HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-24, Page 1t1.
T W k;NTI'"-Fo'tuRTEC YEA a>�
Local Items
Mr, and Mas; A J. Snell and (laugh,
success.ter of
sing, Milia,, arrived Tuesday ersa inuge the afteainoonh e were cBev.pralspealtl3urn
in their auto to visit relatives of Crediton, who spoke on, the life of
for a few days.
the boy Samuel, air: ,krtllur Iloltzmann•
Mr, 'Sallies A. Stanley of tivilnni e,; a student of North Western; College also
And faredly 'wtho have been visitinrg in Crediton spoke of the takinng up oC the
Brantford, 0-2'e speAd ng a few days Cross daily, and Rev. Brown of Zur
with 'Aft', and Mrs. J4hm McLau hlin, 'leo spoke on Timothy's life, Each ad -
Mi. Ed, Powell, wbezl driving his dress was full of thought for rcditatioli
auto near Bu1Siold one day last week, !There were also some exercises by the
Lia the nnisto:•tusm to be ran into by a t c.lxild:ren, la the evenwna the principal
big touring car, wh eb Wooed in toot A. ' sneakers were Mr. Aellic, president clunekly tivYaetz Passing tilt. Powell, cause,ttt
of cZurich Sunday. School, wGraa;d Lodge,
:who spoke T.ne strait cgok 'the forst of
ing the,jotter'a ear les take to the ditch 'on, the effects, oa sin and compared it
t1o? trio pn 01 tl
and hit lice te;t,oe,'datatagtek; it consider,.I to <a spider's web, the dlf[2ta,ant sins at static,,. the asci'
veto were with Dir, i b i another thread thrown around the , o'e19ei4 lata, a- atuttAbelr or speeches of
.ply, The ladies w ,weir°1110 azlfk eetRg'rattdation on t; -e.
k'o1}'eft v;ere somewhat flta3u:'ecl, but u'twav ut;rs ulrtil They ,se almost +oPe-
' by'
here since ,recovsirCd, Tiro offending C3>' Iessly bound up itA"cin. The sriiool pastor also ne@rk
^•rounds, a:ud followed a #lat:d
wa owned by Mr, 'sill .of Stratford ap4ke 04 the evil effects of associating, co
' T;n6 3Y'aCepti9n cQn2mittee, C9,tt$tM
Food p;9t ram will be given.-ThctIlB11{SQ�4 � Urrnnr the Grand
annual Children's I)ey Festival,was oh -
served here last Sunday and proved to
The Oddfellows of his .bonze. Mod„ e, No.
67, Exeter, together with town aa:d
eotmtry people to. the 'nn.uOther of three
thousand united on Tinua^sdax evenin
last to do honor, to an Exeter Old Box,
4ir. S. A, Popdestonne; o„na tni:a return to.
town after being elected to the h gleet
office In the gift of Oellitellot•vebip in
Ontario, that of Grand Master of, trio
who has agreed to pay damages,
A. ver' pleasant timetwasspent at flit
l;encu o: qtr. and Ws.Ernest Davis,
Exeter North, en Wednesday evening.
ow of the bride's friends assembled were well rendered, The choir ac7uit-
and pres4rl ted bse wi.•tlr a hal{dsotue ted themselves In a. ;creditabte manner,
tailver cake basket, The evening was A sola by ills Qostreicbet was well
aecelved, The quartette by Mr. Oestrei
u fi r
cam !
do games and ]
fi G4 .e
ream t;nc. .2..
spent p
t ,o
� w t
three 1 sons era.
clic^ frit of 1s ons
and cake were served, by the ladies, Tine e and - , ;
t r wa , res , by Miss violet s,novr what can be accomplished In the
Hou1dn ion, as s) , bents by rlfilat living, Altogether the
atthe o but owing to its late arrival progl'aln was very good, Trip offerltlg
at the office we ane',nuiable to publish ameuinted to over $07 wlelch ^will go
the addraaa, " to the m;ssion cause.
b'ront another sotuco.
