HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-28, Page 4Sanders ec Oreeah. Props.
e line ie:zee romaiitS,
7.tnad ti .v,' the Conoid'`firs..
,'ear was t t &la,ughte'.
."tVheever dreamed oz. such
Bias an -bods ;,sears i?ro:xa L J
Tat'. says,—"I „r ; � reatl;i dl8aiaaxo :'ed
,. . n':
1•eraer turned Hay 'I'4,aw14:". p up: ldf
1. a;
anada has def awed hers el t
4-tattO k.
be a
s. d.,ans
great day for C. tw
u enmer be e4.
eeratlitly t.ad ;a landslide, 11
?ant wa
Is, lar n i:yo a JTackenzie
down_ 'o :'4 title rest -
T e "tree" Globes have nta',w
`sol arrive in he daily mall.
people ;t
Wilson, N. V., Deist. 14,
To tshe Fd.tors,—
rs,--'DDear S: s-1 thqugt I would like to
you kn,0`N l`aw i adtl genii?c, 1f •,ng..
New 7'o.^k State..1, ;am wor'slag for
tato the with
b Beat. 1 ;lave houal:t about •'milt'
Tc'1s in three days. I was: here about
o we ks •bcfu ri I bought a 'aarzel.
up :SU kinds of games
o baasl tt,.. pr:re. LastYear 'we
this hoar from
,•;i tuE''',.Rs :SPP to al-'
dclvere;l free r�t1
i70 1 'd tea r.9 T t +. 1t: s sen; a 131:.t
a• but it will .01
It. S. U1' t're
'!ion. and 'S tet' are ir,Ad11 :nom ;our wa'y'
,:ro`v, L wool like to se.;d :t, carload
.tnan Ev.eier and 'let tile, torah ra see ;be
o" 'fruit that is .;roti„ here, T ere
crlou,n apples within a z-adius "off
s - 1r1:iees lea fill''Eaete;• Main :str ct from
r ecll.osn's :o ZW:ti Levett"s, two sLYr.
ey s deep, We are sending oven 'o cars
:.tto 'ianitoba. T duty is kuc a bar -
"e1, but :they tell me the Amer ea'>as are
-O:itg to give a special ' rate this ;all,
zrt,,e Reciprocity _oft
tv Peal
goes through
farmers of Canada tn-aht as well
dawn t'--ielr, old orchards. because
Sai.nnCe: compete wv;th the fruit that
mere, Ido not ,v,nder at 11.S.
ling stere io buy apples- as the far-
s buy thea own barrels, amd we
ave tiottter look `t 'after ahem. Also
thetre are I'4naaay varieties
of apples 'fere, Ili Oalllida r have seen
put in o:ae taarrel. lies'
bctSritt till arebar'd having r'QQ
s,aows, and another buying
., is or irirr:ra so you, Sem :,t En
plc lsant 'oaf illi here. The barrels
are orad' of flour laztraeI stoc}r,
'',ter haat ours, :ur-d Qin cost tbe
ter :17c, 1 out in. the be of. beal,kh
TIS e.. 1s ons. o'10 hotel in this town,
1T'wy a day, but give good
at'conunodat on, ihnia;lei t y.au ter the
act•• 1 will dense. but 11 Mink you had
fiend nt' your doper •aa 1 like to
a the home stew's.
ii ott:,s truly,
\VFitiaitt Stew
Grade e1 $'alta' .is a,tiready
to sympathize with Mr, Bordon.
