HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-28, Page 10';i THE EXETER ADVOCATE" TIUE,SIJAY, SEPTEMBER EL ,1E111 .. fall an Winter.. Ciothin; Itis time you were thinking abont your cold weather clothing, We are prepaid to supply -you with a nice FAH or Winter suit of the best material, the latest style and dnish at a price that Cannot be beaten. Try us and we will give you sat isfactiem TAMAN erchaut Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario (y. '�_ EXETER MARKETS. 'O rANOFal BAOTii W`ED SDA. :Earley". ... .+, , Sa foo I'attckwlieri,t. , , . , . ,. + 4S 50 70 75 Po▪ tatoes. per bag , ... T , 1 00 100 B[ay,perten..,,....e,s 0 40 10110 Flour, per cwt., fatally Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 150 r„iso,. on zl s.,.,.,....+,., ... 2t 2 l_axvelaoga, per cwt«««.... 6 Shorts perton,,,:,...+.. �3 attt 06 Poultry We will pay till adriaed th owing for Fataltrr iai trtzde. Ohichea alive 10e. Hens + . RQostera s; 6c. Taar'key .. 12e. Ducks '° Oe One cent per you cess; for cash. Welted 53 tai 2 110 in each. JONES & MAY Our weddtna stationery ke of t.za lat est, typos of tho 'brat, wwrkmz snip un- surpaeerd and prices rig2;t. Prospective b Idea should call at the Advocate an see for themselves. The past few weeks we have added many new Dinner and Toilet Sets. Surpassing any. thing we have ever shown. Yorx will like 'them. -Stewart's. FLOUR AND FEED. -}laving, put in a stock of Flour and Feed .1 solicit your pat.nonaage. Stand one door north of ;C3carnari's Hardware -Rivers' old stand.. Jos. Davis. Men's Overcoats in the sea- sons latest Styles and Color. Ings. These Coats are except. Iona! values at $10.00 to $14. -Stewart's 1 LOCAL DOINGS, Be ,.sure you can, fight and the go ahe)laih . But you never can tell what zs. the 04.41st "vv'ay until you have experienced the end.:. Good •i:ntei:!tions and, first buxpresale:a*. make a' fine pair to spin along to de- sit•uctiona with:. The fellow' who, starts out intending to stay tight with the procession is a bad ere to buck, Don't try to ,het your ov.ashare and the other's 4ellow'a', 61e• nrx,gint nlisvon,, stave your. tazoti- e, MISS. J. 4. ALLAN Eye Sight Spec falist well be at the Commercial Hotel SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3OU One day only.. A. '.Antos of'' Br:asley and .A. Short, of Creditor& ' .let have passed the Sep- tember ep-temb r^ examiatation admitting them to. zF. Londoa Normal. tiu0-axl of the yetiaxa 'PeePle ieaad- ezed 3SCas: " Pearl Keene a "kitehe'n oar Tinoreday everting last at ae and , 4 pleasa.aat :evenag wax s;.owe Bpc?xw. GIRLS WANTED Apply to D. S. Perrin, & Company, Limited, London, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSE. -Get your mar- riage license at the Advocate Office. GIRLS WANi.ED-Good Cook, and a Kitchen girl -good wages. ripply, is Queen's Hotel, London, For Stylish up-to-date and Servicable Coats for Girls and Misses. See -Stewart's g=eter Srl:Qob will celebrate their t• 01t1 Day on Friday. Oct, G. Come and. enJo3' yourself with, the boye and olds. Qua' school will exchange visite again, vv°t'D r,•t3';stA IT," $, as laet year. Ile. e to the Kaild of ata,tuar$ a: eptg a .editQa wrote u1r tot' a. Patz ;-... "Poor 1Tii Joatea slu , hats, earthly gair- kalexltS on a' liriy i and $warn the liver yesterday, He did neat and because rile water was deep but planged riblet :x, and started for the §Mara, and me