HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-21, Page 1TWENTY FQi T , YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 1911 S4NDDR$ & CRY, -;%!M Local. items Some people thank it a.. mystery that liet3: ithstand; ay; good ndvie B:;E:i".'➢at�ys3 grow` up ;to wild and reckless ycung a '_ f inti#i. If t,aese bays were tauala, _rant infancy that home 'was the proper place for then, after dark, rather than prowl :gig aroused the streets, annoying weU and .sick %people alike, much. oz this a, d :•ou" lair:ed i¢ m � te- ^ na ,St tion ex g' ys "3 exp lathed, e is and rata watt, bettca moral characters, i'atOre trItellf„'e',tt minds, wouldMgt, No parents ;teen expect Faure i;oral tn. a bol; L1aL p. Qwis 'tho.streets ad•it glat s eve#. .r lta docs go to Sit -,day Se�Pol 4r { ., L The ironic s,.ou d be o. a:a,y the i_a: n . , sn� school ro, the toys and gl els, bare Ott? cjea •'est Place o:i: earth for' the rei3. In anter tiro they, wilt lowly sae%racisaaey ot, excitants, but the,re- harpy home re io despondent. at.Qt Iter activity. tee lige ntreets at : igtat, U4ta14;;r. tot "t➢Q idt gl helptheineihte adile Thomas, Qrsitis ant 110 MeV ere ned1 Pt ed try eased 1/0 IV DASIIV,'OOD L?ea,tlt of Airs. E%dt,--•�T`,ire-lrJdews` 08 the'Exeter Fair death of • lairs. Jos.PEidt, width was dr-, culated on Thursday right last, was r -e 1. ceived with keen re's'et by her many- t:"sends '.a town' and surrounding coun- try. For a week deceased, Alas been, con- fined to her bed trent tmucd dread- ed disease, called stones, The disease took its characteristic course, one day gilts patient showing signs of lnip"ovement, while as the next stie was iso,oo ut the ravages of the dis- ease were pefar �a tk4ir deadly sazs. - s: a and la -Ps -tag' 'into a state of a :tom se;-sus:less Tiau.raday: about 6.30 o'clock f- the ev{:lin she curtain Yras rung. Another or the meat successful fairs era the history Of the Exeter Age-jet/W.1r, al Seeety was, ,field here or ;onday. asd Tae da of tlss week. Taeweat r was id,eal 'and the attendance dance was very largo. As usual the exhibit of horses was large and of ,an exce,ptioneily high class, while the cattle and other ksve sto.k was well represented, The Cr ys tal Palace furnished e agt.c s da - pe=ia1, J. 1-Jaw1dss, x113#13BR AND McLJlA,Zt 3''OMIN&TF1 4 MANUFACTORIES AND IMPI,EAtENTS Wool blankees J Decker, truss J Brown; cotton warp, ;'Miss Brawn, sew- ing ttrat.at'.nae, organs "and pianos, 1' Martin 1 and ; stuffed 'birds, A. M c- Phe E ;a, packing sait and t1xe salt, 12:Mill; single iarncss and do b e harness, W. Peer. 1 and 2: cured barn n9E s Torn, „cured meat's, A. row, Datince'yJ col., of takes, 1t. Clark. Gasoline engine, Ca#nr_or Br s.; waee- o: fonpuan p and J._.t s rrk ti Cifvaried and interesting' exhibits. ' babgd :b s E T•n ble, . Th -f:',"4 -Q°':: and Ye tarbl,a' q;Q:161 wee. l.trgf .F. I:e^ta 4 e. P. Hanio.n, Judges, and, c' excelieat Y5riety, and the poultr;' f; u'INS ANii equai to any that. h5. eve; b;: cc•exhirtt(d t SEED rS i.a"Ytl _ `,tri:.