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Exeter Advocate, 1911-9-14, Page 1
ti ` IFENTY-FouRTn YEAR, EXETER, O .€. ,ARIO, ` UJRS i SEPTEMI33ER14, 1911. is SANDERS & GREECE Local Items Liberal -Conservative NSER\r"Vi'IN hIAss :NIEF1'1NQ REGI DEATH OF ALEXANDER TAYLOR. to Ys ----mother. of -trio, old slid familiar Char eCtiu S afters oY E_eter Norte has, passed • way, leaving a ;record ot industry, hon- zunic}IT-Satw'day, Sept_ 16, Speakers esty :and good qualities•- We refer ;O T. 3, M-ernel' Candidate; G o. $of-; , e P the death of Mr,. rtlesarader Taylor,'w.'ie son, iYayor of Wi;a4lxa;n, and others. d1'd Te day ea e 4 O,S es � la3t, The del s d Et 1M5rtLLE-,'Tuesday, Sept, 'IJ s Speak,- 'fid',been a,rair 'since spring, but l:is era, 3. J.:aierner Jo:s, Elliott of Ccd- eonditio;a, aetuained a'bou# the sante ult- , a e:^~x arta others, . tit about a mentli ;'ai? when. ?''.e, took a turn fol the worse att'i gradually '.'; . ^^ bAg` MiteCltml7ed. Ca t:0r of tile 'Ste .t t':9 was the :cause of dead:, Mn Taylor was IfF ,�, O'� Si ` ., retry last e,. San, e� .�.� ' 2 .,L. or cal T S. x t, S€ r da:' rno:..,..;, lfzie ha sc, buggy and tear- s-, evrnsid by Dr" Ait1{'erultead .vale stoi- 'oa31 the stable and up to thepnesent -^'`t'0 ttac%-w4ate'rer of, their whereabouts 's bora x Aiaharah, County Derry, land, October ?' tdx, 19.8'.8. With f. she' mai her,twoL;'o•;,ens a' :. ,x dnv , s` tar oa t`z 17ch, day of `ta_r. 1 4 Ile sailed t'rori, Belfast, and atter Te lasting e5gte 'Weeks 'a'ld three dray he lar;dcd S41 Quebec, ' Fronn motto to 1iibvn>?i TQ relax"+t::PM, ty, tit erf: !.e s5'itketl can: a .. 1 '� e s his la .t c ea and r sl ea ,3 F i � liibbea't tel.. 3 nrintbor of: y ward the moved with his family to Township, Built':, there a. number o .ears, anti. about 25 yezans ago 0.1 vc' to Useter, WUCre he ltvied until eiea't9r,, 'Ho 'w'a's united in marriage on Qat. 15, 1602. to Ar-1araott lis;•es 4f Tu'akersmitn, and fr4111; the union were trier; 12 cittidrei -`seven 'pens :«ellsl "t`s dau�,hters, tluc-e ,of whom ,have died, Nr. Taylor joined the Presbyterial e,5tltrcir about 'years ago, of wli°cir 1'. 'wa.--sstill. a, nienbe wen he died, leaves 'tc Motu@ hits loss, his wife, ;ell sons. Robe tli of £E'aw WWI of Cobiesville, b1 Tc n„ .tic=ander .t $antra#eon, Steak,. Of LPca+. Arthur S, of Toronto, fi'3lllalaa S; FEr, E. 0,. al;d frau E, at Er- daugb:ttrs, blrr. William td M,re, Wm, 1 laynt:y 41treF larpthers.. JanteS ;ter and Reber: of ny fn.svl -s. i ie t 'William were at ed.. The 7fetliai?i'o Regervillc- cents- eery ernCaa,. «t,P1),kRENTL Y. FO .TL PLA.` " 11tltclic% Sept, 7.--,Iteccllly George :fit; tlrl of }i3?al>cri Tow:i,a"r$p. left Mitchell fta: Saotimid with the intention of buy- - ,t. ©tuintWr 'a horses to hellos back with lino. and onr A1oii,da5' a telcgrarn was „received by ,his o other, lames Nixon, talattana; .that, nitss ll:otnee liad 'Wert found dead with a bruise uisee alt his: 1',t -'1d, in :Shallow' water, Jn Quebec. When M:•. ;Wan lett .M;itcbcil he had several hundred dollars in 'his pocket; besides drafts foal thcs .amount oC 1200.' When found irofa money was all gone, ei.