospital
Friday evening. The little patient is
recovering nicely from the recent oper-
ation. t
Mrs. Fowell left Saturday for Wind
sor to visit fora few weeks. Her sis
ter. Mrs. Latta, left the saint morn-
ing oft her return to her home in Al-
Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Robinson, Loodcn
Road South, accompanied by their dau-
ghter, Mrs. Murray Miler of Edmon-
ton leave to -day (Thursday) for Thomp-
sonviile to visit relatives and friends
for a few months. After .a 'few week's
visit Mrs. Miller 'will return.
Those wanting good NO. 1 Winter
Apples call at the store.
Jones & May
Thornton Fear of Blytie was here this
Mr, C,ordoa ;Manes after several ye«zl's
bf enxplo'meait eta tinxsnntt n. with T.
ITavvkins ,,K; ton, last week severed hie
"onasetroe with the firm and lelft
Saturday for Brantford where he has.
se •used a good position e''Ve are sorry
to sea Go;d lea.*e'town, Mrs. Manns and.
family will ren23 ":n. here a few weeks..
The news of the d,ath, o; Rev. S.
Brawn of lie"'5t, 3 Sas'a, was
rC 2
e .
ed s,r ol
edaesdaY nor
nins•, hl
had 'be x 'i1 of typhoid Levee, ta..id had
recovered suffietoetly to be taken liorue
frond the hosp1Ral, but suffered a ro
lse zirh x'n lxead?, Rev;
R.apow`:1 wash_cborne to
eeulted Creiditonis d„ is well a:>d
favorably knowe here, and the many
friends wits be greatly shocked to learn,
of he eudden demise. The deceased ai-
ded the session of the Evangeilcal
church a; Zurich this spring, and be-
fore his eeturn home orcupietl, the pul-
flititt i,.e Eva gelickl church. here, Ile
was :tboie, yeatee Oi 113,2 ated was a
son of Oto late Jai•,;. I:iown, a41d a
bo▪ ther of Mr. Bernard Bran and Mrs..
Fred. Elat,s, of Crediton. .# ,rife al d
Lava ct}ildren survive; Itev, Eraw;t, was
i'c s:tiered ono of thY ablest mon ,of the
Evaxn" clic,tl church, and he was a
neer o; the work ;:t the lest, where
o labored with entll.tint success.
Mr, ,;ttvhz. \ cMurray of London is vis-
iting friends it town, He intends 3 o
lg to Winnipeg next week, We wish,,;
'l)1tia success, •
Oahe a number from here attended the
eneerta:nment" given in 34111ea Street
elrureh, ESete)', on Monday evening. All
appear to be delighted with the program
llerhy Falmer and klaxery F.ahticr ai•a
raI aged i't tiv:t offie9 tif the Stair, to
learn to set typo asad sling ''.;1k•
Mr. and Mrs. August Halat have re -
home after a pleasantvisit with
latIves in E11cto::, and Sebewaing",Duch,
i,aat Sunday .p1or .,nits a Apecial sere:ee
3«t held 9n the Evangelical ehurch for
as old people. In ap:1e of the wet
ticker there was a good number of
le ansa present. Old time hymns were
alAaa ,d
Rev, Eurn':e selluoll was paar-
A•tal%1,t'3+ il?PproPriale fur t.re 0008'?11.
T ,5: se; v"t^ro elos.d with an tali -thine
HI. ,'.E.ib r. Df I'.P.. and Paul wSi.ealk
1, , '.ems 9;ere eon ,;day for a deer Hunt
.11 Parry Sou dD e ric . '*Se'uiett
vtAerna all iR.i3d4 of luck,
lir. ,a11d Dlavta. Albert ;MIorlock, Mrs.
Cine». Ti..ltter #alld Mrs. Gottfried b0ttier
autoed to 1ileAll c.1t1 last Wednesday
• aticaded the funeral o.' a
1'1,o are pleas.d to. ,qee Robert Sweet
atter 12s reeenit Illness.
Jo41ax i1>rtzell had a dry -house burnt
to L1a.c gar0i1,4Ad as«e d iy last, week. It is:
t!:<Atight a over -Cheated stove caused the
blaze, F ortunate><y it was' raiding at the.
t:roe and no wind otherwise it might
have set fire to the dwelling. Mr. lirt-
zel'c losa is covered by i'naurtence.
Dr. and Mrs. Orme autoed to Lond3n
last Saturday and spoot elle day visiting
:1 'big gains of hl-idge merit aro puttting
up the 'iron work of Haist'_9 'bridge, a
tune anda quarter north. of town.
Several Brands. Manitoba
a specialty.
0 Lime
A, good stock always on band.
Durham. National Partland
Cement is the best.
R. G. Beldon, Exeter
[ewelry Business
is steadily on the increase, Our stock is one of the largest in the
County and equal to that of any cit store. You cannot poss-
y p
ibly mmake a lnaistake by calling on us and examining our stock.
Our prices are right. Prove it for yourself by compar-
ison with others. Our selections are large, giving you a lame
variety to choose from --again the proof is by comparison. Our
goods are of fine quality. We back this statementwhiz our
guarantee. Don't these things give as aright to expect from
you a fair consideration a our goods,
A. Marchand, Exeter
Jeweller & Op Man
Furniture .Dealers
'44Te carr ;< a complete lete stock in all lines.
l.'hoe or Store 20a
For Sundays and nights 20b
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
Bus, Dray and
Teaming Business
Your orders in our line will be
attended to quickly and satisfac-
torily. We are here to please the
public needing anything in our
hne, and we ask a trial from -you.
Orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
Phone 55
owell's Bazaar
We have been busy now 3 weeks iriarkng up Xmas stock and
before putting it on sale we must pus. out our large' granite stock
so on Thrunsday we commerce, ii. you want a :bargain' come quick,
don't wait. We must have the space.
'Thursday Starts the Sale
.L- Ilandbags, .good' value at. '800..o'nlY QFio.-
2 ardba6s good va1 lie at: fi,300 drily
SI'EC'IAL ° i3ASLGAINS to tho 'w ndows.' , 'em
all h;ands T!2nks iviig 'and localw
C -:r. -.-: your friends to the 13`g Va iety Store, we. cavi save
you money,,,
F or
e S—
m s An 'T'ciisan;'Phonoe
Gt a ap. p , .1 aFx u .icing
Do not fail to see our New Fall and Winter Dress
Goods nothing but the Season's most stylish colors.
A visit to Our Dress Goods Department will convince
The best we nave ever .shown
for the prices. 1, No .1 cloths,
No. 1 Muskrat lining, with
Alask• Sable, American Sable or
Isabella'Sable Collars and Re-
Something new coming in every
day. This is our big, coat season
Just "''try on one of our _Swell
Tweed Coats or a nice Smooth
Black. They. are good fitters and
Big Clothing and Overcoat Sale
$7000,00 OF NEW CLOTHING 57000.00
Just arrived $7,000.00 worth of' W. E. Sandford &
Co's, New Fall and Winter Clothing. Every garment
bought at job prices to elear them out. Now is your,
time to get'bargain clothing.
Men's Good $10 Suits for only $7
GG 4i „n 1 $16 6h (4 - 1* $10
$20, $23 ,:1. it . it $13 to $I5
$5, $6 Pants :i 4F $+3
$2.25 a 1.50
Boys $5. Snits " ^1.. $3.50
$7, $8 3-
-pie suits for on 5;
p Y
Overcoats.bv the score forMn-eand Boys at 'Bargain
the r rn forl'
. e ebrated WE. Sanford Clothi.i