HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-9-7, Page 40 ,Mer a:, d •„o 1; £: our t'r- n' ninety n3 d,:'?t E•: Is .StIC11 ;neat }11Lt3� why°are so many fay- •; coral to Canada evert)" year. e Told You Sol Labatt's Lager Now Porfectod The bet aa! O keep away from .(. tlta .girrn •its. tilted States.. A vote fog .11er 1Cr' tt vote frt.- Canada. and Canad• s ena c'• than- one siDina clue tatx k4erpten Y' 1st equ ?ostial stein), rand, th storm that will'settle the 're cipros sty question for ever, 'aetd Will tell Mr. Taft t',at we do Our own tariff 8e.1.. # . '". 1 sSr.tJares I, IiaanE,/s g r - p ft; e picture Of' what recipt'ocitty would dor as pa;ote!d by trim in a spcec4 at tl.lralk;arto.a„ "It would trisa•t tete: de- 'rUt^t:o:) of home markets, the ruin ot ss: and ;'wast t„ .dei, tins ,split up et; a onfederat'ianr`aiXd w rind leave Awe streaks df rut running .rout Ninnilieg to tie .4t ntic Ocean.," •''ynet ti fait - has 'dans for. Ontario Borden will Canada," There steads to be a c14' v of dr: y bones at Ottawa, eve "y day brings' indications R'aat change i$ eoi Wirtz;,. Wei TLS lFr t41 14'COO, "t me+etlirA e Thatrsday, dept Ttlr,'. AI Taro da5"` Se re. tl ' �L1'1TS ItZ,C,t 'ti°CIT) xtteresstl iproctty? Taft and ICnox, was -Y,titr1 eta a#ae: of titlt aace, i. o f tlto .4beittl partly a\ricitl L,ttxrlor and all Ametialvts io attach v tee tR".`to�* vr:s'ta Cataad,,t'tas to Amer:rah interests, and to 3 Canadian, trade interests from So. :as to prevent, the Conlntercial l,datton of 'sire i3rr'tlatl Empire. Preeldeat Taft and. his ',Yellow country. meta wa tt •rcr•'•procky becaus' they want na t t. access , 1 natural e P of Can- 1 w ow o(r 1 Verge po oda. Tl;r3 ftaater� -fns have exhausted --Coups Sveilt „s 11'411° their own with triparaited recklessness. dopes are entertained, for his recovery u1. disregard : f rim nieces. '-'analysis has set in and he is prase and shameless .sit., Q . s i r,. •, f: 7 f Id o ti rc .e _..y .�y tt. 1 i. a 3 1 .t 'e• i .tea ess. i , t,a y p. " cu ow r tt ea of �l a tu. e. 1n3 all 1. 0.i s S n taxa organizer ,fur 'dye t• w ;wok � t_h •• wt or :1, a tails now ,x°1a eLu ,own forests m 1 t was in the villa,ga las, weok look1n to r.ut down overs,: Niok ,i'.av7lg enoui;h g .vitie'lt tP 'keop tallALr •flouts, mills fully• up r.alca- in 'tire Inrhelt:at: of the ped, r e ip oyed ca•pacIty of .ttite Amoxfcan ^t nultrbe• iroin 1aere'spsnv Labor Day Mills 'lxto' • 33 ,per cent. greater than .n %v•iO`I. Some think the horse is Is ne_ded to milt :'Lts'I'r.can, w'rzeat--tha''e.t: than they auto and naoro rcliablc* millers of M 4t:apal"s and) other places'. —"Beef' ;las 'been making' some great', wan,- Ca:aadiaO wheat and' waist :t badly, 'stunts the. past .week. glib>rt II clow The Suture of atasiericati mililr.3 wilfi ='u is ^r and makes ,;her go some when t;:.,e enormous canadtan crops free and a` -'s makes up head mind to do so. rhe' flowing into their mills is great and oth0= nityht he made a record runt from .oior:ous--tor Americans. The Contin- tit^ north cleared the crossan., with Etat of A'mzriea, will 'flourish as • a a, bound, went though the ,loop -de -loop green bay tree, except 'that part of it alild l_atided a'ight: aide up on the next • still colored red Oa. r, 7e. map and styled T .c Dont.n1an of Canada. President Taft and .his fellow' countrymen - want reciprocity, not only 'because they want iranadlan forests and Canadian wheat. 