HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-14, Page 5e it ek est `e, ;t- t - e t y pn d ferefessioreaI A r tial,. I7r." G, F, RQULSTON, ,L,I?.5 )I3.De. USN US T., ennbet' of the' el-C,D.S. -of Ontario acid Honor Graduate oe Toronto Un ye:•sity. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's :law office. Cloaed fared nesday afternoons.. being all able tee e et, tiLeSalA\, L. b, a,, U O. $ ,. Manor zraduaGe et Toronto tTntveristy. DENT' IST, eQth extracted without soy pair; or soy bedafects Ince aver aadrnan ,z Staultury's n ice. Xttin street e fetes eledtcal , qq� Ft BOI iLIIT, if, 0 ii Q. le cc S , ~IIO\OI LL6 Graduate of Toronto I ei§ttY. fwe yews' esident physician Royal edeCan,ire Hospital, etc, Qdlce and Rehiden,'o,tir. lino,' Ont Stand, Andrew reef ,eXETEIL , eICKSON & CARLING, BAuItISE} ,,.6QL,1Ci J tote, notaries, Conveyancers Commissioners1 reoi1citors for Molsons Rank, etc` Koneyto Loanat lowes4.rateso nteree ... " offices, Main, street, Exeter, B,, OAALi.\4,. le.A., L. B..Dieeso:t. esecoeTEY TO LOAN. h�uWWe have atarge amount of private funds to oen a f srau and village oropertiee at low rates of inter ,net. GLA DMA NeSTAFBURY ' tierxisters, Solicitors, in et,.Eatete. On J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life,A.ssurance Voatp3ny, alse Fire Insurance its lead- ing O nadtau and British Oompaf es, %f'iin.$t,e Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'WM, ANIPE'RSON, lerresrd Arterio}leer for Huron. County, 'Terms reasonable. Dates can be .made at the Adv0eate,, Plxeter. or Denny Eiiber'tt Office, Cred- iton, T. B. CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and eon ducting auct'Ioe sales, - Exeter. Ont.. - t t : a P 6, , d, a, t rye, tt a n c D E Y la f s b 1 p p C. A. HOUZE), V. 8, Graduate or Qntarto, Veterinary Col- lege ; member Ontario Veterinax'y Med- teal Seeletl"; treats all diseases of do- mestfeated a'nlneals on selentitie prin- ciples ; modern surgery a apeelalty. Op- erations on Lump • Jaw guaranteed sat- isfrnctorY• t Calla liy day or night. promptly attended to, Office-eiein-st., Exeter, Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone in connection, FARM FOR'SALE, The under signed offers tela fine farm. consisting of about 135> aeres, :adjoin- her the town 'of Clinton, for sale. The farm Is in a good state of cultivation; and has goi,d buildings, brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig Pen, etc. ail comparatively now. Afiret-elas5 young orchard, containing all kinds of fruits and also small fruits. The farm iq well fenced and, drained and is a, very desirable home., For further par= ticutars' apply on the premises or ad- dress JOHN .TORRiANCE, Clinton. f TTs 'M��I� (/�,�� L.. L i riot i. i ILLUSTRATED Ladles ' CATALOGUE CCYLLEGE VI3ESAIn Omas,Ont. ELLIOTT05 TORONTO, ONT., Is recognized as "CA- NADA'S IHIGh CLASS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL." The Instruction Is absolute- ly first-class. Write to -day for our ::atalogue. Enter now. Horses, for Sale I have a'nuntber, of first-class horses :or sale. Call at the stables and see .hem. We are also purchasing horses that src sound, and in good'Condition from I: to 10 years of age. Parties having horses finr sale will lo well, to call:or write the undersigned. ?hosie 41. M. M. DOYLE.. Exeter ((II