Exeter Advocate, 1911-9-14, Page 2CLOSE UARTE OR, THE 1 -10 -USE IN THE. RUE BAREETT CHAPTER II.—(C'ontt'cl) s;,id yoer brother leave tie ;� ; house immediately �' `.eked Brett. ,y.d your brother call there as ° "That instant, He w, nt dowxan- esual ext :Monday: afternoeln?" said stairs 'rat un his ; :a , 1o eleoaat and hat, and got into a tiab with the meleea- e ire straight here from e who brought g}, t; ..l , , rA with n' � n tab Ba t n�i' T•Q' MP'. te, alma h.zu; tea with "Do yea know who this znessein. axne-self, He; eat :n the ger was s', and .n the very ea si eriall "One cif c„4 po. w eme can ,deity you now ciee?an1: , I, can renteaxxber . ie the house itself." him saying: `Bye Jove!the hen's A slight' pause ensued and Bret er 'k g8 #"—the ,..t is w;..att he iisexl to' van � was aebt,ttt to take itis departure, having no fur er questien.s to ask the mement, w; -$aria scene elm was heard hastily ascending the stairs, talking to a eoaxnpaanie n as he v-aneed, ac�=has Miss Taayl to r . dr. Before sl elderly: gentleman era kung upon bink all those Bakens that stamp as. tilMajor general, tact a euely° taro gh, l : ani,. ,gent Brett. ctY' s ; $x.4 Albert: G uole an(? Yei Chair the big daanlolid--`is turning Qiut i filte style.' He even discussed th porsihi?ity* of bringing uze to ee the collection when it was finished and before it left this eoasn:tre";^' lyia your brother er say why the aliaarxnonn(ls were brought to this rare, in the fnrst instance?" 'Yes; the Sultan and his advis-. ere. leered: to think the work of eairing them could be penfermed rc eefely and expeditiously here anywhere else. lived the 'Mark high reg;arc1 for the maa*n' te tell lawn and order are mein_ Britaaiu. Yet; the sequel awtn Heat the diamonds as+ad. ,'1_ guardians were p(rll'ies in veer here than they been isceetsteati- A " a°e ttxtl I '4'Was t':at ti said Brett, wltt made up bis mini w ertee to the pattern of :xne and svaaS new gazias into the br .. fare which danced merrily in t grate, for the day though fine w c:3ainF. The girl wrinkled her brows thought bef+.tre she answered: `. think 1 do remember jack slay in -that lie believed there we, ate' State business mixed nein- in t lair, but I -a nu incite scare It not know the exact fasts hire "Can you reeeileet .tray pacial, pre autione telcenr. 1 teet the gems? Your brother rota have Mentioned Sonne details c>ouversatioa!s, you know." "Oh, 1 think 1 knnow them. In the first instance, 1 house at Albert Gate had: previous ly been tenanted by as itch banker, `and it was well defended by allor dinary means against the attacks of ;arctinary burglars. But, in adds - tion to this, before the diamonds deft the safe at the Bank of Eng- land, the building was practically torn to pieces inside by workmen acting under the dire,tioal of the an exelaai*nie o go to tla reach it: a; retest, bean distianguishe 1 Principle that the movements of the missing pian should be minute- ly traced. frorxa the very xnence- ment.'; Mr. Winter looked somewhat coo- fused, but Edith Talbot broke in.- "I think, uncle dear, it would be well to defer to Mr. Brett's judgment." "De you really" believe," she said, turning to the barrister, "that you will soon be able to iinndmy= bro- ther r' "I ,zun quite sure of it," he re- plied, Weil- the conviction in his tome astonished the professional de ectiw; e, enlist it earried a mes- sage twf hope to the others, Even Sir Hubert, for serene 'eason which lie.eou,dnot explain, soddenly ex- perienced a stro: g sense of ee.nan- denee in this reserved, distinguish- ed-looking ist n:guish-ed-lookia2g man. Ho ste for'- � 131` as*ard eagerly and held out his haled., saying— "Then "Th we will ni(nt detain yen, Mr. Brett, Aet s yo in think fat in .11 things, but de Jet ahs have all possibie information at the ea efit Axle xnennt." Brett' and Ur, 'Winter nu tted tlse I+nse R they bailed a h,anatn'm drove r apidly t+;aavatnaal'e Albert Gate. "Do yaks kTMnow," raid the amara ia•osni Seotland Y'ar'd, breaking in eonepataion's reverie, s'whea- lraPPen; to meet yen, 3Ir. i:n the course cif hex inquiry•, start by being very angr, at eel—;a, aeede:.d man, mufti, all eee,tr .