HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-19, Page 3SL VITUS DANCE Duract Through the Ute of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Chorea, or as it is more general- 1t' known, St, Vitus dance, is a dis- ease that usually attacks the young children, though older persolis may be afflicted with it, Its most coni - 44.94' symptoms ar a twitching of the remotes of the face and limbs< l s the disease, progresses thin' ta•Vite1dng takes the ,form of spasms in wlueh the jerking motion may be cenfhned to the head, or all the limbs may be " affected. The pati- ent is frequently enable to hold anything in the hands or to walk steadily, and in severe eases even the speeeh is affected The disease as due to debility of the nerves and is always eared by Dr. W,Villianas' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, tone and strengthen the nerves and the restore the sufferer to good health. The following is a striking iaastanee of what Dr. 1,illia.uas" Pink Pills will do in this trouble. Mrs, Chaas, t'itipps, Pelee Island, Oant,T. says a-m"At the age ;of fourteen xny eldest daughter, Edith, became melt run down, aid the trouble developed into St. Vitus dance, First, her left arm became affected, thele the left leg and entire left ide.' = She grew so bad that she netuully wins] not hold anything in her band, and mild only yo about with a eliding, jerking motion. Not. withstanding that we were giving her rhedieme, she seemed to be growaahg worse, and finally her speech became rate'n ;Iffeeted. We becaiazxe so much alarmed about her that finally- her Father gape n. supply of 13a°.. Williams' Pink rills, and we began giving her these, In the oval* Of a few weeks she was much Iter, and before all the pills were she was Again enjcty,in ; per. This Was: itx ICOR,. and as had n symptom of the I feel] stifled in etty- fir perinahanenta"� it get the gentniate pills ]cold by all. medicine term or ra mo- had at ,jai cants d oh' sax, bo see for S2. aO from The 'idli ains" Medicine Co., Brook» ince Cat. WIRT SMOKING DI» FOR TIIM. Use 0 Cigarettes Caused This Boy to. Have a Poor school Record.. Miss S., a teacher in a Western high.eehool,, became much interest- ed in one of her pupils, not because of his intelligence, but because- of his apathy and dulness, She knew that he came from a good fancily, and that bis brothers and sisters, who had preceded biro, in the high echool, had ranked high. She could not undeestandw by this boy, with all his acds autages, shouda do such poor work, To solve the preelcm, she went to the afdiee of the city Preva, Gaspe Co., QtieOct, 23. superintendent, where are kept filed (Special)—That she. might have es - the records .o every child in the .caped two years and d seven months public schools year by year. She of suffering had she tried Dodd's found that for the first five years of Kidney Pills in the first place is the his school life he had ranked "EX firm conviction of Mrs, John Me- cellent" in every stay. The next Ilea, an old and r•esy,ected resident year a few "G's" had replaced the of this place, And this is the rea- s in some studies. The next son she gives for Dowing; so year there was but one tG and "For two years and seven months many "Fs." The following years was a s,sfferer from Kidney leis I+ s andI' a, struggled for ease brought on by a strain and a supremacy, showing as sttoadyt down- eyes w� re cuffed and ward course year after year. `,fila csrld, my e 1 next day size bad a private inter- swollen, xmy nnalscies e camped and P t suffexed fro>ri nehn? aa$gaa ansd 1'ielw with the boy', and electrified I eek ehctd 'an•i<1 y saying= b a "'George, you began to smoke I had pains an any' joints, STIED #lERSELE YEARS DE PAIN IP S1IIa 1 A» USED DODD'S. KIDNEY PILLS FIRST. Mrs. McRae suffered for over two years, then two boles 4f Dodtl's Kidney tilts made a new woman of her. Rheumatism, hhn b My s. DENMARK'S HARVEST. 