HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-24, Page 4Abuar
Sanders c Creech. Props,
URSDAY, Ate, 21, '11
rt ia riot Many mantilla ago that Sir
tiered 1.aeurier la one of his ^sPeeelles
"Canada terdaY is not in favor of
-ee»reity. There Was a thee when.
Canadians, 'beg -aiming iwit h mYseir,
would have giVert litany 'things to ob...
tato the American market, Ind THANK
was it lo.rg, ago
"There aces a time when we weze
-7eCiprecitlr 'with United Stet-
-es, but our efforts and GUT' offers
Put aside and 41g-oat/yen,. We beve
!good -bra to that trade hand 'we
now pat a.II our hopes upon the Brits
iso trade,
Nor am all the people yet dead,
eard Sir Wilfred in Impassioned an
ones -cry,—
e found that i„the best and
way to raiaintain 'friend -
with otir Americo:1 •neighbore
to be absolutely indePendent o them'
ry uernMent eit these quotations from
eerreere ,eperehce. or a 'year or
0 aquite supertiuous. What has
akent such a Miaarltahle
eitatige On a Matter Or Watt vita
ence 'tti The itlittalrei•Of 'this coun,
:‘,',.efreci kindly explain?
elet eelattiettoli is
,1 'a Caliadiagt.S.4 can sell ecto
-pions sentiments "Thank. Heaven,
days ten we favored 4'fl'f,IVO,
a,•aft over?'
obenOil sett, a former reisid'ut.
Town p, diec . at the tome of his
hew. Iiettry Jestnison. townline et
last week tt13reina
and Bend cemetery,
e ug eoeial at Neent .carme
ureh wU nike plaee Tuesday.
krrangements are being made to
8becandAatea for Southuj
o'iMiddlesex addrese the CA•wlen
..iea.sod tio as8y 1r
Vere [ming Aeaui
ese ...elleitiVrt HAWKES.
i J ather inconsequeut slogan was
i0041COCteC1 i,A a Montreal newspaper
iofflea the other day and telegraphed
.411 oyer the eouetry as the battle -cry
of the Liberal party le this election,
;it is "Let the farmer have his tura."
i. When clever peliticiane conspire. to
ake a etogan they generally make a
'Stake, The cieverer tbe politiciene
ehe bigger the mietalie*
The eloe-an doesn't really bit at the
'situation, except from the point Of
:view of these Who, like Sir Wilfrid,
have decided that they Want Free
Trade as it is fa England. Sir Wil,
,frid's speeches in the Weat last, yea
frequently contained this doctrine.
If you are for unconditional free trade
'it is no use trying to make out yoU
are for the Natienal Policy. So you
musa't talk a,bout letting the farmer
haVo his- tura—as if be were aot cepa
e of taking care of himself. To have
free trade as it is in England meops
,tizt wages woul1 leave to come to the
;English level, and the pourlr of wagefi
ito buy grain produce would be corres-
perldingly weakened.
Half the eentreversy that tt
tto world arises not bec.,'•aUse PeoPi
.gtve different anaivera to tharue
.quethey ation, but becauee aelt e ffe
out questione, and they aPProo•o:i o
.1ie affairs front different points
view, In this Reciprocity husines
one man sees enly a few schedeles,
,Itnetner diaceena a change in the
Myer of the national life,
Many people tell us that the farmer
thinks of nothing but price. I believe
they are nxistaken, irnportaut as the
price Jo, 1 am very chary of talking
farmers about their relationship to
a coranaercial-political questiOn, be-
Vgleft the farm, 1 "leave
rmers to those whiz,
bout farming except
the papers and ob-
a or automobile. The
'do hi to Mee Up the silent-,
elieVe X Would it 1 Were
ementhering the lan
of toll, tti short nights of rest,
the aching limbo and hardened bands,
that used, to belong to oaett4 daily
rustle With the earth.
