HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-7, Page 5irrofessional Vmrds. #Jr R YT N O T, 7ST ,0 , L,D.S;, lD,l?.S. D E N' T I S .Ie;asbe of tilts _R. .73',5, of Ontario ,and Etonor Graduate of Toronto • University. Office ---Ove;• Dickson 4, -.Canine's law office: Closed Wednesday afternoons, DR, A, ti. KINS51Al'i, L,'Lf, S., P. O. Honor graduate of Toronto tYnlverisa '.. eeth extracted withou@'any pain or any bade nests Fisica aye 0.1/adman & Stanbury e ottiice; Main street X,xeter Medical R .idRIGlIip,. LB., N. 0. P. &S,, IIONQR n-Gstaduate o#' oronto University, Two years resident, physician Royal Alexandra ltospitai,' etc, Office and Residence,Dr. Amos" Ohl Stand. Andrew rest ,EXETER AIi.4:2VACKENBtsS1I, I'Issaiciau, Surgeon, M- coucheur,, (mos. D .Xiollins' old office, Xalu Street* gesidenoe, corner JamesAla Albert streets opposite James street itethadiet parsonage Phone Q1iee, 3a a Residence 39 b, Lestarsit LYCKSQN & OARLING, I3ARRISTERS, SOLIDI 'son Notaries, Conveyancers Gonamissiouere Solicitors/or ¥olsons Bank, etc Honey to Logit as lowest rates() ateree. Offices, Main street, Exeter, $. a7Aa; ilio, B,A.. L I3. I3xcgi ell AA'ol'1&Y iOLQAv', 'fie have alt* geauaouat at private funds tot Pan ii.X41 nd village prope-tieaat low rates of Outer nab, GLADMAN & STANK= Barristers, Soiicttors,'Minsr.,Exeter On J t�3ttt11Ic1'R Agent Goofedera,tiou Life Assurance Qoinpany. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Oariadiaii, and British. Cotxtpatstes, il1»:in-St,. Exeter. I.4CF..NSED AUCTIONEER V7M„ ANl)I 11 0N. lArsrnHed Auftiones„r ,tor' Huron Counly,. Terms :renaoliable. Pssttes can be made at the ,dyes::ate; Exeter. or henry Either's OCCtce, Cred tion, T. Es. CAItLTNG Life.Fire. Accident and Plate Gtasa Insurance, Collecting accounts„ and co..t; &seting auction sales. Exeter. Ont. 0, UOUZE. It, S. &tate of lanterns, Vctertuai t' e : member Out a,rlii i'eterinary A cletx : treats all dtueaaea of ted animaia an aeientttic B madern surgery a apeciattY. Q on Lump Jaw guaranteed cat - Calls 'by' shay' or night Premanrly attended to. Office -Motu -at., Exeter, Dr. Itameay'a old stand. Phone in caoneetion., Z1;111011. :dr. c}u'ney of Deti'o s, is ',v;,sitita - with' tr, and 'Ti's'. F. Wftw 'r —'!d' a s No'•a Siebert o:; .Anrr,arbor: Mich., is + sibs at - the izotne o? "Ai T. 1'ze 't;ar;-=Yl'rr=: Xiang hasreturns:A front, a week's ,is it with fr¢ends t<a, Detmitr—Rev. fit. Ehnen and family left for New York, tafter a pleasant ,S. Mee weeks' v sit, with ^, and :Mrs.`, A. C, Ehaielts —M1,ss hyte left this r.wbOlt fol" Ch.eage. to kF a Course in a „ti exam; at one of hospcat s—Mx„ and Mrs. Jar= son 'of Detroit, are visitingthe 1a.t,ters sister, jirs H, Grob, .ahrd other relatives. — d1r. and .Nils Lang of . Missouri are {(is'itins in this sf tiou, Mr. Lang is a native of .istan,tey; ata& ;+lrs. Lang was beast /rear Zurich, being' a (laughter of tine late '3. Burkholder,; This is their, =5,st di:S,,t in 413 s Veaais,—i411r.' -1.: Constantine of the Molaons Dani`, and Mrs;Constantine are, away on, a three weeks visit,— Lr•..Edn and D;e :er,t oC Armada, Mieh., is visiting^ hi$' °mother "Mrs, J Deis_+ti„r t, 7aliss McCo>:r , of, Clinton has beers esau.aged to ;teach. +?.t SeP;" S. No.:, Stanley Mr. 3oim• L. Ger 'bfrr of the 33'i+ons'cn Eine, (left for a two week s v,s t; fa the 4/ate of New l'ork, his far( or home. t 1-tl?,NSA14L l3°,.11 Bontsxor t and wife, or Detrol aro visittng flys patents, of the former.