HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-5, Page 6TOLD 11E11 TO RES Bill SHE COULDN'T 413T MRS, CHEPP FOUND A CURE IN DODO'S KIDNEX She suffer d froun litteu a Neuralgia and other symptoms of Diseased Kidneys -00(14's Kidney Pills Made her strong and heelthy. Pireril, -Vandreetii. Co,, Que., Oct(Speciel)—Oue more of the tirel, pain -wrecked women of Can- ada has found, relief and new life Dodd's, Kidney Pi1Is She is Mrs- Jos. Che', of this place, en ehe :lever tires of telling her neigh 'Imes of leer wonderful eure or sing ing the praises of the good old r reedy that brenght it about. "1 euffeeed from Rheumatasm, Neuralgia, 'Violent Headaches and palpitation of the Heart," Oheff etatee. 84y Imek ached, 'wee always tired and nervous and I 'led weak spells., My doctor told me to juet mete bat, that, was itis•,. 'what I couldn't do, till readiegaf the eares ethers led nee to try Kidney PiThs. e in, the hret dtaz'l`jt they Ite/ped 1 iSeen left my bed and eta* d yoediea.ry housework, Clokin all twelve hoxee of c Ridney Fills and now my eNtelleet. 1 reeorame,ed .y Pills to all $naQrlag narrow closed nlaees; ager phobia, fea.e ofnaper, places; astrae phobie, fear of lightning; flume - phobia,. fear of being aloue; patho- phobia, fear of disease; myso- phobias fear of contaminatien; sidercedromephobia, fear a rail- road travel acrophobia fear of be- ing et a height or 'coking. over precipices: thanatoplaobie, fear of death. It is to be emphasized that the pho bias ie question are not liormel fears, based„ as :normal or natural fears are, on some reasonable and j'estifying experieece, A. reasonable and juebeable uormal fear of lightn- ing might arise after the experience of having been at some time in a house struck by lgihtning. Other fears, sueb as the fear ot riding in a buggy after havieg been in a renaway, or the fear of avoy- age at eea or railway after a fright- ful shipwreck oe railwa,v accident a, more or less natural or reason- able fear, as the fear of hoodoos and giteste is among the superstitious r these accustomed to ghost stories .aud tradition ef goblin aisitation, These far, do not require reed brain fer their lodgment, ough the weakened brain may be more vividly impreseed by theta, To be regarded as eyniptoins of &se easo these fears must be grotindIess so far as influenees external to the breie ere concerned, They meet preeeed from morbid elate a the ,brein and illOt from properly exeit- g exterrial eatirtes. Thy must be s weedier to the individual un- peetilier cireamstances 'ebral dieterbanee and net feel" ecete::.to others aud 410 to .o3,14e5 naturally C'0,11,50 4.14riA fttld Nvome.n,' Timus f Canadian woree. via tell yea that Dodd'a Iiielne l'ills are the eme srerelief for tering weinen, KING 10 HUNT TIGERS ERO CIO US BEASTS SW,A-R)I TUE JCLE. Use E beat of et of trav521 1 Ther 0 ,en af aete wh2eh may these persistent idea that possees the fear traia find no pleasero in thoee thet have fear of close rth abeur asioned by Those ne on fling, plac es do not ealny going to church, and generally always sit near the doer ready to fly at the first alga of danger. Varieds fears may also develop in connection with the occupation of the patient: for instance, barbers sometimes suffer these attacks whenever they see a razor, or TA)hz: rapliera when they eateh sight of .their instruments, which linal/v neceseitates giving the occupa. tion Among v,•-ornen especially there occurR the fear ef dirt, contagion or infection. The countless bacteria always -Present in the air are the chief sourer- of annoyance. The patients are always complaining of bail air and are always throwing open the windows. Books are es. pecially avoided as a possible source of conta:.