* The farmer who takes wide interest
to public questione te the Man above
II Othera who ehould be Able to grasp
the great forcea that Originate arid
govern political actIon, because he la
detached from many petty things that
atflict City peOple, and because lite
closeness to nature helps hire to dis-
cern the processes of national change
degroWth 'which are always behind
pattleal action. In patties—not the
fussy little manoeuvreings between
rivals for office that we sometimes
dignify by the tiame—it is dead true
that whatsoever a country sows that
will it &so reap.
Another consideration that would in.
fluence me, I think, tfe a farmer hav-
ing to decide InT attitude towards a
vital national question would be the
knowledge that most likely some, if
not most, of my children 'would leave
the farm, and that 1 should be ambi-
tious for them to achieve the best pos-
siele result in other walks of life, and
1 should remember that nearly all the
best services of the nation have been
perforiiiea Ey rubes Vito were raised
on the. farrn. e '
I would have a peculiar interest in
the development and dignity of my
province and of my country, from a
patriotic point of view. I should know
that in 'the building up of Clanada the
climactic factor has „played a vital
Dart. Just as the far north of Canada
is the backyard of the southern por-
tions of -the Dominion, so, unless there
has been something to cheek the flow
of trade south across the boundary
line, instead of there being hig cities
in .Canada.manufacturing for the far-
mers, and buying his produce at good
prices, Our: industrial _pentees, withont
which no country can be really, pros.
pe8tis, 'weiild have been in the United
States. '• -
I should inquire _how the. :United
States had become such a great nsan-
ufacturthg country, ,and should read
earefully what Me. James _Wilson,,lbe
"Sccitsitirat Who iS Secretary of.. the
Agriculture of 'the 'United States, -has
1 els ' visit!
11 .1I oarden
'IvlsUngnere.--Pr. and Mrs,
ot on called en ftiends here
u Tress. and Mamie Goa -
via of St. Marys are visititer their grand.
us, Mr. and Mrs. P. i,a•,:n,.—Ntre.,
'Gorman of Mt. ricaaam,
rmerly of this place, callea en their
rienda last "Week Mr. Jes, Hagan of
Stanley visited at Mr. Guainatt's for
a few days during the past 'N(Tk.—Mr,
Jaa Flernn returned home efter two
to Western Canada.—Carroli Dree.
Iftippe4 two car load of rattle to Tor -
last week.—Mr. Joseph Glavin was
in London last week on business,—Mr,
Jas. Sullevan and son of Green Bay
is visiting his brother, and miter
rela.tives in this Ileighborhood.—Tn? bell
Velepltone Co. are extending the line
front L:eury to this place., and .rvItic11
bc, very ntuvit appreciated.
'Compar.y ,abotild take the r:;ht steps
and extend the Salm13 khlva and Dasb-
wood.--Thrashing S the order of the
•d-a,y13 this ne':gitixtritood.—Mis Eveleen
O'Leary' of Parsli'll is el.:ill-in; tririalis
this ;ae!ghborhood Maiden
was Lowietz tor a few days last wet*.
—Miss Nora Doyle of Eviler ealirti on
Triencis here on Sunday.—Miss Mae
nrid MairglA Patton of Shipka ale v'e
Ring theic• uncle Mr. John Hogan.
• Percy SimPeon of Detroit spent 'a
evr days the past weak renewing old
quitintances.—Mr. Albert Parsons and
Mies Gladys Essery of Vancouver ar:-
rived ii.orea e'a Saturday evening and will
.remaln ,sone time.—Mr. a.nti Mrs. S.
Dav:s and daughter, Mr. -.las. Mitchell
..a.nd Miss Eva. Mitchell and Prank Abbott
left on the Horne iSeekers Excursion to
the West, on Tuesday mooning.— Mr.
;Herb Mitchell of London spent the
vast week v!..s.it.ting' his father and Bro,
theft-B.—Miss Pearl Spicer of Louden
spent a couple of days . the guest
.01 Mrs. S. Andrew.—Mr. Jos. ,Lawsqn,
-about completed the New- Sid?.
