HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-10-5, Page 4xeter Abrocate San,ders & Creech_ PrctPs, 111.3RSDAY, OUT. 5, '11 ED1TON, Samuel RT,0-7,714 has "installed a mod- £rfseeti-e,eag apParatus '",;vith ey, i43 seednouse. 40°94- Zr: pared to handle se d of any nua".:tilY win`n despatch. Qua!: t'crly sco v!ncs o held vangt.lietti Ciniron 'last SattingUy ancount of Bev. 14itt, ti- the presiding' Ettler, being abaent. ''C'entrntinion. serv1,-* W4 4 e by sitietzt Ner, ..:.crs'ePti Lawson, has rstoupleted tine. can ,,,butnionts. of, Ford's bridge„ Natriikaution and elertion bills are to 'for the election, or a now Reeve t:a.„ ipy tne vacaneY tor the retrathsder c4uused kliat. the death ot the late Sn'awelIZCok Nomination will io& held next' Mon.40,y the Town Ifall. ` The general leelittg 'is that there id be ,Dlo eZeetion, and this expense nfigh- as well tre 'spared- Neg.' Sunday- evenlitg til„e Bev,. Burn p.rearia a, serunirea to mem, The nbolf 4gal:el')." will be occupied by the male r.2,1orus. WhO wU 'eider sereral OW: flax'-tnett are 'Iway getting in th,,Otr Mx- On accourit of the we -Weather Vtz.tkr have Mrefated. a gietrbaelc. 14rlet., Will Kerr Of 49444211. 01Pernd Ittl$ ,few daY0 visiUnk4 lte I3cw,her Ft'atnR,' TaTigki'mk Frank Selith, TOkrOettn -,141"earadaF tOWtt- the gtli?;st irrlOiiter 'Mrs. Ketrryt )fOt'4,„ Ittr, 10/4 Mrs. Itlerb," -gaber are *Ittfir Unele• Mr, Dbly, Mich - The sp-nlat antilversary serviees Wer Pr.eld in rite Methodist Chl-M11 last SnAn alea'fr Rev., 13, W. Knowles Of St. Thettlari Ilere,, -4;0'bl-titled the pul. ittorni4U and evelll'ag' and preached laran And laterested audiehce. Qu r1V1R, PreGrani was given great delSght hear, was crowded. to the doars s Were delivered by Rev, Match. Voila and'Rev, DttrIt et the Church, The ellOir render- !•bsPrIlr-n3 MrAl, laeaattifull A010 and Miks delivered All eXeeilerit, anniversary this year has 38., The subscr44- $1,50.0n. Arm a large bout of OrMal roses. Maalez Bracy Coward aeted a Page, wttrile iliti& Adslatde Jackson O LQnZ The eteath 9 cnrred receatlY of ,xeorge rane a clatnty 41o:wet- 41t1. The cerc- 0,c1earlane at kthe esCn ot'' 418 8°" lolly was performed by Rev: gle;adlnoill.',3-nles i.4'01, eon.1.lrikgtilivray. Mr. "Vitt- Ilar,IYIFitrlane Was 84. Years, 5 Men.ths tiondred guests. AViille rtmgrb aint- . was a .0ones,: sotlej„ part ,-%IcOILLIArRAY I$100 Reward $100. e f hre.adors at this paper will be pleased tO learn that there is at least one dreaded, disease that'Selence be eaL dc'dALes nelena, or. the country- and had been engaged hi tOunlY sang "DeonitlfUl Garden- Qr iniikied farming for sixtY -feat'sU is - oe4 wishes having been. offered llY s.ke,..v!ved by fop,- jo,moa L. of comPanY then relaired to UV, ditt" NteGbp..fray, Ed. of, Ails, crmg, .Toon oZ . room, or; a -sum, tuous dIkiner Gikunray. and. Thomas 0, of Edmonton, 'saserved. ill zis reoro was also 'dee- ;Nita. 1>. wnize and, mile, Day:d witherspoon, of Gall. 7, Me- airaut!'dantte, of 110-vars. :NiadY go,)d GUeray,Ictst Ie V,VO Z,VttOtWbItOs bY ,wefr p-ebe t's werzu rautiferred,, Tebestty,iiVMS, ustag a lantern to ' 1 beza pretty nusk ("thbac.t h6yr Wk., which be had ,,jatbeen e'r Suri:11:e ot'yllicil Using in shed when from some rause 11‘`''s 3'nk.- the lantern set to the gasolinp. Tia groom's kg",;4.0 o 1,44e- orate was Be endeavored to ona,ox the, eoglae to alldsPate 404 N'totel',. ancl• '.k"111, baelt" the ear out when the gasoline lin fr‘bltrovect• to l'tt•O ;flOwfT MO. A the •eng.lne ex.plodad stalling ...it. The flre srett, ,-tboW: four p.m, arit!ti spread, so rap"Adly tha,t he had to rush e „of and cor,fettl, akd owl of ,t1r1.e. shed to save his life. He left 2, an ante for 514-1 was severely burned about his hands tarys,, enroute for 'roratato, Tae brides loss .