HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-28, Page 7EVERY -DAY FORESTRY. What Four English Tramps Did in One Hour. Animated by love for the beauti- fol oaks of England, Mt, Charles Hurst started from Manchester on, a famous planting walk which he has commemorated most=?charmingly in his recent Volume, entitled "The Book of the, English Oak." Not content with planning to leave a track in the form of a noble line of oaks of his own planting scatter- ed along a portionof his path through Lancashire, Mr, Hurst, with considerable cunning, enlisted four tramps in the cause,with such success that the lazy fellows plant- ed fifty acorns in an hour. The miracle begin evith the re- quest for a penny by a beggar who admitted that he was a snow -shovel- er in summer and a haymaker in winter, and that his friends were in. the same occupations, '"Now lookhere," said Mr. Hurst, "I can find yon all a grand job with better pay than you ever got before, unless you have been cabinet ministers, bishops or man- aging directors. Ask theta to come here. "My Christian friends," he went on, as they stood round, "you see diose seeds( If you will plantthem eel I direct, I will give you two- pence apiece for path one you ,set, Who salt's tiillingl Mr. Burst spread about fifty corns, brought from home, on lits handkerchief, He gave each man an acron that, at a given signal, he must plant at one of the marked places, and then return for another. lIe poifited out thet under this ar- rangement the amount of their earnings depended on the vigor of their exertions, for the more ener- getic the snap the greater his pro - Portion of the whole Burn, set aside for oak -culture, "Shadee of Sherwood!" to con - Visite in, Mr. Iliirst's own words. "What 'hat a sight it was to see those elariors creatures displaying frantie energ,h beneath the blazing sky 'As each man rushed toward Ise, I held out an ` acorn and uttered words of eneouragnrent, warning or banter, as the case repulsed. "For nearlyR an hour did the trem- endous activity continue, irntil not an acorn remained' an the handker- ehief. ' "I` then east up the account in my, note -book, whieh showed the fallow- ing score: Red Man, twelve; Mel- ancholy Man, sixteen; Fat Irian, eleven; Blue-faeed Man, thirteen." NEW NAVAL SUBMARINES. Great .Britain Has Seventy -live of This Type of Tassel. More and marc importance is be- ing attnched by European naval '' and military authorities to submar- ines and aeroplanes. Russia, Tur- key, France, and Germany all hi - Chide submarines in their new de- fence schemes. England seems to have similar ideas, for there are now seventy-five submarines coin, plotted or under construction in British yards. That the modern submarine is no Very frail affair, or difficult to manage, is proved by the fact that one flotilla has just travelled nine thousand miles out to Hong Kong and another to Malta in the Medi- terranean. Both had stormy pas- sages; yet no damage was suffer- ed. The latest, or "E" type of Brit- ish submarines, is a tremendous ad- vance on previous achievements. Experts believe there are some no- table improvements yet to bead- ded, so that within a few years the displacement will be up to 2,000 tons and the vessels will be able to travel under water by day and :on the sttrface at night. By that time the old-time destroyers will be hopelessly out of date, Easy Breakfast! ea sii A bowl of crisp Post e. T s s and cream- the thing's done! Appetizing Nourishing Convenient Ready to -serve rigIi � out'o; file pack -age. t'The fiernory Lingers' Cana dian,•6°''ostum Cereal Limited,. .ndsor, Ontario, Can,acl, tnpany. The "E" submarines demos- strate, once more there is no final- ity in naval construction. Every year "goes one better." At present they are of 800 tons displacement and can travel on the surface up to fifteen knots. Vast improvements in the engines and equipment have quite obviated : the disastrous ex- plosions of the earlier -days, when ed naval men ;re - the � older-fashioned subinarirxes as nacre toys suited only; for' ,'limited " defence work, but not•only can the newest type eaver long voyages in which seaworthy qualities are' required, they are being constructed so as to carry an armament of small quick - firing guns for use when on the surfaee and a strong torpedo equip- ment for use when submerged. So great isthe progress shown, indeed, that among naval hien the sub- marine has come to be regarded as the most destructive arm of na- val warfare for the future, DEATH AFTER. A SCRATCH. Morris Quatzam, an eleven -year- old Windsor boy, fell off his bicycle and scratched his wrist. He thought nothing of the injury, but blood poison set in and he is dead, Such incidents as these -'-by no means infrequent -ought