Exeter Advocate, 1911-10-26, Page 6fr r, eft The 4k Folks find advaacing yea.rs bring ea increasing tendency tocoirtipation. The corrective they need is eta " Laxatives • Entirely different fromnemmen, laxatives. Flea.sant to takeo mild and painless. A tablet (or less) at bed -time regulates the bowels perfectly. Increasing dates never needed. Compoiidee. Ince all the 125 NA -DRU -CO pre7. earatleaso by expert cheinists. Money back if not satisfactory. 26c, a nen, It your druggist has not yet stocIced them., tend 25.7.4 and we will mail them., NATIONAL. DRU CfrIErAICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, IVIONTREAL. 22 CL SE Q A TE OR, THE HOUSE IN THE RUE 5ARBETTE CHAPTER, VI.—(convd) He would have quitted the sae lecia. but Captaiu Gaultier litugh- ed---- "Hold orb, a bit; at as nay tura mo Then followed a most exciting and "Aed you have heard, no doubt, • the Gare du, Nord the stranger had something •of the precautioes taken readily enough aseertained Brett's bytbe present Sultan to safeguard destination, but he clearly regard- nis lifeeagainst the attaelte of pos- ed it _as important thitt.i Gaultter— sible assaesins?" the man who claimed Hussein -id- . Mplk as a fraeadeashould be "Well these have been. redou- traekeci' azid 11°A1 yen the neees- sarY instructions to the confederate bled of late, and the inao never who awaited.. his arrival. goes out, that he is not in the most Although Gaultier had not said abject state of fear. He is a niti- ae mach, Brett guessed that his des - leas siht, 1: assure vou, saw hint tieation was the. British Emba,sey less than a fortnight ago, din aneltie 10 the Roe do Faubourg Ron_ the Mosque on Frid y coachman evtlently hada 'oradre'rs ore, icrehiestti.Tilehtfc'toll°:iv,eacit well-%°:„b.n." go at a gallop through the streets, whilst not ea.ty was the entire road locality. The Frenchman in. the protected by sole -lien, but every eecend cab evidently thought like wise, for, at the corner of the Rile honse was examined previously by , police events There soirietterie L'°''s.c he Imlied 'IP' and Brett was _ in the wind of more than usual ime • portance in the neighborhood of Yildia Kiosk just now, I am e,er- tain. I suppose you did not chalice "Yes," said 13rette, just in time to give his driver in structions to go ahead and thus avoid attracting undue nttiece to himself. to see any mention ot the fact that Gaultier turned into the EM- Husien,o_mnik, the Sultan's ne_ bassy, and Brett himself halted a little farther on. Dismissing his Phew, bas reeentlY fled from Tur- cocher with a liberal fare, he walk - key, and is now -antler the nretec- eel rapidly back, and saw the spy tion of the French Government?" "Ye, .1 noticed thatei enter int() Conversation with the sired re mentally review the strange "You don'ts seen to miss much,n night porter on duty. The latter pereonage however was elearlv n facts made known to him before he was Gaultier'e sharp remark, pane- . ' . , i * eorinnitted hirneelf furtner. With ing in his narrative to light a deer trustworthy (412°Ia" for be lewdly , ' told the ether to be off and attend ready tact 'the barrister changed "One of my few virtues- is that. I to his own affairs. . . . the conversation to matters of the read the neeveimperso" . . ment until the', reached the rer The train was slowing down as 't.perplexingI tn • .f. now. Suppose I try to pump ;yten." at Calais, when raoth men, not en- neared the town station in onion, enase eiengn may A giant wave took hold ot the cumbered with mach luggage were and Gauttietes voice eou-id be mot etreete, and it was only by the e", vessel and cheek her niolentlea and uluaug the first passent tarily heard above its diminieht ettreise ott" titmetstilirretion that Brett, though en average amateur ears, reach the Etatkm buffet, ing rattle, Brett nuttily locauen. man at a eailor, -felt that the ,talooal was nolewert,, he :d, cii happea to definite number in the Rue Bar - Oa thmr wav they eaptured a rail- bette, a tiny tleorouglItare in the Place for way enheiat and d him to reserve know Hussein -W -111a, and if we T et•t "Between you and the ship, Cap- „ rt and out whe , lives p • emp ;lc a, toupe compartment In t te he arts 1.1 this time dawn was a4v.ine1po a said, "the midst of their hasty meal the will introduce. you to him," cess of the onerauen would be ter- Frenchman arri..