tit he 01 yr so Sit! FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned -is offering for,sale hat, desirable 50 -acre farm in Usborne, the South half Lot 10, Con. 1• There is on- the premises a good frame touse, b5,nk boom' and out buildings : wo good wells water and an.ever run- ting spring at back of farm. This. farm s in splendid condition and" is nearly seeded down. Will be sold reaeon,- and on easy termis For particulars .pply ' at Advocate Office or to Jas. farl, Elimvifle. • or le tY I -u tet he an 'th, Dr. -e!' eh N. die P E k1J da ` e we `n, of, pie , Y , dh dal FOR SALE OIs. TO RENT Tllat most desirable farm property be- rig Lot 7.5, Cele 2, Stephen in the County of Huron, on which s' situate wo good bank barns and a (tomo}odious name house. This land is welt drained nd ':fenced, has two good wells and a ping creek,` and„, is convenient to hunches, school and markets. Out- oing.tenant leaves:10 acres aee-wn with ill wheat,15 acres of new meadow and one all nece:oe y. g g plowing end eel) Plow ng. Fes further particulars ppiy.to R. LEATHott,N, Esq., Exeter ; or DICKSON et CARLING,. farristera, e,_., F Teter. rs Northwest .lands. I 'Unimproved. Lands n Saskaio':ewan ad Albe to for sale i•.' Rai'', Eawre refund -s to .purchasers. wt'' ,*+MONEY TO LOAN,, ERNEST - ELLYOT, t- eweQttoe' den hotel Easter. •TO RENT _50 acne .t. ,II s it tt+i tions 1 ly . firi`,"+„'��% Aa��^s�Wli;f1 �%1ea,YB'�''6�Pt;Giitten .Jit MOOlileSi laic„vi le l.taas'•2 of the 1;:-o,;.,, "s .set at th:e honi;i of Sirs. en. 1l=ia* on Sept, tee when sevrrai topics el souse:d---bread :tz'.es' butter', pu,np#e:`7 plc, cainsi=.0 licar:tres, pi'cklat:;g, eechaeefirt.; P aterrne, d kite;,;sol d uree etc choice e n gat b. oa solos Were e rtd_s'cd, also reefer tatioP s osier mu:sic. Otte solo 'wao.tey ci' 'axe,lal tn0.1tieee "A mother �pleading tor'. hie, boy, was writ be" .SIts. 'you Tee ➢e + ^*.r fi r?g yrO br hr_id,^�ut lie tense oA,. Sirs. I:.4. tit ipdsor cn s'o'rer t All tt'leh b .'«3.:a e s:o"t U's;@d a, tc 'I t1.i prose 1t c.L9 a very 7. .,..t'stI:,-, tn:'F,',n', n< %1 a rap..ted. a alwaysWst 9Y3aSJ ouvErnia (New Idea Series) -It means quick sales t fills eyou ha • have the decisive va:rciict furnace --is of a practical builder lj ted is cola and contruc- sl.itiCted in Stich u, for -the verdict of a man, whose way that the maxi - knowledge of the science of heatingao largely determines his income. minimumtl heat diffusion cons mis secured' with largely He always installs. fuel consumption. the SOUVENIR sns,SOUVT',lr*IRGraies in houses built on i keg buses o� is Saijrensr " pre simple, strong spec' for the silos le r <e sr errrented tole a and easy to aper- F Furnace !coal bond ors date o tor- e/mitt feta! tweedccr ccks yr Orsett; of aaY kind far 5 sYmrt, reason that this ate, It's always safe to install a furnace means SOUVNIRfur- quick sales. -•ace because it is The SOUVENIR generally 1,4101111 to payssesses many points of superiority effect a saving of 25% to 50% in that appeal strongly to dtserimin-, fuel consumption. Lane sold you our ating buyers on sight, new booklet. IQ T' repot-- the heart of the Hamif tan, the stoove lents of Canma i; by TTIE IAMILTON STOVE & HEATER COMPANY t n Succes.ors to Carnes y Thldet Pi .N4aL . 