HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-26, Page 4der A, brio catr,
Sap.drs & Creeott., Props,
URSD, • AY OUT 26 '11
Everybody bw the merehant wish
in for about tWo mare matithe, Ithia
title fall 'weather, •
Thereis odeabIecredence
to the bellet Lira ProvinelAl
ten 'will be .
12, ThaoLince
a exact date 'will saan be
A nawson despatch, TA/eadaY
states that Dr. Thompson, Cana
eleeted VUltaar. by abont
lcY" over F. T, COArgdo7.. 1albera3,
don :had 263 ne.AJOri,ty at the
tion. TlAis wiiit make the
1:17.7" 50.
nig lin
Evv,11-Y year Cahada'Swe toa8
*24,000,000. In fear Year$ tbe xe 4a -
;on, therefore, arhOurna'
OOOOO. *.iiit]ilef1 means ttAat ,aitce every
te4r. ea altri the valve of
roPi of, the three prairie
here are any PeePawt
farit,ers are • not
pree they are
StiOrei or
ass4 Read W,
58.Q ot2e rul
okir ;:arrnii1r1
weedan s1eks. e, has the bck caw
r. How much eclid you toss la
spritag cleani.ng up the ImpleinentS;71eft
all w',;11taer. and t"..t:Aw 7311-ih TAPPAleT "
lose am..." it ? C.yne, itif.and te grOW
rea" crePssanyway as 41;4
s year Z. 'What did it cost yeu 'to
yeur"educe., anYwa.....
nalf NU.? If it'
ad rusty t A
all /hat
incident in the Later Life of Mrs
Alexander Hamilton,
striking incident Id the later life
or Mrs. Alexander flamilton. wbo star
rived her husband fifty years. is toid
the words of an eyewitness in Al
tan McLane Hamilton's "Intimate Life
of Alexander Hamilton.'"
Irs.H41111401t could never forget the
behavior of Monroe when be. with
Muttienberg and Venables, accused
U rni1te o tinanCial irregulares at
the time of the Reynolds idem
Many years afterwiard when, they were
both aged people Nionroe visited bet%
and 4,n, interview oeettrred which was
witnessed by 4 nephew, who was then
a lad of fifteen. "I had,- be says.
"hem sent to call upon my Aunt Hum
itton one afternoon,. 1 found her lit
her garden and was there with her
Calking When a maidservant ems
from the house with a carol, It was
be card of James .Alsonroe., She rem!
the name Slid 5t094 hoiding (be parit
Much pertarbed. Her voice sank, nue
site spoke Very low as she always did
hen she was angry 'What hits that
man edMe- te see me for?" escaped
m her, "Why. Aunt Hamilton, said
, *don't 51011 4311111v irs Mr. Mourne,
and he's been president. and he is vis
-tint; There now 14 the neighborhood
has been Cery mei made tot ;Ind
!vfe wbere, sappost
ht, to van soti Inty his re
't 0. After :1 moment's hes
3t. t I will 1-11,4*1zn,shO Snid.
aid went bari . to the ila1114t^
ti followed AA-alkint:
As she entered. ale par1,0
ra She stink) in the tel-'ai
him- She did tie
I toit down. De 101%1'3,4 7,110
shire s'ng forntally. Illsalia
ut her a ."10/ speeeli - that it 1r8zzi 10/4
4;11111 slut* they hod met. that tti
1 11111k lartingb; its soften:lug tt,
teeta. that they both were aearia.
he .grave. when past differences, viol(
.10 forgiven and forgotten I'dull.",
OA' 144 point Of 'OWN p
eirceory, well turned littio
.savered, still Standing anti ht.ta
ea Welt .‘lompte, y.aat Ow,
01110 Z11 len alto 1://1/ YOU ry110111.
y.V4,‘r,,,i1 sorry. for tits hal
.ntations and the $landers we
you ein Wilted agalttet 11
Mr buaad If von have mute t
Ilndertiitand it, It otherwte.
