HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-24, Page 8. in The warm weather is with ueagaiu are y oat prepared for it We are. what ,yore zaeed is a summer quit to bele you to keepeoal. We have the goods to suit and we melee them up to suit, Let us demonstrate these facts far vete. tf W TAMAN erchaut Tailor, Ontario EXETER MARKETS. DS ANGER EACH W DNESDA .' Wheat .» . 79 81 Barley ,,,-., Buck wheat, , , . , *" * . dp 70 'otcles,per hag 75. Flay, perl<on.,-»,.,,.,,»: 950 Plater, per cwt., family 2 40 Flour, low grade per ew 1 45 145 Butter , 17 17 17 Li e hogs, per cwt. , . ,. I 7 Dad lShortspee ten... „ 24 00 2000 Wool lzzawaslletl ,�. 14 14 TEM EXETE13, A.BVIM .TE, THURSDAY) A .TBLT$T 24, tall LOCAL DOINGS., firs. C- I3iriley visited this week. a.t Belgrave, Miss Annie Bissett is reeoveriai; nicely trorn Iter recent illness, Owing to the election. Zurich Fair' la to be, held "on September 27 and 28. Mrs; F, `J, Mallett, Jr., who under- went an operation last week, is recover,, ing s 1eely. S1r• M ;s1. Doyle, who has been quit all of typhoid oid .fever at Port -Arthur, is near, we are pleased, io say, recoveria.g aa:cely. Rev. Doherty of II'eusali occupied. the Ia lt°i: of the Tr/vitt Memorial church on Sunday last, preaching two excellent ser- mons Centralia and 'p`reter Juniors played. a ;arae of ball Thursday afternoon on the leTA1 diamond, the visitors Winning 8 'to t, T?r. Rettistott'S Imugcl old effet:be ts Moved 'next week info the residence re.tently built by 2.1r, J, N, Howard on ,street Tr. Charles Tela utt lT i.,, f3.atteri.y If'aCanfr. tepiteta. has accepted a Positio.l for 913 on the staff~ of the Stratford Col.,' e°,ate Institute at a salary of $1200, McEtnt ail and so;; of Luca ta via, East week at Mr,"FTed Lu ten'S. S„ turelay, areola+ponied lt; llisa Lir .ton, 'wl;ra will Arlene a IOW i.a Luca*a. The, All Stars, Giants, a d Pirates, :fiXeter 'baseball trams, ars plii:l.aS a aeries of bell games,, The first Mon- day r gh reaultezi x the AII-Ster4 de, ,feoti ,a the Mantel, a-tl, Iter. eta* ,"Ihh,oe, the everagelis't of the Loradp;3 Conference, epeukled the James street pUlhit'SU:14 '. and'preaeilee veal ecceeta'hlelemic e, He will also take t°ce se.v3ece nest Suncley, 3,fa $7 75 Pouitr We will pay till August 3 the folio beg for lire .poultry OM ,Bawl 8e. perpoupd. Old mestere 6e, per pouted. Spriztgebiekezz 1911ha,tc a l r. per�Ib Duckling 10c,. per pound, Duck $c. per pound. Turkey 12e. pee. pound: (Chicken to ni 4 lb to the pair.) (Duckling to be 7 lbs to the paw.) The above prices for live weight. One cant a lb less for cash, 'ur 200 FancY Vases ati'rd lard. dcian ler erd was received by Ill , 4.,Writ t u day of the death of the little five. he Biel ann. of his daughter, 'ltrs: (Taggart at Fort William. T ss.en have the aytttpatty of in. their bereavement. event took, place a# ilea . htli. 'whole One ub 1adfi a, Mie 1s fir. efts and 'elm Taal bride or )r, Char8 etroit» Atter spending the luxPPY eoupie left t,roit e e they will trot3 to io:t'ra rite ;omen. cony ttzlattor e atad toad Mr. Arthur Davis was i Tuesday. Ma'. and Mrs, \ m,Wilsoa is to PetrQ]ea, e don ori Miss Hattie IIulite left coda: ^ for Clic West. firs. Ohas, Toni left Monday to visit e moved son i,3a int, \Vest. i[r, James Walters was its London Mr- c G, tieldo:a was in Ingersoll :oat business this week. over Sunday,Sir. Wm. Pollen of Farquhar left here Miss Lily Robinson, was in. London fTuesda,y for- the West. during tine w -cek, 1 Miss W. J, Gill who has been visit- mg- i with ;ler fat=ter Mr. .. John Gilt, re., turned to Detroit: Tuesday. \fr, ,J. Spackman is re -opening the Op- era House on FailltNight, when he has engaged a first-class troup from To- ro'nto.. and Mrs. Geo. Stokes acid daugh= ter, Miss Iv(a, of"Detro:t are the guests of Mrs, E, Sanders, having motored, here Tuesday, Dr, Sana" Thomas: of. London visited here this week. 11r. D. Crittenden, of. Blyth is visiting here this week. !1r, L. 11. Dlcksenlwas tai 'I hied€ord on business Ft-iday. 