HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-28, Page 5erofes toms) Cards, ROUI.STTQN, L,D.S., tD.D,S.: DENTIST member of the R.G•D;S, of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Univexsity, Office—Over Dickson & Carling's law Office, Closed Wednesday afternoons. UK. 8. R. SINs51AV, rK. 0, K,, D. O. d aortas-,raduate of Toronto tiniveristy, DENTIST, seta extracted without any gain, or any t?a(:fleets Waco oye r Clladmat. &Staarbul'r'6 afi'Ice, Mail, ,trent ,oter.- - -, -_ Moat A. R II111GIIT, m, D., Vit.0 P.&S„ 114-g0R s Graduate of Toronto 1Jnrt ereity, Two years sidentpbv$ician Royal Aleva,rdra hospital,, *'ton (Hee and Residence .Dr, Mn)a° Old Stand, Andress reef ,EXETER Legal fyoipON ,t GABL/110, BKRR1S*kilt6, SOCIO* -ors, Notaries, Conveyancers Commissioners Iellettors tor, Moisons Bank. ete `"„'ter lowest tes Mono), to Goan at owes a o nteres °laces, Main street, Exeter, R. Qi Se, B.A., L. II, Dtesaox OWRY TO I,OAN. oti.wehaveaiargeamountof pr}vale tondo to oan nfarm wad villagepropertiesat,tow rates of inner It6a (IIIA'DMAN a STAMM/RV Banisters. solicitora.bfainst, .Bxetet, On 3. SENOR regent Confederation IMO i ssltrAnee rotrtpatry, alsei Fire Insurance in lead, ng Canadian and Brinell OeMPatues, NI•ein•St., "Exeter. ? ISs LILLIAN ELLIOTT NO CONGER* SOPRANO PUPILS ACCEPTED. .1IiliTtESS—dT NTRALIA, O T. LICENSED AUCTION4SIt WM. ANDERSON !Accused Auc,tipneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at the Advolate Exeter.. or ETenry Eilber's Office, c red- tton. T, B, CARLING I•lfo. F#re, Aechient and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting aecounts, and con- xlua.tinM auction sales, —• Exeter. Ont, d: A, Rouz1,., vs S. Graduate, of Ontario. 'veterinary Co., leges member Ontario Veterinary Med- teal Sectety r treats all diaeaaes of do- xneatiCa,ted animals on scientific grin- clplea; modern surgery a epecleity. Op- eration* on Y.ump Jaw guaranteed sat- aateet+nry, Calls 'by day or night promptly attended to. Office—Main-st,, 'Exeter. Pr. Ran -mare old stand, Phone to connection. FARM FOR SAL1IS. The ,uxtderaigned of fere his tine tarrta, consisting er about 135 acres, adjoin: iii; the town or Clinton, for sale: Tire tarot is In a good state of cultivation, and ;nate god buildings, brick house, barna btr n, driving' ;house, pig pen, etc. all tromparatively :Sow. „.. ttrat-crani you r; a:c.tard, containing an kinds of truit!r ,t, -,t1 also small fruits. The terra is will fe:aced and drained and is a very desirable name. For further par= ticuiars apply oa the premises or ad- dream JOI'IN, TORRANCE. Clinton. LMA ILLUSTRATED '*t L a ria esCATALoGuE (OLLEGE EREI± QYI U St.Thomaslnt. �E�LLL�I�OfTT tl�llf/ii-e/ IronoNTO, ON2'., is recognized as "CA- NAD;t'S, ETXGH-CLASS COMMERCIAL SCIiatJL." The instruction Is absolute- ly . first-class. The, to-day: for our catalogue. Enter now. „ : Horses for Sale t have a number of first-class horses for sale. Call at the stades and see them , Wo are also purchasing horses that are sound and in goad"gondition from 4 to 1.0 years of age. • P;sties having horses for sale will do'weil to call or write the undersigned. Phone 43. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is Offering for sale that desirable 50 -acre farm in Usborne, being the South half Lot 10, Con, 7. There ,is,on' the premises a good frame, house, ' baiik 'barn: and out buildings: two good, wells water and an ever run- ning ` spring at basic of farm. This farm Is in splendid condition and is nearly alt seeded down. Will b: sold reason- able and on easy terms Fo•' particulars apply at 'Advocate Office or to Jas. Earl,• ,Elimville. OR SALE -OR TO RENT - a That most desirable farm property be int, ; Lot 15 C.jni. 2, Stephen, irk the County ;of :,Huron, on which, is situate two yod bank barri,s and a commodious' frame house. This land is well drained and