HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-12, Page 4Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
1.0,11100Q11, ONT.
'7Regbtered last season upwanis of 300
:students and Placed every gradtate. SOren
3$)ecia1ly qualified regular teseherS. One
hundred, aid fifty London firms employ
tined help, College la Session Iron),
,Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time,
Catalogue Free..
Forst City Basies
sd.ft, College
Chartered Accountant. l•rincipal
Vice PrierlraL 14
ter buora
-Sanders a Creeott. Props.
IrnJRSDY, OUT. -12, tj
• -1:ntzeas'xtz difficulty is being found
n. Qbtarr an adequate supply ot
a• WoOi:lumber to the industries of
Cuita,da, The hardwood tracts of the
eastern 11-nov1i:tree for a long time have
to beer!. able fo. meet' tho demand, and
tt 1010 00 per ceat o th hardwoed
"osedj Canada was £roported front Me
United States. un.ited States, aitho
with a much larger auptuy a hardwood
ttaz4 ts also seeing; that the -annual
zz'onsumption far exceeds the anoual
•Irtawth, and that ttf.C. euPPly
raiddllf Tedlteedi HY Practical de-
tronstraticut ;AS been proven that
waste l4,nd g planted. fii hntd-
woods, will prove a pf.O.fitiablo Invest -
meat at to end of g5 years Qr More,
"11 'imprOve the productii,relle4s Of
-oundiin;,- 'farm land. In rthe eaat-
-tgn prwres of Canada and i Qat
,atio p ttlarly are lar ge tracts of sue
land, cove7cd atr present with, an unpro-
"Titable tree growth, wit.„.ich throuVi be-
roelcy or low rantr)t
'to treated 4,4 awre.ealtoral Mods, The
Wee"estry Branchof the Dep.:1E11(10 ef
Interior taking a practical litter-
io the farnter'et woodlote Ont-
- in au effort to. males other -tries use -
ss land supply hardwood -Ow -ober to ao
-eager market, with', profitable -returns to
'the wood. lot ,owiter. Partlee interested
tkia raattor wheitid correepond with
the Department at 0:taw:a, which al-
ready gIving practical assistance on 1m-
/1w:taut tracts. Forastess will he m -M --
by tho Departnteat to look over
"tracto or tbered land, estimate the
'quantity of rilnber, advi\so as to what
-eltes:ea to encourage or plant. aceard-
log.o tiOa locality Anil general corulit-
lris. and •suFgest a general working
Van. Sach. se:eat.tflo itnowledgv, the re-
ot former investigatious, will be of
'benefit to private owners and
should be
after at once.
"Can tdt"s coesua• boeun n 3ue
'has be'm er1ed, trit r",^
• w'Ot he made pular,- al -ce
;the returns are in. from Yukon and
'Woe:en-West districts. The total son-
"odation will be well under eight Jull-
lions, Toronto and Montreal have made
"the lart--)est ga!tas populat.ion, the
'Torino. having 1119 greatest 'Ilreellt'lL;0
OE Raln xt lltnribers. The Maritime i'rev-
4,ieNt Brunswick and Nova'Scotia
ztave not grown., as have Quelace and
ebe other provinces. but that they have
uore than heal t-rtelr own is about ala
strone, aa the 'ensu s officials will put
It. In Or.tario the population 'of tbe rural
aalstrlets has fallen off, notably in west -
,e -en Ontario, front whielt there has been
large m'grution to the West
Iltrl last census. This has been partly
oZtset by a great, increase or populaii2n
• Norent Ontario in tihe rout'
ot Nip'aale.e. East and aVest
.A.,...gonta. and Rei.ny Rive:. and Thunder
May, whie-e the populat'oli has mon?
"tbart dauleel; All the Westero Provinces
•-show ga:ns, the largest percent-
age or g oredtted to 'Alberta
-Thets of r,lIn'tipeg and Cala'a"Y
show the largest gains or any or ti -a
W estern citiez.