<zI in his alapneaa} w nag eombined lnugi1isn ocess-servi'at ; as a profes-, eains of ex .4te:1(`e, His faaee into is smile N1.11311 i'is eyt".$, 1 the bat riete a-. Brett,- he cried. "1 c something to de mark. You are 4A WW1), hilt tits„ ysay that 1am rt Fntsjares stemislimerat from bis niece sister. e eplalcl find er to This, Bre TE tt pz'tartnptly eleared that dalailling te Sir Huber itx to few tvca ds, the reason for riraexpe �t c1 lutea eneo, aaaad \sli a name' age wv; trdcnirintnlnie tea the har he express d a rea'cdy aequi eseence in the desire to utilize f is srviees. Nor was the effect taf steels as notable introduction lost on Mr. Winter, whose earlier kno:vlecl.e rnr signer to . to w'a`s , t le erne er S ren a.rkaole Why " There was ,ani amused Brett" s eyes, . which warted the ``cher of a, II. 'sat pias y nth. fright lit Inossible p'tf 4 R t' €le4P11 t~ r , wareapr ctet theo dulgen io i' of "r or cul; rty- et I have tine re- eing cne of the, Ud ' :ard, or 1 should: on this job. And, tang -tee. pith you," F. it 1 dein"t sradul e you u aagaa"a,,, snapped wvindat .ether* Ileca'ry bf tike; erilmet »aAA1r w, and h older.: Bear with. kale for e while, I beg you. *oia xrnaay and I may be quitexron ilea there is much beneati Surface Au the investigations w now pursuing. My advice is tee drop all preconceived beories, to mote every eikeurn- ince, .however r'aimote it may aap• upon evealtti, act plat*eipl, i do don't itr. LETTERS OF A SON IN THE MAIM/0 TO HIS DAD. —By RE McEVOY [lir, McEvoy' will write for paperthis : $. p a ies of letters from the west, They will appear front, time to time un - (ie..' the above heading, and will give a picture of tile great Canadian west from the standpoint of a young Ontario man going outthere� r a�, These to flake his w3a, . .l.hese let- teers should be lull of inte.e t for every Ontario father.] algary, At . 27th, 1911 7: Dear Da - nee 1 wrote yo:,t from i,CinzanPeE i.e lex, be prairies lael?in t rue. daY, .about Aorta—r0 ray m lnefasres rtxaelr, in; Gadgety, l lied MY fast Sig1 Becky Alouutatns, They 14y lel*' the Western Bari aa, diaaQ chi/n4». Tl;a orate wway you eoul4 t R thew were. iQetds watt hrcause they did not Change t ie.s shape, On the prairies 1 saw Xar: aliFras, looting very &raised with their laaira wwaggoaaSe eeww,laa}13. axi4 aneurtted policemen. but 1 most teas ererythipE i x turn, efore 1 go any forther, 1. wsilnt, lc you tailie ewe ' to tend tato the iayser fFern hernae, I reel Susi til whore 1 met ilt ;unripe . telaitaE tate that w'beuerer lie g from florae, it woo ,last film ;mot - 014 friend, beeanee it told Blit` out rite felts be'lnuew. liis father leis a st;bs.ript:On fora year as i as presexat, `tad lie etaia he eaaaadn'a•, 1i ire hark anything haat w eir:4 iiia, o a`le cl la€sae Mort, at I deeide to d ;nnyltaatly Seiner trap at tAa«aw A New Head In 30 Minutes E`chano that aching, throbbing. surfs:leg, muddied head fcr a clear, cook, comfortable on, by taking IVA-DRU-CO Headache Wafer 25c. a box at your dr ugpieta' or by mail from Natioaal Drug and Chemical C. of Canada. limited- Montreal. by engines on the hid, farms, out, on the prairies I saw great big galvanized iron tain s. which I thought must, be for hold- ing gasoline for reunite; the viewing en - eines, but a man on the train said that these were portable granaries into which the grain is nut as it is threshed, until it ettn be taken in to the eleraters, Aft, the prairies are lonely, You eau leo* frown the train window and zaet a wide Weep for uncles and miles, and per - h .tka there will otity be eae hence iu the whole laudseafae, And, there are no fences to show