HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-19, Page 57.7.moo....—W
!'rofeaslonal Oards.
I,Iember of the R.C,D.S. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of Toronto. University.
Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law
o1fiee. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Dit, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. 1),S
Bogor graduate got Toronto Univeristv,.
eon, oxtrpected without any pain, or: any baso fiecte
Oattes oye rGlad man 4 Stant,nry'e otraee, Mai n street
Q. BRIGiIT, M.D., M. G. P. &S.. HONOR
* Graduate of Toronto university. Two years
alcdent pphysician Royal Alexandra .Hospital, etc,.
OMseand Residence,Ur. Al >x' Old Stand, Andres
i J pro, Notaries, Conveyancers Commissioners
>Iolteitors for 3Iolsons Bank, ete
:store} to Loan at lowest Tateso nteres
O 8eees. Main +;rept. Exeter,
0&1414101, 13,A, L E, I/ma os
We ttave a.targe amount of private funds to ossa
m farm and vlllag z nropertiee at tow rotes of inter
barristers, Soticitors,3,iainat•.Exete On
.gent Oottfec2talrs,tionLifeAaaurauce
Oompany, also Fire Insurance in lead.
Ina Oanafiia:,u and British Oempanies.
;in -St;., Exeter.
PLIk IIsS ACVEl'Tkil3..
D1aUESS--c*ENTIi4tlsl, ONT,
WM. AM -MRS:.^; Lire,+, tr,t Auctioneer
for Huron County. Terns reasonable.
Dates can be made at rte Advoeata,
Exeter,. or Henry E7litaer's Office, Cred-
T, D, C7ARI,.INt
Leife, Fire, Aecldent and Plate Glass
insurance, Collecting accounts. and eon-
duct:na; auction sales, Exeter, Ont.
0. A. I1OIUZE, V. S.
raduate sof Ontario, Votertnary C'ol-
wmtk-1 Ontario veterinary ited-
saalety treats all diseases of do,
Watts! animals 'en selentlfic Iartn-
?tolett; nladerll surgery a stieoraity, Op-
eratlette on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat-
isfactory. atI1s by day or night
or msptly attended to. Office -Matti -et,.
Exeter, Dr. Ranlday's Old strand. Phone
In connection.
I•��iit1t FOR SALE
TM us reigned offers lits tine farm.
consisting of about 105 acres, ad1otn-
Is the tc?wit oaf Clinton, for sale. The
farm is In a toad state or cultivation,
a,.1 ':aa seri buildings,, brick house,
bank tarn, driving house, pig pen, etc.
all c'orllptv'atively now, Afarst-clastf
3. r; ;routs ..c earth containing all kinds of.
1;.11 also small fruits. Tic farm
la •.v 'Il fe fetid and drained and is a.
very desirable home. Por further par
tivu;arcs apply oil the premises or ad-
ttrr,.s,,a JOHN TORR NCE, Clinton,
Ladies' cit
�, t. ThOn x5,0211 .
TORONTO, LINT., is reoo'*nized as "CA-
SCHOOL." The instruction. Is absolute-
ly first-class. Write to -day for our
catalogue. Tinter now.
Horses for Safe
I have a number of first-class horses
for sale. Call at the stables and see
We are also purchasing horses that
aro pound and in goad Condition from
4 to 10 years: of age.
Parties having horses for sale will
do wall to call or.write the undersigned
Phone 41. M. M. DOYLE, Exeter.
The undersigned is offering for sale
that desirable 50 -acre farm In Ueborne,
beim' the South half Lot 10, Con. 7.
There is on the premises a good frame
haus*, flank barn and out buildings.;
two good wells water and anever run-
tLwg spring at back of farm. This farm
IA in splendidcondition and is nearly
al! eeedod down. Will be sold reason-
abale and an easy terms. For particulars
apply at Advocate Office or to Jas.
Earl, Elimville.
