Exeter Advocate, 1911-10-5, Page 5Professional Cards.. EO'1.JLSTON, L.D.S., tiI3,D,S DENTIST Member of the 3..0,D.S•, of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University.. `I Office—Over—OverDickson,Dickson,& CaT' 1> ?s's ?a'w office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. Mt. A. 11INSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, .., t3enor graduate of Toronto Univeriety, 011NTL.SSr seen extracted -without any pain, or any haus dem u. Ota oye:rxitadmaa ,'L Stanbury's office, Mau, -trees Lzeter Medicsal. n,. ft BRIll11T, ° SI, D., af, O. P. & S.. TIONOIL >"rdoa a at ofTo routo'University;TWO yearn" sidentphysician Royal Alexandra hospital, etc, -Office audResidence .0r. Ana-at:11d Stand. Andrew reet „EXETER t,etral. t61.f I0ESOit0ARI1N0, BARRISTERS, 601.3 01 tozaE Notaries, aanveYanCera Gommissio ern 8elicitors for Motsons Bank, etc aiotsgy to Loauat lowest ratoso nteres Oaken, Stain street,Exeter, R. Oaatzsrno B,A., L $, Diereses {'lat`ONEY TO DOAN. We have al"argeamount of private feeds to oan n faros. and village properties at low rates of tXites tet GLAT3M AN & STANBUItY, Barzlaters,Selicitors,5lninat..Exote Gln J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Lift'! Assurance Oomnany, also Fire Insurance in lead, itag ganadian; and British (lotninvWs. 3f ;in -fit., Exeter, MISS LIIs'C.,I AN EL[:IQTT CON `SOPRANO PUP11,.,S ACCEPTED, ADDRESS^-*CEN`GR.A IA,, ONT. LTCENSIrD si.D TIONLEER WM. ANl)EIc4^ri Lir-nflrrt Auc,tioneec' tor E urorl. County. Terms reaAot,at4e. Dates can he made al tr:e Advo:ate. Exeter. or TTenry k:11b?r'a Ottice. Crc`d Iron, T. 3. C LINO I -Ate. Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insgranco, Collectins accounts, and con- ducting auctlR;1 solea, — Exeter, OM. O. A. ROUZE3, V. S. Ora dunte cat Ontario. Veterinary CoT- lege : member Ontario 'Veterinary Med- teal Satiety ; ,treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals on scientific prin- ciplea modern surgery a specialty. Op- erations on 'Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- lstacory. Calls by day or night Promptly attended to. Ottice—)fain-et., Czoter, Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone In connection. FARM FOR SALE). The undersigned otters Ills tine farm, consisting o£ about x;i5 acres, adjoin- ing the town of Clinton, tor sale. The farm Is in a good state ot cultivation, a.nil as goad buildings, brick house, bank ha:•n, driving house, pig pen, etc. ;cit comparatively now. .,+.ttrat-class' you 1'; t:'ehssfd, contatnintr all kinds of tray, `c't'' 5nlso small fruits. The farm 1v w.'U fe-cad and drained and Is,n, ve.. Y desirable home. For further par= ticutrrs apply o'a the promises or ad- dresa JOAN TORRANCE', Cilnton,. ALMA Ladies COLLEGE St. Thomas,Orat. 'ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE OR 4171. 1444 fit. Labatt's Lager Now r 'eai P f I The on the market! TRY IT TORONTO, ONT., is recognized as "CA- NADA'S I-IIGH-CLASS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL." The isnstructioti it absolute- ly first-class. Write to -day for our catalogue. Enter now. Horses for Sale E have a number of first-class horses for sale. Call at the stables and see them. .te also purchasing horses that '""ai•e sound and in good vondition from 4 to ' 1,0 • years' of age. Parties having `horses for sale will do welt to call or write the undersigned. Phone 41. : M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. Z ATI{, continued real 1 DA,PRODUCTS. ! Butter in +tub, W.,Snitth, J. Decker, sr., I. Neeb ; 5 pounds of butter W. F3; III:lttte., W. Smith, ,.'Decker, ar.; Tfut- f •c: in pound prints ,j3. Pfile, M.Clark, A. fCcircher Homemade cheese, , Geiger E•; K1opp;, Loaf