that anybody lits eaade their donne there, The rail fenees, such as we haze, about the Ola place, Tenn never see oat here: weed is too scarce- why, the only ` laee about which there was a tenet: in s.Qtrae of the towa'ns was the 'amber= rig- and this was dire to be Protested' blit` feuee. blond. is 'So wralnehler p sir lreoaile leek the kitad2ina; safes before going to bed. .bio fart the a:reeat. having Ace, Mark Th.e Building was admired by ,aa Pito in their father's .foot trod: It was' than house they loved to The Temple et the Living Oa d iitt. on that day 'II st He who ow was there: Of Hien they did not stem view : To Him they breathed no word o prayer. y little lent ed the hou *a s ww.tta a ila,st fife treasury sat l 'e eweeixa end earth th ;s all 1 t A ening eye eould sett tame their guts to ew i(acleaa tlai,ls ?,eiir ss ;an(1 putt$ ar in, its bearing ad in any easenot t Lely. Wllatt€vel' w^al st anybody." 4'But," said the otherytarfiewllat mollified by Brett eaarznestness, "half a dozen people may be ar- rested at any 'moment," Coin f Police I " f 1 b " "Prey drill Me ilOW absolutely: impossible for any carte achievements in unravelling the to enter except through the front tangle skein of eranlindl inee;riga. door, unless they flew out of the , tion was now suppleme lied by a second story window. Servants certain amount of awe .for a man and workmen, like everybody else, 'who commanded. the eontidelate ef,i had to use this door alone, as the biz ;t eje:-tv's Government. windows and doors in the 'basement "Weil," said Bir Hobert; Iitz- had a ill been bricked up. Inside fames, with the brisk aninuaai ra of the entrance hall there were always twelve policemen, and an inspector in charge, "Every one who left. the house was •searched by theinspector on duty, and ;Tack used to say that lie was very glad he invariably' in- sisted upon this examination, al- though the police were at first dis- inclined to meet his wishes in the matter, he being, so to speak, their direct superior for the time. Be- neath the entrance -hall were rooms occupied by. several Turkish and other servants. Mehemet Ali him- self, in, the` prese.ice of his secre- taries, used to open the door lead- ing to the suite of apartments in which the diamond cutters worked and two of the Turkish gentlemen would remain there all day until the men left in the evening. The Envoy and both secretaries used to meet Jack when he visited the place, and for the last three weeks he had nothing to do but see the diamonds, eount them, drink an excellent cup of coffee, and smoke a wonderful cigarette, made of some special Turkish tobacco, -cul- tivated and prepared only for the Imperial household." "Ah !" sighed Brett, with a note of almost unconscious envy in his voice. lie 'knew exactly -what that coffee and those cigarettes would. be like. - "I beg your pardon. he: went on, perceiving that Miss Tal - bet •did not understand his excla- mation. "Will you tell me as near- ly as you can the occurrences of Monday evening?" "They were .simple enough,". said the girl. "My brother dined at home. We had one or two guests, and were all ib the drawing -root' about 10.15, when a note came for. hire from Mehemet Ali, I knew ex. - (Ale -'what was in it. 1 looked over his shoulder whilst be read it. The voids were '1 hist` to see you to- night on important business. Come. if possible, at enee.'' 1 have to tell -tie that it was in French ench but hi�> en exact tro station." "Your brother wos wascisure. at it Awa, from Mehemet Ali ham - 2' said Brett., taite surwas the one aeeustamed to utter commands that must be instantly 'obeyed. "we will now proceed to busincs." For .a moment no one spoke. Thi. Scotland Yard detective evidently wished his distinguished collea^«ie to take the lead. No sooner did Brett perceive this than he rote, bowed politely to Miss Talbet and her uncle, and said— "The first thing