HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-26, Page 5Pro 'eSstona Cards. Dr. G. F. BOULSTON, DENTIST ltiennber of the R,C,D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University„ O£fiee—Over Dickson Carling's laW office, Closed Wednesday afternoons. ou. A. rt. nt:.aiti 1,t, L. D. S-, D, f1, s., ifouor graduate of Toronto llniveristv,. DEN3.1-ES a n Nxtr3 @ t c.teq svrcnouc any pain{ or a,uy bade fleets Plica ,ver, tladntaa aiaiikstreet Sister Medical BRICsHT, i1. 0, ail C. P. s., HONOR Graduate of Toronto University, Two yearn sident abysiciau Royal .Alexandra hospital, eta. Office and, Reaideaee,nr. Aios' Old Stand, Andrew eet ,EXETER i.etzal D1ONSON s; CARLINp, BARRISTERS, sorfol tors, Notaries, Conveyancers Commisaionera Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc Nose) to Loan it lowestrateso ntsree (%nicer, main street, Exeter, R. Cannon. KA, L Dtoasore ,{i(ONEYTO LOA.;, We have a t arge amount of private Wade to °art terra and village properties at lost rates of inter est. OLAl13f61.N 4 $TAIIRIIRY' 'Barristers, 8olleitora,bimiast„Exete On J. SENIOR Agent Clouted eratiop Life Atisurasaee Qomntsfly. also Fire Insurance in:lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. .i�•kltt,-St,. "Exeter. MISS .LILLIAN ELLIt)TT CONCERT SOPRANO PUPILS ACGEPTiaD. ADDRESS--GENTRALL , ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANl?EltSON, 1.1<e. weed Auctioneer for Huron County, Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at ttze Advo':ate. Exeter, or henry Either's Office, Cred- iton. T. B. CARLING Llfc. Fire, Accident and Plate Glass insurance, Collecting accounta, and con- ducting auction sales, -- Exeter, Ont., C. A. 13OUZE, V. S. Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege ; member Ontario Veterinary Med- ical Society : treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals canscientific prin- ciples; modern surgery a specialty, Op- erations on Lump 7;%w guaranteed sat- isfactory. Calls lay day or night promptly attended to. Office—Main-st., Exeter, Dr. Ramsay''s old stand. Phone in connection. FARM FOR: SAYE. The undersigned otters Ms fine farm, consisting of about 135 agree, adloin- tits: the town of Clinton, for sale. The farm is in a good state of cultivation, and has Sdxa buildings, brick house, bink- barn, driving house, pig pen, etc. all comparatively now, Aflrst-class yowl, ,archard, containing all kinds of fruity and also small fruits. The farm lv well fenced and drained and is a, very desirable home. For, further par= Oculars apply on the premises or ad- dress JOHN TORRANCE. Clinton., BECOME INDEPENDENT; ,,��ELLiOTT ifddd, Toronto, Ont. Students of 'this year are in positions, worth. from $50 to ;100' a month. Write for catalogue. Enter no -,,w. Superior Instructions in all De- vartments. ATTEND Horses for Sale I have a nunt:ber of first-class horses for sale. Call at the stables and see them. We are also purchasing horses that are sound and in good condition from 4 to' 10 years of age. Parties having horses for sale will do well to call or write the undersigned. Phone 47. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable 50 -acre farm in lisborne, being the South half Lot 10, Corn. 7. There is on the premises a good frameLL house,:.hiank barn and out buildings two good wells water and an ever run- ning spring at back of farm. This farm is min splendid condition and .is nearly all seeded down. ' Will ba sold' r'eason.- able and on easy terms. Fo: particulars apply .at Advocate ..Office or to Jas. Earl, Ellaville. ` FOR SALE OR TO RENT • That most desirable farm property be- ing Lot 15, .Cyn. 2, Stephen, in the County of Huron, on which is situate two good „bank barns and a commodious frame house. This land •is well drained and fenced,' has two good wells 'and a spring creek, and Is convenient to. churches,' scha31 and niarkets. Out- going _tenant leaves . 10 acres so'%n with fail wheat, 15 acres of new meadow and does all 'neceasaiy gang plowing and deep `plowing. For further particulars- apply to It. LEATHORN, Esq., 'Exeter.; or DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, eta, Exeter, ;<a OUSE' 1 R SALE rsdgi ed :s offering fog sale. ,tbfe property on t ill n et, end Mall pto ey beck! w'e e�Moht�.'