HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-24, Page 7THE ' NEVIS I PARAgRAP11 PRICES F FARM PRODUCTS HAPI'E'N1) GS 111031 :tLL, t,yl;~ TILE ca,a)Bt; IN 'A. Caneste, the Empire anis the 4i'ordrl ip Gcnesal Before Four gyea. CANADA,. The water in Toronto bubo is the lowest ca record. A boy was killed by fttlliri; trona tree: near Ottawa. ,Barges of A1Rr,;x'idlninistl`ati(l,n ,ere 1 i d against Fire Chief Treud lay of ;'I«:ttieaalh A Canadian apple €iehibit earrdetd tff logbest• award At the Patera •somal ,Exhibition at. Detroit, The Dominion census returns will be eontnile d en a: speeial tabulat- ing weed -dee being read'; in Tt21. ae to • The Iriteinartiaaial Hrr*,sestet Company 'RV fl spend a €jtearrte•r Af million <lel>ars on new buildings tra ed Children, Priced " era Bc d Then Hanged Herself. A t espetch fr�ua Lion t rtt•., sii,1"8« The batty of ;J ttlglew w torlrid (stair iu the kitchen rleiglabors is to '> Tb or a bed up twit°s wee the iter t o ohaldtert Stralig- at1xA: l dl(l oh:ldrea were girl, ,7frrnes'Kited Hazel, aged 10 and 12 *ears. From the at(alitlititlir of the If it as atxi(delit. aIsle to put iip`eolne sofzt of a struggle ter their` lis+ s tit the frantic woman AnttlY over carne them, .a?ld by tieing pieces of thin rope stow<l t=heir necks they vexe slowly strangled to death. d tR TWO 3IL Flctgbt, `d'l"'tin 0. Rai ;t 11t'.It;E th rtl'N. It. .A alespaateh dr (prra North Bay says: A freight traidn tin the T. and . 0. was wrecke<1 ori Friday six arn• les north t bevy, overall ,� ei o leaving the track and pilingup irr ditch Two 'nen, beating- thein (say or topof a. box -ears .x, worn ,hurledbeneath the Ivreeka►ge and seriously injured, Louis Leblanc is in New Liskeard ]Hospital, and 7n n3' die. John Labelle was dug oat of the 'wreckage with a badly. � out howl, ait bIva$ cable to erintintte ftjourney, lfte]his injuries wore ;(deer unalte ridlsc then FGn pl.©, ilig t.1wre side by aide in bed, the. WQ411f1A1 then tied r' rope to the bottom. cit the e<I ilr ,another roar, The end of it t3,a i pati; 11 a stove -pure hole i1r the Coming dowrratairs tlttr wca= a+ ll tied 00 10050 enol: around hos tht<t,tt,, mounted as table and jumped off, The deed is ;thought to bare Leon the result of insanity brought on by years of i11n+ess, Her hltsband, as calxpenter, w;a$ aat►aty* from home at distant work. Cries were beard from the house about midnight. Noticing no life about. the lakes, the elect' wee broken <town. MONTREAL REAL 1;STS1IE. Sir Max Aitken and English Inter* est.Purchase 3tck o Land. A des retell From Montreal says; Sir Mass Aitken and certain Eng fish interests on 'Wednesday pure chatted the block of land surroeh-' ded by :St, Catharine, St. Alexan- der, St. ,* that<I and Bleary streets, paying 1377,000 for the poperty. Part of the property', was owned by O, A. lVarkmaan, i aased it four.ears ago who purchased y g for 1192,000, and received $1.75,000' an Wednesday. STANLEY RHODES MILLED. Nephew of Cecil idhodes Mut Death in Automobile Accident. A despatch from London says: ,Stanley Rhodes, a nephew of .f;aeil Rhodes; is dead as the result of in- juries which he received in an au tomobile accident on Wednesday. His wife, who was formerly Miss Mabel Russell, and a Gaiety thorns girl, is also reported dead as a result of the accident. DEATHS 11 MONTREAL. The Month of August Has so Far Led Record. A despatch from Montreal 'says The month of August so far has set a. record for the number of acci- dental and violent deaths in Mont- real and vicinity. Up to this time. over eighty cases of this kind have ;already been reported to the morgue. • it A despatch Two persons ,w ptlleV4 badly it . 