„..s nearly (fog' away suit was of navy blue see, lan..; black satin coat anti large toat mounted wim heavywillow ▪ Res'des guests frora tile suCr tdirg neighborhood, friends were pre- ea1 Toronth, London, Chatham, St- 7.',14-11.--s,, Thedtord, anti Ere- --Tie bride `..n a PoPular Y4)t14)1 y in ;is vielh'itykatt4 will be missed. r uay irie.nds Wis,*-1 her and tier ihrashand n11t-4 httplal.,ne,ss and i?ropperity or tlaie future, • • Ort ittrondalr :ng, Sept, ;25th, tit etetil*r Of Itt* 514141.4TScbO4) ass o 'Miss Vera GOW4r4 bele:aged 1,mrr''etrf Mr,. Audi Mrs.* W. W. • 4114 bestowed anon: the britie40 triten shower. TM; oecasion Na.st 441Y rnerrYI 'OAP Ott aceMint of perfect porprisa to the lady trl ro7 a tiny,. excitement V .1 "Ni!ss 00 ewranre 4<tve 174147V; 'K'Yrtle reettl°,11i, 'proved a lans tea pt'Opr.ale .tgitZS'C' 4,111d liOste3a, en !Ion -O'Mara, !Urn wOutd refrit „„tiollo'ike„nx Dear Vera,- 1;' ttlass, ' 1*1 thel ar WItiea AS followed by am av- . After ao hour or and 4 Iling`it,lernhi tthICOMpany j04111, t'at'h 'wondering, wao the address 7 -- ay "trl. us lots "KHIVA. Theod s"n that has beol for 50 roallY Years 'famill= to the traveler, which read, Khiva Hetet, D. Cunning- ham, Prop„. la to come d)wn and a new man is to pat up a p_ew alga, When the Connell of Stephen Sa.7,V at to reduce the number oft licensers by two. this _house was, Mc/tided. Mr. Ourminghana has la ken charge of. tho hotel at Ilderton. We all get LS 'know "Darner' weli. Mr, and Mrs, conaingharn V(i)e popular entong all travellers, and those occasionally. •dropp:ng tn. ,P,T.tPlattVe tii everY NvaY, and your correspondent has never heard 4ugh1 nut 4 1;1104 Wf4-4 thlIsvial proprietor and his wife, Wha they nave done ItGTP t kwY -will doubttes do ',at has been able tO cure iu all hs stages, and that t Catarrh. Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medical Itaternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a eonstitu. tional treatment. Ilall's Catarrh Cure is taken int tere5llY,artit4direetly upoe theblend and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and gyring the lintlent strength by building up the ennatttution and assist- ing nature in doing its work, The proprietors have so numb faith in its curative powers that, they offer One Re/nixed Dollars for any ease that it fails to ore, Send for list of testimonials, Address R. f, CriliNEY Sr.! 4)0.. Toledo, 0, Sold by all Drusgiste, 75 cents. Take Hall's Family PAIS tor conatiPation. 1;P:Nriavt., Annus, Ha Sec, . Paul's church, Rensall, will Ski-itaa$ next, 0:t. 811,, gvtteu the F, J. Farr, BA, rector et 13lyth, Paw: issruPa11-orgi w11 preaeit. morning and evening. 4134 4%/1 5,°C'4/, 4ack Buchanan returned to Toroata % ukin-Ys AP"tglOY 'Tuesday to resume his eoures at ihe PPr"Q0•4tn OrAUTIlversity.--Pco. Joynt, wire ani. chit- oPtuo alm,dren went to Lueknow last. we. -.1c to gee Ihilatrs ;toad the wedeliag of a relat1v2y-Olitt o all HOOper who has `Weal>, a reel-de:ft of Our IIStf -v"113.1,e tor A few years, ts moving to U , a.nd besides*, we alit, and that would ed. you, we are sorry, that old ties must ones made. but W9 the avast kindlY ett :IAA ;ORS 1 -vest Hortis 'TWsclay eve 111'r -ter] wi.:41 the Raul Woo. of Ear 91. PrOceeds anieunt $,86.