HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-17, Page 5• PrdreSStOu'al Csardti. IDr..G 'F. .R.QULSTON, PE'NTIST xember, of the R.C,D,S. of Ontario and' Honor Graduate of Toroll,•to University. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law 4ffiee; Closed Wednesd4 Y ,afternoons DR_ a.. ft.. KINSMAN, )1A2 L. D. S., D. D. d., 'onor <gradnate et Torouto t.7nlveriuty. DENTIST. Eeet4 extracted without any pale, or any" badeitrete Oclio tner,lladniast.Statiburfeoffice,ktaioatreet Tttgter tiedic* FL-i3RIGIIT. til, A,. , 110\QIt r 0;304440QR'Torplxto tr'urxerslt;3 "4Cwo gears resident pnlusielon 141a1 AlaNnadra, TIo5lrit sl, etc. Oldeeand ltendenee.tar. A,noa'Old $t sod Andrew:_ recti „EXETER 1t.fti3ACiiF.N CSli, I'hailcinn, Surgeon, .BC, coacbear, (Mee, Or o4 fice, 1a Street„ Residence,soroer.7amesand Albert streets 3aposite"fames 4treet.liethodtst parsonage phone Otface. a3 a; Resadertee 3rl b. caar:al. DIOIC40 i + C"ARLING, gAltRISTR$ 54LIG S!T toFat, iiotrrreu, Cospveyarreers,£7orrannrz,s ei ere iollelt9TRIPfi 14to18one Berk,, gte &!:,*troy to [.otter at lowest rates o pterea Offices, alms street, ia-.eter. 0,4a1sls[a, vir0ZiST TO WAS. . we rave&tar IP:10 ntof PFiaate Lunda to 1u4n atom. and vllla;;epropertiesat ow rates 4t Ipter seri 01,ADMa_w "sTD+;illAliti. tis �fete�s.4ot'scitors,llialtlat„Fleeter Or*, Agent Cavi S.- /,{ ompamy. t%15ta hal i Ins!;F, ing Oantuliau triad Friti$b ,Asstarancd; in lead., �ntpanteS. stet', for iiurrpza Dates can Exeter, or then, N$1„) . ticTION1 tt It il< bier .14E 1 AerGtopesr wounty. Tertio reasonable. be sttade ;at ttte °+dPtaa,te, iseary )"ither's Caffiee, Cred, Dtte F'Ir 493tr'Ft<.rtc NOW Perfected The best on the mar1et! Canadian National Exhibitiou August 26th - TORONTO p September 1 IIb CORONATION YEA.. LEADS THEM ALL Lief Ston! gad AgtteuIL €c-- Art:corns from Euro- Manufactures Greatest Greatest show on cortin peon galleries -masters display ever shown i n era! Special Prizes of from best collections in America! Hoods man- $5O0gash, increased Canada and United ufacturcd while you ?rizesnall classes. States. wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS IIlralQ g l ll . a. ro--Pictur- Coldstream Guards Bad— alar Beneath the 'Wales. i ing theglertes of the Cor- 'Musicians of the Royal Showing a battle between onation ceremonies- 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a performers in uniform. permission of the Ring. Submarine. HOSTS OF omit A'.rtitACTID?S Regatta aieIetic Si'tDxts— y Tao Scouts Revie v-Vasdey?lie•—Iapasess Fireworks-- . Twelve ;gassed wlitary nds TsDttlaz and aring Ita.^rs, etc, MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS , I er J. 0, 0 t City Hall, Toronto,. �'Qrall, rta€urra�iion write 4ana� 3 n . OICA :.,EN - (Too $ate for las; ween-) crane lily atorley. of lrstvertQn t itla hr father• Ana (Aber trlctad liere,^•il tCYcat :ia ktro4ratl tares^'x n ohne ah'nil 'tarater$'are for lite tt "esti ttg tanft owing. 