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Exeter Advocate, 1911-10-19, Page 1
Ti3TY-FOuRT'H YEAR. EXETER. ONT, RI O, TETRSD,&Y, OCTOBER 19, 191 NIERS AAE Local. Items Pa3trldge shooting' commenced Octoli- e'- ~citrin It ;s better' to be loved and lost than .not ,o lave been. not ed at all. Mr, Samuel Coppin, Hibbert, has -sold. his 50 acre farm to :wfa'. Coat. Thiel, of Patllart'c . Price $3,300, Iiss Gersie Stewart of 'Farquhar leas returned home, after an illness of sour inotaths ;:t London FIappital. Miss Stew- art under°we:.t twee operations, Oath of u which were successful. She, : e is net)/ do- ing ing rt.eeiy.. Tl e ,iatepayers of CIL toa^nr passed the byr.law as. week by a 'ole oC 0$ to 10 to .sella part°ally' equiPr.'d Plant to the C1.aato;a, Meter Car C `tnnpany^ for iha 'nanaufaeture of a'utetnob3Ues. Tate conte Pwl'tn ' is Cap talixed at°,.',iQQ,00„„o,..> ...;, Tice• :dePeetOra of the defunct V artna- .44„ra Battik are appointing delegates in t' 0 various districts to attend a meeting TeenCl atcl, i,o arrange plants and' de- Ulla et, 3tst1011, l;i regard to their Pier- pose! to cell TOO trolu the glaVCxn-, lite dans, I gleter, to Arthur plisse!l and Selden, of North Oxford, formet'lY o Qf reler, The eereronyT was perform' ell byr the Rev. It:char4 Whiting, 11 ,A„ nt .London. Uncle or, dila brides, Abwat 0 ;guestn ''we're present, among %!sella,' lie*,its• fit', and :tire, 1i, tL Selden, FL Rae - alias 34an'a Prettiest wedd;nga ltamaa Pahl, heir second daft -a l,t naarrlag on, so:a, or mlcit- The 4`a:nCert o;r Mendez 'eVen°,,a<, ai:tadt;r ausp;ee.e at the Junto a* tdasoitll elute was well attended and : thoroughly 41 JON, The ar.tieto 'Were fir, !!lack '17intent', .comedian, ''Minae ability le so 'welt-kilow7 VIM it needu no carptent from us, Miss Jean Walker, a I1Qptilar elcgutionist of Latadon and formerly of Exeter; Iwtr, C. J. Pink, tonins' ,ot Lon - den, alweys a favorite is 'bider: and Mr, B. Plellips, accompantat, of Exeter, That it was Q:ae of the heat Conoerta we have had in Exeter for sate, '8 a'the general opinion; tI1CTION SAL13S—Farnmeru and Q. ere lr~tY 1rg, auericin, sales 'will do well to leave their bilis printed here and have their sale9 advertised ht the Advocate: R s'cachea all the PcdPre. Vic...,.. pays for The v o Jan. ,�►� �cate'�t . � CURLERS—All interested in, Curling! are requested to Peet in W., Tamares Tailor shop at F;taday, evening nest at $ o'clock. s ODDrELLO WSFit; TERNIZE The Oddtellowa of Ren,sa11 aid Exeter Lodg-. cg spear a pleasant evening together on Tuesday,'Iv ell: the first degree team o: 1-le,zsali visited their Exeter brethren and eyempli icd the work of the First Pe -gree upon eight lo.al candidates, The work of the degree was magnificently pc:fornr.ed aid prove;! very pleasing and instructive to the .'titer brethren. At @;'. � cotieluafSa:n et the degree irk', a T muni bes of interesting addresses were .,welt by the 'rsttors ,,and local nmembers of the order, after wt':cb. the Hensall brim- sea were entertaft're i at Pro W J. Sta tha,ra'.s Xeetellralit, The friendly visit wag greatly eppeet1ated by the ; Exeter Brethren, and we .believe also enjoyed by the visaing brethren. C1IILJJTIF.I1'S DAY, --The Sunday morn Jag' service at the Tr,tvitt Memorial Church 'wart a bright and happy else for the 'Sunday School rbildrer.. 