-1101e community Was fillOcked 'Ttlesdav about 3 o'cleielc when Mr. Sweit- xer was 'brolgrat hero alter b4lng shot. —Messrs, N. iturdon and las Jerk - 'ell of Ezreter are flahin; and MIMI arlto•wn on the old river. 1NCIIELSEA ,pternber S1soo1 Re1)ort-11e12-1w nar.tcs of pupils abse.tt during all Ayr par: of the examination.—T,ninny trey 'Wend, Wesley Heywood, George johns, 'Perry Coward, ITera. HeYwood• Lowa 10 as well attendld -Tam prox'led Vorntsit, 013 CO4"l'5l4, H,srUwLe0. Hex Coward. V.—Toittl 730, 1. Creery 7117; Sr. IV. --Total 8311, Coward 330 Jr. IV.. --Tonal Sno, 0, Duncan Toi, ,L, Johns 830, 1. Heywood 500, D.Creery :508, 0. connset .177, II. COVaiBril ;;;In; 11(.11 7127, W. Routly :100, :it. Washburn 470, L.Corn- lph 377, G, DelbrIdge :153, A. CiT,Ty 315. V. Coward 2111. Jr, II.--Ttral 407 -M. Camm 415, L. Johns 408, Wi Shel- ton 401, F. Heywood 301, M.Cornish, 368. m. Heywood 21.5; Pt. H.—Total 410, F. Skimzer 351, D. Ntedd 343, G.A Crcery $40, F. Routl? 333, C. 33e11 331' "M. Corntish 330„ T. Wilson: 1103., Ray .Tohns E. John4 221,, R. Delbridge 180.—Tesste A. Hamilton, teacher. Among those who attended the Watson Gewa.rd nuptials last week were, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ebner Coward, Mr. and INIrs. -Jackson and daughter, Misses .5-1tue0a and Lily Heywood of London. Earl Cow. zard of. Chatham and Mfss Laura Elliott Thedford.—E. B. Nceb of Toronto was the lguast of hits brother RAlbert raver Sunday.—Mr. Wallace of Merlin is completing the contract of digging the Winchelsea ditch. One of the most pleasing events or 'the season occurred at the horn:, of Mr. --and Mrs. Thos. Coward, W:nchelsea, on 'Wednesday, Sept. 27t15., when: their only 'daughter, Vera M. E., was united in marriage to Mr. A. INT: Watson, a young armer from near Kirkton. About 11.30 while the Sunshine .cholr sang, ''Keep Smiling' 'the bride", led by ,t her "lathet, took her place "beside' the groom wider a dainty evergreen arch, taste - Sully decorated with asters and dahlias and large -floral bell. The bride was :becomingly attired in cream duchess sa- tin with pearl trimmings. She wore a refaieity veLl surmounted with wreath or Mlles of. the valley and carried ott her broken and 11 tollOw you s Catharine gaeretter died a sue ofl.her brother, Mr, Micha.,0 aer cher, oh WedlleSd.ia,Y last, at the adVane- ed 0370 9f. 80 years, Tile reatainet were interred in the Evangelical ectneterY, lfronsern Line, --Herbert If, Blochhas purchased the dwelling recently ereet, by Mr. Tr, 'IV.. Hess, for *050,00. ft it a comfortable dwe11)n7 and ip good value at the figure paid,2M1ss Catherine Karcher died 41 lien home of her „bro. r, r. flehaei geereber on nesda.y lapt, at the advanced age or 81) Years. The, remains ^were !_t tnerre,d• .n the Evangelical cemetery, Bronson Line, tg. and very best wishes tar no Myth. and ,shipped his furniture last vreekr-=Mrs. Prerl Brooks ot London fennerly Miss Myrtle Bengoutth, with 'ter fintsa4 daughter, is visiting her 37andrnoi1)er Mrs, Manns.—Will Shaffer vW1)4) 1)31 50K1,9' in Irariotts titles of the United States and Ca.nada for the 114% .P41/5Per043, 1V1)4 1uIPPY've1)104 Past few- years has 1:ez0 spending a few V you are intiking toast. beatang ow:3,h /ather..