�d i,alt to 1 P er 4n. o u Evvo w�- ESTRAY STEER Thera cattle onto the premises of the undersigned a 2 -y1: -old steer. Owner cart have salve 'by proving property and paring expe?ises. JAS, WILLIS, Lot 13, Cotz.3,Stephen FOR SALE One of the bc,st farms ;,M Huron or :i‘i,ddlesex, cony rale to markets, nta t e>?. 3, t4 churches and Schools, being Lot 9, N, B Biddull tt in .t,Ite County of Mid- dlese4, cotltaloPlg 164 acres. On the premises are situate a good brick house, three bank barns on stoma faun- dations, 24;z54, 40x22, and 70z 0, good wells, windmill, and the property is well drained, The whole of this farm is in grass excepting 25 acres. Possession of house given inn mediately, and corn- plete possession of farm, given Nov, 1st 1911, and ipurchasen will be allowed Co do fall plowing before last mentioned date. For £ur,ta;er particular's apply to Joseph E. Kelley, Esq., Luca P,O. Ont. James Kelley, Esq,, Lucan P. 0., Ont. 1 or Dlekson & Cariing,. Exeter, Ont, SEAFOIl'3 -=At the E, Huron Convent tions: of teachers the following of-: Veers were ejectedter' the extsuinG yr,, President, Geo. W. Heiman, first vice president, J. T. Curtis, second vice president, Miss B. R. Trull ;. aeCretary, treasure;', John Hartley; executive cant. mittQe, Messrs Scott, Staltter,, Uigganei. and litsees 13roelt and Thompson, UNRESERVED. A, ction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC., At the MANSION HOUSE, EXETER, On FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1911, front 10 to Lt a. -xi _ and re-com ench g 1 p.m, the following property, - 10 bedsteads 12 washstanyjs,. 12 dressing cases, -12' mattresses, 1,2 bed sering:l, 24 feather pillows,• 18 bed spreads,16 covers, 2 extension o . tables Kitchen tables ' fall let; tables, 4 Small tables, sideboard, re-, frigerator, Happy Thought range, double ,eater, 2 heating stoves, coal heater with over, Woking glassfor bar, 3x7 feet sideboa d for bar, SJ ft. long : 0 beer pumps, 6 spittons ; counter 13 rt,. lontg, and other barroom fixtures ; 1 dozen looking -glasses, 3 doz_ pictures, washing machine, celler cupboard, two clothes ringers, 3 Centre tables, 1 hair cloth parlor Suit 7 ,pieces,, easel, whatnot lounge, 30 pair curtains, tease> of birds, '4 window blinds, 200' yds. carpet, 1.00 yds, oilcloth; N do&. arm -chairs; 3 doz. cane -bottom chairs, 3 doz. leitche y chairs, clothes drier; 2 dol„ table nap- kins, 2 cruet stands, 2 clocks, 2 set of china dishes, 3 doz.. tun/biers, , doz. trays, mowing machine, 4 vegetable cov- ers 2 wash •boilers,. 2 wash tufts, 7 lamps, 1 ,sewing Machine, 300 qt. genas, also knives, torte, sparttu, Giassvrare,' shovels, manure forks, wheel -barrow and other articles too numerous to /Mention. Also 3 buggies and 1 cutter. Terms, --Gash, It, LI~A'rFIQRN 13, S. PHILLIPS Prowl% Auctiollen Look at the Wheat There's a deal to- know about wheat. If I . didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread l Cream& West Flour the hard wheat flour 'guaranteed for bread You just try it, If ft doesn't give you” right down satisfaction you grocer pays your money .back, That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCIU ALO CAMPBELL. Prasidwat 107 vuvvvvvv ALE --- STOUT -- -- LAGER PURR—.PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALEBYWINE .AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, Luer ED, LONDON, CANADA G i INAAAASAING1nWA/:V.lG1aAAAIVaiAA4kAa4\/A/1/ /bA AA AAANAM eep Your Bath Room Spotlessly Clean with Gold Dust Soap°will not do the work properly because soap only cleans the surface -it does not dig deep after germs and hidden impurities like GOLD DUST -the greatest of all sanitary cleansers. To kee bath° tub and lavatory- inviting p shiny white. and -To keep . metal pipes ' fixtures and taps brightly bur- nished—To purify metal :bowl= To keep tiling and woodwork spotless and beautiful Simply add a heaping teaspoonful off GOLD DUST. to a pail of water. You will be surprised at the ease with which it'does the work. GOLD ' DUST sterilizes aswell as cleans -and saves you one-half the labor. GOLD DUST is sold in So size acid large pack- ages. :' .T e' large'.package offers ' k eater economy. `Leet the GOLD, 3tlST.TWFN,S do ;your teorli' Tilade 'by TETE K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Makers of FAIRY SOAP, theoval cake, SS t'O1 LY °'1 IS"r7Ei2, Exeter. Guests numbering