'They Lwitant it, 'before all things, be- ' ca.0 se it means the ascendency of the :n the bright moonlight :solemnly riled - American Republic, because It means 'titin:., OO *et ?lot of nre.n.—Last Friday the heading off of Canada's direct the Greysteads played our boys a game -f .o trade with Europe, because.it:means of baseball and easily, won out: the watniing of Erttisit Imperialism, be- Our boys invade quite a number of cause it merits a"nnesati'dCt of Canada errors which proved castiy. The ,follow to the United States, and ,because it : ang s tangs sculls whic:a• •is enough said ttaean's the, drri'viri;g dut of 'the British' Credito.) 0 0 1 2` 0 0 1 0 0 -= 4 flag from, this country. It is not Greysteads 0 0 3 0 3. D a 3 7, --]•3 fair' to ,say, 'tlhi ail •al1,,Canadettatis 'who are -Ed Bertrand returned, toiDetrolt on it1 'favor of reciprocity wlainit.'it for tiho- Tuesday. Mrs. Bertrand and daughter .'reason.,s that President Taft, and Sir Miss Thelma will continue their visit ;here 'for the, remaiindeer of the wEek,-7aa. IToddlathls is, at present in but we iholra he will soon regain his health.—The Ston roofing of 'the new e'reda is about completed. '' It IS eupe.cted that. they will 'be -ready for you next Sundaty•—On1 Friday, some cattle 'bi;lonyifib: to tthia Butcher °made' a charge tor 'the c'_iwrch ;fence, 'bxeaking o'ff two posts : and damaging the fence considerably. --Mr. Bradshaw of Ailsa- Craw spent Sunday and Labor Day town.—Mr. ,and e'.a k% •Eilber, P.P. and Mfrs. 'Herb Biiher 'attended. the 'Old' Boys Re-tr(nioirk.. of •Biarrshard and Uabon n,e in Lii•rkto0. on Labor Day. •Last Su.nd,i y .. special •'Ttzalnksg'lv'ng ,Ser- vices .we -'e :held , in the` Evangelical Chk=11, ,7n -,tie':- Tito -ening, Rev. •Euro preached are excellent sermon to a very large audience. The pulpit failing and altar were ta,3{illy decorate -d wit`h- flovi- ,seento and fruit;. In, the evening the ,iii #day -school sch"olars' rendered an escelient Cantata, eat:fled "harvest A. 7l yst P t -ealay IlenCntiLIT,, wile dl-Ivinr, 'This d;ay arena z; ]:ted tlae misfortune. to baye t] rt e^ atria crz h;.s• buggy brotezt_ 'iii, tzon e became frightened, and plattzaetl me ;'.ie ditch. Meowing la:Y:3 traggy.—'1 lite opsralixtb trio Si.;tl,gsett, IdeereevtUe "711 at 43''1$ a xs aliowed d the water to be~cAit11� too tet" the boiler aria tt exxattrd , «hilt, datatge is about,2.00, Css Vii, ;iNif' leird o: Laa doff, ;a vis- llellltar home after ati extended Mt Co'ltet.. a Mlle River.— ;, S;111p30. .. e iitanItoba,, is vas- : nda e, xl. Selloff visited F`3 ys wi `•. �l '< Eelie ig'odgsen before 714 to 1 :s scxttoptI „*ai TorCailte.— £ifi$k& Eiatti ..Ray. an r tut d r lc helm Its Ilalni)tola afif_ 1d3ar , c„#r holidays with' thele tiarl:,ta r Ids' l Collins and iter, ii}.:11s,1,•estT live retutyz 4 .tome atter erlt to p toR baa rt'eat. The reattain t :tit WM.1Glurtharn, of Toronto. 'word Tanmeia” etrx sty here a, Dur:Maser was a. for Q3 tl as On Five and a Half Mill fotz Dolta,ra Wo tht o: Goods imported from - cat tlr~stain, the Agreement Et,.rts the Preference .It3fIX V. 110X1X".3. be i7 raged," suggested the Finance Minister When asleed itt convenient questions as to which side as better fortified by facts mud £ig;- 'tires during tt?.e:: Washington negotra,. tions", is I t evidQne tlierafore= as lto\r far the immediate effect • of the Flhere o e, Agreement on the British Preference, to ray nothing of its ultimate effect, was considered at Washington. But, in the light of ?sir. McCall's prophecy as to what might happen to Gaiiadiaum British rei,}tioat.s, it is doubly remain able that the British preference was interfered with.'