HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-31, Page 5ter tematonal R hlh1 Dr. O i'. RO13LSTQN� X ,T� S„ .s3J.T3.S, A ie 1cIo Stthoo! eac DENTIST' itifelnber of the R,C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate or 'a<orouto University. Office -Oyer Dickson Carlint's law office, Closed 'Wednesday afternoons. Dl,.. A. E. WIYLMAN, L. 1), S„ I. D, Honor graduate of Toronto Ouiveristy. DENTIST, Teem extracted without any pain, or any back ; fleets O91ceeye riliadmlan &;i tanbury's-ofttee,Maiustreet Scoter !tied!€ [[�R.SRIGWWT, 31.0„ M. 0, p &S., HONOR A i s Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident' hysicisn Royal Alexandra hospital, etc,' greet t Re idence Mr. a,atn ' Old Stand, Andrew TNIt. QUAOtj•i:\0i;ai1, physieian, Surgeon, dc• couebeur. Oftiee, ,Or, genius' old office, Main Street, Residence, corner James and Albert streets ,apposite James street Methodist parsoua e Phone Office, S9 a; Residence a9 b, s„31tat vDICIMIO2 & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLIDI tors, Notaries, Cosveyancers,Comtnisaionsre Solicitors tor Maisons Bank„ etc motley Xo ,Lo 1 at lowest rates steres. Offices, Main street, Exeter, R, O,asr ttr'a, I3.6,. LII.. McKean SKONEY TO LOAN,. We [vivo Marge amount or private Lunda to loan alarm aad. viilazenropertieaatlow rates oi' inter eat. OLADMA14 & STANI3ta Y arrtaters, So]ielters.3laitt et„ Exeter On 3. SZNIQR Az QOnfotlor atiOnLife Assurance Comps also Fire, 1ns1I'auce in lead. lug Oanaellan And Hritish Companies, 5#ila-gt.. `xoter, LICENg 1 A.IIOTIONEER ANIIE'f;WIN Lirra}grf] ,Atittloale?r. urc+rr Cou,atY, T91'MP retapalta ble. )totITItI 1 L Since a Dyspeptic—Novi Well, Thanks to Father Niorr•isey's No.l1. r2ioltibuc• to, N. 13., Nov. i7tlt r9o9,: 'Father I orriscy Med. Co., Ltd., 1 have been teaching 56ioo1 for up- wards of thirty years, during the last twenty-five of which I have ,suffered seriously with stomach trouble, indi- gestion and dysFepsia, I have tried many remedies, and while 1 would get temporary relief front some of them, yet the old 'trouble would return, and with it the sufferings Only known to the chronic dyspeptic. Last year 1 bad made up my mind to abandon rosy profession, feeling that in laity condition 1. could neither do justice to myself or to the many pupils under Amy charge, A friend suggested to me that 1 try father 1lorriscy's No, it Stomach, Tablets; I did so, and have cO4tinued to use therm with the result that my atotnach trouble is stared—ging, indigestion and dyspepsia gone and I feel as well as 1 ever slid, 1 have, thanks to the Tablets, been able to continue in a a ay profession, and feel that I ant once more enjoying my work and, ant able to give justice to the fifty-four pupils under my care. Yours Gratefully, Are you one of the elan'' thousands vrfto, like Miss Chrystal, are prevents, from doing their best work;: or really enjoying life, by stomach trouble? if you are you cannot do better that;, she dill—take Father or iscy's No, tt tablets, P,acb, No, It Tablet, when clissolv'etPditlt the SW13140114, will digest T3( pentads of food—a good, hearth meal—so that no matter how weal* your atousaclt gamybe No, XX Tablets will enable yott to get the nourishment out of your food, and. Iinild up your strength, While the sin - mach, thus relieved, "eversf rg th at sec, a box yoUrillser'so from e Father MIorriy Xeclicino Co., 144., bo made It the Advo::ats,` etc!: or henry I"1ltaer'9 Qtt ve, fast!