'at the thurctt, bang Ctaildre•t's Bays,, The idttlo one lined Up ;;at the Sunday SRlaeol and •1nalrelled 'alt pa,ira to the ' church,, caui weArieg a badge, bearing the viva of the ehurc;n and the words, Memorial Church S. S.'Ileview Pay, Sun- day, Oct. 15th, 1111, --Por God and the Church," The wtether was ideal far' sur t an eecatifone and a large number of•begli child en and edulta 'were lie at tendan v, The rector, Bev. ap, 'W, Col - line delivered a'veryr ianpr€•ea3ivo and fit• Wresting addrpea to beat Darente a.nd cleildren,, pointing out the innnerativel a � � gut Qt t,. aa�lnta the raaQin at ;S to >? � t z �' their children and religious leaching, and that 'parents Should not be indiffer- eat to the amount of 'relal,ew'El training trkeir children ehetild reCetvo, and that ll s*aanu3d 'betriia ir..! the Berri,. South Huron"Libe w „« ra C �x vatives Convene The Li•bC;a1-Conservative ,1LaaoClation of South ITuron will h'ald a convention ins the TOWN /TALL, ZLiRIC%i awl THU,BSDA), OCTOE3EIR lath, 'duly Cotnmencing at 1.30 o'clock, far the PU P080 Of, aeleettns i candidate to eon- test the said South Riding of klur0n for the .Legislature. Addressees will ll be delivered `1ny J. J. MERNEIt, 3I:P.1 and HENRY zine Da, 3x.P.P;,, and others. CARLING'S PRONE 18 DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS Weare having a two weeks sale of all Dress ss Goods' in black and colored; We therefore quote a few of the prices to show you that we mean what we say. These Dress, Goods are in nearly all the shades that are worn this fall. Diess Goods that was e lar $1.25for $1.12 R e ula ' $1.35 for 1.08 Regular Rg r $.3 $ Regular $1,50 for 980. Regular $1,00 for 88c. Regular 750, for. 58c. Regular 50c, for 42c, All these prices hold good only for two weeks so come in and secureour dress for the coming season. Y g READY MADE SKIRTS We have a few ready made skirts in Black, Green' Red, Blues, Brown, and Old Rose which we will clear out at a discount of 33- per cent, off, Come and pur- chase early because this is a bargain.. WALL PAPERS .: .n ' tine is come again' ' Soves Houseour' Y Fall Wall Paper now while we are offering a discount of 25 per cent. on all papers. You mayneed a new Carpet,or Ru this fall, :it g you do ilia come in and 'purchase at a discount of 15 per cent, These are exceptional -bargains.- T { i DTN?��13, SETS $i left to Blear regular 0 f Just a few g �l C�,or $8;00 egulal $8.00 four, $6 00:;: ighest prices paid fog all kinds of "Produce,.. !�E Ernie Taylor is home from tondon for a few' days, Mr. C IC. Bluett, et London spent part of last week i11 tow»a.. Carling Bros.` St, Rertaard: dog, Kited has been sold to a St, Tri rias :man, Thespire os,the Jaes Street cr t r r which has' • presented a v6ry rusty 4p,, ,pearan e Tor Many ” years, 1 as beel!. Painted wlttb Alunniauin and shows d filed' impreverw nt, -HURON COUNTX '�`, i- CONVENTION Tee fou:'teeaath annual convention Poeta ed icy Temper-a+y1•.`e Hall, October 10th. Aeeut )rn delegateel wt present Froaat' veo4t Fol-". 7,0 aeYe l different '-u otta 40'.11. t;nn ;ltsut 1,1c 1*ocounty, M rs , f Exeter, emelt).- . Pte9ag:es1s ne ehai'tr, t Tla0 morning sand aft0t'noota "circ' taken up principally in renarts from the, euperiinttindenite Q pxrin;etlie of work, all of which vier adopted, The different reports, were, Evangelielle, tetnpera,laca to sulltlay se110o1e, law enforcement, systema,tie Srv)tap. a"t;enaooteee, purity, and moth, ears' alaeetings, -work among 'lumbermen. Howe:e mission work, eourt'.y Mese starer work among Bailors: Qtf'''cera wee sleeted as follows,-•- Pres dent, Mrs, Foli:elk, a o•eieet 4, k iter. vie-preaidettt. 31r3, Rands, 33rua- aria; eoerespaad 3,, seer—terve Miss Nur -say, xi er: reso.d.ttit acc'reaatry„ ;ire, I car>. lath z trcaeurer, Mrs Sharp, E'.'. tris, drlc,.at 1 to Prov::aria! 