—Cin Thursday :53, grating you lemon, and :tut Ictug up your.dust. etc., etc., ;iron", you'll think kindly of a "ri crow of your 'Sunslaltie friends. and "-perhapa your. gifts so small and tuy" may Itte the means a kceping unbroxen, ou,r'itena ,s a frIends'P, 'P t4 auti that,young man, whom you 0 lor a partnor in life, we tt 01.1.7 'ry heartiest wishes ror your future happiness. Signed-- Mrs. W . W. gore, 'ars, A. Fr1)00.44, Mrs. C. T, Camm, 3ess!,0 Hamilton, Helena 'stoutly, Maggie Clarke, Ella 'labia:sem Alniena Heywood, DASHWOOD V, Fred Goodman, a laborer IT - turned 7ro,n work a.t six o'elock, Sept. 2(ith, he found hi's wire, an aged On -- man lady, dy.1-; at Dv: foot of the relter 7s. S-v.t had a severe fracture of the skun, and just lived long enough to state tbat eomet!rne dttrint; the afternoon w117,1e all alone in the Irause, • Wa.3 120141141‘ 11.1) f -em the cella; flour, feed and grocery business carried w ,ett she made a misstep and fell. M' --SS on fm some tirne 'by an. NV. S. Ruby, Goodman was 80 Years, of age, and l'ad We w7ib. the new owner every success. htyan practically a helpless invalid ror ,i01110 time, her husband filad'ng 11 neres- s try to dO all the hou.sa,,v)rk besides d -easing arid undressing tbe lady, day after day. Silo attempted to do some 1:1110 work this afternoon. with fatal results. In t`t.'ts sad case there is an e•••'n or the Farmers Bank dIsaster. TY.S -couple had their a.I1 In It, which was to keep them /rn their declining ''ears. S'Ace the barak failed the bus ba.nd had to leave his v.-lte alone and go out as a mason's laborer, although be Is 78 yeans of age and gett.big- feeble. • OODH.A.M Nervous Condition REStIL,TS FROM KIDNEY TRO01314E Sick kidneya Make yela feel Odek. 111 * 4tither Of Way -s and it Is Maw known ti, etervOus ezrn4ttionOften, realdts Istd,tey tratabis, Whell the kicrittitYki sick the whole liervaus sYStena he. . comes Irritated causing headache, AllsraY spells, fits al "nines," tectlx,- Ogle- attarits,rhen- MAtle pajnot,weak eyes1)iht-3r dull 70,e4 days, and a COnstarti 'on to Worry ov- e trifles, 44's Ki4rtel. P.1110 Strengthen sick 3114 /eys. CUT,V revilate the orine and restore 14 normal, conditions, 7.1cy 4T4) Boarar,teed, AU dealers sell 1Inz, hog, or postpaid front TAO1. T. Battli Co, .144, 'Fort Rrie, PAL If Ton Old like t'4 teat theta free write 'for 1 17141 bOx,. Sold And gUara S, COW. tfijAhrs hidnet ills of last week Jaynes pn,a of lite Q1)1 pionezra of this section . passed away 'in 7S11) year- Trio deceased had been ailin; for some months and 37ndual1Y grew worse until death relieved his sufferings. Deceased 'who W14, s oneof the older Inemhzra of the 2011 famtly, came to this country In "Its early history, bang horn In IScot- and. Ile La ,surviVed by several of Ma brothers and 0110 sister, and leaves a grown up tangly to mourn Ks loss. —Will Cook leaves this week for Tor- onto where there fp a wider field and fuller scopa for young Inechatiles.—The baseball girls gave a furewell party to Ms Florence Pope, who left 1‘..ar Bran don on Tuesday morning, at th-e. home of Mettle Ellis. 211111CD, Sa.1311. Dietz has returned from his irlp o the West.—Mr. and ldr, Edmund Sip- ple LanitMg, Mich., are visiting in town.—Louis Jeffery has purchased the Auction Sale Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON,. ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTUAND SUBJECTS. Registexed last Season upwards a :3,00 fludents and placed eVcrY graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session front Sept. 5 to June 31. Enter arty time. Catalogue Free, Forest CityB""as College SIIOMPad 3. W. WESTklIVELT, R. J. W. NVPSTERVELT, Churtererl Accountant. FARM STOCK, vMPLEMENTS, PlAr and Straw, oni - LOT , 4, -CON. 2, USBORNE, or, TUES- DAY. OCT. 17, at one o'clock, the follow ing.,--Horses,-2 brood mares, sup. to be in foal, agrith; 1 filly, 2 -yr., agrir.; '• fillies, 1 -yr. agric.; 2 filly suckers, & grit!. Cattle -3. cow, due time of sale, 1 re- newed cow; 5 cows due In March and April; 3 •steers, 2 -yr -old; 3 heifers, 2 - year old; 4 steers, 1 -yr -old; 4 calves, Hogs -2 brood sows, 4 100-1b. hogs Ernest \Viler:LI; of Baseline left tor the 10 shoots, 1 Berkshire boa_r. pullets.Testalvida37agoTNnAda\fe-'AMlunnbe:07hcn'sanc 1 CUrey efICrktoisvisitl7rriendsinInleniets--1uubervazal,toihogg.y S. Marys.