'There has 17eeit ne, 1 r.. tttreshin, al -046.4 1tere 111,11 i reaaona-;-)fisc Vera Hgdgsutl, •a itertz3i Ituntbcr of 1107 ',yotLnm lady friend to a 'Sar'den Pa'•rty ¢:r Friday, and The rttdr+ rt e etertaltled iiresxaaelxea,-,-:titre lave T3,r0014s Of S. ?SarYa is 'visiting here, the guest of digs Edtta. Gtaltatage.- tigs r.cecia ITardtng, of dear 'Exeter la ItFIVSALL Hiss .Carlisle is !zonae £stat Indian Head. Sask -i% Seitery and wife of 14`tat✓<'r+r'!1'':t:te Are vltsltittg Pr Setery and tatuliy Sttnon 'how lett ro tart \V4gt 4an trondaS , Where he 'In neat Frost to ,tit ' ow root . 'Wood aSetats,---Olti�er ger and wi!'o or '�'taterloo are ta?tls i mliday e sand vi91tfna taw parents of It fo titer.-> ir;t. 3t,``C'atilate: hat avture trim Toronto, where afire boa t;w::en VtR Moir; with Iter daugnier for gentle time rtllderstand tin 5i ,t?riw ,a riu755tFtr tt4tsatd tatting iinthetheI9Strn - iterfil 4Xt ut'riton. to, tho West au. ', te, 1rcQueen, wile hzn ken vie. Sttraa L, Yourg'blut at 'Waterloo ;u time. returned taontl8 on Timm 4taaw J:tasnc7s JoLustolt intends i:oSn West deli 13. ChRLrtvl{ Arvid nt ataat 'late Glats oilecttsts accounts, artd eon - Exeter. Ont. c..#. HO 4tute qt Ontario. Yetet•lttar VV.terivaarr hied tli atlseaaes of do - San aelentltie prlr,- specialty. Op meed sat - night ArrCce-1kllx-ek„ Sir tnestleated n.. !plea ; tuattern tr t era;ttattra on Lump Ist, ct-try. Calls ora+taatatly, Attended cslter, 1Rr.' 1t.ui1it5'P old ltlattrleGlitla, n T 4, 11:11 FOR $:N.i.E. a sittzted offers his afro titer, alt ahttut 13:1 acres, ad ii wen ,of Clinton, for 'sale, The ;o-ati state of cultivation, d buildings, brielt !must. s ivltlr; ilot1 e. Pig Pen,. etc.. et1 cohep.aratively new. Attest-clas/ ,113 1, A•ohnrd, containing all kinds of fru; s n«:at also small fruits, The farm lv 0,, .11 2enea1 and drained and is a, vier;. desirable horse. For further par - <n the premises or ad- JQUUN, TOItRANCE, Clinton. � LM ,. l 'mum .. L a cries° cAtAtout %QY.LEGE nt art St. Thomas,Ont ,ILL TE^it5i OPENS ATJGtT.ST ELL;UOTT TORONTO, ONT., stands to -day wititou a' •superior in Canada. Gra.duatcg always successful. CatalOg.le free, Horses for Sale _ J. I%r;;Itr is vista rel vttn e,r suer, :Ars. Butler of Oeo.;etowu,-Mr, Sart l Gu r ins; nave s,c 01,4!r of out ehttc h at.d also the ka tlfonio a vir„' pleasant e ring sealjtrg a” dai',e lut'Ici,eoat inelud'eng cr cream, --Mr, and )Tire, \V )t. 13rroks .siers, Mary, az-4 Elia, k.cok lit tk.e ccurKen IP Petro:t on- Tburaday. -The loses Lottie and \'erda Squire gave ral-swell party on .\'ti ednesda). evening a1 :341t1. of t1 -ter brother Frank and Wright, who left Friday fox Tor- n or1n4, 1r9111 wlti4 h place they left for { „ ttla' Westto shardh, the tali 'art ,,wlag ea;xta etirttd,._ at,d halts to take at stn ttarve'st,‘,-Mrs. Ti:fatly and as daughteret THE TORONTO NEWS ecw rPa codalzed thr'ou4hout the Dominion ass 0.8 chief Newspaper' Advocate.of the forces under the leadership of Rd. R. L, ORDS' N, :wh cls demand CANADIAN AND BRI` ISH. l'O ICY FOR CANADA TDD NZWS WILL OD SDNT DAILY ,Y MAIL TO n ADDRESS IN iCANAPA 'o* OI•Ig fQLiaAtlt *ND A•Uttt,it''A YEAR ry%R: Q O'.ta-v4 ".."v" 8x44 '1, .:,14 rite t:omq e \II. t^,1 Mrs, 00,0Sra.t i-1,. of Tor as., mother eek \t a 0501. .s the a=t Ea of ua s son, '.,Lt•. J. Z :iiroil zr; Constaa;ittae, of tlac- 3tolsoils ilatak -Ma ' £os•, E I'• Lamont i:aas 'purchased the Stipple. t relatives t;ottlestead from Mr, i$eazry� Bauer', rct.