'in Accor to all reports, the Ilatr- vest in 1911 in Denmark will 5nrprees all records seise 1SOS, Not in 43 i years lime weather, labor ,end othor e editions proven so e,atspieious to the .farmer, and hereafter when the agriculturist wishes to point to an ideal harvest, he will refer to Ufll. "There is only one discordant nate, that of the turnip and grass grow - ere, who have suffered on account of the long drop ht, :It was fear- ed that labor would ben scaree, but the employment' agencies did their work so well that no shortage was felt and, with the exception csf the largo farms, harvest was completed within three weeks, eigarettee when you here ixr. the GR "For two years 1 was under th:.n grade, didn't you q" doetoh s ears, but he never seem- " y Who told you?" gasped the as_ ed to do Mo any, lasting good, Two g l tonislaed boy, boxes of Dodd's Eidney Pills made "Nobody:,'" a new Woman rIf race," "Then loll did you find out'? ''„ To sa'e yourself' suffering cause "Was I right ? Did you ?" y nur 1Qdney $ at the first sign of "Yes," ,a "" l Pills ah•e �"eti, etinfasse4I. the boy. I ;`call)<ta, ,Dodfd s �icdney began when I was in Miss II,'s tlacl clue ati e dare, room, The boy= who eat behind nw gave me a package. But bow did I.Oda,T.. THEIR FREEDOM, you Died outs" All.. xnen are born free and Mies S, then told of her visit to , said the philosopher, the Superintendent's office, whore equal'. ; saidT p ._ T t I knot}, . the matter-of-fact fat leis whole tpaiserab$n rceord of "dee "tget ar, terioratiorz Was filed against hint person, Rut some of'emm IT IS COMING. ,September soft— October gay 'With leaves aloft In bright array-- November—stop The rhyme must pause. It's time to shop For Santa Claus! Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tinsilitis begin -with sore throat. How much better to cure a sore throat in'a day or two than to be in . bed for weeks with Diphtheria. Just keep Eamlin's 'Wizard Oil in the house,. Laughter at the- family table teats ail the dyspepsia tablets in the world as a promoter of diges- tl On. A Remedy for Earache.—To have the earache is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it, considering its work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, offers a simple rem- edy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated eotton and placed in the ear will work'wonder.s in re- lieving pain. UNCLE JERRY. , "'Tar as •I am concerned," said Uncle. Jerry Peebles, "you girls can go around with your arms bare •'clear up to the vaccination mark- if that's where the mark is nowa- days—but if you've got aarrns that look like T sau's, as some of 'em do, Yea ort to wear 'long sleeves for our own FalieS,rr, arugadCueDont. na orntree-ovule Toronto. ,„� rfyvy� ntm , ��•N'w' u1'k'fi','l1 tf •"'i4.. w tit' � M.e. u, 0� .� usual, a aath)O aancd' sacrist3 "'d itlla if .t' , The boy seemed reused from has ried afterwards." that is se I'Il never smoker another 'Relive the' jaded Condition, That sw<as several yea.lr,s ngo, e of business become irksome; .schen the whole system is out of sorts and kept his word, and his report -cards tlltro is general cd,ei>resssclxi, tn�y showed a steady improvement, aaL �¢ r though be newer reserved an ` h;" P,,rinelec s Vegetable Pills. They daring his hi,gh.sebool eeeese, be= still xegiilato the action of a de-• iso inns faculties had become ' ir^ ranged stomach and a disordered i bi d llcd. liver, and make you feel like a new r eta y ai " rinan, No one meed suffer a clay ...st year he wrote to »tlil"s S, , I rc kept my heor'd, and have nee er from debilitated digestion when so ]eked sines the day yyoe showed simple and effective a pill can be ane my record. I am working in a. got at any drug store. "rood position, and am glad to sway; -- aro a decent man, thanks to you, PERFECT AFTER MARRIAGE. a •„ ,x When energy flags and the tares cigarette 4s lcnapg as I llve. at Mrs.. Jaawliaele--John, you're a TEETIIIING TIME WORRY. perfect foe) Baby's teething time was once a souree. of worry to all mother's --it is yet a time of 'worry to nia;a,*'y though there are thousands of mo- thers who have learned the secret ]whish banishes this worry. Mothers whi worry, who see their little ones suffering from difficult teeth- ing; who are worn out by day and kept awake at night by the cries of the baby in distress, should follow the example of the thousands end give their little ones Baby's Own Tablets ---the remedy for worry -- the never failing banisher of baby's pains. Concerning them Mrs. Ii. Monette, Jr., Itapide deTOrignai. Que., says: ---'`My baby cried day and night and suffered from his teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own Tab'` is made him healthy and hap- •py and his teething easy and pain -- less. I would not be -without there.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail a .-t 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, ;GOOD REASON. Howell --"How well you look !" Powell --"Yes; I haven't had lei' vacation yet." A Sensible Merchant Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1903. Mina rd's int Co. Limited. '' z • rdh Liuim(, Dear Sirs, -Your traveller is here to -day and we are getting a large quantity of your MINARD'S LINIMENT. We find it the best Liniment on the market, making no exception. 