HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-12, Page 31 eualgpsees ''sa at ilei ersestrettoreare so. °latah lartrydtast. OS C4,113 a __ CAlstAlekdk,, r. 54 Mrs. Grouch -Oh, is there any- thing` I haven't been through since. I married you'l Grouch (calmly)-- $clothing iii the shape of a pocket, certainly*. Man wants but little here below the standard. Everybody gets a rake-off but the consumer. Moral -Don't be a con. b'Inner., 'lite Buyiug Price of Ho S jilt WILLIAM ..1)01g$: cOMPA.N.Y. LifinT40 is probable that the practice ei -Sending out weekly therice which packers will pay for hogs the following week, has been the chief cause for the widespread impression that the, peace named is f,Xert through arrangement and understanding be- tweouthepackeze. In view of the recent attack made upon ,packers, a statement which will explain why ai• pricee is thus sent out, and the conditions associated with it, nay serve a useful: ;patr:iose. For the most part the cattle and small stock (sheep lambs a* d caives) which one to ba the Cattle Markets in orent� are rgein.ed for on a,rruwal. If tkae marl et is favorable, the drovers make a„ profit, U the market is unl`ayerablea they euife„r a less. The price of cattle and smell stock, therefore, is determined each market day by the ordinary teMpaitive eouditious prevailing upon public ariaritets, The praee which the drover pays in the Gauntry the next week is deternanted by his view of what be hopes to receive when the stock ie offered for gale by him upon either of the tnarketa in this city or in Montreal. The hog eitua;~tiQn is entirely different, After the mariner of well ,.. « eMt;ognaa*e3tl rtiaxket„conditi;ans, there Ilan beep ire public xazaark,�tat zri On- tario iipeo �Yhzoh: liege have been offered for sale. For, thirty yeas so. to Otl per emit-, of the hogs on the Toronto Cattle Market have been delivered on the market for one buyer, farad At a, price agreed upon be- fore the hogs were }shipped. Pive-sixths of the peeking heusee zu Coterie have not only not bought hogs atpon the Toronto Cattle Market, but they have not bought hogs upon ally nubile market, beeaause there 'Leave been uo marketsupon whaclt bgs have been ffered for 541Q. Who Union Stock Yards Oompariy at Toronto Attiction efl'e:new ondt#aw�m Prints tQ estaablieh a eompetiti tet open market upon which hogs will be +offered for ,sale,. Titne only will determine the slleenea or fAilnre, of We effort. Ae, therefore, nacre ., ngltaeh the packer pays for different Teethed, and under Market emealitions have established The pressure rat thee *intimate awhieh causes Buck peeking sssta.'bliebme sad bogs weekly IVOR drovers who slain is regularity, bre roe ective heUses lea to nae open sn arkcat for hags.therice had to be determined eireumstaaces than the, ?pea attic and small stack, ban developed the practice depend chiefly for its supply I ulaxly to it. To -establish a found it uCeeSS i.ry, at the i+ud of each: week, to of vise drovers the price they would pay' ,far bogs fihippeid to them the following week. This *intern is followed an Dean.. mark and Ireland, the weekly price, however, being sant to farmers in place of drovers. In accordance with these eondctions, the ofl1cere of than Company determine on, Friday afternoon of each week the price they will name to drovers .for ehipment the following week. This aadviee eove e a price free on cars of tho shipping 'point, or delivered into the yaa,rd;i art our factory, or fed and watered hogsdelivered on the Toronto CattleMarket. In .reaching this determination wo ars governed by our read - mg ing of the domestio and exports markets, by cable advices covering Danish and Trish, killings, and cable advices telling of the quantity of American' products wwhioh have boerxlanded at the various ports in Great Britain, We oleo have to interpret from these eeonditions, which tare eommolx to the trade, how tho itidgment of our competitors will lao „fleeted b them, aud what conclusions they will likely reach as to the buying .roe the will name .for the followingweek. Y a Y will name, we commeinicate it to drov- ers by telephone or 'telegram, to points East as far as ?ltantrea1, West as far as Ohatham, and North us far as hogs are raised in sufficient quantities to give weekly del voriee. In all the foregoing we 11Ave neither conference, lende>•stand ng nor' arrangement, directly or indirectly, with any other packer, nor have: e had,anystieh e:ounnection at an time during the: past twenty,years. I othepackers offer a higher rice, we learn of it through tele-; f g` , p ;graph or' telephone communications