'tveaat' Mrs, T rant:o; c1'[ then Godaaleit urines ill d"seole;ttenaineirag "l' Suataloti Cert 'w ae endorsed. A react)at,c welly was passed. resPeet!nne ateaa of Wm, May "I`itoraaley fif p`ovicirial preeidc et, Tee action Min agrieultural secietice Itn offer prizes Or home-made '~';sues, known. be to rnented, eves' depi'e ,ated, Itet:ret e'epreseed that,re .Aetleaon. l'deently nxrapondin secretary, was removing' Toronto, as her MI,Rbors were ar i - sated. Tile a next county conven- tion will tbC held,. at I3iyd . There are eight adherents of the Church of Blighted. 1ntao Borden cnet M Ave tothoddsta, four Boman Cai Alice and one Raptiat, The Church of Eng- land meet aiTC Hon, ° Seism: Borden, Hee- en, Polley, Booera, ;[toehe, Euxrell,'Whtte and Lougheed. The Methodists are lion; "Memel. (Cochrane, Crothere, Kenap, Hughes and Reid. The Roman" Catholiea are eleeern. Monk, Pelletier,'elantel and Doherty, while .liir. i•~oster is the Baptist West Huron Teachers' Convene - Tet.. Thlnnual .Meetinng of tile, West. !lure t Teach'' -'3' Ass0ciati was eltt'in the 'ubl -' Sehoot, Fl?"eter,. on TitursdaY sed Friday, t:, l 91 1. That:stay i, oaeaott eau lit, but now, it is sometimes taught o-, x t . the e ciats#ntl ; written 0foaanpos tion.. He commended the ease with which sora}e children in Da'tt i'State.s schools Make offl,.ataa s' -he. Children should rte tau`Siat to.:speak ,fIu.c-•a<iy a:nd accurately as a Fir'ced mena-21 1 abit, Teachers ShOultd avoid two ''nistakes, ,ane of "critic - .4.4 a '- a`.d !Std' while speakl':g and the, or allowing talks :ve ch.td to ia;ss w thout due c.riticiam, Mater ,a1 For the te?ac't'ng of o;•al compoait o:1 is to be founai ins pictures, pets, games, farm t op -`orations, nature study lessens. stories, 'tG', Tgert read a gooti paper o;3 :the Z o!. ka C °• ti t t w ..d. .z • t is n �! 3; .tdron , St Ah 0 t:J .r,a unit thein heels ruin„ it unable to learn., but they ray helped by malnua1 tra:tring or mus:c. 'T.•sley should ba Place is an ins:itutio:.. A cempre~tenaiye•t part by .3, H. 1.0w Tae cha5r in the absence of the ores 41enz. Mr. C`, I..:'E311,10t, was takers by S. Hewand, $?c vot:oaaal e erases were co,idttc ted by ifr, W B 0% a dc:1:aeonner, The netileea of the last sessia,^, an Gbver `^� were read and adopted. T:T:1£9fir* .gttbi., E,.-,lfv.Iltods in Geggr; iny- was ,Alt''rtdured by Mr, \C, 13 I1ydaI1 Of Ihrondale. 'alto reada,;;oO4 paper. He held that teachers should, have a true cone op' o f ©1 c ogYalalty :ata a etudyr of relation to ratan, Eaeh au diaa, yc r at tt1>1 elt:id'.a li:*e ell0uld on a nsa't et}t;, of important tunics, aApyeaa an eaele srtda Shouldi be tiveiy taught, -rrtlie ,soma teplee ral.des,; ar or t e,i?r need treetment through all Map drawing allould. etiesist ells sketches ,but co1T e"t tan detail. Mr, lv, ?tr ay Itaavo a good address sat,e nese,-'atriae of home surrour a`., afterwards branching out fields and ton` -::s.. Ile at - eat 4nportance to studying the t map drawing. GeoTrai'.sy and al'mull he taught In lllltatrdt;orf F e1J 1 Qther. Wee J, ,1, liana !tui; of Wilde e[9e aa, t Feileet power Qnn the table 'n3 ublitw .Srhoals,'tn which able' cla.int ` teacher c , 1 a n sttoutd he sa ;nr.ntiarn siiyould ''.la;•°a the Bible to ,!Ile .)5 1,0 Q ery, N0rti. Hay, Ort the Q. E. A. Convene- i'""en watt read. aead a reo'ia,a of thattlis •laaifd to � Lowery, Miss Wittoaaa. Howard of diel iter echoed -staff taught very° teal a "easier f,n,g less;a's, to a first, Claes, [llap0"1Q;' Tem tele t eeek up the Jen, of Primere Beading and Spetlfai :. -ie adeocatecl the teaching of reading' free) print rather than from Script, using the n[phabet andc'oa tt)'3naelene of [ett0' ( to gut the seundv. I -le wouid'a't :first cls55s pupils to read vt.ry 1;x:Ia,esstve[Y, but would get the eepretl aaio a inn, the higher gimmes. Iib teat.hleg spe11tatg ire wQutd ask ' the pupils to ropy 'words hayitng eiml'lar .sounds to impress the correct .a:pelliing, ili:e, J.' Murray :ti er Wee � luso! cd od, using the spellieg book ,a tc a prone'!:tial©n and epeUtslg whiz • ; girls who were melte alee1. .a - spend:ve to their teach s's taxis,' a «. t 1 exit ealae`. A C lip 'slits, E ST, eiARYS,—Thos. Tttnma, a highly respected pioneer settler of the Stono Town, passed away on Sunday evening at the advanced nge of SD, years, 0 mors; 'tilts and 20 days. Deceased was awld- oWer., Notice : to Creditors Of bit,S, !MARGARET AIIi.TH, Late of the Vitiate of Exeter, in the County of heron, Widow, Deceased. ' Pursuant to 'Chapter' 129 of the Revilaed Statutes of Ontarlo, 1897, notice .is hereby given; that all credit ors and others having claims againat estate of above named deceased who died on or about the, ,27th day oY June, 1911 are on or about the 10th day of Now ember, A.D. 1011, to send by post. pre- paid, to the, undersigned Solicitors fpr the adtiv,nistrator of the estate of 'the said deceased their christian names and surnam es, .addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, fa statement of thea accounts and the na- ture of the; -securities (if any) held by thein, and that after the day laat afore- said the ;said administrat,a will proceed to distribute the assets *of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled there- to, having "regard only to such claims of which notice Shall have bean .given as above required, and the ssayd adntnis; trator will not be liable for ,the said assets ar any pat t ;tlset'eof, to any ,per- son or persons ,of \whose claim or claims notice -shall not have been"recedved. by him at= ,the time ,.of such distribution Dated at E~•eter tli2s 17th day of October, A. D. 1911. DICKSON >t CARLING, Solielto'rs tor Administrator Notice to Creditors Of JOHN W. HORNEY, .Late of the Towzaship of i7,sboi:mie, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, . Deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 1241 Of the ,Revised Statutes of Ontarie,1897 notice is hereby given that all credit- ors and others having claims against estate of above named-decea•sedwho died on or about the,. 15'th day pf• July, 1911 are 011 or, about the 10tb day of .Nov- eanber, A.D. 1911 to,,send by post pre- paid to the undersigned solicitors 901 13ohe1't IC. Ho'raley, the Executor of the last 'rill and ' . testament of the ,said deceased, their christian nand. es and .surnames, addresses and des- criptions, tdre fu1l, particulars of their claibns, a etal,en-lent" of their accounts and the nature 'of the securities, if any, !hold by them, and. that after the day lasr • aforesaid the said Executor 'will pro cod 'Lo distribute the as- 'sets of 'tire` said deceased among the pe,1•ties entitled thereto, having- re tax"d otily to, such claims' of which 00 ties s11a11 havo been ,given. as above *equir' cd, and th said Eaccutor .hill not be liable fort the :;aid assets 01*.airy pati thereof, toperson o - persons o_. '"hese c1rt r 01` c10 itn 1 i>sof,iae shall n10- hOVO U z. 'ic 0'4'01' by 11:1a99 keit the' t.111e 0.1 eu....1. dii St, _Oti1iOrn. Dated at Exeter this (7t'i: ..)cleber. .A.. D. :1911. DICKSON° CAIII, LNG, Solicitors for ,£'-_ecutO' f w 0 rata dp; ehtivoh and rain wino oota,.11 iiltore Inca. s and. dielpatea' ^7taieh is very corningn.' uesod by .'1r, Tom, 'n whtch ,be , P d a � splendid si 1 n id Co toi p ulu limtw;lt MUM �M !ton's teaching at the Bible In, her •eetool. S.:J.. 