to .make people realize the danger that may lie even in the smallest' wound. Take a simple illustration. When a knife, a rusty needle, a splinter of dirty wood, a barbed wire fence, or a thorn, seratobes the hand the latter is inoculated with: germs,. The way to avoid serious results is ta` cleanse the wound and apply Zana -Burr. Gals -:Duk is a powerful yet painless germ -killer, and when applied to that broken skin is ab- sorbed into the tissue, instantly destroying the germs that spread disease and stopping the pain and smarting. That is why Gam -Birk is so popular with ehildren, Zara -Bak ; most not be confused with ordinary ointments,: Zara -Butz is a unique preparation, r possess- ing antiseptic, soothing and heal- ing qualities that are not to he found together in any ether pre- paration. It is not only a, unique healing beim, but it is also a skin food. For all skin diseases and injuries—Cute, bruises, burns, cc- zema, chafing, ulcers, ringworm, etc., it is without equal: It is also used widely for piles, for which it may be regarded as a specific. All. druggists and stores sell at 50 cents a box, or post free from Zain- iuIk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. CLEVER DOG. Cook—My dog took first prize at the eat show. Hook ..How was that 1 Cook He took the cat. No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. T. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes ahealthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. She—"Doesn't it worry you dreadfully to owe so many bills you cannot pay ?" He—"No. Why should I worry over other people's troubles 1" i Practically all Canadian drug- gists, grocers and general dealers sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why. Lots of men would make good it: employed to furnish the motive power for windmills. - Minard's Liniment Curos Dandruff. SENTENCE SERMONS. Deceive nobody, not ever thy self. God is a discovery, not an inven- tion. The keynote of Christianity is power not words,, Do the best you know, that you may know better. You may not make a living, but you can make a life. Friendship is the flower: of a moment, and the 'fruit of time. 'Would you count your true friends 7 Fall into misfortune. The mountain is Composed atoms, and friendship of trifles. There are advantages in growing old. It settles nanny ,questions. Whoever complains of not having found atruc friend accuses himse'lf." In all your work watch some easter workman; it is a great help and incentive. Teach your chilt;..r ii pro create. Don't always give them finished products to enjoy. .What is your life? It even a vapor. Steam is a vapor, but,` harnessed: it moves the world. The' extraordinary rests on the it.He ;• 1 .r and ordinary na y presupposes who. is not ordinary cannot beex- traordinary. We aro cup, to quench God's thirst, and God, takes pleasure in a Man when he fulfills the purposetlas his, being. I _ isa common saying that:! '=is.'lze1 lay,;thrce 'things • �mYi .1M4 •, ?a`r him in his presence, him in his absefiee, ani int ;inbis need, 1aM11:° i19 THE PARSON'S REVENGE. A clergyman was accustomed to use scientific terms which the people did not understand. A. deputation', waited an him with the request that in the future, whenever he used such terms, he would ersplal,in them. On the following Sunday he used the term "hyperbole," and ad- ded :— "As agreed „on, 2 beg to explain this word. Were I to say that at this nionient the whole of mycon- gregation are sound asleep, et would be hyperbole, but if I say that one,half are asleep that is 'ot hyperbole, but the truth," The next day the'. deputation again called to say that the minis- ter need not explain technical terms. The people would learn their meaning from a dictionary. \VJIAT 15 A BOND A mortgage on the 0.1'. R. could not very well be held by one per- soi so it is split: up and sold in sec-. tions to a number. Such sections are called bonds. Bonds, are al- ways readily turned into cath at. par or even better, and they " pay twice as Bruch interest as a savings. hank deposit, iVrite to the Royal Securities Corporation, Toronto, and get an interesting book on the s>;bleet.. They will be glad to send it and yon will, be. pleased to heave it; it's free. DON'T PULL IT OFF, "And you really think, doctor, that you must perform the opera- tion to -day 1" "Oh, yes. There may be no ne- cessity for it to -morrow." LOW COLORIST FARES TO TIIIE PACIFIC COAST. ;vie the Chicago Union I"actfip and north West, ern Line, daily from September rigth to October (5th.fromallpoints in Canada, I'triliusa tourist sleeping care daily, Personallyg..,wdwcted Califor- nia tours in Pwltuuui tourist, sleeping ON 00 through trains Ware 4hicago'raosday esnd'i'hurs, day of each week, For rates. folders and full particulars agnir to lr; At, Pawatatt, tt0321. 