HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-28, Page 2CLOSE QUARTERS
In less confident t nes inseseettr
Walters reseuried his narrative:
"On :Monday evening, eir," lie
mid, "about eight cdeleck, his Ex-
eelieney anel the two eecretaries
were dining downstairs, and mat-
tere had, ths far, gone ori with the
aanIe routine aa was observed every
preceding day. The workmen quit-
ted work at six o'clock.. The three
gentlemen went out for a drive as
soon as everything was locked up,
and came in again at a (Darter to
eight. They did not ehange their
clothes !or dinnerso there WAs no
occasion to zearch' them, as no one
had gone upstairs since they had
'descended soon after six. They
had barely started dinner when
eonte ope called at the front door,
-"Well, now deee it not strike you;
that tile Perpetrators thereof, who
were not afraid to be, scrutinizect
by yourself and by everal other
policemen, and to be aearehed and
further scrutinized by a, different
set of officers when they eame out
again, weeld be very nnlikelY per-
sona to bear abeut them men dis-
tinguishing Characteristice as wcoild
lead to their nrreat by the firat
yOUtIlfUl pOliee-nelastable who en-
countered them? I do net want to
be rude, or to indicate any lack of
discretion on your part, but, from
my point of view, I would vastly
prefer not to be ished with any
description of these three perzone,
nor would I care to have seen them
as they entered or !eft the house."
'Well, that is very curious,'
said pect
;014 I w„,j5 Kr4t, for, do" bat Ineor Walters, dropping
I may explain was always artawered his ads on 1u1:11" $11P"
by aue, af the house "Tenets, aud amazement at 511P11 an n.ntra orcin -
he, af necessary, admitted any per -
sun who eame, elosing the door;
but the visitor had te be examined
by the policeman stationed in the
pas4ige before he was permitted to
•come any further, On this eeca,
Bien 1 went out and found -three
gentlemen et ending there . They
were Turks, as could be easily seen
by their attire, and appeared to
be persons of some coneequelace."
“What do you mean by the words
'their attire?'" interrupted Brett,
"Were they dressed in European
Mites or in regular Turkish gar-
"Oh." said the inspector,
meant that they wore fens; othar
wiso they were quite accurately
dressed in frock eoats and the rest,
but they were unmistakably Turks
by their appearance. Two of them
could speak no Engliale and the
third, who aeted as the leader
the party, firet of all addressed me
in French. Finding I did not un-
derstand him, he used very broken,
but fairly intelligible English,
What be, wanted was to be taken
at once to His Excellency, Mehe-
met Ali Pasha. I said that his Ex-
celleney was dining and that per-
haps he had better *all in the
morning, but he replied that his
business was very urgent, and h
could not svait. He made me un-
derstand that if I sent in the cards
of himself and his companions they
would certainly be admitted at
once. I did eat see any harm in
this, so I took the three cards and
gave them to Hussein, who was
crossing the hall at the moment,"
"As the cards were printed in
Turkish characters you could not
of course, tell what the names
:were," said Brett.
A look of blank astonishment
erossed the inspector's face as he
replied : "That is a good guess, but
it is so. The hieroglyphics on the
piece of pasteboard were worse than
Greek. However, Hussein glanced
at them. He appeared to be sur-
prised; he went into the dining
room. Of course I had nothing
arv statement from a roan whose
clearness and accuracy ot percep-
tion had been se fully justified by
the incident of the tvindonahlinda
"Aed 'now, Mr. Sharpe," said
Brett, "what did you observe'?"
came on duty at ten o'clock;
posted my guards, and received
from Inspector Walters an exact
,eount of what had taken place
before my arrival. Inapeetor Wal-
ters had hardly quitted the home,
when one of the junior members of
the mission came downstairs with
a, note which he asked me to send
at once by a constable to Mr. Tal-
“You are quite sure he was 000
of the members of the mission l"
eaid Brett.