I of time, no nearness to the
.erave, tikes any differete-e.
balite(' spealting Ittnrol° turned, toe
bls bar and left the room,"
in Altits itstulevetiam it may he 4/let
ila11 111P Ofl repeated story or th,
. looting, of Altot. Hamilton and Aar
torr many years later on an Allittu
etearnbont is a fiction, but it was prot
ug,g,s.ted by the ,Motaroe Inettlett°
v yob got yo
- 01
-ti ia
T,,tere tr3 407.111t
Ltbeira -9031*.rivadues„
Zurich to
wo ha
r eeveral.
.tub -
cad ettrp at the
assured, Saver
the Liberal ps'rty
1 fete by Mr. Eirbor. a.nd
• ,ther Otla-
, las To Ifrse mr an
r`.0 0 1o1 w
t4- A
41 o
it 'is
.11101,1a, -y :
' .cd b era:
-ers Ifen
geryi` or E. Zeller of
cord or Prera-
er t :9 91ith ;is
lake tiC opo to ..didate In an
ridingre1u'tirt t co;aest ao election
and wi‘rse the Co tscrva'..ive tardate
osae prtrsonaiii popular as Nit'. Eilber
the chance fo- a Liberal's success be-
comes ve.--.y slim. The Liberals eon-.
l'enf Iferfsall an Naverober first.
BRUCEVIELD-We deeply regret -this
week being called on, to record the death.
of Mr, George Weirot the 1.aandon,roa.d
Tockersmith, south of this place,„ The
announcement of M. Vv-eir's •deata...to*,
a great many by 'surprise, as few;:"li.neylr,
or his illness. It seems that Mr.„*.Ni,refr
had attended the Baytield Show mr.,;..Y-ed-'
nesday .e.nd in some way caughtticold,
-which developed into pneumonia, and re-
sulted fatally Tuesday.Mr.We as
well and favorably known in this rteighie
Hanged For Stealing Golf Balls.
Some sharp punishment bas lati‘o
ted out to men. convicted to
ault ball stealing, and one boy win.
it*•need to six strokes with the
Wren The offenders, however. mat
on,grattilate themselves that they live
in a Merciful age,
idiri at an assize In Banff a hid
the, town, having confessed to steal
mg a few trities, Including sume
balls, Was actually hanged for the ot
tense. The Indletnient ran that tn.
was "ane lewd liver and boy of an.
evil) lyiff, and conversation, and an..
ilayllo reinainer fro the kirk In Vat,-
' dyvyne worship.' The humnite
nJudges "Ordanit the said Franeis tu
presentlie taCkit and cariet to the ;at
lows hill or this burgh and Mingit no
the gallows thereof to the death." -
L ondon Graphic.
Want Advertisements, London, 1693
I want a young man that ean read
and write, mow and roll a garden. us
.t :gun at a deer and understand conn
try', sporM and to wait at table anti
such like.
I want a complete young man that
will wear livery to wait on a very vat
liable geqtlernan. but he must know
how to play on a violin or a flute.
1 want a genteel footman that min
,play on the violin to wait on n person
of honor.
If I can meet with a sober man that
has a counter tenor voice 1 can hest,
lam place worth E30 the year or
tiro'rfe --From Sampson's "History ot
I tts liIllusions ofLife,
tape-7ton either side bright flowers and
GON , heittitlfnl buttertlieS and tempting
firfifs,„ which we sear:Cely pause to ad
tnire.and to tastesdeager are we to
Morriscy's No. 7 and Lini-
ment Cured his Knee.
"Feels good as
St.• John, N.B., April 12, 1014.
"1 am glad to report that my krie
completely curd of Rheumatism-thit
to Father Morriscy's No. 7 RlieuniatanVii
&Kidney Tablets, as they alone ant:',;Chv"
sponsible for my cure. I was troublol for
a number ofyears, and tried everything I
beard of, and needless to say, spent
a sum of money without any resu1f_4s.,4.
rave no further trouble now, and my,ltne
feels as good as new. 1 was personally,
acquainted with the late Father ',ionise, -
and know his remedies are good. Ay o
suffering from Rheumatism and Kidn,y
itouble should byalt means try Na.
il'ablets, as -I cart cheerfully recolmn,
them," PATRICK, -1.7.1z.L Eh' ,
PrdvinCial DetLActive, Si. Joln, ,
The above prescription is not a
All " or saacalled patent med14rna.
Morris( y prpscribecl IL for 14 v&nrs
cured thousands after othLton i"
Price, 50o. per boz at your dc.47
Father Morriscy Medicine Co. Ln.
a,basten to an opening which we imag.