1) STI OOD Rev. and Dias, Eggers and daughter
q€ 1Tespler spent a few' days with Rev,.
is Ruth and Ada , Grealzc 4 atlti Mrs, O. Than, last week, -Mies Nora
. Seth
have retw.'Bcd to their home here, Siebert of Ann Arbor, :dick., where
,v« spending a tow daYpt with friendse is tratnt'n , as nurse, is spending
at '!lraviatOak and etewhere, Ie, lit^• i her xaeattan Under the parental reef, --
ton Harris •snen4 Sunday with iirienda;Alias Tillie .liarticib at t£arraas Glty,
in this vlLl e. Tho :Misses Amelia and acconapanied by Mrs. O,'las, Uartleib,
1ettio 1Ydtze1 and Ctrs. Bursts- are vis-lot`Pittsburg, Pa,, are visiting with the
Wog titer^ mother in this Plage,-Sot-,Sorrner's parents. :dr, and :Mrs. Jac
oral from hero -attended the Gala Day Bartleib,-yire..,tinier of Pittsburg, k'n.,
exercises, at Grand' Bend on Thursday
last. -Mr. and lits George Smith of
London 'spent a tow days with • 'their
friends here dmSing the week, -Mr, MOS-
Gaiater has taken a positio;t with
filo Maisons Banc. ;dr, Edwin Koehler
of the Maisons Bank staff is eleJoying
his holidays?. -Mr. John Oeatreichees
lett yesterday (WedneadaY) for the Wcst
'where he has =secured a school -The
political pot is begtnrting to boil. Talk
about the great questtons'at issue, the
one wt►leh col corns the people of this
community most IS the issuing of ilio
certificate 'to the promoters of the
Farmers' Bank, Iv witch so .many of
err hard earned
o people Moet .tri
oar good S 4ep
od the
w11 h 1
' which" forhi 4
and C y
ca It to
Government .t'espona1ble on the 21st et
September. Many vrhu are otherwlae
'to evil companions, and clearly chow,
rllat thin' evil one's will 2UQst a.u141;I
those inclined to ba good, Tire
by 1the children throughout
arrived last week,, to stay with her sola,
Mr. Henry u]1er, -lir, and 'Mrs, Geo,
Sintnet of London aro spending a few
days with relatives here.- 4 lsa Pearl
Tiernan, arrived 1ton1G Saturday after vis+
fling three weeks with friends to Sout-
card. --:Liss Ida Wiliert of Toronte Walt
Sunday with her parents, Dtr, and firs,
Fred. Wi'11ert;w $tsa E: Keys of Varna
railed on acquaintances hero Sutnda-Y.--
Misa E. Pederson at Detroit la visit-;
lag her uncle, Bev'. T. Then, --Mr, Han -
art E.(11 left for Forest, where ite has
secured e. position as head eviller far
a short time. -Miss. Elizabeth Landsky
daughter of Rev. Landeky of Pembroke
lett k
nlday for MttcJQI, atter visiting
tar a ^weste at the home of Nix.. and Dirt.
los, Eidt -Eev, and. Mrs. T. Thus left
Friday Sor Gravenhurst, where Rev,
1�1 11 record their .