to do is to trace the whereabouts of Mr.. Talbot and this should be a comparatively easy task. The, other features of this strange occurrence impress me as highly complex, but it is far tot` early a stage in the investigation to permit any definite opinion being expressed at this moment." Every one seemed to be surpris- ed by Brett's attitude. "Where are you going to, sir?" asked Mr. Winter. "That depends largely upon you," was the smiling reply. "If you come with me we will go direct to Albert Gate, but if you decide to, prosecute further inquiries here, I will await your arrival at my fiat.:, "That is as much as saying that there are no facts worth ingatirieg into to be learnt here?" "Exactly so. Miss Talbot has told nie all that is material to oar purpose. Her brother was unex- pectedly seat for after dinner on Monday night, and left the house hurriedly, without affording any clue to, Tis subsequent proceedings beyond that contained in a brief note sent to him by. Mehemet Ali Pasha. Indeed, it was impossible for him to afford any explanation, as he himself was quite unprepared for the summons. Meanwhile, every moment lost in the endeavor to fol- low up his movements is precious time ww-asted." The barrister's manner, no less than his words, impressed' Mr. Winter so greatly that he too rose frein the seat which hehad occu- pied, with the intention of conduct - hag a long and careful examination of each member of the household. Then I: will come with you at; once," he said. ieh' Ile c`01cried the Major -Geneva', is handwriting wee iasis <<I 1l udc_stootl ee seve a c ,turaiinica-tione t came here that there were many .luring th-e pro•grecs 01 (ep estions ,winch 2,'ecoired ;IxnR?.l;di es."ate ill Ctnil ( in fu11H 1to114t5 . on the i'Y "Descriptions of the stolen mends and of the suspected persons are in every police office in Great Britain .and in most Continental centres by this time. Passengers by all, steamers are most, carefully scrutinized, livery pawnbroker and diamond mt:xchant in the eouattry"is on the lookout, and, gen- erally speaking, it will be odd if somebody* does not drop into the net before many hours have pass• 42, 1 "It indeed," murmured Brett; "arid no doubt the somebody in question will experience a. eer- tain amount of inconvenience be- fore he proves to you that he had nothing whatever to do with the matter. Now, don't answer' me, Winter, but ponder seriously over this question : Do you really think that the intelligence which planned and successfully carried through an operation of such magnitude will betrapped by plain clothes constables watching the gangways. of steamships, or by any pawn- broker who has ever lent half the value of aplede?" Almost impatiently the barrister waived the subject out of the han- som, and the detective bad sense enough to leave him alone • during the few remaining minutes before the vehicle pulled up near the Al- bert Gate mansion. (To be continued.). SCOTCH hOCelIC. . Donald (who is seeing his more prosperous cousin off by the train —Ye micht tae leave bob or two tee drink ye a safe jouree,y, canna. A' my snare shullin's 1 gie tae my Auld mither." Donald—That's strange. Because auld 'either onything, what sort o' chance dae ye think you've got? Perhaps there is nothing grander ed foreman, and Richard. .whoseh appointment was but one day old, I fully appreciated his position. A lady happening to visit the works! approached him. "And who niight1 be in charge of this department?" as homage to -his. pesition. "Yes," puffing eut his chest, "and I I'll prove, it. Ic.elly," aciclressing,.1 lRad, if «:yoia r;twry �Aae..s, that: ^awrre teat` s zit ll'iunipe w al tlza, lnrnarles rasa iin tixe waest 1 tod at people y. Thebe Mat aiding like 1 he stripped, renitatdcal Africau war pictures` Qt Staple r; aat1 inrtamunition to the front. There eb 11tt, tie' Lore, At, the eta - t the line, are more Ana. be