'Vr. Fred Gould of Strathray is visit, ag s.t,- ng relatives here. Mlles- Elston Is attendingthe millinery openfatgs in Toronto. tit; s, }3riekwood and Miss Jessie are v sitiatg tat Thedford.. Miss Alma McGregor of London 'as Isiting Mrs. F.tl. Treble. Mrs. Jelnt k3eli aed Mrs. Dray returned 'Monday from a trip west. 'Mr. Frank Bawden; o Hanle/tee is bee da :iib at his hone ,kid, Mrs, I3awdeza an,c1 two ehtearen return, cd 'o il:d,atow^-1 la.sf.'weeli,, Mernaer of Zurich is. vision her Mrs, C. 1,,latdenfeld. Str. and airs. Herb Waiters .are atar, ,n tdanden this week. lr , STars1•,a.11 Re' of Leedom, pet \t ednesday v3Citd,.l Ili tarvlr, \!ls D'eetadceQuid. et Lendoes is 1a91I- d teing ,at erre °iV"", Ii, Bearistg^ee. ieS Vera. "$,ewe affil lady :friend re, turned tip TOI"etat9 last week, 'Miss Maggie Doug'Iaa erf LPa tient ie n sting et "eir. Fred. Luetcln's, Thos, l)rbeaeombe and sister May eller] title week in Thornda.le, Mrs, Iunzbail of London? paid ;51rs, A. Dyer a short visit last .Week, Bev. Milder preached. Sunday navrltin4. ra }rain Street ;1Tetliodi'st ,i lrurela. Mr. and Mrs, I', Gardiner rt turned to 'lyth. Thereday after a vieft :Iters, Jeia;1 E113oi! of. Vancouver. B, - flna itis atlofho , \fw{s, P, V. v Linghant, who 1131; been, 1 Qweil, returned to llellevillc to toe and femili VTtaQdstoek visited. Sueday, THE EXETER SCHOOL 'The Exeter School Eoar'd announces ti s re -opening of the High. School or Continuation Class Section for `Monday, September 5tla, at 9 a.na., when all in- tending students are desired to be pies- ent, The alrn of ti e boa d ie to pro -- de a thorough education for the var ions walks of life—Commercial, Irdus trial and I'rofessionai, and to train carefully those under heir' rare or a cod, true, and i o:iorable Canadian Citizenship, Tile course covered ;S eempleie fee Model, Normal and 1 riversity Er- 'ranee. Spee„arl emplieela is glvtet t9 t..e Cernmerel;ill department. Studente ttrc given w complete Centlnereial tt~ai::r i11a� 4,8 a .rural; High).School Full attention; #9 gives io the special 3:18ecl8 9f rte' farmer and. artisan, Tee Scheol 8teede gpvea3333ent apprQv ed, and is kliaroughly entdpped as tel play srounda, labratory needs, library, end stain The work half received Full approval from both public and ror t rail-' aat#ela izaspecters, Tie reavlts at the last departrt;eneal examine -Ione rank the Es- eter School among the first in the pro- The staff remains, with one change, as 'before, arrd a stands ter the 11, 54 Section as fellow8,-15, E. 1\e,dcenaet:- mer. 'le e„ honor greduate of Termite Gnivereity, Spoelaliet 11; Moderns Arai English. takes charge of Moderns, Elate r Fa glieh. tathetnet oe aI83 Science; s E, ll, 1 Q b Wire -dans) C1aaa1ce, tai¢ Elston' and Belding' ilea Ca peell (F• leet-e3a.sa) the Ceralnere al and Juror 'Work. The E. S. Sec- nen ec nen le open tQ ail 'Who have peeved e 1I S. Ealy nce, and parents grid rdiaaaas aro asked to see that rsgiet- Iott of etude nts le made ' zb the delay. For inforiuta.tdoe 118 our€eta apply to. the priec3pal. T. retuned ti es to select fromat—Stew -' 4aur wedding stationery ie art the est, types ot't'1e best, werkmanehip un- surpassed and prices right, Praspcctive brides should cull at the Advocate and; sea tor themseives. 