- Sold and guaranteed ila Exeter by lY,. S. Howe'1 idle dustt T 13; CARLING Fire, Accident and Plate Glaea Siltrexe and deep regret Ince. Colleetlag accounts, and con tate people or Iiensall All tlAtdnity 09 >: auetittn sates, — Exeter, Ont- _ Au;, 21st, on Jcaraaitttr of the death 9 tt .i, I1O{lzkj, HEN Ara#stalls cat Ontario, 'Veterinary Col - le i tnumber Ontario Veterinary: !tired tarot Saclew; treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals on aclentlflc prtn- clplea t m1derrt surgery ; a specialty. Op- erationa on Lurnp Jaw guaranteed uat- lafaccory, Calla by day or night promptly attended to, Unice-3f'a In -tat„ Exeter, Dir, Ranaaay's old stand, Phone In connection. Fort 5AL The uosclerai4ned offers late ftae farm, consisting of about 135, aares, ad in- lir, the town of Clinton, for oale, The Plrut Is in a good state of cultivation, and !teas -gctad butidinge, brick house! lx�,nit bairn, driving house, pig pen, etc. all eotnparattvely now. .Atirat-claast you cr r'e'--card; containing all kinds of f:141.9 tail also small fruits. The tartn. 19 w• li fens d and drained and la a, very d,esir,t,ble home. For further par- Lieu! ;re apply on, the premises or nd- drnss JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. LLA Ladies a lt, T i,omas,On1 U,UJSTilATsil CATALOGUE UE Flin tlEetn ELLIOTT Mr, Gilbert Dick, widen sad event :o cured that day, 1!r had heel ail: for owe two months. and 1tad been confined bed moat of tate time. Ift's ailment, son affection of the heart. Stir, Dick 'w,a :t11 year`s or Vie. He was the odes son of M. Thomas D;cf4, ,one of the p'oacers of thetownship cat Iiay, z tt avow of the village of Et tuotzctviile. had resided In 1Cippeni for eeverat year and :had only removed to "Heenan las sprtnS', Ile had beten engaged tor :natty' years very extenetvely as 4 buyer arid. shipper of live stock. 1Ie leaven a widow .and a family, of five arnalt children to mautia, the loos and uharlah kite memory et a thoughtful and lovitt Husband and e kind parent.. lie to also survived 'by Ills aired parents unci. several .brothers. TOI:tONTO, ONT., is recognized as "CA- NADA'S HIGH-CLASS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL."' The instruction is absolute- ly first-class. Write to -day for our ca'talegue. Miter aro`,rx. Horses for Sale Mrs. D. Ncit of Kalamazoo, 111th„ au two sone are ho.11dayint with Mss .Van' t m]1,^ Iameli !hens uta has gone rwast to lake charge or a threshing outfit.—yi;r. bicKenzie, teacher, has gone to Letts - 'bridge, Alta., where he. has secured a good poattion,—bfrs. Hodgins, wire has beau sick, las able; to be around ngaht.- 1tr. 'tti'. Sutherland, who has been, mak- ing cement :blocks hero the, pall two years has gone wast—;.Irl. Sri. Cunn- inghammoth: 9 :.!tel ' 1 belts 1$ Yl. itln hat i of 1 in t s s er-in-la'v 'here 'for two Weeks, -1 Carlin or Hensall visited his brother -in law , n. .ic1thargey, who is very ; sick.— lir. O'Mara oT Indiana is visiting his tousin Doyle. We Told You Sol Labatt's Lager Now Perfected-- ; The best on tho market!, i .3: R John Labatt Lnurzu London oxx, ZGIt1OH, urerus of the 'Brous 'it Line, was' sur e- syPu, in capturing the fourth t T}: kc , SeiEalarsk,ip: at the recent L_.,versity F i1exatns,—�Ir, Sohn \ss'ie:do has disposed , ,O.> his farad at the ,Goshen I4nr, near 1 towaa, to Mr, Oscar Koehler, for ;8000 00, The stew owner Vets possessio;tl tnext spring. -Another lot of ,young. men left ort Wednesday' morninff for the 1, est, atnorta them being—Alf Gaikunr, IS>t Zimmerman, and William Koehler, and Mr, also Dlrs, Solornom Jacobs,— 9jr, G, Efoltzntan rcttlreell from :could !nay, la.vtug Ibeetit (tailed t here to, visit 3Oa aged mother, who is very tow,.:: CRISEL,HUBST, Zr, Tlxolnas 1'aatter- sell `fad a very sad lace:de ,t Iaapneta h',rfl last week, 'While trying to re- plaec,* a. barn door Cas its ,binges, the : ladder broke, causing Linn to fail, rend.-'': er:r4,3 trrn milronackl)us, also Inflicting several ;;alines en leis head, which re, cauixed mei ea! atter uoa.—Geort7'e Eyre lost a valuable horse last week. This .--r-,--,...