-.oe,aaarrtw.e•d •e, G , reTdr, Renidown,. even her kindly lkfe.' Tito faintly o;the ,rounds. TaE'racing 1tthe raig z>.-e)Iatrr ra➢!•wse:,: �A Andrew., _ sti nt att oialos of friends number and the two, heas races 3eGd4re:, barley, le}rr;p oats ;74'14d espe .aPP her eoura_n husband, furnished special at ranttGt for r ar.fspitsdawheat6,rowgd in a•n}-s period of thele //la], By thea hell contested. The1I13113ad I -p, rs, v.,,,,,- a=Ts r -e'31r 'o a'ad 1awse•�d �i it N for d r•.�•aanao¢i osis, "a1 1-"�"�^aur, 'titi` Aattter° xtt l 1 t, l ,tingt- tie 1, s dist. . Werra_ run se ar.d: avery - � 7�lea�e41 to io caa o al Uri art-, s' will be nt-sacci grid ➢atilented, and laud of Lo -do iu-•itts'u 1i VW Haus' decal our kin est sympathy c as b <� w -a a 7 tea Th , floral 'tributes or afrertio#a t •e deceased 141A upon the easter ,,, gamy slid or great beauty, The de- ceased was a native of. New hamburg, (;:.aving been bon in the year 184e, Twenty••,9even years ago she came to Dashwoo4 with her SurVSYin4 iu sh i 4 r bes rtes wheal size Ieavos "to mourn feel; loss eight children. thres :stens and fiver daughters—Charles, 4fAilsa Cram; John fre:m n sad iarrs, Louts" greeter of Dasa wood, and; Erunle, idn,ud, Bertha and Tillie at hones. The serv➢ee'ot fieri 1.,uth- ri• reit, or w eSoh she was a member, a conduete3 by Rev, G. Thur:. The saI was largely attended, thus dent-. rats 7,; the esteorn in which She woe Jnio;;w these attending' the tuner-- re unerne r4 ObEitaire w"ea•e.,.her pix sisters ld. »deer bxotr#rrs from 'Wellesley and Q,X4 Hati)iatt'litr. axedtrs, «T, Dor-. a.nid',drs, A. Finley. 110y »~.►ati'• ^« A11M a C.a„t;. Senator and i'rs. V. bl oS w Iln'nieuz :qtr; And :tire :rte- Crediton. Mr, and Mrs, +7, Herr' 33 iRrda Il''6. 13.tehai'dson. Lane 113sri Mr. Land Henry Eldi o8 sorb airs, John i::dt and Mrs, N, Weber, nanhy. 1Ir, x nd M. J. Lein, Et. idra. (Itetr.i E rtu`t, Floradalc. ➢ of Thant ts --aTr. Jos. Eidt and➢} des;ire to convey to the citizens iwood theme ,sincere thanks for itlrldnesses shown them; during- , M eat bereaYemo at ; and also to Aid to cohtribatinF; the hcau- doral 'tributes, t tSv. ,T. P. l:ia.uott, a return. nitsslon- ni Japan, pram ed to w largo rit9can du the i2vangclteal church 1•iy aftttiwomb—Several from hero1. 11ct T nt-r at Exeter on Tuesday' >~eto. Kell5.n.' hapermaa purchascc ) t2#e Emil—mood Planing IdIU Co, property formerly owned by the armors Bank, Bo will .hs5.' the nPnie compietod and made ready for occup- 0.! ey, Wren coniplotcd it; will bo quite an Improvement to the 'Village. dr. A' M. Drokensid'ra was tori, Thedford 1. 1%11 a, J1.0 '3 \`Vartr0t %tttere ofi Dui th, 11 last 'weak 10 visit ter Mr. 'and Mira. L. i'art➢y; Mr' 3otin Chat1ieni sustain; $si aiity to his lsri as Tuesday, owing riga tion ran the dray lipping and thrOWing, »ttZ oft. Ila ,w,lll bei faire up for a unlet Miss t1r l z . ri .� tthxo xe ii .