1tvont � miles '1'iltlrhday night, (shed an a.nio ea g fou' »aiseatgex°s, .. S and plunged ,u- ry den rxad �e az < sa(a e f, l a:. ilio weters of :the Riser Jean Gorman, chid �'4irJosephC�e.it Tb e < ulo � , tar► o c- la ao of the municipality 4f 0utremant, And a woman sa`dl.o e Alft lnC C+ai1114 not be ascertained, The 'INvtl per5o113 injured were Ml, , i iM .� (r .Montreal, and Joseph Egan f Mont al tl C' � fx x woman an whose tame it was rivoa9- sibla to learn, The accident tee- eurred at 11 o'clock, when after " at ruts through the ,rstrllntry the Mato was bei(' driven back over the bridge being - er to"t. Ilene dga from Rosemere is on the other side of the river. er li!t~ lit ae tfita esir ,� lzl8i Mollejt Ne (list lar, 1?arta on upsetting, l''orbe5 of 1mnbel 1eaal from using butter ra woes( by! the and'. 4 ,S James d is de a 8 PP1 Olrtat �� lil al tl a1, et, .ti 1• AFTER FIFTEEN TEARS. Jahns McCracken, of London Strikes It Rich in Alaska. A despatch from London, Ont,, says After being absent and hear- ing nothing from his 'people for fifteen years, M'r. James MoCraelr.- en has written home that lie has struck it rieh in the goldfields of Alaska, and is now residing in Fair - batiks. Be left London when but a lad, and the letter reached his mother, who is" in a paralyzed con- dition. His father has been dead- for ea-for .some years. His- people had believed hint dead. 71. TWO NEW ,STEAMERS. Canadian Pacific Places Orders for the Pacific Route. A despatch from Montreal says Vice -President G. M. Bosworth, of the Canadian Pacific -Steamship Lines, announced on Friday that the company' had 'placed an order in England with the Fairfield Ship- buiiding Company of Glasgow for two new steamers for the Vancou- ver -Bong Kong service of, the com- pany. They will be 595 feet bang, 16;000 tons, and will be equipped with engines' of 16,000 to 17.000 horse -power. They are expected to maintain a speed -of 20 knots. PROSPE 01 The Condition of the 0 -rain in the Dom.ion Is 1.\inety Per Cent: ,f . despatch from Washington says : The foreign crop report for July was issued on Wednesday by. the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. 'In western ,;Canada spring wheat "iospectsappear to have uilaant,a;ned het e. 'vise. The.- condition at the end r auafor t.r. whole ,,y lu.a� ' t a vas .•,.al t 90:against dael�l .ofEt>antel°� i see', .t a ta, • r30 G � .. n 1 `iz'1OfJ . O. -t Ani • u t5 a C ez•col iio s lar zi .d i iti ,i0,-(310,000,4 0elCtt p, has , est:.) i i irrope or;•:, %litgu t' 1 had ie�ae eta �he'•latitucle of the British Isles. In the west it was from one to'three weeks early. and in the east froni two or three weeks late. he total ,crop is not likely to equal that of last year.' - In Argentina and Chili. where 1 $ autttinn-sown crops are now pass- ing, ass- i through the mild winters of n those countries,weather conditions favorable, • and ':, `s••u aceta reported, .favosa r•a 1 fel t . ood a;tion�; .g t✓. id r 4 J .,, �€1. fia� .e o� ty-heat tra'ts� and s ][ndia,weath. i d t n has heeii'-iintowaxd,.. but lately sofa erica.' has been noted re :Y,t1171'tr a zal l; (lwirig t( irrg, arriIN t,' ll s bar r. , aid l Sl'C,e alio ate ok M'd T R=AS ia4.s table€' art; he are60.. been t _. _,......dR lrnu ,g1r nn llx�p radia the Amir cit r- takeplace in Oe(leau- c. k,l SS rlrtll' <iw T(trouto as u4n1 Centre, l.i,;i'OIiTt 1;031 pi'III LE, D1 G TRADE CENI'lti:S Prices of Cattle,Geacn, ebeclse 2nd €3th Peodnee at ilo and Abroad, liffa.tagTt; FFS. Toronto, 2131[, 2 •Fiaalr•-Wintrr 59 per cent. lr fcuty, $5,35 to .1'3-40. ea teat Wrerzto. lirrtitoba !lours- Ftrst r?a4 errs, .