'We have been in business 13 years and have handled all kinds, -but have dropped thew all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. - W. A. HAGERMAN. Mrs. Finefeather:—Are you,taking your husband abroad this year? Mrs. I3onton No. I decided last year when he insisted upon speak- ing of the Venetian' gondolas as ca- nal boats that the real charm.;' of Europe is lost upon him. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. A RISK. The doctor looked at Miss Cam- bridge with his. mostprofessional glance; then he made her exhibit her tongue, gazed down ber throat, felt her pulse, and sounded her .lungs: "You've taken a severe cold," he said. "Were you exposed to any draft yesterday, 'o`.r were you care- less in any way that you earl aQ member, which might account for "I don't' know," said Miss Cam bridge, thoughtfully, `,`unless going out to thrive yesterday afbe r noon without. my spectacles would do It X felt at the time it was a slight r3,sk, doetor,'t Mr. Jawbaek-I knew something like that would happen when mar- riage made you and me one. • Some persons have p erioc icalat- tacks of Canadian elnolert;, dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great, precautions to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would rceoxnmend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. LAST YEAR'S OVERCOAT. Once more I sadly take it down, And musingly I gaze upon it, I choke my pride, and then decide 'Twill do with a new collar on it. TION MURiNE EYE REMEDY FM4' Rcd, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Marino Eye Salve In Aseptic Tutees. 25o, $1:00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Marine Eye Remedy Co.; Chicago. Timber is becoming scarce, but the family tree continues to flour- ish. M Inard's Many Jars is Recognized as the leading speci- fic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boonto suffering' children everywhere. It seldom fails. Liniment Cures Dandruff. a mans deficiency in dol - due to his deficiency in Well, Well' THIS is a HOME DYE 4hat ANYONE can use NOT COMPLAINING, "Horse sick?" asked the man in the buggy, "Yep," replied the man with a spring -wagon. "Hard luck, ain't it!" "Oh, I dunnq, It's getting so medicine is cheaper than hay 1" 1; dyed ALL these. '--•'` of Goods kF. with the SAM aye' 1 used °WAN and SIMPLE to tine. NO chi ace of pacing the, W;LQNO Dye toe the Goods: one rust,. voter. Ail colors fro ;'t Your f7rusa^is" or Eiea4rc, FREE, Calyc Cscd.nd STOt:Y 0ooe0 14, on Co., U,ai. d, 3lontrcat, Th* ,ic�asor-RkcLMrds N IIIPR€IVIED PILLOW. When Beds Were at a t'reluivau ;ll An Irisin Rotel. Sleeping on a ouat under the WOOD in a cannibal country is aa'; pale a tventure compared with a! lodge in an old-time Irish inn at the height of the tourist seeeten, A curtain Master of the Galway. Runt, says a. rontributer to Qernbill, er- rived at a, small inn 'where all the beds were already taken, A kitchen 'table was requisitioned, a heterogeneous collection of bed elc.lbes was arranged upon it, --into the esaet' nature of which it was perhaps not well to inquire too closely, aa it seemed to be compos- eel of contributions from, the ward- � i• ahes of the ]hotel iaelp,-'-and the sportsman turned in, The pillow was an odd -shaped Suhstanee, Emitting a faint and strangely familiar odor; but the Master of the Galway Blazers vas too weary to concern himself over such trifles, and he slept as soundly on his makeshift couch as if it had been a. canopied bed of state, Be vas awakened in the morning by a gentle fumbling-zt the 'wrap- pings beside his head, andstarted up to see a gleaming knife suspend- ed above his head, • "I'm sorry to be distlirbin" ye, sir," said an apologetic voice, "but sure th' house was out iv pillows intirely, an' We put th' side iv bacon undhcr y'r honor's head. I was -just conthrivin' to get a few rashers off for th' quality's break - fest without disturbin' ye, whin y'r honor wile up." HUNTING CANNIBALS. University Expedition Will Visit South Sea Island. An expedition has set out from Oxford University with its objective a cannibal isle in the South seas, where it expects to spend a year in studying the habits of the na- tives. The party of scientists is headed by David Jenness, the .a,nthropa logical e4pert' of Balliol college_' The explorers will locate on Good enough Isand, which is situated in the extreme southeasterly corner of British New "'Guinea. Little is known of the interior of this island, bat it has