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Exeter Advocate, 1911-10-26, Page 2
a P TAIKTIN REIEIIMATISM Telling He :r) Glee This Painful Malady. This article is for the plan or wo- man who suffers from rhetinatism who wants to be cured, not merely relieved—but actually cured. The most a rheumatic sufferer eau hope for in rubbiug: something on the tender, aching joint, is a little re - het., No lotion or liniment ever did or ever can snake a care, The rheimat.ie poison is rooted in the blood. Therefore, rheumatism can only be cured when this poisonous acid is driven out o. the Moes, That's why rubbing and liniments and outward applications are no god ---they can't each the cause in the blood. Any doetor will tell you this is true. If you want something that will go right to the root of the trouble in the bleed every time take Dr. . Wiliiems' Pink Pill$. They n-nke new, rieh blood which drives out tate poisoneus aeid andeuros.. rheumatism to stay cured. This is solenu truth which has been proved in thousands of cases, and the following is a striking instance, Mrs, W L Elztor, Sarnia, Ont., says: "I feel it my duty to recon. intend Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills as they completely carred me of thou matis"m after 1 bud been almost an Invalid for three years. 1 doctored 1(ith two skilled doctors and took )leetrio treatment, but without enef t, On going to a, third doctor e recerni iended .mineral baths as ibo only thing that wouldhelp me. tater taking this treatment for )(tate time I felt that I was really ;rowing worseinstead of better, <nd I began to think there was no Aute for one and that I was doomed kg he, •a helpless sufferer, Eer some Months I discontinued all treat - Wont and then was advised to try P. Williams' fink Pills< After taking a few boxes I could'. notice It distinct ilt3,rrOvennent, and I con- tinued taking the fills .for several baths, . when the enact was com- plete. That is sone two years ago, and I have ever since been per- fectly free from the trouble. I would, therefore, advise, anyone afflicted with rheumatism to take Dr, Williarns'ePink Pills, as they eeartainly* made a remarkable cure in nilly ease." r � I1Ltase pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or may bo bad by mail at 50 cc lits < box or six Loxes fox $2,5Q from The Dr< Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SO >TUI AFRICAN NEWS PLIES. Natives Surpass. T'1egrnph iu .i'iiei.r Transmission. The rapid transmission, of news among Kamrs and Hottentots is a Mystery which even Mr. Rider Haggard is unable to solve. Mr. Haggard was at Pretoria in 1879, at the time of the battle of Isand- hiwana. Twelve hours after the disaster an old Hottentot washer- woman told him that, Cetewayo had defeated the British troops, and gave details of the fight. So impressed iwas Mr. Haggard that he reported the information to his official superior. The British official pointed out that it was impassible for the news, to be true, as Isandhlwana• was 192 miles from Pretoria, and no tele- graph or railway communication existed between the two places. On the following day official con firmation of the message was brought by mounted messengers, who were despatched immediately after the battle and travelled at top speed all the way. Yet the na- tives won by twenty hours, and the washerwoman's story was true in every detail. -London Chronicle. No woman is as truthful as her mirror. One Mother Says "There's only one trou- ble with • ft:Dastie package - .� b "When I. mg et a ,77�acl�a.e or two, Father and the Boy -i at once have`treinen- dous appetites:" POST' TOASTIES, REQUIRE NO COOKINQI Serve with sugar and ClnI1- iit �, 1 and the smiles .. . bC) rulld the table. U “The he Memory Lilllgers Sndd Oxy Grocers. Posttitn 73'e s f l 4ES C at Co,.,: Ltd., pl., fie}..• 1JNINTENTIONAL ° INEM°SITY Just a Little Present for the •New., ly Married Couple. Values not infrequently lie below the, surface, and can be appraised (only by the well-informed, A story from the French journal. Le Ori de Paris, affords acase .In paint. Recently, when the weal thy Mademoiselle de R. was to be married, a ductless felt under ob- ligation to snake her a present— just a little- present, ..The duchess thought it would he useless to ex- pend much money for a person so rich, She thought that if she should look through her vast mansion she would be. able to find something, —some trinket—to which the addi- tion of her card would give eufitci- ent glory. She finally found in her writing- desk an insignificant cameo, that she had once worn. The followng day she received from her young friend a letter of enthusiastic thanks, "Oh, you have been. very foolish l This