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Exeter Advocate, 1911-8-31, Page 8
THE EXETER .ABV®GATE THURSDAY 1 AUGUST 1 1 rner Clothiu xa.rdoBl Heyvborl is ]car.[¢* operatic t the station. om Sanders is leannyin; the drug bus-. SS at W. S, Dr. Tennant shipped a, ear load of horses ,to -Winnipeg this weak.. Ting Alt -$tars won a game over tine P:a'ates TPets4ay eVeniria, 10-1. Mir. James 33everiey is UBSs week sy- r.n t . �e,galling l Danell FS 1 ek. We are now havIleg much cooler wea- r, the nights in, particular being quite cold, .rift, Austin Hewitt closedhis barber ,[trey ea Grand Be+.d Monday and 1•0ur<1- ed. too L iIwth Spacial -tan is moving (:Ito Th e •wariu weather is with; usGagaSn arcs you prepared for it? We are, What you need is a summer spit to help you to keep coal,We leave the goods to suit and we make them up to Stitt: LIt us demottsarate these Picts fur you; v:47 :'s new llout'a :ne`=t to; Liine.: house +.. rased by him.$ t party of gevernmeal ,n a: n .1,; tilt,. station, ,i, -taking levels,. T'.e !Giants defeated eine al> y o t.!,>x.;'.:j oe,e oa Oita r .`10 f o ;nt schedule. erol .ant silo , 4 etert EXETER MARKETS. OED AO wnINEssnA ,,., 80 ... 50 ut:1wheat.,..,,, l4 l0 1 00 Ray, p!'arton,,...,,,,,,< 0 50 Flout', Per cwt., ftanai1y Flour,low grade per ow 1 45 Butter.„--.....,..„- 17 Bis ... ,, 17 7r1ve I1Qgs, per.ewt Sttorts'pe" torr , . Bram per tort , Wool unwashed,- „ , . , 14 Oats, ,,.. Potatoes, per bag 1$ 81 eo Ott a'1E 7,5 1 00 1,000 2 40 1 45 17 17 7 55 25 slit 'l c. c c'h'i i 4 ik t i e 0 Fairs this. ,, wort:- 'a tia*k s sae' aF tiaPua y, c 1 0, S st-a„,n*.1 for titer. 1's,i taunrk T x i Laiitb ookc property on a ds'ow s ttVld Qtt Saint -day tea a t�aiS', dr : s of Excr-ten NiOrth. Stnita saippNI a „t-ro. ,of i l.0 i. slack 'To A a tl o .. :gator- day. tor -die' far exhibition at the 5a.. James 1 W ' rlalc v, P;1 '4t e o£ Ln`at, 11 '°,O... 1V 7. , . dd e11K a 1111133 ruce'.'ti:ti on 1ertp,o, ty ca, Seafortln on Sept, , To -d 4-+ s t a last of the Lilt -[Roll d Iltra no. :Utile aC xr 'hie 11t3Alia ' aana.03. ret"reatien day has 'o Bc i a tau surveyors a bz-Ing engage Mo ; a.." gaG,D-'S Bp 22 flu cess as,tala this year. 20 Two inks of Exeterbowie,: s wt 30 14 \Tount Carmel. Tuesday bu? . e urt:Fd without the silver vase wirtleb was wo ; Y Jett Heove. of We drill Spay till Sept. fa tIx tla following for lice puaxltry Old fowl Sc. perpoarnd. O11 boasters Ce, per, pound, Spring chicken 1911 hatch ilei per Ducking 9c. per pound, Duel: 8c, per pound. Turkey 12e, per, pound; (Ohickeu to be 4 lb to the pair,) (Duckling to he 71bs to the parrs.) The above prices for live lceigitt. One cent alb less for cash, JONES & MAY Mor,day' Dr. Qusekenbug'n assist nr Dr. 13sown ,:g re;tioved' a giowflRa o at to c forete .d or M. Rictard c a lie :. d0 „ naZei4 , T,�, GnnanF ;fiends ai't1 compatniaAda uG of 'air and m's. R, i . flow , will rn 'ret to k sow tta;at f: r Gllnneas Is of a very serious 'nature me ivoy ncco&ved, word last wrelt of a e- deagit of 11'. I?airpck McAvoti of ^e. he having died. 1n that nl3' qday. ,.u; ust 24th, caused by 200 l=a>n►cy Vases and Jard- inieres to select frornat-Stew - arttG. Our wedding stationery is of tale .let- e #, types o!' the 'beet, wrsrknszarship' un- surpassed and prices right. Prospective brides should call at the Advocate aandt see for themselves, 98c. Buys a. Lovely Lawn or Tailor•made waist at -Stew- art's. FLOOR AND FEED. --Having put in a stock of Flour'and Feed •I solicit Sour parsonage Stand one door north of Ileamas1's