. and that the infor-'• motion lin this question had to be fur- nished Canadians by the English Tar- iff Cowrission, in a document that gives more :acid information than any- thing nytieing issued hi' the Dominion'Govern- meat. ' The E'refereuee has been wiped out on goods of which Canada in 1909-10 laought 5,3(0,000 worth from Britain, Qf these imports, ;,our lilies, repro,' senting $2',t515,999, cain,e from the ''baited Kin; (iv nt; so that a strong to cenave is ftArttisihed'the 'United S.tatea to try 10- drive the; British latlntlfae rarer oat ot t atEada•"s #irarket o I poi is d Imoti:'t ins to 92,195,O00. tl)e na i;t of 13r tislt Preforellee has been t"e Ct, tkha Hort 0..litafge. of re- ductions .iditg from 2 to ? o lase ent. 11;`c, ` re. with the prefer trice ora. ., ' pactvvec>t �a Vito segs nee plot. d „ =•s worth i=t "'t it's*Hotta. without 'ru,Y 7iL<_n that this was tits a... lir:c.sir Preference ntttl was an exceed- iy en ie., ginning the pr-. tair'z4s tt'Yty front ii2tw utg b t. way to whit •1 'at ttOrt tr ingiy e e er z grading' to and a the t I I cd Kingdom, which was openly n t 1 t*n.ned;ately the Pro. ,isicus of k.r.,s stent t. ere anneunc: by Sts tesn'r.,, railway magnates and pubs cis:y, a,. ,r the 1.'tuted S t7>s, There went anitiarr effect of the ne- gotiations 1' at ce ,,:Iarly acegrds with xaf IlYdduip;a °?;owataitip, the a iieotations of Mr. MI4Call --the tit Taranto about two yrs advantages given the 'United States rel 1;•lewl has returned over Creak RritaiS are alai eyed bF a I alattiazeo. WO. twelve other ctaa;ntries, Besides. there ia a drop riga g'alltst Great Britain. in the States, for ztoue of the advr away given, lb Canada apply to the'.Mother country, , • There is triode Catarrh is thisseetioa of the coca try than all other ;lice a •es pot together, and unci the last few yearswas sujpposed to be incurable Po i, agreat nan)yevrs4.3.0(t01%, 1ronau] e ita• ease and preecribed local remedies., and, by conataut- lI failing' to cure with local treatment, pronounced it 7.neurtible Seienoehas pravei] catarrh to be ;a constitutionaldisease and therefore Termites consti- tutional treatment. IIall's Catarrh Once, manufac- tured by F', J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ,Ohio, is the only oozatituuonal cure en fixe laarl1et, Itis fatten itrterneily iu dosed troseiO drops to a: tee pooptutl. It acts directly ou the blood and rnucoye surfaces of the s)item. Tltey offer one honored dollars for au) ase it fails to cure; Send for circulars and teti- rnoniaio. ,Address:l`. 3. CHHENE] & CO„ Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75 cents, 'Take hales family pills for eonstihation, 0 One l II t t zg wtad held Is Not much. hula . Xawson was a +aided tt'ac a straet fu caraatruct tit trues ze.at i aaatd floc • or k o _. t aide -escarp *zetrr 'Exeter. -4 r Irolal '1e e ace attord:na ttto Fair this Ir. --Otic ,..fl1ltltel tai e ° t$ VIAL Quite a Lew are ter Fair :from U4 xlel '5' tn1Q,n of Godcrig busy avtr«tg ready Lor *me fall shaking herds” around the 'village. --The °,41,,Ta. 5. Brown has engaged gra, Caine 'brothers of Byron. spent tlleo" c, afro C 'ywaclter Mims 11cNabt.. -- h3hllday with Mr, and MA's. FIs k .licks. SII1PKA late'Williamsd at his