„.4., voluble, apone. Brett looked at the slumberinn- tain, 1 baNe secured a quiet cola getin The tree wee erowded. Frenchman out of the corner of 147 uer of the deck, II you wisk for Never had there been such a rash eye. The Irian appeared to be dea. further 'talk We Must adioura to the South, By the exerOise o mg peacefully enough/. but the ' alert there," most profound eare he had eeeuredrrizter 1/$(1 $11 4mPres$°t1 that....... barrister I' cencluetham to te Rue de over Paria, and the streets were beginning to fill with early work- ers, inquired frOm a passer-by the most likely locality in which he culd And h a cal), and the rnan civil - The traasit was effeeted without thent.twe. eeate etn ,,a corn., partment, lana limbs were not sufneleetly, . re, .v1L mol. b. was not. len, in reaeht aneident, much to Brett's nelief- but tete third had already taken it- laxed under the influence of slum,• i 0 1 G a Ec t 1 .h . h • Ofter a minute or two he felt that eel!. He was sorry for it. be had ber. Indeed. be felt' sltre that the fligedt le -Eh ratu ' h el e ' I‘N Qell his .?. ,, a- cigar was poesinle, Ile turned to done his best.as onie cee ler . l'elleanlan was Wide awak...e and en,' a'r';t.. vaele ;stil safe -guarding his hie companion with a quiet cheer- When they entered Omit. ear'i. deatTring to gate • the dint of then bag ,,,,,,,a, arguing fiereeix with a vationne agethe third eecupant was in pos- eeptNier!natiobn. ..t l eil t porter that, he ban ereptestionanly Acne , eggres. eel 0 mg. p eas o meet . , . ' "The vess,el Las fair.ntl, You ean aeseton„ Be Was li"' h start now." sivol$, so. The poor man had. been Your friend, Cant= Gaultier," he cbeYed the ErIgit$111114" $ lustrtte" "Well," said Caeltier, "tell Tao what is the mystery attaehiag to left Dever until the vessel was. tied inemerY I will gwe you a rernmd- Tired though he was, 33rett did Talbot's movements. I only hea,r(I to her berth in the harbor at Cal- er-', not fail to scrutinize the list of ar the vaguest of rUnalOrzi in the De,. ais, Be paid not the least utten- oPened his eard-case and rivals at- the het.° an the Preeeding Tuesday. He instantly found the partment, but. something Ten' "tor- ton to the newcomers, beiw, hyper wrote on the back of a ca d r : • entry he sought. 'The arrival .f wretchedly ill from the moment he said. "and lest it should slip your ti°11$ rahie appears have hapr,eued, ently absorbed in eentemplatton et ,fl liete Ilreakras."1•°' and Mrs. 'Tulin Talbot, Lon- '-' I and, indeed I heartily wisl ed I his 'e'wn raisevY' The tW° English- 7A° 3°°re Pr"grit men, though eimerienced travellers, The, quiek,,,witted King's luessen tion," was chronicled tho regis- had kept my mouth shut concerning were .5 aim lar ger read and understood er with uncompro boldness. my supposed meeting with him last 1 rt nst‘' to 'es°nt A 1 Hastily comparing the writing in Tawday as the affair was no busi the Presence of the stranger, whom seems to me," -ne wont on, To.? t, tt Brett resolved to put to the langu- "that he is the very Mali for your o s e er with e vJs iti t f ti ie of ruble. Moreover, you have purpose. Though he is not in favor tors hook, Brett was at first stag - now somewhat shaken mv belief in 814e'f"thwith' ed b 1 • .h "Shall I turn on the hofriends in the various departments quickly reeegnizing the A • 33rett paused to make sure that stand that 1 ld d H ' who himself writes a bold and con- the face -cloth and prepared the y their sum twity, but e his identity, although I can hardly It Is e'Y e°14 in beret:" be said. at Conrt jUst nOw he has plenty of ger The Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited: --established 1961—for the past ten aiears has `successfully market- ed monY of the more invariant Bond issues of Canadian corporations and • municipalities. The issues, with which the have been identified represent the best in securit Y ---and command highest prices in the general trading market. Canadian Northern Railway Company Winnipeg Terminals 