1, Lit sfde. Las goo r$'cst o • ohflr of 1}us'_ ss -.Slug Hoge e 'y" las to eLL, 1G :tie o Grad [; d, ae'_r . etre. J,+tnes a.e,atero^. 4i s I y McKay :s resumed ler dar- e as was e i n w,y `a dsos',-'James John :sto,: !d°_ last Week: fOr., Edinoneen, Alta., v in e ho has considerable property, - MOs. T Neela ds and datgleter Mrs. A. H. K,1 are ,Sst.iog in Taranto, arnd Op,kville. :Sh:,sy Eladora Shenritt left Londo:,.. :eel week to. taker a everse ;tn ora ter`-tn.a as nurse et Victoria I-iqs., peta4,^-'f? Den U.latc.h;totd Ned .',son tat I'Y+ttlalid, Oregon, are here visiting the several members of the Biatetiford fans fly. -Sir•. and , T,eirple of Kieeerdieoct: and daughter Mi's. Cieseerborough oil' Claicetego are guests,. of Drs and tee:F' $eller'y', MSS :gent:Weil of Ia'cigrave b net`! at p pgsttiota ant milliner in Mc.. 1.A44•'e estaibila:ttineel't--•lLss 14'w`s•ie of I' Ctxonea. ]p ft)), nits +get of Ronnie's Iznill. " pery* departmgiet. Z4 Pa �r e in;aon was calied to Orange.. v,lle to niticndt 9u, funsral of his untie, and Its, 'T?;Seiler spent Labor D-tl 'Iu}lidaysa wisn. ,tit latter`s parents, Mn. and hit's. 1. P, Marshall at' Merlin, FQl• Saleby%It �i m in --Miss G. ,Hartlet,b bets accepted, tt pose `tion in lute post offlce,--Miss herthai Worm of ,Detre,:, is vlsititt . her Mettler Auction Sale 'ARM STOCK,' , lIPLEMENTS, ETC,. The administrator of the estate of the' I • John Howley has instructed Thos., Cameron to ,sell by 'puttee auction on LQt 30, CON, 4, US IORNE on TUBS - DAY, Sept. 26, at 12.30 o'clock. roll - win-; valuable proPertty', , Horses-Drau•Jlft regi brood: mare; 2 N old draught snare eligible far ret;'tt supposed to ba 'with 'foal; 1 foal eligible, Yo'r rens., draught ; 2 agrie, geldingsl 4 -yr -old; 1 agree. frilly, 2 -yr -old ; 1 ate. ic. gelding, -yr-old ; 1 stro a driver �" yr -old. Ca.March Cattle -4 cows. duo lis urns :fpr; I cow, duo la .Dec. ; 1 heifer. -yr-old ; 0 heifers, 2 -yr -old; 4 :steers, '2-yr.old; t: heifers. 1 -yr -old; 2 steers, 1 -yr -old ; 4 spring' calves. Hogs and Fowl --5 brood sows, sl 100 b. hogs . about 00 hens and pullet;:: Implements -Lumber wnTon,new; truck wagon and 'box; new top buggy, opee buggy ; pair bobslefgha ; cutter, nearly now; Weldor and mower, nearly new;. horse rake,,hay rack, gravel box, seeder and sten, cultdvator, nearly uew; riding P walking' plow, d'Psk,; set harrows, 4 sections; land roller, scuffles; :en- ing ing mill ; 2000 -lb. scales ; cutting -box ; wheelbarrow ; cream separator; 2 -horse ower gasoline engine with 30 feet of hatti m t n,, pulleys, belle, eta, and pump - 'e• ,lack. pulper, grindstone, cooler, lad-. or gratin bags, set double work, harness et single :harness, horse collars, robes, egg, horse blankets, barrels, forks and ciai'ns, and other articles too numerous O mention. About .'20tons first -Class ay; quantity of court in field ; 3' acres nangolds, turnips and potatoes; over 0 cords o'f maple wood can be seen on ide road north, of farm bush a quart- ty of lumber and scantling. Terms -S5 and under' cash; over that mount 9 mos. credit, on • approved joint ores. 5 per;tent. per annum off for ash on credit amouth;ta. R HORelEY E. DICKSON C CARLING T. CAMERON Solicitors Auctioneer. WELLING AND LAND FOR SALE. That desirable property situated in meter, on the corner of i,WVillier i and ictotda streets, "bean';' ane-shalf sacra 4f ad. There