HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-19, Page 6Afral 0 E
Does the fear of indigestion spoil. the enjoyment of
your meals ? it needn't.Just take
and you won't know you have a stomach. They will see to it
that your food is properly digested. They are among the
best of the NA -DRU -CO preparations, compounded, by
expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale
druggists in Canada, SOc.a box. If your druggist has not
stocked theta 1et, send is 50e, and we will snail you a box.
moderate sea, and the barrister
bumned down his bag and Hung
himself into a chair on what a no,
vice would regard as ;the weather
,side of the eharthouso. He bore
the discomfort for a few minutes,
and Was rewarded for his foresight
by possessing the most sequestered.
nook on deck when the vessel turn-
ed her head seawards and began
one of the shortest, but perhaps
the most disagreeable, voyages zn
the world,
having retained his seat long
enough to establish a proprietors
right therein, Brett rose and made
a short tour of the ship, To dis.
tiuguish any one on clerk was ,•a,l-
must out of the question, The pas
stingers were huddled up in indefin-
able shapes, and there was hardly
light$trncient to effect a, stittubling
progress over the multitude of
bated -baggage. Sow the barrister
1i dived down the eolnpanion-way and
cannoned wed against a burley individu-
rdiv=idu.al who had propped himself against
r^mliklieaad OU the main deck sa-
Qntethtatg bard, in the man's
pockets gave Brett a sbarp rap,
and when they separated with Mu-
' to l apologies, he laughed skse rtl}°,.
F ,'i Taro -Qt. s P.
tel t s fi Bi'ett s :Twee uat
radiated e?ee.1':4 Crit .
LordFairhciime and i1; s Tal
felt that in bis 'jII c $shire all 4iuubt
waani.;red. Tbey realised, zzitlaau
:4uow'eclge why, that this /flan
pa�w%er, this humeri tiylaaul,ca, won':l
antickly dispel the charade tial;ieh now
rendered the outlier -1k forbidding,
For .
z �t
the , l ,,. � 1 r
moment, 1 ee4l e r
presence, he began to pace tho
raga n in the strenuous concentra-
tion set his thoughts. Once he halt-
ed ill front 4,f thu szaaz.: bu t of 1,r1-
garr Allan Pee, whose pedeetal ,till
, I1 I two a t r
inapt. p eel the # c� 4., g _
•hia;h termed ba
links with the.
ideas auddeniy re'w•1
describing tip
the extra
tip e, ui the
iso, a tiny
i=ere chimed
said Beett
he eai4
tan .lreally iaz ,eta a rl , I believe that
ai tiv;ne wisittrR I at2t just now must atdvatateQ els all
ortant stage in time inquiry, Let
explain exactly what 1 mean,
a letter 1.3.41111 your brother,
int ud rating which you and
others best qualified to judge de-
ela.re to be ttlxtettiabl , is. It
ih else
bears post-markswhich would de,
monstrate to a court of law that it
was traa;tecl in Paris last night and
received here t to -day. But it do
follow that it "was written rt
its might have been written
Now, aecording to the
e is no +;ntr f in the eisi-
the Grand Hotel wbieh
are that your brother
ailee therein on 'Tuesday
the hatulevr;ting in the
1 register corresponds
4loubt with that in this
seta°elope, then your bro-
ar ittust be in Paris, Tf it does
not, he is not there. 1 an convinced
that the latter l>ypothesis is cor-
rect, but to make doubly Tura 1 will
ga .and see with My awn eyes There
now -1 owed you an explanation,
and I have barely time to catch my
train. Good-bye, I will wire you
in the morning."
1te placed the mysterioais letter in
h s notebook, gave them a parting
€mile, and was gone.
Tie managed to catch the 8.15,
which started punctually, the sole
remnant of railway- virtue possessed
by the Chatham and South East-
ern line. A restful porter, quicken-
ed into active life by a belt -crown
till, retina hint"aa vacant cat in a
frst-class smoking carriage, and
E.rett'e. hasty glance round the
compartment revealed that his tra-
velling companions, as far as Do-
ver, at any rate, were severely re-
spectable Britons bound for the
The harbor station at Dover wore
its unusual aspect of dejected mis-
A stiff breeze had brought up a
And Stxaitlz apilearer.L
"Peek up sufficient be ongings Don' a short trip to the Continent. I)on t
'ug and a. great -coat, have
flee Itortnaanteau en a. eab at the
door within three minutes."