4 per cent. Gold • Bonds, guaranteed by the Province of Manitoba. Canadian Northern Railway Company Equipment Bonds. Such public utility issues as: Toronto and York Radial Railway Company first mortgage YS. Suburban Rapid Transit Corni3any first mortgage ,5's, Provincial Light, Heat and Power Company first mortgage S's. Such industrial issues as: Western Can- ada Flour Mills Company, Limited, fi'rst mortgage es; P. Barns & Com- pany, Limited, first mortgage and first and refunding mortgage 6's; William Davies Company, Limited, first mort- gage Or S'„ We have extensive markets for such investments both in Canada and abroad. Oar position enables us to extend to those iraerested in establishcd Canadian enterprises and their securities all the facilities of an experienced and con- servative house,' Safe Bands are obtainabte k give an income of from 5 per cent. to 6 per cent. CO POATION-LIMITED TortoriTo ..AMONTREAL.LoNr.-)ortEric, 7 7 11 which indicate that a matt • tell you why that should be so. The Frenehman seemed to under- and he. would gr you letters which g waS resse e won e ear am to secure you some no one would overbear Itimi and looked al) with a shivering smile and excellent orders. I suppose you aro &lent hand has been "'Wing the water. in the fewest possible words, , ho , explained that he. -only booked ono going to the East as the, result of guature Of another -with the ob- Harold -4,E'd like a story better ;poured the tale into the other's • seat. sect of reproducing it freely and than all the. other entertaining The remainder of the cern- the rumored intention of the Tur- wondering ear. When he had fin- partnwnt was at their disposal,: He kish Government to reconstitute the ishcd, Gaultier remained silent a wee, .evidently guiltless of acquaint- nalq." few .minutes. once with the English tongue-, but ' Brett made a, haphazard guess at Already the. clear radiance of the Brett did not like his appearanee. Gaultier's meaning,. magnificent light at Calais was Though well-dressed and well-"Yes,"he saw, "wo ought to "That is all right," said - ' a Brett to tell you this story," she said, as . ent flashes of spoken he was a nondescript indi- place a good man h wearily traversing a corridor to ehe dipped the. cloth in the bowl. ending intermitt y t ousand tons gain his room, "Now I wonder if vidual, and the flash of his dark, with them." eyes was not reassuring. Yet the. Gaultier leant forward to strike there' is any connexion between "Now there was a man . who Hussein-ul-Mulk and the Rue Bar. owned a splendid place, but ties man was so ill that Brett forthwith -a match and glanced at their coin- .. „ „. . house was getting browned by the dismissed him from his thoughts,. nanion. For some indescribable bette.". with .reasonable acearacy, There , things that Aunttlfanny did for aro always perceptible differenee the varying pressure of the. pen and. the distribution of the ink. Ho began to creep .slowly from his biding. and then he came to her side. "I shall have to use a little water rightness over the. deck, and the long shoulder of Cape Grisncz was Ihrusting the force, of the gale batik into mid -Channel. weather and so he decided to fix ..1 think,1 said Geuther, speak- though he took care to oesupy the reason lie shared Brett's views con- (To be continued.) your view is the right one, Mr. Captain Gaultier on the other side diatcly started a conversation of PROAI TEXAS. Aunt Fanny ran the cloth over the' Brett, You are going on to Paris, of the -carriage. After a visit frora general significance. They soon yellow curls. "Be washed all the 1 you said?' "Yes." the ticket examiner, the French- discovered that they had several chingles with the hose, and then he Some Coffee Facts From the Lone "Then we can travel together. All man disposed himself for a nap and mutual acquaintancese and in this that you have said is quite new to the train started. way they passed the dreary journey ' Star State. me. Curiously enough, I have just Captain Gaultier by this time had to Paris pleasantly enough. - llfgwen a beautiful farm down in returned from Constantinople, and made up his mind as to the infer- At the Gare du