—Mrs! Jonathan -Shier has open buggy ; pa:- sleighs, cutter, binder bean on the sick liist for the pa.st,week. nearly new; mower, steel rake, large 2 - '—Armour Haines left last week week furrow' plow, walk:ng plow, disc., culti- I for Toronto Twhere he v/.11 attend the valor, land roner, 113arrows, 'snuffler, faculty of education.—Nurse Reice return sled drill, fanning' mill, 1200 lb. scaes ed to London, last week atter '-„two root pulper, grondstone, 2 set heavy months of,,, ;service In the horns of Mr. harness, single harness, h'a,y rack,gra.vel Jos. Einn.—The annual Fowl supper bo.---) bay forks, ropes' and slings, forks' and Entertainment will be held in the chains, shovels, hoes, etc. A guaranty dr first.,cla,ss hay, 21,4 acres mangolds and turr]ips, a silo full of good ensilage, a lot IA cut straw in barn, to be red on farm. Cream separator, new; steel range, 2 heating 'stoves, 1 !ilneubator and brooder 2 ,hives oT bees and a number of bee dred. and twent-y--flare names of telephone boxes, glass cupboard, nearly new; ex - Users 'as well as those of Eateten and tens:on table, new, and a lob of 'other st. marys. articles or furniture. Terms—'i.t5 and under cash; over that amount 12 mos. credit on, approved joint notes. 5 per cent. Off for cash o'n the Principal. Vico Principal. IS IllEaummeausommaimitmammisma THIRTY YEARS .No More Dandruff S. COLE KNOWS WHAT IS MAK- ING CLEAN SCAT,I'S -In order to rid your scalp ;of filthy 'kbaridtaiff you must kill the germ. There Is a hair dressing called Parisian Saga which is ,now ,skold in every town in 'Ca:nRda. It is guaranteed by W. S. -Cole to eradictite dandruff, stop falling hair Plittrnghair and scalp itch ha two %snooks' or money back, 71 you have dandruff get a large 50c. ottle tozfLay and rid yourself of • 1)0441)1)07 that that if dandruff germs 'ore not -destrayai.-In• Lime, the hair vrill surely '311 out and baldness will fallow. HOUSE ,FOR SAT "Fi Alethtielist Church Woodham pit Tuesday evening Oct. 10. The Anniversary 'ser- mons wfill ha preached on Sunday Oct. Elth.—The new Telephone directory of the St. Marys, Kill-1(ton and Exeter lines is being placed iltt, ths hands of sub- Scrlubers it contains about five hurt - RICTON. On. satarday s' credit aniounts. court Case of wir'th. Rev. B. Snell' and Taos. SHOOK,. C. Hazelwood are the plaintiff and defend ant,. :respectively,was cam menc ed, ,and a number of wilbnesses were examined, al' T. CAMERON, .Ptuctioneert Auction Sale after ,-a-..0 the ,case was adjourned to Otnobet• Ith. The pastor and a number VILLAGE LOTS FOR. SALE, . al 'Ilia r"kangl'estatierd, have tItot bo,r, ir. har- mony for sonde, tim-, end id its staled Thd understigned auctIoneer has neen , - , .. . that Cast fall, on Rev. Mr. Snell gohig :nstructed' to ksell by public aucticin on to 'oils 'stable in tile mosnintg, found tlis the. prentiaos, Victok-la Street, Exeter, on ho -se's ta'i docked and, ,n,o citte to the -. SATURDAY; OCTOBER 7111, 1911 ' 1 Pet-petrator of th'is outrage. On ..sevcral At 2 o'clock p. rri, the following, vr.1- 0011.570110 On going, to driere out to laze property, viz, ---Lots '10 to llri ,in- fli'l appoinkani.Its, 0310 07 twko nuls had clus:ve, situated oh "Victoria - street, boan takes oft th,s louggY wheels, which east of. Public School; and containing ler't them' ready to drop off. On other by admeasurement four acresmore or oecas'ons he found sticky 'fly paper leas. -These k -lots will be sold ,separ.ate- Te.corna, Wash."; Portland, Ore.; san, Our Seven Colleges have been es- tablished during the past SO years. ',rite hugest trainers in Canada, Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do bet- ter for our graduates than any other School. You may stody all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affil- iated with The Commercial Edu- cators' Association of Canada. It would be well for you to in- Vestigate before choosing. Ex- clusive right for Ootario of the world-famous BlissBookkeeping System, which is unequalled- It is Actual Business from Start to Finish, and the Students keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Wholesale Houses. Enter any time. Indi vid nal instruction Fall Term From Aug. 28 Write, call or phone CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON PRINCIPAL Miss B. F. Ward THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., PRE..SIGENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, G0 E.sRAL MANAGER CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - If3,000:0100 DRAFTS ON FOREIGN,„7„,„OUNTs:IES :Arabia cetrtae Greece INTeNV Zealand Silaeria Every brao?h of The Canadian Bank Comilleteeprieersi4snlequiPPed to ssitp:a4Lsauitse sderttaiefisr2ot33n3 the principal cities 'in the following countries without delay : Bui-aria Frawe Correa Fech.COCM4 China. ,alaylato, Te amOunt of these drafts 'is stated irt the money 44;teb°.jae coordrY "where they are Pay- able ; that is they are drawn in sterling, francs, marks, lire, tronen, florins, yen, Australia Egypt Argentine Republic I)catnark 13razil Formosa Belgium Firland Austria-ilunf,tary Faroe Islands fit-n:11E4d China Great Britain .14exico Oermany Manchuria apan Italy paitioxtpupgalln.e Is/ands Sweden. Rsin4sznsia ITUNintutsAlgat ISnyaltget:cte. Panama SbuthAfrica Roumania Ter„keY Switzerland kaels, roubles etc. as the case may be. This ensureS ihT3a1ralthlehe Paalsieeatab:adit:n'7 receive the actual amount intended. Exeter Brarieh—W. IL Collins, M anager, 'The •iVlolsons Bank Ineorporated1855 CaPital (paid up) $440004000 Rest Fund - 4)400,000 Total Assets Over $44,000,000 1)h1 10MU1114)1)ZU Canada, and Agents 11,0 Correspondents in nUthil Principal Cities in tbe World, NERAL BANBINO BUSINESS TRANSAUTED, SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT anummunammasomminomminasommammimaniommi IA al Branches, Interest allowed at highest 0,arrvnt rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter fertile Dominion Government, sox& °AMINO, SOliCitOrS. N D. -11.1=0N Manager, e Public Schools A 1 WELL STARTED NOW And how about your School Supplies sett:111131,ms,– Tile regular 5. serl ruled. 25c, ENO PR The famous regalia INKS, PlatR Stafford's nd aderwood's and Bine Blank Inks, 80Z bOttios for 531. 2 for 5, educod priee inc. a doz. PAINTS.— "Water colors 10 neat boxes ,5c. to 25e. crayons lc. to 1.0c. 2. box. 71-`44;:ts Canada's DealleTrac1( Line, ATES.— The famous German proof Male, wire ed.,go Or bound 50. to 13c, CTIONARIES,•-• Colltns large type prai0uiWtfl7 diet. lonaries at 3.531. It will pay you to pay us a visit. We are in a position to save you money, and we do it. S. Martin 81, Son Exeter ENTRALIA Little Milis Jean. SPencer las returned ,res : ottlii1:1; home in St. Thomas atter a three weeks' visit wttilt: het' .aunt, :qrs. NV. J-11 Groceries imusagamigamonsmarairea34.