Perfectly certain. I have seen
bm every previous night for near
a month, as the gentleman often
went out late to the Turkith Em-
bassy, and elsewhere. I sent the
note, as requested, and Mr. Talbot
came back with the constable in
about twenty minutes. Mr, Talbot
went upstairs accompanied by Hus-
in ; Hussein came clown, was
searched, went down to the kitchen,
brought up inore coffee, and never
appeared again. The next time
saw him was about noon yester-
day' when we broke open the door,
andfound his dead body. At 11,25
Mr. Talbot, accompanied by one
whom Inspector Walters has de-
scribed as the spokesman of the
strangers, came down the stairs.
Mr. Talbot looked somewhat puz-
zled, but not specially worried, and
submitted himself to the searching
operation as usual. The other man
seemed to be surprised by this pro-
ceeding, but offered no objectioo
when his turn came, and said some-
thing laughingly in Freneh to Mr.
Talbot, when he had to take his
boots off. The two gentlemen went
outside and called a, cab. Mr. Tab
bot got in,
and the constable at the
doer heard the foreigner tell the
driver to go to the Carljon Hotel.
He repeated the address twice, 50
as to make sure the man would
else to do to let them in, which I make no mistake.
did accompanying them myself to "Then they drove off, and there
the door of the dining -room, and
making sure, before the door was
closed, that their presence was ex-
"How did you do that?" said
"Well, although they spoke in
what I suppose was Turkish, it is
not very difficult to distinguish by
a man's tones whether his recep-
tion of unexpected visitors is cer-
dial or not, and there could be no
doubt that the visiting cards had
cenveyed such names to his Excel-
lency as warranted the introduc-
tion •of the party into the house.
The six gentlemen remained in the
dining -room until 9.17 (I have the
time noted here in my pocket-
book). They then came out and
went upstairs in a body to the ante-
room where they all sat down'as I
could tell by the movement of. the
chairs overhead, and in a few min-
utes Hussein was rung for to bring
cigarettes and coffee, This -was at
9.21. Hussein was searched as he
came downstairs after receiving the
order, and again at 9.30 when he
returned after executing it. I was
relieved at ten o'clock, and beyond
describing the three geatlenaen, I
know nothing more about the busi-
"They were well dressed " in-
quired Brett; "they impressed you
as Turkish gentlemen by their fea-
tures, and they wore fezes ?"
said the policeman, with
smile ; ''but there was a little
more than that.
"Et is of no importance," said
-was no further incident to report
until five minutes past twelve, when
the other two foreigners came down-
stairs. Then we had a bit of a job.
They knew no English, and one of
our men, who could speak French,
found that they did not understand
that language. However, at last in
dumb show we got them to per-
ceive that everybody who came
downstairs had to be searched.
They submitted at once, and I took
special care that the investigation
was complete. There was nothing
upon them to arouse the slightest
suspicion, no weapons of any sort
beyond a small pocket-knife car-
ried by one man, and not much in
the, way of either papers or money.
Before going out one of them pro-
duced a small card on which_ was
-written, 'Carlton Hotel.'
"I took it that this was their re
sidence, so I instructed a constable
to see them into a cab and tell the
driver where to take them. I also
showed them how much money to
give the cabman. None of the gen-
tlemen upstairs put in an appear-
ance, nor did I hear them retire to
rest. To make quite sure that all
was right, 1 and a sergeant who
looked in a little later went up-
stairs and tried the door of the
ante -room. -This was locked and
everything was quiet within, so we
returned to the, hall, and the night
was passed in the usual manner.
Hussein always made his appear-
ance about eight o'clock in the
morning, -when he came down to
procure coffee for his Excellency
and the others. As he did not show,
Eight Years 01 Bad.
Eczema en Hands
a atontrZat
Cured by attic= Soap and Ointment
alias Mary A. Dentley, 03 University St,
Montreal, writes, In a recent letter: "Some
nine years ago I noticed small p mines break-
ing out on the back of my hands, They
became very irritating, and gradually became
worse. so that I could not sleep at eight,
consulted a physMian who treated me a long
tinie, but it got worse, and I could not put
MY hands in water. I was treated at the
hospital, and it was Suet the same. I was
to/fat that It was a very bad ease of eczema- .