is too beautiful!" and other expres- sions of the liveliest. satisfaction "She is making sport of my lit- tle present," thought the good', duchess. Then came ,a seVoncletter,t i. time from thehusband i who this 1 chaos wire was to be; 2 Ii.o w can we thank youWe are delighted! This will spoil us!" "The impertinent fellow!" said the duchess, "He wants me to understand that I have been gardly," Nevertheless she sl went to naal:e a call ori the R's before the mar- riage. riage. There, in the midst of the presents, exposed in of most littleninent place, she sawthe cameo placed upon her card. An aid gentleman approached her. lie zs arA member of the academy' of in-. xiptions and belles: 1ettres, hatt a wonderful 11�rr�a. vD 1resett -et egiven these children Madam uBess, besaid. "For forty years we have beenseeking for this very cameo, It is of the era (r£ Trajah, awl is valued at two hundredthousand francs." WRONG DIAGNOSIS, Has Physician ----Young man, if you do et gait drinking you'll ruin yeti` digestion. The Young Mau-••-Doetor, it's nay ruined digestion that has driven me to drink, AS GOOD AS g DOCTOR IN THE DOUSE, Baby's Own Tablets .should be kept in every home where there are little ones.They are as good as a doctor; are absolutely safe and can always be relied upon to drive away any malady arising from de- rangements of the stomach or bow- els. Concerning them Mrs. O. A. Wheeler, Northlands, Sask., says: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets an invaluable medicine. I live twenty miles from town and doc- tor, so am glad to have so reliable a medicine at hand. I consider the Tablets a real necessity in the home and shall never be without them. They have kept my baby well and have made him a bonnie baby." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Every man is satisfied that he is worth more to his employer than his pay envelope indicates. TRY MURiNE EYE REMEDY' Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25o, 50c, ,$1.00. Murine Eye Salve in. Aseptic. Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. It '~ is sometimes better to have Ioved and lost than to be the other fellow. Even the strongest advocate of peace does not believe iii abolish ing the world's navies -by getting them to blow. themselves up. The dove returned to the ark. "We shall have peace;" it cried "there is no land to fight about 'and nobody to fight." You may not be able to do better than others have done, but you can probably do, better than you ha ve done. A single man is seldom as, good as his .sweetheart thinks he is, or a married man as bad as his wife sus- pects he is. if a man smokes in the house and' his wife, is afraid her curtains will. be ruined, he should be -obliging and, take. them down. Hudson—I hear Jones has a great invention: Judson— e5," 1 lerfo,rat ed'bedcIothes So you can breathe. when yo'u . pull them over I head, Mother---"Howdiel ,you get wet a i c1 lav:?> 3ohnn;•--``1 was sail ing: int boat in a;paddle: and had •to go;'down .`a ar. my ship." rllt?ard•S L.Inill7entCures Ell 11 I CO111.0 NOT SLEEP 11THIGHIS TILL IEE FOUND RELIEF IN DODD'S' KIDNEY PILLS. Fred, Swanson, of Saskatchewan, sends a message of cheer to those who feel the weariness and dis- couragement that collies front broken rest. Macklin, Sash., Oct. 23 (Special). Those who suffer from sleepless nights and get up in the morning feeling, tired and discouraged will find renewed hope in the statement made by Fred. Swanson of -this piaee. He could not sleep at nights. ,kl;e discovered the cause. It -was Kidney trouble. He discovered the, cure. It is Dodd's Kidney pins, "Yes," Mr. Swanson says, in an interview regarding his ease, "I wastroubled oub c(1 with my Kidneys for over a year, so bad that I could not sleep at nights. After using one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found great cele£', Four boxes removed all ray pain and nelw l: sleep well and 1 am as strong in my Kidneys As any man. If the Kidneys are wrong the blood beconms clogged with impuri- ties and natural rest is an impossi- bility... Strong, healthy Xidpeys ineart pure blood, now life all over the body and that delightful rest { that is the sweetest thing in life, Dodd's Kidney Pills always make strong, healthy Kidneys, A USE FOR ALL. "Did you know that they can makeshoes out of ;all kinds of skins rF "^-raw about banana skins l" "They make slippers:, out of f1nYrs_al 1ee,'lessness S e is the great restore • and to be deprived ofit is 3 vital loss, Whatever may be the tante of it, indigestion, nervous de- rangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, By regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep -will follow. They exert a sedative farce upon the nerves and where there is un- rest they bring rest. BLOWING IT IN. "Did he inherit his money Z" "From the way he isgetttilg rid of it I should judge so," Well-known Man. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Dear Sirs, -1 can recommend your Min. A1LD'S LIN.IMENTT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have usedit for both with ex- cellent results. Yours truly, T. 13. LAVERS. St, John. She—But how am I to know you !will be patient and forbearing when we're married? He—I can put a 144 stand-up collar on a No. 15 shirt without saying a ,word. A Safe Pill for Sufferers.—There are pills that violently purge, and fill the stomach- and intestines with, pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no' mineral- purga- tive entering into their composition and their effect is soothing and beneficial Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of the most excellent medicine. A considerate wife will not insist, upon her husband's doing more than two-thirds of the housework. There may be other corn cures, but Holloway's Corn Cure stands at the head ofh 'li t estsofarasxe- sults are concerned. It's a surprise party if everybody there has a good time. • Wife -What a darling you are to admit -.that you are in the wrong! Hubby -Yes; my mother taught me that it was easier in'the, Jong run to• give in to a woman than to. ale gee. • 7 SS 1. 11 Well, Well! THIS isa H3 ME DYE tirlre.`that ANYONE: can use 1 d %�t.L, ' DdyeJFFERENT K1i4theseDS -� C1 +Qf_Goods with the SAME Due,; used CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use.. NOchance afus.li the WRONG Dyeforthe Goods e haa to color. Alt from your Druggist Dreier. FREE Colas Coro and STORY' Booklet Montreal. The Soh:ssoe.Richar. oa Co„ Liuslted, Mou;real, EIGHTY -MILE PRECIPICE. Capt. 0,:G, Bawling, a member of the British expedition. that~. re- Gently explored Dutch New Guinea, describes what may be the greatest unbroken precipice in the `world It runs, be says, for a distance of $Q miles • from Mount Oarstenz westward to the Charles Louis Mountains, Its greatest sheer height is at Mount Leonard Darwin, The explorers were never. in a. position to measure with the theodolite a sheer height of ' this immense precipice exceeding 6,500 feet, but from many views obtain- ed of it while he was climbing, Captain Bawling has no hesitation in stating that the greatest per- pendicular height is not less than 10,500 feet, or almost exactly two miles. The Mantle Lamp Company, Dept. 125, ,Montreal, Can,, are giv- ing away absolutely FREE one ALLADIN MAN'TL'E LAMP in each community to introduce this won- derful lamp. It burns coal oil, and is .revolutionizing lighting every- where; is odorless, safe, economi- cal; needed in every home. Don't failto send them your name and address. QUICK RECOVERY. "Mamma," said Johnny, "if you will let ane go just this one time I won't ask for anything to eat." "All right." said his mother. "Get your hat." Johnny, perched on the edge of a big chair, became restless as savory odors came from the region of the kitchen. At Fast he blurted out: "There's lots of pie and cake in this house." The admonishing face of his mo- ther recalled his promise, and he added "But what's that to me?" ALUM AN UNSEEN DANGER IN FOOD. Noted food scientists have decid- ed that whim is an unseen danger in food, and as a result of their in- vestigations, rigorous laws have. been enacted and are now being vigorously enforced in England, France and Germany, prohibiting the use of alum in foods. Until suitable laws are passed. in Canada prohibiting the use of alum baking -powders, every housewife should be careful to buy only •a bak- ing -powder that has the ingredi- ents printed plainly on the label. Charity Worker -You poor soul! Does your husband always hang around the house all day? Mrs. Tenement (cheerfully) - Indade, no. Half the toime he's in the. lockup. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's , `Dysentery. Cordial is a speedy cure for dysen- tery, ' diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and com- plaints incidental to children teeth- ing/ It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of r• indiscretion in .eating un >pe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It acts with won- derful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No e:ne need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine convenient. Giving othereople the best ..of p 1 it is a good; investment. And be- sides it may, not cost you anything,, Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. 