-,,ion. In patients with fear of injury they will throw away all Deq.ciles in the house o they will no more wash windows for fear that the glass might break and cut them. The intellect in these cases is not only undisturbed but may be un- usually good. Patients exhibit throughout apronouneed feeling of mental illness and frequently a clear insight into the morbidity of the individual symptoms., The more common of the various phobias as classified by Beard are as follows: Claustrophobia, fear of Is a HOME EWE 11.?at ANYONE, can use —Ty,/ deed ALL these DiFFERENT NglIDS of Goods ee--ee,-- with the SAME Dye used ONE.6YEfoRALL'iKINDe 0...VAN a.rer.,1 SlM.Pe,F,, to Use- P NO.cnanco o fusing:01n WRONG.f)y-e fOrihe,'Goods a one histdor .col. AB otorn from 'yoilr D ruttgiA E.' or ' D , gator. BR 633, Color Cdrd arid STORY Booklet I ft, 11 The .. olthbon,IZIellardson Co., ,Limitec:1,11„.,,I.o,,IttrettoL , OF GOODS aemt Brit; aj'alt uf Ne25 nts for the -King hunt in Ids high $ itext Deeember, "corge is in Nepal sight-seeing in 3 potana, Whm the king And :teen Alsitcd India ic years ago Prince and 1rneess of Wales the eliarajah invited 1' royal high. lieSS to Nepal And made vast pre- paration to proeide a royal hunt in his jungle preserves, but the plan as upset by. avirulent outbreak of lera in the reigon where the nt was te be, The disappointent was keen to the English' but not less to the marhura- 12, 'NT ON IVA:11310TH SCALE. ext December the .same royal personage win come to India, in the exalted rank of king -emperor and his entertainment will be on a corresponding scale of 'grandeur. No other pingles in Asia are as extensive as those of the southern footholls and marshy taral of the central, and eastern Bimalaye Mountains, They slvarm with wild beasts, which seldom tt,re disturbed, because foreign sportsmen are ex- cluded except when they come a'.; his highness' invitation. The sheet- ing done by the maharajah and his nobles is not enough to make an impression on the game, which in- cludes wild elephants and rhincee eroses, with many species of tige:s, mars, leopards, deer and pigs. In preparation for the king's visit a tract of this jungle, perhaps fit - en miles long and half as broad, will be selected, and all the beasts in a much wider area will be slowly and patiently driven into it by men mounted on elephants, making just noise enough to, induce the game to move on without alarm. By 'this means, in the course of weeks, twenty or thirty tigers,,. with other beasts in proportion, will be gathered into the selected area, which then will be surrounded by a ring of watchmen, with the ad- dition of fires by night. The space being so large and well supplied with the tigers' natural prey, the beasts will not seek to escape, nor even to approach the circle of watchmen's huts and fires. This state a things will be kept up uptil the tune for the great hunt arrives. SHOOT FROM ELEPHANTS. The sheotine will be done from the backs Of -elephants. These -state- ly Pachyderms 111(We, through tangl- ed brushwood and shruhbery as an ox walks through grass. Only a person who has seen them can credit the quickness with which they obey any word or sign of the driver seat- ed oe their neck, and he has to be on the alert to guide his bca,st so that the overhanging, branches of trees will not sweep the sportsman to the geound, , "Does your wife go to Carvice2 to se tvleat other. women., wear „replled 'Curnrox. We .. re 110,a- sraciontly eertisperou.s fe el' to e'd in olsIer to let other': "v`'-12:•-, titen see; what she wear" CToronto is second largest city, in anada. A CROP BULLETIN, Five-ye,ar-old Ella had been en- thusiastically engaged in garden work all the spring. She was espe- cially interested in planting seed, and watched anxiously for sprouts to appear above the ground. On day, while visiting a neigh- bor who possessed a sie-monthe-old baby, Ella was delighted to see two tiny front teeth displayed when the baby smiled. "0, Mrs. May," the little girl cried, excitedly, "the baby's teeth have come up I" Comfort for the Dyspeptie. — There is no ailment so harassing and exhaustiug as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and elle victim of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's -Ve- getable Pills a preparation that has established itself by years of effective use, There are pills that re widely advertised as the great- est ever compounded, but not one of there can