Gicford goes OIiservativn
lime stone Copied ral"
vo'ei against lien/proeity,
ia1 llseter.
k'.e,diatt a :,d Paterson 1
KnoT rieNr. And Reciproc
Of tt
it a r"eaduna had tseeax
eco .. � >a-ou d
t . � 1
by 5 tet L
I ss Oa,ftd:
too ]a.g ;o p::a
uy for, Ar:
;as egii,t'a�
vo" 1teci,pre
,iter a
that Cala
no: tante
-Fait and
the cause
aken ola
i d e
l t'f sew
z?ded this
e Rx .arax�acll
Stilled the $torrn of Applause For
His Opponent, Douglas,
Professor Tames. T. McLeary Qf
Mankato, Minn.,; who for fourteen
There is more Catarrh in this seetion of the codon
r •'than all other diseases prat together, and anti,
t J,
cincurable or
ir x
R the test few 'ears was supposed o beat
, } pp
anreat many years doctors pronounced it a local dis
ease' and prescribed local remedies, and by constant.
ly<failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced
ti aeurable. Seierteebas proven catarrh to be a
constitutionalclisease aniltherefore requires consti-
tutzonaltreat:tient, Ilan C;atarrhCure, i ahui'ac-
yealrs represented a distad of big tared by P. 3. Ciheney & Co., Toledo,. ohio. ,s tbe'
stdte In eQngreSs, told this Lincoln only constitutional Lana en the market, It Is taken
4t0 ; internally in doses front Ib drops to a teaspooa#uL
It, acts directly on the blood and raucous surfaces of
"... friend of mine tQld, me that when thesnstrua. They offer one hundred dollars tor any
e be he attendee' with his father' Ono caseittails tocnen, send For circulars and testi.,
It vraa not kind to
'Softs would rise to the in
t x.111 ovens Qli.
Even that w e dertul thing. called I.le-
^e proeity, could not' save a Governments
+Croat was rL4inQ to a tali,
Rev. D. W. Collins :reaches Iiat'vcst
I p
"Thanksgiving services in St. i'aul's
church, Thcdterd, on ,Sunday ;text;
Ministers la
their !seats and still there are those
wit -say that' It does not hardly semi
enough. •M
The expressions of thankfulness from
some Liberal 'newspapers that 'Borden
las a majority without the Nationalists
is very touching,
Dr. ;Macdonald of the Globe claims to
Lave been the o, ,>Uaato'r of the Iterip-
ro.'it y.. Pant. However, it was tefore, nett
after ,t,he• elcct:on, that be 'nate the
Uatario, Eri:rsh.' Columbia and *�ttxn•
itoba were st1-011,g 'against tUn part,
Saskatchewan and Alberta- for :.t. Otte -
ben is no longer solidly i-:'bet'al, while
the Maritima Provinces aro',n.ot iar.fron
of the famous Lluceln-Douglas de- n'ozxial ,
bates in Illinois, My friend's ruttier Address:> . 3. enSNEY Sr. CO.,.Toledo, Ohio.
was a Lincoln, man, but the place in sold by IOruhgist$, 7 a cents,
that particular debate tool, Tae flip's family ,ills For constipation.
which tlp . l
place was a'Dougias stronghold.
a over, Tile result ln'rtite
s a surfarlse 1,0 bath Cotr-
, tQ it
Her ,al
lde e
asci. Lt.
ted ev E its Pass:d oft tlt4ell;'.
n:tltez ant+saeaciy
.c ';;trocar+:^ it out, The morning'
.3., n "B—tai" was brQ41:5lit out
"Douglas spore first, and he wa$ EIAM.V .it.LE
L1eu,t.a•-The sytt lathy ez tbe eoaxx:Yxusa-
appiriuse interrupted abvociferoushan.y ; s steltded to Ii and Mrs, John W.
ataplause, The cheering and the 'nand- . „ - e
ilei void in the sad,'deatit of their lithe
end.'aster' four or Ave da 'Tb#e^-tUield. T!ielJita,at �tlle age of,
Minutn� at then Lincoln ws.s intra- :Es z k; > da e,, Tdte
iced t When t year, as nnon...s, nod '1:T y
ducted the crowd broke of;t feta cheers .tile Oise"s deal„. •oafsdue to diarrhoea'
for Douglas and kept it up for several and 0Qllvulaloaaa. The funeral took plat~
minutes• Lincoln meanwhi'' uvait>ea tai ttm Elisnville cemetery eta Tuesday at
patiently. ernooda,
"When at length the enthusiasm bad, -------.40-.-----.--
•- "4° -.----
subsided Lincoln extended his long STAFI'A—Tice .moxas' frfartrest festival
right arm for silence. Yben he had services e1
ace ce Cturcn
partly got this he Said in an towns- be held on Sunday. tlext, Oct. 1h wbea tixe
sive tone. 'What an orator dodge ltev, J. Carlton W, Cracite.l of lidet-
Douglas is1” nota will preaott.. bgltta rtleattlitg and even-'
"This unexpected tribute to their .tai and at St, Pauls els ureh. ;Ileosttll
friend set the audience wild with en- t ,, pan.