unloaded,' and empty seine, collected Qn the sid. t e erozx cant. l:coryaaady e 'thra�snx9 d rite mitres tQ he s14xi' rlain'4 wQnde 11, d en And and e fore, What yea can Set. cortainlY looks geed. They eve got, euttitig well It's funey the way the towne out West advertise.' You trequently come to towns where Sign beards have been ereeted the statiOnS telling of the advantages he tOwns have to offer settlers. Back t Port Arthur they had en attraetive eneetory brick building, what is caned a Iciosk, which is a bureau et Li - formation. At Pert William there was a big sigu; "Fort William the Pulse of the 1101ninion: the bulk of East and West traffic passes through this tovai." There another big sign there, but there is s lunch erOwdecl on it, ana the print was so small that 1 could not read it the train, Indian Head is another Rlaee that advertises in this -way. On One aide of the traelc is the sign: 'In- dian. Head, Saskatchewan's Iteauty Spot. 4ed land $20 to $50 per acre." Atrose the traek on the other side is a sign ieh reads. "Dominion Governmeat fo egt, nursery, 480 acres, one mile front teem: Distributed annually, 3,000,000 trees free to settlers. Visitors 'eau inSpect at any time." You would think that if those towns wanted to advertise they would do it in -Ontario papers. Of course, thousands of people read the signs by the railroad track, but by the time they see them they have tickets to their des- tination and are not likely to stop off. Out from Wionipeg the country is as flat 'as a table, and the horizon is as straight as the edge of a ruler. It sur- prised me to filni. out that between Withd- peg 'and Portage La Prairie, which is fifty-six miles west, there is a rise el 100 feet. Portage has a population of 7,000, and is quite a town, and one of Manitoba's principal grain marhets. There are elevators there, of course, and fromeethere west for a, long way there are elevators at all the stations. There will be two or three elevators at each statioe, belonging to difDerent companies. To a hew -comer from Ontario these ele- vators; so many of them, are strange, and they are all the more noticeable because the country is so flat and there are no big trees. The elevators can be Seen for At Brandon I laid eyes cm the first Northwest Mounted poliCeman I ever saw. They wear red coats, just like those of the dragoons we saw hi. Toronto, and eow•boy hats. It is said that the red coats were made port ,of the uniform of the police by John Macdonald because the Indians among whom the police had their ino4 difficult work always looked on the soldiers of the Queen as their friends. -A red -coat would be' trusted where anyone else 'would re,ect dis- trust, rd suspicion. The most pronain. is a seed warehouse, and this is aeother I indieation ci the character of the Wesel engines ' for sale. The pfowing is dote That Iltn nnattyto" Celt gifts The wwOrtillees old. • meet of certain facts which will en. able you more fully to sympathize with me . in the catastrophe that closes thisinid-ocean episode. You must know that white servo, ants were impossible to find at the• Cape, a:xad, one must bring all one'e, staff out with one, "for better, for worse," it may be for three, four; five years, If any turn out badly, it is true you may send t;lem home, but—who is tp replace them cot dnot persuade , y I Il pm,cook at Dover Castle to undertake this ex- patriation, her courage failing her at the last moment, and I had to find an untried substitee. he was a, Dane with .the blood of genera- tions of bellicose viltings coursing through her veins, and from afar I had watched her dally on the other (leek with apprehensions. "The ball is over .aand. I feel tde- e-ided1y limp. I thought I was go- ing to have a pleasant .evening. I was sitting with Lady -wand all the others -who were loot masquerading, ajoying the Fight of the figures nn l kinds of extempore costumes