—Mr. Tuttle Mills of Dresden spenta,
iew days with his Bro. H.
.EfoliidaY on Friday, and the choir have
....tarranged for a pWeric to the Pend„and
.a bag crowd l expected to attend as
•••tailis 'will be the last ,of the season.—
ta team of horses of R. Quinton's made
a: lively run from: the station -Yard ow
' Saturday. They were caught in the via-
g0rbefore much damage atraek,:done,
Huxtable is very loW vvith
bM stiIghir, hope of her ,reccivery.-Mh
Zraithow Kelland 13 cirtthe sick list and:
*- tinder the doctor's care.—Mr. Clarence
pupla.n preached Tn Staffa and RensalI
•iSunday.—The new lights have been rel
,arhanged in the church and are giving
Elrat-class satisfaction. They are a de-
•".silited improvement on the cI lamps, -
Dr. J. 3. Quarry of Ann Arbor, Mich.,
has been viisiting his sister, Mrs. D.L.
t..r.tiRrien the past few days,
Mia Peatri.and Luefla Wting and
'Violet Otto olf. Ramlbung "called On tilte,it'.
friends here last week. --Mrs. B. Cun-
ningham and Emma visited Mrs. F.'
iFfeitzinan at Shipka on Sunday.— Miss'
CbrisUna urry of Mt. 0a.1111e1 epont ;"6,'"
-.few clays last vroek.; wilth her sister Kate
--Mr. Patrick Sullivan jr, of St 'Thomas
--apen a few'clays, at hisl home here.—Kr.
"..Varnes Sullivan arid Is.cm'of -Wisconsin
visited Pati-lck Sullivan, sr., la,,st week.
Emma Cur ivinigtharn is visiting
Clandeboye.---Miss Nora Collins and
Eileen .Collins, Nellie Feeman and Theo.
'Collins -_-'isited friends in Dublin this
iides Alkerta Sherritt of Wid-
aon lvrra .3SaCCD
and Mils. J. S. „Metz and family
•••,,o1 Crediko'n Eastispdat• Sunday.tvith Mrs
' • IleYwoo.d.i-,-Ott-iella • ';.and
at'Sante ' olrit"•i irbf•
salc1-77,...: • 7,-e •
The American farmer brought about
the'buildliag•iof the American factory
-because-, he „wanteda home market,
The 'hotne-imarket is the hest to be
'found a.rikwhere, because our peole live
well and are all able to buy the) • best
firth Preclude, that is, all who are wilt-
ing to work. It may be -said, without
much, exaggeration,that the American
la -ruler -is responsible for the upbuild-
Mg of the factory. He has voted stead-
ily for half a century to give protection
to the -extent' of the difference in cost
'of, production between this country and
any,coun,try that desires to Sell in our
markets:" Was that right or wrong?
Was it.avise for -the farmers to do' that?
There was no market at home, They
dranted '"a market asnear the factory
as they could'bring It. ,
Having read that I woulddi- into
the Dominion Goverlirnent reports,
'Which shoW ' that in 1909' prices re-
ceived by the farmer had risen over
-these of the ten: year before 1899, like
, Grain and fodder, including thirteen
.selected standard. Commodities',1811 per
cent, Cattle aiiki cattle products, 'begs
and hog products, sheep and sheep :pro-
.dticts,: fowl arid turkeys, 48.6 per cent;
'Dairy ,prodUcts,33 per cent.
And that the price of goods -life
fUrmer.Itas to -buy _have not risent0 an
equal' extent,. its this list showsi,-2'"ii'',
' AVoolieri goods, 23'.,3 per cent.; Cot-
ton goods, 25 per cent;
:- boots arid shoes.
25, per cent.; metals antl. 'triple in en ts,24
percent; 'imported goods.---deererre,,
, The staple lines, which .represent,
oVer',90,per cent. of the farmer's ex-
...pendittire,,have, only increased 14.3 per,
een14,7whilei the g,i0ods'-heicsoll's•lialva-in:
creased 35.7 per cent.