nearly a hundred gathered at the home of Mt -.and Mrs.. 3. ff. lotspc, Pleasant View' Farm, Kirk- ton, to 'witness the 1tp?tr;age of their eldest daughter, Eunice:ittarggarette, to SU. .i. Minor Dobbs of Luca,n. They were marred at six q'clock try Rev,' J, Veale, the i;roonn awaiting the bride standing in a beautiful Floral iiower banked with palnt,s and choice 'plains M! , r as Dobbs o£ Lu a.t, sister a., the g:oona, playing <1, stirr,n.;r wedding march while the bride supported by her father and preceded by twcx'dainty flower girls entered the parlor. She was very beautiful in white satin with lace and' pearl trimmings and carried a boquet oi' carnations. She wore, the usual bridal veil caught, up with orange blossoms, the flowers being sent from friends in Ottawa, while the white slipper's worn. were those worn by her mother when i sale entered the matrimonial circle a quarter of a century aygo. The :lower Girls, little Miss ,Dobbs, stOter of the groom, and Laura Brown, of Rannoch, cousin Of the bride, were especially: Pretty in dainty Creations of pink and. White. After hearty congra.tulat/oris Mr. J'.. Doupe sang.— " Whszr: dreafn's we /eve costa true.' Dainty waiters ser- ved a suntptous v. -edging dinner. The many beautiful prese:tts including sever al checks showed the high esteem In wietelt the bride was i:eid. The room's grits was a beautiful set of furs ai d to the dowers girls a.. pretty: slR3rlluTht eae:i, The br idea gang' away GQWrk colt of 'blue cloth with Irish glen' and coral pill% p:!ping and Weir, !sat With large ostrich. Plumes. Mr, and -Mrs. Dobbs have a•_ host of frienda wha wish there many year's; oar happiness and pros perlty, 2G;It�r, Mr. Caivin 5°lllia;»a' o Euf 11:ic? home on a visit with his, parents, :45't and Mrs. J .A. �'iliiatat ,-^T»ra iberal� Conservatives of South. Itue on, meet in our village to -day to select a candidate fo- the oncoming elect011.0f members of. the Ontario Legislature, --Mr Ii, Eilber the late member, will undoubtedly he the chosen one, -4t' and: "S,rs. Gee.ThWet, Jr,. have 'moved to Seaforth. 'where the former has secured entptayfront, -- O t October 16tta M e. Jane les', widow of the late Henry ,Nie .iacheY, :and one ob the Pioneers of Stao,ley Tmvaahip, d ed at her e. !roma on the Goshen Line, :titer a Short illness, having .reached the age or 77 yeara and s month's. She leaves a family of grown-up sons and daughters. GRAND 11END. Was Edna, .Dale of I;..ucan '1s ,visltfng her n".ivter, Mrs, Win. Amoe: 1Lr.:E>h11, Baker has moved Otto the douse vacat- ed by Mfr. T_edentan, lta having Anmoved. into ono or the 4gottat;es,—lits. 0, trail per Is, on the !skit list. --:fir. Wm Baker Monday moved o;uta tho farm vacated by Wm, Lovio. Mr. Statten moved to the Bend and will occupy ono of Afr Ilea - man's 'louses. ;tier, Lovie moved onto the farm he purchased front Mr. Statten last week. Messrs. Win. Dewey and Tonab Green, who have been in Antherstburg, are '!tomo for ti week.—Mr. and Mrs, ~Walter Englatad visited H. Baker 3fon- day —Zurich, hunters were down on the old river last week hunting and fishing. HOW TO LIVE LONG With healthy kidneys one has a good chance to live long, but weak kidney st at - flint old age with great discomforts. The back becomes bent and large, rheuma- tism Is chronic, eyesight fails or Involuntary and to frequent Passages of the mine Cause em- barrassment by day and loss o1 sleep at ,night. Booth's Kidney Pills bring new strength to .old backs and quick relief to weakened kidneys. They banish backache, and rheumatic pain, regulate the bladder arid urine. Booth's Kidney Pills are for sick kid- 'Yy s in old or young and are guaranteed h r the proprietors, The E. T. Booth Co. Ltd.,' Fort Erie, Ont. Sold everywhere 502, box. Free trial sent on request. Sold and guaranteed in Exeter by W. S. Cole. CLANDEBO YE Mrs. W. Cunningham and daughter, Ellen Jane, have return after a two- months' visit 'with friends itt Sarnia and Chatham.—Mr..W. Boyle's auction sale was a success. Horses and horn- ed cattle sold for high prices.—Mr. Kenzie was anti London' last week ' on business.—Mr: E. Hodgson, of thds.place loaded" a car et'fancy peas the fart mers have :raised Sora seed firm. -Ther Maccabee Hall, Moorevilie, Wednesday sa'w.thef t1rot "dance or the season,—Miss Morley, of thils place has gone tla Brantford whlere she has a good position.