98c. Buys a Lovely Lawn or Tailor-made waist at —Stew- art's. FLOUR AND FEED,—Bavjrig' ptxt in a stock of Plour and Feed .1 .soilclt your patnanage; Stand one door north of Bea:nazi's :rl'ardwars-Rivers' old st<•x-nd. Jos. Davis. $1.190 the yd. for the best 36 inch Black Messatine Dress Silk in Western Ontario—Stew- art's. GIRLS WANTED Apply to D. Sa Perritn & Company. Limited, London, Ont. Stewart's 30c. Japan' Black and mixed Tea, beats 'ears all. AGk7 LICENSE .—Get at the say saga ttpath's at il.ev:) Bau�'.ianan relatives in, fawn SCRAP, SCRAP SCRAP.—Bring your junk to me. I will pay highest ,caati prices for all kinds of scrap iron,, rags, old rubbers, copper, brass, etc. Orders left at the Commercial House -Will ro. ceive prompt attention,-ABE TACIT. SON, Exeter. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR ATIGUST,— A reactionary storm period will ,britnjg decided storm conditions on the.27th, 28th, and 29th. The. moots :being on the celestial equator on the 26th, sway bring thunder storms and much stormy Weather. Indications are that the month will go out, with change Ito fair and much, cooler weather. We do, our best to have you :readyf'-that no sudden dif- ference i'.n, weather condition may aur- prise you. APPLES WANTED AT THE, EXETER! EVAPOIR;ATOR. Owing to the light crop of apples inj this ,section this, year,, the Exeter Eva.pr orator Will only; be im operation one week. We will open Monday, Sept. 4 and will buy all apples deillvered at our plant up to and including Sept. 9th. Bring' in your apples and get the highest market price. Don't' forget the data— Sept. 4th to the .9,'th;. MARRI —Get your mar- riage licenseAdvocate Office. Did yourp Get prices sin Re -Stewarts. visiting Mrs. t of Jary:s " is Flour Several Brands. Manitoba a specialty. Lime A good stock alceays on band.: emen 341rhami , National Pal tl and ti ent is the:best. >g 43 Seldom, Exeter cater trlc livery ba caldert'd Iter broke a 1 eftTris{. , The tele. attended to nd are ctary dole i eely. ,vnt reports from t rai.ario h3 3k'ate 191.1' will not Pee as leaaa a year. as was expected a few 'weeks ago, A ar1i._ed fanning country like dntarie it Inert likely' meet a total Ya3luro in trope in any :single year. A eitortagolu one line is usually counterbalanced by geed yields 3n, 'some other lime. This season, while there will `be am baunpert crop, the tiearee we get to the close of harvest and elle fan season, the more does It appear that Yields' in most 1h„es will average up fairly well. At t.*io recent N'ornlaI tSohool Eartran Ex. aminatian,s Miss Mildred I raun, MI Gladys fiestle and Harry aTelcai ner the Exeter School were vented ,Mode School Entrance Standing, they ha ,,ing made the required percentage that certificate. This entitles them go to orate of the new Model Schools Gently opened. They with several others from town have applied ,to attend Clinton. This snakes three more to added to the lust of successful Candi ata from the Exeter Continuation D c« 0, xt, S. Croeker a,rtd sorl \�f; nesday to. vIs1t,1a1 .London, h to Toronto. veers. Kerb, Ford; John Caldwell, Janros Stowart and W. Lightfoot lett" Wednesday for tile west.' Dr. 11oulstoa' lett' Tueaday evening On tt trip to'Europe fol the, good Of his ec alt3i. Eon voyage, En r lest on pack 0 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Spacknaall and daft ixter ot. Guelph arrived Saturday ev e leg to visit relatives here. Mr. S. Martin, accompanied by 3rr. grockett of Dorchester, left Monday on a trip to Calgary and Edmonton. Mr,' and Mrs..7as. Dearing of Stephen co and Mrs.: Wan. .Dearing' of ,town were Sa of visitors at Greenway over Sunday. l Mr. and Mrs.'T. G. Atkinson and fam- e' who have been 'visiting the former's for Parents for a few weeks, left on. Monday to morning far their home all Mardtou, Mn,a acs Mr. Ed, Irwin` of ,Norwieh visited ov- er Sunday with?' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas at Bissett. Mfrs, Irwin, after a two weeks' be visit, ,returned 'home with him Monday. di* 'Rev.. Sharp returned last week froxn-a e- visit to various places in United, States, and .occupied. his pulpit in Caven Pres- byterian res byterian church oxx Sunday, 'During his fret absence he tool. a slimmer, school course partment, A MEAN ACT.—some time .,during ' ]atter part. of last week some mean per son or persons, presumably boys, enter- ed the she all itfe rectory, raised up a .quantify of paiint that 'was there with coal 'oil, and than, proceeded to paint everything itn. silght, T1xey . entered . the kitchen; daubed the cook stove, the wins dons and a dozer,•\' and one other things, ' SPECIAL; SERVICES.—The Annivera" sari and Harvest Thanksgiving Services in connection 'with the Trivitt 'Memor- ial church will he held on Sunday, Sep- tember 3rd, a t , 3;1 and 7 p. m, Rev, Professor. Jeaikins, .rector of ,St.:Paul's church, Clinton, one of the ', ablest preachers in Ontario, will conduct both services. The church will be' tasteful- ly decorated for; the occasion and 'spec- ial music will be rendered by the choir. A .lspecial thank Offering will Ibe tak- en up at each service, 'DEATii OF MRS. ATKINSON,-After s. protracted illness these passed away/ on Friday last `another at our "eldest lid most respected Citizens; in the pert' son of Janie Brophey, widow ',of the late Richard; A'tkinsoini, at the advanced age of 5,,2 years and 10 months. Mrs.,. Atkinson has been i31 failing health for the past :two yeaes or, more, cavSed only by' the infirzn;ilti,ed of old age, hence her demise was net in the least unexpected. The deceased was; a native of Ireland, (being born ' in .the jCounty of Galway in the year 1828, coming to .Canada with her ;parents int 1836. They; ,first settled in Montreal where they lived for eleven years, then moved to the township of McGillivray. At..about the age of 17 she married her late husband, Mr. Atkinson, and ,resided Irl .13iddulph • until about. 23 years ago, when, they ;moved to Exeter,l and that same year the husband died. Mrs. _Atkinson was of a kind hearted nature, ever',solicitous to the .welfare of her family, and was respected by all who ,knew her. She was ,a, memb>r' of the, Trivitt Memorial church: and . `eras faithful in attendance when health per nlitted. She is survived by a family of four sons and three' daughters It cl and of Manitoba, -George,: John and Williaaia_ ELeter., Mrs. John \'4ilsorl.of Alpena,: a+T ch., lis . 'A Doper of C1 on, and J3:re" :John -May, Loudon Road Sentla.' The " `Lu'iera1 ' took; -place' to tare Et±eter Cetnetcry un Menday, beimconducted. by Per Racey of Saiutabury, assisted by Mr. Clarence 1)upian Mr. F. A. ,C. Drerw of Ontario, Ca18 fornia, spent Saturday the ,guest of his: uncle, Ms. Wna. Drew. Mr. Drew is a, son .of the late Edward Drew and for merly resided in Exeter. Itl'i's 18 yearn The Regan° Store since he was here last. • edce Free You take no Financial risk We :make this offer to every person who suffers from the Kidney Diseases We are offering to .ever} sulft rer from any 'kind of ahronie'lcldney disease n treatment that produces prompt,bene- ficial effects and "wluk;h Is so certain in its action;, .as to lead us to :guarantee satisfactory results or we will refund your money. REii;ALL KIDNI']Y PILLS .act with promptness and a certainty, what they ;lave done for other a; 'surely this will do for you. Accept our offer to -day and get relief, Sixty pills 50c. a' box . S. Coles Phan. . PHONE' 55 µ!, .,POWELL'S BAZAAR Only six days left of our great August Sale . Our expectations were that business would fall off these months but it didn't.. Each month shows an increase. So our store grows Why? because we know how to do the business, we must buy and sell right, and we are. re=feiszeigt With'.a stock of goods from a needle to a Phonograph, and at a selling price low is why we are growing. Little money buys much here. A heavy°tin per 5c. A heavy , tin pan 6c A heavy, tin pan 6c. dip - dine Fry' LIKE A dozen bread and butter plates 60c. Adozen cups .'and saucers $1.00 A dozen teaplates 85c. A pair of pepper & salts 10e. • A pair of pepper salts 15c. A pr. Jardinieres 20c. , 'All of these with double the price we ask for them`. All bright • new goods since April. Soughtright and sold right.