- sept, a toff po1d Co ttrog, wltieht no had in . ,' t a o k id h R 4 £ s 1 u, roe Isla a 2 P , 'te ! nix A a. smelt p Word was At"sit' t friends ltiu ro x o for- ward $50 It 1.1:.y, wanted the body Cent home. Tho remains were brought hero and :Wetted on Tglursday, HORSE AND RIG STOLEN AT $UEN,SALL, s yet. lasso df severed, Tile. (lector bad '1°1 used the.7 trot se- and. ,1'i1 Saturday itJglIt �, u..r)„tt".,Fd the• 110;'se and 1 .put tern 'the .° S.l t. W,E en hestable�r3dY1 mornfag r'.el !2%'+Fos, it , TPt' outfit was E vsiu-, si *pd if eo` recovered will be st4yav loss to' the doctor, I 3 TER SCHOOL DOVRE 1.:Icting of 1:" N 1'*oa:rd held t+.1. the To all, Monday, Sept 11',:11, absent S.Afax., and ,L B, Caralag. Tha . aliosr i r1 order of business 4u1y submitted approved ;*-Ter chair, minutes t1t revious meeting. Reports o€: Conitari4- Repaiire-*:Furinaces 41ot 3nspcctcd; bone ine ,received. Cbaair E4all ways ,bly cleaned and 'walls lsaisonda- tl e rec1pror"ity (Plea -1'49n to :Mir. Spottot, Scellanfr also painted and. repairs acid devotee lana Arte to the Farmers Itaaslile, to P'asterltlg effected. Per •Pan1t and Mr. "cLeant `s connection docs 'will 1 have been 1'1 i salt .trete for 4: 1 11. $, atteAvdanee 68, organ, it, .Mr,, MeLoan had 'said that he had 7r''re Past:: ,s1: Goth, many y hez tdreda o" temple,e3 worts In anti tde/a›..5.119:4 e,ilusat.ds of dollars have I gathers a Isttae o�'raipatry' WOO ilia c -said pe, with properly,rarangcd tis-$ much. '=o, the elvtreholderg as they In ' roan. 410 root Of Canada. and eesztre or earn, taupd1C gapping the v a'.nt alnto•kacroap , wbat they were the, a ilaalidltu,tl z -, 1' illi the COUtIll Sel'+illee sullpltce pl,ic"d a -'d ioal�, or 'ac�uld hal'e katowaa, and he lEllrk131. t'aa:rnne-19 „rO11'd have l enefitt tudy bc',run hoots fibro: advtnrO ;had defended,' the goy :-nl'tla1 whoa ho ed immensely. So 1,o,11,3 u'a lief Pax :Per 1." fir. Gladmaln mai itnr(W Mist the t ove:vlxroro"at had gr. 1(111, wood s Or !P to sell, they found. a. ods VeinelPars'. report be sale baarit a cer;,:t calaaa afterfroney a d "ieact to -day a ready caKt market for , Wood' and V. \1:. Glad- 1#eRll, t+eps ttdlyl-vanrned t'+tar to do- SO, all clteyr have to offer, Labour has belle ea•C'f;agetnennt of Miss Afr, E:3 her sustained the rnattt:r iia de- C.tteti, and does benefit, storerkeepers 14 77 lot i$tl,Otl, to "taken nvinCed 3tife audience khat the Boers l:onaa Men- n= benefit in turn, from ttauistant'.13 rho E'E'.. t- A full house was tai attendance at the rt L:be al-c'OI3"„a'.ci-vative rally in the Op- (-jut House op Friday even'it'g. when 1€"c chic t orla o1 tlke day w.cre discussed by the Libei`al-Conservative,, candidate, .1, 3. Meant: t , I'I, Either, ll Sp r a G F li -1n. I e -a ce audience gave a;a at- ted+'ave ea: rt-- sold heartily applauded +`�_^ .addresses. George Dolmen, of Eg'a.lo•.d.'ille ▪ up e,I the chair, ir, op2;rcd the nxcelitrg and called upon t ,e several, epeaItcl°s. J. J. J 3I t ^t' said lie was r,i �. d . a as .i to sue ,°^ae the people were ta'kilt.o, a lively Interest in the (Pettton. acid that re ogttized, t1hat an; important. flues - was before - them, Twenty-five v'`i._,x t_r.ie3 were P 4.d c_'.ci Qvr w: protrably^ dii ..ver."