rank in value with Par - melee's. HIS INTENTIONs, "Aro you going to start a ga - den next. yearr "I am not," re- plied the luckless amateur, "Next year, instead of burying good stuff, rm going to eat it, LOW COLONIST PAREiS TO TUE PACIVIC VO.A.ST. Vig, rho Vhtofigo, Union Pacific and North West- ont Line, daily front r;iepteittbar 141t to October Istkfrota all p.tinta Vattatitk., Punr:1411 toutio carS date,. eeeensi espeductiet galifor- nia Oars in 1'10mi:in tottris _sleeping can on through traina leArd elticago ,Nostlay and Thurs. clay ot e2 week. For noes, foldars and lull particulars apply to 0. It, lionaelt, AO, TOrtn,40, Little Turkeys,—'Take pork t - derhAns and cue lengthwise through the middle, being eareftil not to eut in half; fill with dressiog you would lISQ for turkey; Saw or pin together with toothpicks; bake for twenty minutes in a, pan in ineh there is emu water to ver the bottom whennkad. Make rtvy of water left in pan. Nice d strip of bacon aver top. TRY MURINE EYE REM fat" Red, Wank, Weary, Watery 1yes Lad Granulated Eyelids, Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sefl Murine Eye RemedY. Liquid, 25u, 50c, P.00, Moline Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes. 2e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eya Advice Free by Mail. durineEyo Remedy Co. Chieago, AFTER MATURE REELECTION. Wo would not care to be a steeple- jack or premier of -Russia. Cholera- morbus, cramps and kin- dred complaints annually make their appearance at the same time as the hot weather, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, ete, and many persous are debarred from eating the so tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and take a fewsdrops in water. It cures the eraraps and cholera, in a remarkable manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. ")3inks used to be daft on the subject of buried tieasure. What's he up to now?" "He's got up an expedition to Asia Minor to try to find the place where Methuselah stored his birthday presents," Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. If the drain in the sink becomes stopped up, remove all water from sink and pour in a pint or more gasoline and let stand; this will cut the cause of stoppage in a little while. It Bids Pain Begope,—Whea neu- ralgia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the back is the time to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectrie Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce a sensa- tion of ease and rest. There is no- thing like it as a liniment for its curative properties are great. A trial of it will establish faith in it. Mrs. O'Flannery--"Whatever are ye doing, Pat, sitting in front av the glass with your eyes shut?" Pat—"Sure. I'm just looking to see how Oi shaft look when I'm dead." en -nerd's -Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. PADDY "IN THE INTERIM." The habit of verbosity is a stand- ard characteristic of human nature. We have 'all met people who are fond of uging high-sounding speech. A gentleman said to -his servant Pat "I am 'going to town At 10 o'clock, and shall weed out the cu- cumber bed in the interim." "Interim," thought Pat, "that's a, quare name for a garden, any - "Is Mr. Sniith at home?" asked a visitor' who ',Came ',shortly after- wards, ' ``Yes, sir; ye'il find 'him at work .his elite/etre there heyant, an- n,onebecl Pat., Visiter (to little --`..`An.c1 were You . horn in India '"I, was." c`What part?" ``All of nae. of course!'' Ton can tell - growing s6ont, by if ?ho Were afraid epia Cough Oulekii -Even WhooPlog Gon !Sixteen Ounces of the Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy for 50o. Manor Refunded If It Fan& If yon have an obstinate, deep-sentee, cough, which refu.ses to be oared, get a 60, cant bOt,3 Pinex, mix it with home- made sugar syrup and start talcing t, In% side ef at hours your cough will be gone, or, YerY nearly so, Even whooping -cough is quickly conquered in this -way. A 60 -cent bottle of Pine, 'when mixed with home-made auger syrup, gives yoa 16 ounces -a femily supply—of