HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-17, Page 3• �y7 a. •rax -n.-..-+,- t,-....rzus.t',.'w,• WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO -DAY The Se1iersGough : ur :o,, The Largest Exclusive Furriers in the British Empire TORON MONTREAL r f t • ,4 e a 43% e OUR BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE IL- LUSTRATED — It is the best ex. elusively Fur Ca. talogue issued in Canada. It contains one hundred illustra- tions and descriptions of the latest New York, , London, and Paris styles in adies', men's, misses', and children's furs. Do not fail to write to -day for a. copy of this authentic fashion book—sent FREE to any address on application. WE ARE THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE YE We pay all Mail or Express Charges to your town, no matter where you may live, on all purchases of $100.00 and over - When buying by mail from this house you are protected by the following guarantee: THE SELLERS-GOUGH GUARANTEE _ "if on receipt you -find that the furs for any reason see not satisfactory, write your name and address on the outside of the package and return them in ten days in good condition, stating why the goods are returned, and we will pay tho transportation charges both ways and ex- change or refund the money in full," and have reached this position by merit and merit alone. Our styles are exclusive and correct, and our immense turnover enables us to give values that are impossible in the ordinary way of doing' business. We guarantee every fur that bears our label. I Our entire capital and time are devoted to the making and selling of furs. We are specialists in the truest sense of the word, and, as such, we can give you greater satisfaction in both quality and style than if you bought in a general way. Our styles, • ` values, and quality are exclusively Sellers -Gough. Compare them with what you have been accustomed to. Our entire business is manned in every' department . by an expert—nothing is left to chance. Every fur and fur garment sold in this store is examined personally by a member of the firm before it is allowed to leave our institution. This assures you of not only correct style and fit, but also correct quality and thorough workmanship, ALTERATIONS REMODELING We can make your alterations and remodeling now better and cheaper than later on in the season, when we have more than we can attend to. Write to us for estimate, and do it right away. SUMMER MONTHS FATAL TO SMALL CIIIL®REN The summer months are the 'hardeat of the year on small child- ren. Cholera infantum, dine- iriiana, dysentry and stomach trou- bles are all common at this time $ind many :a precious life is suuf ted out after only a few hours' ill- ness. As a safeguard mothers shaetd keep Baby='s Own Tablets in the, noose An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trou- ble comes on smith: 1y will bring the little one "through safely- Mrs, Larry DeGraee, Mizonette, N B., write- "bast summer in', baby suf- fered greatly from her stomach and bowels and nothing helped her till I began giving; beg Baby's Own Tablets. They regulated her bow- els, sweetened her stomach, and now she is a big; healthy, happy child,'" The Tablets are sold by medivino dealers or by snail at ':z cent, a boil from The Dr. Williams" lkiedicine Co. Brockville, Out, TETE ONLY OBSTACLE,. "Ionly," said the fortune-teller, shuffling the cards, "the fate;, de- eree that ;t°ou o\ill visit foreign laud-,. You will mingle in the Court life of kings and tlueces Xonctmeriztg all rivals, yon will marry the Man of your choice --a tall, dark, handsome gent of dis- tizt,jlti•illed, ancestry; in fact, a peer of the realm." "Will he be young?" "Yes,young and rich." The visitor in her excitement clutched the seer's arm. "Bat hots," she dried. eagerly, "how ant 1 to get rid of my pre - sent im;tsband I The f In<iigeshun.• Tltdiges- ti{i t is a L`VI) 21 heat and few. ar> ire, from it: 1i is a most d'as- trr :ing .ern il.:tint and often the snffo,i;i,., attending it is ,est se- ve rt>. rhe very best remc>dy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken raecor:{itig to directions. '1hoy tot- tify the irregular action of the stet rmw'it and restore healthy action. for many years they have been St°itlttriid remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteemed fur their qualities, TEACHING THE YOUNG.. "pa, .,bat's tetanus?" "Oh, he was a Roman Senator s,r sunaothing---I forget just what. Now dint bather ane any more." REST ANO HEALTH TO MOTHER AHO CHILD. ,iile;a.WWiSst,ow.a Sooni,so 531rtve has been. used for over tit vine )'.h \I S by 'erx,LION- of 3 o•rfii t :-t for their C1IILISR1 IS \t 1iS1,1 P �`a'1t,IG`t iii vf;. with Itaii<h,t2C1` aG'CC,1;55, it BtiCt`.t"ni r the Cxti,xa. 