homemade bread, 0, Ciao dug. F,. Its'fie k> mars ctcd honey, Llaborer, SA". Snaith; hooey 3. Halaerer, ritualises, honey 1:i coma, 3, 1-laberer; maple syrup W. B. Battier, W. Smith; iper'a1 buns, '+L Clark. GARDEN VEGETABLES, White i lepant potatoes, -0. Seliroedc W, Solidi; Colorado red, A. Fester; umai New York, A Foster, W. Sm i th , Snowden l,_osvariety earl' A. Iteltxe Snowden I3roa. 3. Gaihnali; variety late li Ca s G1ma 1 Poste:, J. a? n G, Claus me ,can Woadet' potatoes A 1{aastea nzya.re, II. ICru;er, A. IRa.nta-e, 0,, Scl:- oeder; wlrite bearlR: G. C"17us'da.s, bS Clark; yellow corn, H. Ktrueger.,C. Oswald; blase sweet corn,{E. Klopis,W. f.. -Battler Yellow corn W. l3.' Battler, G. .C1ausius ; red onions, FI. Rader,. H. Well ; yellow, A. Itann:e ; Q. Clam, s'us's Dutch setts,: G, Ciausius, B, I'!Ie; field carrots, G. Schroeder, W, Smith ; garden carrots, G. Schroeder, svred"a'.1 tnlrnips, E. Rader, W. Snaith ; yellow globe marigolds, W, D. hotel?r, C; Seta#lbs; tart:" red naangolds, W. Stz}ttkx L. Wurala, ion;, yellowy mangokds, II. Krueger, C. Sceibe ; oxford cabbage, IL Weil, A. Reichert ; Drumhead cabbage, W. B. Battler, 3. Hey, sr; black Spanish "adtslz, D. Pale, L.,Wurrta; cauliflower, LADIES' WO,. Emb, tea cloth., Mrs. Wickwire, vias. G. Hess ; try cloth, D. Pffile, Mrs. F Wickwire ; centre piece, Mrs. Wickwire, T. Johnston ; ilgylygs, .Mrs. Wickwire, ;I. Decker, s' b o t 'sideboard 'd c. f E i k sale o f scarf. , Moms, H. Well; sora cushion : in stip, Kite Campbell; •Roman, Mra. Wickwire, firs, Fless; Jewel, `Mrs Wickwire, Mea, NV:cltwire, T. Johz.ston; feather stitch ink Mrs.. J. Forest, 1-1.; 1[" cll ; jt `aancY wok bag, ldra.:.W1ckwlre, T_ Jobnsloan.; Embroidery on flat -mei, i" Johtiat•t s, D> mile, embroidery work, J. Decker, el , /i, 14e11; IlonttoCa lace hands chief„ Mrs.. She e kwire, J. Jointatou; Pont lace col lar, Airs. Wickwire.Dattenburl; c:e:ztre 7'F i` l p, Forest, s., Garza,, ell ; .tloY?a q, Mrs. O. Hess ; tray cloth, airs, 'Hess, Mrs. .I s, . 'I, 'k reit ; sideboard. scarf J,` Deck - e:, sr„ tea cosy, :I1rs. S'S'ickwire lstalon battenburg work, Airs. Wick- w.,`: ee ; Tenei•iffe lace centre piece. k7, Koehler, J. Johnston ; Netting centre c e or o ,e ' hV' e ! Jol t b n Mrs. eY - p d Yi r4. 7l& I i 3 a , w e; Drawn thread work, Mrs. Wick - 'wire, 13: Prins; Collection drawn thread work, Mrs. till iekw1re, I3, Pflle ; Itch,- lila, Mrs. J. forest, '+1rs,: Wiek wire; Bulgarian embroidery, Mrs. Wickwire, 1I, Well, Pillow sham, B. Pfile; ,Sofa c ush;on,. J, o"Decicer, ar,, Mrs.t Forest; Fancy apron,„ D. Pfile; Mount Mfelick embroidered cloth, Mrs. Wickwire, 3, Decker, sr„; centre piece R. D: Jolzaaston, Mrs. M, 'Fritz; Laundry bag, crochet, FL Koehler,, A. Kaercher, Crochet lace cotton, '3'. Johnston, mfrs, wa' Heas; Cro dost lace silk, 11. Koehler, Crochet, lace t4:let Mats, Mrs. Gs Hest; Crochet table mats, llrs. WieleNVIre. '1leilickF Oolleetton of tatting, Mrs. M. 7s*with, T,,' Johnston; Hardanger centre piece or c lo' h, Mrs, Wickwire ; Pair knitted lace curtailer in cotton, M. Hader;; Pair knit• lace eurtahas ant wool, NV, Mader; quilt wallet: coarse W. Hader; Coverlet woven wool, W. Hader, Mrs.