i'ao anf ela smiling. Jinx was peer, ttiit ho lied hts subeertptiQa to :his home aper Pa'•d up, and .got there ',a /Too(l he ufdaa' School Secretary. Itev }'artett oaf Toreat,x. preached I0=11y iTax SA. -.11A9 ets to tt,4 chiidre:x o! Jan;cs ;Tata Saver. Stetttodist churches anti 1 'children attended the Inez a ,d .hi:a xAoo a nerviees in TaMea ar, body, air. Weidenhanaaner altto add e sed the gathering ha- the rtlet tock the Evia, street chureh, aced +,7t, ,I*oweU rias nas street rxervicc :Aa�s The Sa-ui toa9ipa.Ai&tx 'that leased atun- e,G'tti o'e;r,'tl'rds reAtBi '+cele' t? K,,anear- d rAwx lAavtt aaQa lied a .profitable year. ptliltl w:U iaP$ eever the e],' -''i hey put the orchards p 31d, wlzi2e, <owin , to the crolr ra«lure, t,aeSr returns are very rale .x13. T1;,t, companies have large rap- , utowevea', and faith :I;t the future sults. Ilx tti,te meantime the farmers aro .1i;tvlaa,; ,the value of their orchards :xRrnased and they vre the amount of thr rent tea 'tiers l;ood, No enc can tell When an advertisnent ceases a do itis work, Instancee ,are kno'v. l; In w»z{;eh copies of our newE papers haven been discovered M. out -of - the wag places, the advertlnani;nt :n which have sold -geode. An American inerchant recentlyrf'eoived at1. ans'ser to an :advertisement of his that appear - cd a year previously. A hardware firm in net eastern city one day received an order Tor an article that 1t had adver- tised ten years before but .had not been manufacturing for nine years. Upon making inquiries it learned that a far- mer, in 'taking up a carpet, had found beneath it a paper containing* anadven tisement of the article and had•been so' impressed with the 'utility or the article that be unmediately wx'ote for it. From h we May conclude that as long as a single copy of an advertis- ment exists it may sell goods. THUMB LACERATED. -Mr. Thos. Rea man, London Road Routh, ;met with a painful accident on Saturday afternoon last. Ile was operating a circular saw and in some manned his, lett hand came itx contact with it, tlacerating..the thumb badly. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -At once for work IA your locality. Will guarantee $2. to $3. per day. Op- portunity to advance rapidly. Will pay lilberaily for spare time. Work not diff- icult. Experience not required. apply to International Bible Press, T.orento,O nt. GIRLS 'WANTED. Smart Girls required to work on boys clothing, either operating power mach- inery, or hand sewing -good clean work. Good wages and constant' work the year through. The JACKSON MAN'F'G CO., Exeter Sweater Coats for Girls, Boys Men and Women in a ' great variety 50c. to $5.00 -Stew- art's CISTLrhtN AND WELL CLEANING. - Those having cisterns er wells that need; cieani<ng will do well (to have the work done at once. We do it to your satis- faction.-ALBERT at5s-faction-ALBERT GOWER, Exeter N. MISS' 3. J. ALVAN, Eye Sight Spec ialist will be at the Commercial Hotel SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 80th, One day only. ,WANTED.A good girl for general houseWo.rk. Must be experienced and capable. No' washing. ,Good wages td right person, hone other' need apply. Ap- Ply personally or by letter to MRS. 3. 3. CALLAG -IAN, '13 Wellington St., London. IdANSI0N HOI1SE PROPERTY FOR, SA.LE OR TO RENT The undersigned Is offering tor sale er to rent that desirable Hotel ;property in Exeter, known as the Mansion House situated on the canner of Main and Hur- aytx et 'i'h property Is in, gond conditionand o �''' tt'escel,ient;. opportur,ity to �mpeisance sr: Poatd.n,:; blouse. 