- .a �. ^.s ra ,K cl tIi maty c ;,C as sane r1 o sn'eat.I;;ass t L axaa t.e�o 4a cd is c'oedl s, ezlc. r " os.i. e It __::,",, se trade wit. l Ole st and was, certain; th:a't the f?rzrzers Ontario stolid oto ?;use ,. grc<:t deal horses aiadx'd it the pact .should conte o t'o;ee, ,After °dealing with other Ms he closed lay"l�tak' , that he was CaverilV to r'edet,n Vag rridi:rg and niaitinlg tills ealdidaturt an honest .^, .fione,rable one so that whether 1 or defeated «o would feel that Ws campaign had bean a credirt. ao himsel= and to the p,opi 7: ettetal E:1ber 'stated that he would leave•, yen 1l a OGITY AND THE SALT IN-. - D13S11Y -Before the electors vote on September 21 s1 .; s ilxuc,'1 toi1'e4 desired that they s'.tould consider' the outcome et t::e. Re:'ip o^i y Peet from a purely (comet/lc + s4.a.xdpo ;-alaaxt elxtrlely from x nolitu ai b' It u .;as a' :sathousand saltd pities that this nlJst momentous questio3, should he m.rrea up wili', per,ty polities. list a ltef,;..endunt heel taken without this .1 t -a.. - 'would lave batt ever when- nrA r aiv de ea teh So ahsoturea;r' com- pletely would the majority 1,.ib.1roll and r: i ti y . .Y, xa. s vnt Co ,ed .c do.vn, fat ..w v.'au.d:na,a. hcat1L of 'Ittt^ pr ~ -. get ea'ion, ;a 1ve l,,v.nol¢at with for good et' Reci roc.:... p Petit .s,. 1',1 ,2'ak, .- man vote for Wits., 31 Fit- dtttril E.i e i d a salt slug- urf ut u i let in7 .ell the soil 1„s ;•e ghho:-bQot1 the result pIli the salt business, takes one, tote 'c4e 1 't*a '3) slis2e two :olein of salt. ▪ teal. at the salt factories Mlt;ted States side of the rivet l"rlf}tr vestfi ~..Ors: pe aronl. . C41l .o.t CjLnitosi, o,` QQdeaii1 cttpts ;r, t o P.e.' ton, T":e-1+oro, n 11.11 g 30 tells a clay ayg Clinton, tells .. flay to Goder; 13, tons a day :;a: all I am aia,ndte;apcd a;.:7,S3i pe: day on the *tern Q'f cdal op :;,'e.r ev taly with ''arty y Politics surely will not• ADDRESS TO T13E ELECTOI1S QF SOt1T1I Gentlemen —T.,t; aunt~a beG.x selected esti,. Standard ?�arer'oa the L era -Lo „ seI zatit.re pa,.L o1. Sou .;iu 01 for the co•)x-- at'sDont.'hon Elections, Ica': whit 00J,1 ;d •.ace appeal to you for your stroeg support aaad i:o_arty c0-op1ratio:>. Tia'`,s Atilt bethe moat ::a'st election .-ince Confe«1::'a,e°o'), ,.«-aarn'.i» as, a>' t• -Sue. r.tvolvt sa ar ....rn WM. it e .do; se?:I, z .alcea a,,,. do,. o: out. beloved c.rvcd =^suz»;ry, v:..i-..) we are all ro 3u' !y proud,, des.