Bardware-Rivera' cfid stand- 3os, Davis. $1.00 the yd. for the best 36 inch Black Wiessaline Dress Silk in Western Ontario -Stew - ares. GIRLS WANTED Apply to D. S1 Perrin & Company, Limited, Landon, Ont. Stewart's 30c. dap IMP Black and mixed Tea, beats 'ern an. MARRIAGE LICENSE. -Get your mar- riage license at the Advocate Office.. Did' you say sugar? Get -prices oc m, Redpath's at -Stewart's SCRAP, SCRAP SCRAP. -Bring your junk to me. I will pay hit -hest cares prices tor all kaaids of scrap iron-, rags, old rubbers, copper, brass,- etc. Orders Ieft at the Commercial House 'will re- ceive ,prompt attention_ AEE JACK; SON, Exeter. FEATHER CLEANED Mr,' Halstead ; the feather cleaner o$ Godei'ich will be in town, this 'reek. Now is tihe ehanoe to get your feather beds and pillows cleaned. Lookout for the .Red :Flag. • BIBLE FOUND A` srnall bible was 'found on Saturday last. Owner can lave` same by proving property and paying fo- this notice.' APPLES WANTED AT THE EXETER 4VAPOIRAT©R. Owing to the light ,crop of apples it this 'section this, year the Exeter Evap- orator will only be la operation one week. We will open Monday, Septi 4 and will tri -t all apples delivered at our plant up • to and including Sept. 9t1r: Bring in your- apples and get the higllset market price. Don't forget` the date - Sept. 4th to the S,th.'. NOTICE,- Siimdly take notice that my Dental Office will be closed four to six 'weeks. The office, however, will be open from.10 a.'m.' to 5 p. m• fox the mak- ing of appointments for work, whish wall he given immediate :attention on my return, ,its should' ',care 05 ^that' ood deal to Tuesday. Par - tit at calf schol'cars'corn- da y me 'It means a Fciaolara ns well ,as a Dem ar15'4A o" for + le "Fin;ch ” wr,lll tats rlt: 3f,s. YS 1), lea's s'a° ctli day i''51a' . Sept. let, to dc- tnonsraten On;ailored 'ousts, coats, shirts IA dresses. An ladies invited. M,teAlpin. Huron+ College Student of London, filled the pulpit in the Triv- itt Mlemorial Church on Sunday morn- tnS s d I11r. Clarence Duplan of Cen- clic ,,.1 'tire evening, `bout discourses being ' well delivered, On Saturday morning \1r. W. E. Sac- ders' had the misfen;tune to lose his 'ereheron .stallion from heart failure. The loss to Mr. Sanders is (suite heavy but it is still greater to the surround- ing country as this was a noted stock 'While the apple cropi-1n this locality is very poor doers 'will be no scarcity of apples this season, Reports from every apple ;rew5.ng di;stricti of the Province, except t'hi's, are to the effect that, the rop will be ono of the best i'n, many yteans. And iho fruit moreover, is aft a very cholce quality. Miss Eft! e Treble; is visaaB,3 o ito Mrs, Ed. :Iov.dld, has ,etur c iia\ Qu ,.11 Jr.. Idaan stoat, Rev, Powell 'sloes to Sarnia t0 -d:4 ' for a few days, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. I'iasett are vis- 7.tia. la Toronto, Wm, ReideMa,t .s holiday in; with his sister at Berlin. \1i and Mrs, ..-, d, ne11 retui<tne4 to Lansie1 - this W0sk, Miss Birdie 'Foyle. has retwmed front inp� A visit Landoll. isles N;,.;tots of A.Pola.Sde 1s visiting: at Mt . J. 3larlett'e, Nils Addle Marlock returned Tuesday ,,:,, nn tor 'trip west. Mfr, and d+T.ats. G. "Stokes annd daughter neturned to Detroit Moi=asst'. Mr, and Arcs. I3;eg, Sa'nucl letave to- d3.y fo 11, ..r bonze; 111 Utgbgate, DTr, Strat'nan of Michigan is visiting is daughter Mrs. Wnu. Fletcher.- , SLB,:;. J. •W. Powell has returned from v:s t .' ?uluth for a few w;eeks.. Miss Jean '..