'SIT- James tney la'd the corn-
''s..ttarie o t admix,istration building at
the Provincli px-ison fa.rrn at Gueiall at
'week. 74 -ere ar2 ,now 225 prisoners at
work quarry'rtg stone, working in the
rano Plartt and 0,1 ,roads, actang asb-o2Id-
ers, laborers, and engaged in farm work.
"Tbet-e are 100 cattle on the farm, and
*,z'ons:derittir the dry weather there was
ts„. good ;crop ihArvested.
"During- the fall and 'Inter months
Vo.rmers have, rno're time for reading
mad formIng plans tor luture work. T,3
"plan. successfully for° tihe future the
tarmer should make a study of past
rcethods,—Whereln he has succeeded and
wherein he has failed. By studying
vrhat be has done he, Is' in) shape to do
ofireitter ia the future.
Reciprocity seems to have entered large
"iy Into the life of the new Premier et
anada, 11On,, B. L Borden. He was
Tti.oTn. iin the Reciprocity year of 1851;
•"iieft the Liberals over Unrestricted,Rec-
riprocity in 1891; and Idefea.ted ttwLtb-
as over Reciprocity. in 1911.
It Is a pleasure to note that there is
.some el:right cetticiszn of Premier Bor-
talen's Cabinet. A selection of men'thati
would not rouse tine GlDbe and Adver-
tiser would be poor indeed.
-President Taft he's expressed himself
aaa beirag very- ;sorry for Canada, but
Ansi, expression of sorrow seems
-Act, 112.-ve beer. -the 'real thing.
'Premier R. 1.,.‘f Borden is the recipient
vgt two momentoes of ,the,r late Sir John,
• Iviacdonald—ittis arm chair and a
ailattlethorn wallellag stick.
air Grows Thin
Tce 10110V/111g is the aseport o S, S. NO., KIRKTON E,kIR,—The Kirkton 'Agri -
4,, Stephen,. Co -7 - tiW ninth or September cultural Society did not receive a tavor-
the names 'being im order of. merit. Sr. ' able deal at the hands of the weather
Iv, 'Edna AMY/ WS Eat/SZ, Seth : mart .year, it haviing rained nearlY
J. TV; Joseph Schwartz., ClIntoa Mor all day Friday, the'second day of the
Sr• til, Clarence Schroeder, C. Fair. consequently the ,sighl-seeing;
Morioele„ Jr-. Max'111, Wild, Andaine ,crowd was very small. Tire snowing of
WePorlshroeder, Earl ..stm.lt was exceptiOnally good , tioweVer,
$100 Reward $1.00.
Thee readers of this paper will be pleased to learn 'THE jk.N.A.1)1,,A.N B K
that there M least, one dreaded disease that science
Catarrh- Inarii oatArat Cure is the only positive OF COMA4ERCE
eure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being A CORstitutiong.diseztse vquires eonstitu-
Nana treatment, Iran's Catarrh Com is taken -int
ternelly, acting' directly upou the blood and Inueolle
as been able to cure in ellits stages, and that is
surfaces of the system thereby destroying
Srhwar121,' HiZ,n Melvita -weether •Ido , strength bY buildin-up the cons'iitutionan ass'it
ltIrokensfrire. Pt. II, Eertt Soh h; • •
rat Smith. P. T. Clarence 'Wild,- No- age, and In. some respects better. The
foundation of tbe diseas'e, and <tiring thertient
eonsoennz ra REsr, sa 000000
ex „ltats wh ;ch. wore brought In the ePoInclitlytahl°rrils33ct4llia7ir‘l'-0. pT01%%.1"erPs.74rtietttl'ersF tfYq: CAPITAL, $10,000,000
reeler, Eilber, Gordon Marlock, At- ,previous day; were -.veil up to the aver'- 'C'41 "
cure, Sendedfo'rlist tesertrmYee9,ate. that it failS to
on ttoll2-1.• Ave -age atteadancc 13 keathex "ye edltor" a.ttemi-
J. • '1104"),ner, Te4cl'e" 'Wt.'. the fail- this year, consequentlY the
your hair is gr, DrwlIng thinner and
t oner and cc aeing you artetiety g3 to
W. S. C01.6 a.nd get a large hot-
tsitt of Parisian Sage for only 50 Cents.