�d5. Harris 1 � theme ,Wednesday atter spending a Pleasant ,text days; visiting with iter triad Miss 'Etta. Kerslake, London ¢t fluted. ;tett ,fret Yid ^.I 1! l Y Cs' " C a e �f3 ai cd. 10 '.' to , aQ t s p t ltrl 91 tl � ;R t@ tri.,o lis , SPEED -MO EIVENTS r;tce, Roadn44sterr Jack Hunter. (Q. Either) Clare, 1 ou7e),. F> 7 Cla1ss, eacaa4ars, tfl, )3nascr:- borry) ; Penbroek, (A. Botirteid) ; Tricks (W. Spaarlix#;g,i NV. R. Elliott, ru' Starter. CARLING'S toterowermemormontm PRICES THAT- ARE WINNERS Now that Sept. is half gone and we are offering all our summer Dress Goods at cost price such as Mulls Foulards and Muslins, etc. WHITE LAWN WAISTS Regular FF E, $2.00 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 for $1.85 1.60 1.35 1.20 1.15 1.05 .89 .75 tF '� ,F .F F{ LADIES; DUTCH COLLARS "AND JABOTS • Regular 50c: for 40c. " 25c. .F 20c. 15c. FF 11c. Also Wash Belts regular 25c, for 20c, WHITE UNDERSKIRTS Regular $3.75 for $2.75 2.50 " 1.75 2.25 " 1.60 2.00 1.30 1.25 " .89 1.00 .70 All corset covers to be cleared out at cost. Balbriggan underwear in Egyptian thread and porous knit regular 40c. a garment for 30c. a garment, Gents pure silk half; hose reg ular 50c. for 40c. also Lisle half hose regular 50c, for 40c. regular 25c. for' 20c. We have just received a few;lines of Fall Goods in nlaids'and checks `suitable for children's dresses for ,school at 12 and a half cent and 15c. a yard. Special—We have just received several:.pieces of Flannelette 34 inches wide regular i2-ic. weight, for 10c. This is a good time to buy your Flannelettes for fall before they are sold out. re,rmerz— e now. have the celebrated Beebe pants and smocks.' These are made from the heaviest dennim and also made to fit, highest rices aid for all kinds Of Produce, p � tti r ARL a I.1 Heavy Draught alad foal. Wm. Drover. W Oke; foal 1111, W,Brover, ssr Otte. A 13 hell zSyr-old, J.Sparrow W E Jolilae, J Siiarro '; W.R. w mm P asanio,-e, A. EtlrL alta?1, 0, Wright; 1-. thcdr,T y'3 old, II, Caard;rtei"; j'r°r: 'htler, 1 , .'ller'➢tit:tcala; GravensteinAgricultuir;t't-- rami and foal, 1'l, T-u,l I 1 uatSl¢1,, w 7r`2'd:er) Fall 1,1141)4x, er5.o' thy sed, M. lit etheu1". t .I.1etgtr h. :a nt flour.Harvey Pros. t& 2,. v lrte "b alis, ' Mrs, >vet,h, T,1, I,kethaur; •S,i#2ltS, )rt,6;. eras, small1 f. Pret;;oor; col, grain .z, car, W Mrs, Melt; ,inellega cern life : Stivrs, SV, Battle'. n^' d a, Judge, g+9, lltVrOtli4PtBAL I't ()DUCT Winks; Apples,. '' Trleb-. r Rader 11 aPple1. F Trlobner, 3, Sweet, z";t nte- apples. S. Ilogartla, Carrie Dyet .11 apples, S. Howarth, F Tr iebner ; 7t Greenrli s, O. 1Lro egad, Ss Hoaart-1:; p°aes, I1 A£€11, J Cottre. 11ox'4o�a ltus- 1. Swett, W sla e; Baldwine, 1 raa)c' t ring. F S keno-futr lieringtOrt; snow apples, 1` On Thiarsday !ass at H ."isall rAterr,er and. M. Y. McLean, were duly no- r in'fr'ared .