That Most desirables Perm property be-
tagLot 15,: • Con. 2, Stephen, In the
County'ol Huron, on which a situate
two good bank' barns, and a commodious
frame, house. This, land is well drained
and fehn,ced, •has two good ,wells and. a
spring ',creek, and is convenient to
churches, school and markets. Out-
going`tenant leaves 10 acres ,sown with
fall wheat, 15 acres of new meadow and
does alt't necessary gang plowing and
deep plowings P.O..- further particulars
apply; to R. LEATHHO,RN, Estl•, Exeter!
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
I its h u •
ndersSsened :s ";offering for Bale.
that desirable ,property nn 6 ;tlliaatt st
being a one)" ',arid'' ;:alt sto e y nricic'
house :,.n excellent cond.t.on, to •_tier
with, two lots of , land- Also. two va-
eantIofs,`at-Hur'on'.St•rrst,''''Apply • to
The death of Krs. Win. Olce occurr-
ed at Cher home on 'thee tKippe;n, road;
Tuckersmith, on :Oct. 11, The deceased.
whose maiden name was .Caroline Lou
ise Mills, was a daug Iter of the late
Joh-O Mille, of T-I.ullett, and was just
fat the Prieto of Igo, being only 41'
Fears of age. She is survived by her
husband and one daughter.
FDILL4RTOi`l.-O.n Monday morning or
last week �
t Tuer of' l+ullartiott, fell
out of a 'beech; tree, lighting ort his
head and shotflders, and when his corn-
panions reached ttiln they thought that
lie. Was dead, Blood waststreaming
-P o
hes nose. and, mouth, On examina.tioa
it was found that, the you Matt had
received a fracture ab the base of the
sk_u11, and.thath! was- in a very criti.Nd
condition. ''Hopes are 'field out for his
There sante onto the premises of the
undersigned a. 2 -Yr -old steer, Owner
cart have sante by proving property and
paying expert_sos.
J1S, WILLIS, #.ot 18; Cort.3AStephen.
Prue, or rho beat ramie ;in Fluron or
Mieldiesee, Convenient to markets, to
churches and schools, Delhi; Lot 9,
N. 3, Bi44utp , in tete County of Mid-
dtesex, contetnfng 164 acres. On t-hc
premises are situate a good brielt
houle, three crank barna on stone roue -
dations, 34x54. 10x22, and 70x40, good
wells, windmill, and the property Is
drained, The whole of this fart -ale
in grass excepting 2,5 Acres, 1?opsession
of house Given imrllediately, and com-
plete possession or farm given Nov. lot�
1'1,1, and purchaser will be allowed to
do tail plowing before last mentioned
date, For further partieulare apply to
Joseph E. Kelley. Esq„ Lucan P.O. Ont,
James Esq., Lucan t'- 0., Ont.
or Dickson 4 Carling. Exeter, Ont..
l" A11 i STOCK, E'lO.
About 1 mile South Methodist Church
THURSDAY OCT, 26, 1911.
i+ 1 o'clock sisarp, ilte`following seal-
uable pr p rty,
Horses -2 aged mares In 'foal to C-11-
Icge. Churn mare r!isrtrt; rt, i t 'foal to
Nateby Grant geldln% 3 yrs. old :l'.r
ed by Alb'en , to:tra 11 -ars. old' in font
to Parole; r'a'n:, 3, ^sired. by
a'srtl'a;gra mare rin'ns; 3 sired by Al.
Dion:; mare r1siry 2 yrs►, sired by Jnr-
d=ne:r; seski^l7 colt, sired by Jal-dineer
sucking colt, 'sired "by Non Parole.
Corti -2 cows to calve in 7;tn.; 7
Cows to c^;live ill :April and May ; fat.
ed v; buil rising 7 years yearling bull'
atntrsa sisal; 3 yrs.; Miter rising 3
yrat.; R stesrsa 'rl.»i,ng yrs. ;5 heir
trrr risin;: 2 yrs.
l wagon.
Terms -All suras of $700 and under
cas111. , over that amount 12 month's'
credit will be ;givenare fu+rnisiting ap
p^oved ,toant nates, 5 per cent. per an-
num aft for cash. on credit amounts,
Henry Willert, Ed. alossonberry.