---, 13 ak left on Tuesdays`.to..'spend Q mon tie vritR her i3etatives at Tavistock. and kv f! — .IEs's ,r�ili P G"atliale left, for t; e �cst tasxt wee' 'ta spent some tenths with areiatfves Fnd'nart I:i'ead —Cha s.',Redmond left last 'wW±S jt4 ,1Fahfaooa where 110 will ryi<sit friesds T-�Es3 ];lea. Ortwn accoriil' :3x4 heT^ eausitz °•its i Role), to Tavistoir1 o.,. Thursy dad. Stle is also wrls Haag „13crii:i, Tor onto and caner nlaetle,--ALr;i,.:MacArthur returned. h.onie front the Weal on, wed- lSicSiax --Dori Oalatwell .sand wife, or ti4rry", ;.,1 -An,„ k><'.'e kers visit ;ti=; his al,F,+t r 'Mrs.: Geo, .Toy n. Oc salt.-- tuohli' T. I,'.41 , Walnut Grow,2-3Uirm. is iters ;41 pr?i:?,'ieetim with the ,sett1i0a 'ap Qt. the estate of the tate ' Paul i O:14' w*:;neon :so' is 110 0^t tit:,- it•s-a:i€E•s, W. Art'w,a'ar refiireced lath Novels ,1Ctrex spend:'. at 4ouplo or, ,'+vE:elcis with retaz'tives '-xi a,:atd around ;Anpletoa, Ni0OBSVILLE- r after: t,h,ree, j'weeka' va`ca- a t l is 11Qlrte :here, has, returned to number r tram here attended petal at, :rloyn C✓atInel.--11144, Lar-. ev G1av'.at Xlat$ returned hone after a Q:lta's vl?lt 'tm Detroit and ; other t , 13%leen ole to tett "W,'nada ▪ eau Ater atuiltt:a in. the . .O'kial11y hold tales 100 to .l1Ic1G )3uckiey of 13rin- o ^wtl trate, possession due It,c spriutg.—School re-opa'trd Tuesday. iatapaon-•T+etl--.1 very pretty wedding' +c Mace at Sass barite of WViliiam Lee. aresvit}o ~thin, .lis. A rtltur stay - poen s welted in nlaer'.,a}A ,,o Allan Olive Loe. 'ether tfie v4-sdttin dilutor tho young- coupio wpre accoamanied tr their trio/Ida to Lucura;dopot, where they tett, on tiles =.3u trait for Toronto. 3losea Simpson Mt Tuesday tot at jDit' at trip. -Set SY.. It.. Shun on's ad Mt another column—J. T. Siml son is ,busy "thireahttlS. —Mr. W. 13. Situp sell as about to move to Ata3resdillo toast 'tho 1st. Con. Ta It3l FOR SALE. nderslgncd otters his Zino farm, us' of about 135 acres, adjoin - town 'at Clinton, for sale. The farm to In a goad state of cultivation; s,ild has goad butldtngs, brick house, baat1 barn, driving house, pig, pen. etc, all comparatively now. Aiirat-claa>3 you s; •arctrnrd, containing all kinds of fruits ami also small fruits. The farm lq well rete3d' and draained and is very desirable home. For further par= ticul )rs apply on, the premises or ad- dress JOHN TOj1'RA1,TCE, Clinton. TORONTO, ONT., is recognized as "CA- NADA'S HIgHI CLASS COM 1 1tcrAL SCHOOL." The instruction, is absolute- ly first-class. Write today for our.. eataiogue, 'Enter rissyr, Horses -for.. Sale I have a number of first-class horses for :sale. Call -at - the a tables and ':see them, We are also purchasing horses thaa,t are sound artd in good golndition from 4 to 10 ,years r of age. • Parties having horses for sale will do welt to call or write the undersigned. Phone 41 : M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for: sale that desirable '50 -acre "Farm in Usborne, being:, lige • South half- Lot 10, Con. 7. There is' on the premises a good frame house, bank bar and but buildings two gond wells water -and an: ever ru.n- ning spring at back of farm. This farm is to splendid .condition and is nearly all".seeded doirn. Will be sold reasons able and on easy terns ' a:.'particulars apply at Advocate Office or to Jas, Earl, Elimville. FOR SALE OR TO RENT That most desirable farm property be - in I,ot 15, 03!u. 2, Stephen, in the County of Huron, on which is situate, two good bank barns -and