Neva Perry,. of St. Alarys is vis-
5,41-uis, nene„mrs. White of To-
ronto :s visitihg her sister, Mrs, W.
Kirk, --The Junior Epworth League i'lad
a visit from the Juieer Rpworte Lea,
gue o -C Woodham. on Thersday. . •last.
'rota 5 to 7 pen. speete were the or-
der of the day, Then followed supper
and a good program. AU eaJoyed the
day very manilt.—Dr, Arthur Beatty is
holidaying at his tn-0theers.--The Pres-
bYterian S. S., held a picnic on the fair,
grotandsoa Monela.y. All -report a good
time.—Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson retUrned
from, Hertsall lastlweelt----Mr. S. Tufts
took Rev, T. A. Steadman's work or.
Ole 1I13wit1e cla'cuit. last Stufda3-,—tost
Sunday monting was flower SunditY la;
the Methodist Church, The whole ser-•
vice was beau,iful. etre- Millson of Tor-
onto rendered a solo, -My Lard Hatit
Planted a Garden." to the dell it et
thc farge Frank, MM
spent a couple Of days with his Parents
re, prior to his departure fOr Sask-
statcbewall, where he is to be Manager
of a bank.—The subject for• next Sunday
night in the MetiatodYst church will be,
"The coming of the Old Boys."— Mr.
Niret. Leigh has •secured a good situa-
Con In Regiita.--Everyloody is invited to
The Otd, Boys' Ite-Unitatt on Sept, 4th,
There wig be a W.:3' day ,of enorts. a
'ne woe -teem, and a leis day or alround
en Joy ment .
13 all -finished up now an4
fannera a eirgag0 puttla,.g" in their
' Myrtle tk13hae
urged home atter spending a i:ow
weeks in Stratford, Mrs. Wria, !Bray a
cilVect home from a ttIP to the West,
essrs Wm. Kay 3r 1111alr McCurdy
and Wm. Pollen, obn MeNieol,
DIPM-141.4A C4MPbe11 leave this week
- the west,—Mr. Wm, Stewart left On
l'IrclaY for New TOr11 State Where he
will manage the apple birsl_qess tzar R.
leettie Vaetrietare er Tor-
onto13 spending the holidays in the
neighborliOod.—The Aiutiversary and
Tea Meeting of Bethany church was
h^ld :;11 the Presbyterian church, on
Sunday. Rev. 'Robe Millar of Aritiern
Preached two very interesting eermone
arid on Monday evening the Church was
vcrell tilled and a "gQ91 time -spent. the
suppet• •teing ample lung the 14tterere
Program' V4t,st class, The' Pastor Rev.
Powell occupied the hair and addresses
were Ziven by Rev, Fletcher of Thames
and MillYard of litnXealt. and the mus:c
tuirnlisited iby th T. Pm., choir and 'We.
Neetiliame and Mrs. Doupe. Oa TuesidaY
g a social wasaheld and heedless
equally sucCeas401.
Sunday evening' Be. Maurice
Ehnes01 Ne,vr York.,(who is at;present
isitizs. his pamite. la Zurich, occuplr
ett the pulpit Willie HvarigelIgal Church,
Bev. Blines" dtscourse was listened tO
very attentively by, g large iturnber.- He
spoke of the forelgiondssiott, work and
and the obilgatioas we, as a eiviliZed
race. Pave to Chrliatianize the wor1d.—
Muaa l'ber oif Tlaffnlo, N.
iitg* Parents Mr. and Mrs.
girber tor a fow 1veeltair73.
Merner of Zurich, tlai Conservative citnr,
didate in the coming'',DOininion elections,
was in town ano(day last week looking
alter Ids interests.—The trusses for
the Evangelical Church sheds were
erected On Monday, Without any diffi-
culty. The 'trusses appear to be ,very,
substantial and shOuld nteet all require-
ments, Workmenare nowr busy putt -
oh the root. —George Holtzman,
Sims, wife and faintly 'left for the West
on Wednesday. Mr. Holtzman going to
Saskatoon and Mr. Sims to StiOtt, Sask.