Proprletor, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
On FRIDAY, 001'. 27, 1011,
tronm 10 to 12 "a.m. and re -commencing
a^ 1 p.,al, the following Dr0llert5.,-
15 bedsteads, 12 washstands, :12
d'ess'ng cases, 12 mattresses, 12 bed
springs, 24 feather pillows, 13 bet!
spreads, 1.8 'bed covers. 2 extension
tables, .1 Kitt"l10tl tables. 2 fall- leaf
tables,. 4 small tables, s.debaard, re-
frigerator, Happy Ti?A07itt range, double
eater 2 heating stoves ; coal heater
with oven ; looking glass for bar, ii a i
feet; sideboard for bar, S?; it. tone ; 0
beer pumps, 3 spittons ;" counter 13 ft.
10:13. and Miser barroom fixtures;
dozen looking glasses, 3 doz. pictures,
washing' machine, yeller cupboard, two
clothes ringers, 2 centre tables, 1 hair
cloth parlor suit 7 bleeps, easel, whainet
lounge, 70 pair curtains, .ease of birds,
24 window blinds, 200 yds. carpet, 100
yds, oilcloth; fC doz. arra—chairs; ; doz.
cane-bottorn cna rs, 3 doz. kitchen
csairs, cloche's drier ; 2 doz. table nap-
kins, 2 cruet sta=nds, 2 clocks, 2 set of
china dishes 1 doz. tumblers, 14 doz;
trays, mowing machine, 4 vegetable cev-
ors ; 2 wash, boilers, 2 wash ,tubs, 7
lamps, 1. sewing -machine, 800 qt. gems,
also knives, forks, spoons, glassware,
shovels, manure iorks, wheal -barrow and
other articles too numerous to mention.
Also 3 'buggies and 1 cutter.
Terms -Cash. '
Proprietor Auctioneer
Auction Sale
on LOT 23, CON. 0, STEPHEN, on'
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, at 1 ` P.ni.
Horses -1 aged horse, 1 general pur-
pose colt, :3 -yr -old 1 2-yrseld fills,
sired by Indian! O1EP, 1 sucking filly,
sired by Bob. ••
Cattle -2 cows in calf to thoroughbred
bull, 2 cows lately calved, 'I ' two-year
old steer 4 one -year-old steers ; One
1 -yr -old heifer; 5 steer 'calves.
P. -s-4 store hoes' weighing about
140 'lbs • '1 ' brood sow, 'due to farrow
Nov. 1st, Hens -About 40 hens
Implements-ltdcCurm ck Binder, 6-Pt,,in
good working orae¢';' 5 'feat : Dearing mo
10 l,be' combined Sylvester r1ri11;
Massey Harris cultivator ; Massoy-Har-
is ,corn cultivator, `with can •puller and
Veld cultivator combined ; Clinton Fan-
ning rn 11," Massey -Harris stuffier; ;tur
nip drill ; Frost & wood gang plow'; see
of diamond narrows, walking plow; land
roller ; set', scales, .2000 lbs.', nearly ,new
pair bobsleighs, nearly new; _lumber 'wa
gon, 'covered buggy ;; hay rack; puiper
gravel boa ; Fro'st and'Wood hay rake;
DeLaval separator,ne rly new; set of
double torsi s "�,xd s, h r'cows , - "cook
stove,, zeatin ialtovs) and, other articles
too numerous to, ma kion.
Tersns=fill sat -11310i $5 and under
bash; aver (that amount 12 tnoiaths
r e,d'at will be given on furnishing._ tp
proved joint notes. 5' per cent. per
annum off for ca''sr qn cred,t amounts:
Proprietor Auctioneer.
1 _
oP Teachirn; Patriotism in the Public
!. j CURED at HOME
School, and in a fluent and happx man -
by New ,Absorption Method. Her save fife reasons for teaGhtno t'14'
If you suffer from bleeding, subject cal thi sou:xtr, wits tta people
from many lands, In teaching he would
itching, blilul or protruding use the maple leaf, our prosperity, our
liberties, our greaknesa itt natural re-
sources, transportation facilities, etc.,,
as subjects for lessons.