41.0 is Yenta St., reroute, Ontario. PLEASANT TO HAVE AROUND. "That Jones boy who used, to work for you wants to hire out to 'Ise. Is he steady %" "Steady'? If he was any steadier he'd be motionless," Impurities of the Blood Counter- acted.—Impurities in the blood eome from defects in the action of the liver. They aro revealed by pimples and unsightly blotches on the skin. They roust be treated inwardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They act directly on the liver and by setting up healthy processes have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. LABOR. CholIy—"Are you working your way through college?" Argy—"Yes ; I'm working the money out of father," If every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the Summer months the house fly peril would soon be a thing of the past. THJi BENEVOLENT BUTLER. A Calcutta correspondent reports "a truly 'horrible incident" which befell an. English lady. Her "but- ler" was in the habit of calling loudly beneath her window every evening about 7. His cry suggested that he was calling either the cat- tle or the chickens home; but though she had neither, the lady for some time took no notice. Un- til one evening, having the curiosity to look. she was horrified to see the butler, like a dusky pied piper, sur- rounded by a troop of rats! There were quite fifty of them, from the big bandicotes to small muskrats, all being fed on the remains of her soup, meat and other bits. In a plague country this was an amuse- ment that was speedily ended. 'Does ,you son indulge much in piscatorial exercises. "No, he don't care for nothin' but to go off fishin'." GDRED OF CODSTIPATONN Mr. Andrew's praises Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pins. Mr. George Andrews of I-Ialifax; writes: "For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed, and I have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation brings in its ,train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in { order to find relief, but one and all left axle in the sante hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from 1 I' me the one ailment that caused so much troU ye 1e' , ` e t at last T read about' these u Indian Root Pills. That was ,indeed a lucky day for me, for I'was so itsppressed with the, state- - ments tate--:ments made taut I determined to 4vive thetn,,a fair trial. They have regulated "my stomach and btiwcls., ,Tam cured of colistipation, and I claim they have; no equal as a.medi-- For over half a century Dr, Morse's tidian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and cloggecl,i.lactivej izyiney ,,, with all the aliment which t;;fro-a. " le,Stair them. 1`hevcteaiise ih_hQ , }, and purify t,he blood, Soltl,8yerywhcre ;25c. a':l?ox r .� 1 9 Well! Ti IS isa HOME DYE Icy thief ANYONE' can use, r' 1 dyed,ALL these \DIFP'EREHT KINDS of Goods ntlth the SAME D'e.; Used CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO- Own* of usingthe WRONG Dre for the 000d9 one te.., to color, AttcAtor`t. vett Your Drug;ist srx i)g4.4" FREE Coipr Cardand. STORY t;tSrot;l014,. 'rbc Jotcnson.RiFW..;txdson, Co.. Chaffed, bionttcat POUNDING INTO A BODY. le Japanese Strike the Seventh Vertebra. An In hsr scientist, Prof. A. Abrams, has recently been mak- ng a special study of the restora.- ion to life praetised by the Jap- anese, and while he does net fully explain why the men •eoane back to life after being to all, intents dead, he does tell how it, is done, and this in itself is interesting. Ip jita-jitsu if a man is knocked o beaten senseless, ut killed or oth- erwise mauled, and if a roan has been killed by a sunstroke or by drowning the restorer rolls the pati- ent on his face and extends his arms sidewise, Then he strikes the pati- ent en the seventh cervical verte- ra, with his wrist severely, andre- gularly until the patient recovers consciousness. Immediately he is placed in sitting posture, his arms rotated. and he is aided is walking, for otherwise he relapses into ugeon- seionsness immediately, and in some cases dies at. once, This system of pounding the set'- enth'vertebra has been found pectal-- rly beneficial in some acute bear i liseases and the effects of the treat, t under Japanesemanilltllataon seeirl almost nirraculous at times, As yet there seems to be no clear, medical explanation of the effects of pounding the seventh vertebra, but the genuineness of the cures and re- suscitations frequently described by travellers Ls now scientifically es- tablish by Prof. Abrams's invest- igations, CANADA lIUSIH>TS8 COU,a,EG CHATHAnt, -ONT. o1E Op A31ERrO, 'S CRE:ATEilT' BUSINESS SSCI1Q0LS Over 2,t Choice, positions Acott In past Four Years. Some others just tilled;.