is, on the premises la good same house, with kitchen and'wood-- led, hard -and Soft:Water land a nun!, et of frhtft trees,, virgin 'Sell half -of 'of and separately. Price reasonable. Ap- !y to Mr. Peter Deemed!, Exeter, op- site Er lisJi, +church. HEIFER STRAYED There strayed from the premises - of e undersigned, Lot; 21, Con. 0, Step: n, on orabout July 20th, a trwotyr- d medium-sized :heifer, yellowish color, ith white' spots and white star Sn rehead. Finder will be rewarded by ndi;nr; information that will" lead to recovery to 'JOHN G. 'WEIN, • Crediton. P. O. COURT, OF REVISOIN vo Ice is hereby ni'ven that. 'a Court` 11 be held pursuant to 'the Olt tatt'o rtes lei!st Act by His ;Honor- the die of- the County Court of the Count- of Hu oh a't EakIe a in the Town a' Il oh Friday, the 22nd day of Sep- neer, ep- nee 19e1 at 10 o'clock aim. to err ands -determine complaints of errors d omissions , in the Voetors' List 'of Iunicipp.li,+..y of Exeter for 1911. ' T. B. CARLING, ;'Cleric of the Olunipipallty of km ter. ted, Sept. 2, 79-11. ' FOR. SALE )n'e tl,le best farms in Muton or cidloeee_, convenient to :na.kets, to niches and schools , being Los 9, E Bieldulpn in the County of -Mid- see, centainin r ' 164 acres.,On the mss are setuatc a good brick 1:,e three bank barna a;t sto .e faun ions 34'_54 40x2.2, and , oxdo, g6od its windmill, and dee property is it d a sed The whole ,of: t : s farm is g ass er^ep i7' 25 acres. Posstsy on' ho' use' ere t immediately, and 'com- e :Do nsess:ori I'7 , of -farm `giv n Nov, 7 at and pu r �se "be 'allowed o fall plow n^' before last hien ti,o- d' e For further particulars apply- to eepe.E. Kelley, ' Esq., Lucan P O Ont. thea Kelley.. Esq;, ,Lucas' P O Opt D :e (so e Care E 1 Audio Sale Qle VILLAGE PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by public; .Auction, on SATUIIDAY the 10 day or SEPTEMfIER, 1,9 .1 at two o' click p.m. at 4•lie Aietropolitz n -Hotel the hogs:, wed lot ore the earth:west corner of anastole and williant ,streets nearly oPACW410 the Creamery, in, the Village of Esetor, This was the rest denco of tine late Mrs. Margaret Airtli and s conveniently situated Within tt �ew' Steps or Main, ,At.r et close 'to 'lurches, acltuoi, railway station and. tanning factory, The property is In good repair and is a desirable purchase for anyone waittut' ,a snug little helm. Terms -l0 per cent. of purchase mon- ey on the dsey, of, pale, balance in 15 days, r Eosaesa. t o 3 4 t sat paynnont. of pur- chase money. Other Jenne made known on day o; sale, For further particulars apply to DICKSON .� CABLING, Solicitors for Vendor. Dated Exeter, 0th. S3pt. 1411.1. EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA The Grandrt Trunk Railway ay System an- nounce that on Tuesdays, June •,-27th, July' flint and 25th, August- 8th and 22nd, September 5th and 19th, 1911, alomeseeker's excursions will be 'run, to Western Canada from all stations , in Ontario and Quebec, via Chicago wind Duluth, or via. Chicago, 'St. Paul and efineeapolis, at reduced- round - trip tares. The welt -known double track ",line of the Grand Trunk tram the east to Chic- ago appeals to the traveller, and with the superior train service that is offer- ed by this line, including the famous "International Limited" from Montreal daily at 9.00 a.m., and