a x- a1"ing on the deck .from below and twang,, prior to setting to, the band phytin ti spirited waltz, when arra siert errlc.rged from the Q,ay#, €as if rising from she t'tslesmBritanania 'a .high brass helmet witt st, then a:, incident heli caa°let c«rc the outer, and the folds of the union ack draapi;;nf her :commanding form, She 'Stepped on deck" „ '1 say, said a voice, this is th( saaeeess of the •evening. Who it it'll, 'Wing is It 1' ,you heard on ew;'ex Fide „ 'Wile is it?' asked La 1yr ilnl 3Ia+ bile soling brought gifts with boastful air. , s if they gloried ita their r A widow, with 4siIo.rt yi.raye Th'oilglit all she had --two si.i mines. to Ilis own said Ch "Their gifts which seem ee great are small ; They gave what they could well af- But this poor widow gave b Beside the tre ury to -day There sits the Lord of earth and To those who de His word obey The riches of His grace is given He. honors those who for His eake Tinto each urgent call attend: 1Te knows the sacrifice those make Who seek His kingdom -te extend. May love enrith the gifts we give And eleanse our gold from sordid The Rfe of service may we live Aed always glory in the cross. T. WATSON. Iona Station, Ont., 1931. 'WHEN BRITANNIA. Iter,ED. An Episode on Board a Steamer Bound for South Africa. A fancy-dress ball in celebration of "crossing the line " given on board a steamer bound for South Africa, is described by Lady Elizabeth But- ler in ber book, "From Sketch - Book and Diary." On this occasion the passengers of the second-class cabin were invited to join those of, the first on the gaily decorated promenade -deck. Before quoting directly from her diary the account of the ' catastrophe," the author in - Here I must interpolate the state - nokii;fel! augh. pprtaata Q shetlit?l;nyr lcle;s it 'alt seiz Haar again. 4`]'tztr.r tan I satw ilratannaa dant• ing in a small set of laneolrs, lured air hand wiitil the litaarehianess. Shall I ever gab her harnessed St:a now 1' "' went back to ° hang over the bulwarks and lose myself among the rsI." FOUND EIGUT PATH, t Pelee Start. "In begau to drink coffee. "At ime I was healthy and enjoyed life. At 4,rst I noticed no bad effects from the indulgence, but, course of time found that various troubles were corning upon me. "Palpitation of the heart took unto itself sick and nervous head- achee, kidney troubles followed and 'entually my stomach became so deranged that even a light meal eaused me serious distress. "Our physician's prescriptions failed to help me and then I dosed 'myself with patent medicines till T was thoroughly disgusted and hope. less. "Finally I began to suspect. that eoffee was the cause of my troubles. I experimented by leaving it off, except for one small cup at break- fast. This helped sotne, but did not, altogether relieve ray distress. It satisfied me, however, that I was on the right track. "So I gave up coffee altogether and began to use Postum. In ten days I found myself greatly improv- ed, rey nerves steady, my head clear, my kidneys working better and better, my heart's action rap- idly improving, my appetite im- proved and the ability to eat a hearty meal without subsequent suffering restored to me. And this condition remains. Leaving off coffee and using Postum did this, with no help from drugs, as 1 abandoned the use of medicines when I began to use the food drink." Name :riven by Pos- tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained lie the little book; "The Road to Wellville,'', in pkgs. Etter read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are gentiine, true,^ and full of human interest. THE RESER1,f5F1G TEST FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR has stood the searching test of peeserving time. This is only possible because of its consistent high quality. FROM YOUR GROCER. The Canada et/gar RofirOng Co., Limited ilonireal Establislied in 1854 by John Reclpath.