\':,iker of 1. o5.doan is Visit. pereats St'; Beier North., l4 15lines Irfadford an,e1 ;air. Jiz„alt aro; attending Teroitto Fair. 'Ina r isher went to I'tavantona reside znitln. her sister, Mrs- ) r4s, +1rs„ d dau.ia=.ex, afros left Miortla go a' sit tricnds in is 'fOr,Mlns S, S ' o:1 as wears 1 In Wore aqo ells Week, Miss NV:in.nie a.nd • Ilan^ry Ca:li.n; ae- Jetted. to Brantford Friday. Miss Flossie Hunter is vies` -ft -with friend Miss Arnold in Kincardine, ::sty, .tallies Jewell arrived ;some aloin - Raj r•o;n It>"gina, where he has been working during the summer, Messrs. D, J. and Neil Ross and Miss - QS Mary and Maggie Boss, all of Winn!, Peg, visited tt11 'week with their broth- e , lir, O: ri..`> Oes. , 'Ars. (Dr.) McDowell of Listowel aid i~frs, (Dr) Iloila"?+av of Pet ',bore wire. - we . -e It -ere atteandn.n�m the ;Cu;ne,sal of their rlaatiter. Mrs. hi°elab, ?•etertled to their. a"capecaive helms .Saturdaci. TIIE E.U.Tg SCFif3e f, Q;. visitingins May liavicias ed I1!Q5 '1 open') fills. W. 3, Sta"tlnaIan, Frank Mt lio c a.' -d 3. f,'atki+r:aert west to Tor- Tuesdalf. 11.• Jas, Dignan. 1st :n to visit with 110 SOlb, lih;n, in I,ucan 1f , arld aired J. »A, gregor$• et Winn are 'vi eitl_n1 with the 'fork 41 anotlr Milia lytta (owe wae,called home Mon, day night laws , to the serious 1PlaQ23 or i c,: : tutee. Isis}. Mrs. 3, e. Tion[ xef,'t .,for tie we -et en n at allay to tv. it i:4 • so -i W. IL TOM,* no 1 -Hat. ;Alta. and. Irk. T B. Cook of Lown aterday 'tvit,tt f aeands In to totcoed UP - 'Bowdon, of Louden la vial ca Ta ExL rias guest.oL 11' Pun. daatiRa n er"an-. in, Dig - The Eyster° S=•"hoof Beard a«ntaouaaccs tk e re'rOperat,t$ of 1,50 $ci'ool or continuation Class S,ertien for `Monday, Septe;nber .stink at 9 a..r., 'wirier alt. ,w,- teaedieg atasdextts aro desired to be ,pre; 414111 o1..the' board ig to pre., tde a t roug ecltteatfoa for, ,rite vat us w*alisa life-Coouenercial. Ia,du* sal oral Protect rr:ral. and to • train refeully those under their care fey a od. tree, Area yc ,orable Cnrnaeliela :axe ns°nfp, Tbc CQ4a-ae cQretetl tST�� Coon raj to 1-44.N4BSiAnAI :oath[ T.1s r ,-',*v Q. Siaec,al cnrtalnai3ts is iaiY , o irrerela department, Saudeats CQ'nlilete colni' Gcl21 train- 3 a. trunk. I3ag:'`' School full att+Bnt10i1 :vein to the special reeds, et the Merrier ahci atria??, The School stands Govt :intent sumo,' fd, and la titereitgbly etluitlltet as to ds, labmatory< r.ecde, library ,t ' ?PT'k'1rlf. l,"ca rkx 'l:v R `1341 apiaraataal"irorn,bntla public and eontinu- aticfan L store. The results :at tl:Qlast epa€t'naeptal (eaAnaty.at;,on e rank the r4r4 Schnol an.osg the first in the Pro- 'nee. I.e kat 1 ffl a3ps, whin ode Gtwa,i,_,g`t-, fs beforear;sl stands fox tiae errf as follcnwa -W, , l'l, Wvi.dmitatr, r"ad>ate of Tose to .tat 91' Ml 4i' .1 . 1(1 t1i ode1 8 High- h. fta'tk ensatfc thrid Science; ab tli'inat laaa) Classive. nt naxld Ble dl1ak 4, MISS ''IrRnt. liaaal ting Co 11141 . rl' Here's Why WE Ask For Your Jewelry Business. It's an oft -told -tale; but it should never grow uninteresting to the buyer wtio would be econo- mical. Our pricers are right, Prove it for yourself by eonapar isofl with °there. Oats selections are large, giving you a, large varlet'- to chovee.facm-�sgaitn the proof it by comparison. Our gQOQS are of fineunlit . Te back this statement with onxr guarantee. Dont these thins give us zt right to expect frons on a €air consideratiaft of our DReds, A. Marchandi Exeter J. Optician for TerOiitef to tier brother. i1ta. T),. J. A. Roll;ana. Maas of Lo,.tdon t0 Visit, friends and : Mrs. T« L+. C1luarat dr±t?aTnled ICY 'two cinildre.r, "w1Lb the )atter''s rr*othe on, f a, Jai. Etsaett of Lend tiva tea Dashwood Vila week owtn raerioua tlltnvss of her ,mother, l,fra. uger. [Miss i0ariorie >Hepbaarn of Contrail aaad Mias Helen Fettes ,of [Toronto, Vie- d Mira, G. Wescott the latter part of last week. Ttev, D. W. and ;gra. Collins have re- turned to the Bectory, atter au absence of four weeks, the former at Sault Ste Marie and the latter, with cher parents tat Hirt. 