The four bodies were carried to the
mortuary in Chapel Place, and the
.fourteen workmen were conveyed
to Seotland Yard, not because we
have any charge against there, but
the Commissioner thought it best
to keep them under surveillance
tho Turkish. Embassy has set-
tled what was to be done with them,
in the matter of paying such wages
as were due and sending them baek
to Amsterdana. The men them-
selves, I may add, were quite satis-
fied with our aetion in the matter.
That is really all I have to tell
"It is quite clear, then," said
Brett, "that two men succeeded in
murdering four and in getting
away with their plunder and arras
without creating the slightest noise
or exciting any suspicion is your
"That is so," admitted Inspector
Sharpe ruefully.
"Then," said Brett, "there is no-
thing else to be done here, IN ill
' you come with. me, Mr. Winter?"
"Where to, sir?" insired
quired the
"Well,IJust kentonusingeversdhina that I "To find Mr. Talbot of course
come for nearly eight years until X. was "Easier aid than done," re -
advised to try Caticura Ointment. did so,
in.a.rked IhSpeetor -Walters, as tho
and faunal atter a few applications the
burning sena.ationa were disapI peariag. could
aleep Weil andid not d have may itching door elesea behin4 the viaitior.
during the meta, a began after a while to Inveetor Sharpe was less septi
use enteura Sean, 1 stock to the Cutinera
treatment, am t h
might if 1 count use other
remedies for ever seven Team 'with no remit. “He's a very mart ehap
mut after Only baying nfew applications and
finding easo !mu C"unorira ointment, it j Brett," he said. "Neither you nor
dgAerved a fah Old 'vftl' 4 severe and stlib- I thouolit of punehind that wire
s did wer
born case. I used the Caticura Ointment
mid Soap for Porny sta. moat ts, am Ain
niad to alla" that I have banda aa dear as
anyone, It is ins' wisl, that yeti publish this
letter to the wolV, awl if anyorte doubts it,
let Mem write -me,'
Catiettra Soap and Ointment are Sold by
druggists and dealata everywhere. For a
hberataaninle each, with:32-P, 4091c. 5_end
to Vetter Dreg 4: Chem, Cern, nein. C/P.
13ostoa, U. S. A.
three Belgians. Taking a con-
stable with me, I wept Upstairs,
and ascended to the eeeorid story,
where I knew his Excellenay's suite
was situated, and where1 expeeted
to find Hussein asleep on GI mat in
ront of the bedroom door,. The
mat was there, but no Hussein.
Then I -went higher up to the rooms
cupied by the ti,vo assistants. I
neeked, but received no answer.
One doer was locked; the other
was open, so I went in, but the
room was empty, and the bed had
not been slept upon. This'seerned
no strange filet I knocked loudly at
the other door, with no result. I
returned to his Excellency's floor
and hammered at the door, which
was looked, sufficiently to wake the
soundest sleeper that. ever lived.
This again was useless, so 1 rt.
turned downstairsand sent off two
messengers post haste—one to Mr.
Talbot, and the other to the Com-
missioner of Police at Scotland
Yard. The man who went to Mr.
Talbot's house returned first, bring-
ing the startling information that
Mr. Talbot had not been home all
night, and that his uncle and sis-
ter were anxious to know where he
was, as they had received no mes-
sage from him since he quitted the
house the previous night at 10.15.
The Commissioner of Police came
himself a little later. By that time
Inspector Walters had reached here
for his turn of day duty, and after
a hasty consultation we decided to
break- in all the doors that were
looked, commencing with that of
the second assistant. His room was
empty, and so was his Excellency's,
neither apartment having been oc-
cupied during the night. We then
returned to the fuel floor and forc-
ed the door of the ante -room,
which, -we discovered, was only se-
eured by a spring latch, the lower
lock not having been used. As soon
as we entered the 'room, we found
the four dead men. Hussein, the
servant, was neareit the door and
was lying in a crumpled -up position.
He had been stabbed twice through
the back and once through the
spinal column at the base of the
neck. His Excellency and the two
assistants were seated in chairs,
but had been stabbed through the
heart. The instrument used must
have been a long thin dagger or
stiletto. There was no sign of it
anywhere in the room, and most
certainly none of the men who came
out the previous night had such a
weapon concealed upon him.