-' csz •..g - r,1:'ture be'ng bu:lt oar pu^xda4 ca:., I a:lo;n;” l:r-e of :,tab portion- Ostesment. i appeal or Sou..ex Huron V3, tat?retr , o ti -1^ "L'i`e"t ti's g F " e' ice s;><rd, T1tc `-`rusts 4, ti 1_ .teri _ C kn d li b 1 e `. p 11 32e Goal Lust E es o;i au' *le at resources. Prt.sdc.11 Taft''. •r and t:"rev 511 s. x that if tits p:aast your ". .,t,ouglk the, 11-.4:41 >xdgo oa teas ;doe ;:natty d. st- ed for sever us from' .M -Other Lund, destroy ow 'jel'gi:dty irldepende ce .as a .nati-lr, is- insert - Therefore, :fellow Cieetors, let, your' Pa4c.4troslroi a's:se equal t.o etre ,„occasion, tine sue% ,a 3I)aja i•ty -baa tltc,. ' itcn'oe,: as will stow to the ad tttat the Electorsiof South- i-turo:I. ;n they demo, Lt base Bary, can put Country before Parr', Tear £a1tilt'u1 servant, ,idlli�`ilti lots Aux, 24 di+ hears, a dough rlroptell, at a place of Se1tign, vikto bo cenfirra1ed., Ter Gl'dnnaali—That tales 3')331(0 bo author z- 1-1 to rat ur0 a 'load, at immure for rte bulb bads. or F. Wood and ••F, W. Gladtnan-•That the organlzatan of a Juafo" •Cissa anu 3rodome be held over Cel;' diac'ua8 on, to the next regular meet - Of the', Board. ^Per F W. Gl:tdnisn, rot tit eutting and staring of the ad be under the direction, OL trio a'.tair. F. W. Gladstar and F, Wood --That the f0flowing paynroertts bo approved,; - 0. M., Hendry & Co., tSelealce supplies], ,74:4;1-; T. iiarwking Son, 'floor ell t or o. ary etc: Gni' � obi' . c - G_ J , L c s b $, a 31 lilt t Garnet Heywood, k laombolo 8 hall, ,524.55. \djourtnndant per V. Wood 3. Grigg, Secretary.. ant wast' a Trawl from start -10n11. I ani paa'1333' trout: this yCat' 11 laol-nionn xeslL'ned, tot .tn1sh and rilat the finance nrl1i5ter Ol.anto;n when running" $700 a moths Woodland F. W. knew 11, and the '10vorRrent should :',a Gode'ltrin $400 al mo«a#p1. Say .05-, Halves sea ,to grant tho,'et •t.ficate. 010) it, y'.ea.r.i, 1 .Nil! snot insult thointel3 13u1, bio, 1'1'C gOvorioroc'ilt grttnted :1 '1entea of tte road>t•s or 1rof paper 9?y andmel can _defended' theal'a lid^ assisting aa3 Amom tt< ;to show by :deduct«tins to bath ilio 1wieat attoa.s To cap the =1'0in ttt;e 11;hove", allot kleeiixrocaty; el1rnax rase government ,ga.ve'back to tile'~ `fI"Ole' #ho above, that Il:ee1procity 'willi. iio'atls of 'tlitn. blolc �.t:4fl.tltlO ,elf , the will close my 'works, They will stelae 4:250,000 depaarolted \% t1`r, thu government au sure its ,iteciprocity ial: pawed. And keoplktg onnly' .1 50t)0 When they "sh'ould tla'e ,L.ahauring Glasses, the atorekeePer"a3 have kept 1t all. AO "all this cveli ef- every body who to -day benefit* by the ter a °second 'W3141433, t1u1$i dole from Afunuf l''ture of salt here lax: Clinton and thio president or the Banker Associa- Caderie".b will lose that 'benefit. be :it tion, :And yet Mr.: bfcLcan.,stood for l ttlel or much. , t i - ti'a`h,.. Mr Fi>etdin kept a duty of 45c, h e, to iac.a?t13s; own +^a�la't,[tuants tleec- , s p .. r u. 2 vv t z•d Ati to a ii, o 13, trya"i >'y i• 1* t i';a es # est a bona)fi •• S tura of 1 it.a '-^a d ) es ^t t! c n Says t#14 has lithro s'yitlpathy for the. Milieus coal and put salt tort the tree losers, DesLdeii tits :and many other, list. Wlay" "144.*I'aterson kept a duty et things' he also t%toot,', for the paying of :1214 901 vent. on1 the biscuits he snakes ~7700 for 79-100t.b.s: of an acre of rsand, 10d sells to the tanner and put salt on land at Grated Bend.. T,IteBO,.things are the ^red list. 