HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-21, Page 5t°roteesfonni cords.;
Dr, G. F, ROULSTONa..'3.Sn,
hiembez' of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate or Tot'anto University.
Qtfice-fiver DicS:son & Carling's lave
office, Closed Wednesday afternoons,
dititora,A. K. KINSMAN, 1,, 0, }s,, D. D.5,,,
goner graduate et ,'t'orQatte Uaaiverlstsr
eetlt extracted Avid:taut any pain,, or Any bad aitects
Odie eve rtiladaaan.&Stanaury'eofliCe,3taiustreet
li, i131Crtr. M. D., M.O. P.& S„ ifONOR,
o Graduate of Termite University,, Toee years
eldest physician Royal <';lesasadra diospital, etc.
°Meeaatl gesadeaee tar. Awes' Old Stand, Adrdrew
T"taaog*vt'olk rt Q.4ELINO, [3AIiiLiSTL•"11S, SOLICI
3 : 0113. 'sT94..4#sx 14 ),MPems-t,omnoiasiortere
4oiicitorstor3felsenr+Bank, etfi " a
nonny to Loan nt lowot.rateso steres
nibees, Main street, Exeter,
#;. Oa121aata,13.4.. fa. II, I)te cion.
We have atarge agtount of private lunds to qan
rt terra end, village properties attlow rates el later
Sfztdstec .Sataeitors. Wnet.,gxeta Os,<
"alis ft.r lace _menslfi n. 1 ezmi sell when
1 want to and realize on my investment,
The successful real estate man
knows through experience that the
(New idea Series)
is the best on the market. No scrap or cheap pig iron ever gets into
it that is the basin reason. for the long life- of tine Souvenir Furnace,.
Add to. this Skilled v,vrlerr:ansbip, uncial the stiperv'ision
of experienced beating
engineers, and you can
readily account for the
S:tp rttar rplalities of the
Souvenir 1*'urnace,
Ask your ct,aler to show
you an itis reasons to
C ory^ 6v,;`ea aJ o S r
Furnace ,s hr4`se)z4,1
fri7a:1 band .»u dad of
p?ere teown a a.e
pot r ,i Ata, e,0a%, r. r, r, s
s,f s,,;,t• Icie.l,for a9'14.alte
333 exirlain f4o pot, grate and
heat diff is,[an, and you'll latus the So tsenir.
(let cuir rh at booklet'. TN- iia venir Furnace
is pude in Hamilton, tbe stove centre
of Canada, by
The Hamilton Stove Sc Heater Co.
l k S-t,,,rs„o'sto Garloy-Tildert Co. 'Limited
ed from X.ra. Elizabeth Hess,
;7ustua bon:IV:h, of .Aaltla;nd, WisC0 ,sirs,
arrived here on Saturday, haying 'been
sunz,lnorled to •t<he death -bed of. her
brother, firs. 0, ' Fisher, --Mr. and, ''Ire.
Constantino returned rroM, a th1eetweeks
visit tx C{intos;; and, To rontsn.Hrtrs. C.
Fisher, of. tile -Goshen Mne, South, died
q i ,Sept. 10 from old age, she ''being il}
fact (?7tit year. Tn:e deceased bad been
aadua11y failing, for a yds or 'snore
Site , leaves to lttpua3t ;a ,Sassily of Sons
asci dau>?'3.tere besides numerous other
relatives and friead,,s. The funeral tooka
place on Tuesday afternoon, to the
Evangelical cemetery and was largely.
pIts (-h.d.-r. lila "Ntettno Bce lees bar; at
tic Closlaeda L,,np sQOt:i, was struck
'brut iuck,ily no fire start
Fail. Some. siiinaies 'wee or oft.
O ereenie by cares
He said "Rood-atiht."
rte;« alt l;is heirs
1te. Ott ti fight.
mt P: nt we.rdt' o:i
A year or eO
The lawyers got
ont all the dough.
..gent Coo fed eratign Life AUStIrance
OPtuna 0 7, also Vire lizateranceinlead-
tug Uttnzditto and 13t'iti514. 0ctutpatites,
VOtt-St„'.' iter,
�,IrSS: �r1T,Llatl`x
ESS-. Cl+'tVT
A 17tt rrtasd*its snore
!:Ley. worlred with zest,
' td "7e,a they lawyers,
Cot 111.e rest.
And rile,n e 4iin
rr.ey. itt 344' i.h-
Tial one of ttie='rd.