"I ma sorry, Hiss Talbot." ,he,
contineed, with his charming smile
and a manner as free from perplex-
ity as if he was announcinga fur-
l visit- , i.
tent w st to hisgrandmother,I
have just decided to go to Paris aat
once , The train leaves Victoria at
8.1e, ;Lord l airholme will take you
llclracle. and you will both, TT am sure,
lie a11le to convince Sir Hubert thee,
to yield too greatly to anxiety just
now is to suffer needless pain.".'
He rattled on so pleasantly that
Edith, absorbed by the agony of
her brother's disappearance and
possible diegraee,
an expression of
at his levity.
Brett instantly
could not conceal
blank amazement
became apologe-
Cuticura Soap and
` .rat crit Entirely
Curcdd iffi of itch
"1 just want to say a good word for Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. Four or five years ago r was in Port
Arthur, and I had an attack of the itch. .It certainly
was an intolerable nuisance. The itching was prin-
cipally at nights before I -vent to bed. The thighs
were especially affected.
"I went to two doctors about it, and tried more
Ma. J. E. I3ooran, TORONTO than one remedy. I -was beginning to think the com-
plaint -was incurable, when I was telling my trouble
to a barber, and he said that ho would -guarantee
to cure me. Ile told me to take a hot bath, use Cuticura Soap, and then apply
Cuticura Ointment. • I took his advice, and sure enough,the itch vanished.
'I had probably been•troubled with the itch for two or three months before
T tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and they completely cured: me of
that intolerable nuisance. After one warm bath with Cuticura Soap and use
of tho Cutiouria Ointment I was never troubled with the itching ' again.
,Anything in this testimonial I would be prepared to swear to in a court of
law." (Signed) J. E. Hooper, 268 Parliament Street, Toronto, Jan. 10, 1911.
ilis Skin Fruption
C,. 6sin Ten ays
"The Cuticura Remedies certainly,did work finely,,
and 1 am thankful that there is such a remedy,
and that I tried it. About three months ago a
terrible itching commenced on my body. I could
not understand it. It gradually grew worse and
covered a large portion of my body. There was
`also a slight eruption of the skin, ort of a rash.
1 suffered greatly with the itching and at nigl t time
1 had little sleep. I, tried one or two remedies,
which did no good, and then I tried Cuticura Soap,
Ointment and Resolvent. In about ten days I was
completely cured." (Signed) T. 'Williams, 115 Pacific
Ave., Winnipeg, Jan. 14, 1911. MR. T. 4Pz iz Ns+ @i z vrrnct ;r
You Can Try Cuticura Soap and Ointment Without
For more than a generation, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded
the speediest, surest and most economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring skin
and scalp eruptions, from infancy to age. Outicura Soap and Ointment are sold
by druggists and dealers everywhere, but in order that skin -sufferers mayrove
their efficacy without cost, the' Potter' Drug Sc' Chem. Corp., Dept. 5S, Boston,
U. S. A., will send post-free to any address, a liberal sample of each, with a 32 -page
book on skin health. Write for a set to -day, even though you have suffered long
I opclessly and have lost faith in everyytthing,' for, as Mr. Hooper's letter shows,
fust use of C'utieura Soap and Ointmeat may be sufficient to give instant
else has failed
"Ha1a.deufzs " ho murmured.
eotlaaud Yard is always prepared
ftir aamergeucies, 1 will wager a
considerable aurae that as soon as
'inters reached headquarters his
stile° about the letter caused a tele -
ram to be dispatched to. Dover,
Here's o eieteeti.ve bot€tart for ,'ages
atndprepared to .1441144e Talbot the
11at►menlr lee seea binll. What a fear-
ful and wonderful thing is the Eng-
lishh police system. A crime, obs i-
onsly- clever in its eoneeptao:a and
treatment, eazau be handfed by a
sharp policeman: wearing .regula-
tion boots and armedwithhand-
ifs, Really, I must have a
[" ng to the %aaicl-rails 4zatel
ecttta some •rtiae lit1, ff ve
4$ n s 4, t e tett
baalaateita feats, he reached the died-
:ing ealaou.