'Who have gr. and firs- J<4l. Stzi )o r been visiting 'tine latter's parents, dr, and Mrs. john; McLaughlin. left 'witix ti[e]r two children for their home 1n -Winnipeg on "Friday evening. at Su a ca Flour g Several Brands. Early Tuesday mornii= an incipient aspecialty. d"re (was nipped in the bud at Mr. Geo. • lnderson's Ilome, Andrew street. A tire had beeaa lighted -In" the summer kitchen stove, and the pipe becoming hot start ed a blaze, which was rgaauing fast, wizen Oscar, has s07a, discovered it, just •n tlnte to save their home. Miss Lily Bowe. who ha.s been in very poor health for donne time but who was thought to be improving, was tak en worse last week, and at the time 4: wr•tt¢1, 4s In a. very critical Con- d'l:aon with ono hopes whatever of her recovery. Dr. McGregor of London. 'WAS called here Sunday and `on examination pronounced 11 a chronic 'case of Men- ingitis with trio: encouragement what- ever of her recovery and (that it was only a matter of time 'before t11e dit- sease would perform its deadly mission. G. F. BOIlLSTON Toronto World. --"Donald C. MacGregor Toronto's own popular beailtone, mlore than made good a't'aSbea's Theatre yes,. terday, 'when 'he took`. `[lie place on, the Program vacated by an, artiest from New 'Pork, who was unable to continue the week, Mr. MacGregor was received with Such enthusila.sm Visit' he can be regard- ed as a "headliner.” and his i -songs were applauded @o( the echo. In this af- ternoon..he 'was encored 'three times and forced to respond to a curtain ' call. In the evening fours encores was I118 re - •ward." At Opens Howse, Exeter, Fair night, Sept. 19th, MacGregor and White Concert 'Co., ant army of fun. Plan of Hall at 'Cole's Drug Store. GIRLS WANTED. ' Sni?rt Girls required to work on, hors s'othi,nu, eicher'operatiing power. -mach-, i;riar,4', or' hand sei1t-goadeteatt workw qcool::wasa?constant the year, , , through, The -JACI SON irlA N'F'G 00., Exeter CISTERN AND WELL CLEINFOTG, -- These having- '61:Sterna er yells that: heed cle.ahM4 Will dr we]li'to 11'0,7.re the .V/ork ".=4IN anitoba 64 Esme 2 - A good stock always on band. int 69 g Cement 8 Durham National Partland Cement is the best.9 t.R. G. Seldon, Eget NEW STORY. -With this issue Tiie Advocate commences the fine[ chapter Of a serial story, entitled' Close Quart ters, or the inourser in the Rue Barbette. Thifs Is a story ,of"renllarlta'b1e interest unfolding many thrilling incidents, and is told in 'a manner that ,i;s fascinating and pleasing. Don't mass the openin chapter. 