Had till Q 1$,
,t'a•cw tllaT oar, d:€.d
lt`ra. Iperlra
richt 10 which.
Now :lawyers ran.
FIret, �# ▪ re We
ce C'txlleottni
aurtit�;a na.
and P1410 Glass
accounts, and con -
a, Exeter, Ont
• 13QUZE,
pRzdttSel iaf +r3;a414110� Sete
a:aolatitRir C►ntarlo Veterltlaatr5
It diseases of
aatltatala It acientitic pin
dent satgers a specialty, Op -
guaranteed eat-
isiaet•try, (:.ilia by day or night
promptly attended to, Oftice-Atittn-Rt.,
Exeter” Dr. 113113 4y'f3 old stand. Phone
In connection.
'it t` OR sA
T'te uxdered sed otters his 'tln0 tarsi
consis"inst or about 105 1ter4.s, ad oin,
tate town y: Clinton, tor sale.
C:trnt is in It aid stato of cultivation,
ettld t;te lMotad buildings, brick house,
b,tolc barn, .driving house, pity petl, etc,
Mt cr •utla;aratively now: A'flrat-class
you t.° retard, containing all kinds et
f ft d M a ,'k also small truita. The ream
w,11 re tent and drained and Cu a,
very d e3trabltt twine. For further par-
ticul,ra apply on. tho premises or ad-
dresa JQIIN TORRANCE, Clinton.
” Laddie:` cATATAGuE
St,ThioiCuas;On€. must
TORONTO, ONT., Is recognized as "CA-
SCROOL." The ;instruction; is absolute-
ly first-class. Write to -day for our
catalogue. Enter now.
Horses for Sala -
I have a nunibor of first-class horses
for sale. Call at the stables and see
We arc also purchasing horses that.
are sound and in goad condition from
1 to 10 years of age.
Parties having horses far sale will
do welt to tall or write the undersigned.
Phone 41. M. it t. DOYLE. Exeter.
The undersigned is offering Por sale
that desirable 50 -acro carat in Usborne,
being. the South half Lot 10, Con. 7.
mere ' is on the premises a good frame
house, bank barn and out building's:
two good wells water and an ever run-
ning spring -at, 'bath of farm. This farm
is in splendid condition and is nearly
all seeded down. Will 1)1 sold reason-
able and on easy terms. Fo- particulars
apply -at Advocate Office or to . Jas.
Earl, Elitnville.
?Al' ' Sale by W. J. ; eanisln
Auction Sat,
I^,l tt31
late loris 1 O;+ney has Instructed Thos,
Cameron to 'sell 'by'pt4blio auction on
LQt .iia, CON. 4, AISBORNE on Tl7ES.,
1:i,1.'i:, Sept, 2:a, a4. 12,110 o'clock, floil-
w1;1'. valuable propert'7!"„-
l�tgrses-•-Drawi.t,t ate', brood nutter,; 2 -
ear old draught mare ell2;ible >'or reg'n
upposed , to to witivroal ; 7 ,foal eligible
draught; 2 agrlc, geldings,
ld; 1 agr;r, Ally, 2 -yr -old.. 3 ag.
:o goldttig, 2 -yr -014; 1 strong driver
C «title --(I rows due In, A[areat. anti Apr
s"a'i duo In net.; 1 bedrer, R-yr^Gia;
2 -yr -old; steer's. 2-yr,old
, 1 -yr -old; 2 eteexs; :1.: y r -old ;
krago an Fowl. -5 brood sows, 4 100
lb. hogs; about 60 hens and pullets.
Irrtpictnents--Lutriber'w'agen,naw truck
11 and box; new top buggy, open
uggy; pair bobsleighs; cutter, nearly
pvr; binder and mower, nearly new;
ho -se rake, hay rack, gravel box, seeder
and drill, cultivator, al early now; riling
prow; walking plow, dlek set harrows,
4 sections; land roller, alcurtler; fan-
ning mill; :2100 -Ib. scales; cutting -box;
wheelbarrow creast separator, 2 -horse
power gasoline engine with 36 Leet of
shafting, pulleys, belts, etc, ,and pump -
u ;tack ; pulper, gr1rldstone, cooler, lad -
do:' grain 'bags, set double Fork harness
se' single harness, horse collars, robes,
rugs, horse blankets, barrels, Corks and
chains, n.nd other articles too numerous
to tnetlt'.on. About 20 tons first-class
hay; quantity of -cornu 3tt field; 3 acres'
rnangolds, turt>.;ps and potatoes ; over
2d cords of maple wood. can be seen on
Side road north of farm bush; a (loan -
thy of luntlbor and, ,scantling. '
Terms -$15 and ended cash,; ovor - that
amount A' mos. credit one approved joint
notes. 5 per con. per annual off for
cash on credit amounts. 13.EORNEY, Ex.