---it2ia$8 w s3000.00. TheThefarm, Contains nearly 0.1E14',r_• tatty acres.-)1rs, I , Oapl.ng ananddaa* r:oerale• :tea Mabel, on 'Tav:aiock are viaitttl a;G, tlx' home of :lir. ?And ...Mrs. J. 1,'reeter�, -- i.yveryll�8aa WW'urlu ;had, the Inistort err ^ pt II4 11 t icit,0 by a.: arse a few days ;,s7, Ms deg. iisvery sorer, altrAOLIVI no k Hones were broen=Mr. kie:tty Petc'. e x :Haven. Mich, visited with ex relait \i kty�re. erat last r und h' i.Toe1 'ala cox t: Ciiinto s* wrier 3s n47as std 1,-D bet -tars_ A. S:c:. :-: +i"• .o;.;dor,"' 4lrs. Stelsa ^( rt;a,- Mss tssenb.t atrry r., lei'€ } Tliu: da} . r, a reg .'de. lien.'. £at a.. 'wceac,. :6e of lige . e; " is visM. 4 toWSa.--`�1 8x58, F1 ;.!rata. 0 o rto and Tt, iw'4 as of De.ro art w 5 tin'" their :.o.n 'S here;.,•. £ ii ..bn r%rottiv11 of Tot o (0 5• Tey-: tray c .^,s. Rev. and ".1 s 1' aur'. "Morrie\%'.."".?.ries ahs 4:±e and ildre of Naw Y.c zc are tlei'f,�- t ' »te-r. parents, 1L . al.d ' Mrs. A . G. "hetes,. till@a \`Ura. Ogden e visitinS frtet°-d'1t guestn of :gra.. ;sm. gariey, emonstratiot of the. Chancellor otl,t rr of the splendid line arable, economical, reliable and att v,ssttln; 'ter aunt, Mrs. Frank. Morse;- op,troit apOnt the Paa.t •moils here., ts=[s 1f al 1 cin sre 1 T l 1Tlve5'im+ dlepose of 'a portio 4: 1.!-.t.Ialorlt orf l.isld ^svliich he tialsl*; 'au I3:e c -Mrs. ltr+adt and, dao llaee May, iwtl[i 41:eee, M41.5 Edith \\111ir.. `returntd atter spending two 0..eek910 'Berlin. Wart ertoo and other flee, vv, v hurl lacett visiti',l her tlaremt8 tar ztnllw chart, returned to Toro:ne -VIav 7&in Mixt al Loudon, who 1)033 retired front the aetive ministry and is residing in London, 'le iters visiting his daugb- kat. \ir t, Is. Madclr,n.-Wtt are Pleased. to le:rrn that F.:, Il x No is arranging to ere -t a large hardware stare, ;til feet, wide, adjoining tate store ha Is now com- pleting 'om-pi ting for Ittinacit.-Th0 atewly organ- ized quarteriy board or Walsall and Chit}elhllrst Methodist churches was held' hero au Tuesday evening,' The stahlry �ot the ntitrtater was raised. to :;1100,. ee t.iia SOUVENIR. FURNACE (New Idea. Series) L est i n tttEI tn;trket- \o scrap or el t til Ird iron e4er g ts'iorto, i;t the lease reaa,Sastl for the hang life of the Salt«z;i' lrtarttAge, this skilled wor%snantildp, Lander the super�'s4.e of experienced heat iug eraginvers, and you eon readily acenunt for the superior [Itaalttie$ 0( the SouvOzir Furnace Ask your dealer to show pm inside reasons --to explant firelxst grape and heat tliOtlsillta. aids you'll buy the Souvenir. (+oi tine nvww larotitct. The- Souvenir Furnace IS made in 1l:tmiIton, the stave centre of ew.uhl, by The Hamilton Stove & Heater Co. l l S,.s wssare to t-,arne:y-Tilden Go. Urelu3 I have a number of first-class horses for sale. Call at the stables and see t hem. We arc also purchasing' horses that are sound and in good condition from 4 • to 10 years of ago, Parties having horses for sale will do welt to i11 or write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. 