'Why they both put salt surely ,sufficient ))root that McLeaax, on the free list. for any reason under yeas -not a good representative of South 'veaven, e_cept through thei't4 Own, blund Ilurern, . eri'ng, selfish, hypocritical Ignorance, Mr.SP t i said that there twits aaro questions that Messrs A. G. Can i seat question before the people:, There (Iron, id. Y. AfeLeatna and J011a1 'Toltnie, a ▪ two sides to it. Many Liberals or and the Globo lin• particular, can only note aro sitlrp :ng ta-wa5°'fr'om their party answer, with. the, attractive charm of on the cluestton of Beciprooity. There their evasive ambiguity, They relight at are certain 'border, localities that would the same ;time may, why the Fielding probabiy benefit by the pact. He had and Paterson :Bungle keeps iron, Steel thought favorably of tit whp1r utast ant. lute, cotton. ;'-ainci everythfing that 3l4aufced, but on looking. ifto the hatter salt motor °us'as "daily ori i,flfe putt" the came eta the conelwslokrit ;that at was able and put salt on the tree list. not! alai 't;h :1Lite Of the greatest good The public 'generally is not meow:. to "he greatest number." Mr. Spotton ed. to (heart elither'ot those high author then, went on to, criticize the deal in de. ;Ltiies allude lin the vaague'st, remotest tn4, and igave this premitses tand Brow manner' to ttbo bare possibilities (that tris conclusions in a. masterly' manner. lair. Fielding trap very good and :sut- He ishawed up the; falsity, of the ""larger ficient reasox:!s to, keep has constituents market" idea. so 'per{ cent:' of our. pro- ao`tune by protect;ng:'ltlhe coal industry ducts are conguiired liTtj. gas ,.home market, Stn. Neva, ScotE',a 20, "more ;t n they. int per cent, to B1 yta,iir, and only 4 per arG .prepared !'io' hear that dear old Mr, cent.: JO ;tile United States, and this is Paterson, that much caricated celebrity e :t CARLLNG'S PHONE 18 Dress Goods At Cost Price Now that August is half gone we _are offering all our summer Dress Goods at cost price such as Mulls Foulards and Muslins, etc. WHITE LAWN'WAISTS Regular $2.00 for $1.85 2.50 "" . 1.60 2.25 '" 1.35 2.00 " 1.20 : 1.75 `" 1.15 1.50 "" 1.05 1;25 ,89 1.00 "" .75 ." DUTCH COLLARS LADIES AND JABOTS Regular 50c.' for 40e. "" 25c. "" 20c. 15c. "-` 11c., Also wash Belts . regular -25c.' for 20e. WHITE UNDERSKIRTS Regular $3:75 for $2.75 2.50 "" 1.75 2.25 " 1.60 2.00 "h ' L30' 1.25 .. .89 1;00 ,70 411 corset covers' to be cleared out at cost. Balbriggan underwear in Egyptian thread and porous knit regulara garment for '30e. 40c. ga en a garment, .Gents pure silk half hose reg- ular 50c. for 40c. also Lisle half hose regular 50c. for 40c, regular 25c, for 20c. We have just received a fe1lines of Fall Goods in plaids and checks suitable for children's dresses for school at 12 and a half cent and 15c. a': yard. have just received severalx pieces of Special---We� Flannelette' 34 inches hes wide regular '12c. weight, for 10c. This is a good time to buy your FIannelettes for fall before they, are sold out. Farmers -We now have the celebrated Beebe pants and smocks. ' These are made,from the heaviest dennlm and also made to fit, hest' prices'. paid