Nord, the French- 'texas, where gushing springs unite I may be able to assist you." natation he felt he could give his new Brett silently thanked his stars acquaintance. for the gratuitous circumstance "It is very odd," he said, "that which threw him into the compane• those diamonds should disappear of Captain Gaultier. Be recogniz- just at the moment when there is ed that the King's messenge.r, with the precaution that might be ex- pected from one whose daily life demanded extreme prudence, de- In'g slowly and thoughtfully, 4that centre Seat himself, thus placing earning this gentleman, and imrne- _on it up. Be .began with the roof. ' pretty el'ange "lad Harold laughed. ''That was nice story, and it is nice to . celoortz.zmTioellil: me another."—Youth's • Free' Sample of Cuticura Ointmenq Cured Baby's Shia llutuor. That the Cuticura treatment is! the most successful and economical! for torturing, disfiguring affections' of the skin and ecalp could receive no more striking proof than the re- markable statement made by Wil- liam Whyle, 325 Tudor road, Lei- cester, England. "A sample of Cuticura Ointment cured my baby's face. She had the measles when one year old, and it left her with a very scurfy forehead and face. It was very irritating and would bleed when she scratched; herself, , I took her to the doctori and he gave her some ointment. tried it and it did no good. One night I said to my wife: 'How would it be to send for a sample, of Cutn cura ointreent?' I did so, -used if and my baby's face grew better., She has now a. lovely skin, and can safely say that Cuticura cured! her." Although Cuticura Soap and\ Ointment are sold throughout the world, those wishing to try for) themselves without cost their efa fleecy in the treatment of eczema,1 rashes, itchings, burnings, scaling and crustings, from infancy to age, may send to the Potter Drug and, Chemical Corp., Dept. 5W, Boston( U.S.A., for a liberal trial of each with 32 -page Outicura Book, an au thority on kin and scalp affections he was of the old coffee. Why, the rnan was happy, and taken. If he was he would quickl The man who feels that he is big-. ger than his job is generally reis- man, who seemed to be thoroughly to form babbling brooks that wind revived by the air. of his beloved their sparkling way through flow - Paris, ' hurried out simultaneously cry meads, comes a note of grati- with themselves. He had no diffi- . tude for delivery from the coffee eulty in hearing Brett's directions habit. "When my baby boy came to me five years ago, I began to drink Postum, having a, feeling that it would be better for him and me than the old kind of drug -laden coffee. I was not disappointed in it, for it enabled me, a small deli- gan on the bay windows. These than anything heaeatelthwyombaabny, t1°:miionstehsa. b o u n ci ng needed mere care else," and when Aunt Fanny had • "I have since continued the use explained all about this, the ears of Postum for I have grown fond were clean - of it, and have disco-vered to my joy "Now there is a long lane lead - that in has entirely relieved me of ing to the house, anethis had to a bilious habit which used to pros- be Plowed again, and all the rub - trate me two or three times a year, bisla taken away." causing much discomfort to my She ran the cloth all about, the family and suffering to myself. neck, and Harold was as clean as every sign of unrest pa Turkey. You to a cabman. Gaultier entered an - know, of course, the manner of the last Sultan's death'?" Brett nodded. ‹r,anarn. The Handy Heater • .t IFECTa 911.01KELCESS You often need some heat in early Fall when you have not yet started the furnace. in whatever part of the house you want it, you can get it best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market. and you can move it wherever you please. • Sian h in bedroom or bathtoora, and you dress in comfort on the coldest morning. Take it to the dining -room, and early breakfast becomes a pleasant, cosey meal. A touch of a match at dusk, anclall is snug for the evering. The Pcsfection Smokeless Oil Hester is beautifully 'finished ---an ornament anywhere. Drums of plain steel or ettaindled in blue nickel hirtmings. A