HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-24, Page 6SEYEti YEAS
Ultra, Through the ilne
Pink Pills
Neuralgia is net a disease—it is
illy a. symptom. It is the surest
sigia that yeue blood is weak, wat-
ery aed impure, and that your
nerves are literally starving. Bad
blood ie. the one cause—good, rich,
red bleed its Quiet" eure, There
you have the real reason why Dr.
Pink Pills euro neural-
gia. They are the °ply medieiee
that eontadne, in eerie& proper
tens, the WMelements needed to
make new, rich, red blood. Thia
reeelies the root of the trou-
ble, etiothee the jangled uerves,
and drivee awe:, the /ragging, stab-
bing pain. wa.E1 .1)m es up year
health in Qther ways. Mr. M.
11rennan, an "eaneergeant ef the
2tta Cheehire Regiment, now a re-
'Winnipeg Mae-, says:-
"While serving withmy regiment
India, on a bM station, 1 cone
aeted a, severe cold whiela
TA 4011te Tleltralgi3, at
for three weeks.
ifferine• almost
U e `vear for over
y t ta, pain being some-
times .o ever that 1 wiebed I was
dead,0» oy return to England 1
aeemed to get better, though
epene large ennes ef money for me-
adviee and mealiciee. Then I
eeine to Vaateatii, and about a year
go saw the ativertiaereent of Dr,
Williaina. Pink Pills in a Winnipeg
paper. Altheagh 1 had Vague to
think my eomplaint was incurable
`1 told my wife that I intended giv-
ing the Pills a 1 ne
suffering fawn terrible pains we
I beget) taking the Pills, but beim
fh seeped „box was finiebed the
began to alieappear, and u
further use of the Pille
...eared entirely. aed. 1 hav
d a twinge of it doling t
ae„ onte thee who ]ave
eted with the terrible
enralgis can tell wb
Williams" Pink Pills
t rate, end eeon may be
all;..1.wY*tantly recommotid
A IIVNTER'S VEAL usefal to an enemy, will be liable
1.te penal servitude,
Weird Adventitre While Capturing lu the old law this punishment
could only he awarded to a person
communicating or intending to
communicate secrets to a foreign
state, bet the last named term is
abs eiat from the, new bill in which
tire wrougful communication ef in-
formation to "any unauthorized
person," is treated as a misde-
Literary Digest whetme the follow- Another new feature a the bill
te.; is taken: just introduced is the widening of
The hunter renewed a trail the wove ef the clause which de-
theatigh a oek-y ravine until he fines "prohibited place." As
came te a point where the jangle Lord Haldane said, the places bar -
was douse and the reeks rose high red from publie access under the
ou all sides, He climbed a, tree to old law we. too few. Nowadays
reconnoitre. and from his high it miglit be just as important that
perch gazed right into the cave in persons elieuld not go into 4 pria
to which the liottess had jumped. It nate dockyard where a British man -
Cubs of Lioness.
Manehausen had an 'adventure
with a lion whice appears quite
tame in comparison with the doings
of an Indian hunter, Nizam Shah,
who recounts, his story in "Saras-
vati" (Altaltabad), The record ef
lats feat has been translated for the
,as maw dark, so Mizare, made hue
as seelare as he could in the tree
till day dawned, The /ionesi left
her den shortly after daybreak, but
he could not get a Shot, and an
hour after her departure began
sIowly to make his way to the cave.
The rest of the story is given in the
of -war was beilahng as that they
shoeld not go into a government
Therefore the definition in (dans
three of the uew bill is made very
comprehensive, and now embrace.,
ally work of defence, factory or
dockyard, camp or office, telegraph
narrator's eivn weeds leeking oe algae' etatem belengeig to the
into the pit I found the lioness' two government, or any Other place for
eubs—about as /arge as cats ---,play- the storage a instruments or plans
ing with each other. This speeta- o wan
0 delighted my heart . but ..Beyoud this, power is given to be
nice the cave was about eight eeereisen in time of emerge/len to
cubits deep and the rook was f)dr-ipreserihe other places as prohibited
feetly perpendicular, I felt pn7,71ed on the ground that informatioe eon-
aS. to haIV to got '1°41 irf" ACter cening thclu, or their actual de-
mneb eogitation 1 foend that a low truetion, would be nseful to
branch of a tree was hanging part
way late the pit. This would help
me to get down, 1 deposited my gun
the rock, and made up my mind
the limb of the tree to as -
me in entering the cave, My
weight rnede the braneh hang a ) /id melone are "for
little lower down, and I was thus baleen net' ' to rimy persoes
able to reach the bottom of ,the eenatitetee that the least innul
hole. Presuming that their mother ' feliewed by attackholes e
e is ,
ra, dysentery, grimly-, et
These persons are not aware tha
they eel/ indulge to their hear
%Aleut if they have on hand
tie of Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dy
tery Cordial, s ine4ciue tha
give itemediete reUef, and a
fr all sunnuer cora
enemy. Thus, any railway, road or
eltaneel eould be deciered prohibit-
ed for the time being as well as any
works where war materials were
being stered or repaired.