"Doctors were at once sent for,
and the first medical gentleman to
arrive said that each of the foul'
had been dead for itiany hours, but
they also imagined that the coffee,
the remains of which we found ie
some clips on the table'had been
drugged. So, before disturbing the
room and its contents in any way,
the Commissioner sent for Dr. Ten-
nyson Coke. After careful investi-
gation Dr. Coke came to .the same
conclusion as the Other gentlemen.
He bellevesthat his Excellency and
Ms two assistants were first stupe-
fied by the drug and then murder-
ed as they sat in their chairs, whilst
the appearance of Hussein and the
nature of his wounds seemed to in-
dicate that he had been nnexpet-
edly attacked and killed before he
could struggle effectually or even
call for assistance
'Of course, the diamonds had
Vanished, w-hilst in the safes Or ,on
the tables we found the keys which
had evidently ,been taken from his
Excellency's pockets. We \vete all
puzzkd to account for the disap-
pearance o2 the diamonds and the
dagger, but you have clearly shown
the moans wlmieby they were con-
veyed orf Lico piemis0. r. Coke
mostly Dutchmen, wan, ithask, took away the coffee for analysis, leston.
'‘But really it inust be," urged up I vs,ondered what had become of
the inspector. One' .o. them, she him. Vaen nine o ,lock came, 1
man who spoke to me, had a bad determined to investigate, matters.
,sword -cut across his right cheek, By that time she diamond cutters
whilst another squinted horribly ; had put in an appearance, arid were
laaanclaa, they wane all elderly nien." gathered in the hall, undergoing a
'Pardon mo, inspector,'said , slight search preparatory to their
Brett '`but yOu admit, no rioubf, day's work"
that this as a very rernarkral)Je "Hon/ ninny of these , men
0.1",rne 1 am investigating.' there ?" broke in Brett,
"it shoals-, lust think' it is, sir."°sixteen exactly. They wexe
a,s the 0,,:OzW0E...
(To be eon -tinned.)
What She Gained by Trying Again
A failure at lrst makes us esteem
final success.
A family in Minnesota that now
enjoys Pestum would never have
known how good it is if the mother
had been discouraged by the, fail-
ure of her first attempt to prepare
it, Her son tells the story:
"We had never used POSt11111 till
last, spring when father brought
home a package one evening just
to try it. We had heard frem our
neighbors, and in fact every one
who need it, how well they liked it
the next morning Mother
brewed it about five minutes, just
as she had been in the habit of do,
ing with coffee without paying
special attention to the directions
printed on the package. It looked
weak and didn't have a very prom-
ising color, but nevertheless father
raised his cup with an air of ex-
pectancy. It certainly did give
him a great surprise, but I'm
afraid it wasn't a very pleasant
one, for he put down his cup with
a look of disgust.
"Mother wasn't, discouraged
though, and next morning gave it
another triah letting it stand on
the stove till boiling began and
then letting it beil for fifteen or
twenty minutes, and this time we
were all so pleased with it that we
have used it ever since.
"Father was a confirmed dyspep-
tic and a cup of coffee was to him
like poison. So he never drinks it
any more'but drinks Post= re-
gularly. He isn't troubled with
dyspepsia now and is actually
growing fat, and I'm sure Posture
is the cause of it All the children
are allowed to drink it and they
are perfect pictures of health."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Read the little book, "The Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a
Ever road the above letter? A new on mi
appears frosts still clinging about them. They
front time to time. They are
genuine. true, and fun of human Interest. seemed to lift themselves above and out
of the world, and to be altogether apart
CARE OF CHICKENS. from roan and the little things that
All the old birds, a.ncl young, too, busy him. They were solitary, remote,
should be examined frequently
and there was no sign ofia
during the hot months, because near them. And in betweenlti?en
gs o It chmi 1 lag,
then it is that the lice and mites
It bone or chopped meat is
fed during the summer, extra pre-
cautions -must be taken to have it
perfectly fresh.
Many birds die from eating bone
and meat scraps which have been
allowed to lie around exposed to
the heat and the flies.
In feeding chickens always re-
member that they are provided for
to produce fresh eggs for human
food and, therefore, their own food
should be just as pure as that we
eat ourselves.