the finest cough remedy that money could buy, s.t a clear saving of 0, Very easy to prepare, fug directions in.package. Pinex soothes and, heals the inihmo,ed, membranes with remarkalole rapidity. It stimulates tile appetite, is slightly laza- tiYer and hits a Pleasant taste -children take it willingly. Splendid for croup, asthma, bronchitis, threat teak, Old pains, eta., and a thoroughly successful reMedY for incipient lung troubles.. Pinez is a special and highly cement- trated compound of Norway White rine extraot, rich in gusiaool and other heedin Pine elements. It has often beeuimita though uever successfully, for nothing eisq willproduce the same results. Smiley mix with sugar syrup or strained li040Y0 In 4 16 -ounce bottle, and it is ready. for use. Anyone who tries 'nowt will quickly understand, why it la used in more home? ta the TJ. S. and Canada than any othep coughromedy. The genuinoisguare,nt to give absolute satisfaction or money r. tended, Cereitloate of goaralatee IS wrappe& in each package.. Your druggist haaPmemer wiu getitforyou, Ifnot,stinel, ' to The Pioar Co, Torento, On. MEAT RECIPES, Spanish Steak.—Take a flank of teak. Out off all the fat eed frY it brown in plea), of butter, lift out and put in a baking pan. Sprinkle with salt end pepper and fry a snited onion brown in the butter re:Peeling in the frying pan. Spreed onien$ over the steak and cover it with ean of tomatoes, juice ad ail. Cover and bake an hour In a slow oven, besting frequently. Make gravy of drippings remaining in the pan and ser 1;-4 piping hot. Fried Qhickeu.—Cut one or two mall chickens in half and dredge vith flour. Heat some lard until smokin,,,-- hots then lay in the chick - n, After the first few minutes °elk slowly, tinning so it can brown n all sides. When done telt° up and place on a platter, pour off all the lard exceptieg oee tablesnotai- ,_ P ibis over the fire agaie d add a, heaping tablespoonful of our, stir until it is brown, then -add slowly one cup of milk, some butter, pepper, and salt, and let ook five minutes ; pour over the chicken and serve immediately. JelUcd Veal. ----Buy a vcal shank r 20 eents, over with cold water, let come to a boil and skim care- fully, Add one medium size onion, a. bay leaf, small piece of red pep- per. salt and six whole cloves, Boil slowly till meat falls off 'bones., Take out the meat, strain licmid and let it cool while the meat Is picked info small pieces. Remove grease from the liquid, add to the meat, put into bowls to cool. Serve an lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. Be sure to have plenty of liquid. Mivard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Gents, --A customer of ours mired a very bad ease of distemper in a valuable horse by the uso of MINARD'S LEN1MENT. Yours truly, - VILANDIE FRERES.. NOT HE. The "Angel" (about to give beg- gar a dime—Poor man! And are you married? Beggar—Pardon me, - madam! D'yo think I'd be relyn' on total .strangers for support if I had. a wife 1 Corns cause' much suffering, but ll'olloway's Corn Cure 'offers a speedy, sure, and satisfactory re- lief. Avoid society_ if you would make a, study of mankind. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. New Bags.—Make begs of some heavy material such as cretonne or denim, and place your hammocks in them. Use stout rings on the top to close it or even button one side over with a lap. Make similar ones for your summer parasols. Never make your pieces bags of any- thing. except firm mosquito netting. You can seein' and save time. VOM s low she talks aft - of -wasting away. ED- 7 E 40= NEW IDEAS. Gingered Rice.