-- I. Ii, Ir i:, , from Newfoundland, placed with Sask. Milling co,,. Moose Jaw, as Etono. >•'155t$ sei rii. stent., Peabody Overall Co., Windier. E. 0.IB0B1NSOI 4kkkr.. with Kelt Furniture Go„ SouthanrPtot , Out, FLOSSIE ANDERSON, Steno, and II i�tpr. Van, Wolverine Ca„ Chatham, MILBIt1:A AI:D• RR$ON, Steno,. with PeLaval Separator Co,, Winnipeg, It, J. SCOTT, teacher, wills nr✓ ice College, Newark, N. J. Tlia.wlaries of the throe shown last woo): asarago oxer 410 per voltam,. Tho salaries of the six here .shown Average 'afoot to $70, Our students lire pprepared fertile big positions where *Ito,blsg pay la eftwell 1 ' P'AVti TO ATTEND ilea" I5F.4T, Catalogue a3 tells of; tbe,wotk at Chatham. Catalogue til tcUft of our home courses. Address, P. Mvl,AGRRLAN dt, Q. C. ti. Coilcae" Chatham, Out. NOT POLITE. The family had never been in tree habit of saying grace, but when the minister took tea with therm they thought it proper to bend their heads over their plates devoutly. All would have gone well if the young hopeful had not piped up: "It ain't polite to smell yes meat i" t No child should be allowed to suf- fer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got in a simple but strong remedy -Mother Graves' Worm, Exterminator. Unless we are wrong again, we have discovered why cheese is served with pie ; The restaurant person wishes to get rid of the cheese. It always looks as if it had been kicking around the place for weeks. Blood Poisoning is often caused by slight ruts or wounds. Death may result, Hamlins Wizard Oil will draw out the, poison, heal the wound and prevent serious trouble, "When you saw that beastly cow, tvhy didn't you drive her out of my. garden?" "Well, you see, sir, your garden was in the cow I" Minard's Llniment Relieves Neuralgia. Margaret—Isn't it strange ? Katherine — What? Margaret — That many a `woman who has bleached her hair wants to keep it dark. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY tiir Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes iadGranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Asepttc Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books 1 and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Doe Remedy Co., Chicago. "Breach of promise suits," said Uncle Eben, "is de result of a mac dot wears his heart on his sleeve meetin' a gal dat carries hers in her pocketbook." On Sale Everywhere.—There may be country -merchants who do not keep Dr. Thomas'• Eclectric Oil," though they are few and far be- tween, and these may suggest that some other tiiI is just as good. There is nothing 'so good as a liniment. or as an internal medicine in certain cases, ' Take no other. The de- mand for it shows that it is the only popular. oil. FACT ilitD F'1NCY. Faint wad never won fair lady. A frog cannot breathe with its mouth omen. Friendship is to some girls,c; here in to, stick Mins. Irishmoss makes deliciousjeliy, It's a wise child that takes after" its rich maiden aunte Suspension bridges have been found in South African ant -hills, The 'kitten's''eyes are opened in nine days, the bridegroom hone. for J''apanese. have eighteen worts •, The black. sheen of the far2ly ss, lshally he one that`, gets fleeced.' Hanna the nen who hI in love', with .himself t 'He has no hrivals. ti nie'nt for sale .e er h Nginards Li ril Y1N ®r FIY Faultless in Preparatioltmti like any others stomaeh regulator, Parmelee's Vegetable fills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions ,arid Iuain-. BANK: , N N Q Wads. . bhave the preference as safe arid` prolltable investments. Formerly Banks, Insurance Companies and other finianel;.i concerns, invested their cash t pluses 'largely in Real hs, is tr;ortlages, to -day they ..re purchasing the Bond issue:: of established and prosperous cor- porations considering that tI r;T offer the greatest security best interest returns, 9 There is no reasonable ergs,} meet to onset the fact ; ,at till.., is the best investment for this Banlr surplus is the hest invest., nientfor the individual investor, ti Write to -day for our bookiez, on Bonds, and Bond: issees, Tie recotnpaelyd,, ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION r.rtattea DANK OF MO$TRSA1.. £!tlILnIE G YONOE MID gUE•.E.N STS` TORONTO T nun sA SI o+ wSON, Ng KNOWS. 1' 3'414 srrmt iso tell a farm. consult race, tain thein at the normal condition, Years of use have proved theft.l faultless character and established their excellent reputation. And $1ia this reputation they, haze rnain- i ort Ou tamed for y=ears and will continue Mlb42t to maintain, for chess pills swotal- waysstand at the band of the list of standard preparations. ie altar t0 buy a, to iIA\ I: sot to of the kelt Orate or Derry .. tru'ats err si;it,araa na prices right. W. DAAWSON, LTi; erect. 