for all kinds• of Produce, to wjkat .all the ;fuss' is 'about. He pointed at head ;at the customs Department, out Ito ;the faazners the rilsk they were bencILtted Iridis iowIol. pocLke't by .keeping" run.hxing of lod3ang tlh1i,r home riaanket up a tax' ofrr ;bxest:u1tls. 1 vefnttire to: say for thait little 4 per cent: He went into tJa1 • Lloyd George dared to stand the lumber, 'wieat3 and oats questions, up iln ghee Houtsettof Commons in West showing that Ujn3it0d States', wants, our nxinster and propose a duty ;on any raw products, and will opt allow us to artiple tonanuEactured, both sides manufacture our pi educts and send would hoot Kinn( out of the Blouse. He t,heni"across without a duty. The farr wotil'd axev'er agiaisn+- show his ',face in niers need protectiloini for bristle live 'stock, the Engli4sh Political World. as the favored 'nations .otherwise ,wi13 Were at not sutiki, 'a',s setons eluestr flood the Century with 'mutton and beef, len, -otos might indulge in sarcastic in and las a result prices :would 'declu,ne . veetive, so flargrant and iso unblushing bore: If farming its' :such a successful isther3lnoralnce displayed in this business in idle United Sta'tes why are item of timet bis` affected tby the Beet- their farms 'POI g' abandoned, to the ex proci,'ty pact I ;valsited the (United Stat tent of 875,000' acres ihv Vermont alone, es a short time since.. I found. one !fac- and• why tare Canadian farmis worth tory with an out;Zxu't lot 35 'barbels a more per serettlaanv'Annerica,n. and why day another alongside of it wlith a ca - must they all admiltl+lthat the Canadian! Pa01.13 of 3000 'barn •1a a day. Bas full farmeris makinlg moret'per nacre off digs of•''Salt, and the ,proprietors not hesitet farm than the Americana, farmer? He ing• for a manxe;nti to (announce r in the hon.; t k ingenuously 1 a aaru criticized the method of making,„ the ag- mostp e asst ,`fir , , reen)ent without a tariff commission; as eat manner (theirdistinct determination United States hod, Germany had., United ''to United aur 'ma`rkletts as quick as even recip'roetty passes," "Exploit our Slates has no'.v, over ,051e million people seeking ;work._ pa 'Canada we have "hot markets" i's' a Yankee expression that enough men and everybody its busy, and in plain Englishi means:to, capture then}. then UaWle San)_ ,ais'les us to share his That done, out factories closed, our men prosperity. Hea-i,divuled ti's ,statement out of enl,ployment, the people of Hur that the ,productala will' get"and the on ' County vvi'll have the pleasure more consumer pay less. and advised;',the rate- of 'sending the clonal -1s to a foreign payers 'to vole to -keep out the American, country to spay for ti!thelr salt, sand thein' trusts: Discussing' the prosperity of eroney out not the country ;to keep for:- the or-thee farmers .he stated ;;th,ata,in 10 years e>pn Y,actories running, foreign work( - farm products 'Iliad advanced ,;14.141 per mon ,employed, and foreign storekeepers cent. while ,what the farmer has to buy will 'benefat,' The .Canadian working,,- had