lleaatr the bar, solemnly digesting
liquour, stsods a, man to wvbtom
t e c1t411a1,* i ea evidently gai,°o no
Concern. Hca bn4? the square shoul-
ders, neat4tatans clothes and closely
clipped appearance at the back, of
the neck which mark the British
officer a but he also stood, sciunre on
his feet and swayedd with onesn sei-
oto t ease, witether the vessel Iaitehed
rolled or executed the combin „d
inovemeut. 1
"Tow, 1 wonder," said Brett, 'ifi
at is Captain Gaultier. Ile asst
be. Gaultier, fromhis nano,
should be a .Jersey man, hence ills
facility in foreign languages and his
employment as as .Foreign. Office
messenger. It's worth trying: I
wvill make the experiment."
He reached the bar and ordered
a whiskey and soda. Turning af-
fably to the stranger, he remarked :
"Nasty ' night, isn't t3 1 hope
we shan't be much behind time."
The stranger glanced at him with
sharp and inquisitive eyes, but the
glance evidently reassured him, for
he replied quite pleasantly:
'Oh, no. A matter of a few min-
utes, perhaps. They usually man-
age to make up any delay after we
leave Calais."
"That's good," said Brett, "be-
cause I want -to be in Paris at the
earliest possible moment."
The other man smiled.
"We are due thereat e'.38," lle
straightforward reply, "and as you' 1
told the Under-Secretary that you
had seen Talbot crossing to Paris
in company with a lady last Tues-
day, 1 hoped that perhaps you
would not naiad discussing the mat-
ter with rare."
Captain Gaultier was evidently
puzzled. Private conversations with
Under -Secretaries of State are not,
as a rule, public property, and his
momentary intention to decline fur -
thea conversation with this good-
looking and fascinating stranger
was checked by remembrance of the
"Really, 111r, Brett," he said,
"although I do not question the
accuracy of your statement, Bron
will readily understand that 1 can
hardly discuss the matter with you
tinder the circumstances."
Gaultier clearly hesitated. but
did not refuse to accept the Under-
Secretary"s letter which Brett hand-
ed to him, with the words-
"You know the handwriting, Po
4414 2"
"Plat speaks for itself," The
Xing's messenger smiled when he
returned the note. "It is an odd
coineidence," the added, "and still
oa‘re curious that you should spot'
me so rea4lily', However, Mr, Bret;,
wve have POW eleared ow air, 'Mutt
call I def for yon
"Sineeds this, " said the bal`ris"
ter; "do you mind telling me laoty
you game to recognize r. Talbott':
"Well, for one Wits;," was, the
The Best Thing in the Would to go
to fleck and Sleep on.
"My wife* and 1; find that 4 tea-
spoonfuls of Grape -tuts and a. cup:
of hot nlill�, or, serve cream, with
at, makes the :infest ca i night-cap g Ii n the
world, says an 411eghany, Pa.,
,;",ire go to sleepas soon as we:
beef and ' slumber like
i rrw}. 1
A M� J1
;r 41
babies till rising time in tho morn-
It is about 3 years now since 'w ..
began to use Grape -Nuts food, and
we always hntw!o it for breakfast and
before retiring and sonietinnes ,for
bin,b. 1 was so sink from what the
doctors Balled: acute indigestion and
Brain fag before 1 began to USQ
Grape"Nuts that T could neither
eat, sleep nor work with any colo.
was afflicted; at the same time
with the most intense paths,,. aecom•
Iaaanied by a racking headaa°ehe and
badkaclie, ,every time 1 tried to eat
anything. Notwithstanding an un-
usuaalpressure from :my profession-
al duties, I was compelled for a
time to give up my work altogether.
"Then I put myself on a. diet of
Grape -Nuts and ereain alone, with
an occasional
cu � o Postumas
l l; t a
runner-up, and sometimes a little'
dry toast. I assure youthat in less
than e. week : felt like a, new man ;
I had gained six pounds in weight,
could sleep well and think well.
"The good work went on, and I
was soon ready to return to busi-
ness, and have been hard at it,
and enjoy=ing it ever since.