had returned, the eitba came +ant of
their nook and slowly walked ever
where -1 was. TherDltp011 1 took
ny t and bound tho little
• it, then taking hold of
fig/are how 1 emild gt
.l,r,l)ootv, Now, for tho
issed the branch Of the
bieh had helped me deseend,
brx or a horrors, it was not
y reach, After I had go
tte my weight 'V?
ad resauned its forme
'inc bSOINtrel
them ether tette-roes.,"
These Pills are eold by all medi-
lora er by mail at 60 eents
bee or six bores for $2.6'0 from
The Dr « 'Williams' Medicine Co.,
i3ruiiie, Out
• .
ENGfeli,ND"le LPL
it Might be Stripped Pretty k
la. if ne Had a War.
With ships bringing foreign food
sepplites into England at the rate
of teaa NVoleh every minute of
'every day in the year Great Bei -
`n cannot aecumulate a stock of
reviaions large enough for a
yea e" s supple', some experts
txuieneugh for half a year.
-Other- doubt, if we could hold
out fur three menthe without fore-
ign aum lice" says the Queee.
J'and all agree that three week,
war. or even threat of war, would
*mann inaly inereaae the price of
f.,,,,d-tuffs. In the eralinary way
the I -teepee -ilea of food and drink
breught eter the sea is over 42
per cent. of our total imports, be -
in vetoed figures 2.a.0,(X)0,00,0
out ef a total of 1'630,000,000. OF
this smnn 7s,(110,40.0 goes for grain
and flonr alone, and nearly fifty
rniijn fee int at, in addition to
.5i:tee-three ardltiteis for feed and
al rink 111)t uther wise specified, and
excluding fifty millionsfor food,
drink and tobaete subject to duty.
'What we as a nation* have to
-fear is, not invasion but starvation.
To the great mass ef the peepre- of
this country the quesition ia not
Shall we win Oe., luse in war9, but,
shall -we have enough food to live
on when the next big war comes
IIii is to meet, such an emergency
that the use in this country of silos
for r,frain, or national granaries,
has i'men advoented.
The cost of creating.and main-
taining silos might be consider-
able, though we supnese the cosb
of a single dreadnought would
easily cover it; but as an insur-
ance against panic it would well
be worth the expense, while as A
• safeguard in time of war aid
against imminent famine it would
be invaluable, and might easily
earn defeat into victory and dis-
aster to safety.
-Gibraltar is provisioned for two
Tears and Malta has silos which
keep corn good for as long as four
years, thus aupeerting the truth at
• the Biblical statement that Joseph
in the dry climate of 'Egypt fed the
people with corn stored for seven
years. Thc idea is the gradual
collection of an air/omit of wheat
ecenal le one year's import and its
automatic renewal by exch an ein,a,
it for a new grain as it arrives
at tee different ports."
ST:111El) FOR A L W a', P. e
began tQ heav ano
at once took to be proceed
*mu the lioness. e1 quietly sat
Iustead of looking bite the
she turned her back toward
it, being attracted by the rifle
which 1 had deposited upon a stone,
roaring at it in a terrifying Man-
ner. The rays of the sun, falling
directly upon the steel barrel, made
the gun ehine brightly, and claim-
ed the attention of the big beast,
who switched her tail, which was
hanging into the pit. My very de.
speratioe made me thinkandnet
fast. 1 at once grabed bola of the
tail that was hangingevee the edge
of the pit. The lioness gave a jump
and quick as a flash 1 was landed
outside, and, as luck would have
it, near my rifle. 1 had the pre-
sence of mind left to grasp the gun
and fire it at the lioness, killing her
instantly. Atter this the rot was
ea sy
Great Britain to Draw Line
Against Spies Altoeether.
The publication of the text of 'the
new bial which is to take the place
of the official secrets net 01 1880 in-
dicates the ehatiged opinion in the
British Isles upon the subject with
which these legislative measures
deal_ While the existing act was
mainly directed against the theft
or misappropriation of confidential
documents, the new bill is of a dif-
ferent ^character.
