HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-19, Page 8THE EXETER ABITOC ITE, UR.SDAY OCTOBER Ies EWA Fall and Winter Clothing I. istime you were thinking Tour cold weather Clothing - We are prepaid to supply you with a nice ‘o.11 or Winter suit of the best material. the latest style and finish ata price that cannot be beaten. Try us autl we will give 3c?rz sat- isfaction.. tm ..V'vf VINT 'Merchant Tailor, ter, Qatari EXETER MARKETS. CH ED EACH WJ°33NRSD4' vlieat .,. ,. $3 4 40 70 PettatOes,perbag ... ay, porton....«-,...,. 150 10t F.Iour, per cwt., family 2 d Fl€rur, low gra,cle per cw 1 50 1 a 23 _ ] ttclawhestt ,. .. Cats, , «'efts. x . . IP LOCAL DOINGS. 1 Ur.. and, lire. Jo iz : Taylor of ;Coale,, rave tnoVed to Eseter North. Messrs,. 1rfvEagua and I1ackney Ship- ped horses. to Montreal Oa Tuesday. 7:11,ere are 53 Sundays i:; 1911. Tta;s will not happen again in 109 . y'ea. s, Rabbit ?'runt; ze is the main occupation of these who a eU .o tnv,a rd the sport of ishootin Mhos Daisy se poq«".'.'o a as ter:, n:rtlled. To: o 3. G+ld••=r:on azta Wrosstion fr ave Loss Op ;os c_mpsi :l . 3;: c J A ,sus ,;oo; r .pleastiritiaeau.n four £ t and linsltes eircuaatference was picks ed on Poles Island. p,esent stnnni:ng of t9.s parties Ontario Le :gi ta:•ee a tr'o sees +47, Lice xis 18, Labor, 1. n?es,io..:, for sly, elroisicroa*.ck on of sabittsr n'a w: t be S's:( - ministers ekt o Y Nov, 1st Rots Tort:into nous y o t ;e Toro.. s oro:r t ssosia do a. MS"�+'ihll'w�, for son , «.'s, a„`e4d safe«d. vv, <>a :tt1« ikotir The School Field Day The School Sports remainin0 E:cycle `sass, boys, 12 and 75 yard dash Button race -, 440 yard relay race, (4 to 220 yard race, Sr. 2220 yat+d rave,, RuntBututing high jump, Sr Running high lump Jr Pole Vault, Jr. Dalt mile dash,, Half' mile biestele race. Jr. over from field day were tnun oft las ttnder,,,Q. Davis, K, \Veidenhammer l” Hunk s;, N. Amy, L,. Hardy Acheson, L BQylea s .I',etty a leans) E. Iua2kin'a learn, S. Petty's tarn L, Grieve, H, Glenn, E. Dearing , , .,, „ G. rJforley, 0 Wood, J. Parts • ,L Grieve, z:. Dearing.. 11 .Gleba 0 Wood, G. Morley, R. Dora -gall C Wood, It Parsons lin Seas'(or J, Parris, A, 13 o1Genshire, M. Senior • lt. Dougall, IA, Treble, C. wood. vaeek,,^- L;r:=:a AN 'eat is inaiiing T3., 1Vi11; Knight of .o::don was, ere ries' Sunday. Mr, Ila.ry Parsons 'a ere over Sunday,' Mrs. AY, JOhns left Saturday to visit t St„ Marys ry s and Sarnia,,( ai s Fratsk. \V od "s vastting frre;zds La;don for a c aup;e weeks.. Mfrs• (Dr,) Andel,'.son of Winnipeg vases 4 :vLrs. S, Fitton this week. _Miss Matt ev s. of Te ont' e the rest of her sister, Mrs. S, ,F4ttosa Elliana 'Verity of 13rmarford 'rxraa er.attves here over Sunday, vl.r F.sia and daughter Mss -1 ^'•te sr a visit' Hatratltoa. ,Hurst o, Seafertia visited wit:,, tv,Mrs. I, ratstros.g. Tuesday Miss Jenr-fe, Hardy returned lust week' a a es.;e _del vr;sit in Western Can ;.don ty Live angs, 1x8 ' Gwt $40Xts,perton,,.,. «.«, Braila: per ton- ......... . . ., 22 Poultry Wo will pay till advised the fti for poultry is trade, alive S�+.i% dry picked 1 Oz. . '4 go, eye Ducks S. wlr. ?-ie^lsex'att, Rall,#r c^°.essier, IaSC great Soros 10 0.od•sfish. where l e. i ?:tss- gt,rt ori as ^let the Goder°,.lt 340 Company sor alt Sts airy dcsaic, *,a rand, S^a .i. 1lolla ;d, E F_e3• North, still 'o;rt noes rluite iii "14 undo: the slog, sts are, and Mrs, Toe, Handfferd z'ctur,.- ;^ i to rainy:•a, liras. Oast v.etk after a rayl; ,tore, M filler of Edmonton ls: her parents, :air.. and .Mrs, Robs o . of town.. a s. Gea, Palmer. l xar1, Taylor. Ga vel: 4t?;est)r•.R' of Loncizn spent asy. in town. . d ;its Il i 1>', lleav�er spent ., M«.,r'.a.