a commodious frame house. Th's land is well drained and fenced, has two ,gaod w ells and 'a apt!nf creek, and is convenient to enure. seho5l and Inas kets., - Out o h tenant leaves 10 acres =sown with ll'Wheat, :t 5 acres of new meadow and �wa l neres-ary o2rg.p lowul And o /),10",x -MG • For further particulars 13' to R.. LEA.1-akIOI1.N, Esq., Exeter, , or DICK8011 &C 1TtLIP(G, Dar.riete . , etc., Eaetea- Northwest ' Lands, i144ids lit. Saskatchewan risk sale •" efund_d to • perchl MONEY. :; TO 'LOAN :ERNEST'.EI',l Cr fs' iQ 9 HEE TO Y MY TE Auction Sale Csk VTLL,h.QI:: PEOd'EATT There s+vflt bFs offered `tor sale ley, public :'suction, on, S•1.Tl II;DAx' the 16 slay of .SEPTTAI.BEI'i.., 194 at two o'. clock p.m. at {ti:h3, Metropolitans 'Hotel the house and 'lot ori) this nortbtw'eit confer at station and winter -1N ,streets az early oispasrto the Creamery, itt, 'the Village oZ 'Ezeter, Title was the rest donee of tato late tains, 'A ar:aret Airth and Is " con•veniontly situated within sw pear totes of 'Awn, ‘stravt close ,to churches, tschool, railway station and. Canning factory. 'Tl -e property la in, good repair ant/ is a desirable purchase for a'ni*ont „wanting a snug little home. Terme--10 neer cent. of purchase mon- ey :alt the, day ' def sale, balance ,ire 1l days; Possesttlioa oily patymont of .Pur- chase nione r., Other tel;» s made known. on, day of sale. For ftirt1 er particulars apply 'to DIGICSO;ITC CA'RLING, • Soli( itozis tor: Vendor. Dated 'Exeter, K1hli Sept, Lilltro DWELLING ANP .LAND, FOR, SALE. That desirable property situated in Exeter, on ;the caaper. of ll`illiam and Victoria streets, bee"," one -calf (acre of land.. There is on the.preMises {a good frame house, rwith kitchen an wood,. shed, hard allyl eTottg: ateer laald a slum ber of ir;uit treest.,, 'W't ll 'well half of land separately. Price reasonable. Ap- ply to Mr. Peter, Bawdeit,::,Eseter, op- posite 'English schiirch. HEIFER: STRAYED There strayed front the premises of the undersigned, Lott 21, Con. 6, Step- hen, on arabout July 20th, a two -yr - old medium-sized heifer, yellowish color, with white spots and white star on (forehead. Finder will .be _rewarded by sending dnforanat'_otL ,tbat1 will lead to its recovery to 3011-115,-.G. Crediton P. 0. COURT. OF; 13EVISOIN,:• Notiee ws 'hereby 'given, that ;a Court will be ,hold pursuant' to the Cfitan o Voters' L lst 'Act- by ,His ',Honor, the Judge of_ the County Court.. of the Coun- ty ; Of Huron alk ,E`pt'ese, to the ,Town, Hall, on 'riday, .-the 22ad ;day or Sep- tember, 19 t t, sit o X0. 'cfeek sta.m.' to .hear and determinte complaints of errors and antis slo,ns ,in the (Voters List of the: 'Mud etpp-ltty of, Elxeter -tor 1911. Ti' B. CARTING;: Clerk o'f ;the ni,ui cipality -of Exeter, Doted, Sep'l. 2, 1911. .. , FOR SALE PiRi~$c TO YOU AND E INC FROM W01 xarn 174x 1 know 'woman's sufferings. 1 tilwoiound the cure, x will, nail, free of an . charge myhome e treat - meat with full iastruc�on,to any 3ufteret from women's aiimentt, 1 want to tell all women about this euro--yoct, IV reader, for yourself, your daughter youraarothel, Or your sister. I want to tell you b011r to curq yoaraieltr at home; without tbobeip of?aflr neon 7Aelletinnot understtind N1'o1x- x e Uterin, sr`..