—Instead of rai- sins.or other.flavoring in rice pud- ding, use a small quantity of pre- served ginger, cut in small pieces with the syrup. About a table- spoonful to a quart of milk is suf- ficient to give a delightful new fie - Screens and Porch Fittings, —In the fall when putting away our noreh furniture. for which we se- lect a clear day, the rugs are thrown on the line, the furniture and window screens are placed near by, and 'everything is given a thorough eleaning with a. hose. When quite dry the screens are lightly brushed with raw linseed oil to prevent rusting. This oil cl°eso%olH t it,Tevaporate.o— ScleO best way•te reduce mending is to guard against Von will find that one reason why children's clothes rip is because the seams are sewed with cotton thread which is brittle. Any dress which will be given hard wear should be made up entirely of silk. The sun and water rots eotton; but does not affect the silk. Frost Hint,—To protect your were from early frost drive poles made front broom handles or other eticks into the ground at intervals and stretch a clothesline front one to the other. When ev- ening, comes throw pieces of cloth or paper over the line, and yew: flowers will be unharmed. A 'WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An enainent scientist, the other day'gave his opinion that the mast wonderful discovery of 'recent years was the discovery of Zarn-Buk. Just think! As Won as a single thin lay- er of Zare-Buic is applied to a, Wound OT a, sore, such 11'1)1117 is insured against blood poison 1 Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill! Then, again, As soon as Zare-Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, it steps the smarting. That is why children are each friends of Zant-Buk. .4.gain. As soon as Zam-Buk is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed, This is why Zam-Buk cures are per- manent, Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zatn-Buk Com- pany and told them that for aver twenty-five years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Bult was introduced to him, and in a, few months it cured him, To-day—over three years af- ter his euro of a disease he had for twenty-five years—he is still cured, and has had no trace .of any re- turn of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at One. box-, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisetneet and a, le. stamp (to pay return post- age)., Address Zarn-Buk Co., To- ronto. ANKS AND " • III Bonds have the preference as safe and profitable investments. Formerly Banks, Insurance Companies and other financial concerns invested their cash sur- pluses largely in Real Estate Mortgages, to -day they are Purchasing the Bond issues of established and prosperous cor- porations considering that they offer the greatest security and best interest returns. J There is no reasonable argu. rnent to offset the fact that what is the best investment for the Bank surplus is the best invest- ment for the individual investor. g Write to -day for our booldet on Bonds, and Band issues we recommend. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LINITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO R, M. WHITE - Manager MONTligat.OlePace-tiALtrAge.ONneNtgee.) eNe.. - '7'171'. 15.1. CANADA BUSINESS coLecee cHATHAM, ONT. ONE OF AlEitIcAli GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Over 2,000 chilies positions filled In past Four Years, Some others just tillod;- 1. 11, HANN`, Iron) Newfoundland, placed with Saalc. !dialer. Co., Morale Jaw, a'd Steno. 51t SiU1U. steno, peabed," o Feral! Co. winitior. E. V,ROS0N ui;hpr„ with Ben Furniture Co., Southampton, Ow, VLOssIN A NOEIViON, Steno. And Blikpr, Can, Wolverine to,, chathana, IstILDROD AND• EttSON, Steno.. with De 1.sral separator CO„, winuipeg. R. 3, st,'OTT, toacbor, with Colle4e, Newark, N. J. The salaries of the tines shown hut wed; average ot-er SZO9 per tumuut. Ibe ettlarled of the six lore ehown average clost S".•04. Our etudeutd are prepared forth() big potion s where the 1)1K pay 1. of 411+4 LT ?AYs TO AJTEND 'PUR 11241'. Catalogue es tend of tho,Work: at Olathe:It. CatalogOo C4 tons °C our home courses. A.ddresa, D. Aie-La.c ULAN (i. fl. Co ere. ehltharn, On. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK nawsoN, HE KNOWS. . ' you want to sell a farm, consult um. 1-1? you want to buy a farm, coaa1c me. fr_aArVrin Ba0:a 11 o_r tthe" beat Fruit. Steck, gbt nu i _ upv.