^.s ca..c,'»da.;-^ £ca. the. Dennis, ion Mouse in eiie interest of the ConserT alive: and Liberal partied, respec vely. 3 7:::ile;1177; a .rH wer tie ved b "1 pe e r Ir. ,T' - p y J del k z,n'eturning csfkcr, 1d oretideoftwo 1a'cioclat wi ichtie poll.:esi debate was +t ? ivueaeed Iii he large church shed, where there lead .,athere'd together the largest crowd'of 0 i rG'sted ejectors that ever .came ioit meeting tz Sohl w 5t'^, \lt,t.,e.;r,e. was assisted inlet& debet T.Iley, a lawyer,- of Terontle.,s:.d P,>er.ter was ass ste¢l by Mar. Ia E L- a S discus, fi T � stet_- r35 9 r I t""3 .,+E re..t�1'aa .a 2ra@.fi ii bu* sldo`s o i . A: Oat!,e t#.: "+h Zx a ..•C sPr,:3,Mrt"9, a.7d 11"0-.1r +k tl t*wirs cpi4 rt:Gpts + ar „s a e dress to go ifite a tie f,f a'Y.r .rddres,s, a as the :r fal€t' C .;e -cloy, nu, da.- 01' p bl:a s:ad d!1e xesubt cif tt:e ficr't1011 1v1I1 :lZo r iaefast' t1¢e pals r ,scathes many ^e u s in next we k s .sS 4s have x4 sletallcxl report of the { lee n Petettgto,, ANNIVlt.,,t1.Ss't£1 : P M9.447„ 11, T. T3 U a fclal, ?i,rlari:lr HRet.;ovr, eA'tra,; Culverts, T T AMY weal, W, ,'1Qedy 1'M, 1. Poll: 3 -Yr -old, matter.: ta.tiata cif Tong lS¢s . trarroy 1,c4 3es. 1'ortori, qtr. Olt,e. Jas, d4rrtili1 talo, W. Droner, T. Iciarr.; , R, Ditch; R.D. Ill, T Glean, (Ca Fer- guson; learn, W, ,Patio—, J, 1laIlyde, Gelteral l ur'9to.'"Jarmo, a°:d foal, D. Birch, . , MOM, i .'Escott, real, t litelc.1 T :c ?i J irott, .1, Tl,orlll?sort; 3-y Ild. it Dawson Bros.; S - Yr -olds S. Sararus, rt. « tlleringt�o+..a; 1- Stevensett; 'Waist, 3.. Decker, W. ArinstronLa4 r➢els—S. ;.Lu-tin,twS4rt's, Dreyer rola;: Clalarr"r� Favorite.J Decker, Comma t1, zas, l�bka :d r soli; ., 1F i+ts*.or; Al•••41ald;t+e, ? 3 AMT. p' Hun ;tial,; Canadian Red. 3 Decker, ERadcr Golden russets. S Hogarth. W. Beare Be Davis. S Hogarth. P 1't,ob- 1ta'r:Q. F. Tritihne:. Wealthy, 1' C Trues-m.3er; puChess of Pi- Bogart% IT Burden; Ifl€Il li';iS, 3 Docker, T 3 Ana;;, tinter pears, Dews Clair �. licBh son ; Duelreea or Arlo acid Sheldon, 'T« Bret*, :e;r., I£ Hue h ,ra!11Ut oc 13rlirlk. ar, 1 ig' o_ '�tP`Alcelleld, J 4I1➢1; ;1iolson S ,-3-Banr- 'S1 o>" i Re11 7.,u1;rattv0, "(1'I.0u1a I3o;iaa.e Carriage, -3 -yr -old, O. Wright, 0- Truatiiner, J, 'Deeker; 2 -year old, H. Mc. ,Jerscr, , 11xo»rt, '. N `` B i 11 < Fe4r111-- froth var:etle4 winter.+y 14" Neil, A. l�therinq'tQei, �k, l)ir.`.A� tlettr F . � r x ',�'M ;McPherson; . five �i�Atit`r�ta. ruga, s,e, �k Reichert, I1. McNeil,: t'i1, tJs t A. ,1:tijotllicte, T. Brook tar, '1.1'. Huston; rstrrl�ge �V" ai gide*^ J Ca4iSt`i It ilrtg t4i Carraatt hod star artriEC y Totalis a they fnavtcii ^lea eight s:hU- still living, wary F„r.tttcia caf Exeter. 3 orldon; 1V'if. aln Francis, Edwin I''ranc➢s, also lizabeth, Coward, of :lora. Emma. filet slur Sax; tlx Stratton of Duell '0 Straiton, oiI3uctl..41 nee at the anniverear7t ;paIon or Mrs. Coward, who unable to attend owing to t' 83 o her ltustand, Tho children ented the aged parentis with ai'rely worded address and sixty dollars N Pt-Metierss "�,, .•"e carriage, -u j '¢I cote, 8,1 Ciarsil'13 P°uva"ltd 3, Decker. T. Brock Berry; t, a 1 a al,c Vicar of 'Wingfield, J. Gill; Belt Lum .., C. �,S1,'hlies, II.,,'1ieyateslas. , sr.; Meters Cla'rl eat*, A. McPherson ito,A1?ST%1ts a nati`v'e, T, Brock Sr.; Sheldon. T. Brock „taro, J. Decker. 