1t DOYLE. Exeter. , ltlI 7r0Tc $ E 'rhe' undersigned is tattering. for ,sale that desirable '50 -acro farm" In Osborne, being the Soutlh halt Lot 10, Con. 7e There Is on the premises a good frame isouse, bank barn and out buildings; two good wolfs water "and all ever, run- ning spring at 'bark, of fawn. Title farm ir1 3u 'splendid condition and , le nearly ala seeded down. ba sold reason• - able and on easy terma. to pal iiculars ; apply at Advocate Office or to .las. Earl, Ellaville. tp14:r'q'c 7rte4 Wedn it dale" r,:r teerig Are,. s a"rte:<rkt GurneyOxford Stove. and Ranges now on display s t our store -»a demonstration o. that marks the Motu Century ehievenlent itt stoweqfta?'i g, Come and exara.,,..,. special e ecellence- The Oxford Econornizer -a marvellous device for the control of the heat. It gives a saving t f ^ ”' in fuel, besides economy of time and labor. A patent authorized o;.1, 4 . this line. The Divided Oven Flue Strip is a great economy of f..od. r::r danger of failure in baking is minimized with this clever arrangenit., t fw.r evert distribution of heat, There is no better test of practical St z4'e work than this perfect oven control. Another advantage lies in the Reversible Grate equipped wit,; . t:u at; interlocking teeth that save waste, maximum heat with less fuel. The Broiler Top -the strong oven door, are excellent f a a' and these all combine with attractive designs in wide varlet. and price. You are earnestly invited to come and inspect the Gurne - r Line for the good of your purse, your health, and "all the of home." 1:015' SALE 0i. TO RENT That most desirable farm property be- ing Lot a,:,, Con 2, Stephen, in the County of Huron, on which Is situate twa gaod bank barns and a conllllod:ons f "tame house. This land 1s well drained and Seth ed, has two good wells and a ep ink; creak, and is convenient t•o churches, school and markets. Out- going, tenant- leaves 10 acres sown with 111 acres of new meadow and does all necessaiY gang plowing; :and deep plowing. For further particulars apply to R. LEATIIORI`i, Esq., Exeter; or DIGESON & CAP -LINO, Barristers, etc., Exeter. ESTRAY STEERS. There strayed froni the farm of the undersigned, Lot 30, Con. 3, TJsborne,' on -or about July,X•$thr a pair of year ling steers, spotted red and white. Kind- ly "send i-nfo-mation tio. DAN, DEW, Hurondale P. 0. FOR SALE The 'undersigned is offering for sale that •'beauti•ful: residence north of the bridge, ' Exeter. Hard and 'soft water in the house; and everything in good repair; with four lots, a good barn, all kinds of fruit trees, bushes and grape vines. Anyonewishing to see the ,place or 1tnovr ,‘;the terms will call at the residence, Main-st., Exeter. 