which is thef fin- est and fastest train in Canada, many passengers will bo attracted this way. The route via Chicago 'is. a most inter- esting one, taking passengers through the prbncipal cities and'towns fit Canada and in the Staten of Michigan and Inds ,firs. If, �S uzlzna -"sir, aid erre, Conrad S"ehilbe of ':;ltd ;fettle con., attended tine Toronto 'Paris ala tt Wee [,� 3ir, " "..1 lteknder 'tugs purehaaed his father's: shoe stand:. for $525, stand intends sitting It tip as to atetrq,. Mr, i rw IF, I• offia',a:n at- tended. taw, L'lhdertaltere' Convention at Toronto last: tt'eek:,--14 'th,I'evelllbng oc the 2nd int. frit. ander rag 'Wen, Lame of the Goataean L,;:ne, Stanley, eelebrati the '2:inln annzerrary ofatheir wedding About forty guests were present an an enjoyable time 'wale'sapent. The Lab- or Day Racc�s draw':a la..,ac crowd, Trac green. safe 'Wee won by' hack, Hunter, C. E;efbcr, owner; Peach Detrol, E. Ilossen'' berry, second ; I age letlitos,, Dr. liouiee, �, third. TM `f ; r I•rcet or Ai! Raadmastcr, Jr., T. Murdock, first; Mists Mma Mater G. Troyer, second; Esther E., W. Eagle- son, third. en the bicycle -race E. Woido iwp, 'first, A. Tteldb.et't' second. and 'H lel* pp ttttrd. ' ane. in addition to this a. choice seven {lees between Chicago and: St. Paul and., 1ft:nncapolls is offered. Owing to the great ,number of Canad- ians, who resider in Chicago, .St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and other fettles en route, there is no doubt that the Grand Trunk will find many patrons who will take advantage of the opportunity thugs afforded 'them for a brief visit at the station's with their friends. Another feature that vill,, ppcai to the homesecker is the comfortable transfer at points like Chicago, St. Paul, and Du- luth into freshlyventilated clean ears, avoiding the necessity of travelling a long distance in the same ear. In addition to the above routes, the Salo of tickets is also authorized via Sarnia, and the Northern Navigation Company's magnificent Steamers across Lake Huron and Lake Superior. For further particulars apply to any Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem, or write totelr..J. Quinlan, District Passenger Agent, Bonaventure Station Montreal, or ler. A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toren - to. i t ���r T' Z'' 0w Perfecttytz---Tit; J3est fi3i3 TRY IT Labatt, L t . 505025, ONT GER eMarked SIIAPleA .eres- two tic s . O a Monday 'Aliso fd:a Rate of Toro to is Yi sit t iron stater, Miss Clara 1taez.-Miss silos F3aytahaan left for Detroit tE; to eeiz,-Me, Lorne _ Fil kbellelee has ,eft }: Clnatfnacnt Hefei/leen College,. s�s._ n??• ;r Ono ,.. ._ettieg. of Mr. ;..';,',x on. r"O n. "";:, tt it,g ..t&.F ratline. 'a!' ra ee g h e''i abeeete ,r ore e� �,w Yee iaairy izo" . *e. tu�tz.;I l t apasedaw fn d4} to o. r and t s ' aw ,.. e*w heurw ,l;i'a fs sttryar by qa *a;d- oft. aced daughter, also .. by his in ee eohn iteedele Ord pother, broth-n, Prattle, 43'4kls frJose;.Lee- 0 of FeCte , .retpflpipps. war' It lei r d tIt Parlor ,l. cee ne.etcsrt at Wed-, d-, 4 d Teens Reeder tli ,feta 1 Gtkn cv 7111Y -"ay died. 