—Mn and Mrs. Sky, Holt of Grand Bend
were In town on Mcanday.--Mils. Wes*,
man and child anclitMiss N)xon of Lon-
don are visitigig Ma'. and Mrs. W. A,
Sambrook,—A 'special' Children's service
the Methodist Church last Sunday morn -
:AT" llev. Rick's dell;vered an ciOnuent
Serill0t1 to a laotge a.udience.—Elvin Mc
'Murray of London and Wilbur McMur-
ray of Winnipeg, spent a few days in
towin last week renewing acquaintances.
—Mr. and Mits. Sanu Brown, have
ttxned home after a few weeks plea's -
ant visit wilth ,relatIves 13 Sebewaing
and Pigeon, Mich, --The Directors of the
Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Vire
Insurance Co hold their next 1 annual
meeting en ;the Town Hall next Saturday
—The Y. P. A. eof the Evangelical church
intend 'giving a speeis.1 Harvest Cantata
in about two weeks time. More partic-
ulars will follow. This promises to be
the treat of the season.—Mr. and Mrs.
Telfer of London are visiting Mr- and
Mrs.. August Ewald.—Mrs. Chas. Eilber
and daughter Ws. _Albert Morlock left
:o.: a month's. visit in Manitoba with
reiativos on Wednesday.—A number from
here autoed to Hensall ora• Friday tcl
attend the Reform C0,111Verttion, WS'S
Delia Rrown is attending the millinery
oPentrigsr-in ...Toronto this week:—Daniel
Welit,has retluened to Detroit after , a
week'sii ,s'risit wan his parents 'here..
• '""it"
Hair Grows Thin.
If your hair is growing thinner and
thinner and causing'you anxiety go to
W. S. Cole to -day and get a large bot-
tle of Parisian Sage tor ,only 50 cents.
It is such a delightful and refreshing
d-essioct that you will hike to ,use it
regularly. ' '
Parisian Sage is guaranteed to shop
falling hair and Itching scalp, to erad-
icate dandruff and make the hair lus-
trous and radiant, •or money back.
There,is nothing just as good as Par-
Se.:te. See ,you get the package
N-hich contains the girl with the Auburn
Halt. .
Smart Girls required 131.workt•ci, boys
clothinis, either operat,',:tg power
lnery, or hand seaviniir—good, clean work.
goe& wagesand constant Work the, year
Caro treri. • • • ;• • • -
T•he .1.A.CICSON .1',•i4,N'F'G' • CO., Ezete
••• . • - „ . • • •
KIRKTON, Deafue$5 Cannot be Cured
by local applicat:was,AS they cannot roaeb the dis e as -
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to eure
,d_eiltileo$, And that 1$ non$titutionel remedie
' entnessi named by an ingamed condition of the
, mucous lining of the Eustachian Tithe. Witen this
tube is inhamed you base A rumbling sound or Wi-
pe:feet kienriag, and when it is entirely closed. Deal -
nes ts the remit, and unless the isiltunmatien can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi-
tion, hearing will be destroyed ioreve nine eases
out of ten are caused tay Catarrh, which is nothing
but an intiaialed Condition el the raucous surfaces,
We wild give One Ihnidred Dollarstor any'ease of
Deafitess(causedby catarrh) that cannot be cured
/wiled's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free,
F, J. °BENET 4_ CO., Tolette, 0-
Soldby Druggists,750-
Take Rallis Family PillS for constipation.
take,c•,,nat ray
Den4i 0.Cf icewill be -closed IO'n•••-tuSIX
weeks.- The office, however, wilt ,13,e open.
froni 10 a. in.'41,o 5 p, rn: il'63:•". the ,niaicr.
ct s.p-pointriterts co:, work, wt!..ah
41, ''he pien Xrnreetliate atten'tien on
(Teo late Par last week.