thusiasm, When tris applause bad
run its course- Lincoln, extending iris No Appetite
hand again, this thea obtained silence
more easily.
i p Itfi`afF0DX `w'v"lir „, RESTORE I
"What a tine presence sludge Don-
sl' exclaimed, the speaker ear-
tu uitu0uu dal- are annoyed with
a burning
laa 11,7 t It you lg::tv0 4L'a apjotttan:for` meala,eatt't
nest's, Again mapplauseoni, t zest clad
ear -
lowed the tribute. ta;a frecluellt urination and �,
ow rounded his atlzlfenCes e;�ldt,.„ pain ltx nook#aa Ina$satras �
are: HON' well cihosef bis language If at ,nlah,- you retire, IraPit?b tar si p
tat HOW apt his illuatratlons are thit eitit,,° da-
ending up with, What a Splendid man not fair'^', o'
Douglas iii, troubled and fit-'
hen When tbe audience bad again tut.- you; �ttv
e silent at his call Lincoln lean= X,d a, x t"-t?u'al*
forward arid. said: , arta need 11e4ath'$
"And now. my countrymen, bow .lt.'d s- y .'walls taco
many of you can tell me one tiling g't an^crd e nw4Y
its. rill - kid n ? ,
Judge Douglas said? and bl tdd t,ta rR
"qty friend told me Ito searched his 'all few' duxes
overt heart for au answer and fount' of 1lfa'in`5 Eiddtey.
none. Afterward he asked his tattier la,ts w:u wake ulna t
if lie could remember anything, Ja=ils and �•egtirate the urino, Cc>litielacd tr£At
I ougitrs had said. and the latter r tli� 1` walk cure rind lltxyl the weakener-
merabered; practically nothing. "Brit', ltlditey,a and restore tete appetite ,n the
friend said to isle impressively, rotors' way. Sold everywhere 50 'feline
can raoz, •ir peatp;aid from '.l":to R. T. Bootie
Co., Led., Fart ISr°ie, Out, Free trial aebt
on riPPlar,�"ll°sit,
Sold aid uaran eed
1V. S. foie.
'�.____.-� LLD, 1�.G.1... PRESIDENT
EomuND WAL.i<El* o„v,C%,t i- ,
CAPITAL - $10,000,000 REST $ 000
REST, a � t r9tJ
''a Bank ot'' Conutierce are a safe,
Z e c'r�ers of `Fhe Gonads n
The e Money andy d of remitting small stuns of money,
coni*en.icnt economical method , ?�. hank
They are payable without charge at every branch, of a chartered ak, in
l� i the Yukon Territory) and an the principal cities o£
y(except u l
theUnited, States,
n regarding- there may be obtained
The Orders and full information regarding, y
t rite Bank,
-an a,PIPl,icatiev n y Orderthe Bank ;rill on teCez ..t .off
dis the er>•eiat of dt?�s of a krdilric} E3rd , 13
nte+; make arrangements to refund the amount _O
a SatISaGtQry gtlara z .232
the lost Order,
Eseter Branch—W. a, Collins, yI anaeer, l3raneh also at Crediton.
Capital aid up) t $4,000,400
Rest Fund - t4OO,000
Total Assets Ovvr �4410OO,OOO
' S ranches in Canada. Arid Agents atle .f tlt'r'espot erttsirs ailtho
Principal Cities tri the Odd,.