r vote ,,against VainVainattended missionary~ services. -Bev
Liberal- I
be ogeve n"
Want candidateoto
ter .theo stand d Em
ll Schroeder er r fur ad home
htv tcok on tin* iytus;'stto22l 'when it was last from Berlin and. Tavistock, where
afore tbo House, --ton Sunday nest the he attended services in the absence of
P. A. will 'obsalrn'e Bally DaY, when ;Rev. Bose and Rev, Elifert
Bros. A, E. Elko, , BisMsQ2l, 14 ,
Tartalt, W. 3. 'Hesinaalt,,aa2d R. N,Gr+
to ether with Acting -Reeve \V,
vet, and many Other citizens and beet/
tett n et Mc* 'lr fn.„ anti extended the hand
congratulation, end fellowship to
Grand Master Poplestone and Past
Grand .faster Blewelt of Stratford; an
atter a selection by the Members
the Citizens Baud of•L9tidon, who .arriv-
ed on thv same ,train, the disting4lshra
guests Wi-F0 convoyi;, autonnobttcs
down town, .air, L" oplestonp to his hotre
to have supper with his aged mother anti
r, Blewett to the hoar. of ;4r. W. J
The remainder o£ the band arrived by
utornob le from London at 7 o'clock,
axing beet) delayed on the load, and at
3f1 the procession commenced to the
:tool ;grounds, the band leading, to
wed by ever one hundred Qddfellows
suer Exeter, 1fensall, Seaferth and
. stereo, and they in turn '.followed
fisc-gueettl, speakers and rfK+eptiorn
trnarzti:ttes in automobiles -the whole ao,
atlpanted by lin, 'immense urs' o1
aIds 'which were 11
leetric I;£flds, .,a itiattorp
and lin;ly dct'oarattti
i, trtv., and here the sp+'ak
A Word $;W Muskoka i� f ' II3iiTON OLD BOYS' TtE L tiiON.
-..„ 1.I.a'Uor Day, 4t; SS to be ia.
Ta. The Advocate. great day in io bei ag ;he I e-
Pear S.'rs,-I Seer ,sure that a large °an o;: of tl.o ys of Kiricton, Lisa:
number f your readers as well .as the Lbt,. end and ard. J reparations
Jaynes Street Congregation, will be piece are being mada big time. At iii
ed to read a Pew words from their yid a. m. a bas:0:::::d41::::.-----;tsr:0;a:::::toit,c
ne will he played
tr sad zs;d pastof' Ili,ci and 1lobbs, be{y en BslT3lanshard. ,fit 31,
'We a e :Mavis„ a most delightfOl out 'a• sn, the t,, raeea and sports
i ng on the beautiful Lake hitta/coke. ''ost'inelzce. They are of grey*' variety
They telt us that aithou lz we axe only alnd -o7 all age's. At, 4 p n:, the senior
about. 120 mules a5 so from Toronto -we :,.*Ports take place, tog of war, races, :.
are about, 000 fee: above the c ty. So putti32g-tine-st+ot, etc, Altnos En.t ,c
that iri about three kaottre ru.n we ere 0/airman of time senior snorts: aid Illu-'t2
bre.ath:1u aa4okber atmosphere, anti chau- Kirk Of the Jrtnf0n' sports.
da are fkzdtzta t.a?u ow, ecially
Matted: States."
More esPecir lly to assterrar
t?rat thou -r% t'atilr€x
.serrday, I have 'bees) PlaarF`r;d..,aY
sin ; for larges', and I trust, tree i`ti
serallsxe, In
the Drat ntertinli,
ret ntt!otltt of ! Il.eea t
be held its the
tied to #
itual co
2. nn
e tin> .?t i igla#, 1lev, fCltithbon,Caalt 4.0
et eva a;vl st i o, "fats wpb Ins in .A,
noon an d`evenlli , o hope that
? t { PNcO'tii ev eat2d sSurida
oe?s, on thn distrAct'will bo welt re-
p;•4 sc a ed .z the evening rv,t e.
:'emit sin; with Sunday Oct, Eth it
the James Stee•:t 11tethod'st COurtii fir. 1Wa
At L, Clark, who Ls especially devoted open u
to the work of helpize young theta and, sad':z:a
boys into Ube r1^t v Way:.Qf living wtit : Wolper
bo With sus Sores` one weals, 1 Se hope aid ,ill
Exeter and countryside wdtl co'ope'rate
this 'iraa2d work. Laters`4n fntloyear'
eminent lawyer evangelist, Asa
Ela•, of Qtiavia, with ids dc'-
!told revival fitCrViritO
'We hopl ihat alt the cltut
tx:aut;fal town will units,
a >' nor the salvation est
c aapbatdirll, ;�, of .beI eves.
B''.dihard HObbta.