Mr, Chas, Esser/ of 113 west is vis-,
icing in this neighborhood.
About twenty-five were ticketed from
Itis place for the west last week. Those
from the village were Mr. .1, Granger,
Mr. Will. Blair, Maxwell ,13aynhatn, Mr,
'Frau?. and Mr. Glavia.,--The new side-
walks are near.ing completion and will
be a credit to the bung when cozopleted
but many varied opinions, 'are heard as
to where or( who should have th,e 'walks.
—Rev, 131a.tc3iford. was oit the 'sick list
last week, and was 031Y .able to tuke
cur service on Suuday.—"Kr. John Wil-
son is able to be enov-Zng about Ire
house again, atter being confined to
the bed for the past sir weeks.--Isfierf
Sheardewn Of GoderiCh p=,t the past
We04. Tiaiting Mits. H, Cleve
of 1.ondon4 Is'isuendnIs‘ his neli,
days with gr„ and Mrs. S Andrew and
tti Mitchell brothers. --Rev. Jackson of
113rkhijl spent Tuesday visiting -with
Rev, Blatchford.—The nevi lighte have
bern installed in the church Seine cbaru-
ge be?It made ,s' -ice Sunday lest
and It 13 eepeetee the liehte will glve
tee beet or eattera.ction, The leglit
ahead of the old lamps tatul the cost
will amount to about $,80,—Mr,, and Mrs
Jinpua Jehlts or Elinedite were the
guests Of Mr., and Mrs. J. liVilson,(718
Senday !est.—Buy, Jewitt of Mt. Drid-
ges waa a caller' at the isarsonage on
Tueacley. He was on his way lo leruee
sele.—efies Ada learile or Starre is,
vesitine her elate^ Nere.
1', M1teieflJ-
0'u- baseball team were defeated agam
Tuesday eveit'Artg, by the Exeter ?eau;
thp atom beLlW t to0.1., but the beye
are not d';gicouragod and are playing
again nt Exeter •an Thursday, 'where
they won 8 to 0,
and Mrs David of Aritena
viJ�, Gilt's ad —M I so
17, EvertsoP of Si. Thomas ia
Iiar aunt, 21/41.4-s. Wm. Patterson.—Mr, and
a. Melvin 3.110 ;1/4f,r. 'And Mrs. Shepard
of Thedford vlaited at Asa Gravellet4
Sunday.—Mr. 3:10 of 'Exeter was here,
Monday ---Mr. Welin of ZudnIt was ill
town Monday on bus'.ness.—Mrs, Mel
vitt of Theciforti 18 visitiag her parents
Mr, and Mrs. A. Gravelle _this week.—
Mr- Peter Ravelle was in Ileneall Mon-
daye—Tlie Misses Ida and Hazel Webb
visited In Thodford last week,
Sure Signs
IC your back is constantlY aching and
It you experience dull shooting Pains,
if your Urine IS thICIC L1ld etaudy or
your passages frequent, scanty and pain
ful, your kidneys and Bladder are out
of order. Neglect
quickly brings on
)xdas, lumbago,
sciatica., etc. .
Booth's Kidney
Pills are -guaran-
teed to relieve or
yOur nroneY back,
They are the
world's greatest
C specific for kid-
ney and bladder trouble. All druggists
50c.botz, or postpaid from the propriet-
ors, The It T. Bpoth Co,S, Limited, Fort
Erie, Ont. Free trial on appIleatiOn.
Sold guaranteed In'Exetcr by W.
Y. M. C. A. BLDG.,
Registered last season upwards of no
students and placed every graduate: Seven
specially qualified regular teachers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help. College in session from
Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time.
Catalogue Free.
Forest City shorthsulnr• College
- Chartered Accountant, Principal.