I ' linSINOS �StAIiSi4C£Iia)”
tr�l,tDl��a. RANKIN()
SAVINGS BANamessimiessmaiEP RTME1mo”
i Branches. Interest • allowed at highest current rate.
bI ititOreat IOWO. The 'ren now, half E1 century later, I
tsato was .r,a'ly decorated .wIth placards
praellcallp all that Lincoln
ti•o: nl= ve0ple that "Hard ;',hoes and s fi'-Ezchsns
liwC:p: oft V verso defe tied and t1'tat""1"13 or
1'. ll, snort PrailadeIphia 9pen11 ' THE USE OF AASkN C.
f clays '41 tow;tt v1(...s1tIng ber winter,'
Bertrand. and other relit.
Mre.. r red C;r.wley returned to Detrol
tench+ atter a tew woke' vista ;here
Witt her parents.
'tarry 1","'E.tber returned to resume
wo,lt',i,n 1-1amilta.r, on iatanday.
., Eilher and Nelson, Shenk wb
s lve been- f°re i rrt 1ingt on the T ,&E N.O.
ll,llway in New o1'ttltrio,'the past :e ttl,on
eturned dome last Wednesday.
Sunday the ttr
services wig belac in, 1 .
hold 1 the ;Methodist
tielw the Poison Act" Whin, Taken aa*
a Complexion Beautifier,
"You loo donbt Gave observed the lily
White complexion of some worrten..
These women are sacrificing years of
their lives for that beautiful skin by
the use of arsenic;' said a chemist of
Manchester, England.
"It is a well tnown fact thatthou-
sands of women in all countries of tileworld use the poison in Small quoad-
rhureh. .B,e,y, `I2. w. 1CfQv.Ies, 13.A., or ties to bleach their skin. It is en et-
*. Thomas, a 'forret- Paster ?t ttte festive means of 'whitening .and clear-
ing the complexion, but the complex-
ion given by Its use bas no perma-
nency unless the absorption of the drug
be continued.
"„arsenic, as science has long told us.
is an accumulative poison. When one
takes it either by prescription for the
upbuild;ing of an appetite or for the
bleaching of the skin be does not feel
any ill effects for several years. The
effect of the drug is bracing and•makes
• g
a person: feel like eataa, alo aids
It s
the digestion. ' The average user of
the poison takes it In such small gnan-
titles that he does not realize how
much of it will accumulate In his sys-
tem in the course of four or five years.
"Being anaccumulative poison, it
often takes' that length of time to see
the results of the drug. Then the user
may complain of not being able to con-
trol bis fingers or toes. Subsequently
heloses control of his bands and arms.
Paralysis, superinduced by arsenical
poisoning, is the fearful result. --Wash-
ington Post.
church here, will occupy tate pulpit morn-
illi" and evenin . Bev. Knowles has
madly' friends ,here 'who will, ba ,glad 10
have the opportunity, to hear hinar speak
evva'11. Oat Monday evening a program
will be rendered. Several speakers will
be 'present and special music will be ren-
dered by the choir,
Hugh Girvin of Luekltow is vis-
iting be" daughter 'Nix's. Herb. Ij1117t:r for
feW days.
- Arthur Holtzman, bass returned to 'Nap
;'ervl'•le 111., to ron:G:t'>ti'u3' :has studies in
The Northwestern College.
Geo -;o Ls,wson has bought the house
for me 1y . ,occupp'ied by Dr. McCue, Jas.
1 a'wson will nt'ave into tete haunt.. orcuf-
ted =by tits tatilezt 10.V:a wezit. and Jostpli
Dauncey tato the one he bought from
Sautes Lawson,
Alpmo Hod.g:in,s :'s superintending the
jab 'o pu ;•tl li 'firs concrete abut-
nterIts ia. ^ Ford's Brid,1e otg the, illicit eon.
Ttie concrete abutnlants of liaises bridge
- iivrr been. completed. •.
Mr-. and. Mrs Herb. E°?ber attended
t a wedding of Mr. Anson Girvin of
Saskatoon, Sask., to MLtss Gertrude.Is-
aac en, St. Catharines on }Wednesday.