} : t'a.. W. A. Tarla..aed T uol�er R�r Bankrupt Stock 3T The Exeter Bargain Store Two new sto ks .eGeived icy' -yowlin 1100TS, GR0C1;RiES; DRY GOADS, MATS, COM We hart eli-lt aow:a onl off 11: One cent laei? po rnd )ess lir each Wase far cash. JONES MAY AI WANT Gttlelt►l liQuee:veerlr. Nva Waa'sai:lg, AnpWto bL a. Joan l3, Tamen, .551 NVaterloo Statcet, London, oat,. Underwear--Penmanss, Wat• manes, Elfish, and Stanfield/a, Underwear In all Weights and sizes at a garment 50c. to $1.751.—Stewart's. FLOUT, AND FEED.—Having punt in a stock of Flour and Feed i so1lolt your patnaragc, Stand one door north of lies -mares Hardware—Rivera' old stand. Jos. Davis. 100 GLIB Wanted for Factory. 0.00. per week to start wlth for girls eighteen and over. Address immediately D. S. Perrin & Company, Limited, Laindon, Ont. 'Ladies' Cape Gloves for Fall wear ,guaranteed, in tan only at per pair $1.00—Stewart's 'MARRIAGE LICENSE.—Get your mar- riage license at the Advocate Office. 1'tEPRESENT'ATIVE WANTED —At once for worn 5n your locality. Will guarantee $2. to $3. per day. Op- partuni:.y to advance rapidly. Will pay Iiberafly for spare time. Work not diff- icult. Experience ,sot required. apply to Intemnational . Bible Press, Toronto,0 nt. :tar. 'and Trunk' don. la dll Val lslr oata.,g. resulting tzo c+ a rrat, lay the aged cs8 a .of a trot:ik, eGillicuddy and Mr. Geo, Coward TLa idar, afrt 'Xt'ect:,eedtty, 'wvi e^a ' dip tors stated that the :pro- and atve, ard' Improving the >atra ng. lo8t fav- GIRLS WANTED. Smart Girls required to work on boys clothing, Bather operating power mach- inery, or hand sewing—good clean work. Good wages and constant work the year through. • , The 3ACKSON IL-SN'F'G CO., Exeter Pur - Collared Coats with quilted or curl linings' inter- lined with rubber. Very:sty- lish an serviceable at $17.0 to $25.00 -Stewart's. vwer^e .1 porn su:sr etas orsr hatter's arm or:tbly, CISTERN AND WELL CLEANING.'— Those having- cisterns or wells that need cleaning will do well to have the work done at once. We do it to your satis- faction.—ALBERT GOWER, .Exeter N. Worsted Hose (made from strong yarns, very suitable for school wear. Special at 25c.— Stewart's. Mr, 3, 3.. Spackman, general agent for the Prern'er Cream : Separator, was in town on. Monday, and appointed W. M. Blatchford and B, W. F. Beavers, seli- islg' agents foir ±;has district for this well known separator. Mr. W. Roland has been agent( here for soma time foa- the Pena:er, Grease spots on 'walls may be 'remov- ed by putting blotting paper on the shot and hold:r,iy -a "hot Bron against it. It _s ,stated that Canada's population:; will be tittle over 7;000,000, although ,t,etiore the renews was teke,). :t was e p...ted to ba about 8,000,000. A very easy m thud oC calculating .the rate of ; ri on a ,l.la_.8, 1!3:' to i OUnt the nutab r o.C. ratls,_passed oV l ,,f 20 se ontla I,I:e .nuivher '_s il;e n11es per hour that hetrait]. ;s gra^e17 n.,, :.the calcula,t on roe ter bas=il on thie fact that s tande1,1 ,P or Inri.arr 1.10 of the, standard ,.rile aro pay d ovc, n 20 etcostd a, :a eaeiily i.3u d; -au" teat the J, .s .r..v cli 1� sboot.(0 S dlea .ay., hour, The tote coning; wait ;ot ITospital. T4;ras operttion %VOA titer le bright ken o. Rev. and Mrs.o: at tite General Faday lIat. The Tete success :tial ata of the child's h who re- d wgllln; Iia Exeter North, was lar towq fon 4'y Walking nr- ut:»e.,erttlents ie arlov+e IssTo will/ his fam- ily shortly. We weicop e :afar. stud Mrs. l'a it wv r 'track to our$ midst SfliS. JEtNNETTE JEWELL N..EL- LOGG, the welhlcr^iowrs Elocutionist' sof Buffalo, has been engaged by The Young Men's Gallas of Caven Presby- terian Church for Nov. ate. This is a rare treat ao ba erste *,+n hear it. C. W. 