James 5 e. cams d e i The at l s 1A a ,lonte in 7arititi11 after a Irmo- and pain- ful illneas on; Aug- rs, aged. 25 years, .F1'e was born. hoar Goderien and lived in •BeSanquet and Stephen before mov- ing to Parlthali. While swamping out tintb'r• be injured his' arm and death was the result. Ile had been farinIing .tear Shipka, but after seven weeks; spent in the hospital this spring, he was unable 1 t0 fonXtthl,'ue✓, his farm work and moved' I'ai'1eh Zl, ' sad, feature is that a, tie daughter was born„ two days p be lits dental; •$eaides the 'widow and d•a'u.,hters he is, survived by four t ria, Fred of .,Gederieh, Solomon :of: tail, Bl'a,'nstrard of Crediton, L`elt- haaai o1. Sbtukaa, one sister, 'Mrs George Jaltnatotl of Sunlnler^hdl,• and an aged fetter, Fred. •W iltiarns of Shipka. The funeral cook. place to Grand F3eiid Venae- tory. Ig lxa "roraofo y.—Ur. Chap. - spent. Monday vd,Sa,s UrCoIrt 1fft eta, �S,ond'ay for Ches.Latraa. + . la,ttdrt''w and.Gertrade • are f, ply uta 'will 'attend ,school; We tasending a couple. of weeks:Ylst'ting her 'ik:spa. him every 'stigmas In his studies. actor t # l ttol'a• an,4 Tgranto--Vh0 Pub tx, W( k o tY t.a „Tisa Clara 'icitnzlo )iia 1?een.engaged tics SGliaoE opened Tuesday with li, •xax to y tar,at to teach a school '.tear Della, --four Pub- 3d=as Ale,raiit�.11 e.2 Elyth as teacher., secretary oaf cheat re -opened Tuesday, The Mr. Fred Fal4r.hb,11 lett on Tuesday morn estaPt colligate of Mr, Graaham as pri for Chatham, to attend Business College. pal, Mies Brown, Deus Snider and, -Ewart land Douglas' Mattehiord. left .fIas Watson +as teach'sers 'of the sower for Clinton on 3tlonday usem1ng to ata» roonts.—Thb flax -mill flliirihed the sea tend c©negor-fie ov, Steadman. or EUro- son's threshing out, Saturday.. This year :v::1Te occupied 'Ube pulPti? an Sunday even filo crop hasn't 'beAn, as good as in ins anr•e d ,patitaed a Very that serum naoat Prov daus yeiars.—Pr. and Mrs. Orme send ;ttov. Bbl:kehfiard preached on t l,`e z'eIurned Monro from tart auto tour ; Eltmvllle Circult —Our Ease -Ball B018 fansilton and Niagara, Falls,—Mr. wear to ' }nekton ort Monday and Mrs. Robert Stanley of Listowel plaayed two ,bungs et ball wLt;h the Id:sit ti1 1T Mr. ars ,d :lire. Peter Rot/ Crack Saiuln team. 'Ahoy lost! thq aloin d lY our .na4d'a3t. °ails 'Sante by a scorn 02 t0 -1..r but. mad *titter friends t won n the afternoon 'by' a score a 23, --The Trokhaan boys ,spwlt the r hol:day with Melt' father who is at.11 quite Ill and not expected, to recover.—Mas':s :]iib Elliott • returned oltl t �s visit In TDir- Saturday from a months onto. -.Me. 15', Colwtll tl7as re -painted ,anti .0111V:cid fids house which adds Watt to 1,18 'appe';c'Lla'a;nee.—lir. D. Aus- tin alas 'bu151d a firip'silo for oar. W. {Mofia'ft.—Mr. Weber of London, spent tide hop day with rriends in the vill- atge. Miss Bizet •1Hfcks lett on 'Mon- Pday ,evening for London to attend Coll - ;1 a, TS, BOW A: O' ON 1t lth healthy kidney $ ane Itas a good' chance to live long, but weak Isidneyst af- flict Old .t .r with gt'eat diseatnIorts. The . bic1t b. col s bent and hare, rheuma- tism Is c.L:•oet'e, eyesight f tits or inv)luntary anti t3 3 frequent pass,tge s of the u:l•r"' c„u3. end-< barrasament b> da,y and loss oat sleep at night. 