'O5`rLNS the C;L'Mt3. AGLAYs all PAIN ; e uis',t tvr Ia CoI,IC, and is the best retied, kr DIARRHC3 '4. It is air soh.LeIy harmless. fie sure and ask, for "Stem, Winslow's Soothing' Syrup," and take co ether tied, Twenty-five cents a bottle.. SHE'LL GET IT. Hub ---`'You don't need another new dress, dear." Wife -"No, darling, but 'I must have one." Dr.. C. Gordon Howitt, Domin• • ion Entomologist. says, referring to the infantile death rate from intestinal diseases and diarrhoea spread by the house fly, he believes that the so-called harmless fly is yearly causing the death of thou - fiends of infants, as well as Spreading the germs of typhoid fever. Wilson's Fly. Pads are the only thing that will rid your house of these dangerous pests. NO DISCRIMINATION. "Does your new baby exy much at night?" "Laws!' it Cries at aln'thing-" When Holloway's Corn Cute -is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh. Of course it is all right for a bride to wait until her husband is sound asleep, then wake him up and ask him if he's asleep yet.: INinard's Liniment Cures Carpet in Cows, FORBIDDEN FRUIT. A SOFT AiitISWE ,,. (. , "Always remember, Ferdinand, said his loving parent, `"that 'a soft answer turneth away wrath.' So if any little boy or girl hits you, 1. be your mother's own sweetdar- l ling, and don't lose your ;temper, , Then Ferdinand trotted off to school, and when he came -bonne to lunch his mother asked him . "And did my boy remember what he was tozld?" "Yes, ma. A boy called ice a fool, but I did es you said.,' "And what soft answ'er ."id you make ? `•I hit him in the eye with z soft tomato ' EXTRACT FROM . A LETTER. "Oh. ;'Alice, I must tell you about a boy stopping here at our board- ing hail:=:e who is a 'perfect little gentleman" The other day he brought his sister in to dialler and introduced her as fullews; 'Ladies and gentlemen, this, is my sister,' Then, turning to the girl, he ad- ded: d-ded: `My sister, these are ladies and gentlemen.' p W e+ all roared." --- HAVE YOU A 8A 1) SORE?, If so, remember these fact; Zan\-Buk, is by far the most widely used helm ii f'n1i-ida I Wiry has it become so popular? Because it heals sores, cures skin diseases, and does what is claimed for at. Remember that ZanhBuk is'at the salve time healing, soothing, and antiseptiic. fills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. 2t is suit-- able alike for recent injuries and diseases, and for chronic sores, ul- cers, etc. Test hots different and. superiitx 'am'-Ruk really is. All druggists andstores at 5De, box. I. se also Zorn-Buk. Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents freckles. est for baby'stablet, A sailor ° ha.cl just shown a lady • over the ship- In thanking him, she said: "I ate, sorry to see by the tales that tis ,'are forbidden '0n your Ship'' ":for' bless you, ina'am," re- plied, the sailor, "so . -ere apples in the Garden of. Eden-" lbs1J.1'i. '>3�'• T OH, YOU G1111,8'; :[loris;, -.-"•I shed write Alice this fternoon. I ;i\ e you any nes- sage ?" tes-sage?" Dolly --"What: Writing to than horrid eat d Oh, give her my love.,' WAS "1` T,H'.1T I• \OL'GIf d Randall \1,; wife plays and Sings nine! recuse." Rogers— °"bias she any other de f.et.ta » Wise mothers who know the- vir- tues of Mother Craves' Worn Riva terroinaator always have it at hand, because it proves its value. CONVEYING IT TACTFULLY. "Mr. Slocum," the young woman said. "youmust not mind Tummy tying your gloves together. Ilei doesn't know that you will be wanting to put them on in "a few minutes:" WHERE WILL INVEST? ¶ To any person of means the above is a pertinent question, ¶ BONDS represent the safest kind of an invest- ment as the payment of both principal and inter- est is guaranteed by the corporation issuing the bond. �i We would ` like an opportunity to place be- fore you a list of bonds that afford not only abso- lute safety bit splendid interest return, 4/4 Your enquiry will re- ceive prompt attention. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION L.IM IT5q RANK OF IStQNTREA.. AUILDING. YONGE AND QUEEN STS,. TORONTO CANCER IN iU PIPE. i CLLondon Ex i 'r tWarns l e E A.loAgainst Menthol 'anal' Curries. One of the interesting statements. in Dr" E. F. Bashford's. (London, England), report to the imperial cancer research fund is that peeul- lar customs render persons espec- ially liable to cancer" Dr. Bash- ford mentions speeiAcally the prac- tice of rac-tice"of eating very hot rice in Chi- na, the use of kangri in Kashmir, and the chewing of the betel nut. It is not only in the East, how- ever, that customs conducive to cancer prevail. Inquiring at the laboratories of the- imperial cancer research fund a Correspondent was to that the smoking of clay pipes was one danger. "Such pipes get very hot and the clay often sticks to the lips." it was; stated" "Any smoker who wishes to run the least possible risk of this dread disease should taboo sucb. pipes, especially short ones, "Alcoholac ey.cessses which may 1 lead to irritation of the stomach also introdutses the risk of cancer., Curries and highly seasoned food i genera.fy, if taken habitually, are also a soruce of danger," There are trades n high render the workers more liable than eon,, al to eanee*r, The \s+at• uvot nbc rites most risk is the-•hintney sweep, whose body is covered s -?iris soot, Unless the sweep is e'trenle-' ly careful to keep his skin thor- ouglzly clean the aniline preduets in the soot Will cause irritation, which may end in valuer. 1n the same way workers in aniline fee. torits run considerable risk and all persons who make use of X rays are t partieularly liable to cancer, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. AN ANGLER'S ELYSIUM. According to advertisements all summer resorts are alike, They are the best ever --but if fishing is better anywhere else than it is in Geot gtan Bay" we do not know where it is, There is a greater var- iety of fish in this water Limn antywhere, else, and they are always hungry. The only place where you can afford to iish ii where the fish are numerous, big and de licious in flavor, and that place is Georg-! ian Ray—so the fishermen say. Suppose you .send for booklet issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System free, telling about the Lottie of the bass,. pickerel, pike, and the noble trout family. Address A. E. DUFF, Union Station, Toronto. Sexton of the Brighton Cemetery, England, and for many years Ver- ger at the I arish Church; Mr. Wil- liam Shelf has officiated at 30,000 funerals, 1,000 baptisms,' and 600 weddings, Its Virtue Cannot be Described. —No one can explain fhe subtle power that Dr: Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses. The originator was himself surprised •,by the 'wonderful qualities that his compound -pos- sessed. That, he was the benefac- tor of humanity is shown by the Myriads that rise in praise of this HE WANTED TO LEARN NOW Burglar --Don't shoot me, sir, Households r ---On one condition, that .you tell me bow you got iir without waking my wife, A Sure Corrective of Flataletaey, —When tim undigested food lied in the stozna:eh it throws off gases, causing pains and oppression I the stomachic region. The belch- ing or t'nuttitiam of these galea is offensive and the only way to pre- vent theta is to restore the stomach to proper action, Parmelee's tae getable Pills will do this. Simple direitiula`'go with reel) packet and a eout•se of them taken systernata- calls is certain til effect lL cure. TOO TRUE. "\\neat i5 the hnrdeat thing to kixrn about t'tr'ninggll ' inquired the summer boarder. ""citify 'up at a o'clock in the moonlit, ,, replied Eazrot er (^urntossel, .1 BANDAGE. Littlt. Willie---"S;tv, Pa, why is Yu: tice always blindfolded?" Prz.--••Because she is forever get tim., a black eye, Illy son"" '\his is to certify that I have used MIN - LI 1)'S Liniirtent in my fancily for Year , and consider it the Lest liniment on the market, I have found It excellent for Rut scflesit. (Signed; W. S. PI\ls0, "Woodlands," Middleton, N:5, Gentleman (entering)—"Do , nu work here, bos' Ofiit e Boy — "Only when the governor is look- ing. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "I want to see the head of. the house," said the pedlar. "I'm Sor- ry," replied Mrs. Minns, "but the baby is asleep just now." FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE, ASK DAWSON, HE,KNOWS. TF Fyou want to sell a farm, consult me. 