• G, Tless, Log,s'at' 'in ilu.lt eottotl, 3, Decker, sr,, Afro; Forest; 134h:t:work quilt cott*ail Q. tirwald, T, Jolmaton; taatehwork 4lbi1t a:Ik', 0. J 11ber; Craaywork (nolle silk, T. Johnston; Crazywork quilt cotton, T. Johnston, A. ECaerc ?er Crazywork rlu;lt wool, 'T, Johnat3:l, W, ?3, Rattler; Counterpane tutted 11, Well, W. F3 ` Batt le ; Counterpane knitted, J. Geiger, 1-1. Rader ; Counterpane crochet, T. Jahn- sten, 3. Pecker, sr„ counterpane etching work, T. Johnston, eounterpatie, J. Deck- er cape eroehet, :11rs.3Wtelcwire, T. John son ; Ladies caper knitted, T. Johnson carpet raga, T. Johnston.; hearthrug wool, K. Campbell ; hearthrug rags, K C;anlpbell, T. Jalmatort: flannel all -wont' Mrs. G. JIeas wool yarn, 14,,- Neel), W. Hader ; croeket cotton tidy, iters. G.Iless T. Je!:aaslon; knitted eottanilidy, H.Nesb Il. ; A.fgllan, A, ECaercher, J,13rown ; Cotton stock 1gs, J. 13asawh, M.Clark; hand sew:in3, 13. Ptile, ld, Well ;woolen stockings, tine, I3, Neat, 11'. Hader; coarse stocktn,a, Il. Well, W. B.13atticr Cho mitts, 13, .Well, 1V. IV', Battler; coarse nalltts, '31rs.,G..FIos», 1V: 13. Tlatt- le^ ; fanners' blankets, .F1. Neeb. W. Hader; quilt, H. Rader”, U. Well; elnb appl'4tue. Mrs, Wickwire ; flans: net :•entre piees, 0, lanes. ; table mats, I: Campbell. J, IIey, W, 33. 13'att1er; Dumpktn yellow, 1 13. Rader, W, 13, Battler; 'iallniotta pumpkin, G, Oswald, li, 'til, Joh;taton ; . elery, T. Johnston, II,' D' Johnston ; Squash R. Rader, Snowden. Bros.; blood been;, II. Krueger, W, Smith; root ed beets, tis", D.'Battler, E. Bader; water Malone, W. Sn2,th, I3, Krua ;er; musk - nae -ons, W. Snttt11, G. Ckaudus; :ed tomatoes, :Il, Krusger, R. Static; yen- low tomatoes, `<'F'. 13, Battler, Snawde;a OUVENII2 (NEW IDEA SERIES) certainly does s'ONM folks dread the winter--• • • because of the furnace troubles el 1 rn i nate it brings Antiquated heating systems are ser -I j Y1 taialy a nuisance, Dust and ashes, i La 3t i sometimes deadly gas fumes, all over the house. Or hot air like a breeze acrossadesert waste --poisonous. dty, health -destroying air. All because conservative manufacturers would not consider New Ideas in heating. The SOUVENIR furnace makes the hot air system the: healthiest, cheapest and best. It's built right—A solid, one-piece iron tire, pot ---tested and selected iron at that --and flanges on the outer aide ,to increase radi- ating surface, The grate Is simplicity itself—ashes easily dumped by a simple turn of the lever No place for clinker troubles. prom base ring to dome every SOUVENIR furnace is perfect. Mk for our new booklet. The SOUVENIR Furnace is mad; in Hamilton, the stove centre of Canada, by The Hamilton Stove and HeaterCo. Limited Snees cors to Garaor-TAden Company 13 bo*hers Every buyer of a Souvenir Furnace is presrnkd -with a legal band es date of c,. chase, quaran toeing f epof against cracks or breaks of atcy kind ' for 5 year:, 1 For Sale by W. i• AR .S FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that 'desirable 50 -acre faun in Usborne, being ` the South lialf Lot 10, Con, 7. Tli'ere is on the premises a good frame, house, bank ' barn and out buildings ; "ivro good wells water and an ever run- ning spring at back of farm. This farm is in splendid condition : and is nearly all seeded down. W:11 b3 sold reason- s.ble and on easy terms. Yo:' particulars apply at Advocate Office or to Jas. Earl, Elimville. FOR. SALE 'OR TO RENT • That most desirable farn`I:prtperty be- ing Lot 15,' Can. 2, Stephen, In the County ,of. HEu'an,, on which Is situate two ,good bank barns and a coannaod'_ous, frame house. This land is well drained and f ,iced, has two, good wells and a sp7i11 '„ creels, and i:s conven eat` to churches sc-'race and markets,, Ou going Lenan.l.'Leaves 10 ages sovin with f til . `yea 1,5 s of re'.,/ meadow and u d dors all ne ce3 'i y gang lapwing' her detp : o W_I agT' c r ;iva e particulars apply ,o R. I L= TEtOILN Eel•, Exeter or DICKSONS CARLTNG, N I3art s.ers, etc., E::etsi Northwest Lands. PAIIT OF FOOT ,TAKEN OFF 111;d13 ;FINE ARTS portrait, near Wickwire, Mrs. Forest; landscape, Mrs. 