13o)th's Kidney Palls kilts new strength 10 -aid books Vale q'µink 7 chef to weakened 1cldneY cleac:ue pard: rheutna�•tte rdd50 and urine, tl#ii'a I+3ctney Tills are Lair slept it'd y a in old'0r young -and are guarnitteed t}alrs, The It, T. _Booth Co, Erie, Qat, Sold everywhere • box, Free trial, sent ;on request. 71d said guaranteed to Exeter by NV, vrosaln;, It Is .hard to^zet a passenger, to go along beeps se :she is0't sate. On monday she went” fine tor about three macs, oxen slighted and meted until nier,ning, In the meantin-le the c;"aufteur and 'his friendswalked home �! idYt fl 14aurter and Mr, 'Fielding want ' it. T.hera'ia're very.. few C anadinnswho ale traa;totrs to ihieir country. Thegreat mass of that Libarr'al paitity •in, so tar as they desire reciprocity, at all ‘desire it 1ecau'se they t:h:inlo 'lit will put a few' more dollars into their pockets,' which. is also a mistaken, idea°' •But,'lth1s is their sole aril('. gnly reason, It is not very enoblltg, but; .0 'is, net traitorous. Once such people can be made to und- dersta.nd' that reciprocity is a splendicl, thine„ Tor- the TJTvited States ;but abso- lutely stultifying and destructive for Canada. and Canadians, -reciprocit) will 'brava no advocates 'save 'Messrs. Laurie .and Fielding. AIR BEAUTIFIER REF ITUSED W O-Iti1EN THE WORLD O'4ER USE IT. Every vtr,t). k?vw✓s 'i.i;at there is • good for hair and scalp, ;dome" : The sial part of the pro ram :trouble,- its Parisian, Sage. If Parisian consisted .n Junthesa:s, by the c' ole, chorutye.4 30 ' eaerc;Lses• give;i,� by the Loa's �c;'ao:1= and. a roto by Re-v.,Bean. ThCantata , cidnsisted 00 . exercises 'by w o e:[ :'der thin.head' Sia cL]zl or; of dtli fe000�1 coliarn'.t.toes such. sin o l. . Tomperaal.ce, MysetonarY, ,pr ay- Tlhe sing_ng• vias espec a1IY Gi?wr oder d and ail hnioxed the ego.. ICI7t1<TOt3, Neairiy Sive .thousand people attended'. the Osborne arta] Blanchard Old Boys' 4rie-union at ICiricton on Labor Day, wiliest the:whale day iwasitfilled with a long list of poidte' for,. the children and older •people. Centnalila,'and Salem play-. ed two • gahnas of ibasebalI, the latter_ team •vr3nInttn!g Inc the morning and the former ern tyle ajZteilnodn A,tnast enjoYe able dinner was served. ,The gathering was addressed iby, :sevellat;of the party candidates atnd othor"s! on non-political sublecys,—'Dr.: Steele, Ed.= Lewis, (H., Ell. per, S: 7. 14iet')1er, etc.+ The day all through was a pleasant one; for every. - body e Coll Sage is used two or three, tulles 'a ,,week' tit r..71 keep the scalp nice and clean .and remove danclru ,. It makes the hal.: .nitrous and faulty. and keeps _it iron_ ::3iin out, - oy an;;v do lova ra-- 1 .�e: eY •r, Y..,... OIt1 l i and ; ascint,t n talr to go to W S. `mole tq-oar a,nd get a• lac e- 5'I) coat of 'Parisian= Sage. guaranti6ki, Ott daaairuff itlling'hair a•nd •itch 1' ,•: sfr-irrreY taaclr tri•..: ELTMV ILIJE Next Sunday Sept.- 10th, Rev. e.3.. A. Steadman will preach' a special 'sermon nd 10 aim. to; the. n-enibers of Elim`- o',lle Council,- Np. 98, Canadian tOrder of Chosen ,Fi.:ajenids.' AIL tlherliends,are e-'pected to Meet at Viie hall' at 0.30. and proceed' to the churelr in a body. The members Of Blirnviille ;Council es tend an, invjttataion. to the members of any other Coulnci,l to meet w$ah them on. Sunday. A special collection] Will 'be taken- in aid of the. Sick Children's J-Tos-- piia1; Toron!to.27Mr.. and Mee. George sS•:erslake, spent tih;e holiday,:with friends at E-rvie.—A:,runnher from, hare took, • she Zio,ri tea on Monday evening. 