Dress Goods
At Cost Price
No* that August is half gone' we are offering all
Dress Goods at costprice such as Mulls'
our summer I?re s .
Foulards and Muslins, etc.
Regular $2.00 for $1.p85
,{ 2. ,t 1.60
2.25 " 1.35
2.00 " 1.20
1.75 " 1.15
1.50 1.05
1.25 `c .89
., 1.00. ., .75
Regular 50c. for 40c.
25e. 20c. -
15c. " 11c.
Also Wash Belts regular
for 20c.
$3.75 for $2.75
2.50 1.75,
1.25 "
1.00 • " .70
All corset covers to be cleared
out at cost.
Balbriggan underwear in
Egyptian thread and porous knit
regular 40c, a garment for , 30c.
Gents pure silk half' hose reg -
25c. uIar 50c, for 40c. also • Lisle .half
.hose regular 50c. for 40c. regular
25c. for 20c.
We have just received a„few lines of Fall Goods in
and checks suitable. for 'children's dresses for
. 15c
andhalf cent ' a ard.`
school at 12 and a"�
e have , just received several' of'
p�ciaal vv � �ieces
{ lette 34 inches regular °12.c. weight, for
�'lanne wide- .`
10e. This is a good time to buy` your' Flannelettes .fo r "
fall' before they are sold put.
he celebrated Beebe
--�3'e now have t
alts and shocks. These are made from the heaviest
and also made to fit. ..
i ;rices paid for. all kinds of Produced
•T,,, 131g .�
den, cemetery^ ;
; Tld, eloane
comb, and Gita`
Canad an �Cottso
sante were
7 -Day -That
liser~ lavers -R
fo in lac,
t 4;.+s, € NCif.
the Tow:. Quik to
18th 'inst. ctt
tea of the rat
ttze a"tallovt.;l
wood ;
Pervh a CO., <;
0711 Co,. 4 'blah
1 labor ti t b tlll;
Quante 7.00; T. `
l.5(l gents B=it d€.
do. 3,30.
was read from k",
z 1'en.Tha Robber Coiidated Rubber Co,Cq
ordered ,tiled.
t Laid. .roan' be se
That " 40t
aen2ent of
ti: ainr••�arrieti,
t ttao reeve intery
The program which ,followed was tstk-'
en charge - by Bro. L. I°i, , Dickson, a
consisted of aria Chairman's address
an address of w:elcorn9 and tongratuia
ttan on behalf .of the town by actin!,
Ile,�vo Levett, an address o. eot"'gratUi'1
be^.calf of the Lodge by last
Deputy ,r. G. Stanbuey. the
G • t
Y O Grand •a a
a �,I. u cal° l''o test 'est ,
p os, , 2z ; ,
b Ea
w � 11, fiiltnit , ,
;hw aft ,rlt o;r ,•tit Y
e 4
coot o
tt. ,
eat n CYddfollsxw'slntp by Past Grand
Marler k3lowett--thcl addresses 'boing..z.- pres;dent of the aseoct,�,tton,• In the cltetir
te'spersecl: +by seleetier:l+2 by the .Mena. I Nonnioatiorl being' called: for eight leant-
., presented, M : , 11IcLC,t22, Scar
lx>r +tat leant -
the `-wise n,tterwards gave ea wore ., resen ell, ,. �"�'
The '1
(is 210
Y Meiean
stem alas
of Comm
test the e
;e :eutnttet of delegate
aind otA-ers wee present.. `;
The convccttton. assembled cr t : t.;3s7 in
To p1
d(( wear Aloe
d Caps, Stix, Ties.
The .art
awes tO the Trolnhy
year, also let prize,
bogs, ilio prize, 4 cut
tt;.cr.Associa'tioatr titer
tau caaas nrtd 4 out glsss,'
ll the Consolation there
11 s, and 4 cut Masa pie Milh dts
tit' Scotch Doubles there„t
ndaonIQ electric: table lamps, and
dl'eonl clacks, The tournament coal-
to aces at 111,x30 Thursday morning.
a most pleasing-Concart, to, t.n , T tier Lwnnont, , ;rich , as tw
, v-44°*".w lard
% r na n ti
ellen a as :
} Dickson,
L. T L
I .