been asserted that can- nibalism is practicedthere on an extensive reale. Occasionally a government official pays a visit to the isle, but being unwilling to provide the .natives -aith .a banquet, wisely confines his investigations to the eoast line,. For this reason the interior remains unexplored. One or two attempts have been made to map the in - and, but the explorers have never 'eturned. Goodenough: Island, which is of'` volcanic forriation, is believed to he the highest island of its size in the world, It is 40 miles long and Hailes nerose, and its highest txtountain extends 8,000 feet above. ea lel-ol. . PLAU S ABLE THEORY - 'It's 'It's the honest men in this world who need watching." "How's that?" "Oh, the dishonest one will cheat you, anyhow, whether you watch them er not." There is plenty of room at the top, This is due to the fact that most 'people want to get in on the ground floor. Minard's Llnitnent Cures Burns, Eto, First Diner—How do you know whether that is chicken or veal you are eating? Second Diner—I don't. All I know is that it's chicken I'm paying for. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. —Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- come chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of P armelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a sure and speedy way to regain health.These pills are specially Compal r indeed to cont - bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful. always. "My husband has never spoken a, cross word to me." "You lucky woman ! How long have you been married ?" "Nearly two weeks !" Minard's Liniment for sato ovcrywhere. 66 INEP9 Of DR. PROSSE, Paris;' France ' Gives Back the natural color to grey hair without any dye, and imkee it grow, and We O e n Prove It, not only by testi- monials of Un- known pero+ng; as is so.oitan soon' In a d'c,4iserneuts, but by oxpe isnezt on your own head of hair. Let`, ux g,4e yoaayab olui;oiy free one treatment of " LuxpJ a 3 ", only forsake of proving 0 you what it oa,i-fin 00 your- own Bair, and hat ithao done o,n thouvafds of others. Ali' the,e is, to d , to g i the treatment i -Senyt ns Cho cootoi in ,ting and`paaktng, which ti10 'ete r.i r address, and we willsend you ono„ 10_awe 3'rtto to -day, address DR, PRt?SSSE, Dept. , 2, Montreal ISSUli 42-11,: f3 Bi) SORE Vf VIS ZFalu-]Bulk gas Ifeatieil It. Mrs, Wilson, 110 Wiekson Ave., Toronto, says: "About four years ego a. sore spat appeared Qat the right etde of noy face. This spot u,4vs some of rice best Fruit. &tor iuerea$e'd 7t? S17e until it beC:iiAC. - Grain or I)niry Forma o oat,at�,., about half an inch in diameter and) ani ,arises rrgbt, Fort' parnful. I sve it tela doctor W. ao ;SQN, . , N::"ety Collan.. a but the ointment he gave me gad • street, xarPn1o, A4>'tixS WANTED, SECURITY IN BUYING BONDS g Bonds are the safest invest. merit a person can matte bee,auye they are secured by first mort- gage on tort-gageon the whole assets of the Corporation issuing thettx.. Bonds are tbe,best investment a person can, nxake because nsa other investment offering the same security pays as high].- rate 05 interest. Bonds offered by us are thor- oughly investigated as to their safety before being offered to our clients, riI Write us to -day for literature an Bond Investments and alba of those we recommend, ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION DANK OF MONTKE,AL EULLDiNG 'O1$fa1=. A lata QUEEN STS. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Marmot M"a NTREA1,,CUEPEC^HALIFAX^LONt1OI NCi- FARh7S 1 OR RENT ANp SAL, £, ASK DAWSON, HE KtNQW9, Th 791I %SSL to sell farm, eopsu t roe, you want to buy a farm, consul*. L sue. not have tiny good effect, The sore continued to discharge freely, and swat; most painful, I hadit call- ed, tried tried poultices and all dcinds of salves, but it was no good, and I continued to Stiffer front it .911' SALARY AND 171' „.. 0 Couasn' (lone -ter twat :reps. fox four ycai&1 ttves; immediately; perur.u+aut visa "tA ample of Zarn-Buk was one t^ 1,orieucc, unnecessary; rtp* a'. day given to one, and I used it. Al- taO1C; sortry time a:cepted, hough the quantity' was (at) small, I:ianite9 Publitla"ra, Toronto,. N1+ lI'LOY,F.1) AI :1' 041 WOBle,N, yup wish to tuaae love )ollxry Tor balances of Suer:' 3t ,e. oousut; 1 le Bois Lto., bunted. ''r'arie,to. t seemed to do me some goad, so 1 :l GENTS WANTED, -.