�f t t vR6 women know from ex erieuce ryttkdoIrOOitot fhiexx eny'doetor- l know tint#ny Pomp;reattuenL is a safe And sure cure rQr LeocoxrhtesibrWirlelsb discharge, tliceratlen, i3fa ptacemerg orEaitlpgoftie'LYorab,Profuse, Scesat y 1 or•Painiul i'eriods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or 5 towthe.elsepainsinthelea;ad hack and bowels,, beariogdown feelings, nervousness, creeping feel group the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot flashes, weariness,, kidney acid blatdder troubles 'where caused $y weakness pectins r to our. sex. ,s., •s• Xwanttosend you acomplete 10 days•treatmeext '• , entirety tree to roke to a that you an core Yonrselfathome,e east le surely, -Remenbex,dhat ilk itIcost eo nh1itO give the reatinent coroploto Ito -AO you should wish to txmtinue,it'utilleostima only about coats aweek.orie tthestwoceetsaada', ItAral not interfere wwtkyrottpWorkor,oluupation, Just sFn4meyournamesudndire itsuS abow youstifet filg* xh.Pnd34nth e treatment for yoarcase. entirely free. in plain YroPPer;hyxetlaruf widtalmtseadyou Isco otcost,myboo� •,-.W N 5Owi�eD7 Aiovlstwva1Zan to��prslltloasstow 3ngilworaeoniler and .r ccasst ouretheatselcssa otne. 11 , lla should have is and learn to think"for herself. ThenvherthedocLprsays-"Xouw,uhswepopera . Lien,'” yottolndeeideforyourselt. Thousaudsof women have cured theauselepswittfaznyliotpo remedy, It;ouresail, older young, To Mothers of Daughters, twill expian/Skaimftlebenie treatment) which speedilyaedeffectually cures I.eucorrlhcea OreenSicktaes,,trtdPainful or ular Mfenstreatien in Young Ladles, Plumpness and hea>alth alwa ri r atltfaorin Rause. ladies f yourown1 v11i ,: • t v o f ~; ere. h refer o 1at v ax 1 rl seryoa:.ie.�canfa_- You _._ oP3;d y' �o�matxalra."tl.GatilF text any sufferer that this tlomeTreatme.ntreally curtsall wpinenssuse,ssean dnal:esWornen well, strong, stomp anti robust.,Iustsend rue your add re$$gandthe .free ten days treatrneat is. yours, also tiro book. Vis -rite to -day, ass', 56 may nob bee this offer again. . .'.tire ss MRS. 14. summer SS, Bose a4o H WINDSOR, DN' 'e ltY S1S 4R BUFFER,. t1 '6 AILMENTS. • One 02 ',the bestfarmsSir fauro-iear Tyndale -reg. convenient too iia rkets, to' churches and schools, being Lot, 9, ur, 'v "i> ]3addulph, In tihe Co ty of Mid, dl ae= containing '164 acmes, 'On tdre', brick are situate hate a - good k p"ens L5@9 5 housethree bank barns .on stane-fp un - dations 3a 4 a a2' and' t 9 40, good, Wells, w,.rtdm'r arid, the p-opetty iso ,deli drained. 7 e whole of t), s xai,ni is srass e -cap inn 25 aces.' Possnsson of house b'ive r ini ne,L atcly <.nd ram - piste hossesstlgn osfarm given, N. 'i '1st 19 11, :1and pd Maser +v ll , lie•ilio oed to= da ia 11 plo,r-ing '1re'fore -lark meat �a red; (late: part cula r,s, apply tot( 2: 1: elle' 'Eo ., rDusan .P.Q Ort.' ,Ti83E'p y a Ja111esellel Egcl Lucau P O , >Ont 5 or' Digit cAO. Catlinh Exe)er, G7rlti�jl The Hand' That Cooks The Dinner hand that sults the world, In spite of what they say about "cradles'', the stove is the all-import- ant factor 111 "home -1;e.'"' A Chancellor is the best guaranteethat the' Sand" will t,etp your home moving in the right direction of economy and health. ` • Please c;+f alui toe our ,lint .of GURNEY -OXFORD STOVES atld RANGES that are builiptld sold on honor. The Chancellorand Imperial. Oxford are'( quipped w+ih the Oxford Economiser, Come and. let us show you how this marvellous device saves tinge and fuel bye single touch. of the lever; how it holds fire, and directs odors up the chimney.. The Dividing Oven Strip guides beat equally all over the oven --a fine baking insurance.. The Reversible Grate saves time ant fuel -waste. These, wit# other starfeatures'tnake us proud to show theGurney-Oxford line. Design---IInish—workmanship--all these details we want to demonstrate to your entire satisfaction. W. J. Heaman, Agent. LrC.lilf. d over t^moo o'clock ba sF iii"g the Par 1 ;' fire of Janses 1 4jl+roofin i;id an r ai„l1storm L) t C iF... ) .i. s .OT p.. . 