4444-14444-144.01-14+01444101+4+4444 SPECIAL SERVICES. -The lninive sary and Harvest Thanksgiving Services in connection 'with' the T.rivitt Menior- 'al church will,'be' held .on Sunday, Sep- 'e^rbsr 3rd, at IJ and 7 p. m. Rev. P-ofessor Sea'kins, rector of SI. Paul's church, Clinton, orte: of ' the , ablest n^eachers in Onlario, will conduct both' services. The church; will be tasteful- ly der -orated, fat' the occasion and spec- al;roue+' will be rendered by' t'tte choir; A 'spacial thank :offesi1rl 'will i:e Yak -t e1' up Rt- e'ion Mery c.., , l *R ++•Pr * 4 •i +++++4'ai ++++tr14+ -, r' . .XiTEI? To Rya .1T- ' :r0 ,acre mnn wii.h [the usual build' , s. Ahy per dens at onre, We do ir, to 'Jou sat >`" so7'having.su^:h 'will leave apl:1':c11{ion e ypn r-�y �P,33I�T GO,�NEI�," Exeter ft: at 1 hs of- ce, You take no Financial Disk. e make this oriel:' to every person who suffers from the Kidney Diseases we are otterIx' to .every sufferer from any kind of ebeonio'kIdnoY disease a treatment that produces prompt, benc- Sicial effects and. Whir -A is so certain in its action+, as to lead us toguarantee satisfactory results or ,we will reiurd your ,money, Undertakers And Furniture Dealer We carry a complete tk i all Phone for Store 20a =days and lights 20b ROWE ATKINSON The Leading Home Fur shore and Funeral Directors, BEXALL 1UDNkIY PILLS act with promptness and a certainty, what they Naive done for others, surely this will do for you. Accept our offer to -day and get relief. Sixty -pills 50c. a box S. Cole, Phm. B. The Rexall Store Edison Phon ograps, all prices. Household Goods Edisollarec ords, large Stock Wo Carry everything required by the housewife in great values at 5, 10, 15, 25e. Kitchen utensels, Hardware, Glassware, China Ware, Brushes and Combs, Novelties, Perfumes and Toilet preparations, Fruits and Confectionery. A complete line at the Popular prices. Come and inspect our stock. Thursdays and Saturdays Special Bargain days. y Y P g y, Keep your eye on our windows. POWELL'S BAZAAR TORONTO E LED :IN k'O1�I'>TIEIE FIST D.S THE 'MOVEIVIENT AINST' , A 'A'TIFICA ION ` OF THE -TRADE OMPATWITH .'WASHINGTON 7f1rR-'N1EiN,$;6S1LL BE : SENT DAILY $Y.MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS IN CANADA. TOR ONE DOLLAR. AND to -HALF A YEAR ONES H'OK . 22 AY An Attractive Showing of NEW FALL DRESS GOODS Our stock of new fall material will meet your ap- proval. A splendid assortment of colors and wears; in fact, we think we have everything that is practical desirable or necessary to help you choose your New Fall Dress or Suit. Here are a few— TWEEDS We are showing a very fine range Tweeds in 42in., 52in., and 50in. widths at 50c. to $1.00 per yard. Tweeds are very popular for this Fall. PLAIN CLOTHS Always good and very de- sirable for a Dress`or Suit. All the good colors are shown in Satin cloths, Venetian, Broad Poplins, Prantalas at 50c. to $1. per yard. SERGES One of the very strong clothes for Fa1L We are show- ing them in Blue, Black, Brown Gray and Cream. Very good to wear at 50c., 75c., and $1.00 per yd. FANCY WAISTING That are going to be very much in demand for this Fall Fancy Valleurs in different col- ors,.Faucy Delaines, Checks and Silks in all the leading colors • and patterns. $1v00 THE BEST YARD WIDE STICK $1.00 We are offering the Best Yard Wide Paillette or Taffeta Silk on the market fully guaranteed for $1.00 per yard. KIMONA CLOTHS Now.is the time to select your Tie mon a or Sacque length A lot of real choice patterns in the best of colors;to choose from at 15c, to 255e, per yard. BLACK. UNDERSKIRTS just opened up as New, lot.. ' ` of Ladies Black Underskirts' They are sure to please you Plain or Fancy at $1. each up to Silk for $5. ' each., Ladies New Winter Coati Jnst arrived out first shipment of :' .Ladies Winter Coats. Fane . Tweeds are amongst the strongest sellers oi'Which weare showing &nice lotalso'the best things,; Black Blues., nl3 a k and , See the first showing, e ... . di uartei's for the celebrated W.wE, Sanford Clothing li aAt�g'ai��