"Command me at any time any
one enquires as to the merits of
Grape: Nuts. You will fled me al-
ways ready to testify." Name
given by Posture Co., Battle Creek,
Read the little book, "The Read
o Wellville," in pkgs. There's a
'Are you contemplating a Permarten."('
investment of your surplus funds? 1fi
so, ?ve should like you to have a copy
of our list of Canadian Bond Quota -
lions just issued,.
security may be had of satisfactory
nratur'it, of $-�1+OO, $500 or $f,000
denomination.. ,[ Its rqn a of inc$0. roe is
from 4 per cent., to 6 per cent..
Government Bonds to
ield 4 per cent,
Municipal Debentures to yield 4 per
cent.. to 6 per cent,
Railroad Bonds to ,yield 5 per cent. to
5.30 per cent,
Public Uf ilitJ L'gnds .trl yield 5 per
Proven Industrial Bonds to yield 5%
,per cent. to 6 per cent.
TO ee .Q rR.E.t .. L.OQrI,G.
. lfehtful a elalg, c`I knety Itis u
coat, tetw niet Talbot. in t14
I,oreign ()Ike, e, and ono day be ,drove
we to his eliib 'weaving as VQ4.7 hand
a01 -41n coat lined with astrachan. 14
trtwit Me ass a peculiarly condor-.
,le and well- attang one, and al -
(nigh there are , ,plenty of amen
t town who may po, zees Astra.
vats, s, it is a, reasonable
Haat thiswas the ideat
t wvlinia it happened ;
the man himself."
fit terra quite
i" went w
Ever read the above letter? A new one
said. "Bather an early hour for true and time otime, aThey' eresi
business; isn't it?" genuine,
"Well, yes," assented the bar-
rister, "under ordinary circum-
stances, but as my only business in
Paris is to examine an hotel re-
gister and then get something to
eat before I return, I do not wish
to waste time unnecessarily on the
The other man nodded affably,
but gave no sign of further inter-
"So," communed Brett, "if it be
Gaultier, he has not heard the lat-
est developments. I must try a
frontal attack."
"Woes ,your name happen` to be
Gaultier?" he went on.
The stranger arrested his liqueur
glass in the final tilt,.
"It does," he said "brit 1 do
not think i have the .pleasure of
knowing you."
"No." said Brett, "you haven't."
"Well ?" said the other man.
"The fact is" said Brett. "I
heard you had been In. London. [
guessed from your annearance that
you might be a King's messenger,
and it was just passible that the
Captain Gaultier in whom I was in-,
teyested might start bock to the''.
Continent to -night, so I put two'
tense twotofrether, don't you see,
with the result that they make four,
a thing which coesn't always hits
pen in deduction if in mathema-
Captain Gaultier eved his ciiies
with some rle,three str,
:Aid s,os;�iri,»> as:he Fi'on1 ,e'-Cild 1 is
'Ara v 1 ask wbo 'k ara'1''
` C`eri,�:anh',•' rel)l_eil Brett, ',•o-
rl acing his eerd - 1
tt. ..gx.1"^-1t c i.
lA JdSi'e
h�,xat lt`E'a'.::OOni,"J.hP,CI--
sunt race MrProi',,4-, von ,have.
syr„e roofive in a ldroasin e; me 'I
1,Y1)al. is it,2''
``1 am interestr',rl in the fate -of a
Man named Talbot,” was Lha.
";Then e
xs Ta;lbo
"Quite certain."
"Would you swear
tragi 1
wvat he,
though his lite depended on your-"
"No, no," interrupted the tither.
"1 rather lead a. good look at his
cont—and the lady. Whir ever tho
man was, he appeared to he wvr,`Gp-
ped up in bode of thea" and local
certainly 41 4t eaurt s rvation.
1 naturally tbought that the fcmiat-1
za>io: attachment accounted for this,Q
a�1ad;#'41r the setae reason 1 seed atut
k to scrutinize hint 'tool
put the thing in a, itutT
a anan whom I believed',
411 lata J,telc Talbot—and' who tier'
. bled 'blcehint in face atw
gin e a t 'red in Talbot's cloth ,
nd wearing aa. ctaat Wilich: Iliad n+ t -'i
partietalatarly us to be able to
ilia it, y feeler when Oar
a simalatt: one. Acid to that
he appearance of an attraietive'
lady, young and unknown, and you
Mout laid bar,; to you itl
he' ria
"Thank you," satitl Brett.
rweb obliged.'"
(To be co it
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