from drovers in various parts of the country, who advise they are unable to buy at the price we have named beeduse drovers from competitive houses aro paying; a Higher price. Each packer in the trade doubtless has similar advices when the circumstances warrant it. When such advices reachus, we determine our conduct by averiety of considerations, and we will, as will other packers similarly plated, refuse to follow the lead set' by others,'' or aceept such Lead as inevitable, as we may have a favorable or unfavorable view of the market. The effect of the decision either way is reflected in the volume of deliveries. If we or others similarly placed refuse to ,advance, :'while other packers are active, there will be a shrinkage of from 10 to 50 per cent. from the normal receipts of hogs. If we follow the advance, we will secure our normal quantity, with possibly some surplus added, It is alleged that the trade -generally await information as to the buying price named by this Company before sending out their own. ad- -vices. On reflection it will be recognized that this is not an unnatural course to :follow. By reason of the extent of our operations, the price seamed by this Company is known in every part ,of the Province, and. authoritatively establishes the minimum price which can be paid. For necessitous reasons no other house can buy at a lower price. Inas- much, however, as the aggregate purchases by other packers • represent ',roper cent. of the total deliveries of hogs in Ontario and Quebec, there is no reason why, after our price' is known,, a higher price should not be named by .some or all of our competitors, if their reading of the market differs from ours. As a matter of fact, this is precisely what occurs, and probablythere are as many weeks in . the year when our price is exceeded and we must follow others, as when our price is ac cepted and others follow us. We would welcome `'conditions whichwould establish the purchase asf-hogs upon public markets` on an openly competitive basis. If pack - DAINTY DISHES, Green: Tomato Pie. ---Line a pie tin with, a rich pie crust, then peel and slice thin three good sized to- matoes in the tin, sprinkle with sugar, then grate nutmeg on it, then. sprinkle with, flour, and lastly add little more sugar; then place on the top layer of pie crust and bake in a moderate oven. Year delicious, French Cream Pie: Two eggs well beaten, three-quarters cup sugar, one cup sour cream, two ;ups raisins chopped fine. Mix all together and bake with top crust. ,Served with whipped cream is de- liei*aux. Potato Forte. -Two cups white sugar, one cup butter, four eggs,; one-half cup milk, one cup cold po- tatoes, gre.tedr rice teaspoonful each -of cinnamon and gloves.. one- half cup chocolate, two cups Deur, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, One cup almonds, Blanche and ehop almonds, beat eggs separately,. adding whites last. hake au shale Bawl Pans in a moderate oven and center with frosting. Slacker Dried Cart.. -Ear bettor !hate, Banned eorn and easily made in atly home. Vilest, it is not 'woes - 5 to eat more than you wish to ve it,” as is dome when a can, Belied. Cleat the'teps e£ the ker,, first anal then serape loath,. t no ehatI from the nob be irz 'the ,e+rx. and that all cern may be used, especially the. lams. NOW' spread e y' coma upon earthen or enamel the plates and place ie :a hot even, stir rang end keeping the heat just bee Constipal ion is the root of many forms of sic/mess and of an endless amount of human. misery. Dr. Morse's Indian , Root Pills,k thoroughly tested by over fifty yeas of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 25c. a box. e .. teaspoonful of soda to a of the wafer. In the morn - g hour off irt as: u water and wash toda well, then..beil in clear water untie tender, then add salt, a pint or more of tomatoes, an onion cut fine, a teaspoonful of chili powder:, aid at generous sliee of butter. Cook all together slowly for ail hour or more. Shad Roe Salad, -Boil the roe in salted water for twenty minutes clad set it aside to cool, Wheri it is cold ceref aIly eemcve the skin and eut the roe irate thin slices. Ar- razuge a bed of lettuce leaves in a salad bowl, lay upon it the slices of roe, whieh should be disposed to overlap each other, pour over them a mayonnaise dressing, and serve. low the browning plaint, In less :Staa.ffod Cabbage head. ---Flt b if dozen of the outer : i twwg late;, off < out tea a o than an lac tr the slice On >? « .. ^9 R1 ,d cabbage - of 1. -a c b ab a, medicare x .. aa al sl , leaves es rn m eQ arra be p,laccd on. one, t<Qntanato hugplates