'Forest,T Johnston; 'water collar, landscape, Mrs, WV aekwirc,Mrs. Forest; portrait, Mrs.. orest ; flowers, 31rs. Forest, INirs.WV;ck w „e; pencil drawing, ,idrs. Forest, T. Johnston ; pen and ,Ink,sketch and paha- on telt, sante winners ; painting on, silk," 14. Well, Mrs. Forest; photography. J:' I'reeter, Coronation, B. ,Pile. James Weekes, Judge. FLOWERS Collection, N. Campbell, 1ti, B. John- ston ; Maple Leaf, T. Johnston ; bauttuet K. Campbell 1 and ,i; Geraniums, K. Campbell, Mrs. Forest ;Cacti, T.John- stole ; IC. Campbell ; calla lilies, I{. Campbell, R. B. Johnston,; also for i pansies and Suchaias, I. Campbell, R, Iia.. Johnston. J. W. Grayb:el, ,F, Hess, judges. SPEEDING EVENTS 1 2.411 class—Roadmaster, Tr., T. :Mur- dock 1st; Jack Hunter, C. ElUber, 2nd 1 AVhi'tewin;s, ot Goderith, fi rd. Fanners' Trot-1Vhi'tewingg, l:st ; J, Decker 2nd ; Ed. Boyce 3rd, FREE TO YOU Y SISTER FREE C YOU AND S TSOMMEQA SISTER w •H•j am a woman. know wonnan'a Sufferings. L have found the cure.. w311 mail, frea o$ any? charge, Day Nettle treat^ spent with toll instructions to any eulferer front women's ailments, 1 want to tell all women about this cure—you, m,y $ea'3er, for yourself, your dseugbter yeur4nconlut , er. )'our raster. I brant to tell Sou "how tin euro y'o arseif at bomo withour, ti.ofadoctor. Sten ancroeundelstandw'om elf ehe1 sniff"ernes,,, 11 t o om k330w from :ex- perience, we know better than anydcetor, l know that my looms treatment is a safe arra care cluster Leucorrhasor Whitish discharge, U1eeriation,Dis- piaceusentorPalllnt: o? theWoiaib, Profuse, Scan3y or Pa ntusPerIods,; Uterine or Ovarian aTunra3rs or Growths, also pains in the heed, back and bowels, ibearing4ownfeellrngs, nervousness, creepingfeef-, ins urs the spI ne, ,eaeluncholy, desire to cry, blot; 1iashes, :weariness, kidney and bdadate troubles ?/ where caused by weakness peculiar'..W our sex. 1wantt,asena volt aeowplete 10 day a treatment entirely free to prove to out at you can cure yo xaolf'stbone. staiey> moldy and surely, Remember, that it wilt Cost 08 xathir?ato ;ive IC3tatreatmenCtt,complete Zrgal.audfKyoushould wahtpcontinue, etwill cost . ,ouonly about A2 cents a week, orless than two cents a day. ' It will not interfere with year we* side x•et:cdliation, Justsesrd rceypurnameandaddress, tell me how' You sutler, ityou w ash, and will , ens. you the treatment for your case.entixel1,^ free. in Dainlap>er,s et1111.1mail. willalsoscotii,.eitfree of'costzrybook WOhA"SOWYhEleALA)viSErwithexpianatoryflustzstourshow lug whywomen sutier, and how theycarzeasily cure thecnsel'te at home. 1;7ery woaza,ussiaould have it and learn to think for herself. 5henwbenthodoctorsaYS-' louznustbas ranopera- or w'd; xthemselvesvti•'t i ld o o ^omen a cu d h .n ods # K h Cd Ikon " ^ou ecid o °ones lf, loosest? can- etr e d. 3 - ll utiters i d x a a ai;an gl t iso 0 remedy. It Cares eat, aid or young, To Moiters of a g r, 1 e pA a x 1 G zn treatwent which speedily andeStbetuadlycures LeuGorrhce;t, GreenSieki s . a,na lr,.nfcil er Irregular Menstruation le Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result fru as sr. dose wherever you live. I can refer you to ladies of your own 19eality woo know and witlglu ,1; tell any aufl'erer that thia tis reTreatnren t really ouresall women s diseasesand makes women web, strong, plump and robust. Juatsend mey,Uurs dress, and the free fen days'Ireatraeutis yours, also the book. 'Writs -today, as you znaynot see thi3after again, Address. 