Vice Principal 15
,Our Seven Colleges have been es-
ta blished during the past 30
years. The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all oyet Ontario, we do bet-
ter Inc our graduates than any
other School.' You may study
,all at home or partly at home
and finish at the College. Affil-
iated with The Commercial Edu-
cators'Association of Canada.
It would be well for you to in-
vestigate before ChoosingEx-
clusive right Inc Ontario of the
world-famous Bliss Bookkeeping
System, which is unentialled• It
is Actual Bitsines8 from Stairt to
Finish; and the Students keeps
sarne books'its Chartered Banks
and Wholesale Houses. Enter
any time. Individual instruction
Fall 1'81'1)1:From Aug 28
e, call or phone
Miss B. P. Ward
CAPITAL - $10,000,000 REST, - $8,000,000
Every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce is equipped to issue drafts ee
theapribolaCuba cipai cities in the foliowing countries without delay
Greece New Zealand Siberia.
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CeylFedi Cochin China, Latta PP:julali:jineislands
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13raZil F9X111PSa 1?r4
Germany an aria
The amount of these drafts is stated 13 113 money of the country whereThey are pay-
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h: actaunaelbae-mW7Ht17Cteieldlleidn'A233
es. Sian er, Branch, also at Creditere
e Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund -
Total Assets Over
•anchee in Canada, and Agelito\ and VorresPoudent n 'the
Principal Cities in the World,
at all 33ranche.s. ,Interest allowed at bigbest current rate,
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government,
o s& Outu, Solicitors. ig• D. TIURDON 5 n
There eat demand us to
tretned usinoos men s11131 that
our graduates a.re the best, We hase
three departments,—
The tuition tor slx months la $55 an
for one year -$80. Investigation wlfl
prove to your satteraetion that there Is
no 'better Iluaineaa College In Canada.
Get our Tree catalogue maw'.
le A, MeLA.CHLAN, Principal.
Aug. 20 to Aug, 29, and el.
Sept. 9 SePt. '5 and
Return Limit Sept. 12, 19,11
e10 Going; $18 Additional Returning
AUG. 23 From all siatioes 'Toronto,
North Bay and,West IA Ontario.
AUG. 25 From all stations Toronto
and east of Orillia and, Scotia Jct.
In Canada,
sLEEp,ER'S -
to •
via ablualgo amal;•St. Paul ••
'AUGUST 22nd 5111. and 11.11
. in connection -with , •
Literature and full iinformatton from
any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A.
E. DUFF, District Passenger ' Agent, at
Toronto, Ont. ' ' •
• ' 3. -S.' KNIGHT, „Agent, Exeter.
Chance for Piano
A new upright Grand, Piano Reg.
ular price$323 Sale Price '42P.
Only one instrument will be sold
,4tnel that to tbe first buyer.
Call early and let us de–
monstrate its merits to you.
This instrument is. on ex-
hibiton at our store the bal.,
ance of this week.
A number of good organs'
for sale $12 to $25 no higher
Payable 50ea week.
We are now Well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (yam-
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
"Fresh Groceries all tne time."
All kinds of produce taken
in exchange.
•• '14f.41tinti,
C",.16.1111 ;
'lemmas ,
‘• at 114-
ev qe ••• %IWO
Do you own- a Parkyte"
or are you a Slave to ill
"Pairkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet'in your .home is the strongest
kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative agattts
epidemics and:contagion-in the Summer, and an .absolute necessity the
year round.
Require S neitlier Water not Sewage; Can be placed in any part of your
horne; cost less than a Cent a day, and lasts a lifetime.
}Endorsed hy the leading Physicians, a,9d „Health Officials, Specified by
the most Proininent Arthitects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Ginanian Homes in less than on year -
Ask your dealer for prices.
'he arkyte7Satiltary,Ciaeneical Cleseeie media iu-Canada by
Parker -Whyte Limited Winnipeg - Man,.
Branches—Toronto; 3,1ontreai,,Calgary and ',Vancouver
and is sold by
HEAMA Exeter;Ontario