azul dryiug unfit as and put aeitle, Chop half of the head rat eabbaga and mix with two slices of bread which hats been caked in water and squeezed eaut, e onion chopped, one-hali polled fiPark. sausege meat, one egg, salt and pepper.. Jut cloth in deep kettle, lay the miter leaves in cloth, and fall with above > mixture, Tie cloth and boil one and one-half hours in wilted water. This has the atpperara.uce of n boiled cabbage and is appetizing. an plaeed in ttu a►veu as be managed in u. day. If *an- te spread in the and then ,place in cotton c and hang near the range, I ee in some dry closet et . The cora ahoul(' not be boiled at all but cut directly from the gob as soon as conveni- ent after being taken from the stapes. This is tanivcnient to handle and is far more delicious than eanned earn, Apple Dumplings. --Three apples, rather tart, pare, halve and core. Crust; Two cups of flour, one heap - teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt, two heel/tug tablespoons fresh lard or butter, sweet milk to rake a dough. Sift four, baling powder, and salt together, out in shortening, and, with a mixing spoon stir in the milk, Boll to about one- fourth inch thickness and wrap each half of apple and place in rather deop pan. Take four cups of sugar, ggIe one 'tablespoon flour, one table- spoon butter, and nutmeg to fla- vor; mix together and add ono quart boiling water, stirring while r AVOBITE' DISHES. Caramel Filling—Boil one cop granulated sugar and one-half c+.ip' of water until it form; a soft ball in a cup of cold water. Pour this. into the well beaten whites of two eggs, add one teaspoon caramel syrup and one teaspoonvanilla; beat until cool USEFUL: HINTS Winter squash should be soaked for two' or three hours before cook- ing. Always put it into boiling water, salted slightly. Sweetbreads parboiled, rolled in seasoned crumbs and toasted over the coals, are delicious served with a mushroom- mdse, The addition of F„ generous pinch of sugar to all boiling vegetables, except potatoes, gives a flavor which; once, tried will be repeated, Noodles cooked in boiling salted water and then drained are delicti- oris if served with a sauce made of brown butter in which a generous amount of very fine bread crumbs have been cooked. In making fondant for candy, if it grains, Yen a have boiled it too g ,. w i;. long. Thetliifi+:ui,t�. may be reme- died by adding a little more water and boiling it again, It is a wise plan to make fondant the davbelore yon snake the candy. If bread crumbs are te be kept for any+ length of time, put theta ill tightly corked wide-necked het - es or hi tin cans, taking ease to leave the crumbs perfectly cold apd dx3 when put away; otherwise they will grow musty, if not mouldy. There is nothing better for a cold than easter oil, and a very simple. way to give it to children is to Blake pan of molasses' candy and add plenty of castor oil' to it just before renaming from the fire. The taste of oil in it cannot= be detected. A. delicious appetizer is a cheese eanape. Remove: the crust from nieely toasted bread, and cut in triangles or strips, sprinkled g'ener- ousli: With grated cheese, seasoned with, cayenne and salt, and put in the oven till the eheese is melted. Serve immediately.. In cooking earned beef, select the day before you want to use it; cover it with eelci water; let it remain until neat morning. 13oik and servo and you will never cook any other way. Mock Angel Toad. -One cup mill:, one ctxp flour, one cup sugar, two teaspoons baking powder, pinchsalt, whites of two eggs, beat- en stiff. Beat the milk to boiling point, stir other ingredients to gether several times (four or five) aurid stir into hot milk, then fold into this the whites of two eggs, adding, then poor aver dumplings already beaten. 1)o not flavor in pan and bake one-half to three- cake or grease pari, but flavor ie - quarters of an hour in rather hot; ing. . This cannot be told from a oven. Baste with the saucy around real angel food. dumplings when half i g:: if done and let Cleaning Fish. -Cut all; fins, ,slit bake a nice brown. Serve with and draw, insert finger in opening cream either whipped or plain. and rub up and down On a potato These are splendid. grater; no sore fingers or flying scales. To skin large perch cut all SPECIAL ,DISHES. fins, slit down back, cut head across P the back of neck, and draw down; Stuffed,„ rigs. -Steam for one takes entrails and all; quick and hour dried pulled figs, remove one simple. To fry, dip in seasoned at a time, clip off the stem end, flour and fry in smoking hot fat. open, and press in a