Eighty nine teachers have been Pros
At the session.Tbere were 70 changes,
of teachers, in the schools; oaf av, Huron
slice April,]„ 1011. Of the. 1<.2
4 {eac1;-
ere in the sehoals .t December last only
62 are now teaching in the itaspectprate..
Friday Afternoon,
Piles, send in your address, and
1 will tell you how to cure your-
self at home by the absorption
treatinent ; and Will also send.
some of this home treatment
free for trial, with references
from your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and,
permanent n
t c1
no money, but tell others of tet
hQ ronowe;siaotof ers b select-
ibis offer. Write to -day to Mrs: ed was adopted , -Pres., Miss LE.shar-
11I, Sunnmers, Box 84O Windsor,' sns.n,_Gode „zh; a':c e., v .n 'til"cidenlaarn-
Ont. mer of Exeter; Sec: Tr"cas., 1'{;.1=1, John -
steal, pn, Counca ,Iium,.
A., Godo"ieeria; Pi Hortonlllor, 1dtInJ,Pley ; Ge.. S.
Iloward, I3lpiue;, 3It Ii. Klpsm tit, Eze-
e ; '.fleas AT, Da 11le, Nile. .ud-utl):g Coni
nittee, Geo. Sia soon,. Hay; C J. Mac-
Gregor, Bay. Resolution Committee, W,
3t Ir ay, 0ensali W, G .Deaton, Zurich;
3. Elgin Tont, Goderich,; Miss W iIow,
a: d, Exerer; Mt's.s F Cons/tr. Hetk-
sall; Miss T, Johnston. Carpi';
Sir, G S. Howard read a thoughtful.
aper on Teacb;:'ng of Morals on: the Pub.,
1k ^choois. The teacher should be Hier.,
ally right. He should set before the
pupils € igh ideals of inoblo things, and,
•ow tete throe ,essential ,prioeipien, Mittt
fulness, obedience altud reverence.
Inspector Tont: „ave ar?.; ntexegtitag a4..
dress 00 di'flieulties itza teaching and i
AlanaJ,oaraetti observed during lstspeetdo;s,
ttr, W, B. We,:denhatuntert, took tzp the
sub,j of of Z'ec;Artical Educaiion, and the
Public :School, and alll5 aiaowed IbO
ot,f tll4noceedd oxfo'terc,,hstpirh 1tredltaIao,hne so
as tiro t;00erAl wastefulness of
2.11d -reit And older people, the lack of
skilled, workman flus the various trades,
and the tendency of children who , re-
c=e;ve fair edoea,tion to enter the pro-
fessional walks of lite trailer than► tarots
hag and other occupations. He though
teachers should help to mould nubile
opinion in favor of education,
Where possible Ile would use flits aausx.
jests taught ;n the sclaaol to turn pupils
attention to practical subjects and usl0101
prase t of 'nleehan.oal pursuits, He
would t4,ei agr oulturo as it le ono eat
tltt3 most imoresthw aubi„a^ts for the
rla:Id 10014. Ito thought every school
should have a work t)e1tela. and Necessary
10015, He would teaching-ellinetbing^,. of
Doxrlts1 c Science. IIe -''thou htt each;,
arliool should c'a,.operate witiv lto Child.
Pen's garden:41g Section of the 0.A.O.
it these '►301+ were dole 110 thoughi
Om beneficial Teauks would 30atif7 it.
Su.ang answered ' in a lucid and
vostviaavi1,,g Manner tiro questions submit-
ted tri oust she question drawer.
The follow.ng report. ,at the easnntattea'
appointed to nominate that cotunilltces tO
interview the nuottelpal council!, w:as
Ashfield -Mr. C. X. McGregor, Mr, Fred
1,f+iird. ;was -morn tan. Colborne- Mr.