1� girl's idea of a, rose without thorn h is a liandsoine young man who is rich and eligible, Won Fame en Its' Merits: --The unbounded Pop III aa'lty that, Dr.: Thomas' Eclectric Oi1 enjoys is nit, attributable to any c] aboi;ate ae1- vertising, for, it has V'not been su ad'- i crtised, but is , ntirelydue-to the. merits of,t11is;Os1 asa. rnedicine,:In` every 0551 , tolvn ` and 1i:ini1et in the: country it is sought after solely be, ,•CanSe,, :Oi ts.,.gr-nd •C ui 1itieS.:. Feb of u, can do more than one thiize• 11_any a• man who has I{J no difficult:7 in Makin ,ny one ist- dismal:'failtire as a spender-. t . 173, , Mtnard's Lililmeit{1Cures pap fiv. SIti OULD PAY WIVES. Yorkshire Women's Association De- clares Itself to 'That Effect, That husbands should pay wages to their wives is the newest pro- position ro ii submittedi• pas t an to the Yorkshire Women's Liberal Association, Eng- land. Many women made bitter; com- plaint at a meeting of kite associa- tion thatwives do not even know how much their husbands earn. These women said that in the mar- riage servidde husbands promised worldly goods, yet fail to do so and do not intend to do so while they are promising to. A. delegate at the meeting pro- posed to substitute, in the marriage service the words "the husband: shall render unto the wife due benevolence and also the wife unto the husband," The delegates generally agreed that wives should be paid. The Q;s- soeiation will ask Parliament to make a law providing how a wife's wages es sh tl be fixed and setaside by her husband, SI -WEBERS FROM NUNS! Z,ttu-Buk Has Cured These Friction on the heniorrlioid veins that are swollen, inflamed and gorged with blood, is what causes the terrible pain and stinging and smarting of piles, Zam'Biik ap- plied at night will be found to give ease before morning.. Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince Albert, Sask., 'writes; "I must thank you for the benefit I have re- ceived from Zam-Buk. Last sum- mer I suffered greatly from piles, I started to use Zam.-Birk and found it gave me relief, so I continued it., and after using three or four boxes it effected a complete cure," Magistrate Sanford, of Weston, King's 0o,, N.S., says: "I suffer- ed long from itching piles, but Zaln- Buk has now cured ane," Mr, William Kenty, of Upper Nine Mile River, Hans Co., N.8.. says: "I suffered terribly- from piles, the pain at times being. al- most unbearable, I tried vartolls ointments, but everything I triedl failed to do me the slightest good. I.was tired of trying various reme- dies, when I heard of Zam-Bilk, and thought as a last resource I would give this balm a trial, After a very short time Zam-Buk effected a complete euro." Zam-Bilk is also a, sure mire for skin injuries and diseases, eczema, ulcers, varicose veins, cuts, bsurns, bruises, chaps, cold sores, ete, S0c. box all druggists and stores, or post free, from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations. Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25e. tablet. Perhaps the most of us would be different if our neighbors were what they should be. Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- ceptable to childien., and it does its wvork surely and ;promptly. A man may pocket his pride, but a woman has to conceal hers else- where. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. It is 'easy to appreciate -the' points of a sermon when they , jab the other fellow. Stiff neck! " Doesn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable. You will be surprised to see how quirk 1p Hamlins Wizard Oil will drive that stiffness out. Onenight, that's all. BONDS FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR We continually have bond offerings in small denominations. This is of special interest to those with a limited sum to invest because it places the, small in- vestor ort an equal footing with the large one so far as interest and security are concerned. J If your capital, whatever the amount, is earning less. than 5% you will be interested in the facilities we have for the safe. and profitable investment of small sums as well as large. 'B' When you 14crease the earning power of your capital. without sacrificing any-, thing in the matter of security, you have accgmpiished a good stroke of business. We Will be glad to talk over with you the investment or re -investment of your capital, no matterhow small the amount thereof. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION t,llalT�rP ]:BANK OF manna, BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN. STS: TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Manager MONTREAL-quAsao-HAI.IPAX-4914P0haaN4,l FARMS fOR RENT AND SALE, AS! DAWSON, NNE KNOWS. P you want to bell a farm, consult ala. II, you want to 11uy a %arm. couault 1. too. ilAVE. some of the best Fruit. Stools, Grain or Dairy Parols to Ontario. and prices right, T W. ANSON, Nine Street, Toronto, • AGENTS WANTED,, Q') DAT SALARY D UP. --ALSO t.. rW eGinnlis8iott for• local represents,- taxes; ivamediatoly, t;'er:nancut position; tnperieuce linlaiees9ttry; rapid a41Yews- newt; spare time accepted. Nirhots, Limited, Publishers, Termite.. (LENTS WANTED, — A.:I.IINI'1 FQII .0 every home. WOW us for our sl.o:r;e .057 of agents supplies. We ,have the.. greatest agency propowltiali in Canada today. No outlay necessary, Apply B. (I', I. Co„ 222 Alpert St., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. irATAY and :FARM SCALES. Wilson's 111 Scale Worm,, 9 Esplanade, `reroute. Q., =MILL 3CACAI\E1tY. s ORT;113114 1.7 or heavy bathe Mills, Shingle kions, L•:nsiacs and Rollers, Mill Supplies, ''The 1:, Lout;; Manufacturing Co.. Ltd„ 1Vosi Street. Orillis, Ontario. lir YOU RAVE Sion TO $aes TO INVEST we can show you where utero in tea. soilab.le probability of trebtina• rhino Maid* of twelve months. Write for particulars.. The Waters Uarris Syndicate, 43 Victoria St„ '.Coronto. ANCI;R, TCt31OItS. LUMPS. etc. 13. lJ tornal and external. eared, without pain by our home treatment. Write ua before too late. Dr. Bollman. Medical Co~f it Limited, Coliingwood, Out. (+ TON SCALE GUARANTEED, Wilson's Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. AT oNc1:—YOUNG MEN TO LE.I.UN Barber Trade. Demand for barbers every day; cannot supply demands Let us teach you trade. Write for pita thea, tars, Motor Barber Golloge, 221 Qnnzi East, Toronto. AGENTS WANT:ID.-- A ;STUDY OIC' other 'Agency propositions convinces; us that none eau equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don't apply for par- ticulars to Travellers' Dopt., 228 Albert St., Ottawa, SPECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all Minds. Trusses fitted by mall. Send measure- ment, Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for anything sold in lira-el:ess drug stores to Dr. Gellman. Collingwoorl; Ont. CHENILLE CURTAINS and all kinds of hoi:ao hangings,. also ,LACE CURTAINS DYED LIKE ONEW�'tED' Write to us about yours; (BRITISH AMERICAN DYEi1C 00., Boxtli8, Montreal CANADA BUSINESS. COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. ONE OP AMERICA'S.` GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000' choice .positions, filled in past Four Years. Soino others •just '071101;•- I, 13, MANN, from Newfonoilland,' placed.' with Sask. Milling Co„ Moose Jaw, as Steno; FERN 'SMI'Tii. Steno,, Peabody Overall 06 , 1Vindsor, H. C. no BINSON Bkkpr„ with Ball Furniture Co., Southampton," Ont )5LOSSIE ANDERSON, Steno and Iikkpr, Can. Wolverine 'C0 , Chatham, MILDRED AND- ECSON, Steno., with be Laval Separator Co:; ''Winnipeg. Ii. J SCOTT, teacher, with Drisk© College' Newark N J. The salaries of the three shown last week average over -5703 per annum- Lhosndarieoof:thesixltere'shown'average close 'to 770J. Our students are proplired for the 7bi� positions rvltoro the big,pay Is offered. IT PAYS TO ATTEND 'THE BEST Catalogue 33 ,tells o4 the,work at Chatham. Catalogue 31 tells of our home courses: Addtees, 7): McL&CliLtN CrCU., C. I3: College, Chathalu,'Ont. AbD[y' ui 1s tOitl 011 s,k wo—o 7 Wt6h ries'e :'ges or eleetrlcl 5 TMp1), nolseless, odorless, clean, vale, monoysav- inE. Guaranteed. Write nearest office for catalogue M° and learn how to got an Aladdin Mantle Lamp n'117,E. AGEN'��'. on T.,.1£, 73Ar�7 SOLtD"850 back, en one It too, Bnotono ret ,nod; Staceymoney soldllinonsonur• owsoni sold i n 10 cads, `:Gibson mord 38 an 5 days, Hells l t,o1P. Needed i n every home. Onr Sunbeam Burner: fits other lamps, ,Complete line ler homes,.atores ctn. ^ 5ek' Lor ouf;11I orilanenry proposition, Mantle Lamp Ca., n `, Dept. 127 Montreal, Canada STACK E'JRciH: .,. enitor Standard Stock•and.Mi ng 7 :,rh"tnge LISTED STOCKS,CARtIEDON MARGIN Corresponddnee invibo'fl: 3MELINlA SIT,L TQ+,ICU ri TC3 lig Good Weekly income Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment`. Diplomas Granted ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE 258 Careen St. West Toronto, Canada A LEXAND \\r have in stocka. large quantity ,of' Ladies' . Near -Seats. Coats's.do in various 'lengths' and` styles., , Those oats are' made from the finest possible. oleins, and are lined with' tile very: best :soft 5811: ,litzing. LlAD S NEAR • S: :AL ATS 50:ins:lies',long ... $75.00 43 inollos-long Slid us a-otir 'Mist measurement and'''. the length of corm. •-deairod,, and we • will 'sous some .0 0. D. to acv part in Canada. allowing privilege :r of examining and yo. turning' if not nu tIsrasitary-;at oar 83001100 WRITE TO IIS TODAY. yl; arulanlsiring Furriers, fis13fre_ 0 ii ale prielfte {r! ?lt