0. a ram verynluc,h,,",..The tuna, rcongrautlated on tPc's irk• clllin' tnl .scholars.' Y; M. C, A. BLDG, 1.014DON,, .ONT. ORTHANCs.SUBJECTS: }3USINESS arid�s) Registered 'last :season upwards [of 300 ver ' students and'"placed egraduate. Seven Y b "the : O specially. 'qualified regular tea s.One . z hundred and;.fiity .London firms employ our trained help. ; ; College -.in, session Irom Sept. 5" to June ,30. Enter any • time: Catalo Forest- ,Bus� ` Q. e Shorthand 1VESTERyiLT,IR' J l',:.WFsT :'V LT,, Chahored Accountant, Yspfcipal,; Vice PriucipaL Y ; , $5;, THIRTY YEARS One Seven Collegesbavelleen es- tablished during the past 3f) years, The largest trainers in Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all oyer Ontario, we do het - tet' fit/rime gr•adtaateS than any other School, ` You may study all at home or partly at home sand finish at the 0a1t.'ge. Affil- iated with The Commercial Bdit- ators' Association of Canada. u t would Ise';ve " l you for to in. vestigate before choosing. Ex- clusive right for Ontario of the world -faro ons Bliss Bookkeeping System, which is unequalled- It is Actual Business from Start to Finish, and the Students keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Wholesale}louses. Enter I3 t any time. Indivi8;nal instruction Fall Term From Aug, 28. Writs, call or phone CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE' GEO. SPOTTCJN PRINCIPAL Miss B. F. Ward E �A�1��IAI� �AP1K (71F COMiVI��CE; SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., LL.R., O•O.L,, PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL, - � fl 0004i1� $10,000,000 REST,a , TRAVELLERS' C U: S Issued by The Canadian Barik of Conznterce are the most convenient form, in which to carry money when travelling. They are negotiable everywhere„,self-ie,lentifyin;, and the exact amount payable in the prin- cipal foreign, countries is printed on theface of every cheque. The cheques are issued in denominations of .$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, e Bank, a Viae may be obtained oil application.. at the In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadian .Bank of Commerce has issued a booklet entitled"Information of,Interest to' those be sent free to anyone applying about to travel", which � � i l 1 y for it, A235 Exeter Brach W. I3. Collins, M anager. Branch also .at Crediton,. suariasignaraturimmiialsona summienamommosow ril9' ' 5 s ma ' einad se i. a a��sL' a��. �'L+L ai a � DoJ,1cJTrack Lines eMolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 ( ital (paid up) S1,000,000 .. Rest Fund - - $4,400,000 Total ,Assets Over $44,000,000 7$ Bras #rubes ill Canada, And Agents and Correspondent Principal Cities in the World. A tiSN R<tl UM KIN0 BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Ii tb' AV1NCS BANK P T 1 T T ` at all Branches, Interest allowed at highest cur1' en t ;ttte« ET,R - BRANCH. Agents at Exetex' for the Derninion Government. Dula 8o5 & C Ai5.LING) Solicitor -s, N, D, EURDON Malta 'he Public Schools OPEN SEPT, 5th And how about your School Supplies SCRIBBLERS,-• The regular Se. scribblers ruled. t'Lor 25c,, LEAD PENCILS.— The fatuous regalia pencil, worth S' or rte: reduced price a10c. a dos., INKS,— Mal 41111 orStafford's and Underwood' PAINTS. -- Water colors in Meat boxes ,nc. to mac. crayons 1c. to 1.0c.. a box. rt will pay you to pay us a visit. We are in a position to save you money, and we do it. and Blue Black Inks, ;loz bot#los tor 50, SLA2ES.