$5.:W: ,yctioarct Rattlar, 5,4.60, ,alust strong, bakers 3469. vn track. 'torntltfr, Unitoba Stare 1t No 1 Northern. 81-02, Bay rrert; No F_t• +1.51, nod No, 4 U1 :ar.o ,wheaE 'New No. 2 at 12; out. - side. i,ta(i old nt 62 to Esc CO,out-10e.. FOR,.LOOK FOR,. Ka# , f- �Rr rC FRAY ,SAB /O PACK I L . O� SER COLOR EVER USED VAL F L E MG a ,� `�" gLTD.,-0 - ROTA, - T (11. cis#8f .b• c,.rs, 'AN.az e. flat{^Qntario,l gA ao4pr c,utlalc,c* for No. ».4 and at 421-2 t<. 43e, ou 't.aVk,: '1'o- ros1te. Net r gin. 2 aE 31c, cruteitie. 1 e. W. e. oat } at 45.144.-, a od No. 3 41, 393-1e, Say eons. (;crt1 ho, 2 An ericsre yellow, (61,2c. I3ai art:?. ane} 21e. Toronto.. titre- 'dote Sy cone offering, awl Tsi4+t z:omrnat, lisle t ite4t - `.otbinft, offering. ilran 3T,lnnitotlas $26 to :fzf, ice brigs Toronto, and ort ,. firs 1►1 fano., Toxotlto Oatarlo broi, 321 i74 b;41s, TorotAtcr, C4rG'tTs;F VgODUCE. Deans $2.26 to '42.9j. lioaaey 4xtranatesl, lu tins. 11 tar Ile Ib. Omaha. 52 to 409. sated hay -No. 3 at s13 to 014, e2i tx and No. 2 at $11, to 534, Aided ;zrtrar-4i• to M4:a0 oat aralat , rooto Fotnioe, :►en►. 'nl ta, I° Is, sa.s0, and. i1t11ilaet 5'1.2.5 to 5.50« Poultry -Thu -he. fixe+, It 10 Vivo. SF, to t34'l a'hfeiss, lir1,. 13 tG Toronto. August 21 (Special). - Toronto has every reason to be t the t s that has !r 1f+a45Gd withsuccess attended tho issue made by Messrs, eaawthra Alnlock (G Co,, of the bonds of -Canada Bread Company, Linlito<d because the favorable re�i se tion with which it is meeting in- dicates that Toronto must have made very considerable progress as <•a iitarane of centre, lilany of the larger houses would have hesitated making an issue ";during the holi- day season, hut Mr, Mulock's fore- sight and eotarage seism to be bring- ing him the s tceess he deserves, The favorable reception it has re- oeived is all the more notable be c i ause the issue is being brought ougltt out at a tine when the market con- ditions both in Waal Street and in Toronto are most unfavoxable, KING ASSENTS -TO "VETO RILL. fematrkabke.; Scene in the Bosse of A despatch tram London says: The Veto' BiII, limiting the powers of the upper chamber over legisla- tion originating in,the House of Commons which resulted in one of the most the legislative con- flicts in history of the country, became a la,w on Friday, the King's assent thereto being given through a -royal commission in the House of Lords. When the' Royal assent was signified, the, members of the Lower House present, broke out in loud cheers. A demonstration on their part had never before been' heard in the Upper Chamber. tk ARCTIC EXPLORER MISSING. Given Up as Lost by Traders of Mackenzie River District. A despatch from Seattle, Wash., T , w oir Y. special fr �n � a S says: A p r T., says that Robert Service, the author, who has arrived there from Fort Macpherson, reported that I3ubert Darrell, an Arctic explor- er, has been ,enisbing' from Baillee Island, east of the mouth of . the MVlackenzie River, since 'hast Octo- ber. Ile is given up as lost by the traders, in that vicinity. SUB 5ION'TR•EAL FOR F1R1 LOSS e - ati' Claire. b Residents of 7 ht ty &o y Annexcll Suburb. h from Montreal saes : A despatc 3 Thirty-fohr° claims have' been en -'i feted against the city for losses by g. ;1 " onflagration in. fir"e> Asn t'rie.reec t conflagration , 'al- Teti'eaultvral�.'