31 equ pPed with' all necessary tt -y F, rn itare ` to coninaence' business, and t3�e'rb is also, -gaod stabling and ' shed Accommodation' ,and other convenie^tees There are also., good prospel^tss of fhe hoUse' ben - again! 'granted ` a'ltcenae.' yt31 bg rsold privately -op reaeor Able, ltjkry151f,ald coathdtons. Vor pa `Iculars, a i lttr 78•Leatal�lrn of` io Messrs D ck 8$ �ax 1 rr Mr. J E. Smith is bonne front ITanaver Miss, Wo •den of Staffs is the guest of MM. Clark - air John Iiyazdnaan .'was'. taken to Lon don Tuesday. ' Lulu Martin .he Missies Lug was ton over Sunday, airs, Thos. Elston has returned front a v`sit, in Toronto. Mr. John Spackman, and 'air. }ugh Spackman went to St, Thomas on Tues- day,. Bassett and nias Atkinson of Lotidoa visited v,^it, Jtriende- here Sat- urday. Miss H. E. 13own,of Harper hospital Detroit. is „apending holidays at lsa* dome here. :ylrs. E. H. V'roon;'an and child ,of Copetown, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Mr. Yteree hardy left Saturday eve; in?y Q't nia return W .Denver, a=tel" a le' weeks' visit with his parents •here, lafr and. firs. Ed. Stewart and child of London visited with the former's bra- e? several days during the week, air, and M. Jos, Sutton, lett Friday :or Rodney, '[*here 'fir. Sutton will else. engaged in the evaporator until Iaecem- lives MeP--it,erson agd Mies. Ida later c'hand left. Monday to -attend Normal at Stratford, and Anna Dow to Icon don Normal, Mrs, E. J. C ,riat'le rettIctlCd trot Cathart es ot: Sat,urda.} evening, mother having `recovered fl'orn her cent tllxacse, 'spas Mabel front, 1Iltree of St. Lukes Ffospital, New York, visited at the mate of iter grand uottler, gra, ,lenses Tom, last tiveelc, ktr. and Mrs, Geo. HOCROY of Brantford will move were this week, ;air, ;,Hockey surf}S accepted, a. liosition with bis TMfirmer employer, Mr, 44,'3.. liaaman. 4r, and Mfrs, 13 S. P'.i^tllipsa with then' daughter, aro ;n Owen, Sound attending pearriaage, et their eon. Wilbur I'tAMOS of TOpenta, to flss Maud SteN art of Owen atavada ie from Ciin �t. Iter _russ La Belle Handtord was home f onx St. Thomas over `Sunday. Mr. Wei. cooper ',is on- a visit to Tends in Farmers Valley Penni. Dr, 1toutston arrived- izonae Tuesday : Country. to t Old o tx from tri the ri 3. evening a pl vn -, B. Scott of Philadelphia. has Ise? -n visttatra cher slater. Mrs. Win. Kuntz ,for a few' days.. • Flour isevgvd. l xanALl. Malzit'ab_a a specialty. it Lime aA good stock always on hand. Cement Durham National Partland ita Cement is the' best. 0 . G Seldon, Egete :, Dray and Teaming Busines Your orders is our line will be attended to quickly and saatisfac- tosily, We are here to please the. public needing anything in our line, and we ask a trial from you. Orders left by phonee or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. fix. Creech TWO WEEKS' BIG BARGAIN SALE AT MOORESVILLE STORE Commencing September 25th 1911 For two weeks we are going to offer SHEET FLANNELS 361n, wide, reg. 127411. for 10e. 34in. wide, reg. 12/c. for 1:01e, a4in. wide, reg. 10c. for 8?.c. 231n. wide,. rag. 81.Le. tor (114c; CRETON-Items. arc. for -13c. REPP-Reg. 121/s. for 10c. SHOT LINEN --Beg.. 28e ;for lie. PLAIDS -Reg. 1Se. or 1.ic. UNBLEACHED COTTON-Re.g, Be. for' 6}ic ,. 