'Gross, Cormier caretaker' at the Exeter Cemetery, who came up before Magistrate Kay last week,'on the charge of misappropriation of funds, was cont -1 miti.ed for trial, and bail of x$500 not being forthcoming he was taken to God- eric'.a. an Friday; From a letter we note tttat W. Borne, a former resident of Exeter, has °pelted up an, office ht Toronto, 31,A Lumsden Build a.a. agent Tor the International Securities Company, Limit- ed, imited, and is naw devoting attention to the selling of Western Lands. ols y91xga.;l1 d a i.11 Brie IrstY, abt )"Istt urn rat' on &art d tv,anleea at RA Duluttil„ Itt the 4.0 a~� We ETC, ICK FOR CHOICE eaeived the agency for le E. 4 SEPARATOR-- TII I'ItEIIIEIa 11 ea-'ry the e satai anyone 'laity rag a a lrefere we +w1ll a PAIR 0 r ow.c c oram BEAY TiiE EX:ETE31 BARGAIN STORE ll:ov er ciauttera 433n aittar air ot Mr. L. Mr. Glassy, era,: rat Tlttrvtay I3cO grtst sn411. 'was called home to Iasi -week owing to thio Illness a! l] mother. Mrs. Ilaarlette, to Is vieltingmand around l~ eter, while ttraa uof 1i et . moth -Mrs. Wm. Dei' Mr, Bennett, who had the es'ectton o the Blank` of Commerce ibullding In charge, and it news an aim,Uar'^duty at Porcupine, was in, town Tuesday. Mr, W. 7.1. P. Trooper returned last week from a visit in Farmer's valley Pa., While i1n Pennsylvania ho went to Auetiaa and saw the eftecta of tthe re- cent flood.; Mr, Chas. Lindenfeldt, who for a num- ber of yearn haws been head clerk, in, Mr. J. A. Stewart's store here, has res gn- ed the position and will mbve ,with his family shortly to Zurich, where he win have clurrgie of Mfr. J. J. Merner's store. We are sorry to dose such worthy ctt- iaene from ow 11 Mr. 3 Hind, superintendent of the Rose Taylor Company, met with; art un- fortunate accid t on Friday last. They were engaged moving a heavy log past t: -.e' corner ot a building, and the horse starting unexpectedly Mr. Hind 'was caught (between the log and the build- ing. with the result that his leg was badly bruised and his left hand skinned to She bones. The is ary, besides bo- ing very painful, will lay him oft work for sortie time. The census enumeration of field crops taken -:n 'June 'shows for rise North- west provinces, together with Ontario andthe Marittlane provinces an area of 9,999,021 aeras 'wheat, 7,661,862 acres oats, 1,291,287 acres barley, 133,053 acres rye, and 1,090,615 acres Slay -to which will be added the areas for two districts in Saskatchewan. For the har- vest year of 1900 the corresponding fig- ures of the census of 1901 were 4,068,- 328 ,068,328 acres wheat, 3,981,370 acres oats,'' 765,273 -acres barley, 15.6,352 acres rye, and 21,202 acres flax. The increase' in tkae production of tube: principal grains in the decade, computed for the present year ea the estimates of corres ponde,nts, is shown to be in round numbers, 148,035,000 bushels of wheat' 187,049,000 •bushels oats, 21, 711,000 bushels•, barley, 664,000 bushels rye, and 12,360,000 1bushels flax. These figures areecclusive of returns for two distracts "in; Sasleaatc'hewan. A RARE TREAT—Exeter people will have a chance to hear something extra good in James stn ohnmrch on Monday evening Oet. 20, When there appears one of the greatest harpists of the age, Aptainrnas, for years harpist to Mar. Tate Majesty Queer?' Victoria, assisted by Mises Grace Merry, Entertainer and Ivi'nss E. AIesandra `Bradley,Soprano.,,i 'Pickets `250., at Cole's Drug Store and at the • Chuac'h door: • Do njot n 'ss this event. It is expected to be, equal to the Welsh ri70 s of, last year^ iti3GGFIT DTJSINESS—Mr. S. G. Lam- port a former merchant of Clandeboye," and I1d.,. ton, made a deal with lir, John Campbell of Farquhar, by v-htch Che takes over the general store busi- ness, usiness at 1. a:quh,a-r and Mr. Campbell h oin s oariten S::iltcoe street, E _eter. Mr. Lamport ,takes pos- session next week, : and rwrt Campbell llr r ;i1Tefurie I`o farrirDlg.