iS such a delightful, amd refreshing
,ressl,s-g inat you will Ittze to use ,t
egularly, , ' • -„,
,Pavislan Sago •I's guaranteed to stop
hair 'and itching scalp. to erad-
' vats, idee-tfiruff °and make the hair lus-
itrone 7-rtd radiant, 'or mono' iiracir-
There Is ,notining just as goad .as Par -
len Sage. See you get the package
,--Y11.41c, toe ntains ther4drl wFtt the Auburn
t. -
noni.nattot meeting on „Monday .nr.4e no.. being publts.led this
st fo: Ole Reeveship Mr. Henry Wit, tweak, ae plAr cus.tOrin.
-i• was cied, Mew by acclamation the tittle 7-year-el4
complete late Reevs Sweitzer's un- :SW Of Mr. Wm. wit,410 picking
'it:ed. term, 'Mr, Wm, Anderson was '13`e-e;:t nuts 03 SaturdaY; fell frOnt the
iso noinInated, lout resUlted f0,1r0r '1•TC" '.,4-ttO the crr.,:elt be;teath and struck.
'considerably and renderirr- him urcon-
Sundry evening us for several hours. Medical
eached an appropriate serrom ori
Q day a at once summoned and the little fel-
"oung Men" and next ,quat ,
eit, on "Young Women, o :g new clein;,?,' as nicely as can bee!**
Tae NV:ease Vaist giehigan sang
pieasing• doetk and have prornised
• sing agalin next Suaday evening:,
Tily and Martha Wind have
Detroit ta for' a time,
•AddressF,,,f.CITENEY& CO., Tolede, 0,
Sold by all Driv,„"gista: 75 cents,
Take Hall's Family rin5for constipation. of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will receive deposits of $1 and
TUCKERSMITH—TIze taxa), of. 1:Oho:I
Oarnocitar. on the 3rd eon, was skald to
;$0000, It eoiitaina leo acres:and is ono
of Mr. Willerf, rit"s head upon a Stone, bruisIng him
Mr. -Wat. Martin, a ilteighbor, for about
of the. litst in the Townsit/P.
D. Roche-, the new cretarY ot
State in tho. Borden Cabinet. wae tbo
t'Irst graduate of the Western, 1-731vi',1‘,
Ir. Hicks 4.4.5atnnr1y?;,Mettt- i,ty at Londart. .
ys c041ferOilee at Tottanto.
Coroner's jury ordered, by Drown ,,SycgoLIVRAT tOunc/1
ney Seager of Goditricia, utet ott net on 00- 2, 'with. AR. the members'
Tuesdal, . and. returnad. a verdict of present_ „4, are ;number of accounts
C•dental death, eft the Case, ot tbe were passed atter whietz ad.)04171Illent:
was. made 'JO Nov. 6th,
The Wel we.ather of the la
eeks delaying the fartuerS
StIng theic Clover and roOt
And 'Old egg F rom WhAch Wee Match-
ed th reat Charter,
Itichard Pnvoi io "The Tower et
L-ondoa" eoutii4o the histerle edinve
with the wretgutg of the great (*barter
from King John
King Jelin, it would seem, though Je-
gaily married to Isabel/a of Augou-
!erne. fen de,SPeratelY 111 love lu 1214
With -Matilde" or 'Mau,' "the Fair,"
the beautifti daughter of Robert, Lord
Eihawalter„ This lady, remaining deaf
to his entreaties, Wa,9t treacherously
tbt1uoted from her father's seitt at
ow by the Ulna's order and shut
u In the round Wiwi of the White
*Wei'. On this Fitzwalter made a
✓ ain attempt to rouse the people to re-
selt, but WII5 forced to fly to France
with his wife and remaining ehildren.