--,...,--- is the tt'4rd. h.or.se lo;;t en the twelfth concession galls summer, Geo. T. WreAl lost a mare 'having a colt a corolla .ago and `tj.02, aIoone3; 1Rst a 'valuable Mare and colt, , Miss. Ada Warm is back front v.sit 'with rgl.dtives iri Mi}Fagan.. Mtsx �ptti% Galater 1.8 visiting at Grand Bend Women Read ■ his fA • a few' weeks.. --darts, �!I. Finkbe,tter osMilverton, ; le vtsi,tin ; relatives In • toy n.-3tra. D. Studer, of 'ravisto-=k 'xs, l'ARiSiAN Sf'OE 11 TS LUSTER tNTQ tr&eit!!t her parents, Mr, ;and Mrs. H. PULL, FMJFrD I;L•1IR Pio tiler, 1r, Tobert Zi'iliiatrt o€ the ol,sena Dank t sten. of 3lvaatrer.J, is :thine` ter ,1,4 ,oHda S, ;111 s. gd„ Claail alto i'htld or Sa 1na.lt', I vision„ very wt atan reader of the Advocate io e1•valire 3444t:t .hair that everyone eitires. should u -a to NV. €x, POO to- t l' pdrcuts, fir. and, Ira,. John Sck,nell d+A° a:ad el s 2tu'ge ; Q cent i ottle of. ni. Kalb€leiscb of Ottawa .spent #'.u•lsia't e. tib wieX with his parents, 1d1r. and I, Is :not only A delightful and ro- 1t' rnr +albttel'seh,--"Mr: Arthurr:ealbr, ,hair' dressing ;and beautifier, a, He Y � SI'e11 :r 'Deti'oir, 1s vi -siting, J7ls parents hle„ tr is Hold under n ryld guarantee 3tr. alto ;$gs. IJ, ,A'.•elt.—?Sr George to balliaht daltdrutt, strap ,r,a,ltinx Iva. Fe. tt ;acrd MIus Floser.se 31eit,oWere t: al t`ultin,a scalp, or money knelt. marriage, an•Wsdfe9day, Aug; 1'4risiasn !rage is tote beat lair tontta t;1tc home Qt tato b'ichi'e parental Flown, It its the only one Mit will cure Mr, silo #1s"a+ Santee! 3wlo;[ner,—Nr, tit;. d,x,rt rutt, cleanse the emit) And make stwocts„ tion s!t gr.. a<ncl. Mrs. Daniel .e !lair grow long :a,nd b4antiftli. I have a number 'of first -claws horses for sale. C;;:11 at the stables and see them. Wo arc also purchasing horses that are sound arid in good condition from 4 to 10 years aY age. Parties having horses Lor sale will do well to callor write the undersigned. Phare 41. • M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. r ARAx FOR SALE. THROUGH PULLMAN TOUR SLEEPING CADS SEPT 5 and 19. Will leave Toronto, 11. ,p. m. tor Wir.- n=peg and points mi Grand Trunk Pa- cific Railway between Winnipeg and. Ed- monton, Cars 'will run vtatGEand Trunk Railway System to CShicago, thence con- necting with " M-Iomeseekers' excur- sions: The rates to Western Canada are very "low; Winnipeg and return, $33.00'; Edmonton and ieturn, S41.00. Tickets good' tar' 60 days, •.Proportionate rates to other points in ;Manitoba; Swe]catche wan and Alberta.. Touristcars will be fully equipped wittt,'bedding, etc., and porter' change. Berths may 'be secured at a lo'w rate Full particulars and rates froni any Grand 'Trunk, Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger' Agent, ' Torgnito, Ont. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable 50 -acre farm in Osborne, being the South hale Lot 10, Con. 7. There is on the premises a good frame Mouse, lbank.:.bar,nl and . out buildiingis ; two good wells; water 'and an, ever run- ning spring at 'back, of farm. This' farm Is in .splendid condition and is nearly all seeded down.,. Will bit sold .reasons able and on easy. terms. Po_ particulars- apply at Advocate Office or to Jae. Ea'rl; 41imvitle.'