ipecial automatic device makes smoking impossible. Burner body cannot 1=ot= wedged. All parts easily. cleaned. Damper top. r.00l handles — Dusters everywhere; sitetofor detcripttve ratculat to any agennY n - me een Cifry „,aratted other vehicle. Brett was the first away from the station. He fancied. he saw his French travelling companion hast- ily whisper something to a lounger near the exit, so he suddenly pulled up his voiture, gave the driver a ttv.o-frane piece and told him to go to the Grand Hotel and there await his arrival. The cab had haulted for the moment in the Rue Lafay- ette,. at the corner of the Place Va- lenciennes, and the ca,brean, recog- nizing that his fare was an Eng- lishman and consequently mad, drove off immediately in obedience to orders. Though nearly six o'clock in the my brother-in-law was cured of ,baby sister' , morning, it was quite dark, but as chronic eenstination by leaving off "And then what happened'? ' he Brett walked rapidly back 'towards coffee and using Postum. He has 'fLrsekseha,e0aisiaAr.unt FannY fastened his the station he had no difficulty in c e in • f th came along down to the windows. These he gave a lot of water, and was very careful to see that the corners of the glass were clean. Then there was a little porch on the front of the house, and this was very black. Be swept and garnish- ed this nicely." Before Harold knewit his nose was fresh and rosy. "Next Came the door," said Aunt Fanny,. "This had to be scrubbed very nicely, because all the visitors who come notice this first. The walls near the door had to be fresh- ened up a little, and next he be - picking out Gaultier, who occupied an open vehicle. Some little dis- tance behind came another, and the barrister thought be- re- • "In fact the entire family from everY 'one Who, rode by thought get a job that -would fit. Y1 the latest arrival, (a 2 -year-old who cognized the rear' to whom the l‘itavnagYsincaLlse fmorornhinise;PaPtieto' fltrisite Frenchman in the train had spoken. re is (Bi ays s gtoimute onflatnhye,°stthateirone_aybasid7els'oe head of nodrinkshoe house, good or shoinkIvhiohlee sthe Brett took thechance that lie might as Postum.' Name given by Pos. be hopelessly wrong. , tun'. Co., Battle Creek, Mich. thewIlhailed.acedhiwiveeiretono f,ctvohlislioodnaw otvehiclehiestotnhacen:d. 10,%:ovit;,in to Bey, aedi the i tt;lne pkgs.book, The"The.-Roadresa d d w reason the Rue Lafeyetta. Not until the Ever read the above letter? A nsw one metio time. •They at e three cabs had cro;,sed the Place Nr%ratri:, fromt uand ropera and,. vased th d °It human interest e Made '1` lowino his friend Gaultier. Then it was Ilarold de leine could Brett be certain that ‘."Cnn FANNYSTev'' ; the occupant of the second was fol. 1 T - - -' -','•-• •,------ he chuckled. to himself, for this was was huddled in the corner of the surely a rare stroke of luck. bath -room. ''I don't want a. clean Quickly reviewing, the possibilities face V he deelared stubbornly, Iof the affair, he came to the. eon- while. Aunt Fanny, waited patient- tilusion that the travelling French; ly. "Some one is ala-ays, trying to a,n ly untte, tteod itt e• ' wash me or dress me 0rpu.± on mY an English, but that he had einae,elit thoes or take them 0 ^ P ' eQ411.,,. the naive of the fugitive from, ,l). ia;Ited Sultan wrath -anci-la,d—fiarthWitli P ' ' ' ' • 1 '`I,',Warit to, e ..37 Cftt, betrayed an interest in their con- . ..•...i. , ' i ; ,h to ...h sald Aunt, F.annY1 v'eration NV 1,..( :{V#,„, Lay, o, e ,. . leasti•cprearkable.e.tAt the exit yfin 1, -ten_ -:: ,,,,,, i e O• •e„nr,otto• 7 EAltS EXPERIENCE , EXTRA GF2ANLILATED SUGAR • ,,.1S,ASE.30LLITELY PURE. . The firet, and great essential of 'a food product, is •.Purity the,,Furity and Quality of our Extra Granulated have nevemheen. questioned., , Once Make •a• colnParison with other Sugars and you will not be 'satisfied with any but Redpath. . • Dainty Tea' Tables are, al -ways served with , pARIS 1442Pt3 be had in RED SEAL - • dust proof cartons, and 'by , the pound. , ' , Tho Canacia Sugar, Refining Co., MOKTREAL, cANAD.k,Linfttcd siabluahed in r054 by Jolla, itedpeth 0 .•rt OrAt „ 'Vkandmitt 04 ;.„ AO!