marshmallow. Custard' Cake. --Custard part Itoll in powdered sugar. Three-quarters cup grated ehoco- Chili Beans. -Soak pink beans late, three-quarters cup brown over night in 'water, to which is ad- sugar, one-half cup milk, yolk of an egg, mix all together, cook in a double boiler, let cool. Cake part: One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two and one-half cups flour, one-half cup milk, three eggs, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon vanil- la, bake in layers. Filling: One cup powdered sugar, two 'table- spoons butter creamed,, two table- spoons hot coffee, two tablespoons chocolate, one spoonful vanilla. Southern Graham Bread -Two- thirds of a cup of brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls of New Orleans mo- lasses, one and one-half cup of sour milk, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one level teaspoonful of soda,onelevel teaspoonful of salt, two cups of graham flour, one-half cup of seeded'. raisins. Bake in a slow oven for one hour. ers could buy hogs after the same manner as- cattle are, now bought, they would always have the measure of their competitors, whereas lander existing "conditions we have to guess at their measurement. Moreover, when we desired to take hogs freely, we, could do so, and when we desired tostep aside from the market, we could do so. .Under existing conditions no packer can afford to break with his regular ship- apers, and frequently has to take stock when he would prefer to' leave t alone. The tendency under the present method is for packers weekly to estimate how high a price they clare pay, rather than how low a price they will name, for it must be borne in mind that the aggregate capa- city of the houses greatly exceeds the supply of hogs, and that practi- cally the _profit or loss of the operations of a packing house are 'deter- mined by the volume of business secure:a. Therefore,' when we are 6eeking to determine each Friday evening the buying price we will name for the following weak, back of all else is, the pressure which demands quantity of hogs, and the anxieti felt that if we do not name, as price high enough to command quantity, wo may find' our supplies cit off. The popular view of commercial sagacity would suggest that the •remedy for such (lifficulties would be found in an understanding being: reached by ,greement between- .the;, packers. The significant fact is that the pacJ.:ers have refused to do so. Probably no business in Canada' is more completely free from either the letter or the spirit of wrfiat is known as a Trust, than this much -abused packing business. he real relation of the packers to the hog industry has been an hon- , rabic one of high merit. 1114 Ft Has the "Black Knight" come to your home? Let him show you the quick and easy way to shine the stoves. "Black Knight" takes, all the hard work and dirty work out of stove polishing. It's a paste -so there is no watery mixture to be prepared. Just a few rubs with cloth or brush brings a mirror-like shine that "you can see your face in". And the shine lasts I Most dealers handle and recom- mend "8fackICnig},t" Store Polish. if your dealer cannot supply it, send roc. for a big can -seat postpaid. TIRE F.F.1 ALLEA"CO.iamr ED, Hamilton, Ont. 13 seferi ate. jcu w p'2 In r" shoe Pao. MAKIND SAFE INVESTMENT FARM MQRtCAOES' *9 HAVE SOME VERY WE THE STANDARD ARTictiEq SOLD EVERYWHERE ovraina t sat •J! ltdl fN,4rA” 1.1.4q,4• Or, „e ,." SI� ent)lI;�riis �jeaeirus: "f.. ,f flfl If1u1u.11 tr+P At Pf e. .Est y rt �NPiitPlff4g r:tlUi. l e• '11 fP u a I.ftl iI tt1 a ott 4114 01. IltttPi .. l;neript� If S 0lil EIMOILLETT COMPANY T RONTO QNT to lend lm $1,00 1, Ills farm is worth now stends and the interest 7 per cent. comes to tach, a small aunt thee there is no danger thee he carte to pay it. 'I certaiale and oke m 7 , wwlli don't the inj k ;vnw d to lace his e oaf the att. • 1IVVESTME'NT« tC FEA 'ORES. The Personal' Element Which investors Often overlook Makes the PeYrnent o interest Soynetimes :of Daubtttat Curtain• tY-r'ho Dentler of Having a Conscience. CARAMEL CAKE. Beat one-half cup butter to a cream, acid gradually one and one- half cupssugar, the yolks of two eggs, end one cup water. Add two cups flour and beat for five minutes, then add three teaspoons of caramel' syrup, one teaspoon vanilla, and another half cup flour. Beat again thoroughly and then stir in care- fully two teaspoons of baking pow- der and well beaten whites of two eggs. Bake in three ;layers ina moderate oven, Caramel Syrup. -One-half cup granulated sugar' in an iron or granite pan, stir until sugar. 