Maud once safe in the tower, King
John renewed Ws suit. but only sue.
cieded In driving her to utter silence,
which so Infuriated hint that he sent
her a poisoned egg for her breakfast.
and she. de ll early in 1215. A year
later her remains were translated to
the family vault at Dunmow.
'When the pews or tills crafty Mtur.
der. came to the eara a Fitzwalter he
forthwith returned to England and
discovered to his joy that the barons
were on the point of declaring war
against John. He it once placed hire-
ia their head. hoping, It Is said, to
combine Is personal revenge with his
duty as an English peer and is indeed
supposed to bave forced the king to
sign the great charter for the express
purpoie of humiliating, his daughter's
murderer. Thus from an egg was
hatched the great charter. Whether
, the story be true or false, it is a cer-
tified historical fact that the barons
held the tower in pledge till .Tohn con-
sented to accept the charter and af-
fixed his reluctant signature to the
About a year later, when the war
with the barons was at its height and
Sohn once more a power, the tower
again fell into his hands, and, though
the barons laid siege to it, they were
repulsed by the king's men. To com-
plete its strange vicissitudes during
this strenuous reign the tower became
on Nov. 1, 1215, the temporary court
of King Louis of France, Whom the
rebellious barons had summoned to
assist in the adjustment of their griev-
ances. Appearing before the gates
with a large body of men, he so com-
pletely awed the officials that they
handed over the keys withont striking
a blow for their rightful monarch.
A Stream So Crooked That It Double
Crosses Itself.
There is a stream in blassachusetts
Called the North river. It starts in a
pond near Hanson and runs to the sea.
at.Scituate. It is ten miles by air line
from Hanson to Scituate, and the river
Is forty miles long.
• This -river is probably the most re-
markablebody of water, barring tile
Dead sea. on this footstool and has
stood more abuse and bad language
than the Chicago river. When the tide
is coming in the river runs upstream,.
and not only that, but the upper part
of it. which is fresh water, also runs
up, and the spectacle of a fresh water
.river beating it uPhill.is alone enough calf; 2 &tears 1 Yr- old; 1 heifer, 1
to call attention. to itSele. But there IS yr. old ; rslor!ng calf.
much more to it than that. Pg.—Sow wt,fh
• The gortlf, river is noted for being Implernents.—MaSisey-Harris binder, 6
the scene Cif the last Indian' raid on the foot cut; Massey-Harri,s mower, G -foot
coast settlements. , It is notable- for ,cut, new; 2 walking plows; 2 2 -furrow
having given birth to the ship Colum„ [plows ; set diamond harrows; disk har-
; Wisner ,seed drill; Massey-Earris
bia, whose ca.pMin discovered and
colt.:Va_tor, conlbined large size horse
named -.tile, COhmabia river, and was r ' site el land roller ; 2 scurflers;
thefirst American vessel to circum-
Cratan Tann:Agmill, root pulper, 2
navigate the world. It is notorious for I -
buggies, 1 nearly new; cutter, 2 farm
having "giiddenily changed its mind on wagons, 2 sets sleighs, hay rack' new;
its course on the night of Nov. 27, 1805, 1,2 stits-ar kettles; set scales 2000lbs..
when it Moved itS MOUND three Miles to wheelbarrow; 2 sets double harness; 2
the northward, presented the town of sc.,i,s s:nzrle narnese, ,1 new; Threshing
Marshfield With a' deep harbor, killed outfit, coinpAzililig 17 horsePower Saw-
three- men and converted about 200,000 ve'r-masse7 r°1n•P°11nd trart2cm engine;
acres 01 Prime meadow land into a salt new 'A.crle-llenge separator;
box; rapid easy grinder, buzz
' saw; water tank; with wagon ropes and
Eut the chief thing about this 'river. p , D .