Solicitors Auctioneer.
That most; desirable farm property be-
ing Lot 15; Can. 2, Stephen, in the
County of Huron, on which is :situate
two good bank barns' and a commodious'
fraise 'house. This land is well drained
and fenced has two good wells and' to
spring creek, and Is convenient_
churches, school and markets. Out-
going- tenant leaves 10 acres sown "with
all wheat, 1: a co of new meadow and
doe.. a t nicey ea,t,,g plowing and
della ,plo v.tn Far further particulars
apply to R. LEA.THOP.N, Esc,,, Exeter;
]3arristers, etc., Exeter.
Northwest. Lands,
L'n'rep,oved Lands :t
and ` Atbe to ;for sale
• hallway fate refunded to purchasers
• Office` opporiate Cer tial Tlotel E3e,eter.•
kat swa
h,. n
The.t desirable property situated in
Exeter, on the corner of tWIlliam and
V etoria streets, being one-half (acre of
land. There is on the premises la good
frame' house, with kitchen and wood-
shed, hard and ,soft,waterland a. num-
ber of frUlt trees:,. Will 'sell half of
land separately. Pride reasonable. Ap-
ply to Mr. Peter Eatwder, Exeter, op-
posite Enk;lis,h, !church.
F ARM WANTED TO .RENT -50 , acre
farts with 'the usual buildings. Any per-
son having `duch villi leave application
at this office.
nd Keeping
OME people find it necessary to buy a considerable quantity
of flour at one timne—sufficient to last for a long period.
Naturally they are anxious to procure a flour of the kind best
adapted to lengthy storage.
There are two important reasons why PURITY FLOUR
possesses these ,qualities. One is that it is made entirely from
Manitoba ;� an toba Hard Wheat, The other lies in the fact that the careful
milling necessary to'produce " Purity" absolutely excludes all
low-grade particles of the wheat berry. It's the Vigil` grade
:Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour that keeps—stands longest storage.
That's "Purity,"
"Purity" flour may cost a little more,
but is more than worth -the difference.
Try it, Watch results both for quality
and yield:
; Bread.
end better Bread
Milts at Wierlpost. Gek..rich, Uraradezt,
PF Question
Threeeah a
it "rise ,,es.dencrrr, o. the 6.r°d€' pt.
ofata, Ali» s4rtd ZSrs, John. Ge:g€a', 7u
W4471es'da$, 1310, Masi
:sea' to Orr. •Jo1>at to
Notice ;is hereby given- that (,a: Court
will 'be ,held pursuant to the Olntarro
Voters' Litgt Act by His ;Honor the
Judge of the County Court of 'the Cour-
ty of Hurbh a_ft E'xetter' lit the Town
Hall, on Fr_day, the' 22nd ,day of ,Sep-
teniber, 1%1.1, at.alo o'cLook taltn `"' to.
hear and, determine complaints of errors
and omissions in '.thin•tVote, s ' List, of
the Municipality - of Exeter ,for 1911.
T. B. CARLING, Clerk'
Of the nuniFipality of -Exeter.
Dated, Sept. 2, 1911.
Jatttsxs ee att1 leaf let
hlo heti and is rsQI malting much itrapt'Gsa
Anen .-.7s , + pa aind _family also
-ace Pops and wile of 'Drandon,
led in in Dashwood ora+ Sunday, -I'. Clark-
o Brucetield 1145 ott4aged with Colin
nucleon t'o mica ' charge of /Its black-
sntlthing dePartnlan#:-'\V. F'erlcln who
film ibeen :n Vaneot*v("r and Seattle for
some weeks returned home :last ,weak,
hiss Florence rope, wl'thas teen itl
the telephone Tor comp y eon; intends
going ;to 1a;andon. Malt., with; her un-
eto.-n!,htIe thiving hone Fni his rig on
Tuesday ai! tit 'Pavid Cooper of ICtp-
an Tell Orr onto rias tread alighttng on,
tits head and remained%uneonscloas ssv-
eral days. The next clay he 'was
taken 'to Clinton Hospital. -The fare nl �
op#;nl;n or t '3 rte x, hotel took place oil t
Thursday last, notnination day. The
London Barpers supplied music..