- A LAM; purchased n further supply„ ak "Earth box did inc more and marc good, and, to my delight, before 1 had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it. was going to MISCELLANEOUS. L every home. 1F.ritu us for our on,. teat of at:rrrta trdpplleo. Wo hand ,r Crealeiit agent• . eropositlou in (,';tit, .t tO•day. nei4'311:1.r3'. C. 1. Co,. 226 Albert St.. Ottawa,. heal the sore, ` In less. than a Iuoioth. it was healed "I know a lady in the east of the city, whose husband suffered for years with an open sore on his leg. On my recommendation, Zam-Buk was tried in that ease. The other day, when I saw her. she told me that it had healed the sore com- pletely." Zahn -Bek is a sure cure for ec- zema, piles, abscesses, uleers, scalp 'sores, ringworm, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises and all skin injuries and diseases. 50c. box, all drug- gists and stores, ur pont free from Zara-Buk Co.'Toronto, for price. In case of skin disease use also Zain-Buk Soap, 25c, tablet. .1, A man doesn't have to know much to know how little he knows. Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Ctrn Cure and get relief. � J -'r re/ CANADA BUSINESS COLLECE CHATHAM, 043T. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 choice positions filled In past Four Years. Some others just filled; I. B. DANN, from Newfoundland placed with Sask. Milling Co., Moose Jaw so M ono r NR5511119..S teno. 1aabvdY Overall(.10.,W,ndsvr, L C. ROBINSON l3kkpr. with dell Irniture Co.,Southampton , Ont. FLOSSIE ANDERSON, Steno. and 11e1 -pr, Can. Wolverine Co., Chatham. MILDRED AND- ERSON, Steno.. with De Laval separator Co., Winnipeg. 11. J. SCOTT, teacher, -with Drake College, Newark, N. 3. Tho salaries of the threo shown last week average over ,4700: per uunula. 'the salaries of the xis here shown average close to 370. Our students nro prepared for the big positions Where the big pay ra offered. IT I'AYS TO .1ITUMD THE BST. Catalogue 3S tells of the work at Chatham. Catalogue 04 tells of our home courses. Address D. McLACiIL AN b CO., Tjr.s.Y and PAPAL Cc3L1 S, Wilson's JUL Scale Work*, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. 1.1v)IILL tSACI11N1lIt , PUft'Paiil,t 1.7+ or heavy 'Lathe SiI1bs, Shingto �lttir; Engines anti Boilers, 11f11 Suppltvs. 'i'hu 1. Long "tianufacturing Cu., Ltd„ Wess Street, Orillla, Ontario, LEAIIN Tilil ilA1t131 P. TRADE1LS.G1'i• Thr kluler Barber Collage is the ort. gtni l voiluge; founded in t20 graduates urn now surceesful barbers all over the ,world; you get expert inntruuti3u• con- stant lira0tle ; Ws'tt.[t tVr outu wu.o. Moler Barber College, 923 Rucen East, Toronto. 1 ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, etc. In- ternal and external. cured witheno ;nun by our borne treatment, Write u3 before too late. Dr, Dellanan MedicalCo,. Limited, Co1lingteood, Ont.: • TON SCALD GUAP.ANTLkll), Wilson's Seale 'Worale, 9 Espinosde, Toronto. AGBN1S WANTED. .. STUDY OF other ligeuey propositions oourinet:a us that none can equal ours. You will al. ways ro re'L it if you dou't o:pplY Tor :pax - oculars to Travellers' 'Levu., 220 Albert kit,. Ottawa. ?ECIAL1SSTS ADVICE F.11E19. Coueul2 )7us in regardto any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by are. Write today for anything sold in 3irst-class drug stores to Dr. Belamnn. Cotlingwood. Ont. When buying your Piano insist Oil having ail FOTO IGEL: Piano Act tor. 1 CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Can be done perfootly by our Trench process. Try R. Eritisio Americas; Dyeing Co. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa. and Quebec. L � '9 L E STC?CK �2CIl•ZE, umberumberStandard Stack an<i Mining .. Exchsngo LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited. 13 MELINDA ST., TORONTO �a ALF_. S , C. B. College_ Chatham. "Int. Oue Comm as _ /sT.h 49ea4 liOME COURSE Good Wookly Income W o r. derfn i' 'O ppo rtu n lt,y Constant Employment Diplomas Granted OYSat COLI, GE OF • SCIENCE 358 Queen S,.. West Toronto, Casstada SEI FOR ,PaaTlOLILAaO AsisquT Trra R GL Prepare yourselves for the. cold weather. We are offering for po a few "weeb-sonly i:4elie$' € skraf Lined `tioat$ .ISO Cell]'$ Muskrat Lined cayat5 Vict The ladies 'linang is 38 inches ling and trinar,,ecl with Genuine Alaslze Sable Collar and Lapels. The Gents coats are trLTlitale i Cv Otter or Persian Lamb ,Callan. Upon receipt of tho money we will ship to any part o£ Canada-. If not .satisfactory roturix :at eta. c3 pcnde. . Coats noade to you owzl measure- ments, sR'TLe price:. YOU W15 MAKE 129 2 SNITS 015 EACH, DOPY YOU Sala. ADD0 SSn THE O1-4R1STMAS GLOBE T©L:ONTO,CANADA: 9l 4.fita6 S . Pau St,, 'fasoiyf€"¢r Bear iz1 onisld that', you are 41C4i0.411, ' iil3 .'t$cholesalaie ,