Geo, 3, Woods, Miss ', , `roung, lass'.
5'. Riess Ooderich--4r. E. Elliott, Miss',
T,ehhorne, Mrs. Snyder. Tray -Mr, Maw
son. Its «sail -Mr, Deaton. Mfr. SICKay,'.
Stanley -Mfr. Johnston Bayfield Ste.
Itoivard, itr, Beatty. Stephen -Mr. Shore
Mr. purr, 511' G1'ayllain. flsiiornc--Sir.
tVe:delthanlmer, ',afr. Horton, Miss Ilan!-
Ilton, Mr, Driatnelt. E. Wawanosh--.Ir
Shackleton, Miss R011d8, Miss Cuntting
ham. W. W. -Mics Bailie, Miss Graham,
Miss Taylor. Goderlclt,-Mr. '1igert, Mr.
Hume, Dr. Strang. Exeter -11r. W. E3.
\\reidenitamluer", 3irlss Vosper, 5tiss
Kinsman. ,
County Councll-Sir. .'I•ona, 1.1:r. Ti-
gert, air, 1Y. 'H, Johnston.
'Votes of ^thalilcs were tendered to
all who contributed to last night's enter-
irtinme+nt to Messrs Radcliffe and ,tc.
Lachlan, who dict so much to help to
make the Institutea success tO Mr.
llluett wito calms up from London ,to
be present with, us tmd preside and to
`fads tis
John Labatt
hlorriscy's No, 4 Eczema
Ointment Healed Like Magic.
Naundj;ett:aeric, N.B., Oct. 3, 1910
'sienat gladly recommend dear Dr, iler-
risey s Eczema Ointment because it cured
me of a sore 'which 1 had on my carter
avor 9 year;.,., I did everything to have
it cur, d, and had the rnost Skillful doctors
treating it, but it would not heal up. :I
went tinder treatment with Father Mor
risay's Ointment, and in a short while it
was cared. That was 3 years ago, and 1
ani sure the cure is permanent. When 1
thin!: how quickly No. 4 Eczema Ointment
cured me it seems wonderful indeed,
because you know I doctored with several
stcilled. physiciitns wise could not help ase.
You surely must have a big demand for
this wonderful Salve,' My only regret is
that 1 did not use it at first, as it would
have saved me over 5 years of pain, to say
nothing of an unsightly ear and expensive
doctor bilis," John Ryan.
Thoabove prescription is not a "Cure
x111" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Mor
riscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it
cured thousands .after other doctors failed.
Yrice, 50c. per box at your dealers, or
Rather Illorrisey Medicine Co., Limited,
Ivontreat. 200
(Continued frol,Page.1)
Friday day .Forenoon:,
A claps of primary pupils trained by
Miss W. Howard ,sang some se' sol
songs very pleasantly and Kittle Miss
Dortiy Balkwill recited so as to re-
ceive well merited applause.
The Resolution Committee brought in
their report advising that the follow-
ing numbers of the resolutions pass-
ed by the public school depariniont of
of the O. E. A. by adopted.
Nos. 2. 3, 4, 5, and ^6 on the Public
School Curriculum; Nos. 2 and 3 on
School Teat Books ; Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
on the Public School Curriculum; Nos
1 on the Superanuational of teachers
No. 1, on the Ontario Educatilohal Ga
zette. Nos. 1,2,3, of the general Be -
solutions; No. 8 and 4 on 'the De-
partmental Regulations; Nos. 1 and 2
on the' Advisory Council and 111o. 3. 4,
5, 6, ;
Than we respectfully request the De-
partment that we be permitted to have
Institute -meetings. inthe spring in-
stead of the fall.
That the Bible history. be taught in
the publLs ,school. 'The report was a-
dopted with the exceptions of No. ,2
which was =mended by substituting
the first week in ' September instead of
p prise .
The report 'of the auditing committee
Showing recelpts amounting to '$168.93
and Expenditures amounting lo; $93.80
leaving the balance of $75.13' on hand
was received and adopted.