1f Rundle, C. fl'ruem- sr;. , .i'ustori; Lou a ,Bonnie, T seer 'foal T« J, Ana 'c Rundle J I1-ock ar Decker; t yetr old, Datera & "Son. G pes-MearasExily a Mrs, J Etheringtou; 2 -year-old, J. Decker. TIP. Roga.'eth.; Concord, A. S. Deavit I. Amy; 1 -year oldp,J. T)ceker,: S`,1un1- Delaware. P. 1'l'ogartli;; Rogers Na. 1 Ili, G. rorgusdn; roadsters, J. Decker, N. D. Revlon;11.o;aers No. 19, V, I3' sr.. C. Hobbs, P, 111lerington; roadster, t sell, A, btcl*9ierson ; Rogers No, 4, G. Join! Hawkins. 3. 1%01lttnatzt, I3. Otte; Mcleod; Rogers No. 45, T. Russell; Lads: driver, W. 11,. Elliott, J, ?JOCJ y-lother variety G. McLeod, T. Brock sr, naont. Peaches, 0rawrords 'b Bader; other HACKNEY variety. 1.' EB'ogarth, A 130Plaerson. to 3 -year old, 11. Norris; 2 -year old, T. Brock, Jr. Specials --H. Spackman.s, W. 1'i. 131- ilott ; D. Russell's, T. T. Amy ; ''. Beer's 3. Decker; W. 3. Beaman's, W. I3: Col - tins. T. W. Shepherd, Judge. CATTLE Shorthorn -11. 'Smith swept the list except for 2nd fob bull calf, which went. to A. Elcott. Grades—Aged cow, P. Bileringto.n, A Hooper; 2 -yr -heifer, J. H. Shapton, JT Russell, W. Dearing; 1 -yr -heifer, F.'E1 leringtoil, J. W. W lane J. H. Shapton; heifer calf, A. Elcott,:V', E. Johns; 2 - yr -steer, J.H. Shapton, W. (Dearing 2 & 3; 1 -yr -steer, J.I3, Shepton 1 & 2; W. Dearing; steer calf, W. E. Johns. Jersey—Cow, W. Armstrong, T.Brock jr.; yr-helfek, T. Brock sr.; also for 1 -yr -heifer, :heifer -.calf, T. Brock jr; bull Galt, T. Brock, sr. Wm. Pridhani, Judge: SHEEP, Dorset Horned—C. Harvey swept the list. Lincolns—G. Penhale 'swept the list. Elcott; a hear ram A. Leicester—Aged, Tram, R.' Bell 1 and 2 ram lamb, and ewe raising lambs# i)n 1911, and ewe lamb, G. Penhale, R. Bell; 'shearlinig ewe, R. Bell landi2. R. S. Robson, Judge. PIGS' Yorkshicre—Boar, R. Birch; 1 -yr -boar C Harvey, W . Sperling; young 'boar al- so, sow, R Bil1dh, W Sparling' 1 -yr - sow, R Bit'eh, C Harvey; young sow, 3 •Birch, W Sparli:nJg, ' Berkshire.—Boar, M. Clark x Y r -boa r and young boar, Dawson'Brpa. 1 and 2 sow, ;Dawson Bros., M. Clark: R. Delbrijde Judge. POULTRY Orphingtois;s; W Dearing, chicks, J.13 Battler, ZV'. Dea1iiintg; Golden Polands, 3. Battler, C. Prouty ;'chicks, 3, Battler other Polands, C. Prouty '1 and 2,,also for chicks ; White Leg -horns, C.Trueraner T. Brock, Jr. ; l3Sown Le'ghorn,s, 'i'Y,Dear- i.nlg, T. Brock, sr.; chicks, T. Brock sr. 3. Battler ; Bs', Le•hornB rose 'comb, C Prouty, chicks, C. Prouty, C,Truemner. Andalusilarls, chicks, J. Battler; Bl act Spanish and chicks, J. H. Battler; Black Minarcas, 3. H. Battler, 11.. Sanders, chicks, 11, Saisdea's;' J. Battler ;' Silver Lace Wyandottes, J. Battler, 3 W. Orth !vein, chicks, C. Truetniner ; Wh. ; W yan dottes, J. O1rkw'etn, chucks, C. Hooper 1 land 2; Buff Wyalsjdotteis, J. Ortwein, J Battler;: cdsicks; Ortweiai ; Sil-Per.1, Wyaii dottes, OrtWein Pant. Wyundettes, Tr Brock, jr ch:ek,s, T. Brock Jr. 1. and 2; Red Caps, 3. Battler, chicks,_A.Deavritt 1 and 2; Geese, C. Trueainer ; Pek. Duck W. B. Battler; Light 