On Sept. 11.611, John McFarlane. one
of our roost respected and highly esteem
ed citizen's passed °tot the other world;
I -Te Aged a ;stroke of paralysis tore time
ago and partially recovered but s. second
attack proved ttoo much., for his frail
constitution. : Tier fanning iii Tuck
oasmltth for sonic time he returned to
Scotland and tate:ted his now bereav
ed widow. Ho bias resided in Hensel!
for :a number of yea'ns and was a staun
eh aridt'a thtut member o't 'Carmel
church. 1)ereased was 78 ,years ,of age;
to ga t,e.trtt
.a \4`urnt has returned
Detrol Hiss Eiolma Sipple of Detroit
ae vis tin clat'ves and friends In town
Fls!tar at Port I3uron, is
v'sat n.; e- nto'ber and other :friends.
- 1dt s. J. it. Roedi•,rr,. of .Be.rlin was
In town i this wea:c to attend the funeral
of the late bi"s. C. F;aher,--Mr. and.
Mrs. Julius Thiel are moving from Hen
salt to 't";e d d311',tia recantly purchas'
One of the t st farms jm Huron or
Middlesex, convenient to markets, to li
churches and, schools, being Lot 9,
N. 13. Biddulph, in the County of lvfiel-
dlesea, containing 1114 acres. On the
premises are situate a good brick
house, three bank barns - on atone foun-
dations, '34x54, 40x22, and 70x40, good
wells, windmill, and the propertY is
well drained The whole of tt :s farm is
in grass e'`cep.int; 25 acres. P082e88100
of house given immediately, and "com-
plete possession or farrngiven No,. 1str
1911, and pw chaser wi11'be allowed to.
do dill plowing 'before last mentioned
date. For , further particulars' apply to
1 e'. Es ..
P.O. Ont.
e E..Iie 1 �
Joseph y
P. O. Ont.
James Esq., r{: Lucan
b: Dickson Carting Etreter, Ont.
T':na unde:s t +n,ed "Is a"1'eri t for
that de'xt aline property on 'William at:'
h iz ar;One a.rd storey ;bride'
house at excellent co sd t'.'v n to-gethe!r
w'3th two tots of land, Aliso two va-
cant tots q'n Hwrm Strode Apply to
This is the problem
confronting the average
hotsewife—a problem of
vital importance to the
home, and one best solved
by a trip to our store and the
purchase of
For the Woman Question is not only
t but"t and you find
What to eat, how to cook z � i
the answer in Gurney -Oxford ---first in con-
struction, as well as convenience " first in.
facilities for control and readiness. The
fdc t es c n 7.
Dividetb Oven Flue Strip assures perfect
heat -distribution,
bakingbecause of its even heat t ,
C n ruction
and in everydetail theperfect o st
of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory
cooking results.
Another phase of the question is
economy, and we invite a visit to our store
expressly that you may examine the marvell-
ous fuel -saving device the
Oxford Economizer
Gurney -Oxfords are the only stoves
licensed to sell with this wonderful patent. It
needs only to be set at a proper angle to
hold heat for hours without attention. No
fuel is wasted -a saving of 20 per cent.
The Grate is Reversible with s'rong
teeth that save accumulation of linkers
and waste.
In point of appearance—nickel trim-
mings, beauty of design, etc.—the Gurney-
Oxford has not a rival. Come to our store
and find the best answer to the Woman
Question -a Gurney -Oxford stove.
. J. Neaman, Agent.
alllfh ,
i tI 1� I ��►i i iuI01Id
11G 11"A
"Uniformity is a Lig word, Bud."
`¢I 'spect it's because it means a
lot,' Rose."
Steady—Regular—Dependafile Quality,
there's the FIVE ROSES idea.
No bad dreams bakeday eves — the
'morning, batch "flat" instead of "up."
So very exasperating, you know, to get less
loaves 'this week than Last from the same
FIVE ROSES is the sure flour reliable,
you see.
No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pies, or
Bake things Always up to the mark of your happy
Disappointment -never.
Four times Uniform -Strength, Color, Flavor, too, and
FIVE ROSES-trouble,proof flour.
Use FIVE ROSES always.