.ine will be more beautiful still But
loy degrees as we advance the trees
grow bleak, the flower's and butterflies
fail_ the fruits disappear, and we tind
.we. have arrived -to reach a desert
waste. -G.
Knits, When He Was Well Off. •
Sanitarium Doctor.. -So Mrs. Pitts-
tield'Avas bere while 1 was away? ‘.
Nurse -,Yes„ sir. She wanted to take
her biLsband . home, but he said be
preferred to stay bere.
1)octor-ell've suspected that case all
along; the man is not crazy at all.-
. .
What He Saved,
adA;VS I 4f..n Canada. WI Januar?' 1 91z3, Tha .al. -144X - be sent to 41,,,y
r $1,00.
It s estimated that '1000 tonsoi
S11.4,17 beets will have b? ppc1 frOln-
11,C1rii' by the Vane the. last ear leaves,
Mr, Herman Zimmer had a sitornitrg
ma -Leh ThurSda.y of last week which
was lArgely attehaild by all the hest
sports ...rout far and he:Av.-Mr.E M,
ploite4shire was •iLa Credboa Sattiridas
last on busitaess,--Several frem this
pare atte.uded, the Auction. Sale Of Mr.
Moses Artly's star.k and impletnents LtA
Sa,turday last. -Mr Heary Willert,
e - Of Si, will have an Anction
sale et hia surplus aslork to -clay Tatars-
day.-Severa, trQM here will attended
the 1,,behal Conservative coavetton at
ur oa Thursday to select ac.aradi
o contest the rhiliag in the ,coming
j'atav-"21.1ttal 9leatiOn,-Mr.,Eerry C,onning
ham of lidertort called on friends in the
village on Thursday last. ;Several of
tterhiathaate friends gathered at too
h*t'aq .114% and, Mrs- Christian. V
Winer ban the evening of Frlday lastitt
honor or Mrs. Pbeiacr's birthday.
They "..vere rolvallY an.d. sPent
aiyicas,T, pleasant evesting. Eroken
From another source -
Another meeting of the FartneraBaitg
depositera will shortly be held here
Merner, M, P.., and. I-Ienry
XLP. P tfl givo addresses advising
the best course to be adopted lin
nection. with. obtaining relief, arid Or --
their stand on tim sacapetAraoti
Q"-Erien Of Mt. Carmel wasia tow;
WeeltleadaY+-Mies Margaret Neusche
watiger Ints gone to Forest for a month
the guest of her cousin, Airs, Herman,
councils of tiay and Steph.,
ell townships are having the tewaline
r4trattag froth Ex-eter to Lake Huron,
po.rticularly the place from here to Ex -
graded atid well gravelled, Titis
• need 0 great dea.1.--SitaPaett
land of Stratford visited hies mar*, rel-
atialeill anti friends in and, near thel
laze last otreek,-Aira. Bot en and
Air. a.nel Airs. Frank E. Case have re-
turned to towit, after spending the sunl-
MO near Eveter.-Atnelag the prize win-
nose al. Air, Zimmer's annual shooting
nrateh. held here on Thursday, were,
Measra. J, E. Cantelent and Jas., Fr
Clintea; J(1ii 1•1111 *I Woodatoolt, and
et! Kerr or crezw.on,--rrho4,E.Hattel-'
Zda VthOconducts A large and success -
Dilate cites in Main, Street ;Mahe-
di:St clnrch. E11:eter, -Walt t4W ;Nast
darOb Kellerman% Sunday we and
gave verY instructive address to Air.
Icettermaart7s ela,ss in the Evangelical
cinarch.-lirs. Johnson; of Blake has
been vttthe past weels with her
sister, 3,irs. Geo. Kellcratana and Mrs,
Ei.rls..--Mrs. Twitcheti of London was
Lw guts; of 'Air. and Mrs. Samil Haugh
and other relatives Jest week.
Hnbb-1 haven't saved a dollar
since 1 Married you.
Mrs. :Ilubb-Oh, what a fib! You've
saved nearly half you had in the bank'
at that ,time. -Boston Transcript.