The hot sun will cause young gos-
lings and ducklings as well to top-
ple over and die. Provide shade
for them until they are strong on
a stop the, meanest, nastiest, most pe'rsistent headaches la half an
hour or less. We gatarantee that they contain no opium,
Morphine on other poisonous drugs, 25c. a box at your druggists'
or by mail from
•Nabsoal rfrust win Chemical Con of caeada„. Limited.
scale of creation, These tremendome
..N1 monuments of rock have been tossed
about at some time as the plaything a
some frenceuclous power, Their very naatas
and, weight comPels thought a the incom-
paebensible violence which has of old tor
them rem their place and reared, them
up on end. At one place where we camel
—By REX McEVOY aloag to -day, right at the, foot of Mount'
Macdonald, the rock rises sheer up fromic
[Mr. McEvoy will Write.for
this paper a s3ries of letters
from the west. They will
appear from time to time un-
do.. the above heading, and
will give a picture of the
great C'attadian west from
the standpoint of a young
Ontario man going out there
to make hisway. These let=
ters should be full of inte,est
for every QAtario fahord
Tie 5.
Eafl1QQ4s Sent,
afy Dear
Although tbie letter is dated Naraloepa
Ye have inat left that place and am get-
ting further froin it every minute,
wntiixig thie in a caraer Of tha ar-
NerVatian ear on the Imperial Limited,
the name the 0. 1', R. gives the train
that runs through from Montreal to Tall,
couver. The observation car nas a dean
Idatform neltind where Yon Call Sit it
on camp tools and wateli the seenery
without and glass or window fraMea to
interfere With the view. You get tbe real
mouateln sir. UM, sta the train elides
patt 010 silept. pealte, and while going
Lkreugh one of the nine -1011g tunnels to-
y I heard the $s)b,b a an undergronnd
stneam, and felt the drip of tho water.
where I aus eitting there itt a writ
az dealt, and close beside It la a book
natio with a couple of hundred braika to
choose from if nou want to read.
notice that they aro not Med much,
didn't Imo wayone reading them the
scenery is too attraetive for that. The
magazines, howener. 'which belong to
the library, were much In demand,
Well, it bas been a wonderful day for
me. I WaS up.early. for the traltt leaves
Calgary at 3,15 a.m. right on the dot,
TItat's one thing that has surprise1 roe
on title trip. While a local train in On-
tario may he anywhere from half an
hour tr., an hour late, ,these trains whiela
make a run for nearly three thousand
miles pitll out of the station rigbt on
time. Of course, they must lose in
ter when when the snow drifts. Then a train
may be excused for being a day behind
We ran out of Calgary in the dark,
but it was daylight by the time we reach.
ed FSrsluw. then you are right close up
to the mountains. ilere I noticed a num-
bar of long, dustY-looking buildings. They
are part of one of the largest cement
works in Canada. Then we went through
what is called "The Gap," right into the
heart of the mountains.
It was at Canmore that I first realized
what mountains were. I aimply cannot
describe the feeling of awe that is ex-
perienced in looking on theta for the first
time. The other side of a level valley,
perhaps some fiVO miles away, they rose
up, up, up, grey. silent, majestic in the
grey light of early morning, with the
their. pegs,
Seventy guests banqueted on a
single pie at Gorle.,ston, and there
was plenty to spare when they had
finished, siays London Sketch. Tho
pan qsnao Isom eeaes pee sul
weighed a hundredweight and A
half. It was made in three sections
or water tight compartments and
each hold had a substantial bulk-
head of erust. Its interior was
packed with six rabbits, six kidneys,
twenty-eight pounds of- beefsteak
and potatoes, turnips, carrots and
sprouts. The sea pie, assit is call-
ed, is boiled, not bakedand its
builder, Skipper Harman, made thei
cookingprocess an eight hours
watch. This three decker provided
a savory meal which more than sat- ;
isfied the guests, and its wrecked ;
and dismantled hull provided ter
gallons of excellent soup that was
gladly welcomed by the Gus -
grey peaks, miles beyond, a glimpse
might be caught of another. higher peak,
saaw..aevered, gilded with the bright,
fresh sunlight of early morning. , They
were grand. I just hung on to the rail-
ing at the back of the observation car
and gazed, and gazed, and gazed.