'Rad.i%f0, B. A., 1'.s'anOpel of the L'onda;i Vienna! Se'aool, was in- troduced. n troduce use to ' cp the a'ri'a al spoke t n P t t d k d i e i p . e al a 1 el t tit 1 • e ;t ct way d ! a vlan n, a on t to 5 he r � Study of Engl;ab, usi;g,'vrary ant (llus- trat:ona fen .explanation or his Ideas. He Mt there wastar real need to give ,attentioa to this aubjeet, because the e'nild'e knowledge of English Is gener- ally deficient and should be'taught -well 031 eeee t it 0f .its utiitty .along iuslnesan linos, in Cita: ,social world and to enable people to speak well. The hest way to improve our English a to ;break off at once all slain„ terns, !told conversation with the users of good English, read good literature, etc,., but one shouldn"t instate others t'ao much— one should be ones seal. Discussed by Ifessra, Tom and \iieid- ett°hammer and Johnston. Mr.. Geo. etawsoni read the report of ttte committee on How to, Improve the appearance of West, Huron, which was left over for discussion ,Itta the afternoon Following is the report, -- In view of the opportunities for im- provement and the manifest; advantages to be derived therefrom your committee submits the follo-wtxig resolutibbns,-- That in the Rural Municipalities shade trees be planted along the road sides at. least three mods apart. These trees to consist rf sugar maples, white ash, wal- nuts, 'hickory, -oaks, and other uaeful varieties on the south and west sides of the road, and evergreens on the north and east -asides if owners object ,to the hardwood varieties, Such trees as sil- ver maples, poplars, willows and beech- ea beech es should n be - o't planted, That the ,portion, of road allowance be- tween the roads .and ifences be ploughed and levelled. That weeds !should be cut along road- sides and in, rho fields. That each fanner place his name on his gate and that • he be encouraged to prune his orchard, and improve his fences and buildings. That in to'opls' and: villages shade frees be planted, parks opened and cared for, grass cut, on sides of streets, reeds and:.rubbiah' removed from vacant lots, old' fences removed, owners encouraged, to improve the appearance of thei�r.prop- erty, and 'thee countc11 recommended to create one or more beauty intra itn the town and where at all pos'sb1e to erect ane or more statutes of prominent pert sorts. That in order to accomplish thjks' a strong committee 'of teachrers in, each municipality be appointed by this assoc- iation. to interview their respective niun icipal councils and urge upon them the propriety of making provision for the accomplishment of these recommenda- tions ; also a commtItt01 be appointed, to interview the couhiy council at their, December session and urge that they take some action inj:the naratter. That these committees urge; each Mutl- Inipal' CsuncLl tto offer substantial re -1 wards to each school sect:On that accom pushes work along the limes indicated up to a certain s`ta-tdard, and that'sery much better work 'should be -better re- warded. No awards .to be blade sooner than five yeas 11012e. J That wade ;the teachers' directions a neap of each •school Ise0t lin be prepared showiaag' wd1' 1 trees, gradie' , etc., are needed, and some ,standard be adopted such as one mark for each tree needed, five marks for each; road graded; twenty -narks for each sixty on which are cut, etc., a banes may readily be laid 'upon wh:ci]. awards 1r.ay ' 0 made and this eomtnendable 'work etuoura�god- in.'sd'Ly. ifte''noa.m The ,' oo "e repo was adopted •on ±,10_ t: en of 4tess- s Tom; and -`r-: c--- and t',"to following comae'? -tea as mentioned in the ''10.1 ut:oils' 2137' , ntcd, Messrs. Horton, Torn,' T i,,ert 1t,� 1 -- ot- and Mawston. Some ------ool children sang very sty ret- ly wide :�'r: leadership of .P1 -ss Nilifinran A1r'.'iand title spolter o7 oral eomtlosi- on, ,H thought it: a very • important nuh.lt•ct, Formerly vt was scareely Profitable Q ctt 0f Lin„«to tonne :nrli C1edisert Public School, prtra e the .annual :prceidont'e t acing far aubjxt the echoed. ani a educator. 