_A Matter ,of -Choke.
ttd-M I ss Old t1 m4 'declares that she
is -single from 'choice. . Ethel --That's
true: The tnan she erpected to trtarrY
ehoe andth.er,-ts•cliange.
T% rarely COTlfess that wo deserve
What long nerve-racking days of C00-
814111 to7ture-what sleepless nights of
terrible agony-itch-Itch-1mb. CON-
STANT ITCH, until it seemed that .1
must tear OFF MY VERY SKIN -then -
INSTANT RELIEF -my akin, cooled,
soothed and healed. The vert, first drone
of D. D. D. stopped thrrtsi,saWful itch
Instantly, yes, tho very molnent D. D.
D. routed my skin the torture ceased.
D. D. D. has -been known to years as
the only absolutely reliable Eczetna cure
Just a mild, soothing,, pleasant wash
made of OE of Wintergreen, Thymol
and other ingredients, but the Instant
relief ID. D. D. gilyes to all kinds or
skin troubles seems like. a miracle, and
When used with D. D. D. Soap keePs
the alcin in perfect cond'llon.
IC you .have any 'kind or skin trouble -
Eczema, Psoriasis, ,Salt Rheum, no mat-
ter what it is -yes, even pimples, inyest-
tizate the wonderful D.. D. D. Prescript-
ion. We know- what D. D. D. has done
-we vouch for it. D. D. D. never fails
to do exactly as is claimed.
The D. D. D. laboratories, Dept E., A.
49 Colborne St. Tononto. will g1ad1y1
send you a trIal 'bottle it you wriite
them, or tall at our store and get a
bottle. It will relieve all skin trouble
at once. W. S. HOWEY, Druggist.
Auction Sale
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learni
that there is at,least one dreaded disease tha science
Las been able to cure in all its stages, and that ib
cata'rrh. Hail's Catarrh Cum Is the only,positive
cure now 1,,kiown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being 3 constitutional diseaSe requires 3 coastita-
tisnaltreatmetit, Hall's Catarrh Cure is talten in-
rernaily, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving- the patient
strength by buildinK up the constitution and assist-
irg aatum in doing its work. The Proprietors hnve
so meta teithitt its Curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials, •
AddresaF J, 0116.NEY Toledo, 0,
Sold, by ell DrirTists cent,
Wive 1.aluilr Pills for constipation.
TO4Nr-Twot lx
z.ad, mother of 11, Flunistead, a drY
eods a -o -ant here, ro her' 90th -Sent'.
also Dr, Thos. Churchill, -well-known,
brouhouL this district as aa old settler
but tor the last rev,- years had -A"esided
t,1\oesejavr.--......A, daughter of Thos. Jack-
son, j --1.7a Prot-re:sing Young lad' itther
ri‘ith. year, -was buried Thursday. She
was an exceptionally bright young lady
and a general favorite wherever she
Clearing Auction Sale
On THESDA'r, QM, 31st at 12 p.m.
sharp, ttto ollowing,--
Ilorshs-J. Plare 3 -yr -old, sup to
with ro3,1, drat .1, mare agrie
hackrelaY driver, 4 -yr, 1 1 aged road
• 1 roadster sucking colt A 1 aglic-
tUWral ucking colt.
Cattle -2 we, newly calved; 1 cove,
a of sale 1' 2. 'heifers due 14 Jana'
2 cows, due in February; 2, fat
cows 18 choke short keep feeders,
50 lbs.; 10 choke feeders 050 To
1000 lbs ; 5 fat heifers, tt-yr-old; 6
yearling steers aald 11S1tCTS, 3 calves.
/logs -SOW Wr1.11- litter at l'Oat; sow
duo. in Do:ember,
Ilea -Abut 150 barred rocks.
Implements -dumber avugon, and box,
complete; top buggy. new; oPen tteggle;
'pag aleigh,Si binder nearly new; mower
nearly new; 12 -ft, rake, new; leader
Pea-barvester new; seeder and drill;
horee cultivator, nuttier; dise new;
land roller; pulPer; large straw cutte
wtth carriers. belts and all comPlete:
single plow; 2efurrove plow; set liar-,
rows; platform .cies 2060 lbs; gravel
box neve; 4tay rack, fanning mifl:grind-.
stone, extension ladder, 52 ft.; short
ladder, step ladder; stonebeat, wheel-
barrow', 2 set double harnees. 1 nearly
new; 2 sets siingle harness; horse
blankets ; barrels ; grai.nt bags, chains;
hay knife, forks, hoes, whiffictrees. saw
quantity ftrat-etasst hay, and numerous
other articles.