418S., M. StHiRMERS, Box 840 Hqt W NDS63r* x ONT., Special_ Demonstration of the ancellor olid others of the splendid lint — of durable, et =Meal, reliable and attractive and Ranges now on display at aur store -a demonstration that marks the= achievement in stove -making. Conte and examine t»io special poin. excellence --- he Oxford Economizer rut —a marvellous device for the control of the heat. It gives a saving of in fuel, besides economy of time and labor, A patent authorized owl,, c. i this line. The Divided Oven Flue Strip is a great economy of food. Ali danger of failure in baking is minimized with this clever arrangement for evdn distribution of leech. There is no better test of practical stove - work than this perfect oven control. Another advantage lies in the Reversible Grate equipped with strong interlocking teeth that save waste, maximum heat with less fuel. The Broiler Top—the strong oven door, are excellent features„— and these all combine with attractive designs inwide variety of +:ize and price. You are earnestly invited to come and inspect the Gurney-Oxfor•t line—for the good of your purse, your health, and "a31 the comforts of home." Mr. 'Boner, shoe traveller for a T3r- onto House, had the m';siartune to lose a part of his foot white at Ely th,Wednes day moniing. He was going northward on the L., FI. & B.., and when. at Blyth got off 'the train for a £ew minutes The train :started away rather sooner than he expected alad :!n a rush to catch it, he stumbled over fsomw express par- cels with the result that one foot was caught wide: die of the train witeeis and was partly severed. A surgeon was called and dressed the. wound and Mr. :Sonar was Removed to the Win Liam Heap Itch DWELLING AND LAND IF'OB, SALE.. ,That desirable property situated in Exeter, an the corner of'CWillitarri and Victoria streets, being one-half acre of • land. There is on the premises a good frame, house, with kitchen and wood- sh,ed, hard and soft water ,and a num- 1 bar of fruit trees. Will 'sell half of land separately. Price reasonable. Ap- ply to .Ivir. Peter. Bawden, Exeter, op- posi'te Engii,sh. church. • ew .n Lnr p awed I-.a^,d:a p Sa5ltatch and;Alberta for, sale. ' Pail i3' Care refunded to purchases. MONEY TO' LOAN. F'RNES'I' ELLIOT. CelitPal 'Ilatel; l ester, Offi4e-oppo': FARM WANTED TO RENT 5D acre farm with the usual buildings Any per- eo4 having such will ^leave application at 'this office. FOR SALE One of the best farina in Huron or 3t:ddlit cis, convent; -it to markets,; to churches' and schools, being Lot 9,. N. L. ' 13Lddulplh, in the County of Mid- dieser-_, acres. On the c le..e containing 1,64 prem s s are situate a geed brick - tone Dam-- , lrnnarts u hose e hese buns b dations 34a54„, 40x22, and 70x4.0. good ie.]ir windnn l sad 1120 p op rty is veli d a Iced Tie who_ of tris farm is gra ass e::ran Ii','; 25 acres. Possession of ' osse frat I?i11ae6 st,ely, and com- plete pnzsess o,Z of farm given Nov. 1st 1911, and pu c,:aset- .r:ll be allo;ved' ro do' fall plow t; b fo e. las` menti,nrd date Po: Tur `ae:' pact:culars apply to Toner': E. Ke11er, Esti., Luran P.O. Ont. fames Kelley. Esq., tartan P. 0., Ont. of D:c'ssan Carling E_eter, Ont, Always the cookbook says "Sift Your Flour." No lumps, you see. Aerates tlie'flouro making it lighter. Put FIVE ROSES in your sifter Never soft and sticky — never ` nnpy, musty, woolly. Narver coarse. Milled superfine from Manitabea"s grandest i' wheat..: . Flne, granular, very dry. Nothing remains in the sifter—FIVE ROSES is free, heavy. And your bread is more porous, more yielding, more appetizing. And more .Digestible. Because the particles are finer, easier to get at by the stomach juices. Use this very fire flour—superfine. FIVE ROSES. 12 i 10001011114 lOppote i INii► olllIIIIi flhIflllhIiIII III tIaat1tOhI11 iIluuihI lIIIII h,l I 1iIp i - ii ii11I11h Ilf1il il1 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111 HilliNG J:PM:PM III 1 I 1 i1UlillIIi „1114llllllll lllll{IIIIIIII lllllflll I II iI II IIII IIlI r 11 !t t Ark. tlF n! «0009 M.I1.1.INU COMPANY {; 0