1 I relay' afte_roo,r, de .d s^axon's crop r on the.. side, si i:e house and kits' { -:,e a- "01' d � VY t_ s, Counsey, x: °a 1 � o. h„", ,d t,o„ raw ,. a,3t3" ,r� iTi SC. �...� �'.4 4a..G5 ( Il..',1Td ousels i, ,. secv:' O.i zz,az::r £ar 1Ta trerw:. we,e 111oxrs. dv','� t. and crops a d build if.tjuise,1 dew Idea Series) Keeps the house warm and cosy in the severest win.( weather, and heats ail rooms e+giiall vt'eli; It is very simple to operate jnst touch the lever and - you dump the ashes; there never can be dead coals at the sides of ill. f re )ot; the ashes are 'readily emov'ed, fir e , It is easy' to control the heat and regulate, the fuel consumption, which means a saving of ?o 4 to W% :in fool bills, n d healthfulfurnace--gas:a d dust cannot t iota the hot Itis a clean a a n;? air chamber and then into the living or sleeping rooms. It forces pure air through the whole house. The Souvenir Furnace is •Made its Ham- ilton, the stove centre of Wada, by Eery .toyer of a Souvenir Fearsaece ss Presented with a lepoibo,.dondale of#rsr,kase, .r?Y� HAMILTON �r ryA,T, r�s(� T1� g_ asarortt,.etna fire'et Quoins( 343.E HAMILTON S J. V. YE Sc. kicrnd r braa. of oily HEATER COMPAQ; Illlnited kits•1 far, 5 years. �+ t4 9¢cegse0r9 to Guruer't'rnde4 CO, ,r S 10 rY.f:y Flat TUE GREAT EXHIBITION OF TRE v. WESTERN FAI end al , Canada, Sept. 8, to 16. $28,000,00 IN ' PRIZE.; AND ATTRACTION'S Exhibition: of Live Stock. The best ever seen in Canada 4 Many Unique Special Attractions, including,. Aerial, Military 'tary � and Hydro Electric Features 3'trif Jumping and Speeding Contests Big Dog and Cat Show—Four Splendid lands A most attractive midway; Best ever seen in Londo11 Reduced Rates on n:11'. k'tia,ilways. Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all other information from REED, D, President A. 31, HUNT, 'Soren: t 1111111111191f1 11111111111111 1Ill llllllllllu1llll 111 iGl 11 11111111111111111111111 { 111llh111ll111llllh11Illh111 111111111 1_11IIIIllIllhIllIllhIllllllMllhIIII Dainty, Disappearing Doughnuts. Devoured near as fast as you make 'em. Golden— tooth -teasing -- able - bodiedi nuts of dough. Made from dough that Tastes Like Nuts,, .you know. Use FIVE ROSES flour. Get that individual toothsomeness of Manitoba wheat kernels. Doughnuts with a'P+tlate-Pleasing Personality.. Seto 'em bob up in the rich deep fat—swelling, soft- textured. A hole entirely circled with Light Digestible Food. Fat ;without being fat—for FIVE ROSES is the- sturdy glutinous flour that resists fat absorption. ' Just enough ,to brown deliciously, to crisp quickly. No greasiness, heaviness, sogginess. ; Filling a vacant place au pleasantly with never an outraged stomach. • 'Like these make YOURS. Use FIVE ROSES. a ; �IIIIIIiI�IlIIIIIIiI1 1 111 010 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111011111" ''' "11111111111111111111111111MMI11111111 1111111111111101111111111111 �fot �3leaehe.�t I(k • �i%t �3t emoted 111101111/10 11111 1111101111101111111111101111111111111::::111111111111/11111111111 /11111111111111111 111111111111111111111 11111 11111111111 11 II ewmummmwuire xmWuu i (IIiIi�illlillllliiiiilillliiillll�i Iliiiliiiihii • St;