'first softens, then melts, and finally: be- comes liquid and throws off intense smoke. ' It really must. burn. Have ready one-half cup boiling water, remove pan from are, add hot water, stir rapidly and boil un- til you have syrup. This is enough for three' or four cakes. The articles contributed by "'Investor'. are for the sole purpose of guiding pros- pective investors, and, if possible of Otte - in them from. losing money thr'rurh lacingn it iu "w1Id•cat" cnterpriees. The impartial and reliable character df the information. ;may be relied upon. Tho writer of these artiolcs and the pal licher of this passer have no interests to servo in conueetion with this matter other than. those of the .reader, Turning from generalities to the nppli• cation of the principles of investment laid dew)" in the earlier articles of this seriee to classes of securities we will take up in turn the chief paints to be eensidered in eonneetion with the various forms of 'promise -to -pay" investments. Readers will remember that investments are dividedinto two general classes -- equities and promises to pay. Eianities consist in shares and stocks of various companies, These aro never repayable. Promises to pay, on the other hand, are. securities 'wliieh represent a sum of money borrowed. by the person, manic: malty.. state or .company issuing them, and: aro repayable after a definite period of time. Under this head are bonds, de• bentnres, mortgages, etc. In this class, the most important in Canada are ` real estate mortgages, mu- nicipal: industrial' :company bonds and railroad equipment bonds, and provin- cial and; Dominion loans. - The best known, of course, are real 'es tate mortgages. 'It is quite superfluous to enlarge here on the details of the form of a real estate mortgage. Its usual forma consists of a promise to pay the amount of the loan at maturity together with a certain amount of interest on certain dates. It ineludes also a transfer of the property mortgaged, which, however, is nou•effective, unless some detail of the conditions of the mortgage is not ful. filled—such, for instance, as the payment of the interest. The question of real estate mortgages as investments, however, is a matter which relatively very few investors have a»proachecl in a full enlightened man. ger. The average man figures in some such way as this: "will Smith wants me dozen tett at #lie Iaersoia Aiaukia; thea mor 850, It must alware .be borne lu ailflcli that; xuortgage to tae of any wires teat the property be It til value by the work, es: a. r, ndiwltitAal ttw w4liotn tile axoney re, pt up to le, =et the; stt loaned. If ho is a csrreful.:progressivo mau, who Icas borrowed, perhaps to improve his farm in a manner whieb will make it more productive, this question flea not be enquired into further. If. however, Ile is it manwhen earelesSxxesa IAds got him into financial difficulties, he ratty let his /term run down, in a few sears, to saolh an extent, that, even if ago were to foreclose the mortgage, there; -would be to very email value, and even that might not be gat in the event of a forced • sale. Tbe safety of interest does not depend altogether on this point, S bad year rosy result itt the farm being run at a. net loss and the farmer may find it dlmeult,1 or impossible, to meet the interest. This' i point Is where the rural"note shaver" makes lire money. The eetrage investor,, however, is not eager to profit by forcing; a man to the wall. Perhaps 11e is a per. sonal friend. At all events it is a cold-' blooded thing to do to forclose a mort gage just because a year's interest is in arrears. And so, perhaps, you find it easier on your conscience to forego the interest until, next year, when in all pro- bability the .mortageo well be able to catch up his arrears. Perhaps the man, cornea to you personally and puts his case in, a strong way, persuades you to let him drop his payments for several years. 1'ou probably will come out all right in the long run, but the certainty of wont interest is in this way sometimes doubttul. . INVESTOR. Next week Investor will deal with other points in connection with mortgage. •iw vestmen ts. :EQUIVOCAL, "My `` good man, are you im- pressed with this talk about the effects of whisky 7" "Yes, sir. I just drink it in." In making bread rolls of anyi kind, roll the dough into a ball and then between the hands until it is, about three inches long. Some cooks make bread sticks by press -1 ing the bread 'dough through the closed paha .and cutting it off the right length with scissors. Some men are born great, some, shrink, and others never find anti. how small they really are.