13rahmas, P, San- ders; chicks, T. Brock,slr. R. !Sanders' Bar. Ply.: Rocks, 3. Ortvre n, Wdlattler,l Wh. Ply. Rocks',- J, Ortw'e.n Y nd 2, chicks, , J. Or wen ; buil cocas as, :Battler Mand 2; Laaslsttans," J. Battler, also chicks ; Si1.Orey Dork ns, attd Ch'ks W. 13. Battler ; Sia --Span- Hs mbuxgs ' & chicks .W R. Batt lor; dticks, T.Brock' sr.; pigeons, 1-l5rvev Bros.e G' LIey ood uabbilta O Shap ton , err'tsr vr A' Balkwull Jone;,ysldtivTaY Ifteceli1ncou ,—Col, canned fruit, 3 Decker, sr., Mrs. McPherson; cel. honey A Melaliersc1, honey iii coal's, A. Mc•• Pherson, isfrs, McPherson; honey:in jar, A. McPherson, 14 Brethour ; ,home made wines, J. Decker,'Mrs. MacPherson; col bottled. pickles, ditto., canned vrgdtablee Mrs. MacPherson, J::Decker; W.Daunccy, Judge. DAR ' PItODt3C14S. 5 lbs. butter, R. ECydd, J. Moir; 10 lbs, buttes., J. Maier, 13.. Kydd; rolls or prints, R. Kydd, 3. Moir ; arranged, plate butter, R. Kydd, J. D.'bk; cheese, priv- ate rivate made, 7. Geier. Special—T.. Hiawk- Pria & Sof#, farmers* butter, R. Kydd. G. Medd, 'Judge. VEGETABLES. Pearl Savoy potatoes, T. Brock, •jr,, T. Brock, �sr. ; Empire State, T. Brock, sr., T. Brock, jr.,;' Red Elephant, T. Brock, Jr.; Rural New,Torkers, T. Brock sr., T. Brock, jr.;;;any other variety, R, Sanders, J. Cottle; winter cabbage, C. Hooper, G.' Anderson,; fall cabbage, C. &-looper, M. Salter; blood beets, G. An- derson, .J. Cottle ; Globe !beets, T. Brock sr., G. Andersen;. sugar beets, W. H. !Dearing, W. H. 'sugar beet marigolds, ug Passmore, J. May; tong marigolds; E. tl3ader, W. B. Battler; globe mangolds, W. B. Battler; intermediates; E. 'Rader, W. 13. Passmore; early 'horn carrots, C. Burney, R. Samdei^s ; Nantes carrots,, long J. Ford; M. Salter; 1 ng orae e �' or red carrots, J. CottieYG..Axade1'soay; white or yellow Yield carrots, E. Bader ; sweet corn, G. Anderson ; Indian corn, R Sanders, W. H. Deoving; water melons, W. H. Dearing ; Pumpkins, T, Brock, G. Anderson; squa h•, M Salter, E 3• , Rader; musk melons, M. Salter, W. H. Dearing; Swede turnips, T. ,Russell, tis. Clark red onions, C. Barney; R. san- ders ; yellow onionls; C. Berney, R" San -1 ens Spanish onions, C. Btrney, R. Sanders ; tomatoes, 13.-Brethour ,T: Rus- sell; celery, J. Cottle, G. Anderson; cit- rons, W. Parkihson, J. 'Cottle ; parsnips, J. 'Cottle, T. Brock, sr.; Hubbard squash, F. Hogarth ; co], vegetables, G. Anderson, T. Brock, isr. .Special—W. J. Carling, for marigolds, W. H. Passmore, A. Doupe, Judge., FLO:WERS, Begonias, 3., G. Stalrebury,,t3 A. Stew= (Cont sued on page. 4) ZIJRICII SCHOOL TEACHER ABDUCT ED Vic abduction sand. maltreatment of Miss Eleanor Price, teacher of River dale school, east of .,snowflake and formerly of Zurich by Ed. ,Davis 'is one of the most fiendish crimes that as la^red' 21t thou hwiory •of that dJstri�`t,'cu, Only ogee (1c oar,fled core to school i10 'Monday a?ud .,5.1 se Price d s d_.e sed -the 12 tie one at noon Soon after an arnr d rutf,aicil'entercd +1.c build fag and after an u'negaul struggle coin pelted. the' 51; 1 ,to accompany' ..am' to Oho Pembina valley near by. She was compelled to rer-oki,, f; his company un- til 'Wednesday, evetii, when.' she was o]s'ed to -o-‘1. Off' be ai c lid ,Nv: mita 'STOLEN HORSE .F OElND AT CtAI G The home, 'buggy and outfit belong Ing to Dr, .A3ken'head, of Bonsai!, which, WAS stolen..rronI: the •vlllalo sonic 'lays,. ago;, 'was located on Saturday at .A1lsa. Craig. It Is not known who dr1 ve the horse into .lo''ser Craig, but It ;was found en the streets, where it •had evidently been left by the thief.' c HOW THE PARTIES :STOOD Ottawa, July 80.— 'Tlho standing. of the parties in. the 1•iouae of Commons at dlssolutien was as follows, -"t 0/Aerie—Lib. 35, Con. 51- Quebec—Lib. 53, Con. 12. New Brunswick—Lib. 11, Cor '.2. Nova. Scotia -Lib. 12, Con. G. P. E. Island --Lib. 3, Cott 1: Manitoba—Lib. 2, Con. 8. British Columbia.—I,1b. 2, Con. 5. Saskatchewan Lib..9, Con. 1. Alberta—Lib. 4, Con. 3, Yulton :Lib. 1, t T,he'Liiberal majority, including the Speaker, was 43. FIRE AT GRANtPON The village of Gnanto5, was threaten- ed with ,destruction; by; fire on Sept. 14, w him the McCloud Milling Company's plant was destroyed, witp'sl a loss of $5000, and the coal, ;ahedst of Mr. Clatr, worthy were bvlrned. Other,' 'buildings Were in danger, but a" bucket brigade stopped further damage. The loss is partly covered by iirsuran,ee. The fire ins supposed; to have originated' from a hot pulley in 'the -McCloud elevator. B1RTHS Boon,—Tat Exeter,am Sept. 18th, to Ms. Mr. and :qrs. H. N, Boon, a (laugh., ter, Bouthron—At Hensall, Sept! .9th, to Mn. and Mrs. James Bonthron, a daugh- ter. augh-teir CalYas—At Zvr#oh, an 'Sept 7th, to 11Sr.- and Mrs. Wm. Calfws, a daughter. Da'bus-4t' the Babylon . L ne (Hay, on Sept, 8th, to Mr, .and ; Mrs, Louis Da'bus, a 'son. MARRIAGES - A Man.,:raiald=Fitzlk—In f -Winnipeg, on Aug 160z, Mr. Jack Arnold, of Bar- wick, arwick, to Miss Delia Fink, .Ida,uglhiteiC t,f Mr. and Mtis. Hy. Fink, of Barwick formerly of Exeter North;., Malcolm—Pepper—On, Sept. 16t_h., at the residence of ,the 5rlides father Mr, J. T. Malcolm; loll Hibbert, 'to Maas :Afar? Pepper, of. Logan Townlshgp: DEATH'S McDonald—In I4:bbert, - on September 10, Donald McDonald, aged 86 years. a Hazelwood—In Exeter, Sept. 18, Anna Mariah Mars'ha11, wife of Thomas ewood, aged 62 ` years, 6 months- Amy—,In Stephen, Sept. 16 Susana: La•, gime, wile of Thomas Amy. aged 68 Sears, 9 111001h,s. S,iell-13 Exeter; Sept. 17, James Snell', aged 79 years, 8 months. E.dE—ln Dashwood,Sept, 11, 1 ,E4 Jos,. Fldt aged 66113 years. 'Whiteford—Li Curberlan5 Wis., on Scpte xs'ber; 1.6, lathes Whiteford,; aged n4years, formerly Centralia.. 25c ''pays for The y cafe to Jan l� Best Chance Ever Offered To To p, g, Underwear, She ( nd Caps, Sox, Ties. en iv of a: Everything a m. wears. At a price guaranteed' to be below the Actual. Cost Price Boys Clothing Sacrificed This sale may be end- ed any day. And you will certainly regret it if you do not buy now. Men's anc. Boys' Furnish- ings Quitting a in s ; V 4 4 1 1 TM