Mr. Samuel Kuhn has commenced to do
his fall ploughing and other necessary,
work on the farm; be boughlt, a.nd which
present, occupied by Edward Short
Mr. Frei;, Kerr attended the funeral,
of the daughter of Mr. Geo. D'?wn: at
Grand Bend on. Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ilreller of Detrozit
are v.si+tiii., file latter',s 'parents, air,.
avid •Mrs. S. P,, Ealber.
Last Pr_da3i evening the Ladies Aid
The Dominion Elections are over, and
the people will settle...downn to business
- The cainpa`:.a just closed has been a
warm one, waged with a great deal of
earnest zeal, and there were a great
many surprises Vas both aides, after the
b 'lobs had best counted. Now- that the
smoke and dust of 'the battle are clear-
xn;, a'wap, It is '`meet that we Should
promptly., tly, lay aside all uncharitableness
and erldeavar ,, by every means in our
,p rvrer ,to ,,obliterate the bitterness that
,,rnay',h.ave beers engendered in the strife.
owe ;;have ;tor Iwo on and probably "next
ialeighbors with people who differed df •;tll�gatr el cal Chw^ch gave a Fowl,
with us in 'the cadnpaign• But let 'ixs Supper In h ,rr-al church shed. The
the. ew Forget the strife, nettle down to 'work, �-weather left alothIti 'to -.be desired and
aald,heip,make this grand, old Canada of aftIa ue,,num2 ar 'of people were present,
• ours happfpl and more prospedlous than €ttit number beln(g -estimated at about 7d0a1
t T.he 1ad;les" vd,.tlae1,13b s't'to' make,,. the
int has ever bean• GI course if t2aere upper a success and many a 'word of
was wzongdo fr ; :n the election anti` we p=a ,se ay 'Heart' from 'those who 'attend -
are informed therebeen; 'and' -Tat ^ed tha't,-`.1t,wagsthe*st ,fowl supper giv
too locally, let the wrongdoers be pun-
ished summarily. We must have pure
taiectigns at all cost.
Jas, Brophey 01 -Greenway visited' at,
Ed. Gilt Tuesday.—Mr. Be nate ,Ravelle
moved to : Brewster Wednesday:—Mr.
and Mrs. J. Sharrow are visiting' in
Detroit. 1ITs, Wm. Oliver, who has
been 3n London Hospital arrived home
'Monday.—The election :is over and the
;Weather seems quite' cool. since. -Mies
Evertsan who has been(visn,ting at Mrs. -
Wm. Paterson'e returned ' to her home
in St. 3lnornas—:'di'ss Gladys Patterson
is viisitin4g in, Port Huron:
Thin IT a1'r on Top
If tri lila S_ge, -the hair grower that.
S. Cole. .guarantees, .Will not cause
i,ha r w g env where the hair is thinning,
r`ia' hin`r cti' tills earth will,
;' z . t l bee.rt en
v, a ou; yneY: back if Parisian Sage Mr. 7}Y;os Collins has laic y
d .e9
,o hail:" saver, caged 'daa'n,x, ,,'•:thee co.:iiar an sp
Ne^ v
' O'1Y E.
5 > , w
O Eit.
:y n a
tvr.��. �*:Frf
' 't- ii t t inn
cure, o.
, r
d,: r
A ,x ,:,� . _ ,• .. t eaane
,... .. r, o de, s t!a,
aY. ao--slay. p � .