., '0B SALE OR>TO,RENT,, That most'desirable farm property be- inig Lot 15, Gyn.. -2, Stephen, in the County ,of 'Buren, on 'which is situate, two god bank barns and a . commodious frame house. This land is well drained and fenced, has two !mood wells and, a spring ,creek, and 5,s convenient to churches school and markets. Out- going tena.nt leaves 10 acres sown with fail whoa 15 acres of new meadow and does all necessary gang Vow -trig 'find deep plowing. For further particulars apply to 1!. LEATtlOfN, Esq., Exeter ; or DICKSON & CARLING, T3arristers,' etc., Exeter. HO;T.7SE..1",O1t SALE 1:IEIF'ER STRAYED There strayed from the premises'„, of theundersigned, Loft 21, Con. 6, Step- hen; on , a:•a'bout July 20•t'h, ,a two -yr - old old medium-sized ,heifer, yellowish color, with white spots and wh,ite `: star on forehead. • Funder wall be rewarded by sending information that will lead : to uta recovery to 3Oit N G. WEIN, Crediton P. 0. „T'ge,uncle, s nodis, offering for sate. a 8 t ttrat urs "lbL p opF•rty on �Pllh 11 . be a • - a gone ' aid ' hr 1i stotoy br ck house ” in excellent condi ao r; to ether with two lots of. Sand Alsotwo va tint lets an rIu on Sheet -Apply- to .• res ,„car L ssN, Exeter Northwest lands. Unimproved„.Lands..•in Saskatchewan and Alberta for sale. Railway fare refunded to purchasers. •• MONEY TO LOAN. ' ERNEST ELLIOT. Office opposite Central Hotel; ' Exeter. FOR SALE OUVENI a DEA SEES) certainly doe folks dread the winter: clot Of the furnace troubles e hr'tncrs ' Alttigttated fite.ttia8' systems are eer. tuitoy a attaisauce, Bust and ashes, Seinetames dead!y gas Alums, all over the house, Orbot aur allot 4 breeze acroSSstdesert wast,--poisoneus, dry, health -destroying air. Mt booms” cout,.rvative m auutacturera would Ain consider New Ides* IA beating. The SOUVENIR furnace makes the hat air system the healthiest, cheapest and best, ft's bunt right. -A solid. oac.plecefrog Gre• Pot—tested and selected iron et that•' --and flange!! 44 the outer side to increase rtdi, sting surface. The grate is simplicity ltselt- rhes easily dumped by a simple turnof thele''er No placefor clinker troubles. From base " riser to dome evert' SOtrVgNIR furnace is perfeet, d Ask for out new booklet. ThtSOUVENIR Furnace I" is mode in Hamilton. the +C slam centre of Canada, b.Y TbeHamiltan Stora And Hearer Co. Limited Saxe-cum'to Gooey -Tilden Company -..`. 13 furnace. others awry% buyer of 0 Sats e,rtr F,ureaee it presented aril/ o !soca bond os dote of per, class, guaranteeing orepot against cracks er Stott of' any hind for . years, For Sale by W. J. Beaman as the woman whose kitellerl shines with ahstudsome, roomy range ---whose face beams with the satisfaction afforded by a perfect cooking equipweat. good stove. Whether she dues her in eats sts that. and feelthes a prealides in GURNEY - OXFORO''° rnstifies the ,nugh Q)cIod !coves and tcnowu feature of tatty sad eou:trol For every woman wents. cooking or not, She ere prepared Oa it, !laving the beak., satisfies that pride; her's envy. Gurney. ranges carry every convenience! eGon. with some Eley paints, of excellence that lice ltltcPusiae. First of all is the lever that holds. Na danger of ibe fire gaing out between -reals. The Axford conornixer will (told the heat eta low ebb till Matt want it; then tutu the handle, and your 'stove is bat arse e jiffy. Besides this saying of time and worry it saves iaa fuer to the actual extent of elle tort l six, THE DIVIInD FLUE STRIP' is the envy of elf womea who bake, It guides the beat equally along 1;idee, hack 4.34 front of the soca,. Lilt ue dowse/A,Itrsta these and outer etroeg advantages of Elie GetheY, Qzf'ord fine.. We hive staves+, for every purpose, every fuel, alai aVariety of ptieea. H -man,Agent, irr:e Grand Trunk Italiwa rounctt tt at eta Tea saistl ,Tiny nth th anti, rttlt, +# tt 22r,d, sSeptember our an Uomeseeker's excuratoa tYeatern Canada; from all atatiarax Ontario and Quebec. vrt,1 t7Qtleago ;grad i ulluth, or via, Mileage, I'au1 ,ar.4 +I;ntseapotis, at reduced round trip fares. The well-known double track slide of rho Grand Trunk trona tho east to Chic., ago appeals to the traveller, tend with f tttc aupertor".traini service that Is offer., ed by title lane, Including' the famous „Lantern atlonal 'Unlaed" ,from Montreal daft at 9.00 