— , Tkt; taatous GCsrntan proof stale, wLre edge or bound , to 'Lac. DICIL'LONA11ItlS.- Coltiits large type pronouncing dict- ionaries at 15c, S. Martin & San, Exeter 1tt1TOIRET,,L,—At high noon on. Tues- , day, Aug. "-rail, a pretty wedding was Mr Mr. d s, t .a actfM and at the, n til celebrated Thonuasa Skinner 131attabard st., when their daughter, Elsie Di., was married l0 Mr, Bo'bt, Stroulld, foreman ,at tbe' ettla rte Brea. v as r y I� C� D ON 95c. return Septi 9, 10, 1.1, 13. & 15 90c. return :Sept. i•2; and 14., From Exeitep accoul t,i:Wtes'te0n;, Fair. return L'pnat Sepal 18th: 'Special train leaves Exeter 8:02' a.m. 'Sept. 12,•13, 14; for, 'Londotn./ Return 'special leanes London10.50 pm. same dates. ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS . Seple{mibed 14, 15, 16 Round' trip` rates from Exciter to Det'rbit, ;iMtc'h., $4.30;' Chicago ,7.0;10 Saginaw, Mich., -,-5.30, P•roportiprnate Antes to Poi;t Hurpn, Bay-`Ciity, Cleve land, Gupahri Rapids, M:lnneapoiiis ` and St. Paul. ''Returp] Lun'i't`-Origi:nlal start- ing 5301101n;u 53 he readh i nth., -later than Oct. 2110, 1914.." iTBROUGII TOURTST' PLTLLMaN SL.EEPE1tS to Gti INNIPEG AND EDMONTON . Via Chicago and St: Pane AUGUST 221:d,SEPT: '5th and :13th in connection oval HO aESE KERS EXCURSXONS CENTRAL L!J/��%:trllll STRATFORD. ONT, Our registration greatly exceeds that of previous years. tiyrny7- Our school is the best or A's kind in the west, best in cottrseis given, best i,ry 'teachers employ- ed and best it assisting, graduates to position's. Oita• graduates' are in der iniad. Business men state that they are the 'be's;t. In the past three years we had eleven applications, for help that we could.. stet supply. We have three de- partments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy.' Get our free catalogue. 'Commence 'your course at once. D A. McLACIHLAN, Principal. COLONIST EXCURSIONS—To SR,ok ane, 'tl aa'h!. Nelsen, 33.C.; Vancouver B.C. , .13'esti3i inhlstet;,• B.C. ; S, Seattle,' ha mr h.. ,,Tortla�hdO e ;' F,rai .sco• ,Dleno;C i1vtMexico Cit,y•tp very-••ie,w'rates our SEPT ::15th. to 'OCT. 15tH Ttc eratune u '1UI, Gratzal% Trunk Al fo tnatjon frOnl MR ,FE ,dao 1}addre'ss a' 5.a r Anent. at "Exeter: Fresh Groceries She are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- „ely. that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and give; the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all the time;" Ail kinds of produce taken in exchange* b J.S. GOULD Do you own a "Park te" or are yoSlave ill '. health. A ``Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical.,Otoset inyour home is the . strongest kind of insurance a Vint the ernes of disease. It is a. preventative ? against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the year round. a , part f • Requires norther Water nor Sewage, can. be placed rn,�ny part oyou home; cost less than a'Cettt a day. and lasts a lifetime. Endorsed laythe leading Physicians, and Health' Officials, Specified, by the most Prominent Arthitects; and adopted ,by'whole Municipalities. Over -15,000 have been installed inCananian Homes in less thanone year.` ask your dealer for prices, " •t' `iCloset:'-� s e a nada h � Palrl�te, Sanit. t Chemical. is made n C, The �Y ,. Y,., Parker -Whyte Limited', i� 1 e o°, an. za ; 7 0. , ;, a us • Tlr°a�lches ., 'i ozC�nto Montreal, L logtYeaat , Via?, �,r�.. and.:.�i7:�oce . 1r d is sols. b 1,. ntarlo . elk