saJny c n, ;_brn aneu-b
ict.oi:kse d.tba
erooirtte dlidu
esso„bTieh I sre.orissveesr . a iarg,, ..numpoultry
ber or ;;f
itself. obwle, chain's aliAki articles, to6
If you don't ,believe It go and,. numerous to mentioh.' ' -
There is elle, P.,14.ee ta Hal:Myer whete erreey,e-r-All sorn's f-$5-00 and underf,
bv making-trie loops the river moves csh e tha amount; 22 ^..nri,or4hs
'toittapt.:;#1e4C,* for a d'Istance of al -1 c.-ed't,,,-tfiti be given on. 'farnisite`fnJ
'1'401 'filliitte#it' and. "meanders' .about o td jen.noes.. 5 per ceet,psr4A
for -fi'f' tee- n" inilesin doing it. --Boston - ,ca9.1; credit anrvan,ts.•
FfAFOATI-1,--Afier an illaese
weeks, irtio tiNttla or 0, 0, Willoon
• fpr"%rfitt•knOwa TSdeOt of this
town, eccurred at Wee tome" to PORMR,
00 Monday. For rwtny years Mr, Will-
son 'as a nrom7neut business Matt of
Sesforth, being en ed in the seed anti
fcd business wad latterly dealing -ex»
tenslvelytn intplement 44,a tarm.mach-
fiery- About WA years Age' lie :Moved
te DetrO!it. .
Sure Signs
If your back is canatantlY aching and
:f you “Perionea dull shootin,-7,
't your tirlee is thick arid cliatidy or
your ptssages trequen,t, scatltif Alla Path
your E.'idottey0 and Bladder are out
or order. Neglect
!clay briegs on
uroallern, (Ha-
tes. luatbago,
Pills are guaran-
teed to relieve or
Your morteY back,
They are the
world"s greatest
specific for kid-
tey and blidder tremble. All druggists,
10e,beer, •ar postpaid roam the propriet-
e-s, Te Ft. T. Baoth Co. Lirnited, Fort
Erte. Ctrit. Free trial on applicatipli.
Sold and guaralitted in Exeter by W.
S. Cole.
Auction Sale
FARM sTacii: faua IMPLEMEMS, Efc
on LOT 23, CON. 0, STEPHEN, on
SATURDAY, ocroaza .,21, at 1 p.m.
Horses-1aged horse, 1 general pur-
pose colt, n -yr -old 1 2-yr1eld filly,
s'ed by Indian Clef, 1 sucking filly,
s'red by BO.
Cs.tt1e-2 cows in calf to thoroughbred
bull, 2 cows lately calved, 1 two-year
old steer; 4 one -year-old steers ; Ono
1 -yr -old Iteiler; 5 stcyr calves.
1”gs-1 store hogs weighing about
111) ibs; 1 brood sow, due to farrow
Nov. let, Hens—About 40 hens.
Imglements—MeCormick 11,inder, (l-ft.,in
good workimr arder ; 5 foot Dearing' mo
wor; 10 -hos combined Sylvester drill;
Massey -Harris cultivator ; Massey -Har -
"s corn cultivator, With bean puller and
field cultivator combined; Clinton Fan-
nIng naill, Massey-ITe.rris scorner; tur-
nip Frost & Wood gang plow; set
L0 diamond harrows, waiking plow; land
roller; set scales, 2000 lbs., nearly now
pair lxibsleirglio, nearly new; lumber Wit
g,on, covered buggy; hay rack; puiper
gravel box; Freat and, Woad hay rake;
DeLaval separator, nearly new; set of
double harness; disc harrows ; cook
stove, heating, stove and other articles
too numerous tjo, mention.
Terms—All sums of ;$5 and under
cash; over that amount 12 months'
credit will be given on, furnishing are
peeved joint notes. 5 per cent. per
aninurn off for, ca,Shi on credit amounts.
Proprietor Auctioneer
• WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 1911
At 1 o'ciocksharp, the following valu-
able farm stock and 'implements,
Horses—Percheron mare 10 yr.
in foal to College Chaim; Draught horse
7 years old; draught filly, 3 yr. old,
:n foal to College, Ch'unt ; riDa.d mare 11
yrs. old in 'foul U.() lYr. Szoolatt ; driving
mare 3 Yrs. old, in'. 'to's.' to Dr.. Smolatt.