10c. or 83c ., Regular 121.14. 'tor 1:1e. COTTON CASHMERE-34i.n wide reg. 12c, for 1..0c., ' RED BLACK' COTTQNADA 8oz. _re, 250. tor 21c, Poz. reg. 30c, for 240. 9oz. res. 28c, for 9.3c. PRINTS Regular 12j:e. Tor 10%e. Regular. 10v. for 6e. .CORSETS 75 pairs reg. 50, 75c. acid 1, tor, ,a 9c. PILLOW COTTON-:eg. 90 to 22 ,fwx. 17 jre. CREAM CASI3 ERE --3 Gin, 'wide reg. 50c. Tor 39c, Now is the time. to buy your Wall Paper We have a very nice range to Single Roll Reg. 25c. for 10c. Single Roll Reg. 15c. for Gc. Single Roll Reg. 18'p, for 8c. Single Roll Reg. 14e. for 5c. clear at very low Prices;-' Single Moil. Reg. 17c for q 7c. Single Roll Reg. 12c. for 4c. Single ROIL Be,i•Gc. tot, 2c. HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL. - The Ladies' °Aid of the James Street Meth- odist Church will Bold their Harvest Monne- Festilval on Sunday land Monday, Oct. 1 & 2. Apr. R. Hickiti will preach Sunday mottling and Rev, J. E. J. Mill- ya rd. On Monday evening the ladies of the church will serve tea ‘from 5 to 8 o'clock, after which a program will be rendered, co`tisitsting of addresses • by resident minsters, , selections by the Choir, Organist, Mass Delight ' Hobbs, and the L'ostdn, Male Quartette. Ticket 35e., Children 25c. STICKS' FORECASTS FOR OCTOBER. -A eeactionary storm period is central on the 3rd 'and 4th, and -may be es- ,pected to brim a return of ' storm conditions, with;autumnal 'rain; wind and passi'bly light snow, northward,, Lightning and thunder will probably brier„ in these October periods, follow- ed by rapid chan;gei to -much cooler. . A regular storm period is, at its centre on, the 7th. Thils iie;one of the most decided storm periods of 'this mtonth iViolent disturbatrces should be watch ed a.igainst,botch; ilnl the Lake and Gulf, regions'. [Rain;. wind and thunder will visit most parts of the interior during this period From. the 4th to 11th, cen teal .on the 7.th, eonisitutes a grave . seis- mic 'period. -Snow northward, :rising -bar, ometend much. colder, will wand' up r- and ,I thils period. DEATH OF MRS. KESTLE-The dearth occurred at her home on Albert street On Friday last of Ellen, Jolty, 'wife of Rev. 3. 'rID. • K:es:tie, aged 69 years,' 5 montehs."Mrs. „K,estle snas'beenf troubled for some, 1ti�nxe wilting catarrh and asthma, and altaioiiigh,--operated' en; a few days beto:'e she kc uld not' be reliever') and her denriee' loilowed. Born .in Peter. boro 'County Isnle moved, to this district withhe • ,parents and married her ,row bereaved " husband, with , whom . she re- s dei in many places, during '.htis min- .I istry, and 'tihp Ii few year's., '''-in Exeter since Mr. Kest1e'e superannuation. She was a woman .of many good qualitiies'' and ' highly kespected by alt whoa knew„ he , Besides the hust?and three dab b to: s and two,.; sons suH'vave-Mrs•Readyl of St Marglri 11111sei Marie and 1 it'her o •'z Sea4,114 Re„ .