'rortauto, t, Steck. r Coihere° WHAT HE THOUGHT. "What do you call a person that roads- heads st" "A. phrenologist, my boy." "Gee! Then zea must be one of those things. She belt on my head this afternoon and said right away, 'You've been swimming," " Cnrterhall, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Dear Sire, --code in the country last summer 1 .vase badly bitten by nxcwqui.. toes, so badly that I drought 1 would. he disfigured for it ou1./to of wceha. 1 was advised to try sour Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so, The effect was more than I expected, a few applications completely curing the Irritation, and preventing � the bites from becoming: sora. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also a good article to keep off the mosquitoes. yours truly. w. A. Y. Ii. QUALIFIED. Ryter—I've half a mind to write a popular novel. Clytic—Well that's as much as you will .need. It is an undisputed fact that one. packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quan- tity can ever be found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill them all. Mistress—"`Mary, another knife, please! This . one is not clean." Mary—"Not clean, mum 1 I'm sure it ought to be. The lastthing it cut was soap!" Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. The young wife's version "Laugh, and the world laughs with yon ; weep, and you get what you want!" Minard's Liniment Cures Burn, Etc. Papa—"Well, did the photogra- pher succeed in making; the baby look pleasant?" Manama — "No; ' succeeded ded in making but the b ab t y Ji the: photographer look very plea- sant. Some things that come to those who wait are badly moth eaten: yoit talaia to raa4c Rve alzattee .rt[ y tri If tic., ettu Ibar114a1e t,"C,. Iers3^#41. 'roeento, :.vy^ Lax iae 3lklrs $hiut'iti Lupines a:ud: Iloilers,. .tib Suoultcs. FA, LungMauttfaeturinlC Co., htd., Street. rille, Ontario. L.1.IV'r'.S WANTED. .'t, LINE FOR J, very hotlte, 'Write 1/.5 for our choice lint 44 agents eu,pitllas.\\'o Wive the greatest agency prnpasttlort ihn Canada today. No outlay ncteSstry, ,milli" L C.. 1, Ce., 229 Albert Kt, Ottawa, 1 <1\0i R. TlIMORS, LUMPS, oto. 1n< 11 ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us. before too late. Dr. Bellniail died:cal.Co r,inuiteti., C:olltngwoed, Ont. 1,TON SCALE. GUARANTEED. Wilson's 1 Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto, v PEC1ALISTS ADVICE FREE, Consult us in regard to any discasa, Lowest criccn in drugs of alt hinds. ta. `ritsses fated by mail. Send treasure. mens, Cannes fitted b ' age, Write today for anything sold in iirst.class drug stores to Dr. Beliatun, Collingwoocl, Ont. FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Carling crud Kid Gloves cleaned.; 'ruuie tau be sent by pont. lc per ox, The best place is BRITISH AMERICAN BYED Q CO. MONTItRaL, 1i, H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED 03 MARGIFN. Correspondence incited. q3 MELIN DA ST., TORONTO Silver Pine Healing Oil Heald a Barb -Wire Cut without leaving a scratch MRS. KATR MCCRANR, OF Motor CRAY, MAV„ writes "Please send me a bottle of your Silver Pine Healing -01 I had a colt cut last tinter with barb wire -4 used half a botticand it Healed up and didn't leave a scratch, Now I' have another colt that has gotctrt that I calculate to heal With what is left, but I would like to have you send me another bottle if I shouldhappen to need it, for 1 think I could not get on without it." For all kinds of wounds, bruises, burns and sores on animals or human beings, Silver Pine, Ideal- ing Oil is a quick, safe and wonderful healer. Keep a bottlettimes a on hand for tif t: need. In 25c., 50c. and $1 00 bottles, at your dealer's or from the International Steck Fou3'Ca.,liltli'ad,Taronte,Can, $100 !For tills ,16 PLUM& `._,���\O'er\'�"eC�. # E?ll, SSUE U Thin plume is Susi tho kind for sh oh 903 Would have to.: pay $.5.(,0 at any retail Mora. It•.is extra wide Tully 161nchce long, in n11 colors, with willowy flees of great l ength that do not Inc their earl easily,-. Send onc $t.00 tday,; for this is cin oppni:- tnnity'not to be sussed, We offer also an extra largo and hand.;dmo 57,50 Pismo at Ste, __Send mono\ by.u,ill,a press 01'J/1c-wily order. emembor'thrt your u,on, v wil l bo ro• Ton dcd it the•plptno is not eni;tirel eali,laetory, HeWY'orkOstrich Feather Co„ Dr.it Hl: 513.515 li'way, N.Y. If a man hasn't opinions, he's a . noxiontii,e;, and if he has them, he's aa, nu_sance: , A girl ,can't help feeling t,t rs. jj that' it's. .. al. 1 ] chair it ,_ pretty scandalous f C,1, lel I� y !'to become alt abut. 5 �-t to t,J'7F,❑;...,,�., l>Gl b ver i net 4.qr,•, , rnlu C *.n a, M r xr!,,W,Yxr:l., `s 4 4 4 II 1 4 ;t