'Ore- ettnidexclY 4tl , tl-fe had been, amino" .t THREE COOKS AND THREE REASONS These three cooks differ widely la ability sad ext er1aneer, but all arc agreed that the prime essential is stood cookie; is the stove on shieb to cook, and all cuuocde chit every Stove necessity is met in a GURNEY -OXFORD RANGE For no matter how much or how little cocking is done: no matter what the experience liven or required,. there' are certain prime requisites lot every r'iitchea range, Whether tits: cook he a prolcastonal chef or the., yneag bride with only Into to please. the ;i pvo,mu.t furnish these three essentials -'-stet mess and control of heat. even baking raeil,tt r,' ara, „., ,.• grate that givesplenty of >.irto the fisc with a raving of furl and convenicace is $aod,lnt, For these three problems -on which all cooks are agreed -the GUEIIIHY-OXFOii ) RANGE has three answers. three good reasonx,vne. THE OXFORD ECONOMIZER is a small lever for the steady maiatenan-.tr seem, licensed for use only on Gurney.Oafocds. Iteffects aremarkaolesaving in fuel as well as labor. Nothing can go up the chimney' but smoke end odor. The Divided Flue Strip distributes the heat evenly, front ase w 11 as back of over thus. 4 t securing"ai a failure" baking. There is no better test of practicl stove ok an. this oven control. Are you always dusting? The Gurney -Oxford Rever- sible Grate saves dirt and labor: one -halt turn sod the ashes are out,evhile the interlocking teeth grind the hardest clicker. There nre plenty of other "reasons" for the advantage of the Gurney-Uzlord, as a call on us will convince you. Come in and see our varied line, and we will demonstrate all these features to your entire satialarlion. W. J. Haeman ,Agent. fir yr, a (1(1((11((( ((( 11(111 ((II (11(1 11111( 11 1111111111 l 1-11 111 110111 1MI (1((111 -1 1 MI 1 11 Ill if l I I IIII I,. ;j`► ili Y. ik '•. � , !e 1 �' i / ' ;� `What's "It's Rose." "Yes" Added "Makes "in "flour Rose "F flour gluten, what makes your dough -she encouraged. Bud very sagely: it rise in the mixer and the oven. It's the elastic -absorbs all the water -and things." grew interested. ROSES, said Bud, is exceedingly. Bud?" expand and part rise, milka rich . of .. : �;t Il• i "in gluten. I s'pose because it's all made t _ "ffrom Manitoba wheat. Takes up a lot yw � .. itis "more water - makes` those ' fat "loaves - i � 01 1 - s . lvl[itosES •, ,,r kit.'"lasts ' w "Saves Bud "The longer too." ve , a . noon@y, doesn't it?"asked Rose.? in a bigvoice: . ' Use And fat loaf makes the fat pocketbook. FIVE. ROSES always. Rose said YES. ; IIIIIIl IiIII ioIIII. IIIi IIpIlIllIlltlIIIII,DhIlItllllll I lop.,' G1! II llD� i h ! II Iiii�llIII►niIilll I goo 4 hl l,-....: � ono I�IIuli8IIitt1udliIIiI °1) ,4001 blimillimmilllihimmillillimmiliVIII ..... If iIIIIIl I .... . yof n1 MIIIIN L , IL CAMP ANi Xotfi3l2'ded 1. 11!1. fI_ l Ii Illllll l� 1i II� C YlrA IIilrlll�l(llBIIifluw II 1.1IIIIII IIiIIl11111111 IIII IlIl1111f�11� 1l :� ..;,: .?L,...wr,11 u ,�. ;.'•:. ...ixl res.t mV. .max..._ . ,,.�. ..'. KE05 1Me,"no08 1cIN0COMPANr tjwr O ore! cre qNi 3' y_� ' t. ,,.::-ter ar"'°.,�.n.% •, :, ,: ;� � :. �?.; ... ;... :.. ,•. ,.. ,, .. � � : ;:^ _ i.. nl:. �1 �,. w5 I rr fir' A 'a-, lY 'i fif-h .i t�, '" ..� ,i ' , :^i ',uw , i,✓ •:,�W,p'p "r:ef-,.1C'u.rzY`p�.,..a.,�ik'�e:t!M..,t.;ialA,...�.N....,1.,,...l:,.11'•�4.,u. ,,,,..'tfN,d ,', .0 .�:,dk .'Y .n.,.T. ...R'.4.. ".I «..,,. �`...--. i.. .. ,.. .e,.nt.,....,u..?'..t.J. IU,�,1,fi..,::,,n.,:na.F�N. jy3fi� fir yr,