Who mads altxcel3ertt
rllairinan, explained the occasion of the i3rueetteld ; Thos. W, Shillinslaw, Tuck -
assemblage, spoke in eulogistic tcretnd er smith « J, G. Stanbury, Exeter" ; I•Iy,
01 the worth of 3i 4. Poi,leatone 'a9 a. smith, 1Tay; Itnd Wardc"at'Cl+wen Geiger,
roan and citizen, and of pleasure 1;e 1'lensall.
telt in assistiin tet, trills doing honor to
In short rcpt pea all withdrew except
one who had been elected to the high DLesars, McLean, Laitloat and Mustard..
office or Grand Duster or the oddtel-1
lows of Ontario. •
Acting Eeeve Levctt f; - a few • well
chosen words con .ratulated Bro. Pop•
lestone, and on behalf of the citizens
extended .hint a cordial wedconta to his
native tower.
7. G. Stan'bury extended the cong'rat-
Illations of Exeter Lodge to tine
tin'fiui's.hed guest, and referred fittingly
to the untiring efforts of Bro. 1,'opice
stone in banding up his mother lodge,
In extending the Work, of - the order in
/Ontario, to the .strotnig battle of bal-
lots he put up in his climb to the .chief
office, •and to the fact that the home,
lodge and many sister lodges stood in
a solid body at his back. 11e also thank
ed Bro.. Blewett; for tine active part `te
had taken In electing' aBro. Poplestone.
fro, Poplestone expressed his very
great apptedlatiab"' of the - g`rand recep-
tion'' and 1nearty congratulations'extended
to him on ,toads occastianr by• his home
lodge and thel citizens Of the' neighbor-
tnood: There, is no town)' or village- or
city just. as; !good asExete'r, :he said; tbe-
cause this was the bolas of his mother]
to eom he paida fytttng' tribute, bee
cause tills was' hies old bents, because
this was ;the bbniel of his mother lodge,
and becau'se :he, had Met nowhere a bet=
ter class of people' than in Old Exeter.
He spoke briefly of the d2ffete,lt`_occa.ei
ions on -which' he 11ad been honored by
Exeter Ibre1!hrrea, and referred feelingly
to .many o'f hits old ifrad nos who 'had
stood so nobly ,by. htiml
F.: It. B1ewett1• said ;that such an oc-
ccasionand !Su .1' an assembly should
make a man do hitS 'best, land he telt •Book Subjects' and -Text Books requir
l,t a very' ig'reat1 ' pleatsiulre to meet- so ed in the various; Forms ;of the High
many Oddfelldw's, an4L ladies partboul- Schools 'Form 11. -Subjects and texts
prly ien the occasion was. to do.honor- same as Form 1., excapt that In
to his, old friend ,add, brother, Grand principles and Practice in Oral Read-
lviaster. Poplestone: ZOOS, was a ; very mg, Ontario 11 S. Arithmetic, and
pleasing reception and anything he might WronU^s British Naftali, the old edi;-
Jave done ;should be; coin{sidered only as tions may be •ws'ed ; and French or
a" labor of love, as be had Long' recogni- German are added to the course -Oat -
wed the value of'Bro. Poplestone as, an ars; H. S. ,I'rench Grammar-O;n,ta.rio H.
Oddteilow. He' then gave a very ismer- S. German Grammar being, the tents.
eating annd'profitatble addrees,on Oddfel-
lowship; going ;iinitd the (history of the
order, the amount of benefits paid, the
large mennbershi,q; the biomes` for aged
brethren, the work of ,the Bebeccas, and
explan 3ng the principles' Of the order as
Indicated by 'Friendship, Love anct Truth.
The band concerti *Men 1°11 owed end=
ed a ranost enjoyable evening.