Cattle -3 cows 'supposed to be itt naif;
3 2 -year Old bre3fers, suipposed to be in
To All Women—I will send free with
full instructions, my home treatment
which positively cures Leucorrhoea,131-
ceration, Displacements. Falling or the
worob„ Painfull or Irregular Periods,
Uterine and ovarian Tumors or growths
thso trot Flushes, Nervousness, Mel-
'tnr%oly, Pains in the Head, Back or
a -p4 Bladder troubles, where
:i.osed by weakness peculiar, to our setc
Y01A. ean continue treatment at home
it a cost of onlY'labout, 12' cents, a week
MY book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad-
viser," als sn1 frE,P on r ea,ttest,
Write to -day, Addrese,Mrs,ik,I,Summerg
BoX, If, 810 Windsor,. Oat,
Auction Sale
.1fl4$tva.,1v; 0111.
pAT, OCT, 17, at cue the fellOW
1414r-diorses,----2 'brood mares, sup, to
beig foal, Rgric,; 1 filly, 2yr., agr1e4
1 -yr, agriC,i 2. filly PROCere,
the -1 cow, due time of sale, 1 re-
ed row; 5 coveg duei nMareb, and
AprU; 3 steers, 2-2,,r-oid; 3 heifers, 2 -
year old: 4 steers, 1-Yr-elel;
Hogs -2 brood waves, 4 100. -ib, .boge
10 shoats, 1 Beritsitlie boar,
A number er boas and pollels,
Implements—Lannber wagon, top t
Pilett buggy z aloighe, cutter. 1:4
twarly new.; mower, tateel rake, large 2,
rurrow plow, 'walking plow, disc.. eat*.
valor, le.W.1 roller, latarrows, scoffler,
4 drill, fanning mill. 1200 eettIes
root Polocr, 'grindstone, 2 riet heavy,
Oaraess, single harness, bay raelt.gravel
box, hay forks, ropes and dhzgs, Series
ehaleta, shovels, hoee, etc.
A quantity or fireteclass hay, 2 aered
rnangolda and tornips, a silo full or
good enittlage a lot or cut AtraW
barn to be fed: on, farm.
Cream separator, new; .steel range, e
iwating stoves 1 incubator an4 broader
2 hives or 1.)es and a number or bre
boxes, glass cupboard, nearly now; ex-
tette:on table, Pow, and a to a other
articles or farniture.
Terms -45 aawl under cash; over that
amouot 12 mos, credit on approved joint
notes, 5 Per MO. orr tor cloth- Aon tile
credit amounts.
Proprietor AuctionCeq
Oor Seven Colleges have been es-
tablished during the past SO
years. The largest trainers in
Canada, Owing to our connec-
tion all over Ontario, we do bet-
ter for our graduates than any
other School. You may study
11 at home or partly at home
and finish at the College. Affil-
iated with The Commercial Edu-
cators' Association of Canada,
It would be well for you to in-
vestigate before choosing. Ex-
clusive right for Ontario of the
world-famous Bliss Bookkeeping
System, which is unequalled- It
is Actual Business from Start to
Finish, and the Students keeps
same hooks as Chartered Banks
and Wholesale Houses. Enter
any time. Individual instruction
Fall Term From Aug. 28
Write, call or phone
Miss B. F. Ward
UpWardS, Ott which interest is allowed at curreot rateS. There is no
delay in, withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Sma.1/
deposits are welcomed. A234
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons„ to be
operated by any one of the number or by the survivor. A joint account
f this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the ,money
after death, and is especially useful when a man desires to provide •for
his wife, or for others depending upon hint, in the event of his death,
Exeter Branch—W, 11. Collins, aanager. Branch also at Crediton.
• ncorporatedigi5
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - K400,000
Total Assets Over $44,000,000
Has81. Rranties in Canada, and Agents and Correspondent i
Principal Cities in the World.
at al ranches. Interest allowed at Ilighot ouret rate.