`r`.r:'_ people of. T,'t rqu ar and v ^t'tiity will tind lir. ,Lan') poi, as e_ elle,at hus tr;s;d rn.an and a good' d izen:. APPLES T11,0e6 w-antln good NO. 1 Winter Apples call at the store. Jones & May Flour Several Brands. Manitoba n, sapecialtp.. Lime IA good stock always on band. Cement ATH Jewelry BuBusiness 17 steadily ora the increase, O4ar stock is one of the largest in, the County tuud equal to that of any city store. You cannot poss- ibly make mistake by Balling on us and exanaining our stock.. Our prices are tight. Prove iii for yourself by compar- ison with others. ' Our selections are large, giving you a large variety to choosefrom—again the proof is by comparison. Our goods are of flue duality. We back 041$ statement with our guarantee. Don't these things give us aright to expect from 1 goal a fair eonsicleratien of our goods, " lian er seller & Op'tieiau Undertakers A 3d ture Dealers complete snick ID all la e carry S. Phone for Store 20a or Sundays and nights 20b ROWE & ATKINSON The Leadinz Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, B Durham National Part)and Cement is the best, R. G. Seldon, Exeter ot;ati„fio ° s Bus, Dray and Teaming Business Your orders in out' line will be attended to quickly and satisfac- torily. We are here to please the public needing anything in our rine, and we ask a trial from you. Orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech Poll's Bazaar WATCH this store for bargains the rest of the month. BIG ASSORTMENT of Hallo. we'en and Thanksgiving Post Cards Keep your eye on our windows for specials. POWELL'S BAZAAR 4'c ran o'. sura GENE , , L -NEWS SERVICE SP4.�I'?6TING�r P AGltr PAGE BEST 9 y", L�1'idl`41 43p PA aFYJ HE NEWS WILL BE SENT d3A1•i'Y, Elf MAIL10 ANY Ad)11;itEtSS'tii cANAhA FOR ONE 0010411 AND A -HALF A Y3Alt JONES & MAY PRONE NO, 32 New Fall Suitings In all the Latest Fabrics We are showing something new every clay in our Dress Goods Department. New Ser„es, New Tweeds New Plain cloths, New Tartans in all the season's best colors. Come along and see what we are doing in the Dress Goods line and select your New Fall Suit or Dress. SOMETHING NEW IN WINTER COATS We are receiving something New every day in the coat line and have a fide selection of Fancy Tweeds which are good this year. Plain Cloths in Blacks or Blues in a variety of styles, Coat Collars, Shawl Collars or Military Collars. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT All the best and latest "novel- ties in headgear are shown by our milliners, Drop in and see the new ,i ones. They are interesting. CARPETS & RUGS Have you bought your New. Rug. - We have some beauties in all sizes.. Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Lino,- ums in abundance. ' Men s and ,,o ' Clothing loting We are .making a big display 'of Men,sand B®y,s Fall and `inter Suitsand Overcoats. The real nifty stuff is here for you to see andwefeelyou sure � ou veli like them. Call and see thein and have anearly choice. The newvh s oes are also Here in the swell styles. MAY u r lSit3l the �ocelebrated W.E . Sanford Clothing