The committee dossreso particularly to
thank 'thes'e wllo ig!ave the use of their
autos for the oocaeton, Dr; Quackenbush
and :Bros: Wes. 3.. Al Stewart and.
W. Martin.
Mfteh of the detail; of the arrangement
fell to Inc lot o,rEh'o• A: 'E.', Puke, who
deserves great eredet for the manner
in 'vnhioh the whole= affair: was planned
Ona vote being taken. \ir, McLean wall
declared tho choice on the first ballott,
Mr. Lamont being a close ,second, and
:Nilo :Mustard having a 'small vote The
nomination was then made unanimous,
Other :Speakers besides the nominees
were J. Il. Towler of London, and Wm,
Proudtoot, ' i.'P , I', at Goderieh.
'Reciprocity and other matters were
d1Tegl SC13001. Sut33ECTS AND TEXT
'Form T. -Beading -Ontario 1i. S. Bead-
er (revised edition of Principles 0nd
Practice 'of. Oral Beading,) naw°; Eng.
Grannn2arf-Ointario Il. S. Eng. Gram-
mar (Revitaed. Edition), new; Eng'. Coln-
posittion-Eletnentar-y Composition (Syk-
es) used only until •July 1912; Eng,
Literature -Tett to be announced later,
and Supplementary Beading supplied' by
the school; History -Canadian -P. S.
History Engiieh-0otario H. S. His-
tory et England, ne`wo Geography -Doti-
ario School Geography -Ontario 1.1'. S.
Physical Geography; Arithmetic -Ontar-
io 11. S. Arithmetic (Revised Edition);
Geometery-No , text book -Geometrical.
Algebra -hall -Knig'ht's Junior Algebra;
Instruments; Book-keeping- Ontario
S. Book-keeping (First' Course)-O;ntart-
to H. S. Book-keeping, (Blank and Busi-
usiness Papers); Writing -Ontario 'writing.
Course ; Art -Ontario Blank, Drawing
Book No. 2; Latin-OnitaariorII. S. Latin
Book. (Latin Lesisgns for Beginners);
Elementary Science -Botany, Zoology,
Physics and Chemistry -Science Note
atid'carri,ed out.
On Siuday. Fred Ice:nnen a0, -a sectcon
friar ; was"killed "by'an{ engine while rid,
r 2 a'n a 'jigger" 'inspecting"' the'iracks.
The , trainers t'ni 'say,' they„. whistled re'
peat.edl; to warn h s a '1' pilot of the
eu, line threwh . 140 feet, arid' braake hie
ar•nis, legs, back and peck. "Elc Moved
to Parkhill' from' -Lucas ;some Yearn
T14e ,subjacts in Form III. will appear
next week,
The Clinton Business College is a
worthy Oink •1nl a c na jn of Seven L`'usi
nese Colleges' located in; the .cities of
London, Peterboro, Welland, and the
towns of Orangeville, Walkerton,' Wing-
ham and Clihyton. Owign;g t:o'its High
grade Work it as affiliated 'withthe
Conunercial Educators' Association of
Canada. It 'is ,`freely admitted that ow
.ii,g to these connections. ills student
get the very .hest p0sttnons -';Fall
Opening,s -aol • cc?. Aug. 28,th., and Sept.
5th, but'. at thlis school: each student
.nstrurted privatbe1y at' Lis or; her own
desk; students MAY ' ;enter any day,
Many 'studNruts study all at home and
others partly' at- honne: and f ijn,'sh at:
al the College., -As'Spatted• Colleges arc'
the largest;trainers in, Canada and have
thirty years experience,; it would be
well for young people to - get heir- tra •n;
Last, Year Mr. ', Spotter
ed over „1200 young 1,1 6ple rad,. places
them in' lgood gositiysis. Whit' he has
done Tea* : t'.. ousattlds of others he CQ.0
00 for yon.