In it spying is specifically, de-
scribed as an offence, and any per-
son who, with: a purpose prejud-
icial to the safety or interests of
the state, approachei a prohibited
place and makes plans and sketch-
es or obtains plans which. might be
Casey ( a a s we g "b
;wan Led' ' sor, hos,
t.hat 'truthful he vudut tell a
!s1tit ‘Oi hor they
ab isn't 50 .erti.; 'Ye',1
alce to aee
A Large
of Enjoyment
Toast es
Served with ,erearn, milk
or fruit —fre„ih or eoiankOnl.
Crisp, golden -brown bits
of white corn--dels.eions
and wholesome=
that appals to
youn-,2; and old.
liemory Lingers"
Q01.1) 111( OROCERS.
Cana an Pitum Cereal Company,
twisty, Ont.
rivate Jones week's
ugh, se he appoaehed his
atan with a ttifu1 tale of
ick wife who needed hint sorely.
The captain Was convinced
sliSpecte4 Prwat Jones of ex-
aggeration, so he said:
"nu aid 1 can't grant yo
leave. I have received a lette
from your wife, and shc says she
hopes 1 wou't allow you to come
hone as you behave very badly to -
'Yards her."
Private Jones saluted', and ture-
ed leave the captain's presence,
paused at the door to say:
Captain, Inv I say something
o you as man to man'?"
"Coitainly," replied the cap-
"Well," said Private Jones, "al
T want to say is that you and 1
are two of the- finest liars living.
I'm not married at all
The Flits that are 31 Ow in your
Id tchen and dining -room -were pro-
bably feasting on seine indescrib-
able nastiness less than an hour
ago, and as a single fly often car-
ries many thousands of disease
germs attached to its hairy bedy,
it is the .duty of every housekeeper
to assist in exterminating tnis
-worst enemy of the human raee.
Wilson's Ely Tads kill flies irt etch
immense quantities as cannot -be
approached by any <Abel- lay k'ller.
sh came out all over my baby's face and
presd until it had totally covered his scalp.
t was irritating and painful, end caused
the little one hours of saffcring. We tried
soaps sad powders awl salve% but he Cot
no t.etttr. Ile refused his food, got quite
bit) and worn, and was redeved to a verY
sedous condition. 1 was advised to try
Zarn.13o1:„ and did so. It sras worldedul
bow it scented, to cool awl MSC. thChihr6
eureleg, palatial skiri. Zara -Bak from the
rzy commencerrient seemed to eta tight to
the spot, and the pimples and sores and the
irritation grew less and less. Within rq
c teas my baby's skin was healed
completely. lie has pow riot s trace of
ma% or eruption, or e=eura,, tar litunie
rer Net enty se, but eined ef the 1.ex
wing skin trauble, be, haa improved i
need famine°
sold at sit stows and medicine
pc,, Zbm.„ or pot Doe from 7.191,449k P9
'remote, forprire,tiliarirstbrro,v*. 4k,
f rids ki-147..tA, c4U'.,4141ntkk C'e*,
'PRAT`.181-' ORTATION Olalera POLY.
rabs Controlled the First Pae•ceiss
yho neat parcels -pest aiiikwty
Ifee we recall ocourred at the close
ef the fifteenth century. Arabs
eentrolled the overland routes
from India to the Mediterranean
and so monopolized the epiee trade,
which they e-orked in partnership
with the Veuetians. Direetly after
Vasco da Gania reached Liana by
sea, however, Portugal aent thi-
ther a fleet of trading ships. In
spite of bitterest opposition on the
part of the monepolietio Arabs the
ships succeeded ia securing car-
goes, ef spices and ether Oriental
wares which they brought to
Ju -
rope. The result was a paeie in
Vettiee, the pviee of spices there,
fallieg fifty per eent, Illtat the
Arabs had made thrifty use of their •
nottopely is itidieated by the fact
that, in spite a this fall in prieee,
the Poatuguese, are Eaki to have
old their spices at A profit of six
ntielned per eeftt. Probably the
retie argued, like our e.epreas
on-me:Wee, that they were realty
enevolent persons and engaged in
trade /nestle' for their health,
The deafness of taeaspertation
t that Calle was a matter of small
iptietanee, for eommerce was
deity eonfined to artieles a lux-
ury. Only barons aoottld bay epieee
1..Negy, Now-eadaye, wwu trans
rtatien enters into the cost, et
series of life, theee Beetna
ly leas enteuee for torat-
ing a mc opolistio toll upon it,
"lr"; ArdiSVP-1
The Lady—"et out!
the man I gave a piece of
nly an hour ago,
The Hobo---"Noi mum.
lat poor rellee.s gitostl"
ot tbo lamest
Bay, only 4 1.2
Trutilt Railway
Wont°, Canada.