. rine. sufferers, g 3 cit'' thvou h ,aiiure d` le,�e�l tLat t to g t€ ' siipgaly- 'r �r tier s rt,ice 'a an= e the' legal; ';time .eon-1Ael, d sat o:•anne`tation; is ressponsible £'or these 1o5eSc Tisch to p' to be lar( ret Ir�tb araal' 1- Za to 3 t{r lir, or sc ieihy nrr+�r 3 hitt `ri eghat2660 0 2lt i ariler has tle1crFla' 0 ac3w. ieteai �at 12 per do"eo A ll�� @@qq��2y per ltr., ntt. a Dee 441 Ni,'�;� �,, Ines::4 321. Medium tar ii i+, In to 371.2e; a#o•, 141 so 1 2ta, .10116,' 112 to, 2«n a a;si batcop, -' erect, 20 1• ct: Matta >10 3 * W6121 , 1924 to r Montreal. lt.... : I Uat41 Canadian eteta. qtr, 2.423.4 to 43e. ear lots; ex .store extra :to. 3. teed. 42 to 421-2e; No. 3 C.11' 413•» to 4Et; No 2 lova, tt,h.te, 4362' No. 3 !oral 1e22fte., 42e; 3(o. 4 'oral 'white. 39.. ?lour •• lstnitoba Spring'cheat at - tents. 2ra9a. La 40; Aho.. srtsrrtl s, $4.20; ani ter wheat natentai $4.Sii to 44.7$; natoon liaison'. ; 4,r0i straight rollers. 24 to SS ,a0; do ] u � aA1,E0 t n ' outs - Per �a A F, Ro td Por.. Fre! '4 t* o � s Ga � .7 ba lbs., ,. S�. . °ta t. t; tfll 'c+:i-� r n uf• � fc .� st Cn( Flo fi� to «3• � i� tobu $2r to 3 . middlings. Onttario to $14; Aorta. 'Manitoba. 224; uenuiAte, 531: 20 532. <J,gge•«vcleetod, 2112e; fresh,' 17,1.2e; 2,o. 3 mock"., 383.2A', <'heet west- erns. 1$1.2: to 223.4o: eaatertnx. 2.234 to z ., Rust rG.(,; f .a24e. 3 3 c, a lou cost 233 to TED STAVES laia\R 1, Minneapolis, itng «., whe0t' ilc tetaa� her, 59 14o; necl+umer 51,0014to 31.84341 „ttar. x$1,01 4 to $1,0412; Ile, 1. bard. 51.031.», No. 1 Northern. $1.01, to 81..03: NO. 011.2 3theat 2 Northern, t r 120 to .,1 . No, , 3�crbc n 96 95 to 913 2e. Corn --No. 3 yellow,. G31.» to 64e. 0atti- leo 3 white, 4012 to 41l -co. 11,3%.'-''0 2, 83 to 2$52 °e. 'lir tit 3 0 to .,21. 1•`fetn' 'f.rst tan;tennt.q35 to $5,20; see - 011d patent% 8440 to 34.758 first cleat*, 33.35 to 83,55; wound ele are, 32.35 10 $3.50. �notro.io. FS:tar;. 22- 22ring^tvtteatstrongor; l.o. 1 (Northern, carloads, store. 21.212 Winter firmer; No, 2 rod,. 9201 No.: white, SOe. Corn -Stronger; Na. 3 3teilow. 69 1.4o• No. 4 yellow.. 67 1.20• No. 3 corn. 67 1.4, all to 1ra5k,, through ruled. Uatai-^T`,rmer; No, 2 white, 43 120; No. 3 white, 41 5.40; Io. 4 trhite. 40 1.4e. parley-2a55lting, 31.15 to 51.20. LTVT.•, ST'at;1C 1141R1E'2S. Toronto, Aug. 22-11oary cattle, buts 1. ers' or 11122t export, 3520 to `x845: xneiliuxn choke light batehers', ,$5,75 to $5,85:, mix,; Id. common to fair, $5 to $5.50; oontmon, caws. 33,50 to $4.25; good. $4,50 to 1:;5 bulls. 33.50 to $5; eanner' _; $1.50 to $2. 1 t01kcxrs and teederR-b•Rou0 light. Zagora stock slow at $3:25 to 34.25, Sloss -$7,60 fn.o,i,, and $7.50 led and watered at the mai ket, tames sold 51 37.25 to 87,35; heart Owes, 33.50 to 33.75; light ewes, 24 to $4,25, atld light handy ewes, 34.50. There were no Chaco lambs on offer.. but there was a market for some at $7,50 to 57.60. Big A4 til ve a e Yield Predicted _From- Many 'onts in the West. ch f 2211 2 ' ill t% illtr',% two i'i(zs of, the 'West, a:cI y, claim an atter- l of 23 btlshois to the aere, haands a.rriced . d 1; 'C>nnipeg sst s R ,Nut 0110 Sint0 tcrttsuxl 011 Friday, 2nd a' 0 ~signet( to l'airitllus tli' where harvesting is in rl 1i lt:in an average to i2t+e1s1 47 and very little rain 4ht Ing th past twenty-four hQ2tr flelsds are taking on the 1tirre hue, and there is bat slight 11Y1;< ety apparent over the possil2ili • o! frost arriving before the. g,rai' has been out, On the' whole 'th replies ora sla3end'dly reassuring. NEW SHIPBUILDING PLANT. Tenderers for New Navy Will Build Vessels at St. John. A despatch from St. John, N. B., John Reid, r representing Cammell, Laird & Company, the British shipbuilders, whose tender for building the Canadian navy is the lowest, conferred with the Mayor and Aldermen on Thursday over the financial offer to locate the • Canadian plant here. Mr. Reid and the Mayor gave out a statement that if the firm is award- ed the contracts and the bounty offered by. St. John equals that of- fered by other places the firm fa- vors locating at this point.