fenced, has two gDod wells -sand spring creek, and is convenient ', to churches, school and markets. Out- going tenant leaves 10 acres sown with Sall whoa`, 15 a re:� ,oi •new �meadaW and does all necessary gang plies ng and deep ' Flowing. lar further particulars apply to It':LEAT13ORN,-.Esq., Exeter: or -DICKSON, & CARLING, I3arristery, etc., Exeter. Northwest lands, • Uili,nrproved Zan, ds' in Saskatchewan add ;Ajbeta 103' ,sale ` Railway fare refunded' to: purchasers MONEY TO LOAN, ERNES* ELI1IOT, Ofiice opPoite C' Hot 1'Exeter.' lit `Glta.f,fuF,.CC means comfor for you an f more sales r Ili Successful dealers tally to their customers in just that way about the SOUVENIR 5 ► (New Idea Series) .very sale brings others because the grate prevents any el i n k e r the Souvenir pleases. trouble, T1te Souvenir is built different— The Souvenir means ,a saving beiltsimply,because scienti&ccally. of 25%to 50% tri fuel cork- Tile firepot eeenot leak gas; dust $ u m p t t o n. Vottr name on a ea#tnot get'. into the diffusing chamber; the hot air is forced to every room just at the tempera- ture you want it; Frery baker Al a Seuxwrir f rxrnase sr presented u'itk.a legal Gptrd os dot 0,! ,par- kura, guaranteeing lrepe against cracks er Arenas of any kild fe' 4 veers.. postal ~sill .b t i n g our new booklet. The Souvenir Furnace is made in Hamilton, the stove centre of Canada, by TIIE HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO., Limited sum (.son, to Gurney404 a. Co, 2 For dale by Hewn= Two Mills Using Same Quality of Wheat May Not Produce Same Quality of Flour The quality of flour largely depends on the milling. Two milts might grind wheat of the same quality and the product of one far outclass the other. It isnot only the high quality of the hard wheat used, but also the superior milling facili- ties, that places "PURITY " flour so far above ail others. Our milling' plant at St. Boni- face, Manitoba, cost nearly $J,000,00a, and is one of the most perfectly equipped mills in the world., The wheat itself is subjected to the most won- derful system of cleaning and, scouring, pas sing through twenty distinct ' machines. :fifty-five steel rollers, the largest in Canada, reduce the wheat into flour. 'Then it is purified and dressed by "bolt- ing" it through sills sifters of fine mesh. Not a "branny" particle or speck of dust is ever found. in "Purity" Flour.. You may have to pay a little more for Purity, but baking results, quality and quantity, prove it is worth far more than the slight difference. We have two other modernly equipped mills -at Brandon, Man., and Goderich, Ont. PURITY "More Bread and'Better Bread." (Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Lim iteel. . MILLS AT.\VINNIPEG. GODERICII. DRANDON Sold by R -G. Seldon ZURICH. McLeod .of Toronto former prin.- cipal of the public .school here was in town last week, ivies, Bent Surerua of 14th Con.. left for Detroit -to attend funeral of her grandson.—Mrs. Jos. Swith of Croes'well, Mich,, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wan. O'Brien, --Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kalblte seta ratourn the death of one of their' children a boy about nine years of age. Pipit.- f"veriiit was the' causo,of death.—,A pret' t " wedding nook' place at tate hon o ir. and Mrs, JAhn Ge' -',r of tray, on September 13th, whent'keir eldest daugh- ter, Miss 'Erma, was ntarri-d to Mr, Joint Ga.srho one at the suet casfal husi- ness.' ;nen of Zurich. The bride was. peat away by her father, Miss Leona. Le.ger, 'sister of the bride, acted as Flower tgrl And 'ring bearer. bliss Al- berta Geiger plSYed :ho wedding March, Tk ey will reside iii Zurieh.