Agents at Exeter ortbe Dmxtinion Government,
soN & CArttaNG, SolinitOrs, flITUR,DON 1AT wager;
OCT. eth...to NOV. 'i11th.
to potnts n Temagami, points Ma.ttawa.
to Tentiolcamliag and Kipawa., QUe., in-
ciusi,ve, also to certain'points in Quebec,
New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia. ad Maine.
OCT inttr, to tioNe. '11th
to Muskoka Lakes, F'ealetang, Lake of
Bays IVI'dland 11,faganaeta;vran River
L,akef'etd Madawaska. to Parry Sound
Argyle to Coboconk, LladsaY to Hail-
burL. P o t s from Severn to No rth
Bay inclusive, and certath, points reach,
ed by Northern liaviga'tion, Co.
All tiokets valid for return Until Thurs-
day Der. 142fs, except to points, reached
by steamer l'nes, Tuesday, Noy. 14.
, !Iv until 'Oct. lath,
ane, Wash: ; Nelson,' ; Vancouver
B,Ci„ ; Westmilnister, B.C. ;" Seattle, Wh,
'raciuha, Wash.; - Portland, Obe. ;, San
Fratheiseo,'Los Angels, SUn,irtao,g0,Cal-
,unctr,Mex'sco, cxy au 110.7
„ittz • ,
fu11 •Informateori°,;from
Trunk Agent,' Or address A.
CUP District Passen' ger 'Agent, at
r0..73nto, Ont.
gerit, 'Exeter.
e Public Schoo
And how about your School Supplies
The regular Se, serihblers, Plata
ruled, 7 for 2.tie.
The famous regalia pencil, Worth
2 tor fie. reduced Klee 100. a dor.
.Wator colors th. neat boxer .)
25e. crayons le. to litc. a box.
and Blue
for fic,
and Underwood's 111ac1C
Black Inks, 3oz bottles
The famous German proof slate,
wire edge or laounti fie. to 1,1e.
Collins large type pronouncing diet-
lonartert at 15e.
It will pay you to pay us a visit. We are in a position
to save you money, and we do it,
S. Martin 86 Son
sT., MARYs.—Tiloraas 1.); StaaleY,mag-
Patrate, died ort Ocl. thi, after a few
days' illness. Deceased was' a leading
citizen, Identified with every iMPortant
measure In tho late laistory of the town.
He held every po,siticoN ia the gift of the
town, to the beat Interests of the muni-
cipality. He bad a very large Insurance
business. He presided as magistrate ea
aTi importa.nt case the previous Satur-
day. A widow and five children, survive
4 ,
Our registration greatly exceeds that
or previous years, Why? Our school is
the best of its kind in the west, best in
courses given, best 1,a ,teachers employ-
ed and best in assisting graduates to
positions. Our graduates are in de-
mand. Business men ,state that they
are the best. In the past three years
we ,had eleven application44, for help that
we could not supply. We have three de-
partments, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Get our tree catalogue.
Commence your course at once:
' D A. McLACHLAN, PrincIpai.
Deceased was° •Iorm.
shift on May 22, 1,519.
dulpl Town -
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nab:.
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
"Fresh Groceries all tne time."
All kinds of produce taken
in exchange.
110,4 1/411114grk..--
MON ..11111111111;:
1.'4! Wit Ism;
N11111,414 1,41;
7. f , v..
. .
. :::. , :,,, .. •
•a .rox ''' woe,
' V411110111 . ittiliVin, •
Do you own a l'arkyte"
,or are you a Slave to ill
A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strongest
kind of insurance against the germs ot disease. it is a preventative against
epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the
year round.
Requires neither Water nor SeWage; can be placed in any part of your
home; cost less than a Cent a day, and lasts a lifetime.
Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials, Specified by
the most Prominent Artidtects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Cananian Hoines in less than one year.
Ask your dealer for prices, -
The "Parkyter SarliGarY Chemical Closet ismadein Canada by
.Parkerr-Mhyte Lirnitect Wirmipeo., Man,
Braiiches—Toronto, Montreal. Calgary' and 17ancouver,
ard is sold, by
Exeter, jOntario