All the time I was drinking in the
wonder of the mountains I was think-
ing that I bad never before realized what
a mountain was. Pictures give you no
idea at all any more than a portrait of
a person can speak to you, And I was
thiaking, too, what a pity it was that
all my folks could not be with me to see
anti appreciate this wonderful bit of our
Canada. Perhaps one, of the things that
makes the mountains impressive is that
they help you to understand the vast
the tracts a raile in the air—as far gg.
from our place to the school:lease set
up en end,
I was out on the back of the train till
we got to Pield, when 1 went in to tho
dining car for dinner. The mountains all
the way were unutterably grand. In
pla"ces they were a aeries of Make, with
Snow gleaming like crowns or necklaces
about there, in other places they wore in
areua piles. In on place, for instance,
there is wbat looks, inst like a Caetle cAt
out of the roan, Arab doorways, turrets?,
and all. It is on 4 tremendous anale,
Eel:no eight miles long- After passing'
that, yell run oUt along the side of tbe4
mountain With a valley below Yon and s'
riven rettnitag tiirengb it. You aen
brhlges nisd tracks some; diatange below;
Ue I
track your trala is on, anti running)
parallel, Then you run slap bang into a;
tunnel and rAn along for a ratle in tha:
dark, When Yon cOme out yea And that'
you have turned right roand with thel
traek yen were en befone above you. Therl
ute another tennel, mad you Ape time
you have tanned again, the track leaping'
round in the saint rook. Title whale ciAtur
"S," some seven tulles loag, cost $1,5e0.000,
Severity,Ave ear loads of dynamite eostime
$240.000 were used in blasting the tun."
15 The watalere that the engineere4
bare acComplislied iu putting tho rail)
road tnroegit la next to the wonder 4
the uniuntaina th'enl&elrea. Attar SOU,
aye been running in Des Feriae of bille.
vItole day', yen 'vender that ntiaal
ho3r even fOund their way throtighlet'
ono build a railroad.
When tbe twinels are left behind. Tau)
eosmx exit a1on the Iiielting Ilorae Riveg.
The a along a narrow ledge nut
In the ide of the mountain witb the
ver far bolOW, hunclreda of feet. Gra.
dually the track gets lower and lower,
till it is running (non, beelde the leaping,
dashing. greeny -white water of the river.
At Glacier I got my first lino view Of
one of the glaciers that feed these moan -
ion rivers. It was sweltering hot where
We wero at the station, but up on the
side of the mountain lay a great ens:ante
of snow that glistened in the atin. You,
and mother ellatild Come through )era
and Bee thin country. but if you do, bei
sure you bring a clietionary with you,
or you will run out of adjectives before
you Itave beeu iu tho mountains Verr
In the evening, after passing Sieamouo
Junction, where the line branches off to
the Okanagan Valley—the peaeli stud
grape belt of the province --we ran along;
beside Sliushwap Lake, and the sunset
lights and reflections in the still calm/
water were nery peaceful, and contract -
1i with the rugged beauty of the mama./
tains. The lights were lit when we rani
into Kamloops, aad the town was ont-11
lined with bright dots where the street
lights stood in the darkness under the
shadowy mountains.
Good-bye now, Dad. / have quite a
piece to go yet, but I'rn not tired of
travelling. as I expected to be, as there's
always something to see.
Your loving son,
A form of defective vision which
will impair, the usefulness of any-
body, no matter what his employ-
ment, is touched -upon in this pithyl
conversation :
Inquisitive Passenger—What has
become of Stokes, who used to be,
a conductor on this line?
Conductor—Why, the company,
laid him off some time ago. I
Inquisitive Passenger—Laid him
off 7 What for?
Conductor—It was found upon
investigation that he was color-
Inquisitive Passenger Go] or -
blind? What difference did that
make M a coriductor?
Conduct,or—A good deal. Ho
couldn't tell the differe.ice between
the color of his money and the
company' s.
Since 1854 -this prime favorite has made the preserving season as
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fal on -treat
Eetablished hi 1354 by .John Redpath.
41 ,