'IF you want to buy a farm, consult Jl me. `p HAVE some of the best Fruit. Stock, I Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontario, and prices right. wonderful Oil. So familiar is ev--- w. DAWSON, Ninety eryone with it that it is prized as II. Street, Toronto - a household medicine everywhere. Usually a man Who Would rather. be right than be president soon ac- quires a t eplttation of being poor but honest. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve iii Aseptic Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. HOW IT° IMPRESSED HIM. - An American, tvl o ?vas ente.rain ing a distinguished English gentle- man, was showing his visitor round Newport. ' "You observe," remarked the host,:"that when we Americans de- vote ourselves to pleasure, we do so regardless of expense." `I'cr hardly put it that way," re- sponded the witty foreigner.' "Ra- ther, you devote yourselves to ex- pense regardless of pleasure." "Tita 'e is one time when you may be sure people are fishing for scandal." "What is that?" "Whenthey are talking with 'bat- ed breach.'' A girl dues? 't have to go to ,cot- lege ;to be a smart dresser. Minard's Liniment Cure3'O,stempsr. Colborne �c1 ASKATOON, Saskatchewan, requires CI Five Thousand Harvesters to take in enormous crop. Come up anti help. Good •wages. Splendid chance to see country and at the same time secure a Homestead. Ou. arrival, call on Tho Commissioner, Board of Trade Offices, Saskatoon, he will place you. AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS . WANTED.—A study of other Agency propositions convinces ua that none can equal ours. You will al ways regret • it it you don't apply for particulars to Travellers Dept.. Us Albert St., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. IAY and F-A.Riml SCALES. Wilson', Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. �1 ASS'MILL MACHINERY, Portable or e. heavy, Lathe Mills,' Shingle Mins, Engines and Honors Mill Supplies, The E. Long Manufacturing, Co., Ltd.. West Street,: Oritlra, Ontario. g 7 AiiCEft, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. In.. lJ terual and eatet_nal, cured without pain by our home treatment,' Write ''us. before too late. Dr. Bollm`ltu Medical Co.,. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. WRITE us to -clay for our choice list ih of Agents' Supplies. No. outlay. necessary. They are money makers. An. ply B. C. I. Co. Ltd., 228 Albert St., Ottawa,, Ont. i0CTON' SCALE , GUAR NTEED. ST leon'9 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. i PECIALISTS' ADVICE FREE. . Consult 174_us in regard to any disease Lowest prices in drugs of all. kinds.: Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write today for anything "sold in first-class . drug stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood. Ont•, FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gani•ea cleaned %file e cttnrbe sent by post, leper on, Ttte brat place is Di1lTlsll AMERICA! DYEING. Car Moi-t'at1Cus. Talking about investing in milt; stacks is all right'—ff Pa11 Base ?ease enough to take it out. in talk. We have no hesitation that Dr, 3.. D. Kellogg's I?ysclzten's- Coe...hal is tcithuttt deambt the b" -t medicine ever introduced for ml'. sctitery, diarrhoea, eh,ilera, and all :aiowner complaints, sea siel:- ness, etc. It promptly gives re- lief and never fails to effect a posi- tive cure" \tethers should nei;er be without a battle schen their chil- dren are teething. AKI DER Ni.43.£> lam, t N C N S C? ^LUM CONFORMS TO ME HIGH STANDARD OF GI L ETT'S GOODS, till i l i :{ 111 gab{ t I iii It I,l � li l;l1l III J' 11111 ill t ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Temperance Street, Toronto with the roiversity or Toronto. and ands;` the rnumrnl f the Peps rirui isre of Ontario.:intia'utary for ;;ieK Auivasls et, the nnle,^,7, (01.1.1,({11 ,RE--OPE:NS OCTOBER ;nil. 1911. B,mC"itiatida" ci:t epphrsttou; E. Pm, A. CRANCE, Y,i., Itt.8., i"rtmodltai Aitltiate seal ,tt "II`t1Ilit : ("b,umley, liars stud ;s on ill zt, black eie a•, Cllt . r nnly iota 'rel." quarrel You don't your girl did that to ' It was herold lover, itwan. ,t Any man, whorepeats half hear,; t.elks too much. tt is of light:. t�', i to seven p.m s a gated laI laptaaiis 1, Wilson's 1 dv I' zds practically si?l itll,i and General »liaise, Canada. l isey Intl more flies than anis sit nzany �1er A'