- 'HUNTERS' RETUT.N TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE OCT. 91,11to NOV. to points Ternagami, paints Mattawa. to Tenilskaiiiing and Kipawa., Que., in- clusive, also to certain ,points in Quebec, Neve Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maine, OCT 191111 to, Nov. '111.1) to Muskoka Lakes, Penetang, •Lake of Bays, M:dland, Maga.teetaiwan River, Lakefield, "Kadawa.ska. to' Parry 8ouncl, Argyle to Cobocenk, Lindsay to Nall- bu r(on . P010 15 from. Severn to North Lay "inclusive, and certain point's reach- ed by Northern Navigation' Co. Ali tickets valid for return until Thurs- day flcc14th, co:rept 'to point's reached by steanitr 1:14e2, Tuesday, Nov. 14. Daily 410111 007. 1 5th , COLONIST EXC SIONS—To Spok- - ane, Wash.; Nelson, B.C. ; Vancouver D C. ; Westminister, B.C. ; Seattle, CENTRAL .17.111 STRATFORD., ONT. Our registration greatly exceeds that or previous years. Why? Our school is Ch e beat of is Idind in the west, best In ecairseis given, best. in, teachers employ- ed and best in assisting graduates to positions. Our graduates are in de. mend. Business men state that they are the 'best In the past three years we had eleven applications for help that we could not supply. We liave three de- partments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. 'Commence your course at once. D A. McLA.CHLAN, Principal. Th, te-Idc,„vs.,oped 5 eficring, for Isa,e. II- aced on, his buggy seat. ,Las, month ly, or ,..11 Mil o„s.ult purchaser. ;Tins int, desirable property on •Wil,cara - s. , 11 Jo ,ng out ..171e In:a:mat, to hi.S, gal- s an egcelle .rop erty and -.1,'e11 1 situ - tit ing a one' arid half storey brirIC d'n h'..- found all his ,garden yegetab.es (a..,ea.,,, ,i. ' arnises b:- `, e 035.1.50 ._,D et.teellent condttion, to-gct hen pulled'ruP. Other eirenceslwere also „corn--inim , 7. -1O"-qeir . , -ctr:sth two lots of land. Aiso. tW3 • Va- nyttefdArik,culmtnated in a charge De- 7ss1e 01 510 Ii6cy,x,a1 lit -lots on Huron Sitre,a,-„, : - ApplY, to, ,1).17,..10... •-aahlost a you„', rhan ulani..d 4 Lii.,. ,er Part -cal -ars I. MISS FOLLY FISIIER,Orieste.1- ,Ilazelsvood as ' ba:mtgt, enc. taf thc pr.ietor. . , . ,,. „ ., Exeter I a 'cused. -parties. a. W. Taylor, Prop. .paritnk, A ucl. 314 Francisco, , I.os Angeles, San .Diego,Cal. and. Mxlic,e,'GitY5t ery lo,* rates •ke,' • t ta:tiu infornlatior frert Grand ' Trunk ,Agentictor address A. E: Agent, at ornnOcWi -" t, Exeter. We are now well establish -- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all tne time," All kinds of produce_ taAFen in exchange. JAS. GOULD easokm .1 .310111 -4413. (1112.1111111 7:."1111. Ma; " 44 'A +drama . aors.les. steam a et ,..11111,1106 11."43, 'Do you own a Parkyte” or are you a Slave to ill health. A "Parkyte" Sanitary 6enlicIal Closet in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the gertns of disease. It is a preventatiVe against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, .1,nd an absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage: can be placed in any part of your home; cost less than a Cent a day, and laStS a lifetinie. Endorsed by the leading Physicianq, and Health QrAcials, Specified by the rnost, Pl'orninent Artbitects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. Oier15,000 have been installed in Cananian Homes in less than one ye Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by „ Parker -Whyte Limited Winnipeg Man. Branches—Toronto, Niontreal Calgary And Vancouver and is sold by W J. 'HEAMA Exeter, iOntario