11 s tl , 4 . t was a • lisle ffo t ort given *Nit! ;lir.. F3luett'rn will Known carncetssnies. In it ho ad1ecated the _ teacher's supervision of the 8ehpal grounds and $arnos during playhoura 13,elpalg pupils to play thelT games with honesty Ao no to ti't them +tea play the gauzes of life nobly. 1 Mr, S, J. Itadellltfe, B, A. gave All able . etddrees on Visual Imagery in. Poetry. Ha allowed by using Gray's Etegy and 23 y-oa a Waterloo hour to Fee the ,p.eturee ,suggested ;welt the seurotle mentioned in the pewee, Thie he ceat- s dered, a lire way of t'achling, wh11e that of taskkatg naean4a'3 of Words •a comparatively dead treatment, Mr. It, D. Canse'xoh of Lucknow a ler- atter :lauteessful West Huron Teacher, i1 . t .L.,, hing laee r•t- t •slid spoke eioguentie 0:1 Government An- nuities Showing convincingly their vane e.dvantsgeat to young sad old. The soloe sung by ,Misses Folliek, leInsnsan and Ivtoncur and the Instru- sncntals given by E. 2tillips delighted every olio. A flag drill a ltd patriotic song by a class of girls trained by Misss J. Murray of the EZ ter School staff was executcad wirt-ls spirit and precision and gave great pleasure to diveryone (Continued on Page w ) CENTRALIA The anniversary services on Sunday last were largely attended and excellent sermons were preached by the Pastor and Mr. Geo A. Stanley of • Lucan, SPeciai music was provided by the choir, alssisted by Mr. C. J. Pink, ,who also sang four solos. Mr. Pink Is a general favorite with the Centralia people, The collections of the day amounted to about $280. --Mrs. McFails of'' London is hn the sick list here and is staying with her -son, Mr. Wes. Hod;;i;r1,s.—air. ,fohn English,pasffied away on Monday even ing, after only a few 'days illness caus- ed by having a fall several weeks ago, when he fractured several ribs. He had apparently recovered and was able to be out, but was taken suddenly 111 on • Sum ay. Two doctors were called on Nfonday morning, but nothing could he done to save bits lite. Ile is survived.; by 1-4s."'rife, who will have the ,sympathy of her many friends in Centralia. The o-entaias will be interred at the Grand Bend cenne ery to -deny (Thursday.) WHALEN. Barn Burned—Tate barn of Mr. Thos. Here, • Lot •3, Con. '8, ITsborne, on :Wed- nesday night,,was totally destroyed by- fire, yfire, together witch the contents, includ— ing a quantity of hay, implements, etc. The fire was discovered abeut-12 o'cliock but at that time was beyond ,control: The origin of, the fire w'as a mystery. Tire contents was insured for $500 and the 'barn $1000, BIRTHS Ferguson—At Anderson, ,Oct. 6, to Mr and lora. Ed. .Perbuso:n, a soli. MARRIAGES Aldrich-Twwed—At the Manse, 'Thalmegs, Read, Oct. 17th, by Rev., 0 ,Fletcher, 3 n'e rr• I s - 4Ad Mr. Harry rr I� z , na y Tweed; both late of Es:oo_, Eng. Van EJn1aid—Aikens—I31• Ilullett on Oct. 11 13e—tile, youngest dauo hies 011 Mr. Thos. 0ike.is of Boise City. Idaho, to A tithe 1y Van Egnio id, son of `Mr, and. j1>•e- Jas.. )fan Eg no;rd, TTulloit. Southcott--Duncan-.4t-Grand Bond, on CJ "r. 10; Jo;gar- Soutl:colt to ?4Ia•5t Dunaaii.. ----- DEATHS McFadden—In; Luc.: , on Oct, 7t1 Mary_toFadden,; a" -cd 87 ,yearn, T, .i N.I O j You will need New Suit or Overcoat We have a very large line of Sara pies of Cloth for Our Made-to- Measure Suits anc Overcoats Nearly� „ .�.. One Thou. sand Kind's of�.. ]��� ferent Cloths. 40 New Styles. We guarantee Perfect Fit and Entire Satisfac. tion Do not.wait un- til the last minute.. Order' Now We save you 25 per cent, on your Tailored Cash The Clothier E ete ik e A