— 're'. Louis Jeffrey has re-signed as foreman o: le. G, Kaibfleisch's flax anill and John Alk brecht has taken the position. --:dr. and Mfrs, J. D. °'?Ictincir, Mins Linin Merner and Mr. Wes Mn,er"ieof Elmira vis- -ted here last° week,—Miss Mosseau of t e Sauble dila, was severely sheeted by a stroke of li'ghtn ctg last week. -t Mgr. Moses Gaschot had au accident 00 Sunday . w.i;!r h will lay hint up for a teem,' weeks, Re was driving and in Some roamer lost contljol of the spirited horse, and 2.1 a jiffy Mose" landed on 4 rite hard road. Re received a badly sp,ahted ankle and Bonne minor bruises. Tine horse rata fol a anile Or Si.? tivhen, it Was taught without doing any tur- gree damage, HENS?1L" Ed. 'McLean went 10 'Grand YelleY on Tuesday,—Miss Beset& "Urquhart 'left for Toronto last week.--Alny Lainnny. and little eis'ter'lett: las,4'week, for Brant- ford Insttiute,—Mrs. McKay of Kippers has moved into" one,la'1 the houses owned by Geo. Potty, ars, on @ween• street. -„e Jno. and Russell Marshall left last week to resume tbei4' studies at Belleville,— Albert Whiteside has returned from his trip to Sasketc1owan.--blra, James Elliott and little daughter of 'Vanrou D., Q. vla'Lted ilea; .sister, Mrs, T. Nee -lands and n?, ce, Mrs. A. H. King, this week,—Dr, leen Itlatchfor1 of Port- end, Oreaou, who tae been vleinting relatives. an Heaven and vicinity for a, new weeks, has' donne to visit tst other Parts of Ontario prior to starting for home.—Mr. .Alex. Taylor, was and child of Saskatoon, Sask.. (.re spending S. few days with friends' .a1 'town. ONTARIO GAM LVWS- 10.,.person `may hunt, take, kill Or' destroy; Any. ;rouse, pheasants, prairie fowl or partridge, except front the 15th of atober lo the 15 day of November, both days lnelrrstve. Any quail or wild'turke;r'ta, 'black and grey squirrels, except from. the 15th. at November :to the tat .day of De- cember any year. hotly days Inclusive. Dusk of all kinds; or any other water- fowl' escepl front the 15 day, of Sep- tenl't' .r ,to the 15th day' of December any' year, both days .Inclusive, Snipe, sail, Plover' or any other birds known as shore 'birds or waders, ex- cept from the 15t1a; day bI September to tate 15 day of Decornber In any year4. ;bothdays inclusive. klares, except from :the 1st day of O.:tober to the 15 day December in any year, 'both, days inclusllve. Notwithstanding anything In this Act the wood hare or tiro gatton-tail rabbit May „be taken or killed ,1n any manner by the owner, occupant 'or • lessee tat any 'land upon which it can 'be proved to cause ,actual damage to •trees or shrubs, or by any n\ember or the family of such owners, occupant or lessee ;provided that any of these ani'- rivals n;=nvals killed under this sub -section shall bet handed over to,, the neatest officer ,a1 1111: department for the d5stributo.1 to charitable Ins'titutionts. We Told You. So! LABATT'S LAGER ER Now "Perfeeted-r•-The Best; on the Maxey. i Y IT TUCKERSMITH—While returning fromMonday, 2:; d ' t g funeral ot Itasrd's cemetery. Herman to, hie home on the fust of Tuckersntith, on Tuesday of last!'p week. Mr. Da,vtd W. Cooper fell from a; load of log's ala 'hie wagon: and alight on. his head sustained: a fracture of the skull. Tine was a 90 sts- vere and dangerous a nature that Ire was at once brau;ht to Clinton Hospital for treatment but het did `mot regain consc- iousness and died on Saturday.. The remalcas (were taken: ;to his date home on •e GODERICH—Wil11anz And e+rs,. a ;well -know:, resident of God r„..,„ twas.. instantly killed at kianr.link's evaperakar On Septa 20th, Wbe,,a hAllOad.atg barreigi Re fell :orf the load and the wheels crushed his head, killing him almost instantly. Wilmer Smirk, a well-known art dealer, was,.fotlnd dead `=n his Store on Thursday. 