` An other conference is tb be held. The location of the shipbuilding plant here would mean the employment at the outset of one thousand men, to say nothing of steel works which would inevitably follow the estab- lishment of the shipbuilding plant. HOME RULE IN' SCOTLAND, • Measure Introduced in the Brit- ish 1109;56 of Conldnans. , A. despatch from .,London - says: Sir Henry; James Dalziel, member of Parliament for Kirkcaldy, Scot- land, introduced in the House of Commons on'\'Vednesday a measure for the establishment of Home Rule in Scotland. BLOWN F11031 STREET F o`urSuffered Injuries hi Ottawa 'i'ben Motor Exit1oded..• ? froin Ottawa says: despatch' 3 i. , eceired1 painful but'not Four mel . serious injury, here 0n ph -r scaY , ear .• et' �h n the motor "on ' a' 'Street' w e tit., iT..�.i;al. u Out.' .,c,t4in„ .fire.; to u e. - � £cSSi:.n c:e.5.• and:..'tilt?-.Ca. 1if1ZtC for, were blown` eleai:'off the cat a?rcl sus : burns andother nor an ur'ieil b Inane front Etta t tad tlr taIll,. feed -isolated <'aae; of t Statst has appeeretl in inilfer axf alistrietta, but 4a. are tc a tlt4auglr,° t3)'respcntlents re2pouded t'O the llctziriea only Oboe of them. rte ,sled; 111terial +,laxnag'e.fl'tim this 1 � � s+atlrce, Seventy.1V-0 per cent. of them stated that their districte , ti*,ere unaffected bye rust, while, with the exception ow the three is,eal.ties already acgnd every plane beard from :s,;liat•1ined that the ei'tap 1v,i$ fou far advanced to lI ul` 5erlt1vr9 i l all'' frt,ui rtit. k y yield will /# i* eelx L. nt €ti et**^; x1f ether years 'a"h«rt#it's 1Vltit afiE#o ,fir and t•it ii I l a(Stunted Value ht to 't drsiatcit ltitr:al miss: City Treasurer liobh has prepared a statement of the 'financial status of the City of 3lontroal. The city' will float on November r Ist aloan l orf 47,000,000. Accordirn to, his ata.tetnr_nt, the a-ssessed value of #tat able real estate in the city irk t S30,090,000,h ' aa5- 1,iI0, was anal the 1 , real that' occupants to the earth, but sed value of non-t;v,a rlc .lea with slight ti 3 ur1 ,Tlc shack was estate was al ,.tn t i e Otti le( a,:5 ss 1 value of the 1C, es - ate in town. $130 000,Q)0. The 'borrowing. powerthe city is hora:(sw>n;, 1rU,t�t of � limited to 15 par cent. of its as- sessable values. As the debt of the cit, including the new bond issue fit $7,000,000, is $53,009.000, a!a ood. borrowing margin is left, A despatch from Alta,, bays; informal hero confirms the report oft cy- clone which devastated part of the Brack Diamond district, twent,1 }, i2 r -tti A "tat ]c l nr les no t.i .est.rz1 t, which as woman and as child were laving was carried a hundred yards, when lleu the floor fell out, hurlings ll fits, " 1,c11t't1 ilralar ]llil"l. 1 �r lt ,. ct'19s,d ,e , al Estate then earned heavenward and de- molished.. Another "wvallan, seems the storm coming,, took refuge un- der as bridge, and was severely iar- flared lAy flying rocks and gravel. Roads in the path of ,the storm wore rendered impassable by fall- ing timbers. The cyclone was local and did not tench any larger build- ings of the district, or great loss of life would have been inevitable, PEASANTS