"I understand tlia!t Mr. Pinch -
penny has been operated on for
appendicitis," remarked Mis Cay-
enne., -
"Yes. It's the firgb time any one
was blown to get anything out of
"But you see they had to give
him chloroform to get that."
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye .13,airt., Druggists
Bell Maine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00. • Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
.and Eye Advice Free by Mail. '
Murine Eye Remedy' Co., Chicago.
Fi'e.e advice :is the kind :people
give away because they have no
use for it.
Minartr.s Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Brown is a brave MAD, and when
the other night he heard a noise
it Doe Ole MAO
thattetto Splendid brawl
at fOri, igGIt 3i, Ono beattee.
tay fewer. Thstrout, idcherel
abound. illuatcrilett de -
utter and 11 intorincatioo.
, l. Durk% linion Station,
rk—"Do you want 4 narrow
aes combl"
Customer (gravely) want
comb for a stout emu with Tule
ebe teeth."
Minarrrs Ltnimsnt Qures Colds, Eto.
Lulu was
ehing her mothe
ong the floWevs.
amm a, 1 know why flowers
ow," she said; "they want to
out of the dirt."
Warts on the hands is a disfigure-
ment that troubles many ladies.
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove
the blerhishes without pain.
Ite (soulfully)—"There are
thousand stars to -night looking
upon you." She—“Ie my hat on
tr.:tight 7"
There are many heitatione of
Wilson's Fly Pulse hut none com-
pare with the genuine, original ar-
tiel-e. Be eureyou. get Wilson's
and avoid dissatisfaction.
No, Alonzo, the eiga,rette habit
doesn't always cause weak minds,
In a great many cases it merely
indicates them.
A Sind Pill for -Delicate Women.
—The most delicate woman can un-
dergo a coarse of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills without fear of unplea-
sant consequences. Their action,
while .wholly effective, is inild and
agreeable. No: violent pains or
purgiiags follow their use,' As thou-
sands of women who have used
them can testily. They are there-
fore, strongly reconaniendeal to wo-
men, who are More prone to dis-
orders of the digestive prgans than
"Why, Tommy," exclaimed the
Sunday .school leacher, "don't yen
say your prayers every nig be-
fore you go to -bed 9"
"Not any move," replied Tom-
my; "I • uAer when .1 slept in a
folding bed, though."
downstairs he proinptly areSe,-
, .
took:a: poker, and proceeded to ate;
veetigate,the catese.
On reaching the hall, the light,
of the candle he 'carried revealed'
a'burglar in the act, of leaving the
Imo use
"Hit" cried Brown. 'Come
The burglar turned and-e,aa.eal in
surprise at Browp.
"Ililiates the matter?" he in-
quired. ''Have I forgotten any,
thing ? Ab l of course. .:The.silvci-
..candle-stick you arc carrying.
Thank you so riancb.''
Then, before the astonished
Brown could realize what had hap-
iened; he seized the eandie-stiek
d. vanished- into :the, niedit...
ieards Liniment Cures Is
The P111 That Bringa Rmkf
Iken, altor ono has partaken of a
1 be is oppressed by feelings of
ss and pains in the stomach
rs from dyepepein, which
hit if it he not dealt with,
iebee's Vegetable Pale CATO the
medleino that eau be,
; relief, These pith
ly compowanied to eloal
„sin, and their stez1hi
s a this
bed r by I
tj Many an investor
would have avoided poor
investments and conse-
quent loss had he known
what constitutes a bond,
how safe and profitable
a bond investment is.
When you buy a bond
you are protected from
loss by a first mortgage
on the entire assets of the
Corporation that issues
the bond. Both the prin-
cipal and interest are
Protected in the same
We wilt be tileased to send to
Your eddres.s without any charge
whatever our fittie lacioklet oa
boads. Write ea to -day.
rozacc. AND ouEeN ST$.
Calves, like other fere; enimale,
ge tbirety even though umilk feems
large part of their ration,
CalVDS three months of age wilt
drink as nitwit as five quarts of
water daily per bead. They like
-to (bin!, often, sippmga latio ab
time. ..1t half barrel cleaned and
eapleniehed twice daily, will fierve
'cob' as 4 water trough. An-
-0ed device i$ au ant -el -natio
ereis wlatch may be Dasily
situated 4 little above tho
keep out the litter. San}
ial to the development or
other animals, and
ttontintmlly avail -
A man wastes a lob of time ask-
ing questions that he deesn't want
ED. 7
vela Is to tertl. a 'I
MINARD'S bluiuieat. In mv
Yeafp, arid Conaltior it, tkeb
on Mto market. I haoo omit
far bars.e, 11041„
(Signw. e"
s, rnmo.