,,.i I 'tia.m 'ort 11'0:
11 .. a
s itching• scalp and fall,die, elan" Mand on , ., c , p,
p - 'o, s xr i..:htowse ..,a .ord., t
bud et a. t w � 'Y
L n toc
arud:m3kbe,..;Kai, grow :nick . � ,. .,
none back, i0, cents':r,`ar•• a to c,ata'Fkt a "'Fork a rather dan.,erou!s
v anbottle Parisian Sage =riiakes tie „Ind ,tr'il'l "on` a 'man •of ;E:•,,..s•years,
aolt and brilliant'" and , promotes I•., should.- s v I; Is wonde , ul''what he
can„do-.,ail-Ilf, ay fi`,
eat it any, ,locality Jo.: a long tame. TY:
:re -Dream booblirin chait;.e. of Ezra y Gist
did a Trig: busitnetss. After the supper an
e aellent, program Was given in the
,turns. Special mention, must 'be made,
of` the male. quartette. It was fine and
the seiecti'ons stand repeating. Ad-
dresses •yvre' liven' by Rev. l3rowa of
Zlarleh,, Rev: 'Grenzebach of Dashwood;
and Kev. I-l1ckrs of the Methodist church
cie,re., Rev. i] ' B,uirn, the local pastor,
pn -
d the 'la:r e audience with a se'1-
del, -fife , � The net
eft.ani '61`:' Swi1 ss Yode1:1t1V.
feeds of. flue supper amounted to $250.'
' Thos. Hennessey is 'iniprovirtJ from
i iness.—Percy Simpson and wife re-
h.,is, t
, ,, siare
4 and a
turned �-Sronn „-h2.�r honeymoon
ce5 d ,b .at idooresv:lle.-Percy .I3 c:e of
I.ondori has nloYed to his 'fame
lid .of:- McGillivray --twits Cassie Pat -
'ton, has retunit�ed to Cleveland.—No se'r-
vices are 'to bit ,held it St - James weir
is blit;; repaired --H. C�1lints-has 11
"tttcned `front a trip west. -W. F.; -Abbott'
.s. lea ring 'far 'thee west .this week w'h'ere'
�t d we Asn to everybody, you can he asi.shipping 'a load of honey:
That Was Enough.
They were talking about the nosey
women who knew everybody In the
middle of the block.
"Apparently she's got it in for those
people who moved away from 35 last
week," said be. "What did they do to
herr ° K
"Nothing," said she: "except to ;bor-
row her 'opera glasses the day before
'they moved and keep them till the day
after,,so'she couldn't get a -chance to
traini;•them on their back room furni-
ture.'°, '34 o* York Times.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
w tttng. There is a constitutional cause
fa.- this trouble. Mrs. 51. Summers, Boa
V . 840, ' Windsor, Ont.,, will , send free
to any mother her successful home treat
m ent with full instructions. Send ; no,
money but Write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances; are it 'ca'n't
help it. This treatment also cures ad-
ults andaged people troubled with urine
difficulties by day or :. night.
Our Seven College,' hr.ve been es.
tntlli5ht•d during the pest ;30
yrnrs. The hargtlnt trl►tnars In
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all over Ontario, we do bet-
ter for our graldtlntc:t than any
other School. Yon may study
all rtt home or partly at home
and finish at the College, Affil-
iated with The Cotn'nercinl Edo.
calors' Association of Canada.. "
It would be well for you to in-
vestigate before choosing. Ex -
elusive right for Ontario of the
world-famous Bliss Bookkeeping
System, which is unequalled- it
is Actual Business from Start to
I+`lnish, and the Students keeps
wane books as. Obrirtered l3nnks
and Wholesale Houses, Enter
any ti.me.. Ind i v.idual instruction
Fait Term From Aug, 28
Write, call or phone
Miss B. F. Ward
at Exeter fort to Dominion, Government.
N. D. UUBDO tT Manager,
aga, Solicitors,
PubIic Schools
And how about your School Supplies
The regular fc. act 'irlbiere, pial o pr Stat foTd"et and ti
SO alae Maack
for ac,.
Y, M. C. A. BLDG..
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed every graduate. Seven
specially qualified regular teachers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help. College in session from
Sept. 5 to June -30. Enter any time.
Catalogue Free.