The election of officers' was deferred
and a nominating committee consisting
Of Mes�Srs Tom, Tiigert� and Weidenhan-
mer and 'Oases Cdntstit and Vesper,
Mr. McLachlan Principal of Chatham
Business Collejge introduced trite sub-
ject of writing. He, formed the Assoc
lotion 'Into a writing class and in a
practial ;manner. set them to work
practising, exercises. Ho laid' down as
the real secrets for making goodwriting
that the arm must balance ont the muscle
of, the fore -arm the fingers must not
bend and ,the practising should be done
with absolute freedom making, the cross
movement' or natural inclination ;of she,
hand the mdse important thing. The
lesson taught was instructive and :a-
tleresit no. 4
Mr. -Radcliffe 'took up the subject o£
written-, 'Composition, with. his`` tsuii
tluoroughneaa 'and enthusiasm, advocat-
ing' that writteu . composition 'should be ,
p eroded by oral •composition. Mr, Rad-
clitfe's subjects were taken itt a :delight
fully free a,nd easy manner and were Pull
oC "informatio'n and profit.
Mr. H. Horton introduced the subject
the Trustees and'rraehers of ttie Ese- other assistance.
ser 5ehool fo'r their kindness itt giy- The sing -Rig of the National Anthem
n u
.n t
ae af. tI1 • a�:'
o eur I an f
a 4 d a =br brought the InstRute u to close.
, , ;ao . r i
ou, stat fa a
Be Fair; Buy a sack
or barrel before judging
SOMB ': people have attempted to judge PUR-
ITY FLOUR beforekn wing the facts
about it—before using it. So we ask you
to be fair and to buy a sack or barrel of PURITY
FLOUR and give it a thorough , try -out before
attempting to arrive at
a judgment.
Look at the beauty and
loftiness of the golden-
crusted, snowy -crumbed
loaves,- fit for a king.
Gaunt them and see how
many more of them PUR-
ITY yields , to the barrel
than ordinary flour does,
Taste the creamy, flaky pie
crust, and the deliciously light
cakes PURIST FLOUR rewards'
you with, My I
ow theynake
your mouthwater I
Such high-class
results can, only be
obtained when
using a flour con-
sisting exel!usire' ly of the
high-grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat
And remember, tbat, on
account of its extra
strength and extra qual-
ity, it ', 'URITY FLOUR. requires more water when making bread and more
shortening when making 'pastry, than you are
accustomed to use with ordinary flour.
" More ,..,„ p......,, k-, h !. .7 .- bread"
Buy a bag or : barrel of PTT ITS' FLOUR. east
it for a week, 'x hen pass jti',gi1.e1it,
Add PURI -1T rt:>`Yl"'.olire,Yi.'u,crs list.rightl.r:s'
Sold by R. G. Seldon
a `� esti
als a•� w
This is the problem
confronting the average
housewife—a problem of
vital importance to the
home, and one best solved
by a trip to our store and the
purchase of,
For the Woman Question is not only
what to eat, but how to cook it, and you find
the answer in Gurney -Oxford, -first in con-
struction, as well as'convenience' first in
for, eonTe trot and readiness..
Divided Oven Flue perfect
Strip ,assures
baking because of its even heat -distribution
and in everydetail the perfect construction
of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory
cooking results. '
Another phase of the question is
economy, and we invite- a visit to our store
expressly<that you may examine the marvell-
ous fuei_savihg
arvell-ous;fuel-saving device: the
Oxford. aha;Eco oirrxizer
Gurney=Oxfords are the only stoves.
licensed to sell with this wonderful patent." It
needs, only to be set at a proper angle to
hold heat for Hours without attention. No
fuel :is wasted—a saving of 20 per cent.
The Grate is Reversible, with strong
'� that,save accumulation o >
teetht clinkersof
and ..waste..
In point of appearance -nickel trim-
m'ings,. beauty of design, etc.—the Gurney-
urne Y ,-
Oxford has not a rival. Collie to our store
and find the best answer to the Woman'
Question—a Gurney -Oxford stove.