WOUNDED. Eight Between Soldiers and 1 ar ishioaers OVctt Church Property. A despatch from Lisbon says: An attempt by Government oflici- ais to take an inventory of the Church property at Lieela. en Mon- day resulted in a fight between the parishioners and the troops, dur- ing , which 'tnanyR persons were wounded. The priest had closed the church and refused admittance to the off elals, and when a detach- ment of military forced the doors the pastor assembled 300 persona''. of his congregation and resisted -the soldiers. The peasants were Prot dispersed until a large num- ber had been injured. The inven- tories in several northern' districts have been teimporarily seepended, and a number of priests have been placed under arrest. INTIMIDATED WORKMEN. Labor Leader in Montreal Given Five Day's 111 wail. A despatch from -Montreal says: Judgment was rendered on Friday by Judge Leet in the case of Jules Gratton, a local labor leader, ac- cused of intimiclating workanen,and preventing others from seeking em- ployment during the `progress of illi Grafton on the. car'pentcrs strike. was•condemhecl to five days in jail. The judgment of the court is im- portant, as :being. a 'test case, . in which the whole business interests of the city are. concerned, as well. as the labor unions, who are fol- lowing the matter. WILL BE GREAT Sil.Orr'. Every Stall and P021 at f1. N. E. rl app be :Full. There is stabling at the Canadi- an Exhibition for 1 National500 , horses, 2,200 cattle, 900 sheep and. 600 pigs, and at the rate reserva- tions are being madeit is assured that there won't be a vaeant stall Tq x Or Ire)} ,er*•-\aieen theu :8zbiiion.;ole,,is.. The 'enta.ics from across ilro ,per i,nemuch nore• 7nme,rolt0', lt.Sltal'the lar ' o. amount' ' of prize t`; 00. -special. .prizes ed bu-ide''.' at:fontian>;. SJX.UORa1 ''TEAMS, Champions of America Will be at C. Y. E. This Yon'. A big competition in six -horse lorry teams is promised for this year's Canadian National Exhibi- tion. The famous Morris team of Chicago, which claims the sham- pionship of America, will be here. and it is understood that Graham Bros., of Claremont, and The Shedden Co., of Toronto, will be .among the other entries. As there has always been an idea. that Ca- nadian teams could be produced to beat the Chicago champions, tho competition should be exceedingly interesting. CIGARETTES CAUSED '?IRE. A.,.Warehouse 22~,16]t! Itotel IDa:iiiag Cd. at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says: Aktre occurred here on Wednesday night with losses estimated ,.at $100,000. Two boys' smoking cies:arches while tending to a team of horses, sett fire to the warehouses of,Provost & wholesale gro eGrs, and did $2,n,000 datnage there. The flames then caught Cllevrier's Hotel an Murray -street., which was ciimp1etely gutted, and some of the shantymen therein had to he car- ried out by the firemen, ;owing to 1 a2 110r. influence ce of lad rthe r tit bean i e � The fare scorched many -near-by, houses, and, between the fire and water cost $100,000 damage ere it was Over. • TIIQUARTS IN PORI u L. Freglit•esied •Pcap1.e Pleat . Streets Dann 'their Beds. A• despatch front Ltsbbon says, A series of earthquake, Shucks, gradually' incre,asing . southern hin Vio oboe, were • al late Wednesday �felti77 MPortugal , on night. At Meriolr, ;Albuferia an other points neat;. the coast considerable damage was ,.: done and sante persons injJured. �1 trees,: The frightened people � t •ushec 1 first' ',their l�eclstothe 'streets. s; fir.,., T.;,�.w,,....-..:.,. n , QirlEln dl Ctl'u1UCd fvt • i C s 4 4 t