Forest... CitySh and College
Chartered Accountant,
Auction Sale
The tleesx
auctLoneer ' has'
_he 'unders:i>rra,ed
Instructed to tell 'by public auction on
ghee pren:aes, V,lc.or:a. St' eet,Eaete.,on
1t 2, o'clock, p r.1., the 1ollawIn v'1_
loge p:op rty, 'viz, -Lots 41] to 1,3 1-n-
clus:ve, 'situa'ted on Victoria street,
easL of Puhlac; School; • and ..eoanrta h'ng
by ad iieasurentent., Sour
These lotswi L be, -sold .is -
to suit 4peyis
s airezzellent' property. Well situ-
a ^lar g e
'on;'bh �dy�..a�s.
i is, �to:r•o fr t t,teea 1, o •:of
numbs'• of o u2. - c errn
,ri,. _
da oft`
sale iti3-de kTtgfr:r on `y
�,u her particulars- apply to
t prietoar. -
-J. W. Tailol, Prop
Carling; Auct.
Vico 'PrinclptsL 15
Lines •
Cliied. �, l•O
'E1te famous regatta perieli, wort
for Se. 'reduced primo linin,, ;a ll01
> 1NTS.`-"'
4Yator colors in neat bozos
2.ic, Crayons ]e. to 11lct, a
will pay )roux to pay . us a Visit.
o save you money, and we do it.
nice, 0oz
The tanUQua Gorman proof slate.
wire edge or bound 5c. to :tic„
a , .are 't • ro:touncing filet
Coniine large y� ay
ales ,
at ],ic,
We are in a positioiti'
S. Martin & San, Exeter
Mad* It Lean.
Teacher—New,� kr
TCto what tale the tower
ffarold—r guess there mos
ftminne in„the,1and, Eixcl�`
Our registration greatly exceeds that
or previous years. Why? Our school is
the 'hest of iiia kaltxd in the west, best in
courses given, best in teachers empioy-
ed and best in assisting graduates to
positidn)s. Our graduate>i are in de-
mand. Business men state that they
are the 'best. In the past three years
we .had eleven a,pplication,sfor help that
we could riot supply. We Have three de-
partments, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Get our tree catalogue.
Commence your course -at once.
D A. 1tIcLACIILAN, Principal.
From Stations in Ontario, Kingston,
Madawaska and West i
Madawaska .and West
'To Stations on T. And N. O.iIailey-
bury and Notrth
Tickets wtlll be!tssued at rate of
B.ROetupr. n mL. ekaimCtlo,`ya<,Ockccaets,rr.y1ng, J,t0hlto.u
gtt",CORALT SPECIAL" leavesToronto
ane, 'trash.; Nelson •T3,C.; Vancouver
'•Westnlinirster,, 13.C. ; Seattle, Wh,
Tacoma, Wash. ; Portland, Ore. ; San
San „D' b Ca
c d I.os Angeles, a 1.
>i tart rsceS ,
1c •t vrrates �YIe nco`�:Cb Y �t s�orY lea t
SEPT `1510 to OCT 15th.
11j1 .,
e 3d1 1 n
Literatu d.. £Q .,
l F•,
any. �rand,iTruhk,��ei1 ,ior address
,DUES,4. $tdic1Pas'seatger
Agent, at
'onanto, Ont, .
J,,_,ATc KI3IG1 , Agenti.,E:etear,
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nam-
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that We are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction..
Remember our motto,--
otto,-"Fresh Groceries all the time,"
All kinds of produce taken
in exchange.
Do you own a "Parkyte"
or are you a Slave to ill
health. •
A "Parkyte” Sanitary Chen1icai Closet in your home" is the strongest
kind of insurance against the germ of disease. `It is a preventative ;against
g P
epidemics a.nd'oontaglon in the Summer and an absolute<' necess iG y
year round.
Requires neither 114?it,ter nor Sewage; can be placed in any: part of our , y,
borne; cost less than a Cent day, lifetime.
n a y, and lasts a f
Endorsed by the leading, Physicians, and Health Officials, Specified by
the most Prominent Arthitects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Cananian Homes in less than
AS your C-3diCi
or h11CeS.
one year.
Parlcye,, Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada a b
7 e,.
Pct,l'ke -�,il e L° an,
i Yt .. lmlca� lnnlpe�, ISI
li � nc
13 ane,l�es--1®Yalta %lr�utl•e�,l Ca] oar and � a
and is sold by
xeter, iOntar'i0