advanced but 14`'per cent. IIs fi) ma?)' above all wi11 ;the heartfelt AT lathed 'wD4h ori e celle:it p r'oi<at on on sat:iafa t±on in sending, even, has out of the Ibenefits 11) :ada delivcs from beii)gkeep MOORESVILLEyouµ)mens at a part of ithvlt,ltish Empire; and yet work,wnale he poss„blywants "McLean asks, `Khat' has `F3.)vlo? 41 done 1 ask any sewsubie, level ,headed Liberal for Canada.' uE it -worst x w iter vetrng for M G. Can) I. have made arrangements MISS LILLIAN ELLIOTT t';l il,71, but Ile party is rotten. McLean to have competent dressmak- 1d.--Irox - `tjsbo ore, 'tbo 9 ialti, p d3031- eave1'—fit t,31Q Gas 141)8s Stephen, oli Samuel Joshua, Sept. 2 P.,ea,vor, ahttz--h1,t; the 14' to ?dr, and Mrs. ter. t, Schatz„ St tau a..l,"1llitI:1GES . aeon-M-XCellett--At the Thanes head rise on. Sept. 1.3.t ), 'by Bev, Colin Fietgh4r, bila. A't,aaur L. Baaeon td las Clara 'M. 3 .chert, daud' itt;er of lir: and :hire. 000., Itellett, Ready--At.--A1 Span' s I' 11*,, on Sept, .>, 141.es $rrances ;lwntma Stepeens to Mr, C. `Rinser.! ,II, Ready.! ao.1 of t ' ' -'' e g LYS rel 1t88t ' id and M,x{e.:Tobin Ready, St. Marys, eta be below t1l�e ,.actual• Best hance Ever Offered cn en To put in a supply of t lath- ing, cth- u g Underwear S r,ro i lige,. aid Caps, So, Ties, P i � Everything a n�a wears. DEATHS, ixellaltd.--In '1e`ictordv gespltal,. Loudon, 0 a ,.81i h 'wi` and for , ti se t. ;t. ,afo. � r tt tI er ly of Exeter, aged 82 Years- Taylor—TIl Exeter North, Sept. ' 12, Alex. Taylor, :aged 72 years, 10 :months, 27 dais. • .4 Wein—In. Crediton, -Sept. 6, Louis Wein, aged. tib years, d months. Andrew:—`ins- Granton, 011 Sept, . Gtlx,, Sar- ah Spider, widow of thea late Joht3. Andrew, aged 67 years. Reeder—In McGillivray, on Sept. 4111, Moses Reeder, aged 39 'years, 5 months. Staa'bury.—In ,Baytield, on Sept. 7th, Er. Bibhard .Sta1nb'ury, aged 77 ,yrs. Swint info-�In Clinton, on Sept,, 5th; Elizabeth 'Swinbanit, aged 75 years and G months. Fos#e::—In Clinton, on Sept. 1st, liam l'ostbr, aged. 73 years and 12 days. .—S St,biers of Sept.5th Whaley.—Iny 4 . . 3 - David Whaley, aged 8.,,!Year's: 7 man- ths,2fi days. Irvixrg.—Tn Clinton, o'n Sept. 3rd, John Irving, aged 88 years.: WANTED—CREAM Farmers or dairymen who • have no good local `market should write to -day for quotation earl from the Sarnia Creameru Co. We' pay highest prices. We pay hard cash, and we remit after each shipment. _ You can deliver your cream to your nearest railway station. A trail shipment will convince you that there is co vi ce good money in shipping cream to Sarnia, We furnish best bank re- ferences. Write for quotation card. SARNIA CREAMERY CO Sarna, Ont COiNCERT SOE RANO; PUPILS ACCEPTED, _-DDRFSS—CENT1) L .A,' ONT. Canning Factory Can:itt F'aetory sv fl start packing corn Thursday,' August 31st..^h,ariners lyvli, kindly briing sample cobs "o it e S ctiry ,w,hero they „ will be 11st u ted W11n to it nil$' at n iliel0 wanted at the factory husk 35g contx 'g god ,ova ng' e -on B: ea.use you like it m, He's ail and Talnlie 'decent coon, I, rten an mPn but'rear pal~ttics =