41,041,4 last. This Little Crank n Your Kitchen reraeikrize. ea-. t eciesra, * ;Jo sore Fo+s,oxrg. el .e ; rw mx Saves 20° on Coy: is* wonderful patent device, the Oxford Economizer, acrd is Veen ed for useonly on. STOVES and RANGES This marvellous regulator keeps the oven at a given temperature. Na heat is wasted—nothing goes up the flue but bad odors, steam and smoke. The fire is held for hours without attention—ready for 'immediate use— and all this labor, time and fuel' saved by simply turning the crank. With the Divided Oren Flue Strip youhave even baking, becaufe of the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement. The RevenibleGratbd is provided with strong; interlocking teeth that re- duce coals to ashes by ' a single turn. Iia appear- anee, in details of finish and design the Chancellor is an ornament as well as a necessity in any kitchen, The Range here rep- resented and other Gur- ney -Oxfords of every sort for every purpose, dis- played on our floor. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION NOW , W. J. Neaman, Agent: The Grand,Trutgk Railway System has n.' bourse Of 'construct ion at. the Turcot Forks of Canada Call-aind•'Foundry Co. 000 steel underframe box cars, delivery > _it be commenced about Oct. lst., snd the whole consignment will be ompleted this year. These cars are of 0,000 lbs. capacity, and incorporate all latest in:proven: nts int car construct On. DWELLING AND LAND FOR SALE. That desirable property situated in Exeter, on . the corner of (William and Victoria streets, being-- one --half (acre of. land. There is on the premises 1,a good frame , house, 'with kitchen and wood -1 shed, hard and soft .water ;and a nun -1 ;• bear, of, frtelt trees.,_ Will:= 'sell bail of 1 land separately.. ..Price, reasonable. Ap- p1y to Mr. Peter pltawdelf,'Exeter op- posite English rchurch. 1 FARM WANT -ED TO RENT -50 acre farm with the usual buildings. Any per son having such will leave application at- this office. FOR..SALE One of t1h,ebest farms tin Huron or 4Tiddleae :, convenient to markets,.. to churches and schools, being Lot 9, N, B. B:dd.ulplh, in the County of Mid- dlesex, containing: 164 acres. On the premises are situate, a good bribk house, three bank barns on stone flour nation's,' 34x54, 40x22, and 70x40, good Wella, windmill, and tine property is welt drained The whole of this farm is in .grass e='cep int; 25 acres. Possession of house given immediately, and corn- piete possession of farm g'.-✓cn Nov, 1 et 1911, and: pur.'chaser, will be allowed to do fall plowing before last •mentioned date. Fo7 further pari:culars apply to Joseph B Kelley, .Esq . Lucan P.O. Ont. James Kelley, Esq., Lucan P. 0., Ont, o-'-D•ckson 'v Carling. Exeter, Enc.' II0t5t E ,P011 S.NLE 'Inc unde,s, red; is offer rg for sale. that tlel_rabl'e preiparty , o:. William • st, half` brick! t�in`; a, Site sand 1 storey, .house 'rr e cellc,nt condition, to'' -g then with two lots of Hland, Also two va=' cant ,lots on ITuron Strsaet, ' Apply- FISHER; pply FISHER; • Exeter ihomoolillomililoililliliTFillom lit 11 iII1iiillll ILItt11111iii11111I III IiIIIIIiiIIIIlIi(II111IIIIHiI' I tit t IIh111111�, p I 1 11111 i IIIIIIIi1IIlliiiiiuI111111111111) 1m1111111�111111111ulli i I Irk -: - (IIIIi111l1i 1111111111111111111111111111111111001111111111111 "Listen, Rest:' • Bud reads: "Madam, your .own,white hands are the first to touch FIVE ROSES. "For nearly one anile it travels through "hygienic autoerotic processes—more "and '.trod" spotless, ``Till in a clear creamy stream it flows into "clean neat packages;fiille d full -weight by "infallible machinery --sewed automatically." "Goodness 1" said -round -eyed Rose. Bud reads eagerly : " Hand -proof, germ -proof.. Every littlest bit of machinery is bright.-- polished like " thosepiano keys of yours. FIVE ROSES is "healthy flour, wholesome, none • like it. " Unbleached, too." - "Nobody :touches ':my flour -but, me" said Ross. Imagine such purity --gest SAVE ROSES. 1 (Itllpneen. 1111110001111011111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111.1,1111111),,s,„,0111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111