'ALEX. McP&TERSON. PASTURE TO LET T ae undersigned will pasture stock on his farm 00 Lake Road, Lot 11„South 1.3ourtdary, , Hay, by the rnonth,-parable dv it �'1 1 a anOce Y to _HIN FORD, Exeter. North, or Hay P. 0. WANTED A teacher for the junior Department of the Exeter Public School Apply to 7. GIi.IGG, Sec. IioUSE 051 SALE T -c unde slg0ed is Offering for sale. that desirable property oto William et. beita;; a tone and half storey brick ,housein excellent condition, together with two lots ' o2 land. Also two va- cant lots on Huron" Street, . Apply to iil.1SS'. 'POLLY -F IS1-SER, Exeter FOR SALE W L Heaman Agent trtntael For Sale by W. J. Heaman One of the 'best farms in Duron or ati_ddlesex) convenient to markets, to ohurches and schools, being Lot 9, N. B. BiddulPh, in the County of Mid. - dieser., containing 164 acres. On the premises are situate a good brick house, three bank barns on stone foun- datiOnis, 34x54, 40x22, and 70x40, good,. we11s, windmill, and the property. is well drained. The ,whole of this farm is, in grass e'cebting 25' acres. :Possession of house given immediately, and com- plete possession of farm given Nov. ist 1.011, and tpurcha•sen -will be allowed to do Pali plowing before last mentioncd. date. 'For further particulars. apply to Joseph E. ,;ELeiley, Esq., Lucan P.0..Ont. James' ICe11eY, ,Esq., .Lucan P. 0., Ont. Or .Dickson & Carling, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE BY TENDER.., - Up to Septa 1st. Possession given tats fall, Theis farm contains 100- notes. 'betdrerlot 9, Con. 1, 'Hay, and is n splendid location, 'being half way ,he- t,veen Peter and I-Iensall an, the Lori - don Road. On the prem ses 'there iS a good bank barn 3tix55.' finished inside with cement floors'', a good brick house No stoteYs,' +slate , roof,good cellar ; good . onoonor douse under gangway of barn, made of, cement and brick ; and. a good dive shed ; also' good orchard, 2 never fal,Dlnig'' wells, spring' creek, never dry ;:'good fences'; 7 acres bush land with , good grass. 8 acres ready• . for wheat.•, Firpt-class 'soil. 'Terms easy. .A,pPIY to ;I?.i N. 110:WE, Exeter. 11 11 8 6' 111 111 o :e the Color of your flour -- And the Bread it makes for ,y you. Delicately creamy i FIVE ROSES flour. Because it is not bleached, don't you see. Clear—Immaculate--Desirable. A pure Manitoba wheat flour -FIS ROSES. And the healthy sun -ripened spring wheat berries are naturally of a golden glow. And the meaty heart of the polished kernels is creamy. Milled from this crease, FIVE ROSES isdelicately i6 creamy." The only natural flour from Manitoba's prime wheat.. Which gets whiter and whiter as you &micas[ And yourhread:is most anpperasing,rtdsoasuc><tlyattraectivo is appear'antce. Looks good.. Ara is good. ttaire this purest unbleached Flour. 11110110 ilt 1 I a II i 1 I iliinuo1li 111111 m 111111110uii�a 011111iQ111hi moll1 X111 • i111 I11�iimii1111111 ..,,. II!!II{Illiil ;� _.,_ililiill�ll a HlillNG, u`6:Tcotiimk �dt-r—_ slit titun11 I ploommililimm 111111011111 nll�lu�n�l�l�� OPS ,. , 000a M,C1.:,NQ CO.Op4ter *. ' 1