- Ourrofits are. email and sales quick, hence we make as much as if profits were were bigger sales slower. Weare catering to the 5, 10 and 15e. trade so comeandbring your friends. Fingering yarn8 skeins 30c. while stocks last. Saturday Special.—Arett worth of fancyp y jug free with each purchase of $L00 wort goods in store (except Edison). Thousands of new; post- cards. Come' and bring your friend N0 NE riteTHE : _FIRST HAS LED N TITE MOVEMENT . ;AGAINST ItATI'FIcATION OF TUE TRADE COMPACT, :WITIT WASHINGTON, g NEVIS WILL 19E SENA [2MLT BY MAIL TO ANT ADDRESS iN P'Ot ONE CANADA.- DOLLAR,AN[).e#•HAH,F A TIM Here's WhyWE Ask For Your rewelry Business It's an oft -told -tale, ;:ant it should never grow uninteresting to the buyer 'who would be econo- mical. Oatr pracere are right. Prove itfor yourself by eompar-, with ethers, Our seleetiQns are large, giving you a large varied^ to eb000efrow—again the proof 18 by compn'ieon. Our goods are of fine qt:ality, We back this statement guarantee. Dou°t these things giveusKouzo you qx. fair consideration of our oaright to expect from s. Exeter wefler Optician Undertakers And Fu ure DeaJe we can'y a complete stock one 'or Store 20a For Sunday nes. and and nights 20b R O WE & ATIiINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. ONES &MAY- - PHONE NO. 32 EW FALL DRESS GOODS Just arrived for your Inspection Our New Fall Dress Goods have arrived ved early this year to give the earlybuyer a chance to have their Fall ' Suit or Dress made up right away. We are show ing a nice range of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges, Panamas, Satin Cloths, Broadcloths, etc.' Come and see the New Goods and have 'an early, choice. We are only too pleased to show you NEW FALL UNDERWEAR For Children, Ladies and men We sell lots of winter under wear now, and our stock is just complete in every line, .NEW FALL STAPLES Nilly wrapperettes, Flannelettes Sheeting, Shirting, Towling Table Linens , Kemona Cloths Elanket Cloths. etc. Sweeping Sale of all Summer Goods No reserve on them. They all must go at some price. We want the room for the New Fall Goods. Bargains in every department of the summer Goods. You cannot miss them. REPP AND LINEN SUIT- INGS' In all color's. *Regular 25c. to 35c. per yard for only 15cent a yard, aJ WHITE WAISTS AND WHITE- 'WEAR All `reduced to the lowest se11- ing price. We are clearing' them out fast at bargain prices., PLAIN AND FANCY GINGHAMS All our 12 and a half and 15c. ginghams to be cleared out at ' IAo. per yard. _ d FANCY SILKS AND FOULARDS A few nice 'pieces left .to be cleared it at the lowest possible prices,, New ,Dinner Tea and ' Toilet „Sets We have ,just received direct from the manufac- turers a large shipment of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets' and Toilet. Sets. They;,are the cheapest .00ds we have ever offered to our customers., Some of the Toilet Sets being nand Painted. DINNER SETS TOILET SETS TEA`SET . In real nicedisignsand; Scans genuine Rand ., A .. number of colors, -The best of qual painted and all good Real nice sets '1 itg' far $6;:$8, $10, $12, ' ,vela's at $2.50, $3,-$4, to select from .. at $2,50, $4, $5. "i Headquarter) for the celebrated' W.E. Sanford."Clothing