Holisehold Furniture -bedstead, vont-
b'nect dresser and wash stand; bed
ouch, 2 -roektng chairs. Intik cams, palls
uckets, pans, dtatted, etc.
Postiely no reserve as the proprietor
has sold hta farm and is retiring.
Terms -$5 and under welt; over that
anionlit 12 :nos. credit on approved Joint
notes. 5 per cent. off for cash on the
credit amounts.
For feeders and fat heifers -5 per
rent interest on noted.
Proprietor s .AuctIoneer
On SATIIRDAY, OCT. 28, at 1' p.m.
the following new and second hand
1 buggy. vrith, top, new; buggy with
top; 4 new otters;c3 second band
cutters. Lumber wagon; Diamond 'Har-
rows, new; Fleury riding plow. new
1 furrow; 2 Fleury 2 -furrow plows.;
3 No. 21 Fleury walking- plows, new;
one-horse Fleury plow, new; Fleury
grinder, new; Wilkinson sod plow, new;
3 .washing machines, new; 4 wheel-
baa:rroVra, new; 3 Stepladders, new"; 8
steel pig thoug-hs, new-; "Dairy Maid"
cream separator, new; pair wagon bol-
ster springs, new; safe; Wilkirison dit-
chingplow, tnew; bag truck, new; 2
scufflerS ; 3 hay ca.rplern car new;
3 heating stoves, stove drum; 2 iron
grain feed boxes, new; sickle grinder,
new; 3 set or siting roes, new; 2
dozen hay fork pulleys, new; roll .of
fence wire, new. spring seat for lum-
ber wagon, new; 5 -large picture's ; 1
beet ptilier; writing desk. A lot Of
other articles too numerous" to men-
tion including plowshares, landsides,
sole plates 10t of repairs for
different kinds of machines. This Is a
rare chance to buy new machinesat
your own price at the proprietor is giv-
ing up business.
TERMS. -All sums of 85 and under,
cash; over that amount 7 months'
credit on furnishing - approved joint
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Y. A. BLDG..
. 1.0NI)ON,-.ONT.
,STJS.11\TESS and El' )RT .1 AN D' SUBJECTS.
Registered last ',season ' upwards of 0
students and placed every' graduate. SeenSpecially','ilrualified,4egular ';teachers.. One
hundred .and fifty: London firms emplox
Dili trained 'help ," •Coatllesession 1ri-tt
h 1,
Sept. 5 to June 30. Lntr any time.
ForestC ty
‘,-iatt sumer es .
, ,
Otu• Seven Colleges have been es-
tablished during the past 130
years. The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all oyer Ontario, we do bet-
ter for our graduates than any
"other School. You may study
all at home or partly at home
and finish at the College. Affil-
iated with The Commercial Edu-
cators' Association of Canada.
It, would be well for you to in-
vestigate before choosing. Ex-
clusive right for Ontario of the
world-famons Bliss Bookkeeping
System, which is unequalled- It
is Actual Business from Start -to
'Finish, and the Students keeps
same hooks as Chartered Banks
and Wholesale 'Houses. Enter
any time. Indi v lanai instruction
Fall Term From Aug 28
Write, call or phone
Miss B. F. Ward
Cana a's
Thanksgiving Day
SINGLE FARE betvreen stations
in'Ganada., also. to Nagara Falls, lid Buf
Salo, N.Y., Port Huron' and Detrall,Mich.
Good "g-oing o/vi34.ri,'27, 28, 29-, ;30
Return filnit' Noveariber 1st, 1011 .
, ,
OCT. 914l to NOV. al.t11.
_points in Ternagaml, points Ma.ttawa
to Temiskanling" and Kipawa., Que., ' in-
clusive, alsoto certain points in Quebec,
New 13runswIlck, 'Nova Seotin and Maine.