lam„ and which is thelttn. eat and fastest train in Canada, ataany paesen„ers will bo attracted this way. The route via Chicago 'is a most inter.. eating one, taking passengers !through the principat°cities and toWllS in Canada atxl In the Staten 'of Michigan and 1ndi-' anal. In addition to thins a ehoico seven Itnes between Chicago and St. Paul and :;I-rineapolie is offered. Owing to the great ,number of Canad- 'ana,'who reside in Chicago, St. Paul, ‘ILnneapo]ia, Duluth and other ;cities en. route, there Is no doubt that the Grand Trunk will find, many Patrons who will take advantage or tho 'c orttusity thug afforded them for a `brier visit at the 9rations with their friends. Another feature that will lappet] to the o;nd3CeKer iS the comfortable transfer a• points like Chicago, St. Paul, and Du- '.;rto freshly ventilated clean ears, a•Vo'dl;lg the necessity of travelling a long distance In the sante car. In addition to the above routes, t'iae NADA 'sols at tictc#at Is ai>ka a uth*: 'Sat. a, and the Northern vale set sta� I' aernpa nw's teal oiffceat ;Steamer Lake Rrturoau And Lake Super-tt For !wiser particular* apply to any Agent of tt'-o grand'I;rualc iiaflwaAr Sys- tetra, or write. toa3'IT. 3'. Quinlan, 'District er Agent, flonaventore Stat'on or 41r. A. E1. Deft. District Agent, Union Station, Toren - r t Stlt and 1Jt1a. ii11.7, 1 1 'run to t�-atlart acroes 0, t' avid rance, one of 'i1;e early a of tkiis dtetzfet, dies at !tie Seafp frit ap, Monday los':h', at d -IIB rl " 9th` yearn and lair ; I?orxattt e was a native a#t, trelnndi, and can'te *a C,fat- r sixty ye ars ago. Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased H. a t' and DR,A' ' nnsiness of N h ARNOLD, I desire to to the Puhii,' of Exeter i s prepared to give, you th t m satisfaction in woes: ,., , ' d with the hn•inews, For a I., ent orders left by phone wise at THE ,d..DVOC.•I 1 r l F ICE, PHONE 25, will ,• prompt at trntiau. T. G. Cr,'€ -ch One df tale best farntnr tin Huron or Middlesex, convenient to markets, - to, churches and schools, being Lot9, 1' id - N. 73. Diddulpii, in the County, of �I dlesex, containing 164 acres. On the premises are situate a good bride house three 'batik barns; on stet elnun dations 34=54, 40x22, and 70x10, oo& wells, windmill and trne property is welt drained. The. whole ot; tt, s faint is' .n prase e_cep tag- 95 acres. POssbs9:On of house given imined.ateiy,' and tom- piece no asoss'ont of farm given Nov. 1st' 1011, c,11,1 .pu er sty.., h ll beallowed do ill N,ri beta e last mer ti�aried de.t-e.;:Feir further part c talars apply to Joseph 17, `Steile5, Esc! Loran P.O., Ont: 1.Itttrie$ Eelley Esq., P O Ont-; -a Dickson: k Carling WIMP Come again, Pie Time, and often. For wholesome, digestible "eats" —give us PIE. At its very best wrapped in a FIVE. ROSES crust. Upsets Pie Prejudice without upsetting the Eater's Insides—FI'VE ROSES flot.r. Great for Pie Crust — top and bottom. And Puff Paste and Difficult Things. Close-grained—melting— even textured. Flaky, too, and crinkly — crisp yet tender. Put into your bake things the rare nutlike sweetness of Manitoba wheat kernes. All soppy, with the 'rich red juice of the cherry—or lemon pie—or appie--or healthy custard -meat, may be, or mince— ' Put ince•'Put the FIVE ROSES "crust erd.':about 'e:n. See the hungry wedges fade ht.hindbusy n iik troth. At Pie Time— Use FIVE ROSES: 7 II{ 1 IIlig11111111111111160 11 11 1 1{' 11111111"1° ,. j1lDllj � 1; t . , � 11111II lt1II lii lli Illll{II11 II III iii II.I I.I;- l`{ {{' 11� �{{ I IINI Iill {1II 11i���fiVEEl� ��iil L1/4.519. 1111111 I` •,I til A Ii !Iil11f111iIIINiI !alai{11{ 1Ii11. 11N111011 --Kr461.-ii. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111iiil 0111111111111 e «ooh o.'MONYR,,, lIlIIIllhIIIlluhIllhII