—Mr. and Mrs. i4illar and Mr C. Lynn have returned from the North went. Dtd you ,.txtake+s. �rnis-hit The , time you employed the last "'help" Don't worry; There are lots of; good fish in the sea, arts a `sore.bait to catch them is a,Want Ad.. Learn why PURrI FLOuR is unlike any other brand Uk ITY FLOUR is unlike arty other brand of four. No two milling companies s follow exactly the same process of milling. ng l b, In fact, no two differellt brands of flour in the world. are exactly alike in quality. And here is anotherfact worth Every knowing: ewheat berry G 3 try contains both high-grade and low-grade por- tions. Therocess of milling PURITY flour costs I) milling more than to mill ordinary dour, The low 'grade portions are separated and ere lfded.. PURITY is an ALL HIGH-GRADE, bard `'heat doter, It has greater strength, greater absorption and greater expansion. It is a thirstier, more elastic flour. It drinks more water and expands pato more loaves, IJse PURITY FLOUR for your next batch of bread. Count the loaves. You'll find you, have tuade 'MORE BREAD AND BET'T'ER. BREAD" from PURITY than when you've used all equal weight of weaker and eheaper flour. "lore bread and better bread" IAGIti ;, if you eau. how much whiter, arta more tcreailz some, and more nutritious, the bread made from stleh a HIGH-GRADE flour must be. And can you imagine yourself enjoying the flaky pie -crust and the light, delicate cake? your reward for using PURITY flour When malting pastry, please remember to add more shortening than required with ordinary flour—for on amount of its extra strength, PURITY FLOUR requires more shortening for best pastry -results Yes, PURITY FLOUR costs slightly more than :ordinary flour, But use it once and you'll say it's worth More—math !mere-- tlnui Elm difTt:rettce, Add I'I'RIT1 FLOUR to your grocer}' li it right now, Sold by R. G. Seldo l IETS.A.LL Thos. Welsh went to Owen Sound last week.—hiss 141y; :ungblut of "Waterloo is visiting her sister Mrs. T Bonthron, —Mrs. Jos Case of Toitol to, with her child 3s visiting her parents, lir. ,and Mrs. Moir.—Mr. Thomas, station agent C. N. B., Brandon, Man., visited at :A,. McPherson's last week.—E. 'Stacey, who has been at Port Carling until the end of the tourist season, has taken a posi- tIon at Simcoe. Ho s(per t part of last week' at Itis home here, -The Ki,ppelt par- sonage property was offered for sale on Wednesday of this week.—The Hen - sail Oddtellows have invited the Exeter bretltrett to exemplify ths„ cork o: Ott. second degree here, o'n Novetltber 8rd. BETTER TH,A,N SPAY ICING Spanklttg does not cure clid-en of`bed wetting, There /s a constitutional cause for this trouble. 141rs, M. Summers, Dor W. 840, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her ,successful ,horn.? treat =nit with full instructions. Send no. moray but .rite her to -day if your children trouble you, in this way. Don't blame the child, the Chances, are it can't help it. This treatment also cures ad- ults and aged people troubled with urine. difficulties by day or night. Envy of der Neigiib�rs is the woman whose kitchea'ahines with a handsome, roo€ny range—whose face beams with the satisfaction afforded by a perfect cooking equipment. For every' wornsn` wants` a good stove. Whether she does her own cooking cr„' nota she are prepared ,..on it,,, having the best. '. satisfies that pride ; bor's envy. Gurney- ranges carry every Convenience, CCOri`•” -Unty and Cis ntroI with' some new points of "excellence that are exclusive. * ' First of all is the lever that holds. No danger of the fire going out between meals. The Oxford'Economizer will hold the heat at a low ebb till you want it,' then turnt'the handle, and your.stove is hot in a jiffy. Besides this saving r; of time and worry it saves in fuel' to the actual extent of one ton ,in sig THE DIVIDED FLUE STRIP is the envy of all women who bake. It guides the heat equally along sides, beck and front of the oven, -Let us demonstrate these and other strong advantages of the,tritarsey- oxford line. we have stoves for every purpose; every fuel;, and a ytlrety of prices. eats the, meals that and feels a pride in GURNEY - OXFORD justifies the neigh- Oxford stoves and known feature of , ea a s Agent, ar .41