, OCT' 19th to. Nov. lith
to Muskoka Lakes, Penotang, Lake of
Bays, M'aland, ivlaga.netawan 'liver,
Laket.eld, Madawaska. to P.arry Sound,
Argyle to Coboc Dnk, 1„,...adsay to Hall-
burion. Pats' from Seiert nn NorTh
Bay inclus'.'ve, and certain_ poir,ts resch-
ed 13y, ,Northerni NaVigatios Co,
tj Liiikets 'valid for return ootil irhurs-.
3,,v;iti.„.,.,,eL.Y.cpp.1.., to poisks reached
by stiganier 1:fles,',,TUesdaY, Nov. 11.
$10,000,000 REST, *000,000
With its large number of branches, agents and correspondents, The
Canadian Rank of CornMerce is able to effect collections throughout
the world promptly and at reasonable rates. Rates will be quoted on
Cheques and drafts on all countries of the world, drawn in sterling,
francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any other foreign currency,
can be negotiated at The Canadian Bank of Comtnerce 4t reasonable rates.
Branch also at Crediton.
The Molsons Bank
Capital (paid-up) $4,000,000
Rest Fund - $4,6001000
Total Assets Over $4000)000
Branches in ..,.,arta,da, and Agents and Jo esp deitshi tUthe l*e.
Principal Cities in the World.
at,a1 Branches, Interest allowed at higkeet current rate.
Agents at Exeter forthe Dominion Government.
DIMON & CARLJNO, Solicitors, N.D. EURDOR Manager,
TCIIE "Weds day, Oeorgc
al, e natl. fell from the
barn to the RTI;mnd, a distance 0
and broke his arm,
Auction Sale
There will be offered for sale by
pub -
1.00. on
SATURDAY. riovEgnua 41h, 1011,
At the hour or one o'clock P.' 10.
(hap) 00 the premises, the reside:lc
01 tha late Reave, Air. Eawden,
and the land and'appurtenances thereto
.helettging. This is ono of the finestl
antl be annoirned homes In the county,
Tie land contains about 12 acres, on
wh,"ch there eit ;;-ood orchard 3)1 110
or more fruit trees, all in •go,4 healthy
At the same time there will be sold
the tonowtng chattel peoperty,- latIggY
cutter, Pony cart, side-saddle, harnesS
obes, piano, Sideboards, dining' 1`oom
ehal-rs, 4. easy chairs. sera, VirlOr
hairs, 4 bedsteads, .bureaus, wash -
ands, parlor table, idtchen table, rock-
inr chairs, sewing- machine, carnets,
rugs, pictures, ,dialies, lawn mower,
wheeibarrow and garden toots, book
ease, bali rack, linoleum and a. great
many other articles too numerous to
Inspection of real property invitcd.
Terms of Sale. -The real property will -
be sold on easy terms which will be
lade known, on day of sak; or may te
had on applicati.cia to the anderelg,n
ed; on purchases or chattel property
of $5 and under cash; aver that amount
0 months' creditwill ba gicrqa on. 01) -
proved joint notes. 5 per cent off cred-
'' amounts for cash,
Solicitors for Vendors Auctioneer.
Is to the front as the beat school
of its kind in the province. Our courses
are beyond those of the ordinary busi-
ness college. This school has a contin-
ental reputation for high grade work.
We have three departments, Commercial
ShoA-thand and Telegraphy, and the
demand for trained help greatly ex-
ceeds the supply. Students are enter-
ing every week, and -the sooner ybu en-
ter the better for yourself.
Get our free catalogue at once.
D A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
A Pure Silver Violin G
String for 25e.
A real silYerString has never be-
fore been sold at such a low price.
Notwithstanding that tne Vareni
String is not cheap in Quality.
It is made of pure silver carefully
span on good English gut and then
As a result of good materials and
good workmanship the Vareni string
is wonderfully durable and possesses
a marked degree the splendidly c!ear
tone, peculiar to pure silver stringl.
You should have the Vareni G
String if you have it Violin.
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nam.
ely that of a daily iacreasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of' satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
"Fresh Groceries all tne time,"
All kinds of produce taken
in exch an ve
- W'.411,111.1, A-
' 4, as Mil • :
Aineenlin ;
IF1ditti1110 • ma Mr
7 ',WWII
• not • IR
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o you own a "Park
or are you a Slave to ill
A "lParltyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strongest
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