(,ies t Farms in Ontario, W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne _LA. Street, Toronto. ACIENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED, -A study of epaor Agency propositions convinced us tuat none can' equal ours. YouShvill nt ways regret it it you dealt apply for particulars to Traveller Dept, In Albert St., Ottawa. 1)tOY AND GIRL AGENTS: SELL A_P twenty-four packages of postcards for us at 10c. each and receive an Air Gun or Doll free. L. Bettomley & Co„ Mar- shall, Sask, NO TIME TO HURRY. ez TART TEA ROUTE TO -DAY. Send S postal for circulars or lac for sam- Nobody ever gets into trouble by 1 ples and terms. Alfred S. Tyler, 'London, exceeding the , speed limit on his Ont' Way to church. The Best Liver Pill.—The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over -indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, are a few of the causes. But whatever may be the cause, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills can_ be relied upon as the best 'corrective that can be taken. They are the leading liver pills and they have no super- iors among such preparations. CONTRARY. Gibbs—Yciur wife seems to be a contrary sorb of woman. Dibbs—Contrary! Why, 'When- ever I ask her to darn my stock- ings she knits her brows. Pain and Swelling seldom indi- cate internal organic trouble. They are usually the result of local cold or inflammation which can be quickly removed by Hanalins Wizard Oil. FREQUENTLY THE CASE. "What does your husband like for his breakfast?" "Anything I haven't got in the house:" A pleasant naeclicine for children is Mother Grave' Worm Extermin- ator, and there is nothing iaetter for driving worins, from the system. Mr. Homebody—I see, you keep copies of all the letters you write- oYl.' Y rwife. Do you 1c1413 repeating it to avoid r —No. .To. avoid 'cOntraclicting my- self. Mmard's Liniment Relieves , If a man's hope of a future lire' nes,ses fire lie hat no kick coming. HiGHTIV6ALK, sToc.K::6R2KEF, . Mernbor Standard Stock and Alining Ez+,;:ch trig() LIS-TED'STOCKS„Cp.P.RIED 011 OLisGia MELINDA ST., TO:RON: T 0 • MISCELLANEOUS. ITAY and FARM SCALES. Wilsou'S 1. Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto AWMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLL or heavy Lathe 35111s. Shingle Stilis Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies, The E. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Wns"'..' Street, Orillia, 'Ontario. GENTS WANTED A LINE POT every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. We have the greatest agency preposition itt Ca-nadt. to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply B. C. I. Co„ 228.Albert St.. Ottawa. A 5 ONCE -MEN TO LEARN BARBER XX_ trade, , export instruction, constant practice, tools free, always sure 'emploY- ment for a barber. Write for catalogue. Maier Barber College. 221 Queen East. Toronto. j 1 ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. s, In ternal' and external, cured withoul pain by our home treatment.. Write ut before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical to. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. is TON SCALE GUAR,ANTEED, Wilson's 1,.) Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consul) us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for anything sold in first-class drug stores to Dr. Denman, Ccillingwood, -.Oat CLEANING LADIES' WALIUKC 'BR ,OUTING :SUITS flan be done perfectly by our .Freneh process.. Try it, - ,EritiSh 'American Cyping Co. Montreal, 'Toronto, Ottawa and Quolace. 7; land Tor sv!io13. yo;i)vi'11-ucIP1aatmhIli to n+IY F5.t0 atnny ri..,tail st re, lt is extra wide, fully IGInc?hot 'long, In all color,.I.NiLhwillory flues offtrent I en gth. tha t do tot lose their ourl easily. Sendu, 5100 to -day for thi, j.ori,oppor• also an extra lnergineiajsu'd0e,Teroffee' touity not 10 be , Seri). P "le ' . . ' Si 50 la Ft 52 50 ° gew, yE,r'1;:, iclefs°Tarii-cfn_ theeFeather mi:CeeY. ,blinyeo: ttl. o')1 it ni 1 (:, 1.5°r:e1 1.71 ,5c,:13: ,io, v, rf;yol rooni. ey7. NY. trim 7,,,,,,„r,i),i‘s.t ,...., mor,,,yv,Hi be re. 4i.f a P:lat'VJ),‘3h,a Acticrt, theist on 'Zee' 11.771 die Mame) tessel. 15