A man may be in love with tv
women at the game time, but not
if either of them knows about, it.
It Makes New Friends Every
Day. --Not a day goes by that Dr.
Thomas' Eelectrie Oil does not
widen the circle a its frieeds. Or-
ders foe it come from the most un-
likely places in the west and far
meth, for its fame has travelled
far. It,deserves this attentiee, for
no oil has done so' much for hu-
menity. Its moderate cost makes
it easy to get.
"Why do you have those glase
.cases with the axe, hammer, CreNiv-
.,b4r, nett ee forth, on these cars?"
asked a traveller on a railroad.
"Oh, those nee put there mn carse
any one wants a, window open,"
replied tbe facetious man. '
Minardss Liniment Cuiss Oarget in Cows.
'When you are offered something
fel- nothing you should accept it—
if you can afford to pay doubler ate
„SflSS Wirsoowe SooTtirSC, SYRIA, has beau
used for over 812.71,It' VEARS tn MILLIONS of
moTMEas for their cumin:EN wimp;
TELITIIING. with PER1tECT success. It
is the best remedy for DIAlt.R.IiCEA.It is ab-
solutely liarmless. Se sure and ask for
Winslow's.Soothing Syrup," and tette no other
Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Fortune won't smile on you i.0-
lu e -ss yomeet her half way.
When some people drop- a hi:rib,
it sounds like 'ad explosion.
It .doesn't ritquire an earthquake
to shake our faith in some peo-
ple. .-- • --.-
Of all human virtues, the world
is apt to regard succeSs as the
The people who pose as Illartyl'S
,seem to get a lot of satisfaction out
of it.
There is..aiways acertain .amount
of coolness between the iceman and
his customers;
Ay lawyer will 'tell yen that
some people ,,hate to take advice
even when ey pay for it.
it is possible for a, \\Tonian's hcad
o be turned by flattery, eveti whel.
.She has a stiff xleck.
` you want.
RAY ioxne ot
Wain or Dair
prwos right.
et. Toronto.
Var s
--AliretiTyler, London, OntatIo,
Dish Rags business with beat lieoniut r
ert st. Dwyer Vo., Limited, Toronto.
OTS WANT1.11).-A study of other
Agerler propositions convinces us.
none can equal ours. you .will
ways regret it if YOU don't applY toe
particulars • to Travellers' Dept., EEO
41bert St., Ottawa.
HAY -td P4it' SCA"' Wilsc""
Seale Works, 9. Bsplannde, tawouto.
flLIILMACIBINEltY, Portable or
heavy, Lathe Mills. Shingle
Bogloes and Boilers, Mill Supplies. 'The
E. Long anufacturing Co., litd„ west
street, ortma, Ontario.
11,f) Inryd1t011.s. LUUTS,
bitc,atiortreliytelel ootri toho ctitrydniintir:iirutr.: jell? Co..
Limited, Cellingwood, Ont.
ITaAu5sentt°;,dag,,It'fi,,ou:F f.;110° I Vu
necessary. 'ahoy are inonev makers. An.
ply. B. C. Co. Ltd., 23 Albert St..
Ottawa. Ont.
RE Seale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
us in regard to any disease. Lowest>.
prices in drugs ofall kinds.
Trusses fitted by mail. send "measure,
meat. Glasses fitted by ago. 'Write to -day
for anything sold in first,eless drag
Mores to Dr. Reitman, Collingwood, Ont.,
n /Id all Wilde 0 ttottlF.: honsings, Digo
Write to m about yoaro.
Tho Soul of a. Piarao is the
Action, insist on the
•TTO ploz,L90
fano Nation
Canada. Business Caiiege
1"• a • gechlapsosis blrofitsseulatinesAsmunT3ralnAilnngerica's
ty• lviiraiexel pypaouyi: lfull fare tiisptston insuolufl,and
If you cannot come to Chatham, we Can
Good board and room, $3.00 Der weak.
long distance students ler hall fate
by mali
Nil .117 tievflrui;;\0;,rt:dar:LNIts, rcohi n ii060atei ns oc180, tnolu. la. :cur ,t .8,01 lupe zed, nirp .:E,LAvge.ci. tial .5r t
Eight calls Just resolved for Stenograph -
ars, l'eseliers, and Ausqltors, for ooeniage
wortii OTI1 $GLO 500, give you.
9orno uloa, 01 the demands
Ca:gtie 33 tea at iivur'it ertateara.
A sato and SIITC 3na. rear ro 11,1,',.4.5' elshd
trottbleti niall
. , tiles „
thee Graves' Worm Exterminator, 'tiothanA,