- A!sa of Ol,no and i 11, at h0nxd �Oh�$'+lib ither, Elijah Joiy, of E-. etg3il,,d h,*4,l flsfdrs,. Mrs. -wia Le•Y.!ig or:6,1011°n, and Mrs.' Wm. ]?e'`til6a"le'oS' E eter r also tgurv'ive 'Ithealluvia'dti tbok tit,^ pia e to rhe Exeter Comet Men's and Boys' Furnishings OVERALLS -A special sale in Overalls. The Walker Trainmen's Overale Rog. $1..25 for - - - --+ L.05 PANTS -50 pairsT;weed Pants Regular 1.75 to 3.50 for 98c. OVERCOATS -10 Men's overcoats Regular 5.00 to 7.50 lett', 2.98 15 'boys, OvercoatsTeg'ular 5.00 for --t 1.98 25 Boys Suits Regular 3.50 to 5.00 for -+ 1.45 HATS -2 dozen the 's Stiff hats, Regular 2.00 to 2.50 for., --- 1.44 1 dozen Men's son Hate Regular 1.75 for 1.18 CAPS -50 Men's caps, all styles and 'shapes, Reg. 25, 50, 75c. for 19c. Boots and Shoes 25 pair Ladies Pat. Oxford Regal, Reg. 2.85, 12.90; 3.00 for $198 50 pair Children's shoes of all kinds 20 per; cenAl,off, 50 pair Ladies' ?shoes of an kinds 25 ilea. cent. off. 25 pair Men's' Pat. Leather' Oxfords, Regal, 14g. 4.00 for 25 pair 'Agit and Heavy weight, 40 pee- cent. off. W. R. Simpson, a MOORESVILLE 2.98 OUR WATCH AND Jewelry Business is steadily on the increase. Our stock is one of the largest in the County and equal to that of auy city store. You cannot poss- ibly make a mistake by calling on as and examining our stock, Our prices are right. Prove it for yourself by compar- ison with others, Our selections are large, giving you < alarge variety.to choose front, -again the proof is by comparison. Our goods are of fine duality,. We back this statement with oar guarantee. Don't these things give use a right to expect from you a fair Gonsideratiott of our goods, A.. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optioian. 3 Wee: eduction Sale Commencing e Cto-morrow, morrow Friday le Toney Saving. Prices on all China and Graniteware Etc. We ``want m the roomfor Christmas Goods. Orile r a 1' 44; Undertakers And Furniture Dealer o c .rly a complete stock in iii lines.. Phone for Store 20a For Sundays ad nights 20b ROViTE ATICINSON The Leadinz HOME) Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES &MAY Big Showing of Winter Coats In all The Leading Cloths We have all the leading styles in Ladies Misses and Children's Coats in the very best of cloths. Fancy Tweeds are the very newest in the coat line and we are also showing the' good staple lines of Blacks and Blues. Try one on and be convinced Prices right. LADIES & CHILDRENS FURS BUY EARLY AND GET THE BEST This will be a good are well prepared for it LADIES FURS Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs in Marmot, Sable; Seal, Fox, Persian, Lamb and Wolf, See them before -you buy, fur season and we with a big assortment. CHILDREN'S FURS Little Muffs and Neck Furs in White Fox, Chin Chillian, Hare, Lamb and Stone Martin. All little beauties. - LADIES FUR LIN- ED COATS We have the best values this year we. have ever shown. Muskrat Lining with genuine Sable . or Isa- bella collars. FUR COLLAR COATS With quilted or lush Linings, We have a very large lot of these coats to show you , at $20 to. $25 each. FALL DRESS GOODS Fancy Tweeds are very very Strong and will be 'found here in all wears, Plain Serges in all colors come next. also'. a' good showing ` of all colored and Black Dress Goods. NEW W AISTINGS New Fancy Delainns in all patterns, ; New Silk striped, Taffeta Cloths, and the New Silks in all the leading shades also Velours and Velvets. 1 Gents Furnishing For Fall New Shirts New Underwear u Collars New Sweaters Ties New Sweaters Coats Gloves. =:Neww Fancy Vests - ew'Suitings New Over Coats ,. " Rain Coats, Fall Suits Etats ,ft Shoes' it Headquarters for the eelelarated� W ` ; Sanford C1Qtl�an�; d:. ��+3.5f,?<'cs:�rr�•;.>���t't1�1.�tJs'+!:'4•{✓` r,SY ,I'w'�rw���ir` ,�.�,�s,`"x'L;� 7�'��;w�v�`"r"rkxi'i1a,�S»Ti�.�lxt ��.:`4.�,j.�k�dr'.�4a.!]�."J+'"(e. i�+��'. �+A`'a�.. Nr ".t1fs YA' tn