Two: rit ks ofLondonoowlexs, cclg i t -
illy; hugely cal ottfoerts of tbo Thistle
Club, inade a tour of St, Marys, Strat-
ford, ' .1Itr'u31, Seatorth, Glintoau 'kxeer
sal! and EsetCnlasttv
eek. They
Cci diene at
noon'Fr kaYand
played two
games in the afternoon, Exeter bring (1
up at the finish, Tho scores ware,--
London' Exeter
.4 3, Smith z II, Spackman
las. Gray 'V•, T. Acheson
A 7 McGuffiln WY; 1Y Stamp -lb
A. E. Barbour sit. 3.7,W' 7 Ileannan 'sk3.8
S Puddtcomba W. M.ag
1I 11 Kelly 7 Christie
C. K. Bluctbl W. D. Clarke
A. Langford, •sk. 17 %l, N Crecoh, s)c.74i
D Hurdon,
N Creech
1A' , W. Taman
A ES 1b rbour ak..1.7 W.D. Clarke alt. 143
S. G. BaWden
W' J Beaman
C B Snell
lt. Langford sk 10 : F W Madman; 14
55 61
:*Marton, - Ont., August 17.-A terrible
tragedy 'was enacted during the night
at Lion's .Head, 22 miles ,northof here,
when Mrs. Thos. Pettigrew, aged , 40
years, during 'a lit of temporary Insan-
ity, murdered her `two children and af-
£terwards committed ,suicide by hanging
herself. The victims, a boy and- a girl,
aged 12 and, 10. years, respectively,Wete
?strangled to death, : while in bed, the
father, a carpenter: by trade,beinng ab-
sent in the country.
Salter -In Exeter, on Arno•. 21, to Mr1
and Mrs.: it2. Salter, a da' ghter.
Northcott -In Exeter,. .Aug. 16, to Mr.
and Mrs. Chas.; -Northcott, .a son.
Knight -In Bzeter, on Aid'". iGth, to
Ivir. and Moss,. John 7. Knight,. a ,son.
Sianlake-.0,x- 'the Lake Road, Aur..34,
to Mr. and Mays. Nel'solni Starllake, a son
Finlay -On Town line, 1 -ray, ton Aug. 11,
to Mr. and Mfrs. Finlay, a wort•
McGregor. -In Tuckersliiith, on Angus.
7th, to Mr. and,,Mns. D. F. McGregor,
a daughter.
Bagshaw -Ili Tullesville, Sisk., July, 28
to Mr. and 3 i - -'. .Tames Bagsnaw, a.
Wrens'haeld-Hall-At Hensel' ''Aug. 16,
Charles Wrensitnield of Detroit; to Miss
Bertie Hall of Bten 'NoXit;h,
Smith -,Smith -,On Aulg.' 10, 'at the res-
idence of the 'bride's,mother,. Woodham
Mary Elizabeth,, daughter; of.Mh'is. Thos
Snaith.- to Mr., James' E. Smith,B. A.
Inspector of Public Schools, S. Perth,
Clark-Giiftllan-On,Auj;. 1G, at {the reg:
idence of the'b23de'e parents, Woodside
Farra, Kirkton, Isabella Mabel, daugh
ter of Mr.. and Mrs. John, Gilfillan, to
Oi'r. Sohn Harrison, Clark.
Atk'.nsd'in I n 'Exeter, Aug. 11, Jane?
brophey, reliict o , the hate' Richard At-.
kmsoa aged 82' years, 10 months.,.,
West:ndn-In Bidduiph, on, Aug.r11, Mrs
Isaac 'Westrizah, ',beloVed wife -;of Isaac'
Wes'tnlan, aged 87 years.;
The a -x$2 e she; late Ni S.' At1 in'son'
wish to thank }tie friends and neigh'-
born for the many' ki311230s set s«0*Y'1
them during' their x iother's i3 nest amid
sxibse uent death,,
At a price ;guaranteed'
to be below the ,Actual
Cost Price
Cloti'. >
Tbis sale may be .end--
ed any day. And you
will certainly regret it
you do not buy -now." _
uitting siness
The Clothie